Freedom Red Alert - Electronics printed on food, clothes, paper

Well, I do not have anything more to add actually. I think any random user can see the pattern by himself.

Laser induced grafene prints

Enjoy the technicalities.

Other urls found in this thread:

How terrifying.

Boomer tier post my friend. Go back to reddit.

You're a fucking idiot.

graphene is just a conductive material.

Low effort post, gas yourself

The russian hackers will have won then!

You should still spell it out for people, regardless.

The faggot OP is suggesting that it will soon be feasible for our clothes to be something that electronically tracks us.

If this does come to pass, then we will have to, in the distant future, keep an eye on where we buy clothes from, to make sure they don't do this shit. This isn't a "now" thing, it's something our grandchildren will have to worry about.

Sounds great. It would eliminate shoplifting of most goods in grocery stores, your meat and vegetables could directly communicate with the fridge and tell it when they've gone bad, the government could make its use mandatory in restaurants and cafes to eliminate tax evasion, kitchen utilities such as stoves, microwave ovens and blenders could refuse to cook bad or otherwise non-approved food items, the government could more easily keep track of crazy wacko preppers who buy too much food, and on and on. The opportunities here are endless!

Thanks for the slide cunt. Run along back to reddit.

Certainly has all the Orwellian makings for more and complete totalitarian RFID control of food, which is what the Elite want, so that they can TOTALLY control the masses.

Bump because you have no idea what a slide is.

push that cat

I don't think this can be implemented with food on mass scales - there is no evidence that graphene is edible, and any attempts to do this will piss off everyone who eats food, which is everyone except soylentfags.

push yourself


but only if the cat falls to its death trying to reach said potato.

I don't think you have a solid grasp on the current rate of technological change.

Numerous cats have been documented surviving falls from skyscraper windows and balconies with relatively little or even no injuries. Pretty remarkable really.

You have no clue what that RFID tag is, do you? In your mind it's probably a miniature computer with an antenna or something.

You have smartphone that tracks you. Who cares about clothes.

Actually, I helped install literally the world's largest RFID installation at the time in one of the world's busiest airports decades ago friend. I reckon I have just a little better grasp of it than most heh.

Every food you ingest will have a GUID. This is the future the Bible warns us about. The true mark of the jew beast.


How do lasers = GUIDs? Even if they did, what would be the point, as GUIDs would just digest in the stomach and possibly poison the eater?

damn things are lucky and very twitchy

Assumptions, I never bought into the "I need a cellphone" retardation.

Luck certainly plays no part in it. It's most likely a combination of – as you indicated twitchy – remarkably good reflexes and balance, and the ability to 'sail' the air like a skydiver due to their relatively low density body mass and fluffy (ie, high air-drag) exteriors.

computers are just arranged pathways of conductive material though.

and yet I keep getting told that if you drop them from chest high they can be hurt.

The Bible was written by individuals from the same race as Jews who even claim to be the only true Jews due to their Semitic messiah. Revelations is an anti-Roman screed. Go back to /christian/ you cuck.

Because there's not enough height to correct their position

Someone please answer my question.

eh nvm

GUID in that context simply means what the acronym actually stands for: Globally Unique IDentifier. It just means an effectively unique number in all the world. This is how the tracking happens.

The underlying transport and reporting mechanism for that number to the data and control systems can be via any of a large set of mechanisms: laser scans as you indicated, radio or other electromagnetic waves (eg, the RFID discussed ITT), direct electrical contact, manual entry, and others.

Now obviously an RFID system would likely be the mechanism used for any directly ingested data chips to the human body.

who do you think you are fooling

They already pretty much control the food in its entirety. All small producers are smashed into oblivion and what is left is zogzog huge farms growing cancer vegetables.

Filthy disease ridden bolshevik cat.

Sage because you are a fucking jew cunt.

So you should know it's little more than a read/write barcode, yes? And this hasn't changed much.

Anyone fear-mongering about RFID should look for cooler shit to get scared about.


You're already fucked, lad.

>Oy vey goyim, our Jewish book we wrote especially for you is 100% true and means whatever (((scholars))) say it means so don't engage in society, isolate yourself in the woods and never form a community of any threatening size or share wrong think!

Reminder that the (((Bible))) is 100% ancient pozz. They wrote it specifically to control us.

Jew worshippers and kneelers WILL be crucified. No exceptions. Renounce before the day comes.

Anybody who attempts to use religious D&C against whites will get a bullet to the back of the skull, no matter which religion they ostensibly support. I don't care whether they stop before the day comes.

the people who did this should be executed for heresy


Reported for kike D&C. Hi, intl.

Christianity IS religious D&C which preaches counter to the truth of the existence of racial souls and bids its adherents to destroy their spirits by ritually consuming the flesh and blood of a fictional Semitic idol. There is a reason the National Socialists engaged in a campaign to suppress Christianity in Germany, endeavoring to replace it with an Aryan religion. Christians will always be nothing more than the servants of the Semitic race because their souls are corrupted by foreign ideals and rituals.

Christianity is by it's nature D&C so by your logic you should eat your gun now

You won't because you're a kike slave. I know this because only they would defend the kike slave religion. It's a dead give away and it's going to make rounding you up very easy.

Also if you resist, we're killing your families too to set an example. Come quietly and they will be spared.

They suppressed the churches, which were infiltrated by kikes centuries ago. Suppressing organizations (churches or otherwise) controlled by kikes is imperative for creating a unified white society.

Pagan and Christian whites can live together in a strong nation bound by shared blood. Any attempt to turn them against each other is pure kikery aimed at creating more brother wars to weaken whites.

Your families will be killed no matter what you do, kike. Whether by the hand of a Christian or a Pagan, there will be nothing you can do to save any member of your "tribe". You instinctively know this, which is why you always double down rather than back off when you begin to be seen for what you are.

Cats in freefall assume a special pose that minimizes terminal velocity and optimizes impact force distribution. I guess it was evolutionary only designed for jumping off high trees, but sure enough it works for falls off any high locations.

Christ absolutely preached the existence of the racial soul as enumerated by the Torah, exclaiming the logic that God's existence through the people of Israel Those Who Wrestle With God applied to all sapient peoples.

You fucking kikes.


Low quality bait faggot.

Jesus Christ to the Jews

Rosenberg intended to replace all crosses with swastikas and every bible with Mein Kampf. Himmler's SS was an Aryanist knightly order. Christianity was being expunged from Germany, and it will be expunged from this planet.

It should be noted that neither Rosenberg nor Hitler thought of Yeshua as a Jew, however, in their era there had yet to be made the discovery of the Dead Sea materials which prove that Yeshua is a fictional figure derived from hundreds of years of Semitic cultists from sects such as the Essene.

I'm not fear-mongering, I merely pointed out that your assertion this is something two generations away is ludicrous. The notion that practically everything in the environments around is taggable and trackable is not only realistic, it's rapidly becoming a reality.

Yep, it's neat because it functions just like a cross between a highly ellipsoid airfoil and a parachute. And the limbs and tail extended are directly used as rudders through the air. When I mentioned skydiver before, I really meant the squirrelsuit jumpers.

Even with all the drag induction to slow down, they still require lightning fast reflexes to properly at the moment of impact to survive. Most don't ofc. The fact that any do is a testament to their remarkable design as mammals.
Evolution is a fallacy btw. :^)

And sand (silica) is just a semiconductor.

ALL IS BOTNET was bad but…
We have now entered a nightmare scenario…

Semiconductors aren't just conductors.

That's an important point worth noting. Even though you can deduce that he didn't exist based on historical data that was available for hundreds of years, the Dead Sea Scrolls reveal that in their own special way. Taken as something objectively, meaning without the religious commentary that is created to reshape context and "re-interpret" it, it's a nail in the coffin for the unwarranted legitimacy that the bible possessed for arguably a couple thousand years.


Hitler didn't hold Rosenberg in very high regard, you're believing in allied war propaganda and calling it a good thing, Pagans can be fine people, it's not Christians that want you gone, believing in Zeitgeist-tier religious ideas is dumb, go watch TGSNT, and fuck off with this shit.

The tech itself is amazing to be honest, not only can you instantly produce chips with lasers, you can use super cheap material to do so. The only downside is kikes using this for their deranged purposes, but this goes for every techonlogy.

Smaller creatures have lower the terminal velocity, you could throw a mice out of a skyscraper and it would survive. Cats might be bigger than mice but also have the ability to reduce a fall so it's not that surprising.

Doing my best to spread the word, to bring new eyes Q, Mr. President (and team). Wish I could do more. If I die for truth if I die for Christ I win. After all He is the cornerstone our enemies have rejected. Oprah sir.

Ooorah not Oprah. LOL

no, the russian would turn all their computers into vodka and drink away their whole civilization. i think we've finally figured out how to beat the ruskie. someone get the cianiggers on the line before ivan finds out about our plans

It's all a function of the drag coefficient of the 'outer shell' of the creature vs the mass. Since smaller generally means a higher surface to mass ratio then yes they are more likely to have a lower terminal velocity. Add into that the beautiful airfoil/navigation abilities of cats in free-fall and it's somewhat explicable.

Nevertheless, I'm personally quite skeptical of the apparent claim that a mouse could survive an impact directly onto concrete sidewalks or asphalt roads from great heights as several cats have done. To do so still requires both incredibly fast reflexes, and enough limb/tendon lever throw action and shock absorption to effectively brake the speed down sufficiently in the minute time required. Mice have neither, though it's much easier to envision their survival impacting something soft like turf.

Without that highly specialized combination that cats exhibit, it's quite unlikely most mammals could survive such an event without fatal organ and skeletal damage. Even most cats don't survive.

Yet Hitler continually appointed him to important posts such as overseeing Kirchenkampf, directing the education system, and even as a minister of territories captured in the East.

Christians want us gone so badly that they will spread defamation about our past after having been the ones to turn Europe into a shithole, murder our spiritual leaders and call it a good thing, and cling to a Semitic religion rather than embrace the truth, because there is certainly no truth in Christianity whatsoever. To believe otherwise is to accept the lies of a foreign race and become their slave.

Even in spite of that, Hitler still allowed Rosenberg to formulate Positive Christianity which created a slow death for Christianity within NSDAP rule. In fact, he allowed Rosenberg to do this the same year the NSDAP came into power, which means that despite what he thought of Rosenberg he knew he was the man for the job and that something needed to be done about christianity in Germany. And this was before the big drama that would be known as Kirchenkampf took off.

Kek. I was wondering user. Commit your works to Him, and He will direct your thoughts.

The goal of kikestianity is to exterminate white families, as this race traitor has accidentally admitted. He puts religion above race every time. That's how you will know him, brothers. He and his will be tortured and executed. Do not fear them, their slavish ways and devotion to false gods makes them mentally, physically and morally weak. No match for even an average white man, free of such mental and spiritual shackles.

No. We're done with your lies. Renounce your service to the jew or die screaming.

The jew laughs at you with that passage, because it was written to mean YOU. Christians, slaves to the jew who believe they are some how 'chosen' because a rabbi said so. The Christian church is literally the "Synagogue of Satan" but you're so brainwashed you can't even see how they mock you to your face.

Then niggers are the same as us and race doesn't exist. You can't have it both ways.

You CI faggots are so fucking worthless to the cause. All you do is try to make religion more important that race and spread a mindvirus created and bred by jewish thinkers to burden and enslave the Aryan soul. You're worse than the kikes because you're complicit traitors.

You will suffer even more than your fictional jewish god was said to and your contorted screaming faces will be preserved for all time as a reminder of what happens when you put kike religion before blood.

As far as i know the intent of the NSDAP leadership was to gradually phase out Christianity from the Reich and to replace it with their ad hoc völkish teachings. By gradually i mean in many generations time, 1000 year Reich after all.

Why is this shit thread still up? This board is no place for shills or schizo-posting.

It's a christfag containment thread now

You see, there are two threads my friend. Those you like and those you don't like. Stick to the ones you like.

Reported for not even trying.

You too, intl.

Typical jewry right there, trying to claim their opponents said the exact opposite of what they really did. Let me spell it out for you again: every single kike is going to die. United whites, both Pagan and Christian, will come in the night and you, your kike family and your whole kike tribe with be disposed of with characteristic white efficiency. None of your jewish filth will be permitted to survive and continue infecting this world, not your degenerate ideologies, and not your diseased blood.

Except for Christianity, the degenerate ideology which allowed kikes to establish a global hegemony in the first place.

If This thread is helpful in any way I will admit my mistake, but anyone who knows anything about the graphene meme knows imprinting it on food would be no different than a complex sticker or glorified barcode, it's not like it is capable of tracking or providing information on the person eating it.

Pretty strange that (((Joseph))) was instituting Bolshevism in Egypt supposedly four thousand years ago in the same manner the Jews later would in Russia, that (((Esther))) pulled off a genocide of 75000 Persians 2500 years ago on the back of the relentless campaign of genocide illustrated in (((Joshua))), and both fulfilling the murderous ravings of (((Isaiah))) to exterminate all Gentiles. Very strange that all of that should happen before (((Rabbi Yeshua))) tells us that it was the merely the Pharisaic kikes that were the problem, and then so (((Arthur Koestler))) the communist could inform us that, in fact, the Jews are all gone and we only have the worry about the Khazars now.

Imagine that, having communists and the founder of your religion, both racial Jews, covering up thousands of years of the Jewish racial behavioral pattern.

Keep talking. Even if was only a barcode / visual identifier, it would give the myriads of devices with cameras a clue as to what you're eating. "user X has been eating Cookie X on date X, Cookie X is the fourth cookie in the package, so he probably had three more, which would put him in violation of his Obamacare terms. Report to authorities immediately."
"user X is eating Apple X, which were bought by user Y. Report to authorities for illegal interstate commerce activity"
Loss of privacy is the problem, not the amount or at rate at which privacy is being lost. Even it was just a barcode it would be a huge problem.

That's a fucking coconut.

I understand, but people would voluntarily have to put devices in their home to communicate with graphene food tags, similar to how people put a Google or Amazon surveillance device like Alexa in their home today. Those people who buy these devices have made a decision to give up their freedom.

Sure it could happen in public too, but the us would have to pass a law allowing surveillance devices that interact with food to be placed in public.


What I'm saying is that most of our freedoms are given up voluntarily. We would have to change public opinion to value their freedoms more and not readily give them away.

You’re totally retarded. You think this shit can’t just be tracked? You think the devices you already own AND YOUR NEIGHBORS OWN don’t already do the tracking? They can map the layout of your house by looking at Wi-Fi signal interference, for fuck’s sake. 5G is going to universalize “connected” devices.

Actually, I try to go with the facts. There is simply not even the remotest possibility mathematically speaking that what is commonly known as evolution today is legitimate. There is, however, a large and growing body of evidence that various systems exhibit frankly miraculous degrees of fine-tuning.

And molecular biology in particular has literally hundreds of specific examples of analogs to human engineering artifacts, in particular molecular motors.

This isn't muh_feefees nor philosophy. These are observable artifacts in nature.

First, a WiFi router or phone alone can't interact with a layer of unpowered graphene. Second, I decided to own a WiFi router and cell phone, and am aware of the privacy risks to owning them. I don't have to, it was my decision. Third, WiFi maping is EXTREMELY basic, and can only map internal areas, not neighbors homes.

No reason to be hostile friend, we are on the same side. I am always against loss of privacy and freedom, and being informed about the capabilities of technology is important so that we know what the biggest threats are so that we can allocate our resources against the biggest threats. Graphene being imprinted on food is not a big threat due to the fact that it is inert and unpowered.

That's an inappropriate term, when you're dealing with something that is extremely difficult to avoid.
It's already very difficult to buy products without regular barcodes and if this becomes an industry standard or worse, gets mandated by governments it would be almost impossible to avoid, making it involuntary, since there's no choice involved.

We do not only have to stop giving up our freedoms, we have to take back the freedom was already taken from us, because if we're not moving towards a free society, we're moving towards a controlled & managed society and we also have to move away from the notion that public opinion matters. The normies do not have a line in the sand and won't ever stand up for themselves. We have to realize that we're on our own and that many normies are either dead weight or worse, are working against us.

Nice how religious d&c immediately starts between pagans and Christians. Really activates my almonds.

No, the emperor approves of this. it's a.i. that's heresy.

Oh the Greeks are Jews now, (((user)))? Go D&C your rabbinical buttcheeks elsewhere >>>/synagogue/

This guy gets it. Graphene is small enough to sit on cell membranes and perhaps even small enough to enter. Basically, if they zap a graphene GUID on your food and you eat it, you now have tiny little GUIDs floating around your entire body.

Go ahead now breathe. Touch something. Congrats you just left a microscopic audit trail of not just where you've been, but what you ate, and possibly other data regarding your biology.

>Oh the Greeks are Jews now, (((user)))?

Also, friendly reminder.
There is not a single "christian" here that would be a christian if "going to heaven" would be taken out of the equation and "a good christian life after good christian morals and values" were the only reward.
Simply because they don't give a shit about that.

If you don't even believe in the greatness of it all, why should anyone else?
Especially pagans, which are the skeleton and driver of everything "great" you see in christianity.

After all, they went against the wishes of Rabbi Yeshua and made graven images of things and became richfags that preach openly and in churches instead of keeping things private and impoverished.

But you cannot take the spirit of Freya out of those who still have a soul.
The only way to lose your soul is to become a 100% christian christian.
It makes everyone equally honorary jewish golems that can do nothing.

Compare the average golemized biblethumper and christian artists who paint beautiful nature things and so forth.
Or scientists who had to oppose the church.

A true Christian would have never opposed anyone like that.
And therefore no true Christian would ever had done anything "beautiful".
But I don't have the time to go into detail about this.
Doesn't matter anyway. Reality speaks for itself, at least in Europe, the continent that actually matters in the context of Christianity.

Fact remains, however, Christianity, no matter to which tribe it is applied is powerless to exorcise the tribes pagan/natural spirits.
Mexicans still flay (xipe totec) and have Santa Muerte.
Japs still have Amaterasu and co.
Euroepans have a multitude of different pagan things, like eastern european "double faith", Germanic stuff, etc.

All extremely prevalent.
Even niggers remain niggers and were never truly elevated by "Christianity" because their nigger gods are worthless and "upgrading" to Christianity does nothing because, again, TRUE Christianity is poverty and nigger tier.

You need constant exorcism until the soul is fully gone.
These people will not enter heaven, but will enter nowhere.
There only exists one afterlife for people, that of their natural spirits.
Yahweh does not exist, it's jewish spray paint over whatver a tribe already had before.

Europeans were super autistic about it, though, just like they are with pretty much everything else, like Dr. Who. Star Wars. My little pony and co.

But they dream up neither of these if you throw them into the cold wilderness at night with no weapons and co.
Even atheists start to sense the spirits of nature closing in on them.
They don't see yahweh or purple dildos.
They see the ancient claws of the feywild and feel the ancient pulse of the true gods that start to puppet them.

The mad, screaming, reduced to a primal state human who lifts a rock or swings a branch to destroy the evils that lurk in the shadows.
The seed of the gods, always and forever.

A rumble in the sky inspires to dream up thundergods, not yahwehs, not the bible.
But missionaries will come over and then tell you that it's actually yahweh you're worshipping.

The purest larp, from day 1 has always been Christianity.
It was never the core, just a coat, and Europe had re-tailored it since 0AD.
2000 years is nothing, 10k is nothing.
Eventually the mantle of foolishness will be cast aside and we will all be part of the army of the gods again, all of us.
As it should be.

None will die as soulless golems anymore.

Are you, in your gay-faggotted way, suggesting that we are ingesting nanotechnology?

Checked, think of the marketing possibilities. You could easily scan a whole house or simply use the garbage trucks to process the contents of a waste bin.

KYS faggots, you just can't resist outing yourself every time you post.

No I think OP is trying to make us aware of this technology and leaving it up to us to see how it could become extremely invasive.

no but when it is possible to make nanotechnology (that isnt just machinery of our cells) that could be put in food and not digested, then there will be much easier ways to put it everywhere then specifically trying to put it on food


I thought you child sacrificing kike faggots gave up on this anti-Christ shilling already? What has it been now? 2000+ years? Exactly how deep into your salty nigger butthole does satan's cock have to go before you realize what pathetic gaylords your ugly race of hooknose desert apes has become?




I can hear your nose whistling and your hands rubbing from here.

Shut the fuck up you ugly tryhard teenage faggot.

So…coconut-powered battery? :^)

>this is the first robot in the world to be controlled by tissue which technically makes it a cyborg


Classic jew deflection here. The original kikeslave tried to call me a kike because he wants to kill white families for not worshiping Rabbi Yeshua as a god, forsaking our blood and heritage. He doubles down in fear, knowing his mask is slipping. Fearing for his jewrat spawn, knowing that I or someone like me will kill them all for their treason. Yet he's small and weak, his family is feeble and pathetic without help from the state. Soon he will be crushed like the cockroach he is.

These christfags don't even realize that they're the "Synagogue of Satan" They claim they are chosen even though they're not jewish. This is what happens when you buy into a jew religion.

Every single thing you buy already has a barcode. What are you on about?

You've already failed at this.

Not only does that suggest that you don't understand math OR probability (you don't) but you also aren't aware that we've observed it happening. There also isn't even one competing theory with a shred of evidence.

Yup, Which actually proves evolution. Fine-tuning is a result of the evolutionary process.
If Intelligent Design was real, everything would just work perfectly all the time, but not only is that NOT the case, but we can see organisms fine-tuning themselves through evolution. The fitter the specimen, the more likely they reproduce and so on.

That is very true, and it utterly disproves everything you believe.

I hit the /r/GOP & /r/NRA boards

I'm getting positive response with the upboats.

Let me tackle this before you get too excited.

That's true. And it proves nothing at all except that physics hold true and our understanding of the world is solid enough that we can see why our inventions, perfected over trial and error over generations (much like biological mechanisms) work.

You have this silly idea that we could even EXIST in a world where millions of years didn't take place. In fact, that's necessary and the ONLY outcome in which we could even ponder it would be one where evolution works around the laws of biochemistry and physics and produces viable organisms of increasing complexity to meet challenges of environment and select for the fittest organisms to reproduce and continue that process.

You can't even understand that if it didn't work at all, we wouldn't exist. You wouldn't be sitting here lecturing me about things you don't understand because you and all of humanity and anything beyond bacteria wouldn't exist.

We are proof that it works and proof that there is no intelligent design, because why would an omnipotent creator make so many mistakes?

Please ask me about the mistakes so I can humiliate you further. Please. I would love it very much to mock you, even though I know you're not smart enough to understand how stupid you look right now.

Should have just said that from the beginning.

Damnit kike, at least try to be subtle. When I want my people to absorb something without thinking I'm the one manipulating them I at least put the ambient thought into two pieces and put them in separate posts and separate threads. You just straight up ended your (((Tor))) post with a suspiciously retarded attempt to tell us what we think about a community we are known to favor and respect.

The only thing I hate more than kike lies is kike nepotism. They don't even deserve to be our enemies.

Before I even proceed to answer I'll give you a little test first. Give me a first order approximation of the combinatorics of the 20 amino acids needed to produce the simplest RNA sequence? Just how long would that take if say, every single atom in the universe was an amino acid? Feel free to round it to the closest quadrillion years user no need to be to picky.

Proves nothing. Gambler's Fallacy 101.

>every single atom in the universe was an amino acid trying a new combination once per second?*

Tell that to Sumper and Luce. Be sure to loop in Spiegelman for extra laughter.

The fun thing about the empirical method is that I don't need to listen to your baseless number crunching based on data and conditions that no one could know for certain. Instead, we can just observe that it can happen and did happen.

Since we know it can happen in a very short period of time, your sophistry can be discarded for the nonsense that it is.

Regardless, you've demonstrated that you have no answer to give.

You didn't even read it before you posted it in your haste.

Your argument is that IT CAN'T HAVE HAPPENED BY CHANCE. But that's absurd. You could apply that logic to ANYTHING that's statistically less probably than average, and yet that's not how probability works.

The point is the idea that the universe could not exist as it is by chance is stupid because you could never test that hypothesis. It's non-falsifiable. By definition, the universe would have to exist as it does for us to even question it. If it had gone a trillion other ways, we wouldn't be here to question it.

In essence, we're living in a Survivor Bias scenario where we're assuming that because we're here and we can question our being here that something special must have happened to get us here.

That's just not the case.

Looks like we have 2 D&C shillfags here.

No, you faggot. Christianity does not preach counter to the truth - that you think it does proves what a massive retard you are.

Also, your LARP is amusing.

ARe the shills switching IP's now? OR are there merely so many of them lately?

Christians want you gone? Who you "you" in this context?
Christianity against family? The family is the core concept of Christianity, you fuckwit!

Stupidity and shiilery of this caiber should be punishable by death

Actually, it IS a valid argument.

The fact that we wouldn't even be here to argue if it didn't happen is irrelevant. It's not an argument.

IF you're in a plane and get show down by a dozen missiles, fall in a burning wreck into an volcano that explodes, and you find yourself on the beach - then yes, the fact hat you are alive at all should raise a question of how the fuck did you survive.

Christian family values came from the Europeans it converted, notably the Romans and Germans, not those great stalwarts of family values, the Jews who created it.

What truth is there in Christianity?
Remember, Yeshua never existed, or rather, the figure is a combination of hundreds of years of Semitic revolutionaries as proven by the Dead Sea materials. That means the entirety of the Yeshua saga is false. Exodus? False. Genesis? Distortions of stories from other religious traditions retailored to defame some of those very traditions (Tower of Babel). Similarly, many of the psalms are taken from Sumerian sources. Yahweh is the supreme creator and one true god? False.
Then you've got Saul going around saying "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus," in direct opposition to the truth of racial souls in order to spread his subversive cult.

For a Christian sect to even be considered for being honest and noble, it would have to reject the entirety of the bible and specifically point out that Saul is a filthy Semite whose mission was to create a cult to subvert Roman power. At that point, what it would be is no longer Christianity.

Every food you ingest will have a SystemD.

The Greed is the core concept of Christianity.


Yawn. Always the same old bullshit. Change your playbook already.

We can all easily see now, why the kikes have been shilling against christianity on Holla Forums for years. They know of the prophecies, and they know that when they start instating their NWO kikery people WILL recognize it for what it is BECAUSE of Christian prophecy, that warned us all about it 2000 ago. This is why they relentlessly attack christianity and try to discredit it at every turn. Chrstianity is the biggest ideological threat to the NWO and has been since it's inception.

Are you trying to say that Europeans "invented" monogamy? These are common sense values present throughout the world, nobody can lay claim to these things and say they invented it. Pretty much all civilized societies outside Religion of Cuck™ were monogamous, at least outside the chad upper classes who could afford many mates. Europeans before christianity weren't particularily strict when it came to marriage relations being strictly between one man and one woman. And while yes, stealing another man's woman was punished, including unmarried wmen who belonged to their fatherrs.

[continued] Nobody particularily cared if one man had many women, or if a woman would to prostitute herself for money. She would simply stop being marriage material. Heck, there were even pagan temples specifically dedicated to such women, brothels aren't called the house of Venus for nothing.

Why would I change when what I'm posting is the truth? That's why you never dare to challenge the content of my posts instead of merely claiming it's bullshit. What you're doing is trying to signal to other posters to ignore me through deception, no doubt why you've changed to a new IP to do it.

You sound exactly like the SJW screeching racism/yism/xphobia at people. Your arguments bring nothing to the table other than demagoguery.

i never understood the problem with SystemD. Can you point me towards a good source/explanation for it?

In the very post you replied to I gave one of the reasons why Christianity is wrong, the principles pushed by Saul which promote spiritual equality through Yeshua. Of course, Christianity IS a Semitic religion by every possible measure. Yeshua is a fictional figure concocted by Semitic sects such as the Essene in order to rile up Semitic cultists based on their shared traditions of Mosaic Yahwehism. Why would I not repeat the truth over and over again when you constantly deny it without any sort of argument?

I know of someone who has been working with graphene to produce computer chips. He's at the point he can run electricity through it, but that's the furthest along they've gotten. They can't actually make computers with it. Once the project is far enough along, they'll be able to produce carbon chips that can more safely be placed into human tissue.


You're converting Semitic names to a European version in order to cover up the ethnic origin of Christianity, furthermore, you completely ignore what Saul says about all spirits being equal through Yeshua in opposition to the truth of racial souls spoken of in the Aryan religions. The consensus here is that Christcucks are treasonous rats, thus why they have a containment board where they openly plot subversion of this board and denounce racialism. This is fully in alignment with the policies of the National Socialists, who suppressed Christianity through the campaign of Kirchenkampf while establishing a folk religion based on Aryan teachings and German pre-Christian traditions.

By continuously trying to accuse and appeal to biases instead of prove you only continue to out yourself as a shill trying to manipulate public consensus.

You're the one proving nothing, accusing me of being wrong and disingenuous, and appealing to biases by using a smug and claiming to represent a consensus which does not exist. You refuse to deal with the actual teachings of Christianity, such as Saul's denial of the existence of racial souls, and you've done nothing to even try to prove that Christianity is not a Semitic religion despite the overwhelming evidence through the NT's reliance on the Mosaic and Abrahamic traditions as well as the clear lineage of the Christian cult shown in the Dead Sea materials.

You try to hard to force new language norms on the board that there is absolutely no way you are not a shill. Tell me how is "jeshua" and "semitic religions" different from "mansplaining", "racism" and "gender disphoria", all completely made up words, made to create issues out of thin air and accuse, all the while appealing to biases of the group these words are being implanted into. If you were not a shill, who is here to sew discord, then you would use the more common words that people use in everyday conversation. Since you don't and instead attempt to implant neologisms into the discourse, you are obviously not an average poster, but rather an agent of disinformation attempting to steer the community in a certain direction.

How are "Semitic" and "religions" not common words that people use in everyday conversation? This has to be the most ridiculous deflection I've seen yet. Is antisemitism now an arcane word? Semitic languages and Semites are technical terms with dictionary definitions older than any of us here. You will go to any length to distract from the fact that Christianity was created by non-Europoid cultists worshiping a non-Europoid idol and a non-Europoid tribal deity. The reason you're objecting to the usage of Semitic as a descriptor is because you so very much want people to use Jewish as a descriptor instead so you can play arcane word games over the definition of what is or is not a Jew based on this or that interpretation of their own religious doctrines as well as petty arguments about translations of Judean as Jew. Those distractions don't work when we refer to the entire race by a single descriptor, thus frustrating your attempts to push Christianity on a National Socialist board.

You've still yet to actually address any of the points about the degenerate teachings of Christianity ("There is neither Jew nor Greek..", "I have not come to bring peace, but division…to turn a man against his father…") or its origins with a foreign, enemy race. You attempt constantly to distract from these things while accusing me of doing the very things you are doing. Now you're even attempting to play language police while claiming to represent the board.

Funny that.

Holla Forums was right again

In the same way "crooked Hillary" is not a common word people use in every day conversation. While the words themselves are not new in any way, the meaning they are trying to convey is. The devil is in the details and these words are basically the equivalent of a playground bully calling other kids nasty nicknames, instead of their actual names.
This immediately outs you as disingenious in your stance, and discredits whatever you have to say.

To think I thought Holla Forums was lost. Feels good to be home. Just need someone to bash Catholics so Moonman comes out of hiding and starts his autistic implication sprees.


Really makes you think why shills are so overwhelmingly anti-christian.

Good old Christcucks. When all arguments fail, turn anti-White!

Never change Newage.

Calling Christianity a Semitic religion is accurate, above all else. Because you can't disprove such a truth, you are going to defame me for repeating it. That's why you have yet to address any of the content of my arguments, instead opting to attack me for using the wrong words. If Christianity isn't a Semitic religion, a religion created by people of the Semitic race worshiping a fictional idol of a man from that same race as well as a tribal deity of their race, prove it. Except that you can't, so your only recourse is to try to get me to stop using the words you can't refute. You can call it a nasty nickname, but it's an accurate description.

And now you're defaming our ancestors, like everyone else who pushes Christianity on this board. How could the Nordic race be illiterate when there's evidence of their writing system as far as the Eastern shores of the US in the form of runestones? The only reason you can even claim that they were illiterate is because Christians went to great lengths to try to erase the signs of pre-Christian cultures. There's even a researcher who claims the Rongorongo script of Easter Island is a direct match to Welsh runes.

More accusations of grave sins.
More appeal to biases.
More hundred-times-over repeated lies and disinfo.
No arguments as to why I am wrong.

Now you can't even put effort into your bullshitting. You've yet to address a single argument I've made. You've literally defended the Semite Saul by trying to pass him off as acceptable through the name he took to aid in infiltrating and subverting Rome while he authored a work which discredits the Aryan concept of racial souls. You haven't given a single reason why Christianity shouldn't be considered a Semitic religion, you just claim that I shouldn't use accurate, well-known adjectives to describe the ideology you're pushing. You project everything that you're doing onto me while spreading lies about European cultures.

Accusation. Paul and Saul were interchangeable. Paul became the more common pronunciation.
Accusation. Falsehood. Rome was already dying at that point and halted all expansion.
No such thing. Literally pulling bullshit out of your ass, unless it's some occult newage book, which again would be quite typical of an antichristan newager.
Equating Christianity with Judaism false paradigm.
Europe did not have a unified cultural background until Christianity. Now you will screech about disrespecting ancestors, but it's true and you know it.

Which only appeared much later than Roman times, because the northern tribeniggers weren't retards and figured out that having a writing system might be a good idea. Said runes also greatly resemble the Latin alphabet in shape and structure(phonetic letters) for some reason, I wonder why. Now present me written records of snowniggers of Roman times that weren't made by Romans. That's right, you can't because there aren't any, because they didn't have any writing owing to the fact of them being illiterate, uncivilized tribesmen. Even the fact that we even know what they called themselves they owe to the Romans and the Greeks who decided for the sake of history to record of their niggery.

Find a single source that claims Saul was not a Semite. His story in the Bible is presented as a Semite who worked with the Romans to persecute Christians before his conversion. You will call it an accusation while providing no evidence that Saul was not a Semite.
As for the rest of your points, they are addressed by Rosenberg in his book, The Myth of the Twentieth Century, which is required reading on this board as he was a high ranking official in the Third Reich responsible for the suppression of Christian churches, managing the education system in Germany, and overseeing captured territories in the east. His work followed from prior research in the 19th century around which the volkisch movement was centered. He directly states that one of the defining features of Aryan religions is the concept of racial souls, shown most clearly in the Vedas. Rosenberg also states that Christianity is derived from the subversive efforts of the Semite Saul and that this is the reason that it is a degenerate religion with a destructive influence. Though he says little of Yeshua himself and states he was not a Semite, Rosenberg wrote in a time before the discovery of the Dead Sea materials which show that Yeshua is a fictional figure derived from several hundred years of writings from Semitic sects such as the Essene. We now know more about the falsehoods of Christianity today than even the men of the Reich whose Ahnenerbe researchers scoured the globe for records of the Aryans and their conquests.

Except for being (mostly, with a few hold outs) unified under Indo-European languages and having religious traditions which were analogous and can be traced back to the antediluvian Aryan civilization. Besides these technical points, there is the simple fact that a unified cultural background is not inherently good. All ethnic groups should have their own culture, except Semites who must be exterminated because they are the antirace born from the folly of mixing.

There we go, he finally said it. This is your godly Christian everybody. This is his true nature, calling Nordics niggers while pushing a foreign ideology as the only option for our peoples. He'll say that the National Socialists were wrong and you have to worship a Semite if you want to be free.

More appeal to biases.
More bullshit, unsurprisingly. The Romans actually cared very little about Christians and never bothered persecuting them until later when certain Roman emperors demanded to be venerated as gods and Christians refused to do so. Who Paul was, was an agent of the pharisees, aka the proto-kikes of today who you seem to agree with on most points. Need I remind you where (((magic))) stems from?
Well gee, look who's all for supporting semitic magicians now that they align with your world view. Don't trip on your way to get your (((government))) ordained NWO chip, cattle.

This is why they hated each other and called each other savages and barbarians, all the while waging endless wars against each other. They were just that unified. You will now reference that wars did not stop during christian times, but I hardly believe the Crusades would ever be possible to stop the invasion of Religion of Cuck™ into Europe. The Spanish reconquista in which men of various European nations participated, the Battle of Vienna in which Poland came to the aid of Austria, do you think these war efforts would have been possible without Christianity? Just like the Romans conquered the Gauls and the Germans by pitting the various tribes against each other, the same way the muslims would conquer a pagan Europe.

You're defaming a high ranking National Socialist and calling Nordics niggers, do you really think anyone is going to consider you to be a genuine poster? Increasing your usage of formatting to try to fit in and manipulate the perceptions of others will not work.

If you had even bothered to look into Rosenberg, you'd know that he states that magic is indeed a degenerate display meant to awe onlookers and even goes so far as to blame Yeshua's usage of miracles to prove his station as a reason why he attracted the sort of followers he did, Semites concerned with turning his story to their benefit. Of course, your only argument against Rosenberg is to call him a Semite based on having a last name of the sort that Semites used for themselves in order to fit in with Europeans. You won't actually be able to find evidence that his blood is impure, unless you want to quote a Jewish journalist who made similar accusations.

>Then you must agree with what this one (((nazi))) has said, who also was known to have disagreements with Hitler himself.

Do you notice a pattern here? Because I sure do.
It goes like this.
How about, no?

You could at least try to hide your jewishness.

I guess ill go be a hermit in the mountains, best to be away from this stuff, if my clothes and food may be computers that could and will be used to spy on me in the future, then i want no part in this future

If a single transistor goes always conductive it has failed and your computer could not even turn on.
Niqqa u dum

Where do I argue in favor of RFID chips? You won't be able to point to a post where I make such an argument, just like you were unable to provide any evidence that Rosenberg was a Semite despite continuing to frame him as such. You claim to be arguing based on objective history while spreading lies such as Nordics being illiterate before Christianity and defaming them as savages. You are associating Aryan Vedas with Dravidians, a historical inaccuracy. You're then claiming that I have ever made a comment on the matter of markings, which I haven't. Now you're even going so far as to defame the Atlanteans, although you don't even care to make an actual accusation as to what they should be hated for. Your shilling is all over the place now. You're arguing in favor of the ideology responsible for establishing the NWO (Christianity, which granted the Semites a global hegemony through the destruction of European cultures) while calling me an NWO shill for advocating an absolute adherence to the racialist teachings of Aryan religions. Do you think anyone buys this shit? At this point I have to wonder if you're purposefully trying to be as retarded as possible in order to advance the cause of suppressing Christianity, because I don't see any other reason why you'd think you could call our ancestors snowniggers and be taken as anything other than a shill.

For the record, the RFID chipping has already begun. Researchers have traced the production of large numbers of such chips in commiefornia, where there are also reports from individuals being subjected to military abductions, chip implantation, and targeting with electronic harassment and gangstalking. It's not some special concept that the Christcucks can claim to have a unique warning about; marking slaves has been a concept for as long as slavery has existed. Anyone with two neurons to slam together should be able to figure out how detrimental such markings are, even more so in our era, rather than needing to heed the words of a Semite who was writing an anti-Roman tract because he'd been exiled for being part of a subversive, anti-Roman cult. When they decide to really get the ball rolling on chipping people, there won't be any sort of choice about it. You'll be branded as a threat to society, an extremist, mentally ill and all those other labels if you go against the grain. The fringe cases of medical and business usage are coming first in order to acclimatize people to the idea, then it will be pushed universally in the same way that vaccines and social security registration were. From there, it's only a few short hops to a system that can monitor your actions and brainwave patterns (thus allowing them to pinpoint those who differ from the golem profile) in real time. At that point, it's over for anyone who hasn't fled to the undeveloped reaches of the world and it will be quite difficult indeed to begin a National Socialist uprising.

Boil/Ferment all your foods.

It will help fuck the electronics?

Oh look, you weren't able to provide a single quote from me in support of chipping or any other form of monitoring. You also seem to have overlooked the fact that I am the one who started the religious argument because someone brought up the bible, which is a degenerate text written by Semites. Christianity, as I've already pointed out, is the ideology which established the global tyrannical state, based on teachings such as Saul's which provide the basis for spiritual equality and thus a globalist religion, unlike the religions of the Aryans which were specifically based on racial membership.

To tolerate, defend, or lie to enable the spread of Christianity is to hand the unknowing and the uncaring into the embrace of a religion which will entreat them to debase themselves by ritually consuming the flesh and blood of a Semitic idol while submitting to a Semitic tribal deity and the degenerate values of that vile race. No one needs a Semitic ideology to understand that being marked as a slave is a bad thing, although the Christians of the United States certainly didn't get the message when they instituted circumcision as a normal practice for Christians. Christians have never rejected such marks, and Christianity has brought on many forms of enslavement from feudalism to the slavish support of Israel now common to the Christian nations.

You don't get to decide when the argument is over, kike, especially when you have yet to engage with a single argument I've made. You've yet to reconcile Saul's globalist teachings with your defense of Christianity as noble, teachings which no sect of Christianity rejects despite their clear origins with a degenerate and their clear intent as subversive toward the truth of racial souls. You've yet to try to explain how Christianity is not a Semitic religion when it was created by Semites propping up a fictional Semite as an idol in relation to one of their tribal deities in accordance with the traditions of the equally fictional Semites Abraham and Moses so that they could bring their Semitic values to the Gentiles and thereby undermine their cultures, as evidenced by said globalist teachings of Saul.


You ban evade just to make a post entirely in eyecancer formatting as if it won't instantly give you away as a manipulative, lying kike?

Please leave.

Горячая картошечка!

This is such a bad idea.


There was some speculation that the Chem trails aluminum content was actually to try and put little antennas in every living thing, so that the government through using the cell towers radiation could basically create a 3D searchable database of all living things on earth. Kinda like in the Dark Knight at the end.

everyone on Holla Forums should play this masterpiece and kill every nigger in it !*

(except the story critical ones)

Not surprised.

Is that code for "I have no fucking clue what I'm looking at, please someone explain"?

Bump, the shills are shitting bricks about this. Everything they use to derail a thread’s been tried except the CP.

Oh no, carbon.

Does anyone know what games that is?
It looks… fun.

It really does look like fun to be honest

Would you suggest buying all DLC at full retail price?

Absolutely, it is best to support the developers at what they do

What sort of IP-hopping faggotry is this?

It's new. People don't like things that are new.

you literally slapped this together into ms paint.
you dont understand how "grafene [sic]" is produced nor how it works nor how electronics works. this is a garbage thread w/ garbage replies.

Holla Forums doesn't archive their own shit so I'm sorry I can't actually show it to you. Buit basically SystemD is a massive, bloated piece of shit that's basically being pushed relentlessly as the number one Linux distro. Except it's an awful mess and does nothing that it advertises, it's very suspicious with some of it's documentation, and it's backed by the CIA.


You do know why the latest Doctor was the guy who used to play Malcolm Tucker, don't you? Cunts that go and invent fucking daleks, that's why.


This torfag is a communist.

My brothers and sisters…. The answer is both.

Many of what I say will come from Scripture, but the perspective must change.

A long time ago, God separated the tribe of Judah from the other 11 tribes. He did this because of Judah's propensity to worship false gods, including Moloch. This is a direct reference to 1 Kings in the Old Testament.

At this point, Jew no longer = Israel. Judah Iscariot, betrayed of Jesus= Jew of Iscaria. Those who pushed for Jesus to be crucified… Jews. The Bible makes it very clear, the tribes of Israel fought against the evil tribe of Judah.

So who were the remaining 10 tribes? Where did the actual israelites go? Suffice it to say… Do your own research.

You will put together for yourself that the greatest trick the "Jews" ever pulled, was to make us hate our own heritage. The Caucasian people of Europe are in fact the Israelites. You can find this in the Saxons = shortened form of Isaacson. You can find this in the Scottish declaration of Independence dated 800 years ago, speaking of the people's origin from Greater Scythia… And ties to the original Israelites. You can find this in the tribe of Dan who made their way North through Europe naming geography as they went, from the Danube to Danmark… The land of Dan. We are surrounded by history we have forgotten… And been brainwashed to forget, solely for the purpose to be asleep to our rightful destiny…. Jeremiah's went on a great journey and in Ireland many claim and historical evidence points to his tomb being there. He went to the lost tribes.

Jesus told His disciples to go "to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matthew 10:6).

We are in fact the Israelites, God's chosen people, and Jesus in fact died for us. The greatest trick these fake tribal members of Judah pulled was to convince us that we are in fact the gentiles and that naming a collection of "Jews" Israel in 1948 somehow recreated a group God separated 10 tribes from the other.

Jesus died to save the world… And he was nailed to a cross.. yet he did not die until a spear pierced his side.

Odin died to save the world… He was hung from a tree. Odin did not die until a spear pierced his side.
Think about the "coincidence."

Why do you really think the USA can't be found when the world supposedly rallies around to conquer "Israel"? That is because the USA is a collection of the tribal prophecy of the tribes being reunited… We are in fact Israel.

Why do you think there is such multicultural push to mix whites by the "Jews of Judah" yet they will not….? Because they want us to defy God's covenant and commandment to not mix as his chosen blood.

There is proof of the tribes movement and survival… Which started my interest. (Continued…)

In the Dead Sea Scrolls as well as the original Martin Luther Bible, Gutenberg Bible, and King James Bibles the (((The Catholic church))) in late 1600s took out 13 books and called them apocrypha… But they are not. They were in all our Bibles until almost 1700… And in the books of Esdras….

It clearly shows that there 10 tribes left the area and went to Europe.


In the Apocrypha, the book of 2 Esdras states that (after the fall of the Assyrian empire) "the ten tribes… took this counsel among themselves… [to] go forth into a further country… and they entered into the Euphrates by the narrow passages of the river" (2 Esdras 13:40–45)—they headed north through the gorges to the Crimea. Nineteenth century London historian Sharon Turner wrote, "The emigrating Scythians crossed the Araxes [a river between the Black and Caspian Sea], passed out of Asia, and invading the Kimmerians, suddenly appeared in Europe, in the seventh century before the Christian era" (The History of the Anglo-Saxons, vol. 1, p. 98).

These inumerable tribes passed through the "caucus" mountains after staying there a bit and were eventually dubbed what? Gentiles? Nope. Lost tribes of Israel? No. Caucasians. The lost tribes are Caucasians.

There is no argument here, you can't contradict what I've said. The only real reality here is to take the ultimate God pill, we are in fact God's chosen people, the seafarers, the great warriors, the bringers of Justice the Bible depicts us as.

We are in an eternal battle with a particular sect of Judah, who knows who we are, but we have lost our own identity. They have lost their covenant and they follow Moloch all the way back to king Solomon and his concubines. Solomon was the reason God separated us out… He gave birth to Talmud and all that proceeded.

I only pray that my brothers and sisters will quit fighting because they are both right. Jesus came for the lost sheep of Israel, which is us, but our faith is also cucked because we do not see the truth… That we are God's chosen people.

So you are correct to feel a falsity to Christianity, but you others are correct to feel a kinship with the old testament and Jesus Christ, who came back to help us… Who we know the tribe of Judah sold out and had crucified… Because why would they accept him as their king? 1st and 2nd Kings even alludes to different books being kept for the historical records of "Kings of Israel" vs "Kings of Judah." This is the truth my friends.

DNA doesn't lie. The Palestinian people have half the DNA of an Israelite in their haplogroups.. and the Old Testament clearly shows the Assyrians/Babylonians left behind some harmless farmers 2000 years ago… That's them.

DNA tests are showing Pharoahs were in fact white. That's is because white people made up a lot of this area.

History has been suppressed form the edits made from our Bibles in the late 1600s… To the burning of the Library of Alexandria.. the learning the real history of Germany… (((They))) don't want us to know or remember why they hate us, why they make blood sacrifices… It's because of our history, because of who we are.

I expect some of you are shills as usual, and many may attack me… All I have to say is the world makes so much more sense, when we start reclaiming this identity as the lost tribes…and nothing you can say will ever change that ;)

This user knows his 40K. It's just a simple servitor - nothing heretek about that.

It's not a distro, dumbass. It's a part of the kernel that is supposed to optimize CPU operations. It is seen as spyware but so far there is no hard evidence as of yet, at least to my knowledge.

maybe we can use it to help our mentaly impaired negros


I don't know which is worse, this shitty half-assed OP or the fucking (((Christian))) debate that this thread somehow turned into.

bump for autism

This thread was so ZOG-nuccd'

Wow detective, how'd you figure that one out?
The whole fucking point of the Christianity existing in the first place was to save the Jews from what they had become - those who rejected their salvation were 'pruned from the tree of God', these holdouts being the synagogue of Satan that Jesus warns against, and the gentiles were grafted on, being Gods chosen people from then on.
The entirety of Christian theology is centered around the story of the Jews failing to live up to their role as God's chosen people, being offered salvation, rejecting it, and falling into sin. In Christianity, the Jews are a cautionary tale. People who preach of "Judeo-Christian values" and of Israel as some holy nation are inherently unchristian and agents of subversion. Most 'Christian' denominations have been duped into Jew-worship, but I would implore you all to not confuse them with the few people who still hold true to Bible.