There hasn't been a real blockbuster since this movie

There hasn't been a real blockbuster since this movie

The part where the two pirates are dressed in ladies clothing would be transphobic today.

I just rewatched the trilogy and I'm surprised at how good all 3 are. I mean they aren't perfect but they're enjoyable, fun, and capture the spirit of adventure.

It was also the last time I can remember a movie actually having a memorable original theme song.

Avatar is good.


In the second one Elizabeth is mad that she is not married yet. That was never be in a movie today.

The first one is the only good one.

The only good thing about Pirates other than wanking it to keira was that SNL skit

The first 3 are pure kino just pretend 4 and 5 dont exist

Of course, Johnny Depp has been playing the same character ever since.

What is harry potter 3 4 5 6 7 8
I like Pirates but come on.

Pirates was horrible and one of the defining features of blockbusters is being lowest common denominator trash so Avafernwolfdancing absolutely counts.

Only the first one is genuinely good. The second is fine for a flick, the third is shit.

And this is supposed to be a bad thing? I think that the second and the third episode of this series make up a really long and big movie, those two count as one. Another candidate is the first ever Avengers. No need to deny it, that you saw it in the cinema, because everyone did. For me, Dead Man's Chest and At World's End are great films, Avengers is entertaining.

If we are talking strictly about quality, then Avengers is out I guess, the other two can stay by my standards, but otherwise you are right. If blockbuster means a movie that has gained a shitload of money, then your statement is a lieā€¦

The only film I'd truly dismiss from the franchise is #4, DMTNT was saved by YAG SPARRO

Speak for yourself. I only ever saw the Iron Man trilogy because unlike 90% of the other films in the huge clusterfuck of a canon, the original IM was actually good so I came back for more.

Capeshit is trash. No exceptions.

Trump supporters are mentally ill and believe FAKE FAKE FAKE IT'S ALL FAKE NEWS NOT REAL FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE WAH WAH WAH

Also, conspiracy theorists have a genetic gene in their blood that makes them genetically paranoid and makes them stupid and stupid horrible paranoid I HATE THEM

Also, autists are more likely to be conspiracy theorists and stupid FUCKING HATE THEM DRUMFT

Also, autists are paranoid drumft conspiracy theory fake news problematic toxic toxic toxic toxic toxic anything I don't like is toxic, anything that doesn't fit my fucking hideous abnormal freak-fuck sick anti-human agendas is toxic!!!!!!!!! WAH WAH WAH KILL ME

I think they should start stitching jews, niggers and sjw into leather bags, so we can use them as punching bags without dirtying our hands. The absolutely constant bile that they are spitting out is infuriating, and I need a highly violent release.

But Iron Man doesn't have a cape

i've seen the first avengers movie in cinema twice, shit was good
first iron man was top tier too. sequels were shit though



This is what I'm talking about. Retroactively saying EVERYTHING of a certain genre ALWAYS was shit is insane. What currently is shit has degraded to this point

liking comic book flicks is insane tbh

I remember Dead Man's Chest got a lot of flak when it first came out but re-watching it now, it's not half-bad. For one, it actually had a midway coherent plot that clearly went from A to B, as opposed to At World's End, which fucked about for two hours before suddenly realizing they had a story to wrap up.

Dead Men Tell No Tales kind of falls into "so bad it's good" category at times and unlike On Stranger Tides it was actually genuinely funny at parts. I didn't laugh even once during the fourth one. And even then, I could have forgiven that if it actually had something else going for it but no, it was just unbearably boring.

I actually really liked Dead Men Tell No Tales