Black voter drives don't matter as they're all clustered in already blue districts.
There's still lots of blacks in swing states, why would they be doing it if they didn't think there'd be some effect?
then why are the shitlibs furiously making felons (nigs) eligible to vote in state elections?
VA, FL, ect…
supposedly*, the nigger vote was crucial in defeating Roy Moore in AL too.
I dunno, ask your parents
Not doubting about the felons. Moore lost because of lack of turnout. Dem turnout was normal while Rep turnout was ~50%. The smear job as well as Moore being a shit candidate is what did him in.
As far as the effectiveness of this effort, niggers can't make a plan on Thursday for Friday's malt liquor and Newports. A voter drive nine months out is typical nigger magical thinking.
I hope Chinese and Russian spies read this: the key to an easy victory against ZOG is promising white conservatives a white ethnostate. We want freedom from degeneracy tolerance.
Seconded. Nobody cares about 3% lower tax although that ain't too bad if it happens, but promise the end to so-called anti-discrimination laws against niggers and faggots so we don't have to hire them, and watch the passion rising.
It's funny and sad at the same time. The only photos of "modern cities in Africa" are all places where whites have been. I don't think we even need to worry with blacks as much as with their handlers (who are the real problem)
I wonder if this is just a trial/opening salvo for a big "Wakanda" campaign? Kikes seem to be trying to get people to want to live in fictional worlds. Like all the San Francisco faggots that live more in Harry Potter books than in reality.
What is that even supposed to mean? Is Wakanda a verb now?
This is where your idea falls apart, user.
Lots of polling places–i.e., those outside of cities–are in places that are otherwise unused or seldom used, and rarely ever have anyone armed there.
My polling place is the local volunteer fire station. The place is empty 25 days out of the month, unless they're there for a call or doing maintenance, or for polling.
The next polling place over is the town hall. Also empty 25 days out of the month.
It's honestly sad how invested these niggers are in a fucking superhero movie.
How oblivious do you have to be to see people associating gathering to vote with a fucking Hollywood movie and not question it
Good opportunity to remind blacks that Jews owned the slave ships and worked with Muslims in the African slave trade during the dark ages.
Enough you useless cunt, your black panther forced meme isn't working. Go the fuck back to reddit.
Niggers are fucking pathetic, none of them have ever given a fuck about Marvel or comics in general until Disney turned them into literal communist propaganda and started saying "fuck white males". American comics have been nothing but communist propaganda for over a half a god damn century now.
Superkike and kikeman were created by kikes. The whole shebang was kiked from the start. The Phantom aka Jewtom was created by a kike.
Flash Gordon is interesting, especially the movie from 1980. It has all the black cube symbolism and the white hero and his woman start talking about their future children with hours of meeting. Ming was played by a german of aristocratic descent whose mother had an Ashkenazic surname. Ming keeps all the different races fighting each other making it easier to subjugate them. Gordon beguiled by a literal kike (zharkov) to help him take down the gigakike Ming. Gordon unites subjugated people and almost suicides into Ming.
Movie even has a kike kiking a kike.
Fuck, comics existed before Superman, they kiked it during its infancy back in the 20s and 30s, like a jew forcibly circumcising a little white boy.
Its the WEWUZKANGZ faggotry, they see it as a cultural thing as retarded as that is. Its not hard to see why niggers latched onto it as hard as they did.
dude, I don't mind chzecking your dubs, but a rash pic that is shooped to make it devil red doesn't come from learningchode
The poster is telling the truth. I am not and have never been learningcode.
we kangz n shiet
I called this before
This movie is a PR stunt to get more people into the black lives matter soros spectacle because it lost traction, they dont have enough manpower.
After this weekend this shitty nigger movie is going to lose traction as well. The media will try to keep it going, but the hype will be gone this time next week.
Wrong, you want white people to build it and we will.
Reminder there are black people who think that the original Native Americans were black. Nothing these people do surprises me anymore
The mahbuhl movies only took off because kikemics have been beating White children over the head with those bland propaganda tool characters for nearly a century, and even then it took the cartoon boom of the 80's and 90's to really get the ball rolling. The only "people" who cared about nigger batman were the cucks on Holla Forums and they were too busy arguing whether my life as a teenage robot aged better than spongebob to attend the opening weekend.
See pics related.
They also commonly repeat the bullshit that everyone evolved from black people. The fact is whether "out of africa" or "out of Europe" the common ancestor was neither black or white, but a chimp like hominid.
It's hilarious that niggers don't even understand the basics of evolution and genuinely think modern white humans "evolved" from modern niggers, millions of years ago. They believe Tyrone was derping around africa and was the first human.
Honestly disney should be investigated over the content of this and other films they've produced.
I'm sure they already know. It's probably a tough call for them. On one hand, they would like the jew removed from Western countries because it would make the world far more stable and remove the possibility of somebody like Clinton getting elected and nuking them. On the other hand, a large white ethnostate would be an incredibly strong economic adversary for them.
That board is pure Israel. You can't say a single word about jewry in comic books without getting banned.
Capeshit is a jewish invention anyway, so it's kinda expected
This is why they will do something stupid like take intel on U.S. war plans from meek, humble Israel in exchange for a few government positions. Then they can start looking for Podestas among their social elite to help begin niggerization.
cause if they don't hillary clinton won't be able to vote soon
They're going to bus these new-minted voters into red districts. Remember the Project Veritas video?
A lot of the traction it has now is because free tickets are being given away to inflate its opening weekend stats. MSM is reporting it as a feel-good, "pay it forward" type of human interest story without realizing that they just told everyone how the box office results are being artificially manipulated.
Wrong. The Left is pushing Niggers out into the suburbs. That's why Virginia became a swing state. They pushed the nigs from DC across the state line. Obama pushed for Section 8 to get nigs housing in white suburban areas. Lowers feral ape levels in cities, lowers crime in cities, speeds up gentrification in cities, and helps change districts. 15-20 years ago you rarely say niggers in most suburbs. Now they're everywhere. Add in the deluge of of spics to rural and suburban areas and things look bad.
Hopefully the abortion of food stamps goes far to entice more chimping in said suburbs which, coupled with the now common prevalence of cop cameras, will accelerate the start of the race war.
It's a board that 'prides itself on absorbing as much goy propaganda as possible and then feeling superior for it. I don't want to think about how bad Holla Forums is.
Everyone who isn't a legitimate newfag or cum-guzzling shill remembers that Foval became radioactive the second that video went up, and is now likely in several pieces. More to the point, I don't think that Trump is unaware of what the dems are trying to do with the felon vote proposal . He's likely seen this coming for months and has taken steps to counter it. What those steps are remain unknown to me, but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say it would be increasing public awareness of state-level democrat corruption.
I love how niggers talk about a race war like it would mean anything other than their total extermination. They really believe they have a chance.
I really get creeped out when niggers talk about carrying guns. If there is one race that has zero business handling firearms, it's niggers. Hearing them talk about "they pistols" elicits the same feelings as watching a mentally retarded kid play with a loaded Glock.
They also think Black Panther is a documentary that proves they built the pyramids…. so…
Well, at least it will be entertaining.
Check'd and kek'd!
Rachposting makes me so nostalgic.
On a second note, it could be a really clever troll.
Please tell me someone here remembers Holla Forums playing this together while Holla Forums was down. We also chanted sieg heil to Hitler videos.
Reminder that a black ethnostate like Wakanda already exists.
It's called Liberia but they fucked it up so bad nobody wants to talk about it.
i love your work, keep being awesome