Why do they persecute us so?
Why do they persecute us so?
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Good. Animal cruelty cannot be justified by religious traditions.
Holla Forumsand
Know de wey
Wow, I didn't expect Poland to be so ballsy. If not for kikes kosher and halal meat would be illegal in the west since it's animal cruelty. Instead of sedating the animal and killing it instantly the kosher/halal method is to make the animal bleed to death in agony because that pleases their evil g-d. There's literally no justification for it to be legal, people who think their food must suffer are psychos.
oooooooooo KURWA!
Can't stop laughing
do this and ban genital mutilation, what else can be done to poison pill a country against jews?
This, basically. Even in ye olde times the European method was to either strike the animal in the head as hard as possible or take the head off, to try and kill the animal instantly instead of prolonging its suffering needlessly.
respect from Slovenija brothers
Double dubs of truth
good. makes me proud to be polish today, cmon boys win the ski jump coming up this weekend, then the world cup in soccer; beat those mongrel nigger athletes from france and germany and england show europe that racial purity leads the way in the game of resistance Poland is #1 Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła
You're absolutely right, but I have to nitpick this bit. You can't use drugs when slaughtering for meat since it would end up tainting the product. What proper (i.e. white) abattoirs do is stun the animal with either an electric shock or a captive bolt gun and then quickly open blood vessels in the neck or chest so it bleeds out before regaining consciousness.
Best part is it doesn't, it only makes the meat bad.
Slava Bracia!
Fucking kek, and this:
Looks like some European countries are finding ways to get rid of kikes and muslims by such simple methods.
Oy vey!
2018keeps getting better and better for us!
We are rising worldwide!
Makes me warm I always belived in and supported Poland since 2009
How incredibly strong we have grown
Future is bright!
Fuck off back to karachan, faggots.
I visited a pig farm/butcherhouse where they used some kind of airpressured thing to stamp a bolt deep into some area of the brain and kill the pig instantly. Anyways, animal cruelty is an excellent method to make lefties sob and point fingers at kikes and muslims.
This applies to Halal too, no?
That's a captive bolt gun, specifically a penetrating captive bolt gun. Even though it enters the brain and would eventually result in death, it's still technically stunning since it damages the cerebrum to produce instant unconsciousness, but leaves involuntary functions like the circulatory and respiratory systems functioning. The actual killing is still done by opening blood vessels.
Penetrating guns are the most effective and reliable, but they carry the risk of introducing CNS tissue into the bloodstream. So non-penetrating guns which just strike the skull are used when you're worried about mad cow or whatever.
Oy, I know, what have we ever done to these people or any other to deserve this kind of animosity? We have always wanted their success because their success is our success. Now they won't let us handle animals in a humane way, swinging them over our heads or bleeding them out in terror? Why do they hate us so?
Does any country hiring niggers for sports have no dignity?
Does it?
What's the effect of kosher/halal slaughter on the meat? I'd expect that the taste would be worse becouse of the hormones and adrenaline.
I can't find a source on the internet. Except the ones that tell me that it's waaaay healthier and the new fad with americans.
I see, thanks for the info. I was still a kid when i saw it so i probably missed most of the detail and assumed the bolt gun does the killing job. New day, new lesson.
the moment you bring up halal and kosher slaughter the average hippie clams up or is ready to explain it away not to sound racist
/Čak Noris after removing merchant.
True story
Fuck off, kike.
In Poland
They're basically the same thing so yes.
Yes true
Listen to Don!
Poland is first country he visited as PRESIDENT!
Soul of Europe!!!
Also this brings up an interesting point. If you want to removes kikes from your country all you really have to do is ban circumcision and kosher food. Killing them all is the best way to do it, but it's easier to get normalfags on board with ending genital mutilation and inhumane slaughter.
Poland do whatever the fuck it wants. Think about it.
They.fucking laugh in (((eu))) face
Don is with Poland.
It is no coincidence Slovenija is also great friends with Poland ;)
Is that the thing Chigurgh used in No Country for Old Men?
I could go further into geopolitics but that would be going offtopic. This thread is about a great country and a great nation of Poland.
Let me just say we have memed responsibly. Don being elected is a great, enormous ally to us and Slavic people in whole.
Kek bless him, Poland, Usa, Slovenija and ALL Slavic people
So why do they have these religious obsessions? Couldn't they just be covert about their judaism and blend in?
Based poland destroying the jew with common sense logic.
They will of course kvetch and…
Europe would need to have law enforcement to investigate and prevent an illegal underground market.
The kikes are experts at running a nation within a nation.
If I had to guess they have cultural practices that contribute to their behavior and mentality like circumcision for example.
Polish ONR puts (((its eu parliament mep's)))) on.gallows.
Great lulz.ensue
The six ((( MEPs ))) 'on gallows' have been accused by the ruling conservatives of acting "against their country". [Twitter]
ban boomer women.
So? Any kikes caught torturing babies or animals can be jailed, I'm sure they'll do great in a prison filled with mudslimes. I can't wait to see rabbis going to jail for cutting and sucking off babies.
No shit talking this time, good on you Poland.
Bingo. Same thing.
Newfag, look at the context. Some anons use it ironically.
The same Poland where 99% of the "NAZI death camps" were erected and filled with jews before World War 2 even started? The exact same Poland that persecuted millions of ethnic Germans after the jew Treaty of Versailles? The very Poland that let, and thus helped, the jews put forth the lie that a jew genocide by Germans happened?
Just when I was about to move to Poland
you're getting the gas too shariablue. did it make you feel dirty posting a picture of hitler? you gonna rub one out to your favorite SS fantasy after this?
kek doesn't like it when shills waste his dubs.
Damn, I thought "kosher" was just a rip-off label that meant a rabbi waved his hands around and babbled some Jewspeak over the meat before it was sold. I didn't realize that there was an actual difference in the way the animal was treated. Absolutely disgusting.
Hitler banned kosher meat, and for good reason. Kikes can only consume meat from animals that are killed in the most cruel, painful way possible. Film below exposes this in gory detail. Spoiler alert.
Seems to be working in Iceland.
I think we know how to solve the J problem.
Get jews on video discussing why open borders and multi-culti for Israel would mean the death of Israel.
How about banning child abuse burgers call circumcision?
This. Kosher meat is fine by me and I would only ban it if doing so discouraged or upset jews and helped keep them out of the country. Circumcision absolutely is not ok by me, period.
God's wish.
With banning of kosher and halal meat you enter slippery slope leading to also banning hunting.
Hunting isn't the same though. You can't (realistically) make the animal unconscious before shooting it (which doesn't kill immediately). In slaughterhouses the animal is not running away, there's nothing preventing them from killing it humanely other than kikes' hatred of all living things, mudshits at least sometimes have the decency to spare it from the pain but kikes never do.
Fire up the music laddies it's about to get vaporwave worldwide
They put this shit in their religions, claiming G-d gave mankind dominion over the animals, in order to justify their twisted treatment of animals.
everything in the US has kosher stamps on it, keep in mind the jews use this also as a scam to increase food prices.
Kosher slaughter seems the proper way when it's interpreted strictly from the text. But just like everything else jews pervert that too. I've seen too many videos of rabbis with meat cleavers hacking at twitching animals to trust that any follow the proscribed method. In fact I bet the talmud contradicts the kosher method.
I can't believe people are stupid enough to believe kikes can be our intellectual leaders. They literally fucking believe that the OT told them they can't use electricity.
Fucking what.
Kosher slaughter forbids the use of stunning. The animal dies as its blood pours out. For maximum fap potential.
Yes, and? I just got home from work. I thought you meant from using electricity at all, like they were breaking their rules to have lightbulbs.
On the Sabbath. They're tards.
Kosher and halal slaughter are comparable to contemporary slaughter practices on paper but contemporary slaughter practices are infinitely more consistent. Ideally, when a kosher or halal slaughter is carried out the sudden loss of blood pressure causes immediate unconsciousness but doing that on an animal the size of a cow is dicey at absolute best just because of the mass of the animal. Botched kosher/halal slaughter is horrific and usually a literal bloodbath.
Just mandate the stunner, and tell them to go gas themselves.
The "no electricity on the sabbath" thing is a great example of the kike tendency to jew their own religion. They're not allowed to switch their lights on or off, so they have special light switches where the switch isn't mechanically connected to anything, but a random amount of time after it's operated a mechanism has a chance of detecting that the switch has moved and turning the lights on/off. If the dice roll fails, it waits for the next cycle to try again. This counts as just innocently moving an inert piece of plastic which totally doesn't have any causal link with the lights coming on.
Their religion is full of this kind of thing. Like how some types of kike don't believe they can transport goods ("goods" includes the clothes they're wearing and the keys etc in their pockets) in or out of their home during certain part of the year, so they strap pieces of PVC pipe to utility poles around the perimeter of the town they live in and say that marks the boundary of their home.
Found the video of them describing the switch. Polite sage for double post.
So did they ban it yet? Is there anything actually meaningful being done the top kikes and muds who dont eat halal kosher shit anyways?
Why is this even stickied and the thread about poland crying about Holohoax again got anchored?
Please to be postings of polandball, dziękuję ci.
Not gonna lie. Wish I was never circumcised. Feels like a part of me missing
This is the point, this warrant ban of the hunt as act of (unnecessary) cruelty.
There is nothing preventing from not hunting at all. If you care about animals feels.
Polandball came from imageboards, and has been on the internet longer than you have, you salty kike.
No the point is to end conciousness in the animal as quickly as possible. By cutting the blood vessels immediately below the brain loss of blood pressure results in almost instantaneous loss of conciousness.
This shit cant be real.
Part of you IS missing user. I was also a victim of this barbaric jewish ritual. Thankfully I found Holla Forums before I had my first child and made sure the kikes didn't cut him up.
I know a jew who owns several Kosher supermarkets. He just uses regular meet and has some kike rabbi come in and bless everything in the store as 'kosher'
Humaneness isn't a component of kosher. An animal killed brutally is still kosher.
Depends on the store. Some of them do just have some hebe rabbi wave their hands around and babble in jewspeak. Gotta have some justification for charging 3x the standard rate.
I used to work in a giant food production plant. Every few months they would shuffle a rabbi in and he's do his little talmudic voodoo dance or whatever over the shelves of bulk ingredients. I can only imagine how much the company paid for this service.
EVERYTHING kike is a scam.
Even before I was redpilled, seeing this little dude roll up on the production floor with no saftey gear on and perform a little fucking iron age ritual in the middle of a modern factory was offputting as fuck.
Yep. You can even have a kosher ham and cheese on rye if the deli is owned by a rabbi. There are no rules. No wonder God despises jews.
At first i was
But now my mouth was properly shut and now my dick its diamonds
Poland will be the savior this season
it looks like whatever god its watching us, he really likes irony
Kosher and Halal fags BTFO.
At least some country takes measure against that barbarism, and not talking as a Holla Forumslack here.
So what happens this century? Poland goes ethnonationalist and dejewifies itself, AfD takes power in Germany and starts getting buddy-buddy with Poland, then the German government is executed and replaced with a puppet government that starts to hate Poland, then Germany starts executing ethnic Poles, then Poland invades Germany?
Just reread the article. Poland banned kosher slaughter in 2013, it was overturned in 2014, and now all they are doing is placing the same restrictions on kosher as non. Effectively applying the same laws with no religious exemption.
Can an actual pollack get the text of the bill with a translation? I want to know if they even mention kosher, or if the kikes are up to typical tricks.
But, is it legal to expose the Holohoax in Poland? Kek. Of course not.
Again, hat tip to the Russians for effortposting this obvious anti-kike активные мероприятия, but you KGBniggers need to frame your posts better so they can't be neutralized.
Also, kill yourselves. But, I have to say, golf clap on getting this активные мероприятия stickied. (Slow clapping).
Hey buddy, I never brought the orthodox church into this, but if you want to go around comparing them to kikes, that's on you.
Trips confirm: Cows get a painless death. Kikes do not.
first iceland, now poland?
What the fuck is happening???
In Gematria one could sum the following:
Zabka 6-23
623 = 6+2+3 = 11 (dubs)
ALL Abrahamic religions are cancer and WILL be purged along with anyone who will not renounce.
They dont care about this shit. Kosher is a scam for the kikes to make money. Circumcision is pointless. We need something that really irks them.
Kosher food is also GMO free. They feed goys poison while themselves eat normal food
Hungary closes its borders to the shitskin hoards, Czech Republic re-elects the anti-EU candidate, Poland's based happenings.
Kosher slaughter is the opposite of animal cruelty. Jewish law prohibits eating animals that were inhumanely killed.
Kosher slaughter - "The procedure is done with the intention of causing a rapid drop in blood pressure in the brain and loss of consciousness, to render the animal insensitive to pain and to exsanguinate in a prompt and precise action."
Poland was the safe haven for juden for centuries and half of Khazaria. Not only that but almost all jews that came to the US (literally a little more than half of all the jews in the whole world) came from Poland. Do you really think (((they))) will allow this to happen?
Yeah, but the animals are usually freaking out because they hang it by its feet before they cut its throat. As far as I know a cattle gun should be the most efficient and merciful way to kill an animal.
Note how subversive the wording in the first picture is.
In the halal method the line "the animal is then left to bleed to death" is bolded and has its own line. It rightfully emphasizes how inhumane the practice is since the animals will be thrashing about for a few minutes before it dies.
Even for the non-religious method, it's mentions "the animals is bled to death". Note that the word "left" is missing, thereby taking human responsibility out of the picture.
However, in the kosher method ==the word "death" is missing== thereby sanitizing the entire description. It's as if the animal never even dies! It just happens to run out of blood and magically end up on your plate.
Triple and Double confirmed
Adriatic veneti + Vitsula veneti barbaric brothers bound by blood!
If they haven't already ban circumcision that always gets the kikes going.
Fucking kek. Jews jew God out of his rules and regulations. That's some pathological kikery right there.
The Kosher slaughter is performed with the animal laying on its back. It is hung after being slaughtered in order to drain all the blood. It was developed before the cattle gun existed and was the most humane slaughter method of its time. The whole point is to reduce suffering.
Just because the animal is going to be food doesn't mean you have to torture it to death.
Can't wait to see what happens next!
If this were true then they wouldn't seek exemptions from laws requiring the animal be stunned before slaughter.
It's no longer the most humane method.
Then they should readily adapt and accept newer humane slaughter methods but they don't because they are fucking kikes.
This is the most blatant JIDF bullshit I've seen in a long time.
The next one to go should be their barbaric genital mutilation
This. While we don't like it, the kikes indulge in the fear of their victims.
oy vey just fucking end me, my fellow goyim
Why would you have to justify it as not a lie? No shit we never asked to be kiked like that.
Fucking niggers.
genital mutilation is much more barbaric than kosher killing. it should be banned first.
Says the Tor-level shill
No…. We gas all the kikes race war now. How new are you?
I do believe the way you treat animals shows your worth as a person. Kosher / halal slaughter is unnecessary cruelty plain and simple. It probably started as some kind of ritual sacrifice to desert god.
(((UKuck))) needs to be added into the pic
Wasn't there some user who was putting pig meat within the Kosher and Halal products and forcing a mall to keep restocking since no one else would buy it?
Just a tiny funfact:
Nationalistic Germans envied Polish Nationalism due to to the polish romanticism with Nationalism created during the 123 years of partitions.
Of course that respect was shortlived when Poland tried to regain its old territory after regaining independence from Germans/Prussians and Russians.
I'm so proud of my Nation. And the best thing this time… No (((multi-culturalims))).
Well… You can't take away the nationalism from a country, which has nationalism as a central value… I don't think I would be projecting if Polish Nationalism is actually about every country and not just Poland, but Poland first and foremost. In the end a famous Polish general did fight in the american civil war for the south I think?
Also Battle of Vienna and the most recent rescue from the red cancer, Battle of Vistula.
Nah, we were always against Mudslimes… Although not jews… Well until they fucking rammed a knife into our back after they left as a thanks for how much we helped them.
Of course that brings dire consequences. That's why memeing this Polish Death Camp stuff is highly efficient to redpill the people on kikes.
Oh and another thing worth to mention:
The polish people don't see democracy as an ideal, due to Pilsudski's successful running of the country, he wasn't a democrat either but rather a nationalist and traditionalist as well as a strategic mastermind.
Only lefties and Pro-EU idiots spit on him. Anyway, with the right people Poland can be successfully and effectively ran as a nation without the restrains of democracy. Although for that to happen… A great leader has to appear
What is the arabic, turkish versions of shoah?
IE the first thing they did was not just to secure Polish-majority regions but repeat what had lead to the parition in the first place… Then, failed to militarize to defend these territories against reclamations and failed to side with Germany against the Soviet-Union, bought British lies. Even France built the maginot line againt a weakened Germany and the Soviet-Union set about industrializing.
Gotta be smarter this time around or Merkel will celebrate her victory in Warsaw.
< Hey, check this shitposter on Half-Chan!
< Fedora! Fedora! Fedora!
Weak as ever.
wew, did not expect this with their new kike pm
All jews have birthright citizenship to israel which they cannot deny. If you force all citizens into a single citizenship save for let's say government officials, you'll effectively force the kikes to leave or else face prosecution.
Is his wife jewish? If not the only jewish ancestry in his family is his aunts and saying that makes him a kike is like saying I'm a murderer if was a roomate with one.
replace Germany with the greater EU alliance army and you've got your future.
This is the keystone to getting jewry out of europe. They're far too strong from the right, the goal should be to rouse the rabble on the left. For example, how does a dyke fag in Germany who loves rapefugees square that with their barbaric way of slaughtering animals?
The only use twitter has now is to use various socks for long enough to gain credibility and attack them from the "animal cruelty" front.
Which was…?
We fought off the Prussians, the Germans, then the Ukrainians who sided with Russia, then Russia, then Lithuania who was also getting friendly to Russia, then we had to annex parts of Ruthenia while Czechoslovaks invaded from the south while blocking Hungarian reinforcements until the last minute, leaving us by ourselves.
Yeah but then the Franchise made it very loud and clear "they won't die for Gdansk!" while our politicians said if they don't stop remilitarizing Rhine we will invade Germany, which actually did end up making Nazi Germany, and especially Göring, shit it's self of the prospect, well, up until the Frenchies said that. We already gave up a lot of non-Polish majority land after Treaty of Versiales and agreed to leave Gdansk as neutral to continue our trade with our only major economical partner, America, but to think we'd cuck out ''again'" and give up our ALLz our coast is retarded. The war had to happen.
Soviet Union wasn't a threat, because they had too many domestic problems. Infact, Stalin knew Hitler was; that's why he asked us to ally with him instead, and attack Germany.
thread theme
what the fuck is the point then
Its "random", 50/50 chance of turning it on or not, therefore it's not really turning it on if you can't expect the outcome 100% of the time. Classical kike casuistry.
It was probably a part of Teuton collective unconscious that we weren't so different from them. Before sly sons of Rome devised Catholicism to divide us, north of their empire a great, multiethnic federation sprawling from Armocia to the Urals themselves was situated, Slavs, Teutons, Gauls and Nords living together across the unending landscape, sheltering many tribes, cultures and dialectics now all lost in time, all from one common ancestor that up until then, and all through out rivaled the zealous marble masons. Saxons;
this kills the jew
They switch it to sabbath mode before Saturday (it's Saturday for kikes, right?). There's another switch above it, outside the picture.
Checked and kek'd.
This is marvelously simple and there might still be a chance to convince leftyfaggots to fight for animal rights against this very priviledeg class of 'people'.
Posted too early, let me repeat.
It was probably a part of Teuton collective unconscious that we weren't so different from them. Before sly sons of Rome devised Catholicism to divide us, north of their empire a great, multiethnic federation sprawling from Armocia to the Urals themselves was situated, Slavs, Teutons, Gauls and Nords living together across the unending landscape, sheltering many tribes, cultures and dialectics now all lost in time, all from one common ancestor that up until then, and all through out rivaled the zealous marble masons. Saxons; Saka Suna - Sons of Sakai, Scythians, same tribe. Epic Saxon sagas tell tales of how Saxons came from Scythian lands near Crimera, as Pictish and Galeic. They later went to Ireland, giving us Scutti, which is another name for Scythian (next closest being Skoloti, Sclaveni), then they voyaged to Wales, naming it in honor of their distant homeland, Crimera, where Welsh people call themselves "Cymry" to this day. Then they landed in Loch Alba, "Lech[æ] Albania", Albania, of course, being next to Crimmera, down to old Germanopolis, past Tharce (another one of their dominions), to the ports of Lechæ. Down the Mediterranean, at the gates of Egypt, the proud, almost mythical "sea men" extend their reign once more, covering all of known Africa, spreading to Hispaniola, naming it in honor of Iberia, again, next to Albania. But Europe, Africa, and Anatolia was not enough for them, they conquered across Asia to India once more, where the legends of the Aryans were noted, their vast kingdom carrying many names, remembered by the ports which they sailed from; Lechistan.
After our countless cousins pillaged to walk the roads of rome, the Gauls, the Lombards, and even the Huns, partner tribe, the Romans knew if they were to survive, they had to divide: after successful campaigns in Germania, while the Italy was in chaos, the Teutons, baptized and led astray from their old gods, would carry the Legacy of Rome. What was left of the barbarians were already under pressure for hundreds of years to quell the Southern invaders; couple hundred years before that "7 tribes of Slavs" establishing "Bulgaria" (which can be read as "Vulgaria" = of all people, "united"), calling distant cousins, the "Turks" (Hungarians) once (and maybe once again later?) to come, settle, and defend their southern most border, too. But as their closest brothers fell under the influence of Otto first , King of the Romans, and pushed back the once united, and even then, varied tribesmens at the battle of Lechfield (for which the Hungarian king was dethroned for, as he lost) which soon spelled death for all barbarians not under influence of the Church, as they could not resist an enemy within.
Hundreds of years later, the Roman agenda would live on, the Teutons, ironically meaning "of one tribe", would go on to forget their distant common roots, while we, along with all the other Slavs (and Nords) remembered our Sarmatian roots, a name that would evolve over hundreds of years. They carried on the agenda by marrying off a Byzantine princess off to a Ruthenian ruler, so that not only the Teutons would carry the legacy of Rome in name, but Russia, brothers of Lech and Sarmatians just like us, loyal friends and equals to the Goths (who too had a hereditary union with Poland over the fact), would too brake off their ties, and be known as "Second Rome".
So that when sons of Rome set siege on the final frontier of the barbarians and Poland disappeared off the map, Rome proved itself victorious against the barbaric horde in the end after all; for if we remember the new names of once united and legendary people, the Holy Roman Empire and "Second Rome", the Roman name was forced upon the old European's at least once, everywhere.
For Hitler's ignorance of who the "Aryans" were and their crimes against their distant cousins, now and then lead astray by a foreign influence, they must be removed from power. The "Reich" must finally end, and Germany is to Balkanize.
Polish government refuses to pass law allowing Jews to reclaim proiperty taken from them by the Nazis, in Poland. Making it the only European country without a holocaust restitution law.
Triggered kikes are only beaten by burning ones when it comes to entertainment value.
Praise upon our old God of thunder. But be it poetic of not, Jesus the messenger of God, maybe sent by the old and almighty Perun himself, was there to remind us we are of one tribe. But the message was twisted to divide and conquer us. In five hundred anno domini St.Theodosius Bishop of Petra even remarks in his autobiography:
>There were four churches belonging to it, one for each of the three several nations of which his community was chiefly composed, each speaking a different language; the fourth was for the use of such as were in a state of penance, which those that recovered from their lunatic or possessed condition before-mentioned, were put into, and detained till they had expiated their fault. The nations into which his community was divided were the Greeks, which was by far the most numerous, and consisted of all those that came from any provinces of the empire; the Armenians, with whom were joined the Arabians and Persians; and, thirdly, the Bessi, who comprehended all the northern nations below Thrace, or all who used the Runic or Sclavonian tongue. Each nation sung the first part of the mass to the end of the gospel in their own church, but after the gospel all met in the church of the Greeks, where they celebrated the essential part of the sacrifice in Greek, and communicated all together
The TRUE word of Jesus could not come out, for they didn't want true unity.
Also, like Jesus, we were destined to "die" for your sins, Swedish, German, and Russian (our closest blood kin), so that we can come back "from the dead" and lead us all into nationalistic unity once again, like Jesus. Amen xD
Their Jewish prime minister will probably just veto the law.
Negative. Stroll through your local grocery store. You will find a good 99% of products have some form of kosher certification. It's how they tax the gentiles for everything they eat. Someone has to pay for that certification.
I finally see….
No, no, hold on. On one hand he is correct. On the other, chosenites say one thing then do another. They preach "goodness", and practice evil. Strictly as defined by the texts it is about as quick, clean and humane as you can get without bullets or various methods of stunning available today.
You are naive. Jews delight in sadism. What do their actions say?
Yeah, cows just lay on their backs willingly. I drive past fields and I see cows laying on their backs with their heels up in the air. All the time they are doing this. They can even sleep in this pose. Hint; it is possible for cows or horses to roll onto their backs, but they almost always flop back onto one side or the other because they can't balance well. I also don't believe the cows are laying down when this happens. I believe based on VIDEO EVIDENCE that the cows are standing and a rope is put around their legs. Then the cows throat is slit and its hauled up, but I have seen fuck ups fighting with the animal to keep it from turning around and kicking at them.
Not just that. I was at a manufacturing summit last year and one person was from a company that made food grade steel barrels. They proceeded to tell me how they had to pay a rabbi a tidy sum to come to the plant every month and bless the steel to make it kosher.
Nothing is sacred to the kike.
Before i get my hopes up. have they banned kosher food? (or is it only kosher meat going with the animal cruelty reason?) or are they just "moving to" ban it and havn't actually banned it yet.
i want to be appropriately excited.
Hitler was friends with the Polish prime Minister before Beck came and fucked shit up
Which one? According to Wiki there were 6 PMs between '33 and '39.
Jozef Pilsudski
can't swing a chicken without hitting a yid 'round here
PETA Reveals Extreme Cruelty at Kosher Slaughterhouses
he wasnt prime minister
If you read a bible, nkjv, tanakh, Septuagint, you would already know the answer new friend. Ritual slaughter, and sacrifice isn't necessarily bad. It's all in how it's done. Just about every group of people and subpeoples on this planet has done it and still practices ritual sacrifice. In the Iliad Odysseus visits some friends at which point they slaughter some animals and burn the fat and entails in honor of Poseidon I think, or maybe it was Hermes, then they feast. In the US Thanksgiving is one of our ritual sacrifices on "Thor's day".
The op is misleading. They removed exemptions for religious practices. Now ethical treatment of slaughter is applied universally.
Which is why we are now getting, "oy Gerald, why must you persecute us by demanding we follow your laws? Don't you know we are entitled to special treatment because we are chosen?"
Easy bypassed by importing the cancer meat as a distributor and then selling it to the jews at a high price. The rabi's themselves will go back to the old tradition of biting off the foreskin and suckling in the penis to promote aids.
Not to demoralise or anything but muslims who live in countries where circumcision is illegal simply go to their country of origin and get it done there, I can imagine kikes would do the same by going to Israel or any country with a kike community where it is legal once they would have a child.
The kosher ban would fuck them over much more but I can imagine they could also fix that by moving near the border of their respective nation so they can just get it in the neighbouring country, which means all western nations would have to ban it for it to be truly effective.
Call me when they ban usury.
Poland will simply ban the religion and the people once things get tough. Also Iceland is an island; borders are on the sea :^)
Hurr durr, half of people on earth believe in silly "desert god" that anonymous internet atheist debunks by noting the climate in which their traditions were first written down. I'll be impressed when you refute Aristotle and Aquinas' proofs that there is a god.
Not an argument. Shills don't use Tor, because they don't need the onion to prevent correlation attacks on their VPN. CIA nigger hate Tor because it prevents their kikery.
"Jewish" ancestry is a fabrication. Jews were scattered to the winds for rejecting the Messiah, and most who call themselves "Jew" are not even descendants of these people. At this point, most people on earth probably have at least a drop of blood from the lost ten tribes that went all over the world (including America), making "Jewish" blood completely meaningless except to the kikes, like the British Royal Family.
He's right, you know. Kosher butchery was a pre-Talmud invention.
Go watch videos of kosher slaughter and tell me that shit again, TORfag. Oh wow, Jews liked to watch animals bleed out before they wrote the Talmud.
Nothing he said is wrong and you’ve posted nothing to refute him.
Holla Forumsand on shoah rampage
banning the way people used to slaughter for tousands of years.
pols are retarded.
the only reason why to ban that method is because muslims and jews require it. But there is nothing evil or bad in that slaughtering method
Tell your bosses we saw through you instantaneously. Do you really think anyone here is going to be swayed, you fucking kike? Reported.
I have witnessed many slaughters of farm animals in east europe.
If you have a sheep or cow, you bind their back claws and pull them up. once the animal is in the air you cut their neck letting them bleed out until they die. Usually they screem for a minute or two until they pass out.
THIS WAS DONE ALL AROUND THE WORLD, in eastern europe they still do it if they slaughter their own animals.
You’re a proven shill. Eat shit and die.
the past matters. learning from the past matters more. a better future for White people matters most. a lot of shit went down in ww2. we must learn from it, but not let it be an anchor around our necks. Hitler had some good ideas and was correct in pointing out the jewish menace, but he made enemies everywhere, including the Poles. this time, NO MORE BROTHER WARS
defending jews, lol. JIDF much? "it's only that small portion of BAD jews, goy— i mean guys, not the majority!!! they are just misguided!!!!!!!!!!" the jewish crimes are vast, vast, VAST. there will be a reckoning. there will be Justice.
I feel your pain, brother. thanks to bullshit kiked medical industry, millions of innocent White babies were circumcised. asshole kikes
kosher slaughter is about inflicting suffering and terror on an animal completely under control. hunting is about Man being the predator in a natural "wild" setting. the first is cruelty, the second is the heritage of Man. furthermore, no one here is arguing for the cessation of all slaughter (which would be he equivalent of arguing for the cessation of hunting), only that domestic meat animals be killed using more modern, less barbaric practices. of course you know that, you shill bastard.
oy vey, listen to our word goyim!!!! don't judge us by the things we actually do!!!!!!! BAD GOYIIIIMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!
times change, blackpill. the redpill is powerful because it is the truth. expose jewish crimes, expose zog, end zog
brother wars is EXACTLY what the kikes want. the single greatest threat to the White nationalist movement is allowing any more brother wars to happen. the kikes will gladly dance on our graves after we kill each other off, IF we go to war with each other again. all the White peoples have a history full of conflict. all of us have some past glories. some past defeats, and some smoldering rivalries. However, we must set aside old grievances and, together, take back White countries, end jewish influence over us, and make the future safe for White children.
irrelevant. besides, there is a large difference between, on the one hand, hardy farmers killing their own animals using the only simple methods they know, and, on the other hand, kikes insisting on cruelty and barbarism because their satanic cult demands it. especially when the kikes make the real people pay them for the privilege of the "kosher" bullshit label. the BLight upon nations indeed.
thats bad
thats good!
thats good!
that is why this is good.
good, im glad. now, to clarify, they can still import meat, which will cost them extra sheckles and poland will no longer be an exporter of (((kosher))) goods?
the world over. no nation should be allowed to call themselves christian and allow usury.
Who could be behind this post i wonder…
there's an infographic on Jozef Pilsudski that I was going to post, but I can't find it. /r/ing anyone who has it to post it. I may be just remembering it from TGSNT but I think I've seen one out there.
wew lad, you've got to do some history, are you american by any chance? Of course you are. The white nationalist movement only exists in the US. Of course I am supportive of it. But claiming that "muh brother wars"… War is sadly part of human nature. Everytime conflicts exist, there is always a possibility of war.
Of course I'd prefer to not have any wars here. But well, times are changing and it seems like Western Europe is going to be embroiled in a civil war.
The US has to free itself from the kike's hand. Same with Western Europe. Also reminder: A white ethnostate is only possible in the US, meanwhile in Europe… We have reasons for borders, a German doesn't think like a Pole, neither does a Brit think like a French
Expose the Holohoax in pooland right now. Oh wait.
Not an argument. Worse, hatred of proper opsec strongly correlates with being a CIA nigger.
Kosher butchering kills the animal faster than anything invented before the modern era. It was humane.
Not an argument. You argue like a kike. No facts, no logic, just histrionics in the hopes that the gullible will believe you.
Still not an argument. Still talking like a kike. Time to preheat the oven.
what in the fuck?!
Looks like they pushed way too far and Poland has had enough. Good.
what's the point of banning it?
Awesome. I think I am going to move to poland. Fuck this 56% America and its cancer.
A real holocaust?
Wow…. I'm not JIDF, a jew, or a shill. The point I was trying to make was that applying the same criticismto halal and kosher is wrong. Halal and kosher are the opposite of each other. Halal is deliberately cruel while kosher is (meant to be) deliberately humane.
Any of you guys been hunting and shot an animal? If you have than you know that it can be inhumane. In spite of that people of almost every religion hunt and kill animals and logic states that hunting would also need to be banned if kosher slaughter was banned.
The Israeli govt is pushing Poland to crawl to the Muh_Holohoax table and lick the Jewish boots six gorillion time. Poland is giving the kikes the finger.
At this stage it's mere theater.
I don't think those words mean what you think those words mean
Not an argument.
Holla ForumsAND STRONG
Well I already defined kosher.
Humane is defined as "compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals"
You could argue that kosher slaughter is not humane because the motives are religious instead of being motivated by compassion for the animal. But if the end result is the same then it is pointless to debate the meanings or motives.
Where did you find that? I've been trying to look up how people used to dispatch animals before they had guns and whatnot, but I can't find a thing.
poland is in their own take down the jews when you trolls not trying to do anything stop buying watching any kike production
To be fair that 2nd pic the guidelines make a lot of sense is a world set in pre-industrial/ancient times, mainly doing it in one swift cut, it seems pretty humane for its time, and the sold in 3 days is just food safety pre-refrigeration. But with modern tech there is no reason to go through all of that and it is in fact cruel to do so.
Note: I have no ranching or butchering experience so if there is an easier way to do it with no tech please let me know.
A good hunter has compassion and sympathy and will shoot an animal in a vital organ, leading to a near-instant death.
But sometimes he misses.
Halal and kosher are exactly the same as one another, excepting that kikes have a rabbi say the magic words over it while mudslimes can say their magic words themselves. I've seen the Mooselim argument defending their way of slaughter, its the exact same as your own Mr. Schlomo.
All Europeans and White Volk should consider a true Aryan Tradition: Decapitation. If you want to consume the flesh of an animal, then the quickest, simplest, and most humane way to kill the prey is via decapitation. One quick strike and it's over. The brain cannot feel any physical sensation of pain, thus if you separate it from the body you allow brain death without pain, you achieve "The Sacrifice", and from my (a true Hunter's point of view) perspective…the meat is not fouled from the panic response, hormones, brain chemicals and such. Juden and Muzzies only got Animal Sacrifice half-right. One should not only be merciful, but take care to be a connoisseur for the sake of the quality of the animal (meat) that one is to eat.
Only a Kike of the Jewish or Religion of Cuck™ic sect would have that opinion, all other sane detached observers will see that it's not.
Good news, but their kike Prime Minister needs to go. Vid related.
Step out of the car, please sir.
He is the best and most competent prime minister we had yet, besides where is the proof of him being jewish? I see this claim a lot without a proof, just asking. And his father is anticommie legend in Poland.
Jews can just get a Rabbi to bless non-Kosher food. Mossad does it all the time.
Happens in America too with almost any product. And guess what, you pay for that "blessing" it's called the Kosher Tax. Has been going since the 60's and the kikes make millions per month thanks to that nonsense.
He doesnt speak for Poland, he is hijacking the narrative. Motherfucker keepz saying "unthinkable" crimes so that no they are not properly examined and he also says we will never limit truth or debate… by maintaining a law which mandates that we unequivocally condemn those who would seek to establish PROOF. The camps themselves are maintained but any thorough examination is condemned? It is a carefully constructed narrative that I hope his being jewish will help unravel. He is the first openly jewish prime minister during Polands most anti jew period; highly suspect. Thanks for showing me this now I know "unequivocally" he is controlled opposition
Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła; kurwa mać Żydom
Now we know how to deal with you and your (((friends))) when the time comes, CIAnigger
Godspeed, Polan
Reported, Jew. Remind me to quote what you wrote back at you while my squad is cleansing your neighborhood.
This is a fine question, and one I've made something of a cottage study out of. In essence, your question is, "why must a Jew jew?"
As with most other kinds of bullshit, there's an official reason for the religious shit they do, and then there's a real reason. Typical for the Jews, in this case there's a third reason buried under all of that.
Kosher slaughter:
Officially, the Jews practice kosher slaughter for the same reason they observe the sabbath. The logic gets typically reverse-twist-convoluted here, so bear with:
>It's easy to observe the big commandments. I can easily refrain from murder, for instance, and though it's tougher, I can resist the urge to stealfrom fellow Jews, at least. But there's no point to observing sabbath or keeping kosher. Therefore [here comes the Jewry. . .] it is more important for me to do it. There's no reason to do these things, except YHWH says to do it; doing it proves my devotion to God!
Okay, so the second reason is the sort of thing kike academics publish:
>Kosher and halal animal slaughter is highly ritualistic, which makes it different from other types of killing. In effect, by blessing the animals and then doing the job on them in a really messy, really gory way, the kosher butcher makes this act fundamentally different from killing a Jewish man, thus allowing the consumption of meat and the prevention of moral corruption both.
Got that? Okay, here's the real reason:
They like it.
Again, there are three reasons to do this, at varying levels of bullshit:
The more sociological reason is more complex:
But why circumcise the goyim?
But of course, with Jews, there's always an ulterior motive:
They like it.
Hope that helps.
Not an argument, and you're too fucking stupid to realize I was exposing Jewish mythology that they are a sacred people, when in reality most people are probably ethnically Jewish and therefore they are no more special than the goyim.
The ten tribes went all over the place, from Ethiopia, to India, to China, and to North America. They've found artifacts written in Hebrew in America, and not just Mormon hoaxes. Don't open your kike mouth if you're not going to talk about facts.
Not an argument.
Simply put control. The top kikes use a persecution complex to keep the lower kikes from leaving Judaism. After all we can't protect you if you leave and everyone wants you dead because they're just evil bigots and not at all for the things we've done to them for our benefit.
Also tribalism and in group preference. Essentially you're fighting basic human biology that the Jews have done their damnedest to ensure no one else maintains.
wow sounds a lot like globalist cult spirit cooking.
incorrect. science has proven that neither method is painless. western anesthetic electrical stunning is painless.
Click below for proof
This kills the kike.
Why do so many businesses go through with this shit? What happens if you don't have your whatever certified kosher by a rabbi? Orthodox Jews won't buy it? Who cares? Most of the people who call themselves Jews don't even take the kosher shit that seriously. The Orthodox Jews are a small percentage of a numerically tiny ethnoreligious group.
holy fuck they're literally jewing god
I have a rope ready for you you subhuman desertcrawler
How the fuck is killing a concious animal better than hitting it first with a rock and THEN letting it die a painless death?
>More than the population of most nations
Another example of AntiFa being dumb as fuck.
How many japanese think ritual suicide is ok. Probably .01% and that being some old war vets and far right abeists as opposed to 13%. Nip population is 127mil iirc.
polska STRONK
I am not sure how many Anons remember the thread mid election talking about (i can't even remember what) but mid thread we talked about Dagmara Przybysz.
How we will win the US election for her.
She is with us all the time and she is with us now. We haven't forgotten her. We just keep on winning.
I would like to take a small moment in time in sticky to honour her.
Thank you baby girl. We will keep on winning for you
Have no idea who she was, but, you sound as cringy as I was before getting married. Don't lose hope, but also try to find a girl you can call yours. Her story is tragic and might have moved you, but you only think so much of her because she's beautiful as fuck, and you're a total virgin. Get fit and go out more.
fuck. off
Adrenaline makes for (((tastier))) meat.
Used to think this adrenechrome thing was a larp but now I'm not so sure.
Remember, the truth is always stranger than fiction.
Jews actually feast on the adrenal glands of their prey, ie white children. ;)
Sorry I snapped at you
I'm sure your intent was good but it is really ill fitted. Wrong time.
You may not remember her but alot of Anons do.
I just wanted to make a little ripple in time for her. She is not forgotten
At least I can fall back to a based country should degeneracy overtake the west.
God, Honour, Motherland
One day, I will go there if only to visit.
It's a Slavic thing. Slavic soul. Motherland is in our veins. Sometimes I listen to my country's Anthem or Slavic music as such I linked. read or see some great poet's writing who felt the same 200 years ago, it hits right in the feels. Tears start to flow. Hard to explain
Now you understand why lawyers are Jewish.
Have this 💗
Needs more accordion
That's clearly why Hitler banned this form of slaughter in Germany.
Yeah I'm going to need evidence that Poland is crawling with Commies and Jews. Otherwise STFU. They very plainly have a strong Catholic, strong nationalistic population and an anti-EU anti-rapefugee anti-mudshit sentiment nationwide.
We don't want you in unless you are of Polish heritage. This is (((white flight))) on an international scale
Most of the jews were high-ranking officials of the communist government and as such moved to israel in 1968 because they felt annudah shoah™ coming, now there's less active jews than Vietnamese so that's debunked.
Commies are prevailent because President Lech Wałęsa codename: Bolek dissolved the parliment when it passed a bill to publicize the names of all soviet operatives; the Minister of External Affairs was being blackmailed with his status as a secret operative of the Soviet Security Services (Służba bezpieczeństwa, SB) by the german government when signing the Polish–German Treaty of Good Neighbourship and Friendly Cooperation to be better and friendlier for the germans. so Macierewicz with Korwin-Mikke drafted and passed bill that would ensure that won't happen again.
Unfortunately the president was in SB, and dissolved the parliment overnight.
Also there's been a Magdalenka agreement ensuring "radical elements" (anyone right of Stalin) will never get to power.
They've had an agreement for the sake of democracy and divided themselves into group of progress and treason (PO, SLD, .Nowoczesna) and eager holders of monopoly over patriotic expression (PiS, and their recent prop-up Kukiz '15 serving as a release valve so there's no need for excessive falsifying votes for Korwin's party)
pure cohencidence that a Polish grocery store just blew the fuck up.
if it was polish and not (((polish))) then you know there will be retaliation