Shitskins, pls. White guys like me have already been hard at work for the past 4 to 8 years, reasserting our dominant foothold on the domestic tech industry. We didn't just "wake up" from some mythical white neckbeard slumber with the election of Donald Trump, and our raw skill and tenacity obliterates your greasy pajeet politicking and maneuvering. Gonna have to do your own work this time, instead of stealing the white man's and passing it off as yours. SORRYNOTSORRY!!
Be me, white graduate student
A thread died for your blogpost.
this isn't the place for blogposts
It was a worthless cult of personality thread. Nothing of value was lost.
lurk moar faggot
Go back to reddit
Those dubs are wasted on you.
Protip: Go back to reddit if you don't know how to use the catalog. Nobody uses the front-page.
Hold on, are you actually retarded? Do you think that everyone who hates seeing shit threads doesn't use the catalog?
Seriously, fuck off to cuckchan.
Go back to half, faggot.
hahahaha my sides
Am I the only one who feels Indian guys often come off as homosexual?
I'm fairly certain if they didn't rape so much their race would have ended long ago.
tell them that they stink like rotten curry and remind them that india will NEVER be a superpower
This is pretty interesting, but I have a question. You say the dot-heads are trying to ingratiate so they can ride your coattails, but what about the blacks? Do they try to benefit from your abilities in any way?
hes right. this actually bears some economic insights. just like how mexicans are viewed as hard workers and then there is white shame attached. just like how niggers are perceived as lazy.
indian programmers are such cucks.
that's too easy. I think it's funnier to fuck with them. Act really friendly and be their friend. When they want help just drop hints that are over their head, tell them "that's easy, it'll all in the documentation." Just keep acting like you're giving them massive help while you're actually confusing and frustrating them.
Bump because of your faggotry
I'm always surprised by how utterly unorignal street shitter are despite their constant manic like work ethic. That, and how little they accomplish. It's weird because they're on paper smart but practically they're like children. One day we will invent a way to measure their ineptitude.
If you took Indian H1b salaries and gave them to Americans, overnight the recession like effects for middle class whites would disappear. Billions and billions of untold amounts goes to these fucking useless pajeets. This is why tech sucks now. It's been pajeeted.
My feeling at the utter betrayal of our generation at the hands of the boomers.
it is already easy to measure their ineptitude:
simply look at their homeland