Exposing fake Jew quotes

I have seen this quote repeated all over the place, these 5 images are just a sample of some I've found. These words…

Far as I can tell there is no evidence Menachem Begin ever said this, and it originates in 25 November 2003 (see web.archive.org/web/20031217191553/http://texemarrs.com/112003/jewish_master_race.htm ) in the article "All Hail The Master Race" by en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texe_Marrs

Would Marrs be a good example of someone who is working for ((them)) as a false-flagging figurehead? Putting out lies so that defenders of Jews can point to the lies and say "see, criticism of Jews is done via lying!"

Any intelligent critic would know that a fake quote would be fact-checked by someone and ultimately come back to hurt your side… unless you were on the side of the Jews to begin with, because planting fake quotes like these and attributing them to Jewish leaders like Menachem Begin helps to draw attention away from things he really said, gives Jews a tool to discredit legitimate claims.

If I'm wrong about this and someone can find earlier evidence, that Menachem actually DID say this, please prove me wrong. I've seen graphics like these pop up recently and I think anyone who does that should get a warning because these need to be taken out of circulation and discredited. I think maybe 8pol needs a list of fake quotes and a way to automatically reject reported images which include fake quotes.

Unless Texe Marrs actually owns up to propagating a fake quote or provides proof he didn't come up with it, we shuld boycott him as faux-right to show that we take our historical accuracy seriously.

Other urls found in this thread:


Seems like so, but I would concern myself more with the plain falsehoods they openly propagate to disguise themselves, like "Khazar theory" and so on…

Fake quotes are easier battles to unearth than complex ideas. I really hope we here at Holla Forums can actively encourage people to fact-check any quote before repeating it here or elsewhere because what happens is every time we assume good faith, a Jew inevitably shows up to point out how we are nothing but lying liars.

We can't stop them from impersonating us and seeding bad quotes (well, we can slow them down with bans of IP or image IDs) but we can at least not assist them and make an effort of showing our opposition to deception, to show it is them and not us propagating these lies.

Our ideology is based on truth and if we don't spread the pure truth, we're no better than Communists.

Marrs never attributed the quote to Begin, it was just meant to be an explanation of the jewish mindstate. Somebody else ran with it,

Marrs was clearly implying somebody said it by putting it in quotation marks. Consider the progression:

Begin is the very first person he discusses, and Marrs specifies Begin supports the 'master race' claim, so if someone interpreted this as Marrs saying this was Begin's quote at the top, he was clearly promoting that misconception.

You can see this probably influenced this 2005 book:

Should I blame Colin John Campbell and place none on Marrs?

The pic in middle right which reads "It is in Jewish interest" is fake. JIDF creates these maymays so they can later discredit them and by association the argument against Israel.

This tactic is ancient. They released their plans in Protocols of Zion then called it fake while following it to the letter.

I have found that many, perhaps half or more internet-famous quotes cannot be confirmed. At times it comes down to the quote being what someone who claims to have attended a meeting reported from memory. Like the quote from Hilldawg, "if he wins, we are going to hang".

I agree with these two anons. Anyone with any integrity or much brains should be aware of the provenance and veracity of a quote before posting-using it appropriately.

The Killary quote is an interesting example as it can be used in certain circumstances even though it's not strictly confirmed.

Kill yourself

Some, possibly all, of these quotes are accurate. It's very hard since almost no non-Jews speak Hebrew. and the Jews know to keep their mouths shut, lest the world know what they actually are. There are many on this level, or worse, that are completely accurate. That wise old Jew Hillary loved so much, menchaem schnerrson has some great ones about "goyim souls coming from the 6 satanic spheres, while Jewish souls come from holiness. After that deranged Jew shot up 50 Palestinians in the tomb of the patriarchs, the head rabbi in Israel said he was "sorry for their deaths in the way he would be sorry for the death of 50 flies."

i don't have access to my server right now, but also lots of quotes on how it is permissible to kill a goyim and take his organs if a Jew needs one. i have a bunch of authentic ones with sources at home. In the meantime, if you are interested just search around. Schenerson and the Lubavitchers are especially open with their virulent hatred.

These are all fake.

It was in quotes because it was supposed to be a hypothetical kike describing their worldview. Incompetent, but not malicious.

I'm guessing that first one is popular among retards from /r/The_Donald?

dubs checked.

let the truth out, that is the ideology of the lions.

We do not need to lie about the jews. They already provide the evidence that they are genocidal freaks.
The trouble is not finding quotes where the jews openly admit that they want to exterminate us. The trouble is getting through to the lemmings and getting them off their couches and resisting their enemy.

This is a very good idea. The Kikes give us enough real material to work with, and truth is what wins people to our cause. All the unverifiable fabrications are bait. They want us to propagate them, so they can use the falsehoods to discredit us.

I have a hunch that OP is behind the now 'jews weren't bolsheviks' thread.
Why are you so hell bent trying to go after something damning?
You do realize that the sentiment is shared by every rabbi everywhere, kikedom and Israel?
Also your employer
Like with protocols of elders of zion it's a funny cohencidence that the text reflects reality


Ok prove they are fake by citing who actually wrote them, yid. You got your marching orders at Temple yesterday, let's hear it.

I've never seen this quote used before here. It seems like you're a shill but on the off chance you're not: read the talmud. There's enough disgusting racial supremacy and disdain for the goyim they consider disprovable cattle there to convince you of how they see us.


This bullshit happens every Saturday as soon as the Aussise kikes wake up after Temple.

go culture of critique route and none of this matters

