What was the purpose of my life Holla Forums?

What was the purpose of my life Holla Forums?

I'm halfblood and what was the purpose of my life?
Pretty sure only Holla Forums have the real answer.

You don't have one. Surprisingly, scientific studies have actually been done on this, and they show that mixed race individuals suffer from greater depression and SPECIFICALLY a lack of understanding of purpose.

You can still do good. First, you're immune to the "racism" canard, so talk about race. Say that all races should remain pure. Say that miscegenation should be illegal. Talk about your own experiences–normalfags LOVE that. It's why most media is about "the human element" rather than whatever cool setting they're in. And try not to have kids. You wouldn't want to put anyone through what you've been through, right?

No of course. Thanks user.

Only you can figure that out. Start reading some philosophy books and hang out in any esoteric threads you find.

Holla Forums is always right, but you need to know what questions to ask.

sage for shit thread halfie

You must be Osttruppen.

I confirm this user.

None. And we can't provide you with one, so don't clog up the catalog with your whining.

Nobody can.

Just stay away from synagogues

The purpose of your life could never be more clear: you were created by your mother as an act of narcissism so that she could show off her exotic pet child to her friends, and to stick 2 fingers up at her native culture. At no point did she consider the identity crisis you would have in later life. In effect, your purpose now should be to expose race mixing and the issues it creates for the children. At the very least, it is to call your mother out on being a traitor to her own race.
Other than that, I would say whatever culture you are in, mate with that type so your children are closer to the native population. 1/4th mixed children are often not even noticbly different to the natives.

Well you're fucked, but hey, so am I. I'm paraplegic, I broke my back and I can't have kids. People like us, our job in life is to be a beacon of warning: to say, "Don't make the same mistakes I did" (or in your case, your parents). You can be an ally of the white race, but you must not dilute the genetics any further by procreating with a white woman, or you're simply passing on the curse, and furthering the extinction of the planet's crown jewel. I cannot imagine what kind of monster would do that, knowing what its like to suffer as such.

Show the world how unfeasible your life is as a mudblood, user.

Elliot rodgers can also confirm that being half bred makes you a tad bit confused

What's happened?


I had a friend who was really into Joe Rogan convince me to take 'shrooms, had a bad trip and jumped out of a 3-story window.

You can still be useful to our cause. Go to protests or speak out in public against the jews, etc. No one will call you white supremacist which is their only counter argument

Don't listen to all the losers here on Holla Forums.

Your life has very great value, halfbreeds have started new nations, been kings, and done many great things that few of the purebred have.

u were put here 2 succ a dikk bb

Thats unfortunate. Do you still have a sex drive? Why cant you reproduce? Cant you just go to an IVF clinic? Are you interested in women now that you cant feel sex below the waist? I imagine you experience some sort of pleasure with a woman even if its just cuddling up on a couch, or have you lost all interest. Sorry first paraplegic Ive ever been able to talk to. I have always wondered about these things.

kill yourself


No worries, glad to answer. I'm 35, this happened 4.5 years ago. I cannot feel anything below the waist. I have a girlfriend; I can get semi-hard naturally through manual stimulation, but require boner pills to get rock hard. I cannot ejaculate. My arousal levels are the same as before, and go even higher because I cannot cum. It's just frustrating that I cannot climax. Sex is still great; your brain is your main sex organ. There is a procedure where they stick a cattle-prod up your ass and shock your prostate, forcing an ejaculation, but as a para, my sperm quality is low. That, combined with the lack of a competitive environment for the sperm in IVF scenario, means a random sperm would get the egg rather than the best one. So rather than have gimped babies, I'm staying single, but I guess I could reproduce if I were dead set on it.

Polite sage for off-topic.