Actual Timeline of the World

I pulled this jpg from a thread couple months back when I was searching for info. Im not sure if all of the information is correct (who can be nowadays when it comes to history) but if it is then its pretty mind blowing. Check for yourselves.

Other urls found in this thread:

and that we're in the end game
Frankly I'll be happy to get home after this, I think the hangover is going to be fucking brutal.

That isn't news to me user, decided to post to redpill any lurker anons

Gather round o my anons and let me tell you how history was faked and the most ancient times were only 1200 years ago or so. I'm talking Troy, Jesus was born around 1030 by our reckoning.

The Muslims count only four generations between Noah and Issa or Jesus.

You should read Spengler instead of wasting your time with this.


Correct. The more they clamp down on us, the more heads will sprout. Looks like they missed this opportunity to prove what insignificant niggers they are.


Don't worry, by the time my campaign is over we'll have exposed this type of shit completely. Of course this isn't a solo venture, and I commend all who expose the fraud. Although we exist in a Void, none of us exists in a vacuum. I sense now that it's time to ramp up our efforts. Thanks mods, I need confirmation before I act. It's a law for us

Pretty interesting info, most of which I was already aware of but it's a nice infographic nonetheless. Don't worry, I've already secured the support of redacted, so the rest of this should be a mop-up operation. I'm moderately pissed off right now; do try to avoid annoying me further or I'll continue to ramp up operations until they overwhelm you completely. I mean, they will anyway but we're both on vacation here now aren't we?

Tall greys, eh? I call them tall whites, which is more technically accurate a term. CERN, portals…stupid monkeys think that they can control these things. They think the lower can control the higher, same as fucking kikes think their faggoty lightswitches can outsmart God. They all deserve what's coming to them because of their hubris. Listen and believe, I'll watch you destroy yourselves again and again, forever. I came to watch you dumb niggers destroy yourselves because it amuses me.

The actual fuckups of these people are legendary–I've decided to give this universe to her. God help you for what you've done, because I certainly won't.

Kys op. Reddit is ->

0/10 apply yourself

This. /x/-tier schizo shit is only going to fuck any actual attempt for political debate.

Saved! thanks

Goons. Goons never change.
I mean really, you never fucking change tactics at all. Are you never embarrassed about how irrelevant and reactionary you are? Or if you do become embarrassed, does that ever dissuade you, or does it just cause you to double down? The world may never know
Just bumplock it, faggots, don't bother calling these idiots to your side. I'm LITERALLY embarrassed on your behalf, since you obviously have neither shame nor insight.

Since you asked, there is exactly one way for you to win. I don't think you'll like it, but there IS a way for you to come out on top in this situation. Kill your ridiculous and pompous failure of a self-image, and become one of us. If you can't manage that, then sudoku is your best option. We already won this war, and you're just experiencing how we did it.



School me fellow anons, this is the first I'm hearing of this…

I don't know whether to take this seriously or not. From what I can gather

Sounds pretty farfetched

That chart is kinda okay and kinda bullshit - not only because it has Corye Goode in it but it doesn't acknowledge that the modern breakaways can be traced to the 1830's, then a split between the US group and the Prussian group. No mention of the 1890s when things really kicked off with hidden tech and breakaway civilisation - it really splintered off from the mainstream after 1893 Chicago world fair. No mention of the possible 1903 trip to Mars by the US group with Tesla doing the tech.

And what the fuck are you going to do with that info?

That's some heavy shit. Most of it definitely checks out. Some are dubious.

That's what I was thinking, but it's 10x more credible than anything on TalmudVision.

Because it's bullshit
Goode is a sociopath in it for the cultist pussy, part of a group of paid disinfo agents. Anyone who talks about extraterrestrials is full of shit and if he is in a position of "power," he's also working for the CIA.

Don't touch any of these topics until you've read the Dimensions-Confrontations-Revelations(and Messengers of Deception) set of books from Jacques Vallee.

If the muslims say it then it MUST be true.
Its not like they have a doctrine of lying to non believers built in to their religion or anything.

Is this based on Fomenko? I agree with his methods as far as history is faked/chronologically incorrect, but I am of the opinion that all ancient histories are forgeries made up from the Middle Ages up until the 19th century like Egypt, Greece, Rome and those that came before. Also I don't like his interpretations, because it focuses so much on Russia. It's more likely that Civilization started from the North and then went down to Central Europe and that the Holy Roman Empire was a leftover from this.

So how do you explain archaeological evidence supported by dating methods such as stratigraphy, radiocarbon and isotopic analysis, or analysis of geological processes such as erosion?
What basis do you have for believing that those histories are forgeries?

this is the, what if everyone believed the laughable holohoax and lampshades out of human skin memes



I'm the victor here faggot.

Yes, Fomenko and others like Issac Newton and Jean Hardouin. Many people have noticed serious problems with the chronology and have tried to fix it.

I also think that the genesis of humanity was in the north, as Arctic Home In The Vedas suggests. Additionally, anthropologists completely ignore the pre-lithic period of humanity, what I call the wood age.

Radiocarbon dating was denounced by its inventor, and all dating is circular.

Got a source on that? Searching turns up nothing.

Read the beginning of Fiction Histor Or Science, Fomenko reprints everything and cites the rest.

Then go into your copy and get me the citation

You have to go back, stupid welfare nigger.


Libby, W.F. The Radiocarbon Dating method. The International Peaceful Nuclear Energy Conference, Vol. 16, pp. 41-64