In the name of 6 million Jews, The United States must suspend relations with Poland now!
In the name of 6 million Jews, The United States must suspend relations with Poland now!
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Most Euros would love nothing more than the US taking their meddling Hebrew claws out of Europe.
holy fuck good find OP thanks for sharing
once again, it shows how these people are hypersensitive to any form of criticism and uncontrollably overreact like a bunch of crazies
this video will naturally wake up normies about just how fiery and hostile they can be
A similar situation played out with Lorde doing the boycott . They again overreacted like a bunch of crazies.
Another interesting article
Jews blame for holocaust everyone whom they disagree at that time
Why? The Pale of Settlement has had the most kikes since Catherine the Great. If you do anything for muh 6 gorillion you should embrace the Pale of Settlement. That is where the holohoax originates; for that is the true home of the kike.
Because the law reduce their
victim status and Israel would
probably want money not only from Germany but from entire Europe
That comment section! Holla Forumsacks in every sense of the word.
this is the chance for german bros….
Cue the Shareblue shills kvetching about how Polish anti-holohoaxing is proof Poland is actually Jewcucked controlled opposition
I am amazed this shitty tactic has worked for 70+ years. Judging by the comments, it looks like the jig is up.
dont go to poland, love the kikes
poland get rdy for (((civil))) war
If only that were true for a bunch of lying kikes.
He's going to shit himself xD
So jews pay us and go on school trips to see where we murdered them in our Polish death camps. Silly kikes, kurwa.
Kurwa mać we've truly got no integrity.
We need a revisionist version of this ASAP.
Because you're the nation they use to bully others. The fact you even have to ask why means you should lurk moar.
Good find OP. Everyone, get in that comment section.
Whatever side has the least amount of citizens fighting against the government causiing war.
USA + Israel will fall if the Russians decide to side with western separatists.
Yes Please.
At least some of our people got Jew-wise pretty fast.
Please do. And take your ZOGbots and (((PiS))) with you.
I wonder if he was so smart when Germans came
The only thing PiS did wrong is not create enough division. We need more neighbours to piss off.
This will never work on Poland. This is in English for a reason.
Fuckin kikes
Make it V4 vs Western Europe + Israel
Jewish Holocaust of Palestinians
I don't give a shit about Palestinians but it makes liberals turn against Jews
Its V4 against the world inshallah.
What a bunch of fucking drama queens.
Plenty of us Americans would love for the Israelis to take their meddling Hebrew claws out of the United States, fuck off back to Sandland and never come back.
Really eh? Two can play at that game then. I hope you're watching, FBI-kun.
Join me in an international boycott of products from the nation of Israel.
The absolute madman. /Pol is a board of peace!
Kek, they all look so fucking off planet.
Yeah let's support the Pale of Settlement. and you think I need to lurk moar, Poland == kike homeland
If it will happend this will be one more step in white genocide and taking over america by kikes.
Emergency Override Checked
I wonder if some user could figure out something interesting to do with that kikefist.
All Polish anons here, you should unironicaclly share this video as much as you can. If a Pole is not an anti-semite before then he/she will be after watching this vid.
t. Pole
the gall and hypocrisy is amazing, the left always projects what they are doing onto others.
i have something in mind. but i need to find a close enough font.
This took 6,000,000 hours in Paint.
Do you have the kikefist on its own, so that people could play around with it?
I smiled at that, you did at least something.
And so it begins. Holocaust is collapsing. There is no recovery from this.
Have you seen this other recent disgusting Anti-German propaganda video coming out of Poland called "Today, we are still on the side of truth"? Germany has made an )))official((( answer to it.
Take your faggotry back to cuckchan
This has blown up so spectacularly I had to research Ruderman to make sure this isn't a false flag troll.
looks like they shut it down, any mirrors? I wanted to add the hysterical nigger laughing "look at this dude" to it.
There's a webm on this thread. Ctrl + f
holy they already pulled it?
Webm is here
It looks like the 100 years of satanic rule is over. 1917-2017.
Prepare for happenings of legendary scale.
Shows you what they were after. Immediate reaction to it blowing in their face… whilst they were saying they were fine with going to jail. Yeah, sounds like some people with strong backbones.
They shut it down
Fucking kek, it stopped at over 35k dislikes and it was swarmed with polish comments being angry as fuck. They've really pissed of Poles now and chose to shut it down, but it's too late, a lot of polish channels already cover this. Kikes have absolutely shot themselves in the food.
That's bad, they made a mistake and we need to make sure that they are punished for their mistake. We should repost this, especially on Polish media and make people react to that stuff as much as they can, we have to make this viral. They have shown their true colours so we have to make as many people see them as we can.
No doubt they'll repost it with likes/dislikes and comments disabled.
Do you understand why Jews are such fun hating faggots that have to have their boot on the necks of white people 24/7? They are the ultimate definition of a paper tiger. The epitome of the Emperor with new clothes. This along with the notion that Iceland might want to ban male circumcision shows just how easily their whole castle built on sand and lies can crumble.
All holohoax narrative is based upon Poland's camps. If Poland stops giving a shit about the holohoax than the myth dies around the world.
More polish people have died in ww2 then the highest fake holocaust statistic of jews.
Polish people are pissed. Polish people were pissed about kikes claiming all the stolen gold found in Poland that was all jewish property. This is on a whole nother level.
Maybe, but with 300 likes and 28k dislikes….it's not exactly effective propaganda.
what's the best spot to mirror it? outside of imageboards that is.
Yes, they are paranoid freaks that can only lie, that's why they need everything in check for their favor. You cannot survive on lies forever and they know this.
MUH 6 GORILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Poland, are you going to make one of them foreign legions soon?
To the rescue!
This really was one of the worst pieces of propaganda i've seen.
Mirrored on
Let it spread like fire and get the shoa started
The version I downloaded to make the webm since everyone says it's down now
You know you are on to something when the shit is yanked so quickly.
The shill silence on this one is amazing.
What's that foundation actually doing?
indeed. they are well and truly fucked. no argument they could ever scrounge together would suffice, no distraction or derails can undo what they have done.
Spread it on twatter
No but promise them mogan david whine.
jewish greed knows no bounds, they fuck themselves over given enough time and then flourish on the ashes with (((right))) interpretations of subverted high stools
I've never wanted to back hand my computer monitor so much. What a disgusting slimey lying bunch of cockroaches.
And boy have they gone and done it. Who wants to bet holohoax exposure is going to take off in Poland now? We should do a thread for pol/anons only to coordinate holocaust propaganda in polish aimed at polish normies.
Holohoax exposure propaganda, of course*
>inclusion of people with disabilities in society and strengthening the relationship between Israel and the American Jewish community
In other words, I should automatically get an acting or banking job regardless of disability just because I'm Jewish.
The video got shoahd
Death to the jews
Wanted to troll kikes in comment section and JewTube video is already down. Looks like it backfired.
got a little out of control, but hey ridiculous shit for ridiculous kikes.
thanks, i couldn't get the webm cause my internet is trash and chans are touchy about spotty connections.
Checked, do it. I wanna see some holohoax infographics and what not. The fact they "oy vey'd" and shut it down, says everything (besides the like-dislike ratio hahahaha, the best part too)
There is a new video blaming Poland for the Holobunga. This is an organized kike action to guilt trip Poles into submission.
FUCK that's the worst part too, I didn't get to save a bunch of comments for the lulz. Goddamn, at least it's evidence that they were trying to pull usual kikey tricks.
Oh the irony.
oy vey the polish were actually allied with the nazis too and are just as responsible for ==MUH 6 MILLION==
I just reported it and shit, mostly for the lulz while I was reading the comments, those were funny as fuck too.
F for everyone who didn't stick around to see the day.
Fucking lol'd. Top tier shit right here, give it a watch dammit.
Not checked but keked
Gas the comment section. Dislike button now.
(Checked checked checked)
Who tf was that guy??
(((They))) are afraid
Is it possible that we can spin it so that it becomes an international scandal instead of typically Polish-Jewish one? You know, we could spin the narrative by posting propaganda pictures and infographics that paint (((them))) as people who betray their past allies who were helping them during World War II because that's basically what they are doing, as well as inoffensive things like "They were heroes, not murderers!" which takes subtle shots at the whole "Polish Holocaust" narrative. Subtly sprinkle in some more redpilly stuff and we have a chance of redpilling a big amount of people, or at least shake the trust in what (((they))) say a bit.
Maybe we should help the jews. You know. Make infomemes about that time the Poles killed 69 million jews by impaling them up their asses on pine trees and turning them into children's swing sets or something…
Of kikes who died without heirs
Forgot mention that "polish" PM is jew
Anyone remember if this speech was directly preceded by some happening in Palestine?
I'm glad someone here has his head screwed on straight.
I saved the comments in case rather, when the video gets deleted.
Also, the stats are taking off, already. (pic related)
Conflict started at September 2015 an the
statement was made by Netanyahu in October 2015
Ruderman family foundation needs to register as a foreign agent.
It's already gone from where I am;
Do you think youtube banned it or did the original poster wise up to the backlash?
Fuck kikes and CIA niggers
To be fair I don't think the people would have given much shit to the drama had their POS government along with Britain/France instigated them. I'm glad Stalin murdered them all after the war. They deserve much more for what they did.
It's been shoa'd, pls post comments.
Checked for seems like Poland is heading that way again though m8.
Damn, checked. These trips (along with the other ones in this thread) confirm their reckoning has begun.
Maybe Poland will be No360 in removal
How retarded are these kikes?
You don't pick a fight with Poland, even if you think you had completely obliterated us we will come back
Not to try and derail/devolve this thread into religion shit posting, but a wise teacher once said it was a foolish man who built their house on sand, so that when wind and rains beat against it, the foundation collapsed and all that was left was ruin and ruble. Just sayin.
Where is the YT comments anti-memory hole capturereere program? Much salt wasted!
I have the comments screengrab, but it keeps hanging at around 45% posted.
I get that I'm retarded; a little help over here, please?
The only guilt, living poles, feel is that Poland hasn't done this sooner, before joining (((EU))).
Why tf would this exist…? Holy shit, is that one of those spikey seed pods that have a type of toxin in them? (It makes where ever it pricks sting) Regardless tho, fucking funny, best edit this far.
Wow they were fast.
This isn't working that well for the crooked(6) nose tribe.
Just wait until someone drops that
"Israel should pay Poland because those jew's were polish citizens"
I have no idea what (((they))) want to achieve , the only tactical use for this is to make polish people go full 1488 and hope other countries ride in with (((peace missions))) and other usa tricks
I makes people here ask very dangerous/basic/healthy redpills
"Why Israel has anything to say about our laws"
"Why Israel ,a country made after the war has the monopoly for the narrative if most victims were polish citizens at the time"
file size limit? cut image in multiples. or post on image host.
I didn't know people could still make webms here
Look everyone, a newfag!
Their first mistake was including actual Jews in the video.
70% of Central Committee of PZPR & 30% of officers of Urząd Bezpieczeństwa ("Security Service" - communist apparatus of mass terror) were jewish
>They realize (((Jakub Berman))) called in a false flag pogrom in 1946 because Soviets lost the Nuremberg Trial about Katyń Massacre
I wish Poland had death camps
Yad vasehm's award of "just among the nations" should be renamed to "gullible among the nations"
Who cares, we got the webm's and the damage has already been deal. This shit is already on Polish national TV afaik and it's causing a shitstorm. No amount of damage control and censorship is going to undo the retarded mistake of trying to guilt trip Based Slavs who are way too proud to fall for such bullshit.
Doesn't matter. They would still take it down since it had an overwhelming amount of dislikes and the polish media had picked it up.
for any salt miners ITT, there is a version on Hooktube with the same like/dislike ratio and 400
it's literally on hooktube
Too little, too late Lord Serhat
it had 100 comments when i watched it last night, now it has 400. it's going viral on hooktube right now, we should push it harder.
I wish Poland had death camps. Yad vasehm's award of "just among the nations" should be renamed to "gullible among the nations"
Or MVG award
here is a polish news story about the piece of propoganda
Eh, it still perpetuates the myth that the holohoax actually happened in the first place.
Somehow I think Holla Forums's power to spread wrongthink is highly hindered by language barriers and this story isn't getting out there in Poland as would be optimal.
Any Holla Forumsish anons here? Tell us what's going on in your part of the internet.
Millions of people got redpilled on the JQ, even the former good goyim
Recommend spreading redpills on the video and liking other like minded anons who do the same. Talk about the holohoax contradictions, Leutchered Report, who founded Bolshevism/Communism, etc. You know the drill. If you can, talk about Germany being one of the first European countries to ban "Black Zoos", had black/Asian soldiers, didn't want to take over the world, etc.
Like it's something to brag about
it's a piece of garbage created by a bot from random news articles you brainlet.
Independent media and journalists got really fucking mad, state media got really, really fucking mad, german and american owned media tried to blame polish government for this whole situation which resulted in independent media and state media getting even madder. Normies got mad, center and right wing politicians got mad, some shitty e-celbs got mad, historians almost had a stroke, Polish jews got mad and requested the video to be taken down. The media narrative of the polish owned msm looked like this:
you are right
it is peaceful
checking those dubs, by saying "here you go"
some user could probably do better, but whatever.
Poland is getting 100% achievement on this mission.
lmao their desperation is showing
So would you say that widespread anger has opened some eyes to reality?
The kike strikes out as he stabs you in the back.
Yes and no, some people saw the true nature of the jew and some people believe that it's a Russian scheme to destroy polish relations with israel. Some normies are so far gone that when a jew slaps them in the face they will blame first boogeyman in sight just not to be antisemitic.
Video got killed, what did I miss? who is
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Thanks. Couldn't watch the webm, I'm sure you understand.
I remember that vid from back during the nasheed craze 3 years ago.
Anyone still have that one? Posting gondola.
Anyone have that webm execpt its a nasheed cutaway?
I do, but i can't for the love of me find it.
Please enjoy this old Holla Forums classic while i search.
(((They))) just blew up a Polish grocery store