Operation 90sKid

Due to the success of IOTBW, I got another plan that will blow liberals heads. What we need to do is take something they love and transform it into hate speech. Most children who grew up to be adults have not grown out of 90s Nick so what we need to do is take the phrase "Bring Back the 90s" and make it into a thought crime to smite millennials who grew up in that decade.

So Holla Forums who is with me. It is time we dig up the past and rewrite history by making the 90s into the decade of white supremacy.

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fuck off, bring back the 80s.

'80s wasn't as strong in militia groups.
Both decades were awful.

We are not trying to bring back the 90s we are trying to ruin it by associating it with white supremacy. We will post vague racist flyers in schools claiming "bring back the 90s."

Shouldn't be too hard, 90s was absolute shit. At least the 80s was slightly aesthetic.

90s worse than 2010s your out of your mind.

Bring back the '30s.

2010s is dogshit.

i want to put hipsters in dumpsters.

Look up "Zack morris is trash" on you tube. They're already picking apart the 90s THEMSELVES. Really there's nothing we need to do but just let them eat themselves up.

I certainly wasn't insinuating anything good about the '10s lol.

Dis is Da way

Nice try Viacom

This is a good idea. In 90s mainstream politics, the belief pushed on the public was that everyone should be equal regardless of race, sex, nationality. The only differences between people were external. The anti-white and anti-male rhetoric of today was in the fringes of university campuses. A lot of people still think that the left fights for equality. Having leftists publicly cry out that white people aren't allowed to be equal with anyone else, would wake a lot of people up. It could also cause infighting in groups obsessed with identity politics, as if everyone is to be equal, then no group would have an advantage over anyone else.

Image is the sort of shit that was pushed in advertising.

Your autism is showing Jews.

This is a fucking retarded idea.

Seems pretty random.
I think you should clear your mind and recognize the single salient issue that is important to us; Securing the existence of our race.
How does this accomplish that?

You claim that you want to take a symbol that many generation Xers value and turn it "into a symbol of hate"
Tell me how this helps White people?

You say you want to meme the 90s into a White supremacist decade in the same way that the jews memed the holocaust into "reality"
The thing about the holocaust is that a few hours of research into it debunks the lie. So tell me how promoting an even less credible lie will help White people rekindle their natural ethnocentrism? The thing about the holocaust is that some jews were killed and this bolsters the 6 gazillion narrative. But the best we could do with the 90s is point to a bunch of White militias, skinheads, and Bob Matthiews. Not the best or brightest moments of our racial struggle against the jews. The 90s was also the era of the Clinton regime, America's murderous war against Yugoslavia, and the establishment of feminism, multiCULTuralism, and homosexuality as mainstream elements of the Zionist matrix.

So you can see the trouble with creating this narrative. Besides, I personally don't feel comfortable pushing a lie. Honesty works better. Pointing out the obvious has proven an effective tactic in rekindling the natural ethnocentrism of our People. Everyone knows that ONLY White people are called racists for wanting what is best for our race. Everyone knows that "diversity" just means less White people. The trouble is that people are afraid that they are the only ones who know this and need encouragement to speak out.

I'd say focus on talking about the truth rather than trying to force a lie.

My goal is not to secure the white race. My goal is to erase the 2010s out of existence.

No we're not.

Take this shit to the cucks then shitskin

I work for Alex Jones.

IOTBW worked because it had some kind of shadowy cabal behind it, keeping everyone on task and in line. Not to mention it was well thought out and designed, and extremely carefully organised. Everyone pushing phase two needs to take the dick out of their ass and chill with that shit.

Either wait for the glow in the darks to release the next one, or do your own thing completely. No need to tie into any of that.

Tell me about the fish/baby Chimeras scratching at the tanks

IOTBW worked because it's simple, great bait that's easy enough for dumb normals to understand. It gets non-whites and lefties to literally go out and admit they think that it is not okay to be white.

What the fuck would this do, OP? Stupid idea.

t. race traitor

Then just kys now

The 90s was a strange and paranoid time that most people don't seem to think about hard enough.

How long did the printing press take to be rolled out? 50 years? Now compress that down to five. Biggest upheaval in the history of history.

(And people wonder why I chose to delay fatherhood and drink…)

Jesus Christ, why do I hang out on this board full of retards?


The irreverence of the 90s has been eradicated by totalitarian thought policing of political correctness. If you want to "bring back the 90s" then bring back anything that would be labeled fascist by today's (((social standards))). As an example, something like MDE World Peace would have been perfectly fine for 90s television but now has to be shut down for going against the grain of hard leftism.

They could never do Kids In The Hall these days.

Only someone who wasn't around for either decade would say something as blatantly untrue as this. The 80s were trash.

WOW. I remember the time.


the OG caffeine pills SBTB episode was epic

thanks op, i haven't felt second hand embarrassment in ages.
gotta go back further

well the 90's was probably the last time they had masculine White men as the good guy



Ha ha ha ha ha ha

mission impossible


batman returns

And the last time we see black bad guys who are not working for a evil white businessman.

When Keaton was batman
And transformers didn’t look like shit

technically he was unknowingly working for a white man tho, but i see your point.

12 monkeys bruce willis

He was canon jewish. Not white.

gay, but no mention of jew



we could do a campaign like this




What about giving the red pill treatment to dragon ball Z? It's popular again thanks to the new series.


There's a 90's movie that parodies political correctness in colleges.




I'm ok with this

Sure thing kid. Someone's mom was getting blacked at an eddy Murphy stand-up. I understand why my comment has triggered you so hard.

Everything REALLY went to shit after the 90s. 2000 was pretty fun, but once 9/11 happened, shit went completely sideways. That's when shit reaaallly started to suck. One hell of a dang ol' Moloch sacrifice man. The air of the late 2000s and 2010s was tense, nervous, nihilistic. The 90s were bright, more colorful, much more relaxed. Way more fun, and genuine, down in the pit of your soul fun. I guess everyone was just more optimistic about the future back then. Who would've guessed we would reach the level of cultural decay we've gotten to.

The 90s were pretty sweet though, govt surveillance wasn't a thing to be thought of, it was the golden age of vidya, girls listened to things like Radiohead and Blink 182 instead of Lil Jon and Drake, and girls were pretty much way cooler in general without jewbook and social media. I remember one user once saying how back then it was easy for him to be a starving artist and meet good girls, but how if he had to do it nowadays he'd wouldn't even try. Fuck man, take me back. BUT WE MUST GO FORWARD


80's best decade. Best movies. Best music (Rock, Metal, Punk, even pop was decent) Best cartoons (thundercats, GIJoe, Transformers, etc) 80's> 90s.

I can show you something even better. Arrow has at least 1 secret Holla Forums user among its writers.

Good summary, all true.

To expound on that: What made gaming in 90s so fucking awesome was the fact that you had a SNES or Mega Drive/Genesis at home (later PS or Saturn, a bit later Dreamcast) and at the same time could go to your city's arcade and play games which were technologically amazing (for the time) and much aheead of your home consoles games. By comparison, in the 80s, the difference between home consoles and arcade consoles was much less pronounced than in the 90s which was when the really powerful arcade hardware starting coming out.

For this reason, going to the arcades in the 90s was an amazing experience (and I wont even go into Sega World in London which I visited twice and was beyond unreal).

Each had their own strengths and weaknesses but overall the 80s and 90s were both pretty damn good.

You fuckers have me teary eyed. God Bless Holla Forums.

"never dream away the dark days, they're the ones that make it all worthwhile."

remember motocross madness?