King Troll is at it again

The man is absolute savage

Other urls found in this thread:

I secure the numbers

This needs its very own thread? and with a sensational all caps clickbait title? Where do you think you are?


Too slow JIDF.


go back to your trs/redice/altright/Holla Forums/pol/ is a cia/mossad slide thread faggot

lel theyre so mad

I think Trump is going to shitpost the deep state to death. At this point I think even their torture victims are going to start mocking them.

Checkin' them trips.

Checked for Shitposter-in-Chief


That Religion of Cuck™ist McMaster really stabbed him in the back.



Kek. This is a nice timeline if for no other reason but to simply behold on of the great shitposters of our times.

A bit sluggardly today aren't you Chaim?

Nah. Much ado is being made over nothing.


It's good to see him eviscerate (((their))) narrative for all to see.

While eating two cheeseburgers.


Checked and kekd.



Posting in a completely natural and organic thread


Sand niggers who hate Israel doesn't make them our friends.


Except for all these no fun allowed kikes like yourself, its bretty gud.

Can one of you totally (((legit))) anons tell me what I’m supposed to be discussing in this thread?
Obvious silde thread but with the infestation MAGA-PEDEs this will no doubt get 100s if replies sucking trumps dick but discussing exactly 0.

That gif is 2qt4me

This thread is embarrassingly reddit.

Oh shit son.


The amount of salt in the replies is incredible

Oy vey!

Shut it down


I'm with you. I remember when shitposter was used as an insult. But the unwelcome normalfags have taken it to heart and destroyed their own website, making it uninhabitable, so now like the progressive plague they condemn, here they are now that they are unsatisfied with the fruits of their labor.
Not only that, but any attempt to show them the error and their stupidity results in them flinging around shill, directly undermining imageboard culture of anonymity by undermining not the post or idea, but the validity of the person making them, who is anonymous. It's the whole damn point to be anonymous, unless you're a not here to share in the culture of ideas, and only to shitpost.
Fucking normalfags ruin everything.


Fucking worked, especially the first guy.

All these (1) and dones who all happen to use the same syntax.

I'm here for the kots, signing out.

Hi Rabbi.

Reported for not even trying. This isn’t reddit.

ironical shitposting is still shitposting, mr. no fun allowed in the funposting bred.

First day on the job Ezra?

Lol. I pictured that after reading. Nice.

is the MIDF on every thread in Holla Forums nowadays?

I'm not sure there is a non-white I miss more on this Earth than Qaddafi.




Agree, maybe try reading the last sentence as well. Pull up the whole article if you want that expanded.


I wouldn't think twice about the implications of Trump rounding these people up and executing them. This political dichotomy will be the end of us, because only one side can prevail.

oh man, that was litterally never
in fact, i don't think you have been working at this job for more than two weeks
you obviously don't care about anonymity if you care about name calling

Is the first one bernie sanders? bottom left is a hotty.

He keeps going strong.
And of course twitter shoah'd the "Ivan Trumpovic" guy who posted the CNN comic that got retweeted by Trump.



I can't stop laughing

Missed the first reply, Schlomo


So rather than post in a more serious thread you decide to waste your time on one dedicated to shitposting?
Fuck off kike



CNN Digs Through Trash Outside Troll Farm To Find Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion

is this place literally the_donald now? i mean holy shit, the attention this thread gets vs some of the actually important ones in the catalog that arent sticked is just weird

63 posts? Maybe you can take your faggot ass back to that sub reddit.

Literally kept Europe Whiter just by his own rule in the region. Even warned us that things would get bad if we let this happen. The new Italian elections have candidates that want to send the navy to Libya to keep more from crossing, something Qaddafi would have done anyway with his own forces.

His biggest mistake was letting his guard down instead of rigorously reinvesting in military programs. He might have Assad' his way out then, but instead he got NATO'd.



tfw you didn't need dubs. You only needed faith.

i'm pretty sure at least one of the mods is a sandnigger from teh very beginning. i've gotten banned for posting muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker+bacon pics before

No fun allowed, wouldn't want people to enjoy themselves after all. That could just lead to more converts and spread the truth - sounds pretty dangerous.


Check this fashwave video I made for him



You best no be having fun go.. I mean guy

Checked for Trips of Truth







Ever notice the posters who post these neo-mann toons offer nothing discussion wise and are usually just >(1)'s? The most you'll see them do is copy paste a news article for an OP. Really makes you think.

oh, there's another one
Sage because double post.

don't have fun goyim!!!!

it's against the law

le zionald.bat
5image is spam

why won't you just stop supporting this Madman
zionist puppet/Hitler goyim?

this looks like a comfy thread, I'm gonna fun post and there is nothing you can do about it



they must be losing their minds


where do you think you are?



