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This was an Israeli false flag.
Sage negated
If anyone actually died there, they wouldn't need to pull the building.
False Flag:
Also this was planned from the start, hence why an annex building was chosen as the stage.
The "shooting" did not occur in the actual school.
You fucking falseflagcucks couldn't be more worthless.
I hope you know that you're on the list of the DOTR too.
Seriously. We're going to kill you on video and the joke will be that you're all crisis actors pretending to bleed out with your crisis actor families.
You deserve worse for your endless shilling and D&C.
Surprised? We know you're paid shills. None of you are natives. We'll find you.
Negated. Stay mad, FBI.
You should know better, user.
>Posting Bill (((Maher)))
got to hire some kosher company to level the old school and then hire another kosher company to build the next target range
Where are the fucking videos? People on twitter were talking about video evidence.
What kind of message does this send?
"Kill enough people and we'll demolish the entire school as a bonus"
Not only is it a hoax, but the way these shootings are handled only encourages copycat killers. As soon as you go on a rampage the media immortalizes you and makes you one of the most famous people in the world. Sickening.
"The building collapsed from the structural damage incurred by the impact of the bullets"
It will likely collapse into its own footprint later this weekend. I heard there was a decision made to "Pull It".
$30 million.
You know the (((school board))) in (((Broward County))) is 100% in on the loop of the false flag. They probably begged for it to happen at their school.
Why would these jews have a poor spic do the hoax though?
You 4cucks should really learn the definition of a false flag.
Just read this.
I am gobsmacked.
American people and citizens can be false flagged, I don't see why there's a problem with their usage of the phrase.
that's a blackpill that's hard to swallow, but it's true
Food for thought.
People demolish or remodel scenes of mass deaths all the time, especially when children are involved. Or are the Amish part of the FBI's conspiracy because they also pulled down a school after someone shot it up in '06? How about John Wayne Gacy's house, or the First Baptist Church in Southerland Springs?
Demolition is cathartic. And more importantly, screaming "conspiracy" over every-goddamn-thing even vaguely not understood muddies the waters for whatever actual evidence there might be and is actually a favorite tactic of shills and disinformation agents.
It's literally days from the shooting.
Nope, not trusting any of this bullshit.
You're missing the bigger picture. They hoax these shootings to push anti-gun laws and build an orwellian police state. The shooter has only a minor D&C role. When they use a leftist, the right promotes the story, when they use an immigrant the nationalists promote the story, when they use a conservative, the left pushes the story, etc. That way they get viral media coverage while D&C various groups.
Good job brother. I agree with you analysis.
You see the problem is that the left own most of the major media networks though. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in our current situation.
This is much bigger than left vs right, it is a long-term strategy to end gun culture, self-defense, self-reliance, and everything that made America great in the first place. They want you to be in a constant state of fear to go along with big brother and your own destruction. The predator needs victims that act like prey for the predator/prey relationship to work.
"It's not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday. We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way."
― former Attorney General Eric Holder
Literally one of Drumpf's main talking points when he discusses Nazi-style media censorship.
It's all a lie, though. As proof, I bet you can't name as many mass shooters (at schools or otherwise) as you can famous doctors/scientists/researchers that have made groundbreaking discoveries, innovations, or progress in the last decade or so.
I had to switch my IP over just for this, so I could say that I like to suck monkey dick all day long.
Dog dick is preferable, but monkey dick is all I can get my hands on.
This post is mine, just letting you guys know ahead of time.
Never go full retard with the conspiracy theories. It stops you from understanding how normals think and makes your memes less influential on them when they find out they're coming from people who can't take one fucking day to bow their heads in silence. My normalfag parents are just as mad at people babbling "FALSE FLAG!!!11" as they are at the Fake News. They only see two different sides trying to hijack a time of mourning to push violent extremism.
They didn't he was a kike.
Incompetent state and gov officials let a mass murder slip through their fingers and then decide to charge the tax payer for a whole new school.
Didn't see that coming.
I bet next they'll have a community gathering were they throw their guns in to a new foundation for a new future.
Wouldn't be the first one
Just in case anyone would like to have still more evidence of the horseshit.
Heres a timeline I have put together of how I believe the shooting unfolded:
1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county to distract the media.
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi("Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! –Cindy").
7) Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
13) They spend the night abusing him and threatening him until he is scared shitless.
14) Feb 15th – Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial.
15) Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
16) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime.
some anomalies:
-'shooter' has cops called on him 39 times
-'shooter' is reported to FBI twice, and they failed to properly investigate both times
-'shooter' happens to get recorded shooting a bb gun with a maga hat on
-shooting takes place during fire and gun drill
-a "survivor"s' mom also survived a mass shooting a year before
-girl grazed by bullets was doing holocaust assignment
-teacher says police could have been shooting blanks during a practice 'code red' drill
-"survivor" says they don't have gun drills the way we do, we had to prepare extensively
-teacher says 'we had this drill a couple weeks ago'
-kid forgets the name of his high school during interview
-Let's destroy the building and lack of evidence therein
-immediate demands for gun control
There's probably much more, like that girl with the decievers delight grin.
Would it be unreasonable for the public to ask to be shown the bodies and any and all other evidence?
Okay, I had my doubts, but this is too obvious. It would be a strategic blunder if they allowed mass shooters to effectively destroy a multi-million dollar building every time they shoot people. It also incentivizes shooting children specifically, because thats the only scenario where they have torn buildings down.
This whole thing is incredibly stupid if its not simply motivated with sinister intentions and a hidden agenda. It doesnt make enough sense for this to simply be a building removal.
this is what raises the redflag for me. they did this same exact thing at waco. evidence would have found them at fault, so they burned and removed everything.
-AP and ADL report obvious lie about white supremacy and conflate it with white nationalism at the same time
-student thought the active shooter event was a drill
-Schneider had a bill introduced to go after white supremacists, which probably included nationalists
-school held a drill earlier the same day
Don't forget that he was placed on suicide watch, which is a common way for CIAniggers to torture prisoners with lights, sleep deprivation and EMF radiation among other things. (assuming he's a patsy and not a CIAnigger)
Suicide watch means that he has to sleep with the lights on and he's woken up at regular intervals "to confirm that he is still alive"
shooter wasn't allowed to wear a backpack on campus due to previous threats
Merriam Webster put a special headline on their website right after Charlottesville with White Supremacy and White Nationalism side by side, with special full page article writeups.
In the definition of White Nationalism, they used White Supremacy, saying its a white supremacist movement.
yeah, they even got rid of the front door they had in evidence that showed the ATF lit them up after they killed their dogs.
I cant recall which one but Im pretty sure one of the other schools was demolished, not just Waco.
I think Sandy Hook is gone, isnt it? Aurora is the movie theater.
conflation of terms. nationalism = supremacy = genocide of non-whites to hide that it's white genocide all the while.
accuse them of what you're guilty of.
Waco wasn't a school. Sandy Hook (school) was destroyed.
I know. That wasnt implied by the wording.
So it was Sandy Hook. There might even be a third.
CCTV when?
kek, surely you jest user
What about the Vegas CCTV?
Ha! I say
things are clearing up
It was a real event.
at what point do you expel or arrest?
If i threathen to shoot up a school, do i just get to go about my business as usual?
Nazi. Stopped reading there. Go fear monger somewhere else carpet muncher
odd, off topic maybe, moment.
redirected to, which had an image (was blocked on my end) from within a google-analytics javascript (also blocked on my end) before it tried to load the actual archived page.
"Henley Putnam is the only accredited online university with a sole focus on strategic security."
Now it's gone… Alphabet is everywhere. Anti-trust when
The media and the gun grabbers would love for copycats to stage their own operations. No complex planning, no cover-up, no crisis actors who can leak the true story.
*sigh* wrong quote
was for
Of course, it wasn't CGI, it was a real event. A real dramatized school shooting, i.e a hoax.
My best guess is that "false flag" is not "fake" but "intentionally caused".
Crisis actors can take part in both fake and false flag ops.
(btw where is that video from CCTV in some arab country where there is an explosion and then victims are running and lying down, I remeber that very well because I then saw the exact same scene recorded with usual camera on some photograph in some online article)
I don't generally agree with the likes of maher, but in this example his statement may not actually be wrong in a certain context. In the USA we are very individualistic, which is good but has its cons as well. Specifically in this case, it means that people tend to view the problems of others as their own problems or "not MY problem." Additionally because of that outlook, we view it as incumbent (generally) on the person who needs some sort of help, to seek that help out themselves, rather than excepting others to walk over and pick them up.
What that boils down to for this topic, is that in terms of mental health, people don't want to talk about it on a personal level generally. People who have problems don't want others involved, and don't like when other people try to help them that often, or at least don't like others talking about them because its their own business and no one elses. Further, people on the outside often don't want to talk about it because of the awkardness of crossing that barrier into someone elses personal life like that, but also many times because they simply don't view it as their own concern and thus dont want to try to "help fix it," since again "not my problem."
In that regard, he isnt really wrong. Culturally we are like this because we've chosen it, because it keeps other people out of our affairs and gives them no right or space to involve themselves in our individual business. But, again, while it has many pros, it has the cons of when that mentality is applied to mental health, it creates a negative, a problem for people in society to figure out how to deal with. When is it okay to cross those cultural barriers and involve yourself, how do we teach people about the exception to the rule, and how do we get people to accept it and be willing to act and want to act? Its rather difficult and we haven't gotten there.
Now, his last part about it being a "sick country at heart," is fucking retarded. Every system has its pros and cons. Just like our individualistic system has the con of when something should be a more public concern it creates a weird atmosphere that people want to avoid and can lead to shit like this happening, collectivist systems may be able to counter that but at the same time it leaves the individual no space to breath as the collective ends up in ALL of their personal affairs in one way or another and their business becomes public business.
Is one system actually "sick" and the other "healthy?" No, and to suggest such is retarded and some knee jerk emotional bullshit "wont someone please think of the children" tier "argument." Every system has pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses, etc. Ours happens to have a failing in this regard, but it CAN be adapted over time for that con to be dealt with in a sufficent manner, we just have to get to it. But we CANT get to it because the left sees events like this, then will not shutup about guns long enough for us to discuss this like adults, and when they ultimately dont get their way immediately they throw their arms up, walk off, and then refuse to discuss the matter again and just "wait for the next shooting" thinking we'll magically agree with them next time and give up trying to have a real discussion to find a real solution to it, rather than there retarded knee jerk solution that wont help and could even make things worse.
Its kind of funny really… the left puts on a nice show after stuff like this and talks about change.. but then they constantly do the things that absolutely shut down any chance at real solutions that might effect change to prevent it from happening as much.
Oh and also fuck the news media, the nation wide news spreading this shit constantly and making it the biggest fucking deal ever, is another reason it keeps happening like it does. This guy wouldn't have thought he'd be infamous for this if a dozen other people hadn't already come before him and had their names plastered everywhere for weeks and etched into everyones memories because of it. If they'd just stop making this into the only thing they talk about for weeks, trying to analyze and understand the attacker and parading everything about him infront of everyone, then these attention needy faggots wouldn't do this.
Its a petty dispute about the definitions of two similar words. A false flag implies you have put on the flag or symbol of an enemy or other group you want the action to be attributed to. A hoax as explained already implies creating a clever ruse to trick people into thinking something that never happened, actually did.
This sounds about right, except for one thing: why do they need other shooters? It would seem more likely that they could just spin this kid up and set him off.
Quit reading wall of kike right there.
Being British, but more greedy, pro-slavery, and Puritanical?
More shooters, more kills, more panic, more numbers for people to point at.
(((Pure Coincidence)))
Yup it was a false flag.
Here, I'll quote it for you:
In Nazi Party literature, "the nation" is stated to refer to 100% pure ethnic Germans only.
So Drumpf wants to shut down "fake news," has threaten to sue the outlets that "attack" him (by stating the truth), deports people who disagree with him, and wants to restrict the rights of non-citizens. How is that any different from the core of the Nazi policy on media?
Also was there any legislation up to relax any gun laws in Florida? These "incidents" aways happen a few days before a vote.
Source or you can GTFO to the breakroom, FBI.
Fuck off kike
What even. Take your meds, screwball.
Nope. A few people that happen to be of the same religion or whatever doesn't prove the massive, international kinspeercy you stormderps keep fantasizing about.
You know as well as I do that however many of da j00z! there are that want gun control, there are many times that number that are of English, German, Irish, or Italian descent lobbying for exactly the same thing.
Fuck off you unmitigated nigger foggot
Please just drown in semen
you people should report this thread with sticky as the reason
theres a good reason why this thread is getting derailed so hard
even if this thread's discussion is worthless, the OP is all that there needs to be
You are a literal meme
All these supposed stories happen far away at places I've never been or heard of. Who's to say this all just ain't made up? I wish someone would go check the reality of these stories. Like is there even a school? Is it cardboard cut out or actual brick? Are the people carbon or silicon life forms? Alien???
implying non-citizens should have rights to begin with. If you come here illegally obviously you have no rights and doing anything to you should be 100% legal, from immediately throwing you out, to flat out shooting you in the face. You are not a citizen, you are an invader, and invaders should be shot on sight.
As for people here on work visas and the like, again, some deal only with the protection that they shouldn't be able to be legally killed and so on. You should not have the right to free speech or protest because you have no reasonable excuse to protest anything about a country that is hosting you to help you out, you dont accept an invitation into someone elses home when you're living on the street and then demand they rearrange their living room for you. Same for gun rights, should have no right to own weapons at all because you haven't proven 100% you can be trusted as anyone else because you're still a foreigner and come from a different culture with different views and standards. Searches and seizures? Same deal, you should be able to be legally searched at any time for any reason by any authority, because of the same reasons listed above, if you were invited into someones home when you were homeless but they insisted you turn out your pockets so they know you arent carrying a weapon, do you have a good reason you shoudlnt have to do that? Same for the ideological stuff to, we dont know for sure you arent sympathetic to another nation that is hostile to us and either planning something that could kill people or planning to try to undermine our nation through propaganda or information warfare, so your materials should be subject to search at any time.
Again the only right they should have, is to not be killed on sight, and if they are accused of a crime, it would need to be proven. Thats it. No other rights. For the same "inviting someone into your home" reasons as before. If I invite you in, I don't have the right to accuse you of stealing and punish you as guilty without a trial, I invited you in. Same as death, I cant invite you in and then murder you for no reason, that wouldn't exactly be fair, that would be setting you up. Illegals though should be fair game, if someone breaks into your house you have a right to kill them to defend your life and property.
And so on and so on. "non-citizens" should have zero or next to zero rights. And this should be common fucking sense. Like I said, someone breaks into your home, they give up their rights and you're well within yours to murder them, why should invaders to our home country be any different? And people invited in as guests have no right to complain or protest about things, if they don't like it they need to fucking leave.
Like it or not, the country was founded by and for whites, like many other nations with their particular racial makeup.
That isn't synonymous with supremacy necessarily, let alone 'genocide-all-other-inferior-races supremacy', so you can stop the dumb conflations.
I know you are just shitposting but you are accually pretty close to the truth on some of them.
Debunked long ago. Report for kosher disinfo shilling.
Choke on a dick
There's also the more important religious aspect. 1 Catholic signatory (and state, Maryland) and the rest Protestant. Every state honors God in their constitutions, for example:
The Naturalization Act of 1790 provides evidence of intent with regard to race:
"free White persons of good character. "
Two problems with this statement. The first: Are children citizens? Can they vote? Second, why so hostile to humyn ryghts?
So if someone's (let's say you) on vacation somewhere (let's say any country but yours), and they violate some obscure law restricting speech, it's OK to kill them? Likewise, if someone (let's say you and your wife) are on vacation somewhere (again, any other country), they have the right to rape hyr - that's your sincerely held position, correct? After all, you did say:
So raping your wife and daughters (violating their right to bodily integrity), taking secret photographs of them in the shower (violating their right to privacy), stealing their underwear (violating their right to property) - these are all things you'd be completely fine to have happen? Sounds like you're a complete cuck. Notice that you had the chance, multiple times, to say "oh btw don't fugg mai waifu," but you didn't. You are literally a rape apologist.
How can you determine someone's residency status by looking at them? The only reason the castle doctrine even exists is because stormderps argued (with minimal reasoning, but it was accepted at the time) that a home invader should be assumed to be violent as it presents a clear and present danger. Another pyrsyn riding a bus, sleeping in their own home, etc., is not a danger to you, regardless of their legal status.
Deal with it.
Niggers are not human
So anyway, was there any gun control legislation up for review? Thats usually the "tell" for the past couple of years.
It was torn down because the lot wound up in municipal hands, and nobody would fucking buy a haunted school shooter ghost house, so they tore it down rather than let it fall into disrepair for 20 years. Are you that fucking stupid?
I'll ignore your blatant, unrepentant racism on account of your dubs.
So, are you saying that Arabs, Turks, Rohingyas, Indians, and Mongolians are totally humyn and deserving of equal ryghts to every cis white manpig? That seems to be the implication, but I figured I'd ask for clarification rather than assume as I wouldn't want to be accused of putting words in your mouth.
Am i going to have to call the brevard county rep office?
What the fuck is this? Where does the title "Supreme Ruler of the Universe" appear in the Bible?
Sounds like some Father of Understanding-tier nonsense.
gas yourself faggot
Children of citizens are citizens, the right to vote and own firearms and such are denied to them only because as children they are not capable of exercising that right intelligently, they are allowed to exercise the right once they reach the age deemed by society that the vast majority should be intelligent enough to exercise it properly
Then first you should know their laws, customs, and so on reasonably well enough to not fuck up like that. Second, READ MY FUCKING POST, i talked about people on visas, but this would also apply to people admited on vacations and so on. No, you should not be able to exercise citizens rights in that nation as you're not a citizen, and if you break it you should be punished swiftly and made an example of, but this depends on what that nation decides is appropriate, do they take your motives into account, ie was it an accident or intentional? Or do they punish all the same? IMO that hsould be applied, accidents happen, but consider I made that statement about our rights in regards to political speech or protest or owning firearms, itd be pretty hard to "accidentally" break those
I stopped reading after that, you cant even understand the distinction I made when I clarified illiegal immigrants vs foreigners invited in for X Y Z reason. Illiegal immigrants who bring their wife in? Yeah sure if you want to rape the bitch, do it, she should have zero rights and thus no recourse against you… I dont know who would WANT to rape some unwashed mud race whore, but you do you man. Either way, you didnt read my fucking post, or you're so retarded you can't understand it, i'd believe either
user you cant get stressed over maddow posting, just tell it to drown in semen and move on with your day
So a vast swath of your citizenry is disallowed to exercise all of their rights. I see. Are there any other "rights" you'd like to see revoked on a whim from your fellow citizens?
So age alone is your excuse to deny them their rights; not maturity, not skill, not usefulness in their exercise of said rights, but merely age. Are there any other arbitrary divisions of society you'd like to revoke the rights from, or do you limit yourself to children?
At least one part of the U.S. Code specifically punishes people who violate any federal, state, local, or foreign law, and this has been used at least once to jail a man, run him into debt, and destroy his business, which he had to shut down as a result of violating one of those foreign laws that the foreign country in question even told the U.S. that it doesn't enforce, the U.S. penalty for it was too severe, and to please not ruin this man's life over it. Someone in government had a vendetta against that guy, and they used the most obscure law they could come up with to end him. There is no "learn the law reasonably well" because we live in an age where, in many countries (especially the ones you'd want to visit, stormderp) "ignorance of the law is no excuse." They'll punish you regardless of your innocent intent or legal ignorance. And you're fine with that? Why?
I'll quote you:
For legally present foreign womyn, you prescribed only two rights: The right against being killed on sight, and the right to a trial if accused of a crime. Apart from that, you asserted quite plainly, "Thats [sic] it. No other rights." So again, you'd be happy to visit a country where the law allowed the gang rape of your wife and daughters on sight? Or are you going to backpedal yet again, and completely change your stance this time? Judging by this:
I'd have to guess that you won't change your stance all the way; it's clear that you have rape fantasies involving you getting cucked. You'll probably try to obfuscate this particular issue, either with a derail/strawman or by ignoring it altogether because you're not quite comfortable with your own sexuality, and that's fine. No need to respond when you can't prove me wrong.
thinking I'm going to actually read your crap a second time when you still didnt bother reading my first post
Your image alleges hyr left hand sustained an injury. The two handsign pics only show hyr right hand.
Because it's not a bench, you autist, it's a swing. Look at the chains on either side. It's uneven because most of the weight is on (from our perspective) the left side, making the right side tilt upward slightly. Differences in lighting (the right end appears to be in more direct sunlight) account for the alleged different color, which is minimal.
It's not hyr. Look at the glasses and teeth, then go cry in a corner and think about what you've done.
You boyim are so gullible. Any shit-tier disinfo posted here gets lapped up by you autists.
I caved and read one part, and I'm going to respond purely because you deserve to be shit on, but also because other posters MAY confuse my points (if they're as retarded as you)
Just what I should have expected. The implication was that in general (ya know, with the "not being killed on sight" bit) you shouldnt be able to be lawfully harmed. You notice we WERE talking about RIGHTS not LAWS.. oh wait no you didnt. Funny thing, the right to "not be raped" isnt actually a right. The preamble to the bill of rights isnt even a "right" in and of itself either, its just a statement of intentions which is sought to be acted upon by the actual rights listed afterward. No "right to not be raped" is listed.
Meaning, that by stating you shouldnt be able to be murdered on sight if you're here by our permission, that that was implying that general harm and unlawful things shouldnt be able to be done to you without the aggressor facing punishment. So you shouldnt be able to be robbed with impunity either, or raped, or kidnapped, or whatever else.
An intelligent person would have grasped this very basic context.. you, seem to lack that very basic intelligence most posters here have learned. So I further explained it for you. And now I'm done with you.
I'm sorry if my responding to "it" let you down, senpai, but it was more for everyone else to understand my point if they infact missed the point as well, and an excuse to tell it to drown again
This, ladies and gentilepigs, is the state of the "pure Aryan race" today. Hitlerious.
History of the right in a nutshell.
filtered and reported
This is so fucking dumb, what a waste of money. Just clean it up, disinfect it, remove all the bullet holes, make it good as new, put up a fancy memorial plaque, and re-open the school as if nothing happened. Have a token anti-bullying seminar. For fuck's sake.
I haven't been paying enough attention to tell if it's a false flag or not, personally, but it very well could be. I wish you all luck finding the truth.
>immediately kids are being (((pressured))) to stop learning because of this, nationwide
nah it all seems pretty legit to me
What a country. I think America is already great again. When will Trump bring school shootings, financial bubbles, low birth rates and degenerate art to North Korea?
They're destroying the evidence.
Regardless of what actually happened, what evidence of it could possibly exist that can only be destroyed by demolishing the entire fucking building?
Think before you speak, manpig.
Show tiddy Rachel
thx fam. Is it this one?
Could find the photos though.
Looks like it could be because the dates match.
You, and other faggots need to quit responding to the Maddow poster, he's a troll, and the more cunts feed him, the more he derails these threads. So please you, and other Anons, don't respond to him.
Checked and thanks. I've not seen it from that angle before.
All the lawmakers are in on the conspiracy too? You Sandy Hoaxtards are spreading malignantly.
It’s clear he’s talking about trying to break gang banger nigger children of their gun fetish, not necessarily responsible white adults. Granted there are a lot of anti-gun / anti-white / anti-patriot politicians out there, but I don’t see this instance as a valid example.
Is that why he made it out alive, instead of killing himself, or suicide by cop? The fact that he was a jew, and will likely disappear from the nut house they sentence him to after he pleads not guilty by reason of insanity.
Fuck, this is just sad for you. If only there were some large volume of male protein fluids you could use to inhibit your respiration until death ends your misery.
Fuck off kikey you degenerate freak
drown yourself in semen
Nice try, Rach, but I know you're me! Rachported.
cum-guzzler turk-free post
Checked & bumped
Just wew tbh you should an hero
Thats assuming they were trying to stop the shooting and not fan the flames as they have done in the past.
kike spic…
fear makes people do silly things, they want confusion and apathy
Filter, filter, filter, dumb dumbs. Just filter the poster. Stop replying.
No it isn't, kikes push the hoax autism to discredit the notion that actual false flags happen.
Basically: "Look goyim, you gotta turn it into a museum and make shekels on it, here let me show you how to turn a temple into a supermarket."
seems legit
I heard on the radio yesterday that he was adopted from Russia and has fetal alcohol syndrome.
You're absolutely fucking retarded, worse than Alex Jones. Why the fuck would Jews go through the trouble and risk to fake the deaths of goyim instead of just sending a MKULTRA'd spic in to actually fucking murder them. Are you smoking crack? No, you're a fucking kike shill with the same exact modus operatum as Alex Jones
I agree about not conflating terms, but is it unreasonable, at this point, to distrust the official narrative or the media? Why should we take anything they say at face value, or on faith alone?
Didn't see any conclusive video of anyone getting shot, or pics of dead bodies? Why would we take anyones' word, especially when they are trying to take our rights away? I don't work at the morgue, and all we have is a couple of girls smiling on video about multiple shooters and describing a teacher getting shot in the head with less emotion than they might when describing her friend with a zit on their nose last week.
Sandy Hook, for example, had no bodies, no autopsies, no open caskets, no video, nothing but fake crying for donation money and taking away my firearms.
My condolences to anyone who might have lost someone for real, but I didn't do it, and I find it infuriating when others try to take my, or others' rights because of crimes someone else may have committed.
There is too much commie corruption in the gov't right now, and there is a constant push for gun control after these shootings. I don't think it's a coincidence, or unreasonable to try and catch people in possible hoaxes or false flags.
I had my suspicions, but peer pressure steered me away from the correct conclusion.
It's very rare that the public sees pictures of the victims of any mass shooting. Even with Columbine, there was only the picture of the two shooters, that leaked years later. After Sandy Hook, people took things that were normal, and turned them into signs that events didn't really happen.
Why would the jews risk hiring hundreds of actors and creating an unmanageable conspiracy, when the alternative would be to just kill some kids, which they've never had a problem with before?
This. What's easier? Letting a mentally ill person buy guns unimpeded and pushing for gun control after the fact? Or hiring tons of actors that would all be loose ends towards finding the truth?
Seems like that's only in America. We see the aftermath from other countries all the time.
A 'mass shooting' is technically a shooting with 4 or more victims over a short period of time, including the shooter (iirc, it might be w/o shooter), but I can't think of any of those that are publicized or used as political fuel for gun control like the school shootings.
We saw video and or pictures from the aftermath (and during) of the Hedbo and truck attacks, and the Russian bombings, for example. I think there's even a ton of pics from the Rwanda massacre as well.
Don't care what's 'most likely' at this point. I'm from the show me state, and I outright reject the commie gun grabbing in any scenario.
Forgot the Vegas debacle. but whatever
I agree, this is my post, so I agree.
I also suck massive cocks more than you would ever think.
I suck so much fucking cocks, I want to drown myself in the semen they shoot into my lungs.
Florida AG said, "unfortunately we've all become part of a club we did not want to be apart of," during one of the first press releases comparing it to the other events that took place in Florida in recent memory.
If the event is what some on here think it is, he will be committing suicide within 7 days or so of the event.
Clean that up, include the definitions you're writing about and you'll have a tasty morsel to repackage and distribute. Well written but needs cleaned in some places; to someone on the fence, it suggests the idea that words don't mean what they used to anymore and that is good. Pushes that window a little more open.
The face of white nationalism, Nikolas de Jesus Cruz, ladies and gentlemen. Please hold your applause until ZAKA has cleared the building and he has reached the safety of Maccas
Bunk about bunk
You're welcome, user.
spoiler dumbass
Holy crap the kikes are ramping up their raid. they are also terrified.
By this logic, all gorrillian memorial sites should come down because people died. Yet, this double standard proves this event is different. The difference is the slain can be proven a hoax, so the possibility for investigation for evidence must be down shuttened to allow the hoax narrative to survive.
you Holla Forumstards are delusional hahahah
Have a bump and a fuck you.
get fucked.
Seriously. Imagine the uproar if somebody tried to get the Oklahoma City building memorial demolished.
Did James & Kimberly Snead own the property in Lakeview Trail where Nikolas was being filmed? Was he living there alone?
gas yourself kampfy cuck
This guy gets it.
In the oven you go.
Why not just send someone in? It's a variable. He might take the money and run, he might kill nobody, he might talk to the cops. If everyone is on the payroll, nobody can talk.
Damn, those eyebrows.
Reported for pleb-tier trashposting.
GTFO cuck.
Why are none of these threads about the shooting since #3 stickied while dead ops (botnet to machine-detect jews) nobody posts in and anime threads stay stickied for months? Mightily suspicious.
The stickies preserve key threads that reflect Holla Forums's goals from kike sliding attacks. The shooting incident is staying up on its own and a sticky simply isn't needed.
Fucking kill yourself faggot. I know someone who was there during the shooting.
If you think this was fake or false flag youre a pure blooded turbo retard. The amount of videos that kis havs online from that day is ridiculous. Please kys niggers.
where the fuck do you think you are, newfag?
Its interesting to note that the person the school was named after is named "Marjory Stoneman Douglas". Someone who is famous for fighting AGAINST the draining of the everglades to reclaim more land. She was against "Draining the Swamp". This is clearly a message against Trump.
On a side note, 4chan is banning anyone who talks about the shooting as being a false flag under the pretense of "Conspiracy Theories". The jews are going all out on this one.
Do you even know what a false flag is, imbecile?
With a Jewish Sheriff that literally quoted the Talmud. Also an area that has a heavy Chabad Lubavitch presence and a 50% jewish population. Oh, and they were doing a drill of a shooting event on the same day that an actual mass shooting took place. Pure cohencidence, goyim.
what they mean by this
Why are you still allowed to post?
You're even worse than rottenredditor
Might just be the school's crew team, lots of rich schools have them. Did anyone manage to get their hands on a year book from Stoneman? Could easily verify if she was on the crew team (rowing boats n shit) or on Brock's crew team (killing Seth Rich n shit).
first I heard of this - saw some snippet in another thread about the palm tree but that was all the discussion on it.
Where did the stills in that image come from?
this is starting to make sense.
It was a hoax - with a jew programmed to the the patsy.
the name of the building was of a woman famous for opposing the draining of a swamp, and the actors are red pilled.
We have witnessed the first counterstrike in the hearts&minds tv entertainment.
what i mean is - this is a strike against the sandy hook producers
When the requirement for residency is race, then you can. Filtered.
Hey user, this bump's for you!
Kikes and feds pulled off 9/11 and you spew nonsense that they cant stage small psyop 17 years later? Fucking idiot
Wait a few more years user, like when youre past puberty.
Seriously, THIS. Just report and filter, then move on. But no, newfags keep responding. FUCKIN STOP!
Normally I might believe this, but the chosen have killed their own, which is no-no that or they're really getting desperate
Has a reasonable motive been found for the Vegas shooting yet? Last I read it was still pretty up in the air, but leaning on the shooter being some sort of an arms dealer for the FBI.
Kikes write exceptions for themselves all the times. The fucking Talmud is pretty much "Religious Loopholes For Dummies".
Do we have a list of all mass crime scenes that were immediately torn down? 9/11, Sandy Hook, others? Them wanting to tear this school down, if met with a list, could expose them as they try to play their hand.
Fuck off lazy nigger you didn't archive nor break your link, therefore your post is disregarded. This notice of you being a lazy nigger is posted as a public service.
The more people involved in a conspiracy, the more likely it is that it will unravel. That's why it's unlikely that conspiracies that involve hundreds of people are actually true.
This in a video anywhere?
Reported. We mean false flag. Kill yourself.
Three guesses, user.
Yeah, without the irony that's pretty much the case; Jews are a perverse people. Most people don't like to think "oh, that's where my little Johnny lived the last few minutes k
Piece of fucking shit fucking phone
Anyway, people in the community don't tend to enjoy viewing shrines to the agonizing deaths of their loved ones and when something of this nature happens the place where it happens becomes a de facto shrine to the act while destroying the scene and erecting one's own shrine replaces control in the hands of those who do so. It's like paving over one religious building to make way for another, you take control of the sacred space. Not that this behavior can't be exploited by CIAnigger types, of course, but it has a rational basis.
Wew I forgot how bad the situation is there. That is some bullshit carpet bombing censorship. Your post didn't even support the post you quoted. And why would they ban you from all boards if you didn't break any global rules or board rules (besides wrongthink)? I guess they're trying to turn /x/ into a badgoy containment board instead of Holla Forums?
from your avatar's own media organization.
Trolling is one thing, rach, but being an idiot is another. Tread carefully.
ah dont say that! I like the david brock angle!
yea this house in Lakeview. It was the address on his arrest papers. It has to be a property owned by the Sneads, because they take him in around thanksgiving. No other time he could have been living there. so it was between December until the shooting
Fucking thank God. Hoax not false flag. Jewish mystery cult aided by Masonic gentiles, not Israelis.
Alos if no one noticed. Nik Cruz's brother Zachary was taken away from Rocxanne Deschamp's house and committed a mental facility
It goes further than that my friend. The real red pill is the level of control. How much do you have e to cover up if it is FF? A good bit. But if is a hoax? You gotta have e the whole towns Leo arm in your pocket. A good bit of the federal side too. All of congress save one or two maybes. That's how bad it is. The "they live" glasses would be on fire around that neighborhood. Here too (DC).
speaking of those guys. The video that shows the dead body in the classroom has a girl running around the classroom barefoot.
We’ve been here too long, user. You’ve clearly forgotten how moot operated. Anything that violates one rule violates all rules. They’ve been doing that shit since long before Holla Forums existed.
You could do it for less than $10k, why do you assume crisis actors? You really think these people are above murdering children?
can anyone find anything about this math teacher? I look her up and no public records had her listed as a teacher or working at schools. Just that listed company which looks like some fake front
They did the same with Sandy Hooks Elementary.
Parkland , same name of hospital JFK was taken to. School named after woman who was notorious for opposing draining the swamp in the everglades. She authored a play 'storm warning' . Demolishing the school.
Kikery afoot
They will drug and lock him away
FFS, just filter the rachtard.
Uh, they DID very quickly demolish the actual wreckage of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Almost like there was some (((reason))) that McVeigh's bomb did so much damage to that building while barely touching nearby shops……
Take your fantastical thinking back to T_D, normie.
Why is it that every time, without fail, all of the planning "has" to have been done by your top-ranking political enemies?
Get real, stormderps. Even going with the bizarre and obviously baseless assertion that DWS and Scott Israel wanted this to happen or can benefit from it in any way, why would it be them that planned it? Why would they ever risk that? Do you really think that they're smart enough to plan this start to finish, arranging every detail, hiring "the real shooters," etc., let alone without leaving a truly massive trail of evidence (phone records, text messages, emails, credit card charges, realtime GPS tracking that permanently logs the entire location history of every cell phone on Earth, etc.) leading back to them? You're so uncreative and obsessed with trying to smear innocent Jews that you can't even fathom there being someone technically beneath them in the public hierarchy that a) would do this on their own, or even b) simply get assigned the task by DWS or Israel.
Stormderp delusions are getting more and more pathetic and one-dimensional these days.
Just for reference, in my town growing up in the 80s and 90s we had no less than 4 serious shootings at public schools, one at an elementary school, and ZERO of those schools were demolished. They are all still in service today. The only precedent for demolition is …
wait for it …
Sandy Hook.