Well look what based Donald is up too! Obviously this is 4^4D chess guys. We gotta ban bump fires stocks Holla Forums, think of the children Holla Forums, I mean its only bump fires…r-Right? Surly this a good compromise! It will get gun grabbing liberals off of Trumps back, and with this new Trump approved measure liberals will be satisfied and won't try for more anti-fun laws.
Trump urges ban on 'bump stocks,' other gun modifiers
Other urls found in this thread:
Ban Trump and CIAniggers.
Back to homemade bumpfire stocks.
ok, what the fuck
yeah keep making threads cunt it will work this time I'm sure!
He asked for a REVIEW KIKE. A REVIEW of something that has been REVIEWED several times and always come up dictating that bumpstocks do not turn a rifle into a machinegun.
The streets of DC and all of burgerland will run red with blood. Soon. The kikes can't stop it, CIAniggers can't stop it, TRSodomites can't stop it, and Trump can't stop it. Cheers lads.
i don't know why he bothers pandering like this
Just put your head back in the ground. Friendo. But to me Trump isn't beyond reproach.
He openly supported gun control you massive faggots.
We already have a thread on this, Sharecuck. You only get one.
will dems vote for Trump legislation, we will find out how retarded and self destructive they really are
He did this after the vegas shooting and the shills were stuck between shitting up those threads or pretending he was gonna let dems take away guns. Everyone already forgot and so shills have the ball in their court to make everyone forget he is just giving democrats a false sense of hope.
Thanks for confirming organized shilling. I am not surprised.
Oh look, it's the Vegas Nothingburger 2.0
Do you shills keep shitty records, or do you think we can't remember your shill attempts, or do you just shill whatever you're told?
Slide thread
Do you know why the People support Trump, TRS, and all of the other pro-Israel kosher Nationalists? It's because they see them supposedly fighting for the survival of Europeans and the rule of law, and it makes them feel comfortable as they go into work, fap to porn, shitpost all day; they don't feel bad for doing nothing about European genocide themselves. This is why they give us these false prophets who distract with entertainment and do not educate the masses. Everyone who exposes these charlatans is doing God's work. But the masses refuse to listen because you offer them nothing to fall on. If you rip a person's reality apart and show his beliefs meaningless, he will indulge cognitive dissonance because it's better to be deceived than to not know what to think. Begin to build a new system to replace this one, then when their lies are exposed, the People will follow you.
Fucking pathetic dude.
These are kike threads, but pretty much inevitable. The whole NRA strategy, which is incredibly genius, and should be copied by every right-wing organization, is to rely upon perpetual ignorance of the public on all matters. Who the fuck cares if they ban pistol grips either? It's just a style. "Oh wow, I'd defend my country from the Russians, if only there wasn't carpel tunnel issues with this design" the fuck?
We do need to talk about it. I knew, and hopefully everyone here did, that when I promoted Trump it was not because he was what we wanted, but because he was least what (((they))) wanted. He came the closest to any modern American politician to criticizing Israel for anything at all.
Now, this move is a strategic one. Slide fires are retarded. You can make a better auto-fire modification with rubber bands. I wouldn't, because full auto is a technique of a massively supplied army, not a resistance movement.
Isn't it odd how fate works? That we are being disciplined in the military sense to be frugal and effective? It's amazing, tbh.
this happened after Vegas too
it's nothing. He's just rubbing cream on the asshurt right now.
^ shill
Does this include binary triggers?
Just another review like Las Vegas.
if the penalty is the same as possessing an unregistered machine gun….(you can figure out the rest)
T_D face right now
He threw a flaming bag of cuckservative dog shit into Sessions' lap
Unfortunately for us, Sessions enjoys that particular aroma.
Automatic fire is useless to revolutionaries. It's a liability, because the main problem that never goes away, for resistance fighters, is inadequacy of supplies.
Okay, fine, I don't disagree. That said the appropriate response is to clearly and firmly tell Trump and the gun grabbers in congress to fuck right off. Then Trump can shrug his shoulders and move on. btw, what ever happened to nationwide conceal carry reciprocity that was part of his platform
Im a Hillary Shilldawg now
beltfeds are crucial.
Won't they have to ban pistols first in order to ban pistol grips? I mixed a little bit on bump stocks since it is still one bullet fired for one pull of the trigger which is indeed semi-auto. On the other hand a bump stock would not help whatsoever in a home invasion, won't help hit the bullseye at the range, and would not be an effective way of hunting large game. The fact that bump stocks have been used in only one incident that I can remember seems like an over-reaction, but it could be Trump just giving a little to get them off his back. It's not like you can't still buy fully automatic rifles that were made pre 1986, it will just cost you quite a bit more.
God damn do any other actual anons here hate this fucking faggot? Every god damn thread this nigger spams up and isn't banned, why?
How so? Where would they make any sense? We're not dealing with a situation where you're backed by allies of massive industrial capability. You're on your own, have to scavenge supplies and ration everything, if you're revolutionary.
No, they could keep pistols legal and still ban pistol grips.
That's right fellow nazi.
I mean… Matthew.
We know, but we should go ahead and discuss this. The fact is that we're going to have to throw the beast a bone.
Yeah he's a faggot, Hillary is totally irrelevant. She's busy trying not to shit in her depends when she has a seizure. It would be nice though if Trump followed through and put her in jail.
Jesus christ you people killed this board more than any other "organized" shill effort ever has
He is listening to the NRA which has been giving trading away gun rights for nothing for decades. Unfortunately he probably thinks it is ok because the NRA said so. There are a quite a few gun owners that hate the NRA so it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Let Trump know your thoughts
Dead policy makers can’t make bad policy
This is the same lip service given after Vegas, I'm not worried in the least although that doesn't mean I haven't made sure my congressman knows to fuck off with any attempt at passing legislation in the wake of last week's shooting. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease and the 2 Amendment crowd has only held on this long by reacting to any calls for "gun control" like a screeching leftist reacts to whatever bullshit has them up in arms this week.
That said, in a hypothetical world where we could exchange one category of "gun things" for an infinite end to future gun restrictions, bump stocks and echo triggers are what I'd give up. Of course there is no such thing as appeasement when it comes to gun control so that remains a hypothetical but these damned accessories are just screaming for negative attention from otherwise neutral normies. That and echo triggers simply bother me from a gun safety standpoint, their the gun equivalent of a car that goes 100% wide open throttle unless your foot is on the brake. Better hope you never slip off the controls when you don't want to.
Resistance fighters are better off without automatic fire. If there were such a feature to rifles, commanders would lock it out, to conserve supplies. The greatest foe of the resistance fighter is lack of supplies. Generally they must be obtained through raids.
Orange moron
is there any evidence at all a ar-15 was even used in florida?
like no one saw a guy walk through a highschool parking lot with a full size spoopy black iconic rifle?
it seems like sheriff (((israel))) and the (((media))) just took advantage and said ar-15 (((a lie for the (((greater))) good)))
the casualty numbers and the number wounded could and probably was inflicted by a (((high-cap))) handgun
Besides the obvious useless compromises that will make the left more hungry for more gun laws, this seems like a nice trade-off
^ astroturf
There's much to discuss here, but the astroturfing is very great.
Well, the CIA won that round. It was certainly fake and gay, but that doesn't stop people from ''believing', because they still believe police and the news, to some extent. More and more, though, people are starting to see that anything could be a lie, and possibly all of something can be a lie.
i should also add that iv noticed lots of media outlets using the phrase "alleged rifle" when refering to the weapon the shooter used
I believe Cruz showed off an AR-15 rifle in his Instagram account. He may have used something else though because (((they))) won't show the evidence.
i still think we should be on the look out for social media posts of eyewitnesses/victims that contradict the (((narrative)))
Let's take a step back and examine this. Trump's ordering Sessions to finalize new federal guidelines. Not telling Congress to pass a new bill. Also, taking away the stocks won't prevent a homicidal maniac from bump-firing an semi-auto AR or AK: youtu.be
New thread means new game, lads.
You're right about that for multiple reasons. Ask any Iraq/Afghanistan vet who was a rifleman and they'll tell you they left their M16/M4 in semi 95-100% of the time. Beyond the fact that automatic and burst fire is wasteful, rifles and carbines aren't built for high sustained rates of fire. Automatic fire is useful for suppression but that's what the squad automatic weapon, light machine gun, or general purpose machine gun in your unit are designed and used for. Anyone who has ever magdumped 2+ magazines from an AR or AK as fast as they could can tell you it renders the foregrip too hot to handle and the barrel too hot to remain accurate (1-3 MOA from an AR becomes 6+ MOA). Just firing a standard loadout (10 magazines for a total of 300 rounds) in an hour will seriously overhear an AR pattern rifle/carbine.
Bump stocks and echo triggers are fun for dicking around but they are tactically useless, bordering on harmful. I might argue for bump stocks having an actual purpose when installed on an SMG (aka a "pistol caliber carbine" in consumer market terms) except NFA regulations on overall length make pistol caliber carbines too long to be decent SMGs and nobody makes bump stocks for the handful of carbines thag actually have a presence in the market.
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How is this better than standing firm and telling the country that the 2nd ammendment is here to stay? This is showing weakness. I haven't seen Trump do something do anything to directly harm white Americans. (Please correct me if that is incorrect ) He has not been doing everything he can to help though. If his Le epic chess plan is to rile up the white man and usher us into civil war he is doing a damn good job. My home is being thrashed and tarnished. My people are being betrayed and eradicated. All of these kikes and shabbos goyim sit comfy and content watching the status quo go on unchanged.
If people can find stuff, they can be my guest. You can be sure this guy couldn't get this accomplished and have been so public about his intentions. This is how we, wise to the nature of the spying system, are certain it was a psyop (there's no way a real terrorist can make threats, using his real name, on any Alphabet* servers).
We have enough inconsistencies, however, and just downright freaky behavior, that we can dismantle the narrative, and instill doubt, in those willing to discuss facts.
* The name indicates its true origins, that it was formed by the Alphabet Agencies. This is similar to the name Intel.
This isn't even the first time Trump passed gun control legislation either, trump already conceded to the left and passed a ban on imports of certain Russian arms and ammo, mainly VEPR rifles
The whole NRA strategy is rolling over and taking it, and sometimes even jumping right on the dick willingly.
No it isn't. They're strategic concessions. Admittedly, they're way too ready to turn tail and run, but that doesn't make them stupid. They're smart as hell. We stay grandfathered, and we can also generally improvise whatever's banned, should SHTF fall.
It makes them complicit, the GOA approach of no concessions given is better
Grandfathered is not guaranteed and improvised bump stocks will also be banned, claiming you can prepare them after SHTF is also retarded
No different from willingly giving away full auto capabilities or the arguments of those who allowed the 68 GCA to pass because "the ones we have now will be grandfathered"
lad, have you ever studied any type of strategy at all? At all?!
if memestocks are banned they certainly do gain ground. if a rate of fire increase is enough to warrant a ban they'll want your triggers next and so on.
the nra strategy is to not upset the fudds that don't give a shit about anything other a bolt action.
GOA officially opposes trump executive AWB
5 it's looking.worse and worse
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
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Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
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wow dude holy shit i didn't see that, you sure showed me how wrong I was for trusting an echo.
I'm gonna sit here and help trump carry out a gun confiscation. Thanks (((Brother))
You can use a hair straightener as a bump stock.
Niggers BTFO.
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
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Its not getting better. Its getting worse and worse
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
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Wrong, fudds want autoloaders.
citation needed.
If you think this you dont know what a fudd is, and even the ones who like semi-auto are willing to concede and allow magazine capacity bans
I wouldn't be surprised if this was just more bait, like what he's been doing with the spics. At any rate, we need to do what we can to promote 2nd amendment rights.
This is the equivalent of banning shooting with your eyes closed. All those mods are tactically useless toys that turn rifles into expensive fireworks.
Fudds were literally the predecessor to Cuckservatives that handed this country over to the fucking kikes and commies for the pas 25 years while we were stripped of our right to bear arms. neck yourself.
Here comes all those 90's era arguments boys
Bump stocks themselves and their practicality aren't the primary issue, the issue is that this is worded as "any device which may increase rate of fire", leading to not just bump stocks but also crank triggers, binary triggers, light match grade triggers and even possibly optics that allow quicker target acquisition
This is another slippery slope that can be exploited by the left to not only ban just bump stocks
^ now that. That is a shill keek
pied piper etc
fudds were the first adopters of autoloaders
There's a time and place for everything, but derailing a thread every time says "Maybe Trump shouldn't have done this" is just fucking retarded.
i just thought it was funny tbh
I filtered him. Learn how ffs new guy. Regarding this actual topic, yes, it's not ideal. However, it also might not be. But none of these people will listen to the various arguments. Bump stocks are not important.
Renegades must sip through a soda straw supply line, and full auto is out of the question. So is eating steak, actually.
i voted for him
"Fudds" are not synonymous with owners that like traditional/classic guns, old gun owners, or gun owners in the past. The first adopters of autoloaders were police/military, gangsters/outlaws, and the occasional coyboy.
Fudds have a specific mindset that the second amendment and gun ownership is only about hunting and are willing to compromise anything that is non-hunting related, fudds are the cucks who supported the 1934NFA and 1968GCA and there were opposition to them at that time as well
The first adopters, obviously, in the US market. I thought it would be obvious. Fudds are lazy, OK?
Except that was wrong, when semi auto firearms came out fudds were whining about how they would be unreliable and delayed mainstream commercial and military adoption for years
you'd think with all the faggots that migrated here over video games they would have learned the importance of not giving lefties an inch.
This, not to mention that bump stocks are not even the main problem
No, what happened was the CIA, in the magazines, and other areas, astroturfed against them.
That's completely insane. In literally no situation where there is an appreciable adversary is strategic withdrawal out of the question. Rambo always loses.
Fudds were whining about semi-autos and full auto weapons in the 1900s-1930s and passed the 34NFA before the CIA even existed
The CIA has existed since the founding of this nation, son.
Every form of firearm regulation is bad. It has nothing to do with the specific piece of legislation, there is only freedom vs restriction which is a slippy slope that only ends at a complete ban on all weapons, even age restricting plastic knives, like there is in the UK. Why would there be a push towards banning slide fire stocks if it were not in the Jews' strategic interest? They can't get away with banning guns overnight so instead they push for regulating and restricting random things like barrel length and modifications, requiring tax stamps and permits (your fingerprints, goy!), waiting periods, background checks, etc.
Various intelligence agencies have but not the CIA you retarded nigger
Stop making claims about things you obviously have no understanding of
With leftists, and on gun control, it is. They've proven time upon time upon time that if you give them an inch, they will take a mile. There's a reason why Holla Forums doesn't believe that slippery slope is just a fallacy.
They went by various names, but the more you look into this the more you realize there's a setup. Example: granting the right to possess arms. At that time, there were none who even considered it a question at all. So the CIA (of the day) provided for what was in fact already present, but limited it, by stating arms, and not munitions.
No, definitely the CIA. It's a particular strain, and it's been there for a very long time. Call it the "actor's guild". They contrived much, such as their character Lincoln (and many negroes).
I wonder why no one ever questions the school cops on their jobs. Don't the damn school cops have a gun to use against the people who try to shoot a school? Or hell what about the FBI? Those niggers let this happen by ignoring Cruz who was threatening to shoot up the school.(((Gun control))) won't solve this.
You're not giving in to get liberal votes. You're trying to appease pearl-clutching wenches.
especially since this knee-jerk reaction has literally fuck-all to do with the school shooting. So how many false flags would they need to do full fucking confiscation?
Not just on "bump stocks" but modifiers 'such as' the bump stock. He ordered new regulations. They're on their way.
Sure loving this constant deal-making.
you mean the kike media that will continue to smear regardless.
No, again, the pearl-clutching wenches. You know, church-going patriotic women. Nice gals, but very emotional and gullible. By throwing a bone they can say "OK, my savior who is Government the LORD has fixed this" in their minds, and to others.
don't fret, it'll probably end up like DACA (I feel it in my bones)
It was an issue because the British explicitly banned American citizens from owning military weapons which is why the 2nd amendment was created and why it was brought up as an issue/question
So call it by the specific organization pushing for it, not just say muh CIA
If any group was encouraging gun legislation early, it was the treasury department which gained revenue through it and which was the predecessor of the ATF
And I apologize for not explaining what the 4d chess angle is here. It's not very 4d. It's just being practical about the fact that we have women allowed to vote.
so the one's who's votes meant fuck-all to begin with? got it
we hope
luckily they have the attention span of gofers and won't remember this by 2020. again, Trump is casting into the void here.
Doesn't work, any of the ones susceptible to thinking any degree of gun control is necessary are the same ones who will believe the media when they say a bump stock/modifier ban is not enough
Can we meme en.wikipedia.org
Needing to 'push out' with the non-trigger hand probably gets exhausting too.
This seems similar to arguing that 'fanning' turns revolvers into semi-automatic weapons. I understand what leads people to think that, but there are balancing drawbacks to these exploits which make them much less dangerous than the real things.
What part of gun-free zone don't you understand?
checked for appropriate levels of REEEEEing
fuck off doublenigger
No, Americans weren't banned from having weapons. Pic related. Before 1776 it was thought Brits had the constitutional right (yes, constitutional) to bear arms. Afterward, the elites of the UK realized that it would spell their downfall.
(I can direct you to Sir Blackstone's tome, on Gutenberg, should you be interested)
I want to believe this but if that was true trump should have pulled the "leave it to congress" meme, or at the very least, state level. Hopefully he's just giving lip servers until he TV kikes find something else to kvetch about.
Have faith, we have been doing great so far.
fucking checked m8
"All things caught in rat traps are rats". idk, it's just dumb. I find it obnoxious, as it's such a stupid view.
hh & checked
and that's hilarious
thank you hilter get
The American revolution literally started weeks after the British tried confiscating guns
How long will cucks shill for trump on Holla Forums? Supporting trump is no different from supporting a ((skeptic)) community youtbe E-celeb. Pretending trump is redpoll or pro white is the Definition of insanity. You are just watching trump being a kike shill over and over again excepting a different result.
He better ban Jerry Miculeks finger then
I don't believe that's correct. Women also want actual guards in schools. For example, my mother thinks schools wand everyone. Literally none do.
Gee billy why do you have this piece of string in the same room as your guns? That's a felony.
honestly trump's just giving lip service now. I would bitch to trump via polls and whatever but going full 180 is dumb
then you're literally a teenager. Go read up on the past 20 years of retarded guns laws.
Trump isn't entertaining that idea though is he? So it's moot.
Holla Forums APOLOGIZE
I have a puzzler for you. Which is more powerful? An M16 with a doubled cycle rate (don't consider the how for now), or an M16 chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor?
< gun laws
Women are not gun laws. I'm very familiar with female psychology, and I do not think that women will feel that they need to take more. Again, these are right-wing women.
It's like you've never met a woman in your life. I am certain you don't have a steady date.
Ah, and, no, the guards thing isn't "moot" just because Trump hasn't mentioned this. Why would it be? it's a quite active idea in Washington, with bipartisan support, but because it's expensive there's difficulty getting the votes.
Yeah, women are usually not ones to to just take and take and take… and then take some more. They're usually content with what they get.
What we "give" them can be taken back pretty easily, actually, and we have done this quite a lot. Mainly it's about what they think is happening. They have a VERY loose grasp on reality.
Hows the wall coming? I wish he would concentrate more on deporting all these god forsaken spics.
Good thing we banned bump stocks though. That was the real reason people came out and voted for you Trump.
More powerful as in external ballistics or more poewerful in a squad type setting or more powerful as in I got one rifle what is it gonna be?
Ar15 if you're looking for a civil war 2 battle rifle 6.5cm if you're looking for a slightly larger kinetic punch @400yds ish
To be honest the media has him cornered on this shit. Too many stupid normies fall for the "think of the children" line, and unfortunately a lot of said stupid normies are the swing vote. So politically the smart thing to do is give lip service, give some meaningless concessions and let congressmen from solid red constituencies put forth the hard line on gun rights.
Nobody is saying go full 180, but you have to bitch when he does this shit so he knows its unacceptable.
yeah no
reagan 2.0 everybody.
can we all say this with me?
cruz and guac boy would have never done this. im serious.
I agree completely. The idea is chip away, but the goal is total seizure.
The Supreme Court has very clearly explained that shall not be fringed and right to keep and bear means just that.
Leftist kike/nigger/spic/useful idiot white cabal wants civil war with shit like a bump stock ban at a time like this. Fine. Let's do it.
Sure, like men in the US have taken away the 19th amendment, 1934NFA, 1968GCA, desegregation and all other cancers supported by supposed right wing women that were just a "compromise" leading to the current shithole state of society
Cruz no but Jeb probably would have.
Exactly what i have been saying all along
MFW dumb boomer cucks think this is somehow a compliment or reagan was good
Nobody in the Senate supports the wall :^)
8 years with obama. zero gun laws passed (disregarding the changes with trusts but he dropped the LEO requirement)
not even 2 years in, proposing AWB 2.0. this is a threat with republicuck turncoats that WILL vote for this in.
cruz has never did anything to cuck down for anchor babies being legalized. iirc
So, how exactly are you going to convince Millennials that they should vote for Republicans who support a basket of policies, including absolute constitutional gun rights? Do tell.
The more I think about it the standard issue ar is more powerful all around due to the sheer tonnage of gunpowder in the us sctockpile of .223 vs 6.5
Billions of .223 maybe several tens of millions of 6.5 loaded would mean the .223 rules the day just for sheer volume of available loaded firepower
Anchor babies were a little blessing given to us by the CIA rump legislature, immediately after the Civil War. The 14th Amendment is not there by the will of the people.
Holla Forums has done a good job of this by pushing the overton window to the right and now the far right is cool and edgy to them whereas the leftist commies used to be
Many of the ones who already support gun control are for the most part useless
Just the weapons themselves, though. full auto Creedmoor vs 2x the cyclic rate, but in 556/223, which is the more powerful?
No more appeasement of any type unless it serves to weaken and distract the enemy. That is the only useful purpose of a ridiculous Trump move like supporting a bumpstock ban. War is on the horizon. There is no value with appeasement and politics generally at this point when the other side has no intent to compromise without actual war.
Are "WE" giving it to them though?
Like what? (Genuinely curious)
Once something is banned, it's next to impossible to re-legalize it. The people lobbying for their reinstatement would need to provide evidence that they are beneficial to society, or that the (((omnipotent moral busybodies))) made a mistake in doing banning them. Look at the shitshow those pot-smoking hippie faggots are going through. 50 years of Hollywood propaganda and they're still having a hard time. I see this as a slippery slope. When this doesn't stop the false flags, they'll just ban guns harder. A little here, a little there, until we wake up one day and there's nothing left.
We only need muskets, right Piers?
Probably the 6.5 as the ballistic gel tells
Vs .223
oh :(
We are so far from hope at this point, you really have no idea. See, I hadn't thought about how little people know about the absolute garbage we're dealing with here.
Example: I'm sitting in church, teenagers are in front of me. Technically they're not Millennials - they're too young. But they're immersed in the same culture. fatass spic boyfriend sitting next to fatass white ho. Song comes up, uses the word "trump", short for trumpet, and the thot looks over hat her beau. A collective understanding of the whole row, I think.
And this is the situation. We are being overwhelmed by enemy forces, and the forces are, I assure you, already resident.
Now think about this: the US military uses 556, and the full auto cyclic rate is less than double what is possible with a good trigger, even in Creedmoor :^)
Checked. This is right. There is no value in giving an inch at all. The purpose of any gun regulation of any type is to disarm the populace to lock in authoritarian control permanently. Massive war and bloodshed is better than giving a single inch.
My nation and constitution are far more important than any high schooler's false flag death. So many more deaths and so much more oppression will occur if we go down the road of tyranny than the periodic school shooting. It is emotional idiots and women who do not understand that the greatest tragedy is descent into tyranny.
I'm ok with this
That's not an argument, though. There is obviously a positive effect to it. Goodness! The question is actually how many votes are needed to win in 2020, and whether or not this measure is necessary to get church thots to show up to vote.
You are a fucking idiot. They always turn these laws around and fuck white with them.
no. they want a database. that's what it is.
Well. He's certainly naive. I'm in favor of considering the pros/cons in this case, but it's true there is a slipper slope. But, also, it is possible to ascend the slippery slope.
Well put TOR-Friend.
But they already have the database… :-/
He's not pandering. He's a false flag conducting gun grabbing liberal.
they want more data. why are you cucking down like this? they're fucking relentless. spics and nigs will get their guns from ATF or their clean background gfs/moms buying guns for them.
will not STOP crime. faggot fuck.
You're talking to a kike.
No. Trump doesn't control this government. He's a player of a game where all the pieces are arranged by the Deep State, including their false flags, and so on.
If anything, you are one of the prime examples of clueless millenials trying to act politically educated without actually knowing any in-depth subjects
If you are a leftist
They still will kvetch over gun control due to being clueless cunts, this is one of the issues that giving concessions will have little to no positive results with for the right but clear negative results that are unlikely to be overturned
Yeah I'll consider that
Why not the .243 or the 7mm mag or .300WM at that point? Don't get me wrong 6.5 is awesome but is not the be all end all of combat cartridges
That honor goes to my friend Rex
I'm not cucking out on it. I recognize higher quality lists would help them. But I wish I saw your fire and fury over surveillance.
This was inedibly. The GOP, always, always, has, and always will always be an anti-gun institution.
kill yourself.
I've never seen anything chambered in Rex, or heard of it.
Let them put mine in first then
T. John Hancock
Finished it last weekend
But again, you have a problem with lists, but not with the surveillance system. But you see, this is the thing. The surveillance system itself was a deprivation of gun liberties, the same corresponding with a registration.
It's the .950
The T-Rex
< black bars
The cucking occurred when Snowden's leaks came out and the gun community went "snoooore".
lelle.. If the US gubment decides to go full Orwellian, your puny faggot pellet guns will do absolutely dick. They have tanks, bazooka launchers, bunker busters, and missile systems that can target your scrotum sacks with pinpoint precision.
Basically, you're a dump stupid faggot who should die. Eat your own asshole and then kill yourself
Sorry to hear about your gluten intolerance.
everyone who gave a shit knew what the NSA was doing since 1995ish. snoooore.
Small arms fire is a severe problem in Iraq. While it's possible to occupy the area, technically, people in neighborhoods do as they please, surveilled from above, yes, but they get away with much.
regarding your second image highlighting the Metro 2015 article where Alefantis says "the basement" and BBC 2016 article where he says "a basement" do you think he was playing games with definite v indefinit articles?
Interestingly this Inquisitr piece by Alan Ewart cites the following tweet from a now-deleted account:
Fast forward 1 year later less 1 day and I notice… news.com.au
And yet nobody took a stand against it. And, no, not everyone knew they were spying on Americans. There are many Christians who believe that there are other Christians who are honorable, and that institutions still had people worthy of respect.
Thankfully, Mueller and Comey and others are helping us educate the boomers on the worthlessness of police institutions.
Of course the next comment is to point out the Constitution doesn't include the word "police" or any analog.
how can anyone believe someone who believes they can pray away any sin to be "good" or honorable?
Posts like this should be ban worthy.
Meh ,my wife cooks around it
More bacon less bread and that's ok by me
Fuck you, nigger. Fuck you.
With all due respect, bring it.
The US has a lot of trouble with guerrilla war. When America's expensive toys don't work, and the local population bleeds you dry.
But why not try it out. Start a war.
my. Yes, this is not a question I can explain in 1 ez lesson. Just. No.
That’s not a new law you eternal fucking moron.
I stopped supporting DRUMPF after the Syria bombings. This presidency has been a total disaster so far
I didn’t vote for none of this shit
Put up or shut up.
There will be an ocean of blood. Maybe yours, too.
you sound like you don't belong here.
word. And full auto is at most a specialist item for the guerilla commander, who is stretched on resources by definition (if he had a good supply line would be a proxy war puppet).
Calm down. That's that Rachel Maddow poster. He's a rapist.
He's right you know. We need to stop even entertaining the thought of things the Left wants. They never do it for us. We have to play to win the way they do.
I’m considering reporting people who post photos like that to the FBI, you shouldn’t even have photos of little girls on your computer.
There was a massive CP dump here a few days ago and some of the pictures looked exactly like the ones that idiot posted
Results of the search that came up with anything
Trump has proven that without re-election hanging over his head he'll go full open borders & gun control. He can't be trusted with another term and republicans see that. The Trump meme ends in 2020 along with his political career. And in the end, it's nobodies fault but his own.
Gee, a CIA agent doesn't want compromise keek. Now why might that be? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH man this guy plays some of you like a fiddle in the hands of a kike on a roof.
a brainlet too
< doesn't know anything about the Bible
gee, what country could you be from? :^)
Hawaiian setting
Children behaving inappropriately
Apparent Isolation, no one else in any shots
kike identified ^
dude jesus lmao
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Hes right though. NO COMPROMISE.
So you should chop your hands off? OK got it.
Knowing Trump, he'll probably say "ban bump stocks" then shitpost about how Dems are trying to hand him a dictatorship with no armed resistance, then the kvetching will start as they realized "ban guns" is campaigning for a train ride to a FEMA camp.
Daily reminder that the jesus sacrament is literal spirit cooking and should be avoided at all costs
I have absolutely no idea what you're attempting to express.
Can we push for armed teachers? After all we are Israel's bitch, might as well learn from them
It's just a cracker and some juice. You'll be fine.
This is an age old American tradition.
bump stocks aren't even of any value for an armed resistance. Conservation of ammo is a significant issue for guerillas.
That is the ugliest and poorest choice in colors for a rifle that I have ever seen. You are retarded user.
That nu-Holla Forums cognitive dissonance.
But anyway, I continue to be amazed by how everything seems to press for more ideal equipment in the case of the need to mount an armed resistance, and the ban on machine guns is one of the most amazing examples of that… but of course the ban on SHORT rifles and shotguns amazes me the most. It's like God is directing Americans to stock up on what's useful in warfare.
You've not seen a lot, then.
I suppose you think that George Washington was not a talented general, since he sometimes retreated.
Kill yourself you obvious paid shill
Nah man it's little plastic cups and torn up white bread
Spirit cooking
I'll pass so will my wife and our sons. We're good
Checked. The president truly doesn't have much power, while he can do some things, he is very limited even in the areas where he does have power, it's a very minute amount.
Oh come on now
I'm familiar with the taunt. It's designed to set all thinking as "outsider", thus driving stupid behavior. I refuse to accept as the behavior of White People the irrational.
In a broad strategic sense no, but the ability to transition your G19 to a G18 in CQB against multiple targets is definitely an advantage.
Shall not be infringed.
Did you learn about Christianity from some weird youtube videos or something?
Yes, that's the goal. But is not the White Man a thinking man?
No from being raised mormon from age zero to about 17 and a half. In my thirties now so yeah been around the block before a couple of times kid
Feel free to ask away
This the #metoo thread for the night? Trump made statements and everybody is on hilldogs campaign?
call me when he signs some shit
He supported Rubio's gang of 8 bill, I knew this. But he also wanted to pass a bill to use El Chapo's money to fund the wall, and was the only vote against moving to the immigration debate. But he was el-rato
Watch this one it's great
Mormons aren't Christians.
Christians aren't Christians they're moloch worshiping semite cock suckers
Praise Kek
When your enemy has unlimited bullets, thanks to an international industrial economy, you definitely don't want to match bullet for bullet.
They want you to accept this and submit. Its not the bumpfire ban thats important, its breaking the will of Americans and continually pushing you slowly down the spiral. Guess what? They are fucking your children and you aren't doing anything about it. You faggots already lost. Like your going to do anything beyond releasing your frustration on an imageboard.
I won't run Exif on your image, you're probably the real Accountant unlike Ben Affleck.
Nice bookshelf and books
No that's Trump supporters.
Reported for intl.
He was a talented general because he retreated when he needed to, not when he didn't need to. That would make him a pussy, like Trump.
Thank you for not
You're welcome for a visit and coffee if you're ever in the area user though
I'll take my ba& like a champ faggot
yeah. totally wont get unsigned.
Being alive with a round left is better than a dead man with a full mag.
Though few, there are situations where bumpfire gives an advantage, as cited previously.
Recognizing there is often a need to match bullet for bullet is why combatants target ammo dumps of the enemy.
Full auto or something close probably isn't that valuable and may even be detrimental overall in an unconventional war.
The issue is this, though. No matter how many ridiculous shootings there, no lives lost add up to inevitable totalitarianism if guns are generally surrendered. The poster blackpilling saying "it's hopeless" responding to my argument that firearm ownership is necessary to stop totalitarianism is not only ignoring the US govt's failure in many unconventional wars, which is basically a factually false claim, but the very fact that he has to attempt to spread blackpills to convince the populace to disarm means there is something to the populace being armed, or they wouldn't try to disarm us.
The principle has to be never give an inch. But practically, yes, full auto isn't that important in a guerrilla war and is wasteful and maybe detrimental to any guerrilla effort anyway
However, there seems to be the issue of getting the vote of White women who are right-leaning. This is definitely seen as a strategic withdrawal. And how do you counter? For example, do you claim that there are votes there which shall supply for the loss of women? How do you estimate that? Give us your numbers.
Maybe mainstream christians, but it has nothing to do with the bible. You really don't know much about anything do you?
This isn't the issue. The real issue is we're in a decline, as Millennials are coming up, and they're all faggots, I mean it, goddamn faggots, all of them. Every fucking one of them. What are you going to do about THAT?!
We need to start lining up a proper candidate for 2020 now, or we are really going to need to start considering non-democratic solutions.
sup Moshe?
I'm cool with whatever gets the freeway moving
clinton is a jewish puppet. so is trump. except democrats actually pretend to put up a fight against the kikes moreso than a republican.
top kek
'sup Moshe?
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
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^ yet another kike.
But this time they upgraded us to REAL Mossad. Hi Mossad!!!
That is most kind of you user.
3D printing gun parts in metal will soon make nonsense of any infringement laws.
Give it a few years, and you will be able to print your own ammunition too.
I have hope for Generation Zyklon. I think the ones on the right are hard right enough that if we educate them, they will develop into a force to be reckoned with quickly. Maybe the military splits and mobilizes/leads civilian factions for guerrilla war. Then a bleed out scenario
:^) Oh you are so dam fake.
Ain't no yids here hoss
Red blooded American white male
Go fuck yourself
Maybe we can lower the voting age, I guess.
Well, you're not one. You're a kike, and I can tell.
kikes never understand how to be a man.
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Website: oliverwillis.com
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Most of us older redneck fucks reload our own but yes the printing of rifle and ammo parts is a FLAT OUT FUCKING MUST
Yeah…you sure got me
Found me out , dang
You seem like the type of guy who is like:
and then be like:
Why don't you tell the people why you REALLY hate white people, Mr. Goldstein?
Read it and weep you dumb son of a bitch.
Can you imagine never having to reload a mag, because you print the ammo IN the magazine? Fun times ahead! :^)
Godspeed! I'm out for the night.
Dubs of truth. You indeed are a kike.
FUCK!!! Is it too late to vote for Hillary? Fuck drumpf.
die kike
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Website: oliverwillis.com
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Meetup: meetup.com
Nice copy-paste from some other chan keek. But yes, it's true.
My new friend I'll explain once
As a white man I want a future for my white children
The end
Fuck the rest of (( (them)) ) and (( (you))) too
World wide population of less than 500,000,000 all white
Fuck this suspicious nigger btw
How the fuck do you know?
I'm white
Blue eyes
It's great to be white
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Website: oliverwillis.com
Social Media:
Facebook: facebook.com
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FourSquare: foursquare.com
Twitter: twitter.com
Google+: plus.google.com
Flickr: flickr.com
Pinterist: pinterest.com
Amazon: amazon.com
Meetup: meetup.com
lol nevar forget
((You))) will never be white
what's with him endorsing mitt romney?
People would be more open to the idea of a full blown ethno state today if hillary had won. The momentum of hatred for niggers and kikes was halted the minute trump won the election and his incompetency has undone years of progress.
I went to a public high school in semi-rural NJ and the cop there carried a gun.
Even at the university i'm attending all the security officers are packing heat.
Is this a good thread to ask where I can find good 3D printers and files for 3D parts? What about getting started on home machining?
ok whatever dude
your response is that of an astroturfer.
youtube has pretty good videos on all of that.
Get fucked Don
I get he's trying to be less decisive now a days, but he's barking up the wrong tree.
He knows the slippery slope fallacy, so he beat be aware.
I have often thought about this and wondered if the Deep State may have rigged the election FOR Trump as to prevent the day of the rope. Remember how much energy and momentum we had during the election? What if we had channeled that into killing beaners and niggers?
Every school I have ever been to the cops and security had guns. At my highschool the principal had a shotgun hanging behind his desk.
At my school all of the faculty and students were white so we had no cops or security guards. I don't even live in a very white state, my parents were just smart enough to raise me out of a disgusting city.
That win nothing and slow down the gun laws to the point that nobody will start an armed revolution because of the frog boiling. The NRA are cuckolds and traitors and you are autistic for posting ITT 76 fucking times. Polite sage.
I've been thinking that myself lately, ah well, all traitors are the same dead.
At this point I'm fairly confident he's losing the next election. We can only hope that momentum can be built back up, but it's going to take quite a long time, and we could end up in the same situation where people settle for mediocrity and falling into the feedback loop of ping ponging between parties to stay distracted from the real problems.
Even if he has the votes, I don't think they will let him win the 2020 election. They WILL make sure that the voted are "counted" correctly this time. It will be rigged.
It doesn't matter one fucking bit how effective bump fire stocks are! Its giving the Government more power over our rights. NOT AN INCH you don't win wars by cucking to your enemies.
OY vey naughty goys! Don't you know that by creating more gun regulations, we win?
How is passing a new law not a new law?
Of course if you want to lead a revolution you need an armed populace. Once you win you suddenly take arms away so no one can try the same on you. Its why commies love arming their own until they win and then selectively keep the populace unarmed for maximum control.
Under Obama, the ATF claimed it lacked the authority to ban bump stocks. This means there would certainly be court challenges if Trump tries to do it himself.
Even with Trump, I think we're just around the corner from the Cohen Act. Better stock up while you can.
Shills coming here are pushing Christian Identity and suppressing Racial Identity and National Socialism whenever they can. They continue trying to turn Holla Forums into a civic-nationalist Christian board when even the darkest of niggers is accepted as long as he's a devoted follower of Christ. Listening to Dr. Pierce's podcast should be mandatory around here. I know that he can repetitive at times but nonetheless, he offers valuable insights into various things. He warned us about conman like Trump and he studied thoroughly the Christian question. He was born and raised in a strict Presbyterian upbringing so getting wise on Judeo-Christianity couldn't be so easy for him. Here are some important passages from his 1982 article:
Fair enough. Let's see what gets actually signed into law.
I fucking warned you two years ago it will be Reagan 2: Electric Jewgaloo. You didn't listened.
Lurk more 2 years before posting, faggot.
What level of interdimensional chess is this? Tired of winning yet?
Based zog emperor.
Oyyy veyyy he's gunna sign daca and omg amnesty and shieeet trust me goyim drumpf is literally hillery!!11!!! im not gunna vote, goy, seriously.
Is that your gun?
Do we really need 2 thread on the same disinfo?
Are you upset that people are dissatisfied with your zog shill of a president? Do you feel hurt inside because you're so emotionally invested in his success?
Who didn't see it coming
Just wait and see user, I'm sure it's just an empty gesture :^)
"A withdrawal is a type of military operation, generally meaning retreating forces back while maintaining contact with the enemy. A withdrawal may be undertaken as part of a general retreat, to consolidate forces, to occupy ground that is more easily defended, or to lead the enemy into an ambush. It is considered a relatively risky operation, requiring discipline to keep from turning into a disorganized rout or at the very least doing severe damage to the military's morale."
strategic withdrawals*
^ both kikes. Empty comments, not quite having correct style.
I am still waiting for the day that a rich user will recruit neets from the chans, and train them to be his personal army.
Once you provide housing, food, entertainment, and maybe even women, are there any doubts to whether you'll have a loyal following?
^ sheer utter lunatic nonsense conversing with the same
Be assured, you are not alone is noticing that that's crazy-ass weirdness.
I have seen shills of the kind. I do not know the name for it, but it is a strange one. Almost meaning something, but not quite.
Would love to invest in Anons too.
Whatever you say, legitimate poster.
Trump knows damn well that this is political suicide. 4D chess everyone…remember that.
Dumbass op he's just banning modifiers not firearms. Get your traitor ass out of here!
Fuck off shill.
Right, I have addressed that. Saying "4D chess" is a kike whine that is prohibitive of our right as White People, to be intelligent, and to make strategic moves, including strategic withdrawals.
We're dealing with some heavy hitters in the shilling arena. I believe this one is a CIA agent (the use of extreme anger is a cover for a complete lack of personal involvement - it's a crutch they use all the time):
(82) Posts against gun rights. You really hate gun rights don't you Moshie?
Personal attacks designed to prohibit rational discussion of strategy? Well we have our shill identified at this point, and that shill is you. I have, and you well know it, considered the possibility this strategy could be the wrong one. However, I refuse to act as if a nigger, a kike, a lunatic, garbage, and fail to rationally examine the situation. For, as a White Man, I demand reasons for everything, regardless of the emotions of the immature, men who are pussified to the point of being no better than women.
State your reasons, explain why you believe a strategic withdrawal is the incorrect move. This in no way constitutes a loss of our capacity to mount an insurgency against a communist government, should one form, a ban on a type of stock.
Because withdrawing any portion of your right to bear arms sets the example that they can further infringe said right.
head on back to reddit any time.
Jesus fucking Christ. The guy probably drank water too, and water can be used to drown people. BAN WATER!
Jesus Christ, Martha…
So the slippery slope? Why do you hold that the slope is one way? Why can't gun rights increase, at a later date, when there is more public support?
May Christ himself slice your neck open, CIA agent.
That was never a strategic withdrawal. What happened, in that case, is that you had kikes throughout society, and numerous kikes who had infiltrated the Republican party. Their existence is becoming known, but boomers are still not aware of the dangers of kikes.
there's nothing strategic about giving up any ground whatsoever on gun rights. it's a core republican issue. not a single non-jewish republican supports more gun control of any kind. stop suggesting it.
It's not a core issue for women. In general having some kind of defense is, but women are very simple. The difficulty is getting women to vote in 2018, that's the focus here. Women tend to believe the news still, and so we are dealing with the fact that idiots (women) have the vote. Therefore, you say don't compromise. But how do you propose to win their votes November?
Bribe them.
Actually, that's a kike ^
I thought it was CIA, but it's definitely not.
yes, it is.
trump won the election by not being a compromising cuck. no amnesty, no gun bans. no compromising.
Moore was accused of rape 24/7, nothing to do with guns. get the fuck out of here.
No, it's not a core issue for women. If you look at the various polls of women, you never see the 2nd topping the list, or even being that high. Conservative women care, but it's not a top priority for them. In fact, they are a bit on the side of muh police muh gubberment will save me.
Hey fuck you pal
Ain't no kikes here faggot
Yes, we've heard from you, moshe the nonthink. May Jesus Christ himself slit your throat.
You seek to reduce the debate to the point where the White Man is prohibited, through social pressure, his patrimony, which is analysis.
False. Not a single white republican woman supports banning bump stocks.
You know jesus was a heeb , right? You have to know that. jüden don't get to slit any throats
About 99% of women have no idea what a bump stock is. About 98% of women have no idea how a gun even cycles. 90% have no idea how to operate any long gun.
^ kike
Only kikes call Jesus a "jew" keek. for those unchurched: Jesus is God. God is in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Jesus has always been God, from the beginning of the universe.
"He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him"
Meaning kikes are his property.
So lets see:
So that's a big nothing. Anything else?
How many of those modifiers exist? So Trump is looking like he's doing something by doing nothing. Good move. Now the left ether accept this and applaud him for doing something that is already done, or they shriek and ask for more which demonstrates that gun confiscation is their goal.
Posting in a shill thread.
I thought he was a kike on a stick?
Still, whether we are Republican or Democrat, we must now focus on strengthening Background Checks!
:^) kike ^
He was. The eternal stick jew
Don't respond to that poster it's an obvious shill
Mary the mama of jesus was a whore who got knocked up. Joe was a cuck and said "hmm god came and fucked you and got you pregnant? Yeah seems legit to me!"
jesus the bastard jew son of a jew whore
on stick?
'tis but a taunt. But that means you're an astroturfing "troll" (designed to cause anger and prevent intellectual discourse).
But as the White man I with greatest wrath defend my right to intellectualism, for it is my patrimony, strategy, invention, and society.
But you see, I care not one bit what you think of me, or that you are of the damned.
My, you kikes don't take but a few seconds to out.
Yet it is precisely and only kikes who believe Jesus was a "jew". But Jesus was God.
Damned holy that is. Blessed by the gods.
Even sand niggers are better than kikes.
You're an idiot
I do not want trash as a friend. Go forth and be damned.
I didn't say anything about friends. Is your psychosis flaring up?
Filtered obvious shill
wtf, I'm a hillary missile now. 7 more years of salt for you, shariablue.
That was fast. Have a good one.
lol yep
yep funny as hell
^ bot
Fuck off CTR. If the god Emperor tells me we need more background checks, we need more background checks.
Rachelposter, you are not the genius you think you are. tbqf you're emotionally retarded, which is why you're a rapist, but that's really of psychologists to discuss…
Yep. God is one. In three persons. Quite correct. Of course, God is too complex for human comprehension.
Well, I'm hoping this is just another art of the deal maneuver like the "amnesty for 1.8 million". Trump throws out something the Dems really want, but fall all over themselves in greed and end up with nothing.
I believe it's already been established that banning firearm accessories is an impossible thing to regulate without banning all semi-auto firearms in general. You can bump fire without any accessories, badly worded proposals would bleed over into tons of things like echo triggers, etc… it's really just too big of a can of worms and Trump is too smart to open it.
That's not an argument. You're incorrectly claiming I did not have arguments, yet anyone can well see I have been very good about explaining myself.
tbqf, I don't give a fuck about slide fire crap. I continue to be amazed, and I mean this, that somehow some divine hand guides American gun purchases toward those useful to an insurgency.
Incomprehensible beings cannot be understood as three people. This trinity explanation is dualistic demon worship, you are being cucked by a jewish interpretation of the bible that has discounted the apocrypha.
We are living in a dream within a dream - hollywood kikes allude to this all the time. The angelic hierarchy that serves the Allfather exists within his dream, and we exist within the dream of a bastard child of that hierarchy that the pharisees worship.
We cannot comprehend anything outside that dream and perceive it to be "water" or "space" - beyond that space is Light.
Yes it is.
< dualistic demon worship
< dualistic
< dual
< 2
lad, you're mental.
You're the one that needs to sort your shit out.
Read this thread:
holy shit.
Ah, did your controllers tell you that you have to change ip addresses after X posts?
A good man!
< someone has posted in the same thread at least twice in 24 hours
< he must be sitting at a CRT, with IBM on the label, this entire time, as, the moment he turns off the screen, the IP address changes
The sheer amount of butthurt displayed these communists is astounding.
Yes, we don't need bump fire stocks. They're pretty much crap toys.
Learn some better english, masturbator.
You're some sort of hired pajeet shill, aren't you?
There's no edit capability in this reddit.
mmmm yep, still not going away. What else you got?
< if I insult the one with the good arguments maybe he'll go away
Your choice of tactics validates my position.
Mods deleted my previous post user
Gas the mods and no I'm not saying that in jest
I disagree, and could not disagree more. How are we supposed to turn a gassing into a picnic?
Not true,in the USSR people had guns.
That's very dishonest. There were some hunting rifles, but we aren't dealing with an armed citizenry. The bolsheviks were against gun ownership.
You do know that “hunting rifles” in the USSR included sub-automatic rifles. The same levels of gun rights there was in the US. Also there weren’t as much guns circulating around as there are in the US because most of the guns the Soviets made the immediately gave them to guerrilla groups in the third world.
No, they didn't have the "same level of gun rights". That's communist propaganda keek
There's truth to one thing: They allowed some hunting rifles.
But you are an uninformed communist gaywad.
Jews in league with semites in league with wahabist in league with blah blah blah
The final solution is world wide population of less than 500,000,000 all white. No yids niggers chinks muds slopes beaners spics etc
White only
Yes. This will surely happen just like DACA. :^)
==Jeff Faggot Flake to introduce bill to raise minimum age to purchase assault rifle to 21 years old=
Jeff Faggot Flake to introduce bill to raise minimum age to purchase assault rifle to 21 years old
So what?
We call them posts around here
Don't educate the_donald you faggot.
I just assumed it was kampfy in all honesty
Dubs of truth
I have no idea what the hell is happening with this but all this communist anti-gun talk is making me worry.
President Trump said on the campaign trail that he would not go after guns unlike obama, hillary, the left,etc. I Hope that he wasn't talking out of his ass.
It's common sense gun control. You still can own guns in Australia, goy.
There is no such thing
Shill/newfag detected
Hide the gun grabbing shill and half the fucking thread disappears.
Get bent you fucking traitor.
This post glows in the dark.
How is he wrong? Do you want the government to take more American rights away? Do you enjoy seeing other men with your women?
wtf i love gun control now
speak for yourself
Daily reminder that Trump sold you guys out along time ago.
Delete this post
And how do you think that would realistically happen?
You can identify him in other threads because he autistically adds to many e's when types "kek.
Be on the watch out for "keek".
Thing is, user, Christianity is racist, but got (((cucked))) many centuries ago when dominion theology introduced universalism to justify British expansion, kicked off by honorary rabbis installed by cucked white bishops that misinterpreted the hebraic scrolls because "muh jews can read hebrew". Prior to that, it was common knowledge that Jews were "'racial enemies'" of Whites: biological, genetic, bastard children of the Adamic race, and thus not created by God. The Christian Byzantine empire lived in relative harmony for 1000 years because it understood scriptural teaching and separated Jews from Whites.
"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."
Did you niggers not get the memo at the latest shill meeting? Wallposting is tired and old as fuck.
Does it bother you?
It won’t, ever. It’s the same level of fantasy that keeps the Q-fags sucking his jewish cock.
No, but this bothers you.
I can see your fluorescence from here!
Kek, the shills got so assblasted in the fracture thread that they spammed CP and abandoned.
Also i forgot these.
I really hope they do ban bump stocks, they're fucking dumb, and I hate the fudd tacticool faggots who buy them.
Vegas gun law review nothingburger
Muh Syria air strikes killed Assad
Yeah, nice try Chaim.
it's kinda "wow it's fucking nothing" for now, as seen here
"muh march", "muh dead children", bla-bla-bla…
he had to address it.
so he wrote a memo.
big woop… FOR NOW
He also suggested arming teachers.
and that isn't exactly grabber friendly, is it?