/South Afrikaner Relief Effort/

/South Afrikaner Relief Effort/



Russian, Indian, Chinese, Japan, Austrailian, embassies / Trump, his entire extended family, Cabinet & friendly known close associates / twitter embassy campaign / sabona.com.au/articles_detail.ews?articles_detail.ewdid=389 /

Other urls found in this thread:


No, they shouldn't be "loyal to the cause", since this is about "Afrikaner Relief" they should be loyal to the Boers. A respected pillar of the Boer community should have total control over any donation account.
Don't think that it's gone unnoticed that the kike Ezra Levant and his fake nationalist outfit Rebel has his eyes on the shekels of unwitting right-wingers.
Forget about any of your agents getting their grubby shekel-grubbing fingers on any monies intended for the Boers.
Fucking kikes like (((Southern))) need to be hung, drawn and quartered.
Fucking SAGE.

Are Suidlanders trustworthy? They are taking donations.

sage negated

South Africans are not white, who gives a fuck.

Yea, that's why I didn't suggest Ezra or the Rebel, or even Southern, though she's done more on this issue than your ass has.

Fucking shills…

Not white? The Boer are of Dutch heritage and settled the area not long after Columbus discovered the New World.

They're some 3 - 4 million whites on the ass end of a continent of some 1.5 billion jigaboos, and they're about as far from friendly civilizations as a penguin is from a suntan.

This is real shit. If people here don't give a fuck about this, please point me to faggots that do.

Thanks for listing the white ghettos and townships, It'd be fantastic if we could find representatives of those communities who could help set up donation accounts.

At some point I heard some griping about the Suidlanders, but nothing suggesting they're compromised.

Not my responsibility to aid them for their mistake

Not white? The Boer are of Dutch heritage and settled the area not long after Columbus discovered the New World.

They're some 3 - 4 million whites on the ass end of a continent of some 1.5 billion jigaboos, and they're about as far from friendly civilizations as a penguin is from a suntan.

This is real shit. If people here don't give a fuck about this, please point me to faggots that do.

That's just the start. I've read there are over 80 of them.

Looking into the Suidlanders.

There's one pro-white party and the Kommando Korps Militia I'm looking for contact info now.

I'll also be pulling a list of embassies and embassy Twatter handles

You double posted, polite sage.

I've heard some issues about Simon Roche him being a part of the ANC before joining on but nothing that suggests Suidlanders as a whole are compromised. They have an emergency plan posted online that involves making safe zones inside South Africa. They will get NATO'd if violence breaks out because ZOG will take the negros side, but it is the best plan they have right now unfortunately. They mention it in their emergency plan.

Hungary said something along the lines of accepting all real refugees a while ago, meaning whites from the failed democrazies of the west. Pretty sure that would extend to South Africans.


I try and make Whites here in Burgerland aware of whats going on there. I can't do much in the way of money. What I can do is bring help when the time comes. SA anons, call to your brothers when the hour arrives, reinforcements will come.

Kill yourself

Brazil will accept any war/political refugees, and has very lax migration laws, with citizenship being awarded if you live long enough here. Nationality is also easy, your child only needs to be born on Brazilian soil.
I know it's a third-world shithole, but it's better than genocide, also if you go south it's mostly white farmers with german/polish/italian background.

Why? I was told repeatedly everyone hates Americans ESPECIALLY the SA who are being genocided and would rather die than accept help from a "white" man in America.

You should fuck off back to reddit or lurk and learn how to fit in properly.

Your dumb ass is still pushing the "everyone hates white Americans" nonsense? God damn you're one dumb fucking shill. Filtered.

We need to crowdfund this solution.

Well THIS is just freaking me out only saw this thread today but for weeks I was wondering/ been having ideas of how an exodus could be funded.

I mean wtf is this timeline I slipped into.

But aside from futurereadingpsychicspergout, the basics of the idea was to get them all back into the UK, not europe I mean if wer're going to try to save a nation you gotta keep it focused right?
Plenty of them are farmers who know the shit thats been going on and also know how to work the land, so it would be perfect for the newly arrived to head out into the rural land where they can slowley explain the situation (most country folk are more down to earth anyway). When the violence eventually erupts in the cities and spills out into the land, at least there would be a stronger bulwark for the native whites to get their shit together.
The main issue then depends on how the military will react.

Either way am I just larping or is there some next level Twilight Zone shit going on?

The reason I've largely ruled out Western nations is because we've gone pretty well full retard as societies.

When Syria was flarring up, and the Yazidis were being targeted like this, we wanted to take them in.

But idiots said we can't discriminate based on religion, so we gotta let the lunatics they're fleeing come over here while the actual refugees are still over there.

We don't need a repeat of that nonsense. Also, can you imagine the media kerfuffle over wanting to bring in exclusively white refugees?

White western nations would be the least likely to accept Boer refugees, sad to say.

Of course we should try to make the case and get them here anyway, but they don't have years to wait for us the win the PR battle.

They need to get the fuck out there fast, and Russia, China & India, just on the face of it, seem like they would be the most friendly to our cause, to the Boer themselves, and can accommodate the large population seeking refuge.

They don't need aid, they need guns and ammo. They control all the food in the country for fucks sake. They just need to make sure they don't run out of ammo and gasoline.

They don't control the government, the police, the military, or vital infrastructure due to racial hiring quotas.

A million of them are in shanty towns. They have neither the training, supplies, numbers, or allies to withstand an offense, much less initiate one.


This is a handy list of all mainstream media broadcasters and publishers, broken down by state and medium of communication.

I want to create a comprehensive copy pasta to mass target the media with. One that highlights the facts, the brutal reality, debunks prevalent opposition claims and establishes the Boer as the clear victims of institutionalized racism and ethnic cleansing and leaves the reader with a moral and emotional imperative to help these people, no matter how you feel about white people.

Thing is once all the whites are gone (genocided or otherwise) famine and social collapse the likes of which hadn't been seen in centuries, even for kang county, will prompt the west to send more (((relief aid))) and ultimately giving "those poor poor blacks of sa" refugee status. What's left of Europe will be gone and God help us burgers if the pendulum has swung back to a leftist controlled majority. The fuse on this time bomb is all but up. It's easy to say hurr durr just kill all the niggers, but that's taking a juvenile approach to a very serious subject. SA is what the rest of the west will look like if we fail. And I'm afraid that is what we will become if we fail the whites in SA

White people are still allowed to breathe? lol—– is all over the normienet and its a great success you fucking jew.

Indeed. One avenue of resistance is using the Boer Exodus to redpill enough Normans to keep that from happening.

Another, seeing that China is making numerous in-roads into Africa, perhaps a Quid-Pro-Quo can be arranged to sweeten the Boer Refugee pitch.

In exchange for the ANC allowing for a peaceful Exodus via a third party nation, (China), China can present a business arrangement to the ANC to operate enough of these Boer farms to provide the nations food supply, which China can sell for cost plus 10% profit. China will be able to secure their people in these consolidated farms with state security forces, or even a PMC. Roll those costs into the cost of food production.

Once the Boer are all out and if the natives get a little too native, China can just extract them, having walked into the situation knowing that may end that way. Fail safe

If successful in maintaining relative 'order' by providing food, and perhaps even water, it will be a direct in for Chinese multi-nationals to come in and get dibs on the countries resources.

It's kinda like a company on the rocks. The people who started it ran a good game for a while, and they lost their edge. Now the company is dying.

It's time to liquidate the remaining resources of the company to a fresh, cut throat, go getter. The type who won't wring their hands with ethical quarrels that would be weigh many a good man down.

The Chinese have the ruthlessness to extract the remaining value from the 'company' of South Africa, where the Boer lost their edge to maintain their dominant position.

The only real variable is the time-frame with which the ANC acknowledges their need for outside assistance for everything the Boer provided for centuries. How long did it take Zimbabwe to beg for white farmers to come back? 3 years?

Perhaps with the Cape Town water crisis coming up, they may have a fresh reminder on their hands.


Why the fuck would they want to go to UK?
In another 50 years they'll be in the same situation all over again.
Britain is lost.

Aww don't tell an Aussie that. I don't wanna see the mothercountry die…

m8, the mother country has been dead since the fat drunk sack of shit known as Churchill fought Germany in the name of British Globalism and subsequently paved the way for Britain to give up its empire

Forget about the mother country, what do you think is going to happen to Australia once the famine sets in and the kikes push the refugee angle for all the starving SA nogs. That and taking into account that straya is getting up there in political correctness; at this rate its going to surpass leafs in cuckoldy by the time shit hits the fan. No white countries are going to be safe if something isn't done now. SA has become the choke point

send them to kiwiland

please come to america, we have plenty of land not being used, trump's recent move reducing national protected land was completely "extra" only to increase oil production, there wouldn't be any problems or protest of your immigration as you are white. we need as many european descended people as we can get right now

I love this video

I'm sorry I don't really know your struggles but very sincerely feel for you and I want all of you to be successful in finding your solution.

I know that where I live in the us you can do a community college farming technology and equipment course if you don't mind that kind of life. It seems you don't really like the government but really it's more a tv show where people bet on how their taxes change each election. If you don't mind the government that much you can literally join the military and become a citizen without struggle and you wouldn't have to worry that much about going into infantry because it's actually a pretty competitive section of the military unless you really really want infantry then you can join the "army" branch which can guarantee you an infantry position. If not, just join the navy or the air force or even the marines if you're a tough guy though in your situations i would advise navy or air force.

Military even pays for college when you're done serving or whatever. Normally I try to avoid promoting the military path but in cases like yours I think it would do more good than bad.

The society of the US might not be so great but it's only because time has not been good on the general intelligence of the average american. White people of average intelligence thrive here only because everyone else is just stupid, you would especially do good with all the benefits of military service which pretty much give you a little step up in life.

linked the wrong post sorry


As a boer, thank you user.

we don't want random crowdfunding shit, maybe the white-squatters, yes then go ahead. What we want is pic related. and pic related your country helped destroy and your country will no longer look like this. We want what you are currently losing and we want unification without divide. Awareness is what we need. Not for us, but for you.

Hypothetically speaking. Couldn't a generous donor at least get the women and children out? Fly them to America or Europe and then they can get paid under the table or something? And refuse to go back?

Well shit

I find this a very interesting suggestion and set of analogies user. Given China's current drive to rape and pillage the entire continent of Wakandaland, it also seems a reasonable hypothetical.

Good post.

Does anyone have a reliable redpill on Rhodesia?
I feel uneducated on the subject.
Deliberatly uneducated, which always makes me suspicious.

From what I heard previously, China has a very anti white in Africa. A history of arming the communists.

There's only the blackpill. The church supported the Marxist nigger terrorists while the embargo eroded Rhodesia after the South Africans turned on them in the vain hope that Apartheid would be spared, and then the cuckservatives and the Jews slipped in the knife. And then the same thing happened to South Africa.

Every single thing you need to know, right here.


