ZOG Emperor Trump demands gun control
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Get your guns ready.
Politicians need to die.
So shoestrings are illegal now?
it was fun while it lasted boys
shoot every faggot that tries to steal your bumpstocks
Can't wait. Why anyone is stupid enough to view any politician as more than a tool to be used and/or discarded is beyond me. Until then, always make them feel like they're one fuck up away from the trash.
Please someone tell me this is 4D chess…
Still spinning, please hold.
I love it when the fake news contradicts itself.
Well they can take my laces off of my cold dead feet then.
Except in his speech today where he said he does not support bump stocks
I'd rather not "muh 4d chess" but god damn do I wonder how he will flip this to being a good thing. my guess is regulating bump stocks will somehow cancel out nfa laws.
Based zog emberor.
And what were his exact words again? If you have them and compare that to what the media (((paraphrases))) then that's the dead giveaway to what's true and what's not.
I don't remember, and don't really care to. All he had to say was "Under the second amendment, bump stocks are legal." and he would have been done. Any and every other answer is pandering.
Wasn't this done right after Las Vegas. What came out of it?
Shit ain't gonna pass.
Cracking down on automatic weapons will… enforce trigger discipline for the coming RWDS? Sorry, I'm not very good at chess, but I'm sure you zognald cucks will come up with something awesome.
u tell me, torboy
Look at the normies freaking out and the headlines plastering “TRUMP BANS BUMP STOCKS!!!” It’s bullshit. He didn’t ban them and he didn’t do anything except ask for a review. People are so fucking dumb.
I hate to point it to you but that isn't how bump stocks work.
Exactly. This kike in Florida didn't even use a bumpstock.
This is so sad and true it is comical. Start shooting you dumb amimutt fucks.
Thanks for showing beyond any reasonable doubt demoralizing d&c shills are present.
Don't forget having Jewish grandchildren makes you anti Semitic!
the cuckolds won't do shit
King Nigger could have started confiscating guns and nothing would have happened
NYT would call owning guns racists once and the average cucksevative would be too busy virtue signalling to even notice being disarmed
absolute retards
modcuck faggot
My point still stands though, dear /k/ autists
Yeah, forgot about that one. Or cucking out over 9000 and trying to wheedle for his pathetic fence with amnesties.
Nice attempt but staying true to the second amendment is probably the most non-kiked thing you can do besides making a white baby
No it doesn't. Don't be a faggot.
The shills already made people forget that he paid lip service to the gun grabbers after the (((vegas shooting))) and then didn't follow up on any vague implications that he would help them. Meanwhile shills repeat the old jewish trick of pretending the issue is new again by pretending it doesn't already have a solution. This is just another shill spectacle.
Yes and my question is why even bother. The left has shown multiple times that they do not care about facts or evidence when their narratives are challenged by them. Sure it may be a "vague implication" of help, but it's a waste of time in the first place and it creates doubt within his own supporters.
As I said before, he should have just said that bump stocks are legal under the second amendment. If the left wants to change the second amendment, call for a Constitutional Congress.
Political theater
Only with weak willed faggots that waver at the slightest (((breeze))) and take (((poorly crafted))) thread titles at face value.
He intended to not do that; political theater.
You know the reason why they don't. They don't, because that would be betting all of their cards on one event. They want the 2nd amendment neutered so they can have capitulating cucks saying they still have it when it's virtually useless in the face of tight regulations that contradict each other.
Political theater is a non-answer, but say that was Trump's reasoning: It's still a waste of time. He's still pandering. He should ignore the left at this point, they will never accept him.
I beg to differ. Gun rights are a big issue with Trump supporters, and infringing on the second amendment is a problem for both the weak and the strong supporters.
Agreed, however I don't see how pandering to the left on the issue of gun control, or "political theater" as you call it, would stop that from happening. If anything, Trump pandering to the left about guns will give those cucks a reason to keep shitting on gun laws. The one benefit of this is that it would out the cuckservatives who claim to be pro-gun to get elected. However there's got to be a better way to out these cuckservatives than getting the president to appear weak to his base
wtf i love echo chambers of fellow foreskin chompers now
chess is gay. stop lying and say what you mean. "deals" are gay. ignore your enemies and never waiver from your goals.
What the fuck? Imma Hilldawg now!
Why? OP isn't wrong. Trump is letting his Jew Yorker tendencies fuck over his base.
It's because a bunch of yidlets got mowed down. "Penance" (in the form of diminished Rights) wouldn't be required if it were just goy children
Torpedos should be filtered by default as they have nothing to contribute. They are literally reddit tier level.
It's just slidefire, which are stupid anyway. A mere rubber band is a superior device.
There is an OP here.
Anything trump does is by default Hitler level to the left. Therefore we need to be selling this as a gun grab to enable Trump to become president for life, and exterminate the minorities.
You're not op.
It's funny but also a bit sad how easy it is to spot the cult of personality redditors on Holla Forums.
This is a board of critical thinking, if you cannot handle it then bugger off.
Jesus Christ when is Reddit going to leave? I hope Trump is voted out next election for the sole purpose of removing these braindead political circus followers from our once great board.
He's not even getting anything by doing this. Just abusing his Executive authority like King Nigger would to make up law as he's sees fit.
What part of
Do you not fucking understand? You clearly don't belong here.
yes I am the oldest faggot as well fam and I also hope that Drumpf is voted out because newfags, Zizek for president tbh
Actually, it's a bit of a myth that the Constitution says that. While, yes, that is what was originally written, the supreme Court has the power of a traditional monarch, that their word is law. This is how the Constitution is set out anyway.
And so, yes, that was what we were supposed to get, but the actual Constitution is defined by those appointed by the President, and confirmed by the Senate.
These men and women write the Constitution.
He's fucking stupid. Hate that that kind of trash has encompassed so much of this baord.
My guns have been ready for years.
Still waiting for that revolution.
This is pathetic. All I see in this thread are people making meek threats that no one will actually carry out and the rest are arguing over whether or not Trump is playing chess.
If we want to remove him from power, we need to choose a successor.
No bump stocks
Just Trump Stocks
The liberals own the Millennials. Therefore, there is a demographic "time ____". It's just a matter of time before nobody who is right-wing gets elected at all, and we must face facts here. We are routed, and any positive news must be understood as a delay of the inevitable oppression of the communists, which the Millennials are, due to their brainwashing by their father, which is the communist government.
Why do you morons still keep bringing up someone that LOST the election? Trump is elected, it's a fait accompli, bringing this up over a year after the fact just reveals where you should go back
"4D Chess" is a taunt used by illiterate rabble, who are bested by wit and accurate information.
Yeah, that guy's CIA.
Because voting works and the two kiked system isn't designed so that approaches to several unrelated topics are presented as one political position so that they can kike each institution slowly but it's alright because the other candidate would kike it a little bit more or would kike another one.
So yeah if you are saying that Trump is kiked you are also saying that Hillary wasn't as kiked according to the redditors from /r/The_Zionald/
The average red-blooded American hasn't learned the truth of the kike. They know, from old times, some things. But it has become socially unfashionable to speak ill of kikes.
However, times are changing. But we will not make progress here until there is progress on opinions.
And at such point as it becomes a risk to kikes they'll remove our vote entirely.
Fuck outta here T_D
Fuck off, faggot.
If you're not a revolutionary, you don't belong here. This is not an image, it's a video. If you are offended by it, you shouldn't be here.
It's a meme designed to excuse any action by Trump.
That does it
OPRAH 3024
Fuck of the_donald, you and your current year-1 memes are just embarrassing.
People like you are part of the problem.
You are using "4D Chess" as a kike whine to avoid any conversation about the practical realities of politics in the actual real world.
How's that?
Filtered for being a fucking moron.
That does it
The enforcement of that line is the duty of every citizen of this country.
Dean policy makers can’t make bad policy
Since you have trips, pardon is granted.
Florida has had that Bloomberg pushed mental illness treatment etc law since 2013 so they need to cover up that it did not work and make noise about something else.
Let Trump know your thoughts
What was it you were trying to say in though?
Not.gonna lie former.Trump.voter here
YEB? 4035
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Social Media:
Colomba 4126
It's quite simple. It's a kike whine that means "shut up and stop thinking goy". Or, translated from Shareblue faggotry, "you're trying to trick me with your fancy words, aren't you Mr.?"
the_donald plz
But again, that's the same whine. It means "shut up, rely on muh feels, don't use logic, and don't be strategic, fellow goys"
And part of the reason why they hit with "4D Chess" and other kike whines is that they have severely limited resources (basically they're just bots - notice how they cannot respond as a human - and also that they have a limited number of things they are permitted to express, and so they have to avoid ad lib.
Like when people still whine about shareblue a year after zog emperor moved his kike family into the white house?
Next thing you're gonna politicians lie?
Ay caramba
No. They don't just go away. Those companies are all tentacles of the same monster.
Cuckservatives are overwhelmingly boomers. They are self-righteous, lazy, and cowardly. Not ALL are, but even the good ones are too beaten down at this point by their own generation. The vast majority are completely leftist kike mindfucked after 50 years of brainwashing.
If we want any future, we have to recognize that it is our responsibility alone to take drastic action.
Yep, they don't. But also the CIA and GCHQ post here as well. For example, the CIA hates the Q guy. And GCHQ is always bashing America with their "56%" may may.
Do it yourself sharehomo
We're doing great
< attack blacks
< not kikes
lad, the blacks don't even want to live near us. They were forced to by kikes. Literally, they want to go back to Africa.
I'd believe it. As much as people call Q a larp he has been correct on what he's said. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that Q is FBI and is actively employed to piss off the CIA and other kike run intel agencies
Get your markers ready, lads.
Christcucking in one thread, trumpcucking in the other. That's the_donald for you.
Ebin meme. Totally not forced. Very memetic. 10/10.
report and hide niggers
poetry. Don't you have nigger cocks to spam on 4chan Shlomo?
Wew instantly got 3
I finalky see the error of my ways Shareblue!
I should have voted Hillary!
Im with her now. Does it count
pretty based, my 56 face chesscuck friend.
This board is not meant to be Trump sucking contest. You need to leave.
Kek, saved
Obligatory shill who only posts Hitler images and hates Americans and Trump. You should say top kek and something about kikes and you'll blend right in Issac
it's shareblue/leftist to say WE HAVE to take responsibility to take it back? taking responsibility to assert constitutional rights and doing what the founders said…that's shareblue?
did you reply to the wrong post or is your head screwed on backwards where literally night is day/black is white?
assuming you meant to reply to me, no, it is not a shareblue/leftist position that cuckservatives–mostly boomers–will never fix anything so we the youth have to take it back by any means necessary. just don't respond again rather than waste my fucking time having to point out that your brain is scrambled
if trump is seriously doing this then burn it the fuck down, all of it
Been doing thos every couple of days since the ATF started looking in to bumpstocks again. I wish more people would take the time.
Still going to win two terms and there’s nothing you can do about it.
The problem here is the NRA. Trump is following their lead. Well if the NRA says it is ok maybe i should….Just business as usual for the NRA Negotiating Rights Away
Either you're a dumb blind follower, or you're the actual shill.
Mass shootings are a symptom of a degenerated society, the root cause being the destruction of core values like family and brotherhood.
Fuck off concern troll
Fuck off the_donald. You gotta go back.
Quality posts, user
Shills shilling shills, playing both sides of the coin to make rational discussion nearly impossible.
You already gave us that one, torshill>>11288523
pick one
Are you fucking stupid? I'm saying that shit is the issue, mindless shitposts in response to mindless shitposts.
Seeing how one side of the argument is instantly banned by the turk, I don't see how you can have a rational discussion at all.
Yep. This is a professional highly-paid op. This shit is coming from the CIA.
So both of your posts then?
I think he may have correctly identified legit operations occurring.
1. start a fake fight over a contentious issue (pre-existing cleavage)
2. keep rhetoric at the base level, with dirty insults and lies that prevent intellectual debate
lmao I've seen glass that is less transparent than you.
These new considerations are fucking null anyway - shall not be infringed and such
Plus it's anything to make a rifle fire faster, does that make Jerry Miculeks fingers illegal? This is a fucking .50 that he fires faster than a fucking machine gun
Everyone on Holla Forums hates the mods except you the_donald. Didn't you know that? You should come out of the stickythread hugboxes more often where it's safe and snug and the turk bans all the terrible hatefacts that trigger you so badly.
Ban Jerry's fingers!
This is retarded
Was it pandering when he invited schumer and other top democrats to the oval office to talk about DACA half a year ago? And the media and them were smugly congratulating themselves? Then nothing happened and they realize he wasted their time and not his?
It's not pandering if you're never giving them anything tangible.
But I never once even said "4d chess"
I pointed out that this thread is mostly people arguing over whether or not Trump is playing chess.
And I think this is retarded.
Maybe Trump is some super-duper genius who is really a crypto Aryan working to destabilize the (((System))). Or maybe Trump is just a smooth talking neo-con. Or maybe he's an opportunist seeking to enrich himself on the dying corpse of White America.
Whether or not we are right about his true intentions is irrelevant.
Nice meltdown, yid. Give me some more bingo squares.
Very cool, very impressive, and just useless to the revolutionary.
Look, the "Constitution" has as an original amendment, yes, as you state. However, the Constitution is actually not merely what's written, but also whatever judge-made law is created, because the power of "the king's word is law" is in the hands of SCOTUS. Therefore, they write the Constitution. It has become a fad, among them, of stare decisis, but nobody can force them to keep it - therefore, the true method of pushing all of this back is electing better people. But without a prohibition on certain types of tactics, ownership of the media, so on, elections will continue to be toothless.
And, anyway, there's the demographic issue. Millennials are total faggots, and this cannot be denied. They're coming, and they'll basically take over by voting entirely for faggot crap, being worthless trash. So get ready, because they're coming, with their communism.
You still haven't an argument, dubs stealer. Just personal attacks, still no arguments. So yeah, you're a shill. I don't know what kind of shill, but you're not white, and you're not intelligent.
These jokes just write themselves.
Any fucking way we can stop this shit? What part about SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do these fuckheads not get?
Look at me , I'm the king. Me , my rifle my brother and his rifle and my neighbor and their rifles
Fuck them
Shall not be infringed is direct English translation of MOLON LABE need to register?
The mods will delete your effort posts if they are anti trump. Shitposting gets you more time before you need to change your ip. Mods delete/anchor anything of substance.
Lmfao sure, Moishe.
Now to reply to you finally saying something of worth,
Maybe Gen X/Y faggots, but they're not going to accomplish anything with Gen Zyklon coming in right after them.
Yours is a passionate mind. It could do with a bit of strategy, however.
Ok, can you give me any examples?
< just because I act like a total douchebag toward people I've never met doesn't make me a shitty person
Yes, yes it does. It means you're a shit human.
,Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Social Media:
Are you being serious?
Yeah, shareblue must be salty as fuck because they love guns or something.
1Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Social Media:
That's why we play board games on the weekends , amiright? kek
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Social Media:
Nope, I'm not saying that.
Do you suppose strategy is a joke?
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Social Media:
Ok, Moishe.
Things are getting worse and worse for Oliver
4 it isn't looking good
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Social Media:
Its gettin worse and worse
Name: Lloyd Oliver Willis
Age 39
Occupation: Research Fellow at Media Matters for America
Location: 8515 Flower Avenue
Takoma Park, MD
Phone: 202-492-3175
Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Usernames:oliverwillis , owillis , OliverWillis1977
Social Media:
your spam posting of some shareblue nigger is not going to stop discussion you immense autist..
This was a natsoc board not the_donald, go back to it. We have every right to criticize the goddamn president and to be wary of the wool being pulled over our eyes.I fucking hate what you have turned this place into, nobody can say a single bad thing about "de gawd emperroer praise kek fellow magapededs amirite"
Christ give me pre-election Holla Forums again.
Give me first exodus Holla Forums again.
I see this guy in every thread that brings up something Trump does wrong, posting the exact same things, links, and images. Is this a bot?
No, I don't have a problem with addressing memes. I do have a problem with refusing to discuss topics intellectually, discussing strategy.
Guess what a bump stock doesn't do.
What this you utter fucking stupid faggot nigger spic
Well, they don't literally turn them into machine guns.
Not even in the least
Strategem is all
I live my life by the art of war , the art of the deal , the Ogdoad , mein Kampf , and Grimms fairy tales
Stratego and Risk , if you wanted to know honestly cause a chess game is never just a chess game and monopoly is fucked from the get go if you play by board rules not house rules
^ that's an astroturfer
So… the "thinking is bad and stupid and a trick" thing, by naming all though, and all discussion, under the mockery, the whine of kikes, "4d chess", is an activity of those who are hellbent on destroying discussion.
Keep it shallow, keep it rude as fuck. Keep them from achieving common ground and progress and unity.
Stop derailing the thread and actually talk about the issue you retards. Picture very related. This is vaguely worded enough that I am not 100% certain he will absolutely ban anything tomorrow, but we will see.
Fuck. It can't be written more clear than that. He is ordering the DoJ to change the definition of a "machinegun" to include anything that changes the rate of fire and BAN THEM ALL. Slap on those fucking patches boys because we are going to be looking for each other in the streets soon.
Carry your 8 diamonds in your wallet like a proper white man
Patches and cards brüders
The ban would be on the sale of them. If you own them you'd be grandfathered. If you made one yourself you'd be grandfathered. Gee, how could one game this?
By killing you, you filthy fucking kike.
Interesting. So, your view is that everyone who disagrees with you on matters of strategy, even where there is a very good strategic reason for a particular move, is a "kike"?
But you do know your own position is the one they support, don't you, that is, in their astroturfing, because they know that a no compromise attitude is the way to lose elections.
I repeat, you will die fucking horribly you goddamn yid.
Its either a bot or one really committed faggot. all you have to do is even slightly insinuate that Trump isn't the perfect human being and God's gift to the white race and this faggo will be on the scene posting his negro husbando. Bringing up the jews also seems to chap his ass, what a (((coincidence)))
Really makes you think.
Reminder that the spambot began posting on the day that shareblue was banned from reddit.
Based zog emperor.
Absolutely magnificent
wtf i love hillary now
We should have elected William Luther Pierce as President.
Typical cuckchanner. I remember why you guys use to get public bans here.
You fanatics are bought and sold like nigger slaves. In a few years you'll have something new to worship and defend.
so nothing yet?
are they going to try to convince me to throw out my $120 slide fire stock? or is it going to be grandfathered in and worth 1000s in the coming years
No ex post facto laws.
tell that to congress
The courts are rather good about this. the ones without kikes
Daily reminder that Democraps have been working overtime registering everyone from felons to barely legal, demi-queer trans-buildings to vote in the mid-terms and we're still arguing over whether explicit threats to our constitutional rights are 4D chess or not.
Whether we are Republican or Democrat, we must now focus on strengthening Background Checks!
The issue here is the matter of women voting. Women didn't show up to vote in Alabama. This indicates Conservative women have their limit of conservativeness. "4D chess" is a kike whine that says "shut up, goy, you can't use your brain or I'll call you a name". Well Christ slice your neck, kike!
must, though? Why?
I don't know. It's what my god emberor tweeted today. I guess it's some sort of chess. MAGA.
Quality torpost as ever.
You won't win, shareblue. 7 more years, two scoops. BTFO.
Bump stocks are stupid. If you have the energy to complain about this, you should be spending it getting automatic weapons relegalized.
I'll focus on keeping what we have while trying to get normalfags pissed off enough to dump their allegiance to controlled opposition political factions.
You're using name-calling, designed to reduce the discourse to a non-intellectual level. You are a shill. May Christ almighty slit your throat.
Where's the namecalling? I'm just quoting my God Emperor. Sorry if that triggers you but Holla Forums is a the_donald board, my christcuck friend.
Yes, that's what the amendment says, but the Constitution sets the supreme Court as the interpreter of the constitution, and they may interpret it as they please. This is called judge-made law, and their word is law.
Additionally, this is about politics, and strategy. So while we may correctly have as a goal true Constitutional Carry and ownership, it is not the way of the White Man to fail to consider, at least consider, strategic withdrawal. You have been repeatedly attempting to shout down common sense discourse, and the reason alone is this:
You are CIA.
True. It is not the way of the White Man to deny chess. You all should listen to this pede. Hold fast for the God Emperor, he's worth more than thousand shitty amendments.
Always accuse the other side of doing what you are doing.
You are going to die, glow nigger.
More mockery, more name-calling, more of the same CIA agent. May Christ Almighty slit your throat.
Right. You just accused me of what you in the same post did. Behold, the CIA, in all its "glory".
wtf, I'm a guac missile now. 7 more years of salt from you shariablue.
First they came for automatics, next for bump stocks and finally they are going to take all our guns away. No deals, no compromises of any kind whatsoever. Based ZOG Emperor gonna have to get his hands dirty if he wants to take my guns away. If you are trying to infringe on the rights of law-abiding Whites to posses firearms you are no better than any other Jewish politician we had before. Sooner or later Yids as well as every Shabbos Goy will always reveal their true allegiance.
He was born too soon.
Sure it's cool that he got to hang out with George Rockwell and all, but he died before he was most needed. Were he alive today… well who knows what would be happening right now? Instead of random torch wielding rallies, we'd probably have RWDS and a White nationalist political party in control of several local governments.
^ bot
time to ban machine gun 100 round automatic assault clips
I'll completely disagree. I don't care much for Pierce. The man had a bad case of sour grapes because nobody bought into his personal message. He didn't collect and assess statistical data to base his claims upon or grant them legitimacy in the eyes of others. He had a reputation as a womanizer, deserved or not, which alienated others. He didn't think of "liberal" whites(I include cuckservatives and all who enjoy socially signalling into that large group as well ) as a different group from "conservative" whites. These two populations actually constitute essentialy different races at this point despite a shared origin and do not interbreed anymore. And I think he didn't fundamentally understand right wing Americans and thus could never convince them.
Two things put them off and he did both a great deal, one is the false sense of superiority he projected often times because he laid out no material means to achieve his ends and took that to mean nobody wanted action went in reality nobody wants meaningless action which will get them arrested to no gain. The white Americans today get essentially nothing from modern society and indeed a large number actively reject it.
Secondly something which the natsocs around here are guilty off and which I think makes natsoc utterly impossible in America is that the rightist Americans are taciturn and hateful. They don't like triumphalism and are inherently suspicious of those who promote their ideals through it. If you told them that without the non-whites the US would a gross public surplus of 3 trillion dollars and a budget surplus of at lest 0.8 trillion they will very supportive of murdering every fucking nigger and spic whom they already hate. If you give them exhaustive lists of very kike banker, politician, and "intellectual" and how they are fucking them over they will start to hate kikes quite quickly and want them dead as well.
You need to appeal to hatred and material self interest in brutal terms, don't make it about "protecting ourselves". To them even that looks weak. If we had control you could get these people in on a massive imperialistic war to kill every shitskin in the world simply by promising them land grants afterward. They do not value human life, let alone shitsking life. They actively want to kill, if we get power we need to appeal to that. High minded statues and opera are a waste of effort.
Who's Pierce? I'm not clear what you're discussing, lad.
Go back to plebbit, please. It's better for both you and us.
how about you get back to yer fiddling?
Christ, how many nonces are there in this thread?
Honest question, why come here instead of your native Plebbit? Surely you know you're not welcome; you're posting through Tor because you've already been banned here on your real IP, and you still get only negative reactions to your posts. Why not go back to your favorite little circlejerk and get all the upvotes your ego craves from shitposting your retarded wypipo memes?
Is it because you're trying to be a big boy and post on the adult politics board, and you think you've outgrown T_D with some seekrit red pill the rest of your fellow Plebbitors can't comprehend?
Rachfaggot doesn't get it like always. Drown in semen.
As delicious as your manpig tears are, he won't actually go through with it. Just like with DACA, he'll reject it for one petty reason or another, because he never intended to pass such a law in the first place. Drumpf loves mass shootings, which is why he loves the amendment that allows them to happen. He'd never infringe upon the muh gunz crowd's imaginary right to own weapons of war and deploy them in public places.
Oh, you're the crazed swirl guy. No wonder you have zero idea what's going on ITT.
You don't know what "cycle rate" means. It's downright annoying, rapist.
Oh wow, you're talking about raping again.
o no a rapist doesn't want to be my friend. How have I gone wrong in my life?
I wonder how many maddowposters there are nowadays, between the leftist copycats and unoriginal trolls, theres gotta be quite a bunch.
It's just one rapist.
It's just kikefy as always. It's his little steam valve and attempt at cointelpro (or what passes for such in turkish saunas.)
Rachel Maddow poster is a rapist. :^)
And you're a faggot, so what?
^ annnd it's another nonce
< calling me names
fucking degenerates!
gen z just turned 18; millenials have been here for a long time already
He and his jewish neoCon handlers are really sticking it to the leftists and muslims…
Generic attack by a very generic kike shill. How's Tel Aviv this time of year, before the Syrians invaded and destroyed it in late 2018?
They haven't started voting yet. Not much… …but they will, and what the hell are you going to do about it? I ask seriously. This is the problem which confronts us: the enemy within.
it kinda doesn't matter; gen z is overwhelmingly conservative
It DOES matter, because it will take forever for Z to get to voting, and X is at best a wash. It will mean every single office in the land will go communist or liberal of some kind. ALL OF THEM!!!! EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!! unless someone has a plan, and I don't know of anything except dropping the age of voting, and making voter registration more complicated
No, I'm well aware that Trump isn't and never was anti-kike. But then again, the people hardly were ready for such a candidate. they believe that only evil people criticize the kike. But times are a-changing.
Yeah because that has worked out so well so far. I'm with the other user on this. You're a cuck if nothing else.
^ "hello, fellow kids"
sauce on the pic? I know it on a NSBM album but I never knew the context.
Oh look it's the "everyone is a CIAnigger" poster.
My my, someone has been busy. Why don't you fuck off and go listen to Dr. Pierce a while you utter newfaggot.
I've been explaining for years, every time a "mass shooting" is reported here, that they're coming for your guns and they will have your guns.
Of course every time I have done so, I've been laughed at, called a kike shill, ridiculed and been told that it "can't" happen due to the 2nd Amendment and that "The American public would never give up their guns."
So, here we are again, it has actually begun, the wedge is in (bump stocks) and it's time to explain how the process goes.
Yes, it is taking longer to enact the script in the USA simply because of the protections you fellows enjoy, but they always knew it would, they are patient and this time was accounted for in their plans.
You are now seeing the final push to relieve you of the means to resist tyranny, and those being the plan, including Trump, are using a virtual carbon copy of the operations that proved so successful in disarming Australia and the UK overnight.
The only difference is that instead of one event, many are needed to overcome your constitutional protections and the psychological resistance to disarmament.
Each "school shooting" inches the end goal closer within their grasp. And now, to address the most common objection of the disbelievers, that mental refuge of those who would prefer to bury their heads in the sand and chant "it can't happen":
What you haven't yet grasped is that once the propaganda has been fully absorbed, the vast majority of American gun holders will voluntarily surrender their weapons.
There will be no "stand-off", rather there will be queues half a mile long, filled with White men and some women, eager to hand over their treasured guns to the government-appointed confiscation agents.
Guilt, "morality" and "doing the right thing to protect the children" will account for the majority of turn-ins and the majority of civilian-held weapons in the USA.
Next largest group, married men coerced into disarming themselves by nagging or threatening wives. The Jewish press controls what women think, and women have massive coercive power over their husbands. At the low end of the scale, you have the wife who becomes cold and nags because she "doesn't want guns in the house", at the other end those who will withhold sex or even threaten divorce.
Consider the guns of married men as gone.
Men with girlfriends can expect the same thing, and as social unacceptability increases, expect public naming and shaming "xyz still has guns, eww creepy, don't date him."
At the very end you will have the genuine hold-outs. Those men who are bachelors, keep their gun ownership secret, or are already socially isolated whether by choice or due to unappealing traits. Those are the ones who will be forcibly disarmed, and of that group, most will surrender immediately when they see the strength of the force brought to bear against them.
Actual armed resistance, "going out in a blaze of glory", expect no more than a handful of cases and the American cops are well equipped to deal with them.
tl;dr if you think disarmament will come down to a shoot-out between the US govt and millions of American gun owners you really haven't grasped the power of jewish media - the jews on the television and appealing celebs using emotion as a lever, i.e the normalfag equivalent of "White girl wearing a dress and standing in a wheat field" means that the guns will voluntarily be handed over.
This is what happened in Aus. This is what happened in the UK and this is what is going to happen in America.
This was a stroke of genius on the part of the kikes pulling Trump's strings and let me explain why.
Deluded gunfag: 'bump stocks are just toys for rednecks anyway, who cares?'
What is a bump stock? It's a device which allows you to bump fire with less skill and technique.
What is bump firing? Bump firing is a technique used to cause a semi-automatic to fire in a manner simulating fully-automatic.
You mean that a bump stock isn't actually required for bump firing? Exactly. The semi-autos in question can be made to fire at fully-automatic rates of fire by applying certain methods of holding the weapon.
You mean that the mode of fire which the bump stock ban seeks to eliminate, is possible even without a bump stock? Yes
You mean that this "problem" will remain even if we ban bump stocks! So we need to ban the guns themselves, right? (((yes, good goyim, you figured it out))).
This is their plan.
This is how their reasoning will progress (slowly, through newspaper articles and media 'discussions')
tl;dr the moment you concede that bump stocks ought to be banned, you've doomed semi-autos, you just don't know it yet.
Incendiary. Personal attacks. No reasoning. Distractions. You're CIA. Pro, but whatever. I know that the wind of evil blows, and the crouching-down shitlayer lord of the kikes, which is the faggot of hell, places among men your kin.
Wouldn't you like to know, nigger. Go search a trash can.
Actually, a failure to make some kind of strategic withdrawal could assure a landslide in November for dems.
You don't know your own women. You ignore them, and don't realize how they shape their opinions. You don't pay attention, you don't pay attention, you don't pay attention.
Women - all women - are very weak on guns. That's because they use proxy power, and don't realize that their sass is only as useful as the tools men have at their disposal.
May Jesus Christ slice your throat. Amen.
Kek. UR CIA CUZ I SAY SO. Okay boy, whatever. Continue using failed strategy if you wish but at least lurk and read enough to be familiar with this place and the material. Quit being a lazy cunt. You don't even know who Dr. Pierce is so you should be lurking and not posting. You're either a rapefugee or a shill.
this is why we must redpill the White men, especially the current gun owners. and when the time comes, we say NO in the STRONGEST POSSIBLE TERMS and take back our country. the 5-alarm would be if they ever start gun confiscations. that will be the last-chance signal to rise up. hopefully we will take back our future before then, though. also, remove all of (((them))). they are why our once magnificent country is going to shit (the largest reason, anyway). are you angry? cause I am.
The issue is women, and every other variety pack bullshit the kike loves so much.
Blasphemy, and you love it. Burn in hell.
also, your a blackpill shill. "just give up goy, erh, i mean guys" "your already doomed" FUCK YOU. my ancestors rose up AND SO WILL WE. you put no stock in the White spirit. the gun bans in UK and Aus (and others) only HELP us as they give concrete, undeniable examples of what WILL happen IF WE DON'T FIGHT BACK (legally, politically, and, if necessary, physically). and your statements on the jewish media are only partially correct since more and more people are REJECTING the media and its lies. only, what, 17% of conservatives trust the media? yes, most of them are conservicucks, but conservicucks are probably the easiest group to draw over to our side, if they can be redpilled on how bad things really are (and (((why)))). demoralization shills are traitors since their goal is not Truth, but rather to break down the spirit of White men and to discourage them. so, begone and damn you.
sage for double post
Kys redditor
If leafland can't run a gungrab you're out of your fucking mind. Also got a source on
5th SS grave site on the eastern front
That was CIA, doubtless. I'm unfamiliar with the topic, but that style of writing bears the hallmarks.
thank you my dude
Strange that the thread has been up for 20 hours, given the content.
The only report that needs to be made is you to the homo police.
You had to say something didn't you faggot
This post got the thread shoah'd
Fuck your faggot bitch thread. I support Trump more now.
where the fuck do you live, nigger? I know that in America and South Africa people are thought of as more racist than europeans because they actually had to live with niggers for so long, but I haven't found that rednecks are itching to kill? Why do you think Americans are so bloodthirsty?