Russian presidental elections in a month

Lets do a thread about it. They kinda deserve a little attention at very least. Putin has no real challenge with those other candidates, Zhirinovsky (the only guy in the list who matters just a little less than Putin) is too senile for a job, so probably elections will be without any noise.
The point is that russia according to US democrats rigged their election. Do you think they will screech that election with no real alternatives than Putin was rigged?

PS: Yes i expect a lot of russian libshits lurking on Holla Forums in this thread screaching about Putin, i am just providing the thread, i am not responsible for their shit opinion


The best "go vote" ad ever made.

A non-party since last elections. Cucked to kremlin and lost their opposition status.

Controlled opposition with retard-tier party platforms

Literally who

Token liberal candidate. Pleasantly surprised with the amount of balls on display (Dagestan visit esp), but I smell shit.

Navalny was the only opposition, and I don't know what he's trying to play at with the boycott. He won't come through to the ballot Because he could actually cause an upset. Not win outright, but cause mr Poopin to win with an overall minority, which would look bad. Can't have that.
If he's hoping for an (((orange revolution))) he can get fucked.

ytf is there a nigger

Zhirinovski is a literal kippah wearing, baby blood drinking, satan worshiping, foreskin stealing, matzos eating kike. His party is called the Liberal Democrat btw and he's a joke candidate that only gets votes because of his stupid shenanigans.

The >communist party only gets votes from old people and total retards. Will never get elected.

Sobchak is TV celebrity candidate only famous for her mamalries, think if Beyonce or Taylor Swift ran for Pres. Not an option.

All the others are literal who's. that nobody even knows about.

And finally isn't Putin's party called United Russia and not whatever it is they wrote?

the last time i was in a white-only space other than with my immediate family my sister lezmarried a jewess there's a nigger, a kike, a spic, or a mudslime everywhere I go. And there's a nigger even in russia

Wow how intolerant of you
Russia is a multiethnic, multireligious, multicultural country.
I bet you are a Navalny supporter


This post is glowing in the dark.

Yabloko, LDPR and Cummies are a controlled op.
Others are literally whos except Sobchak.
Navalny is likely a Soros-funded OP (no proofs, didn't bother for them, just feel it in my gut).
Sobchak is rather smart for a woman (and Putin killed her father, oh what a plot twist), but she's still a TV celebrity with smarts nowhere near Trump. If Trump looks dumber than he actually is, and wins, then Sobchak likely looks smarter than she actually is.

I also tend to root for 1. Underdogs 2. Those who are being currently destroyed in mass media. So I'll possibly vote Sobchak. Navalny, even if he's not a soros op, he's completely blacklisted on government media whatsoever (didn't watch it in a while, but I believe it's still a thing) to avoid giving him any publicity at all.

I want to be an American Bot!

It's pretty fucking obvious he is. He (((echoes))) all the color revolution lines like no tomorrow and most of his supports are also the kind of people who cheered for the ukrainian maidan riots and think they are genuine.

What? Source?

Russia is the savior of white culture.

What the hell is going on in webm for those of us who dont speak vodka



But his talking points are mostly valid, unlike your claims.
I wouldn't vote for him even if he was genuine, because he's a massive pussy, and otherwise unsuited for Russian presidency. No matter how much I hate Putin, he is needed to fill a power slot that is in a very important position in the world atm at least until Trump gasses the kikes and deports the niggers.

Regarding Sobchak, it's pretty obvious, Putin has a history of poisonings, a history of going after his mentors, and his travel just doesn't make sense in political way.
It's just like a micro-pizzagate - there are no proofs (pok pok pok), but everything hints that it went exactly as everyone thinks.

What are even his points?
Corruption? That won't and can't be fixed within one presidency term without dictatorial measures, mass arrests, executions, etc, and then then it's doubtful. Just take a look at Ukraine. Is their corruption gone after they started licking merkel's boots, or was getting rid of corruption just an excuse for one gang of thieves to replace another, and then using the anti-corruption purges to get rid of their opposition?

Ending central Asian migration? Alright. That's all good, but that will piss off all the 'stans, isolating Russia politically even further. And while Russia does have them in an economic stranglehold, they are already trying to break free of it.

About the Caucasus issue. I don't really see a solution different from the current approach outside outright genocide. Russia cannot surrender it's natural borders at the Caucasus mountain range, not to mention starting to hand out territory and independence to the various ethnic groups like candy. Then again, Navalny supports would love to see Russia balkanized so they're perfectly okay with this.

And finally my biggest gripe with him is cucking out to the EU and NATO and giving up Crimea and otherwise surrendering to their demands to make the country more "tolerant" and "democratic". This is literally inexcusable and no true patriot of the country would suggest such a limp wristed course of action. What he is basically saying is that Russia should just surrender and become a US vassal like Germany. I sure as fuck don't want to see Russia in the position that Germany is right now.

It will be worse than Germany. Germany has a working industry and bureaucracy, while Russia's is sorely lacking. Russia would be bled dry of their natural resources for pennies (much like right now, sadly), but on western terms, screwing what little local industry and economy Russia has.

Hm, you are correct, but I'd say Putin does most of it already, cucking to Chechnya, weakening Fsb, flooding the country with migrants, etc. Also you don't mention healthcare, education and ridiculous censorship laws. I left the country after several failed medical encounters with me, my wife and baby, and aldo because I wasn't able to earn enough money in there (I was offered 30k rub in my home town, and 35k in Moscow - fuck that). I'd say an average Navalny voter would go like "Well, it's al already fucked anyway - but at least I will have a possibility to live a few decent years with better healthcare and food before dying". Putin may have been doing good foreign policy choices, but the country with its people is rotting from inside. It has been dead for some time now.

Good education and healthcare first need a good economy to finance them. Those won't get fixed until Russia unfucks it's economy, and of course, general attitude. As for censorship, it's bad, yes. Sadly it's a permeating theme all around the world. Free speech is dying everywhere and the goyim simply don't care as long as they have their bread and circus. They are too busy chasing a good life, and not really busy enough caring about what is happening to their people and culture and the few that do are mostly powerless.

That's the thing. Despite this, it's still somewhat under Russian control. All other cases involve war and then you can be sure the west's gonna start muh gas babbies all over again, not to mention our army will have to hold back just like the burgers do in afghanistan, and they'll get their asses kicked because of this. The only sound solution here is to either keep giving them concessions or as I said, simply wipe them out like we did with the Circassians. That option however comes with it's own baggage of consequences, which are arguably worse than what we have now. Cucking out completely and giving them independence is not an option and IMO is the worst solution to the problem, since we practically admit defeat to a bunch of mountain niggers who number barely a million.

The average Navalny voter hates Russia, Russians, and everything Russian and wants to see it all erased plain and simple. Cue Tolstoy quote about Russian liberals.
The sad truth is that Russia is in a very complicated position and there is no simple solution to all the problems. It gets worse because the country is attacked in all non-violent ways possible. There is informational warfare spreading degeneracy, drugs, corruption, crime and now Russia gets economically attacked by (((world finance))) as well. Because of all this covert shit going on, it's natural that the people and authorities are paranoid. This is the reason the mafia state exists, because if it didn't, then foreign (((organizations))) would fill that void take over, provided they haven't already.

I want to say you are wrong, but I cannot.
The saddest thing is that I left the country when I was much more liberal than I am now, and despite your words about hating everything russian being an exaggeration, I was behaving like you described, wanting to dissociate from Russia as much as I could, I even entertained an idea of not teaching my kids Russian, as why the fuck would they need it, bit I do now. Sadly, at this point I cannot think about coming back, as I'm too committed already, however I try to wear my identity proudly and overall behave like a polite guest instead of a poison-spewing libshit kolbasa migrant. (Piotr the Pig in Paris dot dzhipeg). Anyway, I made choices in my life, and now I'm living the consequences. Let God be the Judge of my actions.
Sage for blogpost.

Fug, forgot the pic.

Welcome to post-USSR eastern bloc. I'm sure (((Lenin))) is spinning if he can in that glass tomb.

Why the fuck they started dabbing?
Please someone translate this.

Is this something like:
And then everything goes bananas?

Because the dude didn't vote, a bunch of retards got elected and started implementing retarded policies like replacing the military salute with a dab.

How can communists be controlled opposition? They were run by the kikes from the start and are not ashamed of it.
I'm not very familar with Russian society so I'm a bit suprised that Russians are okay with even having a communist party running in the elections after the shit they had to go through.

the only reason I want Putin to win is because of the obvious as hell shills here against him

Many some 70 years of brainwashing can erase past crimes and turn a totalitarian hellhole into a glorious past to be proud of. Many Russians see the USSR as the apex of Russian power, as well as better, simpler times. This is also reinforced by tales of glorious achievements during the times of the USSR, like the victory in WW2, first man in space, industrialization and overall technological progress and of course being a military superpower. Things like that are hard to erase. However nationalists, which most Russians are, are split in that regard, with one side favoring the USSR, and the other preferring Imperial times. Russia was hardly perfect in either case, but I believe at least during Imperial times we had our own unique national identity and acted in our own national interests instead of having the kikes force (((globalism))) down our throats and pursue some phantom dream of a utopia while things get worse and worse.

He's a jew so disregard him.

Best post.

Putin just won a war.
Why do the rest even try?

Wasn't Putin with United Russia?

Gave me monty python flashbacks

IIRC he actually supports the Crimea thing because muh democratic referendum. That was one of the biggest wedges between him and the rest of the liberal opposition.

Stan-land is a necessary buffer state. Few countries would want to encroach on Russia, I'd say China is the only one. But i'm queasy on all of the mudslime greatest allies we have down south. They were all too eager to support the Chechens, and I fear that without a southern border on lock and key we'll see some more subway bombings. But I see no reason why we need to spend money on accomodating hajis in russian towns. Sending through a ban on permanent settlement would be a good measure, and it seems to be what Navalny is advocating for.

wew, how? The siberiac/karelian separatists are a small group of spergs. Stanland hajis and chinks need russia for gibs. It's a retarded CIA pipedream. Even in the case of free association people would stick together. This isn't the US with no central identity, culture, history, or outlook on life.

The elections are a farce so it doesnt really matter but its worth noting Russia is completely fucked regardless of what it does in the future.
The next 30 years are going to decide if the Russian state survives and unless their is some sort of radicle form of leadership change Russia is going to get torn a new asshole and dissolve.

are you retarded or just a Russia boo?
Russia is one of the most multicultural nations in the world and is a federation created with specific ethnic and cultural blocks in control of given regions. Thats exactly what is needed for a state to dissolve. The US was purposefully mixed up and had local cultures degraded to prevent balkanization from ever being possible.

I am honestly at wits end as to how to fix the chechen situation otherwise. Can't conquest or genocide them because muh international community. Can't exert economic pressure without getting outpriced by saudis and other muslim moneybags. At this point it's a choice between suffering an uncontrollable muslim inroad into russia, or bending over and spreading the asscheeks for king nohcho and the rest of the Kadyrov clan.

This tbh


Oh yeah, and the fucking rhetoric is "russians are all lazy drunks they can't bust their ass as hard as hajis". Well if you tax the fuck out of them, tie down the economy, and then import hajis who do not pay taxes and send their money back to -stan where it's worth more due to purchasing power parity, guess what will happen.
Cut back taxes and regulations, stop looking at haji worker camps through fingers, crack down on the fuckers and you'll fix the problem. But that would be intolerant towards the guests of our capital.

Also symptoms of an economy breaking its back under regulations. Not really a leadership thing, so much as a policy thing. Putin will keep this shit going, Navalny is National Capitalism galore. Him getting bitched out by voters for proposing a minimum wage was funny.

pretty much, except
Most of them are coffee-cup "nominal muslims" who don't really believe in anything at the moment cue a decade of internal subversion and radicalization
(((gee whiz)))
Oh yeah, you fuckin watch us cunt

Stanland is literally our colonial domain, the equivalent of the British Raj, except near and dear to our military forces and administrative centers, so loyalty can be and has been enforced at gunpoint.
Majority russian regions are culturally homogeneous and won't split apart.

and the brits lost the Raj. You are also under the impression that a revolution in Russia would be a self contained event without any outside interference. The US would support any sort of separatists regardless of who it is. Under favorable circumstances China and various Muslim countries would send weapons and aid to separatists. Or perhaps the various European countries that have learned to hate and fear Russia would decide its best not to have to have the USSR successor state breathing down their necks. France, Germany, England all have reasons they would be better off with Russia gone.

Russia never really had a strong anti-commie sentiment like Eastern European countries, there was no wide-spread realization of the failure of communism. Yeltsin came to power not because he opposed socialism, but because was the first truly public, democratically elected politician in a long time, which legitimized him as a leader of Russia (as opposed to the closed-door dealings of the party).

All of them are kikes, though - if they are not jews ethnically, they sure act like ones.

He was, but the his popularity was higher than that of the party. He publicly left it so it wouldn't drag him down, but he's still effectively at the top of its power structure.

Absurdism is modern Russian realism, didn't you hear?

The problem with the current Caucasus solution is that it's not a permanent one, it relies too much on very particular people being in control and in good favor with each other. Kadyrov can keep Chechnya oligarchs at bay with the money and power he gets from Moscow. But what happens if he's replaced? Can anyone guarantee the loyalty of a new leader? What if new guy decides he can get away with demanding more and more, like the introduction of a sharia law or something equally unreasonable?

Most of Russia is predominately ethnically Russian. The regions east of Urals are perfectly fine with Moscow in charge, the only region with any real separatist activity is Chechnya. Maybe Tatarstan, but it's landlocked and Russians make up 40% of its population, so it's very unlikely.

Sad but true.

What will happen if Mr. Putin dies before USA collapse?

Same shit as every time.
A period of turmoil. Market will tank. There won't be jobs, or shit to eat or wear. Then market will start climbing up. Putin's cronies will start squabbling over who will be top dog. Some nobody will maneuver himself into the top. He'll purge Putin loyalists, install his own into positions of power. Russia will collaborate with Europe and will generally consider itself a euro country. Then mr Nobody will entrench himself. He'll regulate the market, up military spending, and burn bridges with the west.

Also some shitstain republics might go independent. Like chechnya or dagestan or some shit.
Also people will cry when putin dies. Guaran fuckin tee it. Putin's reign as shit as it is, is better than anything before him in terms of bydlo consumerist sensibilities. They know no better than him, and won't remember any other life by the time he croaks decades into his reign, so they'll cry.

Coming to a russia near you in the next twenty years. fuck my life

You can't really mean that because there are many euraisanists who desire a even bigger multiethnic united supernation which mean it will remove the white people from the power permanently. EU is the new USSR so try to picture this if this nightmare is to happen during our lifetime.

Please forgive my bad english.

it was a nig-htmare