In 2016 Donald Trump's Big Resorts hired ONE American Worker.. The Rest Went To Foreign


Other urls found in this thread:

impotent intent, impotent trips


Impotent? Explain your argument.

Do as I say, not as I do.


He's still right. Trump is not our friend. Nobody is our friend. Do you get it yet?


This is now a Gypsy Hate Thread.

Since you haven't provided any, I'll say this:

I'm not against Americans, but the opposite
I'm trying to wake up the fooled ones, who buy into the Trump lie
Regards from Europe. Maybe the shame is too much for some of them, and the ego comes into play..

I should have voted for Hillary

Meh, it's just how things are here. Europe hates us; you do hate Americans. Everyone hates everyone. Read Hobbes.

B.but CNN said hes racist.

Someone is lying.

Everyone is. Everyone is lying. Nobody is our friend.

No, Accelerationism is a shit. But that doesn't change what is: And what is, is that Trump loves Israel.

That is fiction. Yes people are being herded into team x to be against team y in these countless subcultures, but that chain has to be broken.

No, it doesn't. It's not fiction. Europeans hate Americans. Everyone hates Everyone. Read Hobbes.

The chain doesn't have to be broken. It can't be. If you try, you'll fail and the ZOG will destroy you. Nothing good has ever happened or ever will happen.

Do you get it yet?

Im European and I dont hate Murricans.

Back when there used to be lots of US vs EU threads it was always a bait thread.


We'll see. Watch what happens.

Whatever, Kampfy you turkroach semen-drowning kikefaggot. I'm right and you know it. Everything is shit and you know it. Nothing good can ever happen and you know it. The gods hate us and you know it.

>arguing with blackpill

Only three properties are included within the research?
Another thing to consider is that he has to take the most financially sufficient route to conduct business. Try shunning Chinese resources while running your own and see what happens, it's very difficult within a competitive economy. What needs to be accomplished are governmental policies that make nationalistic business behaviors actually worthwhile, and said policies are embedded both in his platform and already accomplished work.

checked, stop bumping this shit though

Trump isn't in charge of the resorts anymore though. He's in charge of the country.

The blackpill is all there is. Sage negated.

Sage negated.

So it makes even more sense because Ivanka is a kike.

Checking these dubs and the only user in this thread with a brain

Nothing like that will ever happen though. Because all governmental policies are run by ZOG.

>>bumps his own thread 10 times >>sage negated drumpf is finished

I didn't post the thread.

I see, you're a nihilist. That's sad, but expected from some.

I am the OP, not him. Pay attention to the IDs, Trump-hasbara.

11 d&c posts in this thread by this id.

Shit thread, what's the going rate for kikeposting now? They must not be paying much these days for quality shill OPs.

At this point I think it is at least fair to wonder just how much worse it could have been. If you're of the opinion that Hillary was going to immediately start a thermonuclear war with Russia [despite the Uranium One stuff showing she was working with at least some elements of the Russian state/corporate sector] and herd White males into FEMA camps, then yes it would have been much worse.

Otherwise, open-ended adventurism in Syria, doubling down on Afghanistan, offering China the status quo on trade in exchange for "help" with North Korea, none of this seems out of place in a hypothetical Clinton administration.



Nihilism says that there are no gods or meaning. I'm saying there are both. The meaning is your suffering. It's not for you; the meaning is for the gods who created this world. There's no hope. That's not nihilism, that's just realism.

Nihilism doesn't go far enough.

Whatever. You can't divide what was never united.


It's always going to get worse.

Whatever. Kampfy. I'm right and you know it.

>being this much of a faggot


Whatever. I'm right and you know it. What else is there but defeatism for the defeated?

I'm still right, you still know it.

your thread failed.

Calm down, guy.. -OP

Trump holdings is an international company, he literally has buildings in other countries.

Is he supposed to hire American workers, then ship them to China to work in his skyscrapers?

OP is a retard.

I'm making more off these (You)s than you are for the whole thread, fellow Chosen.

It's not my thread.


Kampfy is the only one who memes on me like that.

The American political establishment has been orchestrating with Russia for years and this election cycle has been no exception. Both want to issue international nuclear fear to assist in consolidating power for themselves. Uranium One, Duginist figureheads being employed by the alphabets, that Russian lab that has its hands within Silicon Valley, and many other noticeable connections verify it all.

Hobbes doesn't say that.

lol love reading these fucking fails while I take a shit

The observation is valid. War of All Against All, right? War involves hate. End. Of.

Meh, it can be a shit thread all it wants to be . I tried to turn it into a Gypsy Hate Thread. But nobody helped.


Your header posting a shit. I ruin the threads I'm in because they're pre-ruined. Already fucked by virtue of creation. Nothing good has ever happened.

But I love you user. Imagine all the things we can do together.
no homo

I'm convinced that bumping this thread, at least from this point, is in itself an action in opposition to both the OP and the Hashes and Wrestles poster, as it exposes their embarrassments. (Given that they aren't the same person)



Nobody can ever do anything with me. Every Effort Always Fails. So long as I'm alive; everything will always suck.

Not my thread. I tried to make it a Gypsy Hate Thread, but nobody went along with it. So I just started screaming. What else is there?




I love you so much that I would give you the sweet release of death. I would force the gods to not re-incarnate you if I could. I would turn you into a constellation and call it THE BEST user THAT EVER LIVED

Meh, doesn't matter. Sage negated. And again: Hillary would have been worse. Trump isn't making things better. Nothing ever gets better.

Loss. Is. Infinite.

Don't. Lie.

**Come to Gadsden, Alabama if you're not. Meet me in front of the Emma Sansom Statue. Bring a gun to shoot me with.==

What is truepolitik.

You better not die before I'm there, or I'll kill you to death



Earnestly agree with you.

It's cucking. That's what it is.

Liar Liar. Set yourself on Fire.

Don't. Lie.

Hold still while I gas you.

Hᴇʟʟᴏ OP, Lᴀʀʀʏ Pᴀɢᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ, CEO ᴏғ Gᴏᴏɢʟᴇ. Yᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ sᴛʀᴇᴀᴍɪɴɢ ᴄᴏᴘʏʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ғʀᴏᴍ Bʟɪᴢᴢᴀʀᴅ Eɴᴛᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴᴍᴇɴᴛ™. Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴛᴏᴘ ɪᴍᴍᴇᴅɪᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ ᴡɪʟʟ ʀɪᴘ ɪɴ ᴘᴇᴘᴘᴇʀɪɴᴏ.

I was not lying. I do agree that this shitty shill thread was dead on arrival. user, on another note. You seem fucked, what's up?

you are correct in embracing the blackpill on only one subject .You can't shill for shit, faggot.


Seriously, what did you do to elicit so much suffering? Why are you here in the first place? I know we live in fake time but what makes you think that won't change for the better? How can somebody get so fucked up?

Read this and CRINGE HARDER.

The blackpill is all there is.

No, it can't change for the better. Nothing has ever changed for the better. There is nothing in this world that happens that is not also punishment.

Read my story and CRINGE HARDER

Both the syria and afghanism stuff would happen under hillary as with the new iran stuff.

He's here to attempt to persuade those who wish to attain betterment otherwise, nullifying their prospecting through converting them into weeping, miserable failures.

Looking for a hot gf.

I like to stalk women on FB.

I'm not a pajeet, I'm an atheist.

Fuck you.

Nope. I've never shilled against self-improvement threads or book threads. I just maintain that I cannot improve. Because it's true.

You don't change things by hoping that people will just be nice and not pick the most efficient thing. You change things by actually changing things.
As long as there is an army of subhuman slaves who will work for next to nothing companies are going to hire them for low level tasks and those who don't wont be able to compete with those that do.

And for the "we need the subhumans because Americans won't do those jobs" which would be your usual line if the current shilling strategy wasn't "lets be more Hitler than Hitler to divide Holla Forums": Yeah, they won't do those jobs for next to nothing, so you might have to raise your wages.
Maybe start a thread about the fact that Trump used to make his ties in China next week and blame him instead of the policies that made the US unable to compete with the bugs in Asia.

Pretty sure she would have at least tried to do the same thing with Assad that she did to Gaddafi and that would have a much worse impact than the bombs on that airfield did.

You can't change things anyways. Because Samson.

Retardation at its finest.
-we have porous borders, and labor is still labor, despite the price gradually starting to rise as a bottleneck is—hopefully—on the way
-you act as if Trump is sitting down conducting interviews
-the people conducting the interviews are, in all likelihood, not 1488 types
-there are at least a thousand more reasons why you are

Meh. Sage negated. Trump is not our friend. There is nothing hopefully on the way. It will only continue to get worse.

Get a grip, man.


I. Can't. There's nothing to get a grip on. There's only Eternal Misery.

then kill yourself nigger and stop wasting our time.

embrace the ledpill

hy would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?

Jewish networking

Black networking

Hispanic Networking

Asian Networking

Indian Networking

Muslim Networking


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod

Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.









































There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"


He's a business owner. His job is to turn a profit as best he can, within the constraints of the law. It's the shitty regulations we have, and the immigration policies, which create this economic incentive. President Donald Trump is actively working to fix that. Political rhetoric has asymmetrical purpose; if you take it at face value, you're a complete fool.

Nice strawman. The problem with Hillary is that she's a literal Satanist witch who communes with the devil. It's not a conspiracy theory, Bill Clinton brags about how she can lead a seance and spoke with the dead ex-wives of ex-presidents (in reality, these were demons). All fruit from a bad tree is bad; everything from a Hillary admin would have been corrupt and if not immediately destructive, ultimately.

Black pill shill doesn't understand mysticism, thinks he's somehow an intellectual lmfao

I don't think I built a strawman. I just don't see much overarching difference in the trajectory of the administrations.
I'd say it's a problem that I can't see much functional difference in the governing of Trump and a literal Satanist.

Unintentionally hilarious thread.

There is no redpill. There is only the blackpill. There is only Eternal Misery. I'm too cowardly to kill myself by myself. I need someone to come help me do it in person. Will it be you?

I live near Gadsden, Alabama. Come meet me by the Emma Sansom Statue and help me kill myself in person. Bring a gun.


How was your shift at the DG?

Mysticism doesn't mean shit for dick when the gods themselves hate you. It's not shilling. It's the truth. Axis Mundi is a prison.

checked for RescueAnon

cos u don't know why. pic rel, I'll tell you for your own good: you're a sperg, and prob a schizo too.

>(((sources))) have told The New Yorker.
Now where's the evidence?

tomorrow at 2:35 AM

Aristotle is a faggot. I'm right and you know it. If I am as you say I am, then come help me kill myself.

Gadsden, Alabama. Broad Street Bridge. Bring a gun.

Liar Liar.


Hillary has never functioned as president, so now I know you're a shill.

Where are all the chesscucks at? Thought they would be all over this shit with their mental gymnastics.


Trump is a nazi, why is he hiring brown people.

Trump is hitler, please take out child killing guns away, k thx.

I'll bite: it is 4D chess to exploit the rules the left wing nutjobs have established. If anything it serves to highlight the issues with our immigration and visa programs. Any businessman given the choice of paying a shitskin pennies on the dollar vs. a white for whole dollars when it's 100% legal to hire the cheapshit labor is a terrible businessman.

Donald J. Trump is the opposite of a terrible businessman.

Ah there's one. Fuck off back to /ptg/.

Why did anyone give the blackpill faggot any you's?
On topic though: cheaper labor.



Welcome to Holla Forums post elections. Full of Redditors sucking Trumps dick trying to blend in.

Liberal logic

Nigger I clicked the wrong field. Shut the fuck up lmao

Literally every resort does that down here. I've been passed over for jobs but my cousin from south america was able to get a temp summer job as a "student contractor".

It's hilarious how well the left has been able to destroy nuance on their side. They're literally incapable of stating:

Pure insanity. All they have left is throwing any sort of shit at the wall and hoping it sticks, because they incorrectly think that we (like them) will instantly unperson someone for any sort of perceived wrong. I love it because it's so telling to see what they think is the right's biggest motivations.

Why do you think they were pushing Mellania is a whore a while ago? They thought that would make people instantly unperson Trump. They physically can't understand the ability of people to go "I disagree with XYZ, but agree with ABC and will hold my nose and vote". They're unable to do that. It's either 100% fanatic devotion, or 100% unperson hate.

Fucking hate this /nupol/ garbage

Oy vey I couldn't possibly cut into my huge profits by hiring Americans like I want everyone else to do.

I didn't need to read your story but I did and it really made me think. If this world is punishment, SO BE IT.

OP is a fucking potato and doesn’t understand business. Businesses have what is called a fiduciary responsibility, which is the legal pledge to do everything possible to save the company money. This is usually the case in publically traded companies especially as a SOX requirement, but the spirit of fiduciary responsibility exists even where none is present. So the point of this is that the CAO and comptrollers have a legal responsibility to maximize shareholder wealth. This is by any means, including importing Browns at slave wages. The thing is, everyone is doing it. So if you’re the only game in town not doing it, then you’re letting every competitor have a competitive advantage over you since your costs will be higher and thus profits lower. Hospitality can be razor thin margin wise so this is especially important in this industry.

Well, the whole point of Trump is to turn the spigot off of importing Browns so the proper fiducially responsible decision is to hire Americans. The only way any of this changes is if Trump can change the course of business pressures such that the best practices in any industry is to hire American through disincentivizing or promptly ending the importation of brown hordes.


I added sage last retard, I checked the post. I thought I put it in email. Is that hard to comprehend?
You cucks will shit up screeching about muh Drumpf, only to call anyone who opposes the view a Redditor or goy.
You are literally what you claim to hate.


This is only from the point of view of salvaging capitalism, which is a death sentence for the West.

And you chesscucks are absolutely incapable of taking any criticism of your glorious leader. I helped you guys get him voted in and like many on here have realised it's just more of the same shit. The fact you can't see this or change your opinion means you shouldn't be on here, go find a hugbox somewhere else.

I think it isn't so much as not being able to see it or change their opinion as it is they are paid to push the narrative.


Intelligent, measured, and thusfar ignored response.


What a waste of trips. Fuck off shareblue.

Congrats, you've taken the first step in learning how2business. Wait till you learn about the real cost of an employee (it's not just their hourly wage).

A breath of sanity here. Thank you. Why are we inundated by idiots that just spout muh chess cucks and can't even begin to reason themselves out of a paper bag?

Or while you're too busy jumping ships because you're afraid of being wrong, people like myself are staying loyal to the cause we all still believe in. If Trump turns out to truly be nothing more than a puppet I will gladly admit my wrongs. But the negatives of his presidency are futile compared to the positives. I see the same shit you do, just because you feel the need to change your position doesn't mean I should do the same.

It doesn't matter which news site its from, the records are public.

What the hell is shareblue? Some American drama?

You're the biggest cunt on this board, and that's saying something considering the amount of CIAniggers, literal kikes, and leftyniggers that frequent it.

A black pilled whiny numale who does nothing but cry online about how terrible everything is but too much of a fucking coward to even kill himself. There are preteen girls with more balls than you who actually went through with it and swallowed a bottle of aspirin but here you are, after who knows how many years of doing nothing but whinge like a rotten bitch, still leaking your homo menses all over Holla Forums. Tell your utter failure of a whore mother I hope she chokes to death on a chicken bone.

W-what? Shareblue doesn't exist, it's j-just a m-myth that Drumpftards invented to deny our tasty black pills and w-worship the Orange Kike! All Hail Bernie and His Magic Gibbs Trees!!!

I don't follow American politics


Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?


Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking

And let's add Gay and Women networking.


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.


There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"





And here I was thinking gashes and buttholes had finally killed himself.

I can see alright. See your nose from a mile away

It only mentions shitty seasonal jobs. What about the other positions. I smell kike trickery here.

fucking based

fuck off shariablue or whatever shill outfit some soros wannabe hired you

Oh, the same neo-liberal talking points we've been getting for decades.

I don't care.



It's disgusting how this board has just become another republican propaganda platform.


Not really. The republican and democratic parties are a fake mockingbird conflict and always have been. We've simply rewritten culture so severely that the ripples are coming back to us.

^ shills keek
"they are superstitious. We'll steal their trips. They'll believe us if we get trips"


^ Mossad

But I'm not complaining. I like to see the clumsy efforts of Boomers in Tel Aviv.

As european: we dont hate US or trump. We got tired of seing that ape as persident of us.


Back already?

What font is that?

No it's still the same shit, just with different names attached. Now it's all about voting for based reps and btfoing dems. It's fucking sad what has happened to this place. If I went back 2 years and told everyone this place would be government bootlickers supporting one side because memes I would have been laughed off the board.

Don't have a reply? Just call them a shill and watch the problem disappear.

Yeah and? He has always said he abuses the fucking system as the kikes made it. He campaigned on fixing the system so it can't be abused. Guess what he's doing?

I do, but do you care for knowledge? Are you prepared to change, if the facts point you in a different direction?

Why the fuck should we support someone who doesn't practise what they preach? What a disgusting lack of morals.

Friends, think of Trump as a bar across the door, as the zombies attempt to get in and destroy White America.

Those who post above are some of those zombies - the kikes, who seek our ruin. These are the little messages they whisper through the gates, to cause us to have unbelief.

But we are not foolish, and we can stand strong, in the face of their lies, their deception. They wish us to destroy ourselves from within, and only we can do that. They can't make us do that. We must resolve to secure this world for the White People of American.


We are dealing with a brigade of kike shills. You see the hostility, a desire to impose upon us self-sabotage. We cannot let them cause us to do harm to ourselves. They must do whatever damage overtly, by their direct hand.

Oh really. So what you're saying is, he's trying to send us a message? Trying to send us a message or prove something by building Trump™ resorts abroad? What's there to take at face value? What are your interpretations, chess master?

Reddit Sans.

Your adversarial tone indicates you have hatred for Americans. You could be CIA, but I'm beginning to believe you're GCHQ.

How do I set everything to be in this font?


Really, it's the only appropriate response if they're forced at gunpoint by the stock market. No wonder the kikes cheered the stock market becoming a thing, they knew they could use it to bully companies into submisssion.

Why was this anchored?

Something about this doesn't add up.

While President Donald Trump rails at American companies that hire foreign workers, he’s not following his own advice. Of 144 openings at three of his properties, including Mar-a-Lago, only a single one went to an American, according to Department of Labor records. The rest went to seasonal foreign workers in the U.S. on special visas requested by the Trump Organization, reports Vox.

An examination of filings by the Trump Organization with the Labor Department from 2016 to 2017 reveals that a lone American worker, a cook, was hired in August 2016 among 144 open positions for servers, cooks, housekeepers and bartenders, Vox found. Most of the jobs were at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump’s favorite weekend getaway. The others were the National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor, in New York, and Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida. The jobs generally pay $10 to $13 an hour.

Mar-a-Lago was granted 70 visas to bring in foreign workers just last year for the winter season beginning in October. That was a 9 percent increase over the previous year.

Since 2010 Mar-a-Lago alone has obtained a total of 500 H-2B visas for seasonal workers, many of them from Haiti and Romania, sources have told The New Yorker.

In January Trump’s Department of Homeland Security removed Haiti from the list of more than 80 countries eligible for those visas as well as for the H-2A farmworker visas, citing “high levels of fraud and abuse” and a “high rate of overstaying the terms” of their visas. Fortune magazine warned that the crackdown on Haitian workers could “cripple” Mar-a-Lago since the resort has long relied on Haitians. DHS took the action just days after Trump complained about immigrants from what he reportedly called “shithole countries,” referring to Haiti and African nations.

The H-2B visa program allows non-agricultural, seasonal employers — such as hotels — to hire foreign workers but only when the businesses can’t find Americans to fill the jobs. The Trump administration temporarily expanded the program in 2017, which benefited Trump businesses. At the same time, the president restricted the H-1B program for highly skilled immigrants.

Companies are required to run two want ads in local newspapers before applying for foreign worker visas. Mar-a-Lago placed two hard-to-find classified ads in tiny type with no phone number or email information, according to a Washington Post report last year. Workers could apply for the jobs only by fax or mail.

CareerSource Palm Beach County, a nonprofit placement agency, told The Palm Beach Post at the time that they had thousands of Americans eager to work at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump has criticized Ford Motor Co., Carrier Corp. and others for moving manufacturing jobs to Mexico. Mar-a-Lago was applying for the foreign worker visas last July at the same time the president launched “Made in America Week” at the White House.

Trump said then: “We believe jobs must be offered to American workers first. Does that make sense?”

CNN reported in 2016 that Trump businesses had employed at least 1,256 foreign workers in the previous 15 years. Trump Vineyard Estates filed requests for visas to bring in foreign farmworkers at its Virginia winery in 2016 and 2017.

Again, you have an irrationally adversarial approach to Americans. Remember, nearly 100% of White People in America voted either for Trump or Hillary. You speak of schizophrenia - yet there is also such a thing as religious insanity, the fervor of the zealot, just as disastrous. But it's an addiction. You are addicted to causing pain. Why?

Of all the things I'm certain about, it is that none of the people in that picture actually believe in anything mystical. They may believe they manipulate the simple superstitious masses, but they do not themselves believe in such things.

There's a curious pattern, throughout history, of those drawn to high office being atheists, or at minimum agnostic. I believe it is this: any wise person, knowing there is a God, would not waste time seeking power.

But you see, this is deceptive, because Trump is not permitted to involve himself in these matters, legally. Additionally, business is by nature competitive. This means every cost savings of a competitor must be matched, or at the very least considered. If one company drops the price, how will you stay competitive?

But this is of course all so obvious, and this entire thread was not the product of good hearts, not of honest men. But men of darkness. Wickedness. Deceit.

But also, as one enters the paradigm of rebuttal, it creates the concept of guilt, in the mind of the accuser society. The accuser then becomes "the state," which creates upon the one attacked an association with the undesirable. THIS IS ENTIRELY A PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN.

But how can we be utterly certain of this? This is how: No going-forward-hopefully alternative is presented.

It's the black darkness of a poisonous witch.

An appropriate response would be to change said laws, of course communists and kikes don't want that.