It's time to restate one of the most sophisticated and credible redpills out there, the misandry bubble. This is required reading for any pollack left or rightwing not just because it is true but because it was written by a guy who actually has a decent level of credibility.
Why is this important? Because it cannot be stated enough that the biggest reasons for these crazed shootings all really come down to misandry. Every single mass shooter that goes beyond what was norm pre 1950s has one thing in common: Lack of good women in their life.
Florida shooter- Retard. No mother. No girlfriend. Unloved and rejected. Church shooter- Autistic virgin. No gf. Sandy hook- Autistic virgin. No gf. Eliot Roger- Take a fucking guess.
All of this would be far less of a problem if our society wasn't fucked in the way outlined by the misandry bubble. It's not guns. It's not people. It's our society that is rotting to the bone thanks to regressive thinking and anti masculinity.
Levi King
Justin Mitchell
Who do you think is pushing the misandry?
Aiden Martinez
So basically, every chan board is at risk of spawning more false flag actors?
Leo Ross
Thanks for stating the obvious.
Christian Reyes
This ain't a male or female thing. It's a matter of rejection and isolation. It's just about impossible for a woman to be so rejected and isolated as men can be. Women can literally do or not do anything and still have a large circle of people. It don't matter what you achieve as a loner/outsider, it don't matter if you win, it don't matter. You will always be looked down upon. The smartest person in the room will be treated like a retard if he doesn't fit in with the clique. What else is there to do after year and year nothing ever changes no matter what? They just didn't fit in and what was their judgment? A life of isolation, bullying, mocking, etc etc. It's pretty funny. It's really no wonder they want to kill everyone
Luke Miller
Yeah, you feel that way now maybe, but go out and start making friends. You can do it. But you will likely get so bored of them you'll go running back to your computer. Do you really want to binge watch Game of Thrones with a bunch of losers?
Gabriel Allen
No one is going to send people to war if they care about those people, a society cannot continue to survive if it is not willing to go to war, therefore misandry is the natural state of a society because armies need to be made up of men.
Jackson Baker
This is a slide thread.
The FBI had every single conceivable warning about this mongrel before the event took place. He threatened to commit mass murder, was reported multiple times, and was kicked out of school for threats of violence.
They had all of his information. Name, address, everything needed and still refused to act. Almost every single other mass shooter has had some odd connection with the government as well. There is no discussion worth having besides the ones that exposes the most blatant admission of government sanctioned mass murder.
Carter Martinez
Which is really
Benjamin Bailey
It's true. That is just what friendship is
Jordan King
No, I don't want to watch kike television.
Alexander Campbell
Every thread is an opportunity to educate.
Reminder that Salem did nothing wrong.
Sebastian Phillips
Unless you're hanging out with old people, pretty much. And even a lot of them do little but watch television because they were the first generation to get hooked.
Jacob Parker
Ian Lopez
This. The guy was reported enough times to the PD for domestic violence, under existing laws, he should have been banned from owning a firearm. There was plenty of evidence out there that this guy was a danger to himself and others, but not one person thought to add him to the firearm registry. We don't need new gun control laws, especially when we can't enforce the ones that are already on the books. This was 100% preventable under existing laws.
In addition, after all this, not one person tried to help him with his obvious mental problems, not the cops, not the school, not CPS, and especially not the FBI. This guy was failed by the system in every conceivable way, and by proxy, the victims were also failed by the system. No amount of virtue-signaling in the world should be loud enough to drown out that fact.
Landon Jones
Misandry is a stupid word, just say hatred for men.
Carter Johnson
Reminder that anti-discrimination laws made this possible and we can repeal them.
Michael Cooper
And right on time the MGTOW slide. No creativity at all.
Gavin Lewis
That actually doesn’t sound that bad, but rather a waste of time when it could instead be spent on reading or exercise. Compare that to binge watching Oprah or Who Wants to Be a Jew Pet Pop Star? WTF no. Or talking with numbnuts about baseball or Hollywood. Who can stand that?
Oliver Davis
If you actually understand the misandry bubble it is very explicitly anti-mgtow. It's more or less an unfortunate side effect.
Sebastian Sullivan
sage MGTOW using these false flags like typical Leftists.
Julian Wilson
Reading and exercise for what? Is it part of your job? Are you paid for it
Jordan Reed
Make better friends than retard
Isaac Watson
good idea retard. we're all on here because we were too stupid to realize all we gotta do is make better friends and get a good girl.
Daniel Bailey
They promote all kinds of things. They are our principle enemy, not misandry. You're telling people to focus on a symptom of the jewish disease. This is not a revelation, you're a simpelton taking backward steps.
Sebastian Sanchez
You are missing the point. Yes, the JQ is at the bottom of the rabbit hill. The problem you are disastrously failing to grasp is that this isn't about convincing each other. It's about convincing normies.
If you were to walk up to a normie and tell them "School shooting happen because of Jews". They will instantly trip their cognitive mental blocks and biases, assume you are a nazi, and completely ignore everything you say. Best case scenario they view you as an autist who is trying to meme. In fact, focusing on the JQ is ironically exactly what the Jews want you to do because they know they are already winning in this regard. You will have, in the eyes of regular people, already debunked your own argument on the first sentence.
To get our points across to regular everyday people, we need to first explain to them that they are sick. You can't skip to pointing out the disease if the patient doesn't even understand what the symptoms are. THAT'S why we need to make this a bigger point. It's 1000 times easier to prove to the average Joe that there is a massive causal link between anti-male propaganda and shootings perpetrated by our male rejects of society. Then and only then can you treat them to the additional redpill that the person behind this propaganda is (((you know who))).
Redpills must be taken in steps otherwise you trigger people natural confirmation bias. You can't just walk around in public screaming TEH JEWS DID IT!!!! and expect it to take. Anyone who honestly think that works is either retarded or hasn't tried it.
Justin Rogers
Read just about the entire article, and while it makes many great points and is not entirely wrong, the very first sentence erroneously claims this misandry bubble (and the feminism that causes it) is the root cause of our decline. Toward the end of the article the author reveals his true intent: pushing globalism and miscegenation (with a sprinkling of MGTOW here and there). No wonder he didn't name the international Jew as the root cause and feminism as a mere weapon. This Moslem is going to bat for his Semite cousins, even going so far as to claim the Religion of Cuck™ization of the West is a GOOD thing, that Muslims are our allies, and that Western men should move to third world countries and marry "traditional" brown women.
As usual, truth sprinkled with absolute Jewish garbage. Most who read it will fall for it too, unfortunately.
Sure, but suggesting Religion of Cuck™ and globalization, both things that are destroying the West just like feminism and are weapons of the same group of rootless kikes, as part of the answer? Redpills can be given without rooting for Semites and anti-nationalist ideas.
Wyatt Flores
But you're talking to us. There's a swastika at the top of the page. What's the point of easing Holla Forums into hating the Jews? If your goal with this thread was to introduce a new easing tactic to use on NPCs, you did not communicate it well in the OP.
Joseph Campbell
It's the psych drugs like antidepressants, we've been over this, it turns off your self preservation; the only difference between suicide and homicide are the targets. There are some interesting court cases about this from the 90s.
A large part of the male population never reproduce. especially in polygamous societies like Asia and the Middle East. Before the Pill was invented a majority of Western men waited for marriage to fuck a girl because they didn't want bastards. Most women are terrible to be around, go to your local dive bar if you really want one, just having one isn't going to make you feel better; probably the opposite if you don't have lots of money, a strong head and good looks, they don't need you for survival– they want you as an accessory and they're going to remind of that every second you're with them.
Isaac Mitchell
oh we can't forget Jews can we? every shooting is a chance to take away while gaining much money the next day ;^)
Josiah Miller
Nope try again. They're all mentally unstable jews.
Jaxon Cooper
Eli Ward
No user. These shooter are MKUltra'd psychos that were groomed by glow in the dark agencies. You commie trigger word has nothing to do with it. In fact I think you're a CIAnigger.
Owen Thomas
Daniel Long
Chase Bennett
kek knows da wae
Alexander Morris
Source on these individuals being jews?
Logan Cruz
First school shooter was a woman
Lucas Perez
Daddy issues.
Colton Long
Eric Harris too; mom's last name poole, originally from new york, ran a pro jew website, had a jewish girlfriend.
Jace Bell
this thread was caused by misandry
Jose Anderson
I did this hundred times over.
Asher Cruz
Women are 52% of the population, tell me what they gave us, retard. Answer: feminism, promiscuity, single parenthood, abortions, leftist narrative, etc etc etc. Kys.
Christopher Brooks
This is gonna be long…
In fairness, I'm probably very very mildly autistic. I even went autismo mode here (deleted it after) and explained HOW, but no one wants to hear that shit. I'm also a KL 30+ y/o virgin that hasnt had a gf since middle school. I also had a troubled couple of years in middle school, fought with teachers, got suspended, spent almost my entire 6th grade year in ISS, after HS had zero friends, and so on. You basically couldn't get more of a "potential school shooter" than how my life ended up. And ofc to this day I have zero females who are interested in me, or want anything to do with me (despite how, well, normie I've become over the years)
So, I fit the archetype of what you would have us believe is the "school shooter" persona, to a fucking T. But, I've never once thought about doing something like that. So, what gives? I mean, if OP is right, shouldn't I have been a prime candidate for this sort of thing? Well, no, because OP is wrong.
The real problem isn't misandry and lack of loving female figures in your life. Yes, those things are real, and yes they suck, and yes western woman have become trash tier dumpster fires with a very scarce few being worth even considering being in a relationship with. HOWEVER, that is not what is driving these events to occur, at least not the largest part of it. They probably contribute a decent bit towards feeling disconnected and distant and having no emotional or social connections with the rest of the world, but I don't think they're the root cause.
The root cause, as we should all know, are jews. Specifically, the "entertainment/media" and porn jews. The E/M ones have consistently, for decades, promoted and pushed the idea that all that matters is fame/attention, not who you are or what you accomplish, just that people know you. Social media has taken this even further, where what you post isnt important, just that people like/share it, ie: attention. While the news jews have shown time and again they will run coverage to the point that the names of these shooters are BURNED into the memories of everyone, what more fame (or infamy) could you ask for than for millions of people to know who you are? And thats all that counts. I mean even something as pleb tier as pro wrestling has its "heels" or w/e that are effectively the assholes/bad-guys and are incredibly famous for being those assholes and their names are remembered (at least among the people who watch that shit). Also "social media" is anything but, and breaks apart connections and trivializes them constantly, so its harder to even form bonds with anyone, they're words on a screen rather than people, how easy is it to dismiss someone or something said like that? Its not a person, its just text, it doesnt matter, they dont matter. Far to easy, more disconnecting from others. Hell even "dating" has been reduced to a fuckfest of 8/10s and higher judging only on appearance and "swiping right" on each other and not caring wtf you wrote as a profile, they just want to fuck, while all the 4/10+ girls chase after those 8+/10 guys hoping to be a one night stand, and any guys 7 or lower might as well not even try. It devalues people by making everyone snap judge everyone else based on usually a single picture. Hell if you've ever been on tindr or any other dating app you know those profiles arent even worth reading anyway, they're always the same shit. Women are "into hiking, fishing, being outdoors and active, going out" etc and their pictures are almost always some selfie with a filter or some picture with a friend where they're both half drunk or some picture of them in shorts and a tanktop outside. You browse that shit for a few hours and you'll start to view people as all the same mindless beasts, especially women.
Of course porn plays a part to, because it devalues intimate heterosexual interaction, degrades it to the point its seen as nothing but some slightly better form of masturbation, so many of these shooters dont even really value or want women anyway, or just dont care, because its a lot of work for basically nothing in return as porn has showed them. It degrades women into nothing but fuckholes to be consumed and thrown out, which is devaluing half the population and a major social/emotional connection. It basically teaches these types that humans "are animals and nothing more" and allows them to devalue the lives of others even further.
Brandon Wright
You tack on to that that all people in their own lives have thrown them out, and these shooters have no connections to the rest of humanity, and no desire for them because they view people as beasts and despise them. on top of that you pump them full of chemicals designed to "stabilize them" which really just numb their emotions down to nothing and make them unfeeling machines, so even more distant and disconnected from the rest of humanity.
And finally, the last piece, the "city life" jew that has infested all of our nation. I've had a theory for awhile that the economic jewwry going on has more than one direct reason behind it. yes they use money to control other shit, but I mean specifically the way they've manipulated our economy itself is a method of social control and not just because of the control of money and wealth itself. The centralization of commerce away from small towns and in towards big cities doesnt just make it cheaper on the jew, they only have to have one of X business rather than 5-6 spread out over smaller towns, it also forces everyone to come into those big cities to really do things. And as we all know, in a major city, your'e no one, everyone is no one, people arent people, they're faces in a sea of faces, nameless shadows doing shit. They might as well be in a different dimension when it comes to possible social interaction. But of course for real physical interaction they're always in your way, traffic, lines at checkouts, annoying assholes returning shit and holding things up, people blocking doorways or paths, they're loud and obnoxious, sometimes they smell bad, maybe they snicker at you, etc.
That does two things. First, it makes you despise "other people" for constantly being annoying and noisy and "getting in the way." It causes you to devalue them from people and down to some simple annoyance. And second, it drives away any possible interaction you'd have with "local people" because theres nothing to do in those small towns, so everyone goes to the city to do things where there is far less chance of seeing anyone you live near and even if you did you wouldn't know it, so you don't bother to talk to anyone, and then just go home after and have no reason or chance to interact with anyone around you in your own town. Whereas if there were more smaller theaters or restaurants and so on in these smaller towns, people would engage with each other more often because they'd be seeing the same faces. But because they've stolen most of the nations wealth, people can't afford to go out often to begin with, so they ALSO centralized all the commerce into these areas to cut down on costs and maximize profits by having everyone come to one place of business, and there isnt the kind of wealth for say, a theater to run in a small town and do well with 2-3 screening rooms, because those people arent going to go to it often enough and outside people arent going to come to it. Whereas if people had more wealth, they could afford to go 2+ times a week, and go out to eat more especially if they werent so exhausted from working jobs so demanding of them and paying them so little in return.
And on and on. Essentially, this entire system thats been constructed (a perversion by jews) on top of what once existed in the US (things white people built), has done everything from the top down to drive us apart, to destroy social bonds of any kind, to make people hate each other, to create strife and anger and resentment towards each other, to devalue each other to the level of beasts, to deprive us of intimacy both sexual and emotional, to strip any chance of communities forming outside of this system, and in that gaping hole left in our lives they put in place the pursuit of "fame," of people knowing your name everywhere, regardless of what for, just caring that they know it, that you're famous. Because people still crave social bonds, and "fame" is a perversion of social bonds, its not a real bond, but it IS people knowing who you are who is the only aspect of "bonds" the jews understand, because they are emotionless parasites. They dont "feel" anything or care about anything other than fame and fortune and lording over everyone else (even each other), and with power this is what they've done to our system, and replaced our HUMAN need/desire for social connections, with THEIR parasitic lust for recognition regardless of what its based on.
Sebastian Campbell
And there is your answer OP. That is, in a nutshell (because we could go far far far further in depth on this), what is causing things like these to happen. This damage is systemic, it reaches every facet of our lives in at least SOME way. Sadly, there is no "fixing" this with a few changes, because you can't fix income inequality at this stage of a nations life, all thats left is collapse and rebuilding. You can't undo the social changes that took place because people aren't going to willingly give up "freedom" they've been given in exchange for ideas/concepts that the average person doesnt know exist and wont understand regardless of if they would improve their lives.. I mean fuck, look at obesity, all you have to do is stop drinking soda and stop eating so much, and you lose weight, but over 1/3rd of white adults are obese with constant ads and crap about "how to lose weight" and diet schemes and trying to trick yourself to lose weight but not actually do any work or w/e else, when the solutions are fucking simple, but these fat fucks try these stupid things, see no results because they're fake as shit, and then complain about "not being able to lose" or "not knowing how." I mean FFS I've lost 100lbs in the last few years, by eating less, and moving more. You know how many people have asked me "HOW DID YOU DO IT!?" ITS NOT FUCKING ROCKET SCIENCE, but people act like these simple concepts are so far beyond their grasp, or they want some easy answer that also allows them to keep doing exactly what they've been doing. So you really think they'll be willing to change the social structure of the nation or "give up freedoms" for some nebulous concepts they cant even comprehend when they cant even grasp they need to put down the fucking cheeseburgers and large sodas to lose weight?
Yeah, no, our nation is fucked. These are symptoms of a sick society, and we're sick because we've been infested with a terrible disease, the jew. Unfortunately the jew has progressed so far in our host that its infested every major vital organ and system (economics, politics, media, entertainment, news, even basic human social interactions), and at this point it would be akin to trying to cut out a cancer that has spread to every internal organ and system and even most of the brain, by the time you finished cutting you'd just have a few scraps of meat left over and not a host. The only solution is to kill the host and the infection at once, and start clean with enough vaccines in place to prevent the infection from immediately starting up again in the new host. Until we're ready to do that, we'll just continue to suffer the consequences of this diseased system.
Luke Gomez
This. A literal Jew shot the kids and hes blaming women. OP is what a fake pro-white looks like, he just wants to hang around the Nazis while he shits on women. National Socialism is pro-woman.
Jose Ross
People have been complaining about that for decades Of course, the newsmedia kikes cry out in pain as they drag the suffering of the victims and their families on national TV.
Anyone ever asks you to give up your funs because of some rampage, tell them it will happen the day that tragedies stop being multiplied by 24/7 media coverage.