Brace yourselves. I'm coming in with some black pills in the hope that you all will provide me with plenty of red pills in return. At this point, I am 90% certain that the left will obliterate us this coming November. I don't want to believe it to be true, but, with everything that has occurred since our Trump victory, I see no other alternative.
This post will most likely 1) get me banned, 2) get anchored, or 3) both. It's okay. In either case, I will just hop back on under a new proxy and repost it every hour on the hour.
Basically, the Trump-deranged, fragile, SJW left have been pushed to their brink. They're frothing at the mouth in full survival mode right now and the MSM and social media giants are helping them mobilize for a massive 2018 and 2020 win.
To keep this post short, here is a list of reasons that lead me to my conclusion:
- There has been hardly any conservative activism since our Trump win, but the left have been able to get hundreds of thousands of people to march in the street on multiple occasions - Too many conservatives are still resting on the laurels of the Trump election. You can't take a single massive victory and then sit back thinking you won't have to vote in the next couple elections. That's like winning $100k in the lottery and then quitting your job. You have to keep putting effort into it by VOTING - Conservatives are aggressively chased out of every political space or relegated to the farthest corners. All the SJW left has to do is protest about a speaker or contact an employer and the conservative is history - Social media giants like Twitter and YouTube have taken to using their platform for their own political activism - They engage in the suppression of conservative views and promote liberal views - Twitter - Liberal tweets commonly get 100-200k likes/RTs in 24 hours while those of conservatives are lucky to top out at 20k for all time - Conservative accounts are getting suspended with no reason given - YouTube - Conservative channels are constantly demonetized/shut down while channels like BuzzFeed are allowed to churn out anti-white/anti-male propaganda 24/7 - College campuses are breeding grounds for anti-conservative propaganda - Students are being indoctrinated with liberal values to the point where white males come out of college loathing their own existence - Conservative students and speakers are constantly harassed and intimidated into silence - Conservative promotional posters and other literature are routinely defaced - Leftist professors are allowed to post anti-white propaganda on social media and keep their jobs - Social justice concepts are being taught to young grade school students
To summarize all of the above, our conservative networks are being eroded away to the point where our attempts to unite with one another result in the equivalent of synaptic misfire. Meanwhile, liberal networks are being strengthened which allows them to achieve levels of unity that conservatives can only dream of right now. This leads to empowerment and invigoration which fuels their mobilization efforts. So far, their efforts seem to have been immensely successful.
Why is this happening now? The left has learned the hard way what happens when you stay home instead of going out and voting. They are not going to make the same mistake twice. Look at all of the special elections that have occurred throughout the country lately. It has been a right-wing bloodbath, and for little reason other than conservatives are not taking to the polls. Loving those laurels.
Unfortunately, we have a bunch of old balls dangling in the senate and house right now and they have NO CLUE how to rein in tech giants who are abusing their platforms for political gain. They also seem unable to tackle the issues occurring on our campuses and even early grade school.
If the left wins enough seats to form super majorities in 2018, they will do everything in their power to keep the republicans from winning another major election again:
- Amnesty/instant citizenship for all illegals currently in the US, DACA included. Illegals are everywhere, and with their newly-acquired right to vote, will turn nearly every red state blue - Open borders will usher in the garbage from every shithole corner of the world who will also gain instant citizenship and vote blue - Legislation will be passed to shut down all conservative platforms and suppress conservative voices even worse than what's happening now - Any discourse taken with a feminist or other SJW type will be grounds for instant account suspension. In the future, it will result in criminal charges - Say goodbye to your video games as you know them today. SJWs will come for those as well - Internet anonymity will be a thing of the past - Throw out your guns lest ye wish to do the walk of shame as ye hand them to the SJWs yourselves
So PLEASE give me some hope for this upcoming election. Please thoroughly refute every bullet point I made up above so that I can rest assured that I won't have to KMS this coming November.
Michael Miller
Even the good goyim on Kikebart are ready for a hot war should this happen. It would suck compared to Trump being able to quietly fix things, but it's the only alternative should the enemy reclaim power.
Jack Hill
>they couldn't even rig the election with millions of fraudulent votes, the entire lying media attacking Trump, and the entire (((social media))) monopoly rigged against the right No amount of censorship and (((algorithms))) stopped Trump from getting elected.
Benjamin Wood
>No amount of censorship and (((algorithms))) stopped Trump from getting elected.
The MSM can talk all the smack they want because it's just talk. They can sneak debate questions to their preferred candidate, but this could have only a marginal impact.
The truth is that no one saw the Trump train coming until it was too late. Now they know what happens when they don't pull all the stops, hence what's happening right now on social media. Everyone knows that hardly anyone watches MSM television anymore. They're getting their news from Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, all of which are leveraging this to their advantage by suppressing conservative views in an attempt to gain control of the narrative.
Liam Wilson
I don't think it has much to do with the left being pushed to the brink as much as it does with genuinely radicalized elements of Trump's non-zionist base being larger than it is given credit for and having become entirely disengaged from this presidency.
There was no big surge in Alabama or in Missouri where a district that went hard Trump again dumped its Republican candidate. It was instead a hard fade of support for the Republican candidate and that fade sure isn't coming from the "Israel #1 in our hearts" brigade.
Colton White
Lots of people came out to vote for Trump. There's a big risk that the same won't happen for a midterm. In that case, it's time to bug out. The jews will make everything we fear come to pass in a hurry. Then it's either resist the KGB at the gates or die in a gulag.
Connor Taylor
Hey Zon, that's a nice strategy. I think negatively in hopes that the inverse comes true, in many cases that it does.
Cameron Roberts
All of that only serves to redpill more normies. The fire is rising, not burning out.
Josiah Martin
You seem to be an optimist calling me a pessimist. I am more of a realist. You have to acknowledge the negative in order to prepare yourself for when it comes time to face it.
Adam Cook
DNC has no money and is in severe debt. You can't run elections like this. Or at least, you can't run elections like this and expect good turnout and coverage. DNC donors are (most likely) not giving money because they see their influence dwindling on a party that is completely in tatters. No one will bet on a loser. All of those international donors giving to the Clinton Foundation suddenly being told "sorry, no refunds" after Hillary blew $2 billion on what should have been (by mainstream political thought and vegas odds) a tap in election will not be throwing money at a dumpster fire.
Seeing consolidation and consensus on social media is all a lie. The left is more fractured than ever before - moderate democrats and moving to the libertarian party, far leftist bernie and antifa types are going to the green party (mainstream left doesn't go far enough etc), and the anti white coalition is staying in the establishment DNC. The right, on the other hand, is consolidating behind Trump who is kicking ass daily. They see the writing on the wall, and economic prosperity is what the party runs on. The average working class voter who votes on their paycheck and being able to work and support family is and will be seeing noticeable improvements in their takehome income. $1000 might not be a lot for a career politician worth tens of millions of dollars, but it is for a family whose combined income is less than $50k a year. It's never been about those people for any politicians though. But we all know that right?
(((They))) are losing control of the message and can't have incorrect opinions moving the overton window to the right. They know they are losing. This is damage control. This is also nothing new? Been like this since the early 2000s Bush years. Overton window is shifting right.
I don't want to address every one of your points, but the reality is nowhere near as bad as your posts portray it to be. Polite sage despite a black pill that is easily solved by reading sticked pol threads and generally paying attention.
We will likely lose some seats in the mid terms just because mid term elections always see this. At the same time, most of the seats up for reelection are in states Trump won or are safe republican seats, generally speaking.
t. DC person
Ryan Peterson
We're not "conservatives" here, OP. November is 8 and a half months away.
"Power isn't just what you have, it's what the enemy thinks you have." ~ (((Saul Alinsky)))
Leftists rely on the illusion of being powerful when they are not. Call their bluff and they lose, every time. But then again, they're not the (((real enemy))).
Disagree entirely. More israel first, more multiculturalism, more nigger-loving, just wrapped up in the flag.
Lincoln Jenkins
The classic line of downer faggot with their head shoved far up his ass.
Anthony Martin
If you're correct about the elections (I don't believe you are, for the record), the ballot box will have failed. The courts are too corrupt for the jury box to succeed. Pic related is the final solution option.
Lucas Roberts
colleges are breeding grounds for cultural marxism. The true blackpill is no matter what we do, (((they))) are still wringing their hands and counting down to the day where we are a minority in our own country, it's gotten to the point now where the anti white shills and traitors aren't even hiding their motive anymore, they explicitly are admitting they want us all dead.
As blackpilling as this shit is, know that we are not alone, this shit is being picked up by a lot of people, believe me… If there ever was a time to redpill someone who is sitting on the fence, this is that time.
It's a race now. We either do what we can now to brace for the storm or get to a point where no matter how right we were, we'd be too outnumbered and overpowered by the enemy for us to do anything. As much of a wet dream it is to be that one person in the know when the last of the thin wires holding this civilization up is cut and all is thrown into chaos and to be that one person who can say "I was right but you didn't listen"… By that time it would have been too late.
Trump was never /ourguy/ and in fact it's foolish to be like the ledditors who preach him all the time for being just remotely shitlordy. Trump is but a stepping stone just like how the Alt Right are just a stepping stone (that whole movement has come in handy for boosting our message to thousands and thousands of people, but unless as a movement it sharpens up and has their own night of the long knives then they'll crumble due to petty squabbles and infighting)… Trump is far from perfect and people should not have become complacent and cocky. The (((media))) is far too powerful still to think just one man in the White House can actually make America great again without severe compromise if any progress at all.
And that's the thing. I saw people get cocky. Victory has defeated you. It was just one step in this great struggle. The left are going to fight tooth and nail to keep hold of their beloved comfy safe space world. We need to push on harder to force them out. Do not underestimate the media. As stupid as they are these days being ran with incompetent tranny niggers and soyboy cuckolds, they still have a propaganda force. We've done well so far on the propaganda front just because we have the memes. But we cannot waver on our values even if we have more and more people coming from places like Reddit and halfchan and normie sites. Holla Forums is loosing its edge, but we are still strong in number. People are turning to the right and learning nationalism in retaliation to the blatantly anti white narrative that's being pushed by the left.
So as blackpilling as it is, there is also hope in bringing more and more people to the truth.
Jackson Clark
1. DNC is out of money 2. Left is pushing unpopular gun control 3. Trump/ Republicans gained 10% is the jew polls 4. The economy is roaring, its the economy stupid 5. Very low unemployment 6. Economic recovery is finally starting to his the rust belt, I cant emphasize this enough for 2020 7. Taxes are starting to pull even normie faggots around. 8.Fund rising is extremely slow in the DNC, this is normally a bellwether for turnout. 9. 1st elections Gen Z will be able to vote in. 10. Again its the economy stupid.
Leo Hall
The economy is not roaring. Practically nothing has changed except we're supposed to take the phony news at face value now that a different party is in power. The unemployment numbers are the same rigged ones they've been for years, where people who aren't on unemployment benefits but not working simply aren't counted.
Aiden Turner
Also, generation Z is extremely non-White and heavily populated by anchor babies.
Hunter Campbell
Brandon Stewart
Bentley Wood
Social media, especially twitter has an over representation of blacks and other non whites.
Joshua Evans
You're not wrong, I was recently at an event at the Capitol Hill Club with the guest speaker pulling off an outrageous amount of shilling for (((our greatest ally))). But we need to take a hard look at policy vs lip service. This speaker was no longer associated with the administration and needed to get their bread buttered. If I were a betting man, I would wager said speaker was getting paid by the Israel lobby. I don't want to name names, but some smart user can figure out who this was and why they are doing what they're doing (and why they wrote the books they wrote in the past). While Trump had the token Western Wall photo taken, what has he been doing to prevent the expansion of greater Israel? What is going on right now in Israel RE: Netanyahu? Why aren't we rescinding the nuclear deal with Iran? Why was the airbase we cruise missiled flying sorties within hours against ISIS and US backed rebels? The list goes on
We won't solve the MC and nigger loving issues until we address your first point. But no one really likes niggers anyway.
You're not wrong here either. But a $1.5T infrastructure bill as proposed in SOTU will restart the world economy. The world economy is the US economy. We are the largest consuming entity (as a people and the US government) in the world. China-infrastructure-boom levels of raw materials flowing into US factories using US money / private investment. You need to look closer at policy instead of dropping stale memes like "the unemployment numbers are the same rigged ones they've been for years" - yeah, everyone learns this in Econ 101. But what will it take for people like you who will always say "econ numbers are all bogus" to finally un-black pill? 0% white unemployment? 100% dead minorities in the streets? Maybe it's easier to pretend to be losing than to make hard decisions on how to fix things. There is no right answer, there will certainly never be an answer. We are all doing the best we can here on pol and in real life. Change will always have to start small, and you are delusional if you think that all of White America will wake up one day, sieg heil, and kill all their left minded neighbors, kikes, and minorities.
Jackson Perry
Don't forget the rotten budget that added a trillion dollars to the deficit. Trump made a lot of campaign promises and he broke quite a few of them already. Trump is no longer practicing the art of war and is willfully ignoring the moral law.
The moral law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.
Voters won't follow Trump just because he's Trump, he has to live up to their expectations and that means fulfilling his campaign promises.
Adrian Adams
Jacob Morris
It was Trump's budget and he got everything he asked for (because he made a rotten deal with the dems) $1T deficit in his first year. It's only going to get worse from here.
Alexander Garcia
Christian Fisher
That funny. In my college class part of the lesson was muh digital divide. Good to know that's a bunch of bull
Lucas Morales
That's how communists work, they pretend to know jack shit when they peddle lies.
Jack Murphy
who the fuck cares about debt when the money isn't worth anything anyway
Robert Moore
You're the one who doesn't know what he's talking about. Trump cheered on twitter when the budget passed and even lied and tried to make it about the military and veterans. It was his budget.
Zachary Fisher
The 2017 US federal budget for fiscal year 2017 began on October 1, 2016 and ended Sept 30, 2017. This was proposed by Barack Obama, Feb 9, 2016. The 2017 fiscal year overlaps the end of the Obama administration and the beginning of the Trump administration. $4.2 trillion dollar budget.
The United States federal budget for fiscal year 2018, named America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again, was the first budget proposed by newly-elected President Donald Trump, submitted to the 115th Congress on March 16, 2017. If passed, the $4.1 trillion budget will fund government operations for fiscal year 2018, which runs from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018.
I'm sorry, but you have no idea what you are talking about.
Obviously you don't, but people who pay taxes and who own dollars do, because they're the ones who have to pay back it all back with interest. Only hook-nosed bankers and shills do not care about the debt or that the dollar is losing value compared to other currencies.
Isaiah Thompson
Here you go. Trump was more than happy about the $1T that we owe to the kikes and he lied about it being great for the military.
Thomas Collins
This is hardly a black pill. Black pills are what you get when butthurt manchildren are tasked with confronting their fears and they don't know what to call it. It's the new word for red pill, because it was never the case that a large number of people could be red pilled or even become able to objectively recognize a red pill. Instead, when you have an influx of outsiders, they will always prop their blue pills up above everything else no matter how explicitly the original community disagrees. Such people are only good for brainwashing into convenient loyal dogs, so get with the program and start a cult or spin your own web of lies and half truths to use idiots how you see fit. They don't deserve any better, especially most of the new population of 8/pol/.
Juan Reyes
neck yourself
Jaxon Thomas
Fixed that for you.
Justin Taylor
You're a nigger with a nigger attitude
Thomas Ramirez
It's hard to believe people like this exist after the last 20 years. Genuinely scary.
John Walker
lol it's never going to be paid
Landon Russell
The complete opposite is readily apparent going through any given comments section from the hill to yahoo.
And just let them keep pushing this gun control bullshit watch how quick sitting gop gets replaced by an army of paul nehlens
Parker Taylor
You'll have to explain to me how he is at fault for "a $1 trillion dollar deficit in his first year" from a previous administration's budget, especially since the fiscal year 2018 budget which was proposed by the republican controlled legislative branch has not yet been passed. What was passed, the "Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018" was a compromise in the house and senate to allow the Government to keep running. You'll have to cite how this was Trump's bill. All I'm seeing was that he had to sign it into law, as all presidents do to keep the government funded and operational.
Carter Phillips
I highly doubt the liberals are going to sweep the midterms. There are too many awoke white people after Obama's reign of terror and the 2016 Election shit show where latinos were attacking white families going to Trump rallies. No one has forgotten about that.
What a stupid thread. OP is saying that because the left is mentally unhinged and violates any and all decorum and common decency by committing violence and acting like lunatics, that they're somehow superior. Get real. Normal people see these liberal freaks and want them put in their place, not to join them.
Jaxson Campbell
Did you even read the budget? The interest payments alone consumed more than $300B of the budget. That's like what? 8%? The debt is killing us!
Carson Fisher
is it going to kill you like a nigger or a spic? we have bigger problems than that
Cameron Foster
Call me when you get back from 2014, Anita.
Charles Barnes
Yeah, it's concerning. I'm also concerned that thots and liberal sensationalists talk like this.
Aiden Edwards
I agree and you see that being reflected in the poor turnout for Republicans in the special elections post-Trump. They aren't turning out for zionism.
Joshua Gutierrez
Here's another one without a penny in the bank who has never paid taxes. It was an unspeakable injustice when Obama did it and it was a disaster when Trump did it.
It was literally his bill that he cooked up with McConnell, stop playing dumb.
Andrew Bell
Im not apathetic. All of your (((concerns))) have been poured over so many fucking times over the past 2 years that its pathetic at this point. I do not carry water for Trump, if he fucks up I will admit hes a shithead which he hasnt yet. I certainly do not carry water for the gop. But there is no reason to be concerned with shit. Their super sad kike school shooting has entirely backfired on them. I have never seen so many echoes getting posted in comments section, along with so many fucking replied agreeing that the kikes are a problem, with only a few rebuttals that are all obvious shills. The plebs are waking up and the genie is not going back into its bottle. So take your concern and shove it up your faggoty asses.
Julian Price
They talk about the catastrophic destruction that zionist wars of choice has brought on to White, Western civilization? Put a faggot rainbow flag on those multicam pajamas and every single one of them would cheer on a land war in Asia. I bet you could get them to approve it democratically in a referendum, given the choice.
Liam Harris
Arithmetic is not your strength either, eh? The interest payments are getting bigger and bigger. In a couple of years they'll be 20% of the budget if we continue to run these deficits.
Jace Torres
Thomas Collins
Funny that you mention your normal habitat, Schlomo…
Noah Miller
don't care
James Long
You are aware that paid shills are going to be roped in on sedition charges right?
Josiah Torres
Yeah? Is that right after the mass arrests? Future proves past?
Kevin Morales
I was just asking for you to explain your reasoning to why Trump is responsible for a previous administration's budget, instead you give me a hur dur. If you can't refute my argument, at least own it. And no, you're the one playing dumb. The compromised BBA 2018 ( was what was worked out on the floor of the house what like 2 weeks ago at 3 am? Not at all the same original budget. Cmon man.
Eli Peterson
They can be 100% it doesnt matter the money which you are speaking of is imaginary. It is as strong as we say it is.
Carter Smith
this thread glows
Robert Johnson
You know how i know you're a shill?
Lincoln Jones
enjoy your hubris, while it lasts.
Jackson Bennett
lol isn't there sportsball or something you're supposed to be watching?
Alexander Morgan
Enjoy your containment board.
Jaxon Hughes
sorry brah. its over. you OD'd on the blackpills. no recovering from this one. your meme-days are gone
Jayden Ward
Your fear tells me everything I need to know.
Ethan Powell
It's not just people who pay taxes who pay the debt. Anyone who has a little bit of money is paying off the debt through inflation. If you don't live in the woods, you're paying off debt that someone else accumulated in your name.
Jack Hill
who the fuck cares? Holla Forums isn't trying to save the degenerate rotten system we have it can't be fixed it can only be renewed in fire
Lincoln Carter
Speak for yourself, apathy shill.
Joseph Sullivan
The fact didn't veto the bill alone would be a sign of his compliance. Face it: He wants you to be a debt slave, just like Obama, just like Bush. Nothing changed. $1T in his first term. It'll only get worse.
Ryder Lewis
Strong men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make hard times. Hard times make strong men.
Lincoln Sullivan
Joseph Sullivan
A one trillion dollar deficit in his first year, not his first term. By the end of Trump's first term, the national debt might be as high as $30T. It's mind-boggling that nobody on Holla Forums understands the significance of this.
Brandon King
saying "this post will get me banned" does not make you any more right than you already aren't
Gavin Barnes
That's because activism is a waste of time and money, that more than likely backfires against your movement. You yourself, who is definitely a shill - mentioned it when you said the Left is frothing at the mouth.
All of your arguments would've been good - except for the fact that they were already proven irrelevant when Trump won in the first place. None of your concerns are new or interesting.
Josiah Watson
The amount of apathy shills & defeatism shills on nu/pol/ is unbelievable.
Ryan Sanchez
Remember Conservative activism? Remember all those retarded housewives and sunday school teachers who attended book burnings for Harry Potter releases?
Remember how that skyrocketed Harry Potter's popularity until it became a household name?
I do! And that is why OP whining about activism is horseshit. Because the left's version of retarded housewives came out in force against Trump two years ago, and the exact same thing happened that happened to Harry Potter.
I'm not going to sage this post. I want the mods to see it so they can remove it.
Jackson Adams
The probability of this happening is very, very low. Perpetual gridlock is most likely. That's what you should be worried about
Brandon Perry
Nu/pol/ is an uncontroversial, judgement-free term, my friend. Whenever Holla Forums collectively changes we have a new Holla Forums aka nu/pol/
Eli Gutierrez
Kike is an uncontroversial, judgement-free term, Schlomo. Whenever one of you shows up, we have a kike, aka an oven dodger.
John Davis
Nice 4 and done topic you massive fucking faggot. You type like you're 16 years old and smoke a lot of weed. Your logic here is absolute dogshit, it's riddled with logical holes and ignores factual evidence to the contrary while attempting to come from a place of know-how.
In short, fucking kill yourself you waste of resources.
Caleb Campbell
This isn't even a blackpill, it's a bluepill screaming "Hey everybody I'm a blackpill"
Joseph Parker
If Holla Forums was getting better nu/pol/ would be a positive term. The reason why nu/pol/ has a negative ring to it, is because Holla Forums has not changed for the better. Case in point: You're more upset about a word i used than about the amount of apathy & defeatism shills on nu/pol/
Austin Lewis
Why would I be upset about you, though? After your mother tells you it's bedtime, there will be more of you, as there always are, and they will all be just as pointless as you.
Lucas Stewart
check em it has been said before Trump was a time buying measure someone to unite america the jews rejected the peace offer
Jack Foster
Both democrats and republicans are trying to do us in, so gridlock would be the best thing that could happen to us.
Ryder Sanchez
Exactly this. There is an overwhelming amount of people OP talked about, "white college men loathing their own existence" who, deep inside, are wanting to rebel and get red pilled to fight against the sjw hordes etc. my red pill for this thread is that the amount of damage that they do to "us", will be inflicted back on "them" with 20 times the furiosity. Trump is one man. We are many. Fear not.
Kevin Jackson
We do understand, deficits crash this kiked up system faster.
Mason Long
It's better than nothing, but you're not fighting the final boss, you're not even fighting the boss of the level, you're fighting a golem that didn't even exist until recently.
That's really deep
Nathaniel Wood
Well it's not necessarily red-pilled, but fighting golem sjw hordes is a good way for those people to think about their own beliefs, take action and realise their own potential and strengths. An important step.
Henry Wilson
Yes, burn everything to the ground. Start with your own house. Shit in your own bed. Crash the system faster.
Nathan Jenkins
I like how Linkedin and Pinterest are way lower than for whites.
Noogs can't create, only destroy.
Logan Allen
GTFO kike.
Noah Fisher
If you haven't taken steps to divorce yourself from the impacts of the inevitable systemic collapse that awaots everyone in the next 10-25 years, you don't understand what's going on here.
Leo Powell
Ignore every post that tells you there is only Opinion 1 and Opinion 2. Everybody who gets on the glowing screen gets on the glowing screen because they play ball. Denial is a hell of a drug.
Ian Martinez
wtf did jim have his monkeyson code the site to eat the gore posts? the site just ate my gore post.
Jose Nelson
LOL None of it is false. There’s nothing to refute.
You realize that they’re not going to do a goddamn thing, nor will anyone else, and it’s going to happen no matter what, right?
Jaxson Jones
I’m sure I’m not alone in wanting you to explain why you’re FINE with this and not attempting to stop it from happening, seeing as there won’t be enough whites to win the race war in 10-25 years.
Jose Kelly
The 'system' literally lives off debt. The more debt they accumulate the more powerful it gets at your expense. Not only do the government, the banks and the politically connected get richer and more powerful, but you get weaker and poorer. It's a lose-lose situation for you. You're shitting in your own bed.
Bentley Wood
I see your Alinsky and raise you a Tsu.
The DNC is broke; needs money. They're collecting money by the truckload from recent events. They're afraid and they'll push until it burns.
Landon Campbell
There is no political solution. While it would be nice for Republicans to win in November, at best it slows the decline, at worst it can be argued it actually makes things worse for us. The solution is to disengage from the system and focus on forming sustainable communities that don't have to rely on central government.
There are already huge swathes of foreigners in the US. They are legally allowed to remain. They are legally allowed to pump out children. There will be no deportation of legal residents. The more successful that the US becomes economically, the more will want to come over from foreign lands. After Trump finishes at president, a democrat will probably win and reinstate mass migration and undo just about every thing Trump achieved. How many foreigners are moving to 'poor' Eastern European countries? The solution to stopping mass migration is removing the incentive for them to come.
Live simply and sustainably with like-minded people. Grow your own food and raise animals, construct your own houses, look after your community, have many kids. Don't feed the economy, don't increase GDP, let the country "collapse" economically. Let the foreigners starve and the cities descend into chaos. Meanwhile your community carries on unaffected because you can sustain yourselves indefinitely.
Connor Young
sorry but this post has now been claimed by Danny DeVito, you can now only talk about Danny DeVito.
Nathaniel Bailey
What's bizarre to me is that you can't see the need for a strong military. There's literally no way to break free of the hold of the jew without being able to not only purge them but also hold our own against anyone who tries to stop us.
Can you imagine being a German in 1933 who didn't want to build up the Wehrmacht? What a fool you'd be.
Mason White
sorry but this is a Danny DeVito thread now
Adrian Cox
Reported for faggotry of the highest order. Filtered.
Noah Thomas
Why would that be nice? These people hate your guts and want you dead.
Oliver Bennett
The less $ the ZOG has the better for all of us.
Nolan Rogers
get the fuck out you /sp/ benoitniggers
Nicholas Lopez
Youre going to have a huge swathe of unemployable soyboys in debt and no life skills. Real scary.
Parker Cooper
That's a short-sighted view.
They'll still do everything they want, regardless of the money. If we want to throw off the kike, we need to be strong and prepared to do it.
Liam Green
Jack Kelly
Are you retarded? In case you haven't noticed, nobody else on the entire fucking planet is fighting the jews wars for them or carrying out of agenda more dutifully than the American military. The US military IS the jews, no matter how much you want to hold up goy generals who can't stop fighting the Vietnam War or reliving the Iranian hostage crisis in their heads up as the shining example. The rank and file is full of niggers, spics, and faggots. You have this delusional idea that the US is Germany in this fantastical scenario. In reality, the US is Russia in WWI.
Hunter Stewart
There were niggers, spics and faggots in Russia's military?
Noah Davis
Elijah Cooper
bug out? there is no where left to go. I truly hope that we can wrest back control of our country through peaceful means and start transitioning to a White ethnostate peacefully (deportations, emigration bounties,near-zero immigration, mandatory birth control for people on welfare, and other such non-violent means). Truly. however, if all else fails, then legitimate "founding fathers" type revolt is our only option. hopefully a large portion of the military will join us, but I really have no idea. regardless, our very EXISTENCE is what is at stake.
keep spreading the red pill. expose the false dichotomy of left-right (conservatives who conserve nothing and liberals who are driving toward a 1984 police state, among many other things). expose the hypocrisy of israel on essentially every issue, but especially immigration and multi-cult. (diversity for thee, but not for me)
it seems to me that the kikes are going to crash the economy with no survivors if they think they need to in order to discredit Trump. relying on seeming economic growth as a rallying factor is a mistake, unless it is accompanied/ caused by MASSIVE economic reforms aimed at de-kiking everything. that has not been done, as far as I know.
indeed. if everything goes to shit, then go down fighting. when the party commissars come to confiscate your guns and take you to the fema reeducation camp, FUCKING SHOOT THEM. better to die free than live a slave. (not that we aren't already half-way enslaved by the (((deep state)))) also, by blatantly violating the Constitution they would no longer be a legitimate legal authority in the USA. (not that the law would help us in any way, but at least we would have Justice on our side, for what that is worth) hopefully, enough of us will rise up that we have a chance.
partially true. the debt does matter, but once we nationalize the Federal Reserve and stop paying a 5% tribute to the (((banking cartels))) on all the US dollars produced, then the debt will be a lot easier to deal with (if done intelligently). also, the DOD, among others, has lots of trillion-dollar fuckery with the budgets, which must be relevant to the debt somehow.
blackpill is about demoralization with the purpose of taking the fight out of White people. redpill is about Truth and waking Whites up to the White genocide and (((who))) is pushing for it. while there is some overlap, they are significantly different in intent, if nothing else.
very, very true. hopefully, this time, when we take back our countries and our futures, then we will use eugenics, White nationalism, and closed borders to break the cycle and have both good times and good men. that is the dream, i suppose.
we all die sooner or later. in these dark times, we might as well make it count, if it comes to that.
indeed. all many, if not most, of those beat-down White men need to join us, or at least become sympathetic, is a few good redpills and some strong White nationalist men to show them the way. few WANT to be told that they are shit, and that they should be ashamed. we wouldn't want such masochists anyway.
fucking blackpill shilltards. "revolutions never occur, goyim!!! no one ever does anything, goyim!!!!! JUST GIVE UP GOYIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!" go to hell. right now.
dept is the chains of modern slavery. the chains will be broken.
this is why we must spread redpills and gather strength as a movement. to "disengage" is to lose. look at Rhodesia. look at South Africa. the brown hordes WILL COME FOR YOU. we must take back our countries in the very near future. no if, ands, or buts. on the issue of legal non-Whites there are several good options after we take our countries back. 1.change law and deport anyway (White citizenship only). a bit drastic and jarring, but valuable for "recent" immigrants (20-30 years maybe) and their children. 2. emigration bounties: money to leave and rescind citizenship. 3. diversity containment area; put them all in a specific region in the US and forbid them travel outside of it. best combined with 2. and possible sterilization for crimes, welfare use, etc. I leave out any form of killing. it would make us far too demonized, very counterproductive when ANY alternatives are available.
John Carter
not really. you're assuming that they have to actually DO something at this point in order to "do us in." That's an incorrect assumption. They've already done as much as they need to do - the deck is already stacked against you. Think, for instance, about the (illegal) immigration situation. That's why I said perpetual gridlock is to be feared the most. Unfortunately, what you and I need is most unlikely: transformative change.
I thought Trump-as-wrecking-ball might dislodge the establishment enough to destabilize the status quo, but that's looking less and less likely as time goes on. It's unfortunate.
Evan Reed
That's only the foundation for waking up those who are unwilling to budge. This is the type of treatment the "I'm not racist cause I have a black friend" crowd needs to wake the fuck up and realize no other race gives a fuck about them, no "based" or "good" nonwhites will ever be a tenth as good as nationalists even of other nations will be to them.
Gabriel Young
If everyone on the right has 3+ kids by age 35 there will be more than enough.
Tyler Mitchell
Somehow I feel the dnc being broke makes no difference.
Bentley Morris
that's exactly what will happen
Connor Hall
It's funny cos it's true
Hudson Reed
then we must find ways to make them waste all their money until they have none left to pay their protesters with