How do we use the crisis in South-Africa to our advantage?
If it comes to a violent civil war, can this be used as a spark for civil war and military coup throughout the West?
Finding opportunity in a crisis
I think we should take in the white refugees of the South African genocide. But we need to heavily screen them for nigger behavior.
I've met some South Africans who hate other whites and act like thug niggers themselves. There is a reason why they rolled over and let niggers take over. The kikes did a real number on that country.
I was thinking keeping them there in a bid for accelerationism.
Seeing whites getting genocided is a small price to pay to red pill Europe and N-America.
So that niggers can take over the country first settled (yes, Bantus came later) and built by the Boers? Fuck that.
I think so as well. Obviously the die hard nationalists will insist that they fight for their land, but realitiscally, there is no possible way the Boers would make it in an all out war. One word: Serbia.
Very, very bad example. Think for a second instead of writing such nonsense.
It's their land, fuck off, black pigeon speaks.
With Trump threatening the very existence of NATO by use of manpower and funding, there wouldn't be a problem aside from a few k4s and possibly the Russians and Chinese both pitiful and unlikely to do anything about it.
Send Rebel Media e-celebs to make a documentary, then make fat shekels from the publicity and clicks.
Or you mean an even different method?
Send MSM crypto-Kike Katie Hopkins to make a documentary.
Oh nevermind, that's been done too.
Ok, ok, I have an idea. Get crazy Kyle and psycho Sinead to make a "documentary" about SA, but to save money just use stock footage, text scraped from websites and Sinead's crazy voice as narration, but claim it's all original research.
Oh my mistake, that's old news too.
Well gee, I don't know then.
Civil war is already happening throughout the west, it just hasn't gone hot yet. From this point onward the polarization will continue until one side claims total victory and the cucks will be forced to choose sides like always. A military coup sounds great on the surface, but our military's are all pozzed and at this point civic nationalism is still the general theme.
Win the culture and win the war. SA is a thing all on its own they're beyond cultural problems at this point. They don't need to focus on a movement about the future because they don't have that luxury. Right now it's nothing more than a fight for survival.
Why is it a bad example? What would differentiate a Boer uprising from Serbia trying to defend against muslim aggression, insofar as a U.S. led NATO response would be carried out?
You don't need to tell me that guy, but you might want to have a chat with the Pentagon, NATO, the Dep. of State, and Anglo-American plc, because they're the ones who'll massacre the Boers at the first sign of armed resistance barring a takeover of the US armed forces by non-kosher actors
Just about everything. To begin with: logistics.
It's one thing to bomb a small country into oblivion when you have bases literally a stones throw away of that country. It's another thing to bomb a huge country into oblivion which is located on the other side of the globe without any logistics in place.
All the guns in the world can't shoot public opinion. When the balloon goes up in SA and the white militias/mercs/farmers begin killing people, the media will go on a full court press about how evil whitey is genociding the poor innocent blacks.
make info graphics with "south africa the future of the west"
Livestream everything in South Africa.
I was thinking reverse psychology:
make simple memes celebrating the genocide of the last whites and saying its happening in the West too soon.
The 16th of December 1838 Pretorius and his 470 Pioneers faced around 15000 zulus and killed around 3000 of them. 3 pioneers were lightly wounded during the onslaught. If your family name happens to be Pretorius people wouldn't expect less.
They had technological advantages, canons and stuff. Zulus were shitting their pants.
Now dont be surprised if jewish merchants send containerships full of the finest rifles and artillery.
Well user, since you asked, I'm working on a few ideas…
Afrikaners are strong, proud and of Huguenot descent. If you add up that they are sometimes a little aggressive and they may tend to berserk w/o notice this could lead to a Samson effect of zionistic proportions. A few of them were clever enough to dismantle the Bombs before ANC takeover - maybe they kept something down in the basement that could be useful in dire times. Obviously I hope they will wisely try to nuke their way to the nearest port.
OT - I think we Holla Forums anons miss a good thread on Oppenheimer, the De Beers, Cecil Rhodes and stuff SA related. Kikes are a strong presence down there and in a well documented way.
Attrition is the most effective military tactic.
Dont forget: deprive your enemy of water for 1 day and they are effectively defeated, killing each other for their canteens.
Basically during war they used to just poison the water sources for the major cities and watch 20 million niggers tear each other apart for a bottle of evian.
Need to create a focal point for memes and attention. Make things real and personal for the plebs
Eastern Europe has Remove Kebab Guy
Brexit had Niegel
2016 Election had Trump and Pepe
Europe being shitfriendly has Merkel as a focal point
Who or what can be used for SA?
Are there perhaps any semifamous people talking about a crusade to SA who can be memed into superfame?
Can Justin Castro be used for accepting all shitskins, but denying white south-africans?
as soon as you tripfag/namefag, any oldfag filters you. LURK 2 YEARS SO YOU DON'T destroy the board. No one here ever takes "credit" for anything, so no one individual ever takes blame. Thus "anons." Sage and filter.
I only used tripcode to stop people from calling me a kike shil during the -woman know exactly what they do- thread a few days ago.
Fuck white SAs I guess.
Let this be a lesson. Western whites dont care about SAs!