'Brit Milah ban will ensure no Jewish community is established'

Scandinavian Jewish leaders warn Iceland that legislation banning nonmedical circumcision will prevent Jewish community life in the country.

The leaders of the Jewish communities of four Nordic countries said that a bill proposing to ban nonmedical circumcision in Iceland “will guarantee” that no Jewish community is established there.

The presidents of the umbrella groups of Jewish communities in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland issued the unusual warning Tuesday in an open letter to all Icelandic lawmakers in reaction to the submission last month of a bill proposing to ban all nonmedical circumcision of boys younger than 18 in Iceland, a Scandinavian island nation of some 300,000 people with a few hundred Jews and Muslims.

Lawmakers from four parties with 46 percent of the seats in parliament, including the ruling party, co-authored the bill.

If passed, “Iceland would be the only country to ban one of the most central, if not the most central rite in the Jewish tradition in modern times,” wrote Aron Verständig, Dan Rosenberg-Asmussen, Ervin Kohn and Yaron Nadbornik in the letter.

Referencing the Nazi prohibition on brit milah, Jewish ritual circumcision, they noted: “It would not be the first time in the long tradition of the Jewish people. Throughout history, more than one oppressive regime has tried to suppress our people and eradicate Judaism by prohibiting our religious practices.”

Iceland, they added, does not have an organized Jewish community today.

“Banning Brit Milah will be an effective deterrent and will guarantee that no Jewish community will be established,” they wrote.

Iceland is slated this year to receive its first resident rabbi in decades.

The open letter might be perceived as meddling in Iceland’s internal affairs, the co-authors conceded.

“And why should we care? The reason is that you are about to attack Judaism in a way that concerns Jews all over the world,” they wrote.

The Nordic Jewish community leaders urged the Icelandic lawmakers to follow Norway’s 2015 legislation on nonmedical circumcision, which introduced regulation while ensuring the custom’s legality under certain terms.

Archive.is (gives blank page): archive.today/KHCMg

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Oy vey.

Oy vey


Oy Gevalt

Stay stronk Iceland!

Well then, we have our marching orders, need to get bills pushed through to ban non medical circumcision in the US.


what a shame.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't this ban on non-medical circumcisions effectively get rid of Jews and Muslims?

This needs to be spread. Just think how it sounds to people when you say your most important religious tradition is cutting baby dicks. It's absurd.


oy vey

Muslims technically dont have to be circumsized,they mostly are however.
Alot of muslim rules either have exceptions embedded in them(for example they dont need to fast in ramadan if doing so would harm their health or if they are traveling) or are suggestions that get taken too seriusly by the idiotsI suspect that this is because they respect their rules too much to try to weasel out like the jews do but still dont want to actually follow them


stop calling it circumcision. call it what it is:


Wait a second. Isn't this like the easiest possible method to get rid of kikes? Aren't they required to be circumcised? Even in normiesphere and among the leftiest lefties you could bring hundreds of arguments against circumcision without even going near NatSoc or racism route. You could make a huge campaign against genital mutilation affecting boys and girls.
There are so many possibilities of how to fuck kikes with this and even redpill normies on crude kike practices in general.

Hot damn iceland.

How are you going to enforce this? Dick inspection squads? Not that degenerate semite child mutilation should be legal, but they'll just go back to moihels with razors. They've been infiltrating the west for almost 2000 years now, I think they've got the whole subterfuge thing figured out by now.


thanks for your input, Sargon.

I wish the holocaust actually happened.

What does your eceleb have to do with kikes and their dicks? You're weird.

You're right.

Compare it to the guillotine. We don't use that anymore, do we? Use words like "barbaric," "Medieval," "primitive," and "problematic." Throw in something about anti-science. It hits all the lefty triggers. And of course, "think of the children!"

The progressives have given us the book on how to attack age-old cultural traditions.

reported for defending e-celebs

Are you a bot or on drugs?



pick one

Reminder: if you circumcise your sons, you ought to be put to death for your crime against not only your children, men, but also against humanity.

Kids in early years go through several medical checkups, and what about school health checkups? Someone is bound to find out at one point, just make sure that mutilating a kids genital is counted as heavy bodily injury or something worse, so doctors and parents who illegaly circumcise go to jail.

No shit sherlock, making circumcision illegal does not get rid of current jews you stupid nigger, this isn't meant to attack those who are already circumcised, but if from this point on it's illegal to circumcise people below the age of 18, then jewish communities will start to vanish as they cannot have kids there anymore. Younger Adult jews will start to leave the country if they cannot circumcise, or illegaly circumcise and be send send to jail, which is why kikes are absolutely right about the part "will prevent jewish community life" in Iceland if this goes through.

Correct. If i remember right femcunts already went demonstrating against female genital mutilation, getting lefties to hate and cry about genital mutilation of poor kids is very easy.

Holy shit you're retarded.

Holy shit where has the time gone.


Implying that's a bad thing.

Expect inevitable Holocaust references soon. Circumcision isn't a European tradition and I would argue that whatever supposed health benefits there may be (which I doubt) are outweighed by the simple fact that you're slicing off part of a boy's wang. When you think about just what it entails, it's hard not to see it as barbarity.

There are literally none. They just started to push the "health benefits" line when people no longer cared about the original justification (that it would stop masturbation). They probably also needed to drop the masturbation thing as a justification for male genital mutilation to distance it from female genital mutilation, which was/is justified the same way.

sounds good to me

…And people mocked me when I said ban human infant non-medical genital mutilation.


Anti-circumcision can unite the right and left against the Semites. LET'S DO THIS!

Try unv.is


Why does /brit/ act so cucked?

I've been saying this for years. Look at how all of the (((defeatists))) swarm in when you mention it.


Wait a minute.
Has anyone ever seen a jew dick without a circumcision? Maybe they don't actually ever get cut and were born without it. I mean, what jew or man would actually want a dude to cut their dick for any reason? And voluntarily? Fuck that noise. Perhaps they were born with the deformity. They just fool whites into getting cut so they can be deformed and traumatized too.


Good. This barbaric practice must be ended worldwide and any who practice it shot dead on sight.

My thoughts and prayers are always with the victims of this genital mutilation.

Jews will hate this

Sounds brilliant.

Unironically FUCKING BASED

My first son was just born. I live in hebe city so no choice but to use kike delivery doctor. Had to tell him no less than five times that we didn't want our son circumsized.

who the hell let kikes into iceland in the first place anyway?
the old gods gifted you with volcanos for a reason, put them to use

Congratulations! Make sure you keep a close eye on him if he's still in the hospital. There are plenty of stories of "accidental mix ups" which result in male genital mutilation being carried out against the parents' wishes.

archived @ web.archive.org/web/20180214204923/http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/241951

If anyone can find the text of the bill, it can be modified to your locale and submitted to your rep. bonus if you launch it from an established group.

According to the Torah, wasn't only the first-born son supposed to be circumcised, as a sort of cost for the tenth plague?


Heil'd and yes. That is indeed the literal interpretation buuuut the international Jew convinced the US to circumcise soldiers during WW1 for "hygiene" concerns, even though uncircumcised troops did just fine. Then those soldiers got swept up in the idea that it's a hygiene revelation and convinced to do it to their own kids, which let yid doctors convince the next few generations that it was a great thing to do and their kids would definitely thank them for it.

tfw mutilated dick

The kikes got a piece of me before I knew who they were. Remember me.

My parents bought the "hygene" meme too.
God fucking damnit, why were boomers so atrociously fucking stupid.

You have the patience of a saint. I would have begun strangling him after he asked the second time.

I ever caught a doctor doing that to my kid I would make sure he could never use his hands again.

They had a utopia after the ww2 crowd got back and the brainwashing began in earnest. They were indoctrinated specifically about who they could and SHOULD trust.

Which is why they sacrifice all of us. If their demon demands the 1st born he'll surely be happy with everyone else's too.

Just make sure none of you fuckers shoot me if you catch me taking a piss in the trenches or something. It wasn't my choice.

What the hell is that? Is that real dick skin grown in a lab or something?
Anyways, the purpose of genital mutilation is to inflict trauma so they grow up submissive/passive.

the kike counter psyop is "MUH (((SCIENCE))) SAYS" and then they trot out bullshit kike papers that say you're less likely to get VD. You'd have to have some proper longitudinal study prepared beforehand to counter that.

No worries, the kikes stole mine too. There are easier methods of detecting them and I'm still not convinced they were even born with them.

It's literally the most fucked up thing imaginable, chopping up a dude's most prized possession before he's even old enough to be capable of conscious thought, let alone the ability to make that decision for himself (for whatever retarded reason that he would want to).

It really fucks you up for life. Your sex life, your social life, your whole frame of mind is changed for the worse by something that was done to you at birth. Yet here in Burgerland, parents just keep doing it like it's the most normal thing. Like it's just a routine part of having a baby boy. It's absolutely criminal, and it should be made illegal. Funny how "My body, my choice" only seems to apply to adult females.

We should all be working toward memeing this into illegality in the US, to remove the Jew.

And whose?

Of course you also have those kikes that aren't religious. They don't do the ritual crap, they're just evil fucking rat bastards.

It's actually pretty easy. Just convince feminists about male circumcision layering the legal foundation for female circumcision / genital mutiliation. Make it about the "poor womyn" rather than trying to achieve mens rights. Been doing that for years towards women who are not strictly against circumcision.

What a progressive, high IQ, culture.

The kikes tried the same thing in Germany, and it fucking worked.

Quads Don't Lie

It's not that bad. If it were that bad, jews would be doing this to whites or non-jewish immigrants and not to themselves.

You may do this and it may work. But the problem as I see it is that there are people who, when told they may not circumcise their child with a trained medical professional, will instead seek out a tribal chieftain holding some broken glass down an alleyway. Because of that I would say the pragmatic thing to do is to slowly regulate against it, rather than to reach for an outright ban straight away.

I doubt there is any jews left on iceland after they crashed the economy in 2008 trying to make them all debt slaves.

Oyyy veyyyy you anti semite!!

This is hilarious though, no more baby dick sucking for you kikes there, hopefully this becomes wide spread. The funniest part is that any attention to this can be effectively used as a red pill outside of controlled media.

Maybe its time to take their dick skin as reprisal? If you ever kill a jew make sure to cut his dick off before he dies

stop calling it circumcision
call it genital mutilation, this will trigger the kikes like nothing else.

There is also option to go some country where circumcision is allowed and mutilate kids there. Then go back. Hassle is serous though.


Great argument to make female circumcision legal. Nice job, girl.

I am a supporter and I encourage everyone on Holla Forums to do the same the closer they get to 20000 a month the faster we will be able to rid ourselves of the mark of Jewish slavery.

My guess iceland has exactly 0 jews
They are not welcome there after they crashed the economy in 2008 trying to en-debt the nation, and the place is to small for them to stay anonymous.

We need to ban infant genital mutilation in all countries for human rights. Also to prevent spread of semites.

This will keep out Muslims and Filipinos as well. Good job.

hahahahaha yeah and no one is crying a tear for that shit. kikes acting like they're some sort of asset to a country instead of a parasite hahaha.

They just got a rabbi. Was posted here a few days ago.

those digits. Kek's will is known

You would be wrong. They had merchant merchants there. They have a few hundred jews there hiding in the shadows. They just don't have a synagogue there and try to keep their names quiet.

They have plenty of pedo satanist commies. Check their art museums.


I will add to it what I do. Excuse my english though. Am dyslexic and not a native speaker. There are essentially 3 kinds of women:

What to do with them? Just show them one of the "better" videos of an actually circumcision practicing. Make them feel bad for the infant by telling them how the boy can't be fully anaesthesised and is in serious pain, etc. Just casually add that it also layers the legal foundation for female genital mutiliation to add the final spice to it. Essentially these are the easiest to convince.

What to do? Since they can't think logical and are usually selfish its best to just make them feel a level of compassion by starting with them. Ask them if they knew that every fetus is a female first and then if its a boy it eventually develops out of the female base. That's why men also have nipples. Then tell them that the penis grows out of what the female clitoris is and "how cool that is".
Then ask them to imagine how it would be if their clitoral hood was removed and their clitoris is exposed to the outside. How it would get a thicker skin, become less sensitive, etc. They probably will be on your side by this point (except they are sexually repressed kinda girls . there you need to adjust your approach some).
Then when they are in the mindset of this being incredibly barbaric, disgusting, torturous, inhumane (make sure to use such words to really get them emotionally invested) - tell them that's exactly what is happening when boys are circumcised. That they are stripped of these things. And because the clitoris and the penis is so similar, it layers the legal foundation to make the chopping off of the clitoral hood possible.

Also if she is fairly open about sexual conversations tell her about the questionnaire of porn stars who were asked what feels better and that all of them said intact feels better during sex.

What to do? Tell them there is a loophole that makes female genital mutiliation still legal. Get them reeled up, make them angry about it before you explain it. Talk shit like "its like the patriarchy keeps a backdoor open". Just use the bonkers rhetoric they do, but make sure its all on an emotional level and how its threatening to women. I know it sucks, but you have to get on their level of retardation and try to think as retarded as they do. Just don't do it too often, it probably causes braindamage.

Once you have them reeled up and all angry about it, explain the "loophole". Tell them how the divine female body starts from the get go. That the fetus is ALWAYS the female blueprint first and yada yada. Just make sure they feel being put on a pedestal and special and whatnot. Then tell them how the penis develops out of the clitoris and because it is the case and medically comparable and because that is the case the laws for male circumcision make it possible to do the equivalent of removing the clitoral hood. Then quickly move away from boys and just go on about how its threatening and dangerous to all these poor womynz.

The best part about it is that it's not even a lie. Its actually true, so that makes it even better, because you give them something they can fight against and be upset about and whatnot.

If you do it smart and have some social competence and are able to hide your power level, this is working almost 100%. Just don't bother with women who already have at least a son that they cut. A woman will never admit to having done harm to their child. Never. Those are as rare as unicorns.


I've long thought this would be a good first step to de-Kiking and de-Religion of Cuck™ising our countries. It can be justified so easily on human right grounds.

The other thing that would work to the same effect would be to ban ritual slaughter on animal cruelty grounds.

You're not going to do that for some bogus hygiene meme when it's against the law. The only people that will are those with a religious motivation. If backstreet baby-dick cutting and sucking causes pain, illness and death to Kike and Mudslime babies, it's win-win. Not only would this mean less of the vermin reaching adulthood, but also it gives an excuse to lock up the parents.


Ban male genital mutilation, even for (((religious purposes))) and kosher meat.

Oy vey!!!


Ban all genital mutilation!

I really can't understand how this abomination got a leading role in one of the biggest franchises ever. It's beyond me how this was possible and no one thought this is a bad idea.


She can suck-start new Sportster 883, oy!

It will eventually be destroyed if bigger countries do not adopt some of their logical policies.

Cucks can't even face facts.
Well that is Communism in a nutshell.

Awwww go on

The audacity of these scum never ceases to enrage. Not even one single nation can be free of this bullshit. "No people unscrewed, no nation unjewed."

I can hear the shuffling of feet and nervous leg kicking from here.

Tic Toc Jews.

Communists don't care about it though.
I guess I was wrong about the left, or at least the left on Holla Forums.

Reported for knowing nothing about the topic of the thread.

I would shitpost at them, but they banned torposting LONG ago. They only want to log as many IPs as possible. I recommend you don't even go there.

Circumcision is a kabbalist/mystic concept, there is nothing biblical about it; kikes literally believe
that they are removing temptation by removing pleasure. Had there been a rabbi in the time of Adam he would have been mutilated in other ways to please (((god.))) Circumcision is the mark of a slave and jews normalize it so that when they are persecuted the average blue pilled goy isn't able to tell the difference between a Jew or gentile.

If you really care what they think, just point out how it benefits cosmetic companies that use the skin for profit while the one the procedure is done to gets no part of the profit. Labour (pain) without compensation.

Their President was married to one, newfag.

>the kike counter psyop is "MUH (((SCIENCE))) SAYS" and then they trot out bullshit kike papers that say you're less likely to get VD.
You're 100% less likely to get STD's if you use a condom. You could also point out that circumcision only reduces transmission by .0000000001% in non-African shitholes, also I believe I read something awhile ago claiming it actually increases the risk of certain other diseases(no citation)

Common sense tells you that removing your skin will drastically increase the likelihood of getting a disease. The entire purpose of skins is to protect you from diseases, why would this one particular piece of it somehow be exempt from that?

It's all about kike sadism and demon worship.

yeah ive got a big scar running down my entire dick and its all curved and shit because the scar made the skin tight on one side. i dont have much feeling in my penis.
my circumcision was apparently done by a drunk with shaky hands and a scalpel.

circumcision is a fucking issue and its incredible how youre basically a psychopah for speaking out against it, but its a huge problem when they sew vaginas shut and cut off clits in other countries. guess it doesnt matter if you have a dick though… just cut that thing off who cares, right?

Have you?

Have you tried foreskin restoration, user? A buddy of mine said it made much of his genital mutilation issues better.

you really should just visit foregen.org/

foreskin regeneration, your own cells, all of them. Not the same as stretching restoration.

It might just work.

You want to live amogst civilized people? Fine, then stop mutilating the genitals of your children, you freaks.

I should also add this

it's perfect for normalfaggots. I told a few of people I know who are cut and are somehow brainwashed into thinking it's okay. It's fucking not.

The jews will have a sudden interest in mass immigration for iceland if they pass this law.

They should do that here.

Literally any physical or doctor inspection. If your baby is missing a penis part then you better pony up on the medical necessity papers jude.

Your dickhole is a way INTO the body. Tears in the skin caused by friction are a way INTO the body. Women have holes in their skin too. Shocker, I know.

We should totally push this in the left.

Ban the rabbi penis sucking ritual

And I'm tired and misread that. I'm out folks.

Nope, not at least in burgerland. Just cause you went to Tahiti to quench your thirst for murder does not mean you did not break U.S. law. You are expected to follow U.S. law abroad, Diplomatic staff excluded.

It’s ok to oppose circumcision


They didn't and this is to make sure it never happens.


ritual genital mutilation

ill try it one day when im not collecting bottles out of trash to buy food

Stay mad.
Gas the kikes!

We have all hated this vile practice. The only difference is that now we see the blood of our enemies.

>believing there's (((benefits))) to chopping off part of your dick

Our parents were fucking retarded, user. But we are the best solution. We are the final solution.

Or you could just point out that it's fucking asinine and laugh, which would be better.

Regardless of those quads, cunts who are a-okay with cutting baby dicks should be killed. That is just absolutely disgusting.

How about you learn how to read, you fucking yid.

its Britons
not Britains


It doesn't necessarily get rid of the atheist ones, and those tend to be more inventive when it comes to nation-wrecking.

Iceland anons. You know what must be done. Remember; when it's just one kike stepping his foot into the country, it's only one kike you have to deal with to keep the kike menace at bay. Don't wait until it's a hundred, then a thousand, then millions of them.

I am now transfixed. Please, I need to hear the rest of this, this to me is the first really exciting thing I've been exposed to on this board all day. MOAR

The only benefit to being circumcised is that when someone tries to convince you not all kike religions are evil and not all Abrahamists should be killed you have definitive proof otherwise. I just have to look down to remember how much better the world would have been if the entire Middle East was glassed in time immemorial. On the upside, it's still there and still a very good target.

Good, lets hope they bleed out, get infections, avoid public showers, feel like a paria. The only reason for amputating your dickskin should be phimosis.


hey guys so watching this and currently on part 3

he pins jewish behaviour on male circumcision and the effects it has on the endocrine system

…but how does he explain the jewesses?

Apropos of this, there is currently a petition in tiny ass Denmark to ban male genital mutilation, so any help I can get with memes and sources alike to help support that would be much appreciated. The more normie friendly the better. And yes, I know a petition can't do shit on its own, but I'm hoping to get a ball rolling here, especially if it grows sizeable (relative to the population) fast but goes unaddressed by the gov't golems.

compounded effects of generations of terrible male role models?

This must not happen as countries ban this barbaric ancient custom. When America gets off its ass and outlaws it, the kvetching will be delightful.

Cut dick spotted.

Good! Next we get all genital mutilation treated the way female genital mutilation currently is.

Penis inspection day. As it was memed, so shall it be.

What will we do without (((them))) draining our resources?



me 2, they don't really give you a choice, and they convince the mother its a hygiene thing and then of course women like the cut and dry mushroom headed cock over the sea cucumber and slime cock so they lean toward agreeing with the doctor.

if my cock is a problem you dont have to suck it, but trying to use it as some failing on my part just isn't gonna fly.

all cut cocks can class action israel i guess

I wound't be surprised if Jewishness is actually a brain parasite passed from host to host by circumcision, which would explain why they need to suck the baby's dick.
2050 history books will have some crazy shit on them

Just how I expected a nigger to circumcise. Fucking savages, though I wouldn't be surprised if kikes had introduced the practice in tribal nigger populations as well.

Stop spreading bullshit. They are psychopaths, part of what they do to whites they do to their own. You seem to be forgetting that they are Jews. Also there are videos of brit millah and Metzitzah B'peh on the internet if you are that interested in watching it.

It's not very difficult to find resources. Mollyneux has a series on circumcision, in the video description there are a lot of resources.

*The sources are in this forum thread

iceland better watch out or (((they'll))) start killing their kids until (((they))) get (((their))) way just like (((they))) do in other western countries like mine (and remember you don't own nothin goy)

That's fair, but even then if people toss what they've got on hand there's good odds some of it will be stuff I didn't find myself (that vid, I did find though. Like you said, it was an easy grab), and the way I see it, more stuff is better even if it's just more different things corroborating eachother.

New and better archive link: archive.fo/lE8Dn


Tricky thing about America is that our lawmakers are all either kikes themselves, or owned by the kikes. If they ever did introduce a law like this, they would probably write in an exception for "religious circumcision," thus making the law entirely fucking useless. I'm not really sure how we would go about preventing this outside of making circumcision REALLY unpopular with both the right and the left.

Should meme this to happen in the WEST, get normies disgusted and want it made illegal.

Is that all it takes to get rid of those vermin? Ban circumcision? A single most ethical act?

Putting all religion aside, genital mutilation is a monstrous, horrid practice of sexually mutilating a child, scarring them for life. Proven impacts include lifelong psychological changes, increased risk of mental disfunction, loss of fundamental sexual function, and of course uglifying one's all important sexual organs. Sexual self-esteem can never fully recover for the remainder of that person's life.

That this sub-medieval abomination is still forced upon otherwise innocent children goes is nothing but an absolute atrocity. Seriously, in all honesty, circumcision should have been banned 3000 years ago.

All advocates of it should have been killed 3000 years ago and every year since.

Which Torah are you talking about? There are two

From what I understand pretty much every major rule of Religion of Cuck™ isn't so much a rule as a "it is best to do this", like drinking alcohol and gambling.

Presumption of innocence m8. Such crime would be difficult to PROVE. Of course presumption of innocence could be thrown out of window (like we did with case of man committing rape of the woman) but applying presumption of guilt Jews and Muslims… your asking of too much. Though illegality of circumcision shifts Overton window in that direction.

If they do establish one there, does Iceland get its money back?

It's dying out in the USA already. The CDC was reporting that it had dropped from being basically ubiquitous at its height to only 54% in 2010. This drop was all over the (((news))), and they were presenting it as a major health crisis so they could scare everyone into doing it again. Of course, that backfired since parents who don't cut realized that they aren't some fringe minority. These days, the media has stopped talking about the rates entirely, unless they're citing laughably inflated figures from circ fetishists. The main thing making parents opt for the procedure was that they thought everyone else was doing it. They can't have word getting out that's it's no longer the norm. In the Anglosphere, it died out in England, then Australia, then Canada for the most part, now the USA. Good riddance.

Apparently there are only 100-150 kikes in Iceland. I find this very hard to believe. The place must be swarming with cryptos.

I think you mean Abrahamic.



Worry not, there is hope. Regenerative medicine is still in it's infancy. We should make absolutely sure that the Jews don't try to corrupt such a powerful tool for true humans.

Is it gay if I wear a necklace of severed jew dicks on the day of the rope?

They say a man of character plants trees that he'll never sleep under.

All we can do now is educate people of this barbaric, senseless act. The silver lining is that it's apparently on a decline, but that doesn't stop the (((doctors))) from sometimes trying to strong-arm mothers with scare tactic statistics. The worst thing to do is sulk on your own mutilation and scars, knowing that it is still happening and doing nothing to stop it.

There are groups out there, perhaps we should rally with one of them as well?

Oy vey


CNN.com › etzioni.circumcision

Reminder that normies think the foreskin is some sort of fleshy devil that causes aids if not removed.
Reminder that CNN was always fake news.
Reminder that women in the US equate circumcision to getting ears pierced.

Honestly, it's gay if you don't.

No.While I agree that we should be educating people about this your methods are not only backwards but will perpetuate the misinformation already out in the world.

There are two main pathways and both can be taken though it would be wise to keep them isolated from each other because the second could easily poison public perspective on the first.

Option 1 is educating people, campaigns like IOTBW and RedSticks would work well for this, normies react well to curated and simplistic memes. The goal is not to convince the retard tier humans, they will simply sway with the public mass psyche over time, the goal is to convince the average normies. This is not only an issue which is important for male reproductive health but for the fight against SJW ideologies.

This method would be oriented towards convincing new media figures like Philip De Franco, Sargon, Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan, even more tabloidy outlets like Buzzfeed and Keemstar-like youtubers to speak out against male circumcision. If we could falsify some studies that would be excellent, something to the effect of circumcision making men more violent (might actually be true, I vaguely remember reading something to that effect) where the SJW man-haters will stop and think for a second when they hear it and be momentarily opened to indoctrination.

This would tie into wide-spectrum shilling and meme production, the core of which would be an IOTBW style poster campaign. I would think a QR code or shortlink url on the posters that takes people to a concise website explaining the dangerous and vile practice of male genital mutilation (we should be calling it this rather than circumcision because circumcision is an innocuous word that most people have zero emotional response to).

Pathway 2 is through violence, this should be held in reserve. This path is most acceptable if the first has failed or isn't getting anywhere. Doctors who practice circumcisions, especially those who (((accidentally))) mutilate kids get vanished, slammed with malpractice and personal lawsuits (anything we can to ruin them financially), and threatened. Let's take those in order and explore with greater detail.

Vanishing is easy enough, just stalk the target, determine where they are most vulnerable and take them either at gunpoint or using narcotics. Immediately drive them to an isolated area via a pre-planned route you check thoroughly for cameras and regular police patrols. Follow the classic sleepingbag-yogurt enema- pet grave burial and try to do it either in another state or at least 150 miles from where you took them (that's only a few hours drive usually).

Lawsuits can be done more within the legal construct if you're not willing to kill anyone. The idea here is that anons with the funds (I know a lot of you exist on NEETbux) should create a non-profit shell and use that non-profit to levy suits against a chosen group of doctors. The suits don't even need to be real, just painful, slow, and costly. The idea is to bury them in legal paperwork and stress.

Threats should be structured, untraceable, and above all terrifying. Follow the same first steps as the Vanishing method but instead just rough them up, put a gun in their face, make them realize just how vulnerable they are and assure them that if they continue practicing circumcision there will be consequences.

This entire pathway will only succeed if it's an epidemic. One lone nut will get caught and set the whole thing back, but an army of nuts will push the issue into the limelight and the media old and new will be forced to talk about the issue.

I believe Pathway 1 has a far more likely chance of success and that Pathway 2, while potentially successful has a much larger chance of poisoning the public against the idea, especially with our (((greatest allies))) holding fast to their cultural relics.


You are talking about big-scale influence. I was talking about swaying individuals. Those are two very different things and not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Well we can't let those eights go unchecked now can we?


This is completely incorrect. The main purpose of circumcision, especially in the modern era, is that the trauma of inflicting circumcision on a baby has a reliably consistent result on the brain. It changes the brain in a predictable way. See pics related.

Well, at very least, I know a few years on Holla Forums have fixed my amygdala, if nothing else.

True, but I don't believe trying to sway retard-tier normies is even possible 9/10 times so the effort would be lost. The real change necessary requires a tidal shift in public perception of circumcision.

Personally I think Asiatics will be excellent allies in this as long as we can convince them that the "hygiene" argument is implicitly false and that it will hurt their childrens' test scores later in life.

I'm ok with this.

80% of American males are circumcised
~2% of them are Jewish



I'm guessing you've been cut, my dude. If you aren't a Jewish shill then you've been brainwashed by them. You talk like a kikel signing shill though.

Pretend, if you would that you have just given birth to a beautiful baby boy and as you look into his newborn eyes you see your own. The doctor asks you if you'd like to circumcise.
Let's go over the options.
Option A) Circumcise the child, resulting in permanent brain trauma the results of which are largely unknown. This also reduces future sexual pleasure and has the small potential to be botched resulting in a loss of your son's penis.

Option B) Don't do that. Tell the doctor to fuck off with that barbaric abrahamic bullshit and make sure he knows that if anything happens and your son is cut you will personally rip the doctor's jewloving dick off and feed it to him. The worst that comes from this route is you'll have to teach your son to wash his dick (something he'd need to learn anyways even if he was circumcised).

Which do you choose?

natural selection. jews prefer jewy jewesses so any good ones were bred out ages ago.

Sorry anons. Best revenge is to have many white children and raise them knowing the jew menace.

Or better yet, convert Jews into Christians!!!

Nice try Rabbi, into the oven you go.

back to bed Rabbi

Women are already evil, we have gone over this many times.

if quads jew genocide coming in our lifetime.

fuck wrong board

That article is hard to read.

I guess it

Gas the kikes, race war now, but circumcision is pretty good at preventing transmission of AIDS:



confirmed either kike or demented female (Same thing)
cutting the most sensitive part of the human body is fucking horribly bad

is being so violent to the doctor the best and only option?

Trying to split the board down the middle into Abrahamic religions vs. everyone else. Nice divide and conquer.

>Attempts to divide the imageboard community along known fracture points have so far met with limited success. . .

Check Icelands total population. It is tiny. It is also cold. It is also very nationalist down to its language preservation.

>In fact the fracture points appear to be healing and a unified hate for the (((chosen))) people is rising, even after removing muds and nogs they will still hate our (((chosen)))

In Canada we have a great system for criminalizing FGM to the point not even desperate Somalis do it. It could be a starting point,

Circumcision literally broke my dick. I have no sensation in the last 3" since I was a few days old


Jews are fucking barbaric, I always hear people bitch about female genital mutilation but you don't hear a fucking word about "circumcision"

ALTERNATE ENDING: Keep your dick intact and don't fuck people with AIDS.


Doesn't the foreskin pose a health risk increasing your chance of STDs and HIV?
Circumcision is a powerful expression of cultural and religious beliefs. When studying circumcised vs. intact cohorts one needs to account for these beliefs as they drive behavior more than the presence or absence of a foreskin. Nothing is more evident than the early population studies that “proved” circumcision conferred health benefits. (See history of circumcision for more info)

The failure to recognize circumcision as an expression of culture, which drives behavior, is largely repeated today in African studies. When measuring STD-contraction rate, researchers fail to (consciously or not) take into account that men who have already been circumcised outside of western influence are more likely to be Muslim and thus culturally tend to be more sexually conservative and less prone to engage in high-risk behavior. Additionally, researchers make sure to thoroughly educate those who are circumcised of proper sexual habits and condom use (the actual way to prevent HIV). Lastly those who are circumcised cannot engage in sexual activity for 8 weeks post-amputation because of the pain and healing, thus minimizing their viable time for STD exposure. Combining cultural behavior, proper education, and the smaller time-frame to contract the virus that the circumcised population has in these "studies" ensures that these researchers "prove" their pre-conceived conclusions. NOTE: There are also studies that show that circumcision has no or detrimental effects in contracting disease[3] so the fact that something is "in a study" means nothing if you don’t analyze the study’s validity.

Lastly, we find that even if circumcision conferred a benefit to the recipient, we know lifestyle choices are VASTLY more important in the contraction of STDs. Want proof? Well the US has both the highest rate of STDs, HIV, AND circumcision in the developed world.[4] Meaning… it's not how much penis you have, it's what you do with it.


Not an argument.

The best way to prevent the spread of AIDS is faggot and slut-shaming.

It's not known as "the cure in search of a disease" for nothing

Take one look at their country.

friendly reminder:
kikes have been exiled 300 times in less than 3000 years. there is only one solution.
titus should have finished the job

Banning circumcision seems like a fairly easy way to remove the kikes. They'd just do what somali's do though unless we have mandatory penis checks every year.

jews literally cannot help but be insufferable faggots to everyone so much that not even their own god can stand them

Are our memes becoming too powerful?

/brit/ was great when it was on Holla Forums
The problem was, it was British White Nationalist and not just White Nationalist so sperks on Holla Forums got triggered about them having pride in Britan and got them kicked from the board.

Once kicked, it became ripe for all kinds of faggots and shills and now is a shithole.

No such thing.

Oy Vey

You have no idea how happy I am to see nonmedical circumcision getting banned. My own dick isn't jewed but I'm extremely furious about all the Anons who got their penises mutilated without reason or consent.

I hope more and more countries will ban this.


I love how Holla Forums is so full of newfags that half this thread is surprised that protesting circumcision having the benefit of combating Jews is somehow this revelation. There was even a fucking comic book about it in 2011.

Who is she?

There's the story of the poor kid who literally had his penis accidentally cut off during the procedure. His libshit parents immediately decided to raise him as a little girl thereafter with predictable consequences.

Now don't expect that story to move libshits, I'm sure they'd actually applaud the whole affair. However it might actually work with normies and cuckservatives.

Depends on your interpretation of violence, I see it reasonable to let my meat cleaver to do my talking.

That crime was perpetuated by Dr. John (((Money))), who incidentally was responsible for popularizing the word 'gender' in relation to the sexes. Really activates those goddamn almonds, don't it?

Rockwell would be proud.
His family was Icelandic

So smegma is anti-semitic?



I don't need to check it, I don't live in a country where the world ends at my border. The low population is literally irrelevant.
Which makes the economy easier to control. Why do you think all the banks got BTFO, because the place is full of kikes and they were controlling the economy.
Muh "cold keeps away muds" myth. Moscow is colder, lucky or else Jews might go there and have a Bolshevik revolution eh?
Which, to kikes, makes targeting and destroying it asap all the more important. Do I really need to explain this on Holla Forums?
If I didn't give you the benefit of the doubt, I'd say you come across as a kike posting reasons not to bother looking for cryptos. You're making a basic mistake - looking at the names of business leaders and politicians, seeing Icelandic characters and thinking "oh, they must be natives". Jews mimic the local language and names to remain hidden. This is the definition of crypto activity.
Iceland is already taking shitskin "refugees", yes they're starting slow (around 100 a year) but the wedge is already in. If there were no kikes there, why would they take any refugees at all? Why would a refugee from a hot country fly all the way to the arctic, to experience the cold weather you claim keeps shitskins away? Fly to a country they've probably never even heard of? The answer should be obvious, they go where the kike funds them to go. Their passage is paid by kikes, their destination is determined by kikes, their job is to mud the island up.

Total amputation of the penis happens several times a year during routine male genital mutilation procedures in the USA.

And what happened to David Reimer is a foreshadowing of how the thousands of young boys being told they're "trans" are going to end up in adulthood post "transition" surgery.
Most cases of "gender" confusion (90% I believe) resolve spontaneously after puberty is over. What the kike is doing, is attacking during the period of vulnerability, that after natural confusion begins and before it naturally resolves itself and the young man's biological sexuality crystallizes. A whole mythology has been built up to make this natural period of confusion, which many kids go through, into a "medical condition" needy of "treatment".
The effect is to sterilize young White men and reduce fertility, hastening the genocide. Many young men who were mutilated as a result of this socially engineered belief, will end up committing suicide in adulthood, not that it affects the big picture by then, as they've already lost the ability to make more White children.
Destruction of the marriage is an important part of the scheme. Without a father present, male gender identity becomes confused and weakened, increasing the chance a child will feel "trans", and with no father to fight his corner the young lad is at the mercy of his mother, who in this day and age is more than likely feminist and even if she isn't, will be inclined to follow whatever advice the nearest authority figure gives her.
And we all know what that means.


The absolute decrease in HIV infection between the treatment and control groups in these experiments was just 1.31%



Everything is falling into place.
Even the minor memes that were forgotten and forsaken and raising to life.

This desu. Or male genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation is a feminist cause celebre, so by making that analogy we impress upon the npc the barbarity of circumcision and the feminist's hypocrisy.

Iceland is talking about banning circumcision and Canada is talking about mandatory organ harvesting of its citizens for profit. Stark contrast.

Youre right, we cant stop circumcision of our children entirely until the muslims and Jews are back in their own countries. Its the exact same thing. Jews will secrely hack up and suck baby penises, just like muslims will secretly hack up womens genitals.

No, the user has it exactly right.
covers both boys AND girls, presenting the possibility of bypassing resistance from feminist-indoctrinated women who see the word "male" and instantly balk.
No negatives and only positives to using user's term.


The UK has already implemented default organ harvesting for motorists.
You have to check an opt-out when you're applying for your license, if you don't do so then they can harvest you after a crash.

I pity the Jews, cutting each other's dicks is all they are good at. Its also the only thing that separates them from other white people.

Jews aren't White. Good job outing yourself with your first post.
Lurk 2 years before posting again.

What a load of bullshit.

It's about having an easier way to ID them, normalfags can't really recognize them.

I don't think it's an ID problem. This error happens when someone is so blue pilled that they think race is just "skin deep", which means they haven't done any reading at all.

And to critique myself.
Here I am, using a term popularized by a couple of kike trannies. Which just goes to show, even being fully aware of race and kikes, pulling out all of the splinters of their mind-virus indoctrination is a life's work.

Im a supporter as well. Theyre currently on animal trials. Last step will be human trials. Im so excited to get my penis back. One of my parents has even promised to help me out in paying for the procesure.

Ive had delayed orgasm, low sensitivity, and generally poor orgasm quality since i started masturbating. Initially, i felt great shame, thinking it was somehow my fault, that i was somehow dysfunctional. When i lost my virginity with the woman im still with, at 16, i felt nothing through a condom. Years later, i learned of the deliberate damage that had been done to me as a child. I have been through the entire grieving process over this, but im still angry. But someday, ill get back what is rightfully mine.

Worldwide circumcision ban could very well be the path to RaHoWa. Godspeed, gentlemen. I love you all, and im deeply moved by what i see in this thread. Thank you.


Here's a book written by an American Jew. It details how circumcision evolved from child sacrifice and how it emphasizes the shedding of blood.

This is how we fuck up their cultural cohesiveness.

Go after their traditions the same way they go after ours… Science is on our side with this one too, so you don't even have to make it about the Jews or Muslims.

Normies can get on board without getting their lives rekt.


extremely underrated post

pdf please and thank you

We are beyond anime levels of absurdity at this point.

This isn't a virus. For some reason I can't upload the pdf

"infant mutilation" is better since it give the reader other associations.

Holla Forums doesn't allow pdf upolads
You can post it on >>>/pdfs/


Let me teach you how to crosspost:

Thanks my dudes.

What a time to be alive.

First you would have to take parlament from them and write non-feminist family law.

I'm glad they did that, but google Iceland population, nigger. It's literally fucking nothing.

Also in US about 100/y healthy male babies dies from jewish dick cuts according to international healthcare organisation data.

dad was uncircumcised jew in soviet union
Married my mom with no kike blood on her side
Born in soviet union too so im uncircumcised as well before moving stateside

Hitler did nothing wrong

So you mad at soviets for being uncircumcised?

No im pretty happy i have my foreskin. It was part of my journey through Holla Forums.

Suddenly, we need to invade Iceland.

Good luck, Iceland.

What do you goys think Zogmerica will do?

I think.you are a desperate shill.who will enjoy his ban

America Strong / Remove Mexican
Mike Pence
Latin script
[Verse 1]
From New York all the way to LA
All the way to LA
American country is under attack whole
Is under attack whole
Don leads his Holla Forumsacks, leads his Anons
Let it be seen, they fear no one,
They fear no man
[Verse 2]
If you have seen mexican gangbangers,
mexican beanbangers
Don't you dare touch our hearth,
our hearthside
Don leads his Holla Forumsacks, leads his user troops
[Verse 3]
From Oklahoma the wolfpack set out, the wolfpack set out
Beware, ms13 and niggers, ms13 and niggers

Don leads his Holla Forumsacks, leads his Anons
Let it be seen, they fear no one,
They fear no man
[Verse 4]
In defence of their white race, of their white kin
We fight, freedom we hold dear

America Strong / Remove Mexican
Mike Pence
Latin script
[Verse 1]
Od New Yorka pa sve do LA-ja, sve do Eleja
Ameriška zemlja napadnuta cela, napadnuta cela
Don vodi svoje kauboje, vodi svoje kauboje
Nek se vidi, nikog se ne boje, nikog se ne boje
[Verse 2]
Joj da vide mehiške tolpaše, mehiške tolpaše
Ne dirajte vi ognjište naše, vi ognjište naše
Don vodi svoje kauboje, vodi svoje kauboje
Nek se vidi, nikog se ne boje, nikog se ne boje
[Verse 3]
Iz Oklahome krenuli su vuci, krenuli su vuci
Čuvajte se ms13 i crnci, ms13 i crnci
Don vodi svoje kauboje, vodi svoje kauboje
Nek se vidi, nikog se ne boje, nikog se ne boje
[Verse 4]
U odbrani svoga belog roda, svoga belog roda
Borimo se, draga nam sloboda, draga nam sloboda

Missed the correct sticky

When all the kikes leave Iceland, who will be to blame for their massive divorce and infidelity rates?

I've been saying we should fragment (((them))) by pushing this as human and animal rights issues. Keep them off balance and cause internal strife.

What stops jews who are already circumcised from establishing a "jewish community" in iceland?

They can't circumcise their newborns.

Presumably they want to have and raise children.

Consider this goy's idea

youtube.c om/watch?v=4J6LRv-J720

>can't into embed, hooktube or webm

longtime lurker, infrequent poster.

since you asked so nicely though… hooktube.com/watch?v=4J6LRv-J720

Eurocrats are waging war against an age-old tradition, under the guse of "human rights"
Projection as its finest!

If a mohel's mouth is riddled with herpes how fucking manky will his knob be? And there you are with a necklace full of the filthy things.

Don't be surprised if your fellow warriors only want to interact with you by telescope and cb radio.

(((brit))) milah?

why the fuck do these parasites act like it's their right to live in every country on earth?

Why should anyone care if there aren't any jews? This will get someone JFK'd though because they need Israelis working in the central banks.


Why is Eli perfect?

did some research and interestingly enough modern day circumcision is a jewish invention. apparently the traditional abramic just cut off the tip of the foreskin, which may or may not prevent certain defects such as phimosis, a defect where the foreskin is so tight that when u get a boner your dick cant come out (which hurts obviously). apparently modern circumcision was invented by rabbis to prevent their fellow kikes from trying to blend in with other goyim LOL


i shoulda posted sources

Yeah, in the Jewish tradition, circumcision is an official mark indicating that you belong to the Tribe.

But the politically correct interpretation always involves some post hoc metaphorical reasoning

Let me share with you a vital part of Jewish history involving circumcision which led to some of the events celebrated on Hanukkah.

Jews historically expressed a fair amount of disgust at the ancient Greeks who would hone their bodies in the gymnasium. For Jews, the health and strength and beauty of the human body was largely a wicked distraction from the importance of studying Torah, performing rituals, maintaining a kosher lifestyle, and going about business. That's one of the reasons that Jewish male culture has sometimes been stereotyped as stale and effeminate by hostile gentiles who clashed with them. You might say Jews are the quintessential nerds of history. The famous Jewish historian Yuri Slezkine described Jewish culture as predominantly "Mercurian" (mercantile, urbanite, cosmopolitan, mobile "service nomads") in contrast to the mostly rooted "Apollonian" spirit of Western gentile cultures.

When the first gymnasium was built in Jerusalem by the Greeks, most Jews abhorred its construction. But there were some Jews who became more attracted to Hellenistic culture than their own temple traditions, so they started assimilating into gentile society and some Jews supposedly even tried to surgically remove the marks of their circumcisions in order to join up with gentiles in the gymnasium (1 Maccabees 14-15). This upset the traditional Jewish community who insisted on keeping up ethnic solidarity against the Greek gentiles and maintained that the gymnasium was unlawful or perhaps even unholy; many of the Hellenized Jews were recognized as traitors and apostates. In fact, the Maccabeean Wars begin with an enraged Jew murdering a Hellenized Jewish apostate. Then these Jewish fanatics went about killing other Jews who had assimilated into Hellenism. The Hellenized Jews who survived the kosher death squads fled to the Gentiles for safety, but all the boys found uncircumcised within the borders of Israel were forcibly circumcised.

More about the history of Hanukkah in this article:

thank you for this info, for a while the circumcision worried/confused me because im christian, but the more i learn the more i realize that anything that is bad about Christianity is usually a lie told by Christ hating kikes used to cuckify the Christian religion. its rlly amazing how much kikes hate Christians

Denmark will ban this soon
Norway will ban this any moment
You either live by our laws and way of life, or you get the fuck out
Snipping baby benises is not our way of life

Why do the Jews need to cut their dicks when they have access to bathing faculties, and not out wandering a desert because god rejected them?

It's a legal way to harm children. That's all the reason a jew needs.

Like clockwork. Fucking unbelieavble.

Like pottery.

Shit, I just thought to check if someone had already posted this as it was uploading. It's like they fucking forgot about Iceland.

It's the Spectator, British Conservatism's version of the Alt Right where they sell the most kosher shit imaginable under a hip new brand.

Here's something like IOTBW. restoringforeskin.org/circumcision-information-cards

I've ordered 150 of these. I put them everywhere I go in public. Go to the store, particularly well-traveled stores like Starbucks, where the cashier can't see the gift card display directly in front of him, and drop these there. Put them in books on pregnancy in your local library. When I go out to bars, I drop a small stack of them in the bathroom and slip them into men's back pockets when they're not noticing. We need a mass awakening soon, before the large population of circumcised men is replaced by largely disinterested intact men offering nominal support but no real action. Last time I was out, my friends even helped me. I live in a high circ-rate area, but I got 0 pushback from anyone.

The return to Hellenism in the western world is non-negotiable. National Socialist Germany would have provided that due to the return to truth, were it not stopped by the kikes and their New Rome, but it won't have been the last to attempt to awaken the spirit of the peoples of Europe. Soon enough there will be hundreds of millions of Hellenes.

is 2nd pic real? can't find it anymore


Please user, I can only laugh so much

The circumcision issue is actually one so old in Christianity that Paul himself was able to speak on it.

Galatians 5:2-6