Time for a we are all fucked thread!
Time for a we are all fucked thread!
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Right on schedule.
Pic Related
You'll burn soon enough.
Actually unless you are close to the eruption you wouldn't and vis-a-vie neither will I. What fate will befall most victims, myself included, will be razor sharp ash inhalation causing pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
I just finished preparations for my family so I will be providing advice on what to do if you guys want to follow me. BTW, If you're in the Mexican-American border or in the the 1/3 East of the country, you're fine… HOWEVER expect prices to go x10 (if things are good) to x100 if there are many problems with logistics.
Please god let this be true.
fucking retard
Call us when it actually erupts.
I have plans already on motion, and I WANT TO HELP AS MANY WHITES AS I CAN. Who is interested?
Hi, FBI.
Richman, is that you? Because I'm pretty sure that's your bird. Haven't seen you in years man.
good fucking riddance
Fuck you, I'm not FBI and none of my plans are anywhere close to illegal.
I'm only helping others because I finished helping myself.
Real whites are at most 1/4 of the population (Pardos like to cosplay as whites and when want gibs from welfare they claim they are black.)
Brazil went to shit as soon as the black population exploded in the 70s.
I doubt we can save most of the country, the last white majority states are in the south.
Secession is the only way we can keep the niggers fleeing rio and the northeast shitholes from destroying towns and villages.
Unless you meant america, such a event would be a tragedy but if this unlikely event happens, most preppers are white and would form a nucleous of a surviving white america.
You should train your relatives and friends in target practice.
Niggers and spics might look white at a distance if they are covered in vulcanic ash.
You're retarded.
also VOLCANO 🌋 EMOJIS seriously I DIDN'T know I Had ONE
I'm using the airplane with my family
Ragnarok soon?
Is there a graph to show earthquake intensity over a long period?
wind blows LIKE OP RETARD AND YOUR MOM trouble making KIKE
Just like every other time right?
What i dont understand about this thread is some of the shills have to be in the jewsa and know that if it does erupt they will all die, but call anyone who brings up this thread from time to time a kike/retard etc etc
And remember to hit SUBSCRIBE!
1) I went to look at real estate on a certain Latin American country (I don't want you fags to coming anywhere where I live).
2) Although I already did most of the work here, I had to make sure of the property I was going to buy… and I did.
3) Over the last year I've been working on becoming a citizen of that country and will be getting married soon. Also, I also finished construction of my new house (with a bunker and fence).
4) Have been coming back to the US to do some work here, as well as prepared my cousins who were interested on doing the same thing.
5) Planing on taking a huge loan on my last trip (dollar goes a long way in Latin America. I won't have to work there during the first year with the money I gotten.
Whether it blows or not, I'll be so far away, I nor my family will be affected.
Good for you m88. Gottspeed und heilarr Wotanarr
Northern Califag here. I own 2 gasmasks and lots of other preps and I live in a Redwood forest. What should I do?
eat mushrooms
No thanks, I feel like there's important things to do other than poison myself and pretend to have an enlightening experience.
One good news, and one bad news… I'll start with the bad, so I can finish with the solution (good news). NOTE: I can't get too much into details because I only know your state (though it also applies to Utah and Nevada, as well as similar for New Mexico.
Most of the maps I've seen for Cali are NOT very different from this one which means your state will have real problems with the breathing (on the bright side, it should be "easy" to spot area where there is a lot of volcanic particles on the air). HOWEVER, the amount of particles MIGHT be more than what your mask are meant to handle. The REAL problem for you and anyone in Cali is the earthquakes; while you might get some huge ones during that day, there will be waves of big earthquakes during that week or even that month.
Because the bad news is that "Cali might become unlivable", the only real solution is to leave. If you're in Cali you actually have a good advantage at leaving the country in "stages". I don't know know much money you have, so let's assume you only want to make one trip out. I recommend you look into Latin American countries that you will find it best to move over (opportunity, cost of living, real estate, etc) and try to do as much as possible on the phone. It's not too many phone calls (like 3) as you can just call the embassy of that country, get details from your air travel guide, and any real estate developer in that country.
Also, don't forget to take out a loan before leaving AND changing your name once you arrive (this is very important as you don't want to be (((deported))) by the banks wanting their shekels.
Thanks a lot user. I mean it. Take care of yourself out there. And hail victory
Thanks I'll be fine. One final piece of advice, if you go to Latin America, Don't forget on getting a fence (everyone has one) and I would recommend getting a bunker to stash any weapons you bring or buy (you can BS/stall cops during a search warrant).
Every time Yellowstone is hit by a small swarm of earthquakes it's actually a good thing. Pressure is being relieved. If the thing goes dead for a couple months or years, then it's time to worry.
BTW I've noticed your slide threads on cuck chan too hombre.
Fuck off, dipshit.
You're not special. You're not important. Stop bolding your text like a fucking redditor.
Why the fuck does god love the boomers so much?
That's not Boomer territory, stormderp, it's Seminole/Everglades territory. Your nonexistent deity is preserving nature and those who live in harmony with it, not your fellow white manpig shitlords.
Drown yourself in semen.
Is this shitposting?
Is this shitposting?
Is this thread shitposting?
Are you shitposting?
Bear in mind most of the south east will be okay… or rather, people who know not to go outdoors at first, and to use breathing filters when going out after its settled, will survive. IE: the non idiots. Also people who know how to find and filter water, and find and cook food. Basically libfaggots will die, preppers will become warlords, and anyone with an IQ below 100 will suffocate or die of cancer or lung tissue death rapidly
Meanwhile, power in the US will be down… for decades. So, actually no, while those boomers won't see the fallout itself, or very small amounts, just remember, their feeding tubes, their eight pounds of medication they need just to survive each day without shitting themselves constantly or having constant chest pain, their hospital reclining beds so they can watch their nigger tv shows while laying down and chugging their narcotics chased with expensive booze for their high for the day followed by their delivered meal?… yeah… all thats GONE. Their beds dont work, their tv wont work, their meds arent coming, their food isnt coming, and they just shit themselves and their high is finally wearing off so they feel pure agony and WANT to die, but they're all out of narcotics to OD on, all out of booze, and they're to feeble to even get out of bed to slit their wrists… so instead, they get to starve to death in their own shit and piss, while no one comes to check on them, because they cant be bothered to save some worthless parasite who won't even be grateful
RIP the burgers
Was nice knowing ya
Is this shitposting?
Europe will probably get a ton of ash in their atmosphere too by the way.
The entirety of the atmosphere unless you're way up north or way down south is fucked, except supposedly around like mountains in Turkmenistan, or so some people said.
Don't worry you'll have a similar fate
See you soon, Stalker.
So? Are you even aware of the city's demographics?
I see no problem here. Well, maybe 11.9% of a problem, but that's totally manageable and we can worry about solving it after the supervolcano destroys the rest of the Euroscum.
Good. This world is a nightmare.
Its a genuine travesty that this is still allowed.
Fuck off, elitist.
And why not? A few plants out of the ground = nature. Not consuming them like good little mammals = not nature.
Now stop stereotyping, Drumpftard, your horns are showing.
Post yfw Hitler detonates the volcano on purpose so he can cripple all the Jew controleld nations and come from Antarctica to reclaim the world.
Only thing that will happen is the Fimbulwinter, just like the Vikings said.
You sure showed me kamphy.
Absolutely nothing happening, what a shocker
It's the cure to depression. (((UN))) labeled psychedelics as poisonous in the 1950s. Big pharma would die if these were legal.
Wow now I sort of feel bad for my normie boomer parents who previously I hated. Thanks. lol
Pretty cool song.
Is that you, r_p.
Interesting. Maybe that's why I'm not depressed in the midst of what is making everyone around me depressed. I had a few mushroom trips back when I was a quasinormie. Bad but still insightful.
I'd rather risk the ash.
Cali won't even get their water after Yellowstone.
It's artposting.
Liar liar!
And this thread and the bumpstock thread only further proves me right!
There was never any hope. All has always been lost. We exist only in a prison of eternal torment. Nothing in this world that happens is not also punishment.
Ashes. Echoes.
Good! Please Jellystone! BURN THEM ALL!
I don't need that water that's pumped in. I get mine from a spring and there's several good wells and other springs within walking distance of me.
If this happens the world will be embroiled in war.
WW3 might start with a loud bang
Why the fuck do we have Emojis
It's too late to make any big moves. I'm dug in deep. If I was leaving, I'd have left this communist shithole a long time ago. One of the main benefits of living in commiefornia is having a lot of turkeys to shoot on the day of the rope.
They dont fly too well in buring hot ash
I see your new to Holla Forums, you see befor all this trump business, befor anyone had any hope of changing things within the political system, the only option we saw for real change was a shit hitting the fan scenario (like yellowstone going up) surviving and making sure the mistakes of the past all die in the madness.
So once again the fucking aussies are safe to shitpost while the rest of us suffer.
What do you think an apocalypse is?
An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω, literally meaning "an uncovering") is a disclosure of knowledge or revelation. In religious contexts it is usually a disclosure of something hidden, "a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities".[1]
This year there will be way more high volcanic activity than we've ever seen, along with other weather unusualities (it will be more intense than what we've experienced.) Droughts, fires, mini ice age you name it! The earth is going though an energy cycle change and its been so apparent especially the past few years - its been building. Notice how the human collective is just as ramping up and volatile? It's not a coincidence. What the earth goes through is a reflection of humanity and vice versa. We are one system so we all share the same energies :)
Great awakening can only be achieved through a massive storm! Change can only happen when energy is moving in another direction. Our pole is slightly "shifting", isnt it …
Get out of here you dirty fucking hippie
so I guess you dont believe that everything is connected to the universe? btw, u dont have to be so mean. im just sharing
Imma share the energy in my fist with your face you liberal fart sniffing good-for-nothing.
Never expected to see that here on Holla Forums
Please no. I was in Yellowstone this summer and intend to go again. Fantastic place.
last summer*
I don't
Exactly This
Sounds bad
for you guys, I'm in China
They allow you people into the wilderness of the net now? Fuck, what's next, free travel??
Isn't the northern part of the US mostly white and mostly red?
Wouldn't Yellowstone blowing up be very, very bad?
Politics and immediate casualties are the least of our worries if Yellowstone erupts.
I'm not sure about that
Russia, China and North Korea will take the occasion for a full front attack in the first hour of the event
Why? The united states would no longer be a threat to them, why would they spend their nuclear arsenal on it?
You seem to believe that russia, china and north korea "hate your freedoms".
This would kill mostly the white people and barely effect the shitskin swarms on the coasts.
The question is; whether or not this is a exaggerated story, or if this increase in quakes equals to a guarantee of Yellowstone amping up it's pressure. It's been like this for awhile, so it's tough to say.
Yellowstone isn't the happening we want. An economic crash is more like it.
why not both?
Fine by me.
Kill yourself FBInigger. Your life is a joke and everyone knows it. Even the normalfags are mocking y'all now.
We have a couple of Chinese assets that lurk here and post occasionally. I would imagine their normalfags aren't allowed to see places like this.
Would you happen to be the Chinese intel guy that was in a thread a couple months back. That was interesting.
There is great truth to this
Shrooms have done wonders for my previous depressions
Shit really? What doses like micro dosing or full on trips? PLEASE tell me more about this, I don't want to be a druggy but I just want to be able to breath again and not think about fellating a shotgun every night when I go to sleep.
If i were you i would read up on it, and then try it out. Always know what you are taking and how it affects you.
For me personally i have tried both the long trips and the microdosing.
Microdosing is just like a straight path out of your depressed state, it will improve your mental health over time.
But i would recommend at least a good trip to start out with and then moving on to the microdosing as you feel fitting
Thanks will do, I appreciate it I sage for very off topic though
double dubs confirm
So what is the FEMA plan for this eruption? I know they are supposed to have plans for this kind of stuff, and I'm curious what it is they think they are supposed to do.
This is what irresponsible memeing looks like.
This is true, but don't expect the desperate NEETs (whose lives are so empty they want any cataclysm to happen no matter what it is) to ever acknowledge that.
I think Cali will have too much water, you know what I'm saying.
With the damage it would cause to America's infrastructure it's likely they would starve anyway.
Sinabung volcano in Indonesia is erupted yesterday
Rolling for End Permian 2.0.
Is that the other side of the globe to yellowstone? I sort of remember to guy started predicting eruptions and earthquakes by looking at activity the other side of it
Isn't NASA drilling into the Yellow stone Super volcano for some retarded BS reason?
Sun blotted out, mass starvation only a handful of prepared whites live.
Obscene ugly jewess, leftists willingly listen to it……
please let the he/she demon and its cabal of it worshiping cultists be among the casualties. among the earliest casualties. let them be literally standing on Yellowstone when it explodes.
true, but when the heavily armed and pissed White hordes who survived the initial cataclysm descend upon the coast to take back what was left of their country, well that affect the brown hordes.
Drown yourself in semen.
Drown yourself in semen.
Drown yourself in semen.
yes, It's almost 9,000 miles (14.000km) away
At least comifornia will be taken out.
Was that Imkampfy?
is that how you talk to a conserv lady ..?
Good luck Iceage-chan!
Good luck Volcano-chan
web ebonics
Someone should probably shoot them.
Fear me, citizens of Slumlordia, for I, the man with a house, and the king here.
I hope you niggers realize literally everyone I'm north America will die if not way more than that regardless if youre on coasts.
It's not the worst doomsday scenario I've ever seen 2B quite honest my family.
Yeah that was me, how you been?
Wouldn't this trigger a chain of the fire ring?
Poor Australia. They are going to get even more refugees and racial tension rate will increase.
this must happen
Been through a volcano, not a supervolcano, but 3 days and nights of pitch darkness with weird orange lighting and earth quacks every two minutes, lahars, bad news all around. What I learned was get the fuck away from them as fast as you can, everything collapses, take shelter under a tarp when that shit starts, the ash is conductive and corrosive so some cars stop working, and the ash when wet is slippery making travel hard as hell. Get a shovel, some candles, extra gas, freeze dried food, and water purification of some sort, and some way to boil water/cook cause if it goes, you'll be hunkered down until the ash stops falling, then it's very dangerous and slow going to where food and water is obtainable again. Good luck anons.
This is the most extreme happening ever.
What about merging sourthern Brazil with Paraguay, Uruguay and the North of Argentina?
It's not going to happen faggots, it's obvious how the plates are propelled and the east part of the Ring of Fire is doing the pushing on the Pacific. The Americas are largely subducting which means the occasional jolt now and again, maybe a quickie volcano pressure blowoff, but it's not like it is to the east.
Lava-chan, is that you? Will you bathe me in your hot love-ah?
I want lava chan to come into my bedroom and warm me up
They pull out the Yellowstone supervolcano every few years to ramp up the fear and divert attention.
>posted 2014 youtube.com
>posted 2015 youtube.com
>posted 2009 youtube.com
And so on. Check YT you'll find them going back 10 years or so, always claiming it's going to happen any day now.
Yeah, please get martyred for the greater good, the US is one of the, if not the most scary roadblock in the redemption of all of europe.
Sooo all Germanic whites will be killed off while the eastern and western seaboard become war torn little mexicos
You wouldn't happen to have a 1920x1080 version of that I'd love to have as my wallpaper.
Fuck, this means that only the French Canadians will survive up north.
Report this.
He posted it in 2 Holla Forums threads too
Oh user, you're too funny.
why does this homosexual keep posting pictures of his twink boyfriend and why is he so goddamn ugly?
so if i was going to invade china i would burst the three gorges damn and then just blockade the country. in a year i'd roll in to beijing with 1000 men and make an offer to whoever was the leader of the apocalyptic warzone that was once china and tell them i'd lift the blockade and order immediate shipment of our country's finest burgers if they peacefully surrendered the country to me and agreed to a period of occupation like in japan after ww2.
what prevents this?
Enjoy your ban.
Nothing, you go ahead user
we can't discuss military strategy here? obviously i'm not in a position to invade china
i mean what prevents a military from doing this it seems like a big weakness
Have fun surviving artillery and airforce bombardment, to not speak about the missiles they've got.
What the fuck are you even thinking?
good luck mobilizing the military while dealing with the flood that just killed 100 million people and is causing a billion more to starve to death
mobilizing 10 men to bomb the shit out of you would be more then your 1 year blockade can handle.
It's a country with a population of 1.4 billion for fucks sake, not a CS:GO server.
You think they've got 1 military base? They'd easily bomb the shit out of any blockade and nuke your country with a handful of people.
They've got 2.2 million active soldiers, (officially) and at least 500'000 more ready.
I've got a question for you smartass. If all the Chinese jump at the same time, almost 1.4billion of them, will the earth fall out of orbit?
t. doesn't know shit about logistics.
a tragedy of that level and half your army abandons their post to try and save their family or flee the country to get away from the impending famine. the rest trickle out as you run out of food to feed them.
Why the fuck do you even ask?
The flaw is, they need a very small team to make it rain fire
Thanks media and science.
You're going to die at some point, it is inevitable.
Hundred millions are going to invade Australia if this happen for real.
How in the fuck are you not perma banned yet?
You are senile and what is up with you posting the pictures?
The large ICBM sites that would still be operational.
SPOILER ALERT: That's a mod
Hate to burst your bubble user, but my old man is from there and we're actually related to 3/4 of the population for one of the towns. So unless you enjoy casual sister-fucking, I would better recommend going full Moonman in Miami. Besides, I know a few literal cunts down there that could stand to be purged.
Who is this shitlib creature posting maddow? Why isn't it banned yet?
The age of man is over.
what if the eruption is part population control?
Fine by me, I just hope the projections are right, because if they are, we'll only see a manageable amount of ash here.
i want 9 mag earthquake for 5 mins so i dont have to go work tomorrow pls
All depends on how much sulfide it puts out. That's the critical factor for volcanoes. Maybe for asteroid impacts too.
I'm sorry, my gf was away in new Mexico and I thought of detonating Yellowstone last Sunday to kill her if she cheated on me. Then within approximately 15 minutes the quakes coincidentally started to happen and I saw a thread on Holla Forums of the first quake.
welll akshuaaaalllyy genetics studies prove that 3rd cousin marriage is on average the healthiest genetic coupling
really kills "racemixing for diversity goyim" propaganda but shows a clear line delineation for inbreeding
ps, this means right now as europeans are its 3rd cousin coupling, thats someone related to you by great great grandparents unlike regular cousins related by grandparents
it doesnt mean youll avoid inbreeding by repeatedly doing this
To be honest USA deserves this anyway. Let’s sit and observe.