Need advise - friend written up for reporting spics

I hate to have to waste a thread for this, but it probably won't get any attention in the QTDDTOT thread, and I understand if it gets deleted or something, but please hear me out.

I'm absolutely fucking livid. My friend works as a probation officer, and he got written up recently for reporting a handful of Spics to ICE because none of them spoke English, and a few other red flags.

As it turns out, he was right, every single one of them was illegal. But his spic loving bitch of a boss wrote him up for targeting, stereotyping them, etc.

Are there any sort of channels, resources, whatever, for reporting this shit? It's targeting of somebody who's not only doing their job but their civic duty to uphold the law in an effort to, I can only assume, threaten him into keeping his mouth shut.

Please, anything, any bit of info that I might be able to use would be great. I don't want to make it too obvious that it was because of the incident with my friend, but maybe just tip off some sort of organization that the office is covering for illegals, or defend my friend from these commy fucks.

If more details are needed, I will provide as I can, while not exposing mine or my friend's details,of course.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ask the ICE lawyers, perhaps? I imagine they'd be upset about chilling effects reducing the rate of citizen tips.

How would his boss ever fucking kow it was him? Being written up in a government job for excercising your first amendment rights. Wew lad.
Not your fucking blog redditfaggot.

Go nuclear. Go to media with it.

I suppose that's the most direct method. Just gotta be careful the info I find is legit.

If, for example, the ICE people referenced that an employee was targeted, it'd be easy to deduce, as it's a fairly small, cliquish office.
What? I asked a question. Do you want to help tackle spics and their sympathizers, or be a cunt?

No kidding about the nuclear option, I'll have to discuss it with him.


Yeah, I know. But I'm dead serious, I wouldn't even have the patience to work in that field, I'd throttle a sex offender or nigger within the first year.

does it even matter that his boss wrote him up? Will anything come from it? Maybe the faggot is just signalling.

(checkin' these)
if anything legal should be done, it's got to be done by the victim; in this case, your friend. if he's pissed enough to report it to higher authority, my money would be on ICE or DHS for the support. ICE is already shitting on sanctuary cities not playing by the books. I'd say there's a fair chance something good would come of it because your friend's superior is essentially breaking a federal law.

Seeing as how he's been targeted multiple times for not fitting into their bullshit cliques, it might just be another reason to let him go. But this shit goes beyond being personal, it involves the law.

Very good point, I'll have to read up on intimidation/coercion laws.

Gee, what should he do?

Problem is, I can see the employer saying that his speech violates company policy or some bureaucratic bullshit like that.

Isn’t it illegal to hire illegals? There you go.

EOC complaint. File it and use legal action to stop political targeting.

if company policy prevents one from following the law and reporting crimes that company is gonna get fucked in court

This is pretty straight forward employment law stuff, but probably does not rise to the level of actionable, because monetary damages will be hard to prove. He should document everything and possibly consult an employment law attorney.

That's not the law he means user. She's colluding with illegals to obstruct Federal officers. It's a open and shut topic.

CA for example, has literally created a Constitution Crisis in this country for threatening businesses with a $10K/pr fine for reporting illegals.

why not have two scoops user?You and your friend are doing God's work Son, keep it up

What Marxist Utopia is your friend a PO in?

Let me spoonfeed you, faggot:

>Contact the Federalist Society (

What are you waiting for, faggot? Do it.

Get all evidence and have copies. Give copies to others with orders to release in the event you are detained. Give copies to agencies. If agencies do nothing, then and only then give to media.

Sage for blogpost. Go get the bastards.

DING DING DING this user right here. Tell your friend to go directly to ICE or consult a lawyer because he may need one.

Central Texas, believe it or not.
Well shit, thanks. [spoiler]No but seriously,
it's my friend, not actually me.[/spoiler]


Law enforcement agencies tend to be willing to help people who feed them information. He should definitely contact ICE. Especially if he suspects that his employer is actively protecting illegal aliens from them.


Is his boss a spic? She might be illegal herself in which case report her beaner ass to ICE. But in the future your friend shouldn't report any more spics. Let him tell you about the red flags and report them on his behalf. Win-win.

fuck off zogbot. I hope you and your friend get raped by niggers

Central Texasfag here too
Waco is so full of beaners and their sympathizers to report, it's fucking ridiculous


You're a fucking idiot. It was his career choice, I'm just his pleb of a friend who hates spics and traitors. Is that really enough to call me a zogbot?

Suicide seems like the best option user