Macron creates harsh new anti-migrant law
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The speeding up part could be bad, or it could shorten the time it takes to tell them to fucks off. The rest looks good to me.
not this time noseberg
can anyone get a grip on this fucker? Is he pandering to the right to fuck up FN or what is it? He seems so god damn random to me.
Hm. I really want to believe this man outjewed the jew… But it'll take some results to prove it.
I can't get a read on this guy, what's his angle?
Parle moi Perco. J'étais bourré putain…
He's a neo-liberal who can read a damn poll. He knows that populism is "in" right now and has publicly stated that you need superficial bones to throw at the peasants to kill the gravy train rolling for the rich.
T::DR He is not our guy, he just calculates deporting a few sandniggers will fool enough people long enough for globalsim to destroy europe.
So he's like Merkel with the constant U-turns.
And you're most likely right.
He's a businessman, he sells himself to whatever is popular.
Merkel does the U-Turns because German law allows her to control and censor all opposition to it in the media so that the average person doesn't know any better and she gets away with it.
"kill the gravy train rolling for the rich"
I will check your double dubs for that statement specifically. kek.
Macron is Trünicht. He'll always do whatever is best for him.
Franks to rise again without Merovinkike meddling?
He's like me.
Vous avez parlé de quoi?
Pressure release valve?
this is quite the redundancy
Stop falling for Jewish tricks.
Exactly this. He is not /guy/. He wouldn't care if his country is under the fire.
There is a solution that is better than this.
Wow, based Macron suggests – not passes, mind you, merely suggests – making it somewhat inconvenient for the most obviously noxious invaders to shit up his country.
I don't like where we've gone. I feel like the establishment isn't shitting itself as hard as it was a year ago. What can we do to up the scare right now?
You're about to get a full dose of Roman statecraft. Nobody can be prepared for this.
The Rothschilds blatantly stole the election in front of everyone and put this stooge in. He's a Rothschild puppet, everyone in this thread is retarded or a shill or both.
wtf i love macroni and kikes now?!!1
He's playing the whole "the good king" siding with the people in contrast with the corrupt nobles (parliament) angle.
French Presidents historically do tend to act in a populist way (e.g. like De Gaulle).
Could they pass a law that says the law is the law is the law? That'll show 'em!
I believe our *fellow user fbi meant something more drastic
Interesting Digits. I agree with your post. Kek is telling us it is missing something.
Rerolling for French Nationalism. Not Likely
Fuck off with that FBI shit you dumb faggot.
Gas the Kikes - Kill the Muslims - Culturally appropriate throwing faggots off buildings.
Exactly, Macron is a banker so he clearly is recieving good coaching from the jews about how to stay afloat, sicne he is impopular.
Yet, his team is made up of a bunch of fools, opportunists from almost every shade of the spectrum, to be more precise. He was sold after his victory as the french Trump by the medias, to show Trump that the globalists too can play this cool and trendy populist game) and his reign so far is embarrassing for any frenchman (which i am not, i just follow french politic by accident) and pro-migrant, just in a more subtle way.
Did i mention he deny french culture since it do not exist /quote?
Populism is always "in."
Then they could post signs on the border that say "All illegal activity is strictly unlawful."
That sound like a warning from the professional mother. It should say "You will be shot by the border force if you enter without the permit." in multiple different language.
He's the French Orban. Remember, Orban was originally a centrist cuckservative, who saw Jobbik gaining ground rapidly and went ahead and stole their anti-immigration platform out from under them to curtail their growth. Then he realized, anti-immigration, pro-nationalism was so popular with Hungarians, as soon as mainstream Fidesz adopted it, Hungarians dropped any pretense of not being nationalistic and it turned into a winning platform of its own. Now Orban has taken on the mantle of nationalism and keeping Hungary white and Jobbik have actually gone full circle and are now cucking for turks and muslims.
I think Macron is going to do the same. He's going to adopt FN's anti-migrant, pro-nation policies, find out it actually works well for him, and turn it into his main deal.
I'm convinced he's a neoliberal disingenuous fucker. This legislation sure as shit isn't aimed at helping white Frenchman. There is something else going on.
Besides, there is no reason to believe we'll see noticeable results. I'll believe it when I see it.
I guess they were right
But why? FN got BTFO in the election because the overwhelming majority of French voters hate racism and love non-European immigrants. FN will never win a national election because the demographics are against them, now and forever. So how could stealing a losing platform possibly benefit A Manual Macaroon?
Drown yourself in semen.
Drown yourself in semen.
It would seems a turning point was when someone handed him a copy of the camp of the saints .
I love mysylf.
He also wants to crack down on 'fake news' (read: blatant censorship'. He's a shabboz goy. Sage for shit OP worshiping a male Merkel.
I'm not convinced Britain, France, Poland and Sweden aren't being allowed their nationalism for the sole purpose of throwing it at Russia.
Things are lining up as they have once before in 1700.
Source : lincorrect.org
Post it in >>>/evropean/.
The jew probably seeks to eviscerate the Visegrád Group countries, it makes the most sense in (((their))) plans. If Western Europe has a war with Russia for whatever reason, the battleground could easily be all these countries. Remember whether you any are based or not there are kikes on both sides just like in many of the wars before and this conflict would kill a lot of people and even their families.
I just can't see any reason why they'd fight. Resource wars won't be happening for a while, but that doesn't give me comfort in not being able to see the jew's next move. I know (((they))) are going after low hanging fruit in Poland with the Holocaust, so (((they))) are scheming, (((they))) always are.
Macron's angle is that he's a fucking crazy meth addict with a grandma fetish. Technically he works for the yids but in practice he's such a loose cannon that he's just as liable to do their bidding as he is to ignore them and do his own thing.
He is the French Trump because trump is a kike you faggot.
Apologies I've been reading on Trump:
* he has only acted as if he's a zionist shill.
* Remember how smart he is and his mastery of chess - giving the enemy everything they've ever wanted
* He married Ivana the jewess not to have full jew kids but to study the enemy
* He went to Epstein Island not because of pedo reasons but to get mad enough and achieve the perfect red for the MAGA hat
* He's building a US military base in Israel to strike at them later
* He gave them the embassy recognition to let them believe that they control him
* He will background check all non kosher goys so that they don't have guns, but actually he'll airdrop tanks and F-35s for all based patriots when the time is right
* Anyone who doesn't blindly follow is obviously a shill, jeez don't you learn anything from comic book films?
YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIFT A FINGER, VOTING WAS THE SOLUTION. Go to sleep and when you wake up everything will be normal again.
The truth is most boys here are not men. They are dying to be sold a vaguely believable lie so they can exhale and wait for nothing to happen. That's why the Trump jew is still believed. You limp wristed faggots have gins and freedoms to march but haven't done anything.
Spoiler alert, nor won't you.
You don't need swastikas to spam faceberg with a "march for constitutional rights" or some such shit.
You laugh at leftists but those faggots managed to occupy wallstreet.
First you will be 1,2,3.
Then 7.
Then 30.
Soon enough you will be so many the kikes woll give in just to save their skins, because they are cowards.
Instead you wait for controlled opposition to organise you.
Be alone. Lead the way. And others woll follow you.
Paris looks like Haiti so unless this king nigger is going to mass deport millions of "french citizen" niggers then France is still fucked.
He is a complete opportunist, but this is a good point.
too soon to tell if he is /notregars/ through.