School Shooting Threat #4 - Roxanne Deschamps Edition

tl;dr: According to an ex-husband, Rocxanne Deschamps was meant to take care of Nikolas Cruz after the death of his adoptive mother, but she abandoned him. Left all alone, Nikolas's autism festered into a deep rage that led to the school shooting.

What I've found so far: Rocxanne Deschamps used to live with (((Paul Gold))) at 6616 Park Lane E Lake Worth, FL 33449. (((Paul Gold))), also known as Goldblatt, is likely the ex-husband that authored the post in the first attachment. In September 2016 they had a paternity dispute.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ive been out on this one
Have the libs and the media pulled amnadah zimzam and called him a fucking white male or is this just muh guns

What a incredible (((Coincidence)))
Kike free second post

This is is

like a fucking clockwork


the joys of racemixing. that spic looks retarded

Something was posted in last thread that caught someone's attention.
Their reaction was CP spam across several threads and boards.






























OP again, Rocxanne Deschamps and Nikolas Cruz+his mother were indeed neighbors.

Rocxanne Deschamps lived at 6216 Nw 80th Ter Parkland, FL 33067 while Lynda M Cruz and Nicolas J Cruz lived at 6166 Nw 80th Ter Parkland, FL 33067.

We're onto a major lead here, and this may be the reason for the spam.


Nikolas* J Cruz

















Really makes you think.








the faggot don't even ip hop or anything, just filtering his ID makes all of his posts invisible, I just watch the replies count increasing quickly though

In a few hours time your bossman will ban 4 of my IPs. You are stupid.

SM was from /hebe/
Others were from KC.


Don't know if this is relevant, it's from /x/, and 4cuck, and /x/, but someone found the guy was obsessed with watching those borderline pedophilic Elsa/spiderman YouTube kids videos. The cp spam makes me less inclined to brush this off

i am from Holla Forums.


Seeing is believing.

kikes are weaponizing autism like we couldn't even dream of

heh, takes me two clicks to filter each post of yours, I wonder how many clicks takes for you to IP hop

See (1)s

He's borderline.

1 + Captcha.
Check mate both of us. How.


Must be fresh on the job

Filter. Idm. I sleep soon.

bossman will angry on me.

Where the hell are the mods? A global report would usually take down everything in short order.



I did a global report already

Does this trigger bossman and /pol?

not gonna explicitly point out how to easily filter him this time, but I gotta say it, this fucking retard don't even notice it. Better left like this, though

We end with feet. Bossman less angry on me.

Not just you, I have as well. The shit he posted over on the #3 thread isn't just suggestive pictures. It is straight up CP.

Everything I do (especially my trip) has a reason. You see no strings but I'm a puppet. Bossman pulls strings and I dance.

Do you see?

This is me dancing for bossman.

Blame smiles but he's not bossman.


mods don't give a fuck and likely support the efforts of the CP spammer. mods prob are the CP spammer. this place is kike owned and is used to distort our image as proud White Men.

blame someone but not bossman.

blame mods too not bossman.


blame dysnomia but he still not bossman. still blame him. more lulz and actual bossman happy.


heres what I know so far from the threads, which I find to be remarkable:
2&3: pics related
4: the shooter is hispanic
5: the shooter is also a maranno jew, which is why he took so long to be called a white male
6: the contents of
7: according to an user's allegations about halfchan's /r9k/, the shooter lost his gf to a chad before the shooting, and said that elliot won't be forgotten

if #7 is true, then apparently elliot rodgers can have races other than hapa
another reason not to racemix at all

also, as for #1, I do not know which other post was being referred to

The fuck is a maranno jew?

It's both fucking disgusting and suspicious, it's in one of the most active current threads for a current happening, yet nothing.

What are they trying to hide?

I don't give a fuck about the victims. My only regret is that not more of them were killed.

Is that Pollack of relation to the LV shooter?

Saw this on cuckchan.

I wonder if this bitch and how many of those retweeting it have done the #prayfor every time a muzzie attack has happened

Holla Forums for habbening threads
Not even mad.

You're doing God's work mailman.

Not sure how I fucked up that badly but I just woke up and I'm fucking hung over so give me a break.

Many people are disturbed that the mods didn't touch it either, yet banned an OP making a dig thread for "spam".
I think we have a cancerous mod, and it's not Kampfy senpai.

Whoever it is, there are mods that are totally skull fucking this board into the ground.

Keep an eye for anything in those pics relating to this case though, if the pedo connection is real. Those pics are a two edged sword.

But where the fuck else is there to go?

I've been banned for banter on this fucking board. Recently a mod has either become super banhammer orientated or has infiltrated the moderation.

how about no

It's definitely fishy to say the least and I bet kikey will say something like "Oh it was Valentine's day. Please excuse all the cheese pizza on the board heh."

Use proxies. I was also worried about that.

slow boards right now but user bases are starting to grow and new boards/sites seem to be popping up monthly to expose the kike. The thing is, for each one of these kike run containment sites, two or three more pop up to replace them. they cant stop us, we are multiplying. seek and you will find, there are more out there than just those two.

Mass spam of cp etc. is a good sign. It means y'all are on to something



Holla Forums is fucking on fire.

search "School to Prison" and Broward school district to find a gorillion articles praising this policy (and the groups and people complicit in this…to include Sheriff Israel)

There is something we were onto, and they are trying to disrupt it. First it was a derailing argument, and when that failed someone started spamming CP.

Ah the pedokikes are back. Great.

-Sherrif ISRAEL

Wew, he looks like the mutt meme.

Man this guy is very politically complicated.
(this article is stupid and not worth archiving)

The kikes really don't want this talked about if they're spamming CP.

there is no such thing

Won't do anything. CP in School Shooting #3 has been up for 5 hours. Mods are either the one spamming child porn or have died in a freak accident, either way we're fucked. Holla Forums is fucked.

It's really just regurgitated info put in a shitty

Here's the test though: Where are there mods that dox themselves and openly engage with the board so that they can be held accountable? Not much point jumping from one honeypot to another.
(The auxiliary test would be if there is a board where christcucks are banned)

Ah fuck.
I've never seen this kind of shit.
What the hell?
Is this legit a tactic they use to shut things down?
I mean, I've seen some fucked up shit, but this really gets me, man.
Will the feds come and pursue anyone that was in this thread?

You're fine. The one posting that shit is the one that holds full responsibility for it. I'd clear your browser cache though, just in case.

It doesn't happen often, but CP spamming is meant to disgust normalfags and drive them away from the site so they won't accidentally learn something that the jews don't want the goyim knowing. It could be JIDF, Shareblue, or CIAniggers. Paid shills are real and a lot of organizations use them now.

There must be something pissing off the merchant if their shills are spamming this threads like this, or maybe it's just a coincidence.

still worth archiving everything. sometimes important subtleties are realized later on

If the spammers and shills want to fuck up our little board we respond by SHARING INFO AND IDEAS ON THE NORMIENET

We really need to get to the bottom of this CP spam. It sucks that this shit happens to little or no repercussion for the pedokike that did it. How would we go about finding the source?

I mean legally, if you dindu nuffin you dindu nuffin.

My friend there is nothing we can do. The pedokike is probably a hired shill by any of the alphabet agencies. There is nothing we can do.


Im on my phone please excuse me. Someone make a webm

Fucking finally.

Sad times we live in

>Paid shills post child porn to derail all discussion on the shooting, lest they find out the (((wrong things)))

too big for direct upload

kike free post

There aren't that many global volunteers, they'll delete them eventually, stop projecting.

Now if mods could actually do something instead of saving the spammed cp that'd be awesome

What exactly were we onto that triggered the (((shills))) to spam like this?

shooter's a fucking spic, they are trying to hide it

From the other thread.

Know how you feel. They finally got around to killing off all those posts. Personally I think anyone that was encouraging the CP spammer should also be banned.

I think this. They want to make it about guns, and I think if we dig into this we will find some political motivation.

After something like this, it's time to think about common sense gun control. These were just children!

And probably here illegally

Do we know if he's here illegally? Is he under DACA or at least a "dreamer"?

Also, there seems to be a faint antifa connection, that's enough to trigger shareblue

Doubt it, he looks like a mutt to me.


Took your time, kikes. Are you going to memoryhole that you left CP spam up for 5 hours?
We need another exodus


as an aside, is she wearing a red Kabbalah bracelet?

The local news is saying he bought the gun legally even though they don't know where he bought it.

Fucking genestealers.

The moment DACA and Antifa was even mentioned they went apeshit. This is likely meant to cover up the NSA incident.

I'm in a public place, can someone tell me what she's saying?

meant for

she clumsily implies there was a second shooter because she was with Cruz, presumably after he ditched his rifle because she says "I'm surprised you weren't the shooter"

*while the shooting was continuing

I've noticed this as well, especially when people started digging into it. I have a feeling they want this to go the same way as Vegas, and the church shooting. Never allowing a motivation to come to light, and just use it as a general gun control story.

She talked with the mutt when the shooting was going down - it wasnt him.

The lighting is very nice. She seems like an honest person.

honestly, I think she was hearing the police clearing rooms with flashbangs and talking to Cruz while he slipped out with the students

Yes they are.

It's a dead chan, but the moderation is better. I'm a global mod there TBH

Fuck off masterchan shill.

Things that never happened.

Pics or didn't happen.


complicit group referenced in articles:

but i find it hard to believe a teen could keep a straight face after gunning down 17 people a minute ago.


Welcome to /k/
Now get out


is this guy really a 507 feet tall? how they even caught him guys?

it's a lot more unlikely at this point, but could you imagine the absolute shitstorm that would happen if he was discovered to be a DACA recipient and or involved in far left politics? That would be something… Also what's all this about an NSA incident?

It reeks of bullshit.




hes a big guy

what's that creature?

for you

More Broward County School District complicity?


so then there was a second shooter too


CP spammer is possibly a Holla Forums volunteer.

How are they accessed, regular browser url?

I can't seem to find his trip in the months prior and Holla Forums's capcodes are just (((conveniently))) "not working." Yes it's not definitive proof but it's a start.

>>>Holla Forums7766837

more likely he's 5'7

So they made it illegal to report threats or suspicious individuals if (((someone))) thought it was illegitimate?

Shows up as a board volunteer, and then switches to anonymous, and then switches back the mailman trip code; all while the same ID can be seen.

What is this, fucking amateur hour?

He responds to my thread withint 5 minutes and gives out his tripcode to make it seem like "anyone could've had it." What a pathetic kike.

Relax dude. I'm tired and should really be going to bed soon. Bloody 2 AM over here.

I'm trying to find a good way to summarize for normie consumption.

The .pdf shows an agreement signed by the school district, District Attorney, ect.. (pretty much everyone in the County who matters). That agreement is pretty much 'less police involvement in school disciplinary issues'

This created an environment that allowed people like Cruz to be unimpeded by law enforcement. I mean, it was bad enough that he wasn't allowed to have a backpack on school grounds, so they obviously knew something was up. Why not get the police involved and ban his ass from school grounds while investigating him as a possible threat?

meant about the mailman faggot in your link, should've made that clearer

Well you see he's part of the double digit IQ kikes so he doesn't know how to basic opsec.

Oh. Yeah, my bad.



Fucking gingers

They started spamming hard after we started discussing the second shooter.

Moar habbenings
It's unclear why there was a heavy police presence at the school at 7600 Lyons Road, however a Local 10 News viewer said her friend, who is a librarian at the school, was barricaded inside a bathroom with nine students while the school was on lockdown.

also, did the District adhere to the FL statues listed for threats? or Did they ignore them for the sake of perpetuating their liberal non-sense?

I hate to out one of my own but he's getting out of hand.

Fuck this bitch. Todays lack of any real morality is more to blame than an inatimate object. Nigger rap and tranny porn. Too bad she didn't catch a round.

Dubs chek'd.

He was just looking for a champion to adore, then he entered the blood sports himself.

jesus these kids

Its obvious by last middle and last name that he is spanish. Can you post proof of him being jewish?

how do they know they were innocent?



meant for


This guy must be geniunely retarded.

Good to see the mods purge CIAnigger posts fast.


Oh boy here we go


"They were Elves once. Taken by the Dark Powers … tortured and mutilated…a ruined and terrible form of life."
— Saruman

Looks like Florida is where the spic beta uprising begins.

He didn't kill enough but his efforts will be remembered


false alarm

Honestly as a FL fag, this is just a normal day here

I expected this shit from half-Chan but you niggers are better than this. Stop believing in Jewish lies

Shits a hoax top to bottom. Kabbalah mason Jew cult putting on another show. This mutt Jew didn't shoot anyone.

Is there any evidence at all that this is staged? My little sister showed me snapchat videos or something but the dead bodies were seemingly conveniently positioned and the whole thing seemed scripted

Why would they use a Jewish guy though, it doesn’t make any sense, that’s what makes me think this one actually transpired

Pics of your sister?

Just because real people die doesn’t mean it isn’t staged

Thanks for uploading these.

>no one suspecsts (((us)))

you know the pedos are possibly just posting in popular threads with the aim of adding more to their numbers

it's not necessarily a jewish conspiracy, just some sick perverts who enjoy the attention and believe they can infect you with their disease

Sacrifices for the kikes.

Sacrifice him for what purpose though? Why tarnish the reputation of the “good jewish people” when they can just use a white male? It doesn’t make any sense, on top of the fact that the spam here is possibly related to the fact that (((they))) didn’t want us digging any deeper into that

That's the problem user. It's so blatant that either they're retardedly scared OR they're trying to lead us on a wild goose chase from the NSA shooting.

no prob.

if you make the links in mobile format ( you can right click and download the videos directly once they start playing

It could be both at this point. Maybe he wanted you to be that obvious. Maybe he wanted to be found out.

(((They))) knew we were onto something.
So no one will suspect (((them))). It's convoluted maybe to us but for (((them))) this is everyday procedure.

You’re thinking to logically, kikes most likely had some bizarre occult reason to use a Jewish killer in this case. Some autist is going to piece together the motive soon

But user why would normies suspect them in the first place? I’m sorry I’m a youngblood I’ve been lurking for a while but this is my first time posting anything

Are you baiting? Stop baiting.

They pick mixed ones specifically to divide us. Notice how the takeaway from this regarding the less discriminating skeptics out there is more along the lines of "he was a white male" or "he was a spic" rather than anything regarding hoaxes or FBI complicity. Oh, and when I say "skeptic" I mean actually skeptics not those cryptokike youtubers who lick more boots that your puppy after you got back from a trip to the peanut butter factory.

All the good that did them. Throwing CP spam at us probably triggered half a dozen autisms in the first place.
That fucking neighbor who was supposed to take care of the teddybearjew after his mother died, Roxanne Deshamps is it a confirmed nigger?

Fuck off kike.

I’m not baiting, I don’t see how normies of all people that are conditioned jewlovers would suspect them in the first place is all

Which is the perfect reason to use one of your disposable demiyids.

I guess that makes sense… and I can see the 1488 chess game more or less going on underneath it all at this point…

do yourself a big favor, lurk more.

1488D* I was trying to be ironic lol

I will don’t worry


President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Tragedy in Parkland, FL- LIVE


pls no bully fbi I doubt you could even do that right anyway

wait i thought he used a bb gun to kill them all, it had the orange barrel.

Is this dubbed?


The call for Donnell Blumpf to ban guns is going to be yuge with this one


No. Just cast your eyes to the bottom edge of the screen as he backs away from the camera and you can see that he is still packing.

Don't think about it, goy

First thing I thought of.

Go the fuck back to the other board lib, you know which one i mean.




Why does no one seem to be talking about the young female who Nick was in contact with on Youtube, posting in her video about the birth of her daughter, that he "remembers this day", who shares his family name Cruz and who favourited the Columbine massacre video and a video about how to erase cell phone data in the days prior to the event?

All hispanics are called White when they're suspects. Haven't you seen the montage of examples?

Ignore picture 2, uploaded by mistake and different girl.



It was up for 5 hours? Jesus christ Holla Forums mods, get it together. Why was the CP spammed anyway? What was said that needed to spammed out?

It's the CIA/GCHQ. They use it to get normies to run away and not learn the truth.

my bet would be antifa, the shooter was a hillary/bernie supporting antifa spic
and antifa loves their degenerate cp

Interesting that cp could stay up for 5 hours, but the user who posted the Karla Cruz link got banned within 30 mins.

q: why does a millennial woman with ties to Cruz and the same surname favourite a Columbine massacre video in the days before the Florida shooting?
q: why does the same woman favourite a video about hiding what's on your phone in the days before the Florida shooting?
Could it be that she had a hand in the event and is trying to cover her tracks?

I hear this from a lot of (hypocritical, pretentious, bought-a-gun-as-soon-as-Trump-was-elected-even-though-guns-are-bad) liberal psych types. Related to this, is the decline in mental healthcare perfectly attributable to Reagan's policies?
I understand the mental state is due to (((them))), but I'm focused more on the recovery from that.

Yeah, it's certain that this place is controlled by GCHQ/CIA. :^)

That's not generally how moles work. Moles grant influence and surveillance, not exactly "control".

What's this about??


No, I mean they have control. Like they run it.

You madmen.

As user on halfcuck/x/ posted, all this crap plus Depeche Mode. The only fucking band he likes and then all this shit. Reminds me of someone

did they kill Ian to get him out of the way so the rest of the band could obey their commands without that pesky conscience

Don't think anyone here picked this up


Did this dumb spicess really think deleting damning evidence from their phone would get it off the web too? I guarantee you they're both part of some organization that either helps other beans across the border or helps the ones already here organize criminally.

Looks like (((Twitter))) is at it again.

Checked. All those antifa accounts from rich areas are trolls. Excellent trolls tho. Really funny shit.


Is it inflated with thousands of bot tweets?
Trump did say that if we see something say something…

Could someone dump the shooting videos? I want to hear normalfags squeal for mercy.

(((Mnuchin))) calls on Congress to look into gun violence

>(((Mnuchin))) = United States Secretary of the Treasury
Why the fuck is (((he))) even commenting on this? Well outside of his role.
Trump needs to put a muzzle on these kikes in his cabinet, they continually undermine him*

*Gary (((Cohn))) publicly threw him under the bus after Charlottesville

*(((Reince Penis))) is STILL flapping his cock holster to the press

Are you shire about that?

Guns are out of date anyway. Nobody uses guns for frontlines work. It's just used when mopping up.

just because its a troll account doesnt mean the picture is fake

they are ironically calling attention to the FACT that the shooter was a registered democrat and a bernie supporter / commie

So, let them take guns because they're less effective than the weapons we're denied access to?

No thanks. In fact, I'd rather lobby for access to better weaponry AND keep guns.

u wot

Hmm, DACA shoots up a school, makes Congress oy vey about 17 gorillion dead, gets pressured into debating on gun control, can’t get back to helping the spics, Trump vetos gun control bill, too late to do anything about DACA, spics get forced out by gun owners. I could live with this.


The people do not have a will to be free. They want to have a nanny state.


The state is very strong.

Where did I saw that thousant miles stare last time? In a psychiatric clinic.
This guy is seriously fucked with some SSRI or Ritalin shit. He has depression episodes history, so yea, drugged as hell.
Guns doesnt kill, psychiatric drugs does.

Non-whites should not be allowed to have guns. In fact, non-whites should not be allowed to live


Every hoax is a false flag but not every false flag is a complete hoax (with no real deaths etc).

the last seven public shooting were done by DEMORATS FACT

i take all kinds of drugs both prescription or otherwise and i've never gone out and killed anyone nor had the desire to go out and randomly shoot up a bunch of people with no connection to me.

that's a stupid argument that proves you don't understand how these drugs work. you probably don't even understand how to two you mentioned work.

why perpetuate myths that make us all look stupid and convince gullible idiots they're correct just because they don't think they can trust anyone other than us?

An unfortunate truth.

Additionally, there's really nowhere to go, and with the economy crushed utterly, there's nothing in the way of a worker's economy. You have to give out lap dances to get work.

w-was he t-the spammer?

I'm not buying the narrative, and call bullshit. Methinks this too like so many others is another staged psyop involving crisis actors. Too many of the (((witnesses))) are way too calm, some even smirking, while appearing to be coached and scripted.

If I am correct, it wouldn't be the first time, by a longshot.

ooooooaaaaaw sheeeeiiiiit

Just read about side effects on your SSRI prescription.

Though I do agree that some portions of this story seem a little stretched.

I don't want your condolences you piece of shit my friends and family were shot. Multiple of my fellow citizens are dead. Do something instead of sending prayers. Prayers won't fix this, but a (total Immigration ban/Wall) will prevent it from happening again.



guys, reminder that q-user warned this shooting was coming.

Reminds me of that faggot who posted pics of him turning in "his" guns. Bet this soyboy is the same and only has a gun so he can turn it in for max liberal points.

^ kike

I bet his profile pic isn't him or a photoshop.

SSRIs and other drugs are commonly employed as part of MK/Monarch handling of programmed subjects.

It may come to you as a surprise but human brains while similar are actually not that similar, some slight differences in how much or little certain chemicals are made may have drastic differences on people.

I've actually been on SSRI's and i have to admit they did help me but too much too long and i became an unemotional zombie until one day i simply dropped on my knees crying due to not actually feeling anything. Given the right stimuli/outside influences i could've just as well become yet another lone gunman or a degenerate freak.

oh shit

Big if true

the serpent (in the garden) deflowers
serpent = refers to snake of zionism from the protocols of zion, mossad being the mode of action
garden = school
deflowers = shooting, loss of innocence

always rember

Leader of white nationalist group has confirmed suspect in Florida school shooting was member of his organization

Details are sparse

gee, why doesn't he ever just say what's going to happen? :^)

Exactly. All you need is a few crisis actors here and there among real students and you give those actors the most screen time in the media. Now you control the narrative.

we must confirm

Like clockwork.

It has been awfully quiet aside from the 5 hour cp spam
let's see what falls from the tree now

this did:

Yea sure ok.

Well, Spencer is CIA keek



Because any true white nationalist group would admit they have a member who just killed random whites, right goyim?

The (((Associated Press))) needs a long, hard gassing. Watch as the narrative spreads like wildfire

The kid looks fucking Mexican, his name is Cruz for god's sake.

Sure. Out of curiosity I'd like the name of the group, the name of the leader, etc. etc.

>What I've found so far: Rocxanne Deschamps used to live with (((Paul Gold))) at 6616 Park Lane E Lake Worth, FL 33449. (((Paul Gold))), also known as Goldblatt, is likely the ex-husband that authored the post in the first attachment. In September 2016 they had a paternity dispute.
Let's get back to this cunt. This info is what triggered the spammer. Also his YT favs and Karla Cruz. All were posted right before the spammer hit.

Link it user. I went there and I didn't see this article anywhere. Learn how to post and archive properly, this isn't cuckchan nigger.

Spencer was always a faggot.

Same, very fishy that the "leader" And the "group" are unnamed

it did before it even took form
and the (((AP))) didn't even produce details, just a headline

kek the article is the title and the title is the article
pretty sensationalist, it's like that's all they want the masses to see
also how they control the mass narrative as well, just like what was seen with the NSA cross dressing story released by fox yesterday to cause confusion and set the narrative that the car was outside the gate. this just sets the narrative that Nicholas de Jesus Cruz was a white nationalists and supremacist with no supporting details other than (((the associated press))) reported it
absolutely lugenpresse

Everything is perfectly falling into place for Congress to really push H.R.4918.

google the headline
"Leader of white nationalist group has confirmed suspect in Florida school shooting was member of his organization"

6gorillion articles about a headline with not substance within minutes

They're definitely doing research to try and find a low level (((group))) to blame it on or pay them to take the credit.

still nobody will believe them since his is mixed

Sure, like how gun control in France stopped the mudshits, right? I guess she just wants to take guns away from legal white citizens. The Zapatos gang, MS-13, any given muslim goatfucker, every fucking nigger in the country, they'll all get illegal guns just like they do now.

I guess getting murdered with a gun is fine as long as the shooter's skin looks like it's been smeared in shit.

But ok Princess, we'll take the advice of a 16 year old ignorant bitch who's brain doesn't work unless it's to regurgitate nonsensical, anti-white garbage you learned from your Marxist teachers instead of learning math.

don't need to look up the headline, read the post and you'll see it says exactly what the image shows


Are they all smoking crack now?

Or a group that's just false opposition could be taking credit. Like an (((isis))) sorta deal.

Its like these people don't even remember Obama's "brilliant" Fast and Furious program. We literally gave these people guns, but thats ok because they're spics.

ADL named the group "Republic of Florida" as the organization that Cruz belonged to.

Their Twitter was just created in August, has 50 tweets, and only 10 followers. Something is up here.

I know. it's just something to experience the birth of a (((narrative)) ) first hand

you're getting sloppy rabbi

Here's the Score, If the vegas Massacre couldn't get a gun ban going, nothing will.

Any of these articles claiming the shooter to be "white" that have a comment section need to be countered with a simple "He's not even white."
I'm going to crawl through these sites with burner emails, fuck these kikes and their made up narrative.

Fits with their narrative to take away guns, so why not use it?

I just got a Bing News propaganda alert saying he was mentored by a white nationalist militia.

help grab pls (I've got this one)

this one is weird… gonna wait till the dust settles to figure it out

Except when the dust settles thats when they hide most of the shit.

I recall the group that turned muzzie and kidnapped/killed other muzzie members were from Florida.

Come on user, HWNDU was mainly mixed and they even made a big deal out of their diversity. And all those pics from HWs going to Flipland party have been posted quite a bit on cuckchan lately. Normies were waking up to their anti-white bullshit so they switched it up a bit.

Kikes did better analysis of the true demographics of the right and deliberately went with a mutt. Most leftards think whites are excluded from having civil rights, believe it or not. The white-hate narrative was ramping up too fast so they had to broaden it. Can't have the splc/adl/whatever get dinged with civil rights violations. Throw in some mutts for plausible deniability and continue on.

q-user predicted this


do you really think this will be their last school rampage i bet they have a whole series lined up and probably a climax on hitlers birthday.


Under. Rated. Post.

all to build the narrative against guns




q stuff is just new cancer.

trips of truth

Who didn't see this coming…

(((Dianne Feinstein))) Pushes ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban After Florida School Shooting

We ain't in Fucking Sweden, Faggot.

You know, I never really believed that "white nationalist" groups were all controlled opposition. I'm starting to believe it. This is total horseshit. What "white nationalist" group would accept a clearly "le 56%" anyway. Dude is clearly not white.

cant read vest

Nice cold-reading, faggot. Stop the Q-user regurgitation, he's not predicted anything.

check their youtube, bunch of fat slobs

no dollar tree

Compare Cruz's tattoo with one shown off in ROF's video

Most political groups are fed infiltrated or directly controlled

Fucking. Faggot.


OK, but have you been around the people who have money, say the upper middle class? They want comfort. Ease. To be flattered. And they want a nanny state.

The plot thickens.


So, now this "republic of florida" is claiming that le 56% abominable cruz was a member of their group. I have my doubts.

What do you mean "no dollar tree", of that same quote we now have two dollar tree stores to check out!

Republic of the 56% lol

two different accounts, cruz is not a fat dude he's a skinny 56%er

You do know that the "56%" meme is a way that Britains, yes, even the supposed White nationalists there, call Americans White People niggers? There are literally zero friends in the UK, friends of White People. Nil. They don't consider themselves White People. They hate us, and consider us "mutts" and the "56%ers". This is true of Europe as well - they hold out hope to reestablish their nation's empire, as it once was - and that doesn't mean acceptance of White People, or a brotherhood of Whites.

yidtube is locking down the videos I'm having trouble grabbing the good ones


Also the shooting happened in a location that Cruz would have had to walk past her to get in front of her since the shooting happened behind her. Sounds like either 2 shooters or 1 teleporting shooter

can anyone grab this one?

I wonder if there were sick burns there too

No, I understand that the meme is completely retarded. It's just hilarious in this particular situation that this supposed white nationalist group is composed of literal non-whites.

they're literally feds, I can smell it from here.

I'm downloading all of the vids before they get scrubbed.

Just remember zero - ZERO - in the UK are friends, much less brothers, of White People of America. Here we are, robbed by the kike, double-crossed by everyone in Europe. Yes, we are alone in the universe. And now we have the cucks here who seek to establish a class system. Alone in the universe indeed!

Its just some LARPers. It almost seems too pathetic to be CIA, but then again maybe thats what they were going for.

Its even stupider than that.
The fucking ADL.

good idea, if only we could interview them ourselves

you sound like a black pilling rabbi


All false flags have a masonic element because they have death oaths of secrecy. Think crisis actors having a reason (like a fraternal obligation) to never talk about it. Now you have to understand that for this to work some of the police are in on it and all politics is local.

Beyond that it is modern day blood sacrifices. They shed blood on the stoneman highschool like the stone slabs of old. Stonecutters from the simpsons (ROJ program) where alluding to masons.

Alright, Paco

did Cruz have a picture of his fucked up thumb in one of the IG pictures?

This is the cuckchan thread from yesterday where an ex-ROF member talked about Cruz and the group


Masons and/or Golems.
Both pretty related and could be referred to as "stoneman"
Wonder if his (((lawyer))) will tell him to "speak" in court?
Also if this is what it looks like, we should be expecting a suicide within the week.

So the "white nationalist" Republic of Florida is made up by a bunch of spics and crossbreeds? Shocking.

meant for

See for youself. :^) They hate Americans, and this is how it is. But why do kikes want us to believe they are our friends? Well, it's just standard cucking. They want to sap our resources, to have them wasted on the freeloaders.

Recall how it was of old - when people worshiped Odin, and Thor. They would recite, at great length, the long past of their clan, and how they had done well by one another. Recite now the story of how we, who gave the UK Brexit, have any benefit by them, indeed any promise of aid? No, they hate us. They don't consider Americans to be human beings.

id on vest @ 1:17:17 looks foreign

This seems correct. A secret society indeed is the correct framework for false flag operations.

It just gets cringier the farther you look at this "white nationalist" group

doesn't really make a difference either way

844e8c filtered for being a sliding D&C faggot.

Oh absolutely.

Reminder the CIA and FBI and NSA didn't stop this. But we need to ban guns. Why not fire the CIA and FBI and NSA first? After all, they're a waste of money.


True, sounds like a quality pasta tbh.

Why are you replying to yourself? Secondly they had 30 years to build this narrative against guns and it still hasn't paid off.

dollar tree closest to the school

ah whatever you guys suck


So she is his handler and he's one of the sleeper agents Comey activated in his tweet?

Well they can go back to fucking Pissreal. There not getting their Caliphate in the States.


aren't there pictures of him wearing antifa shirts? I remember seeing an antifa twitter saying not to spread the picture of Cruz wearing it because of bad publicity, now they're saying he's in a wn group? anyone have the picture?

Which isn't going to happen with republicans in power so why bother?

this video isn't wrong

MMmm such a serious group this Republic of Florida

You look at the vegas shooting and it was a human sacrifice operation set place in front of the Luxor hotel. The Luxor hotel is the most masonic thing I have ever seen.

They do this to try and initiate marital law so that they can set up guillotines to depopulate americans who get out of line. To depopulate dissidents and such. Also so that no one can be able to fight their child breeding operations and the whole satanic ritual abuse underground.


This is Jordan Jereb, the leader of ROF and the dude who spoke with the ADL next to Heimbach. Makes you think!

Sometimes I wonder if the powers that be actually think about the future beyond their hatred of whites.

I'm getting some Stolen Valor vibes looking at that pic


The ROF are a bunch of misguided idiot white niggers. I had a few of them added on my goybook, they take all of their orders from the head tard and are constantly starting shit with other groups. I don’t think they are spooks just on the merit of their sheer retardation and incompetence, just extremely misguided people looking for an identity being taken for a ride by another retard

Niggers and spics could start an effective revolt even if they were given the entire fed's backing.

why is there hebrew on his back?
look at @ 1:17:17

Soy boy and tits on a fat chick. What a great group, where do I sign up?

Speaking of tits, nice tits on the dude. Clearly these guys are paragons of the white race.


he's a big guy

Based jereb will lead the revolution
its sam hyde tier troll youre wasting time autists

Where are the hebe runes?

These faggot ass kikes disgust me. Either our goal is to save and convert our race, or its not. All you little faggots whining that white shitlibs are no better than Jews are the true Kikes. I dont give two shits what someone has done in their past, only that they are of Aryan blood. I will fight to show them the way till the day they or i die. You faggots who think Nazis are brutal compassionless people are idiotic shitfucks who have no true idea what National Socialism is about. Its about love for ALL WHITE PEOPLE and uniting them. Blab about killing whites who are currently still brainwashed all you want. It is you who will fall on our Night of the Long Knives.

green cop center

bottom left

I'm getting that vibe

thank you

So much shit on his vest, good luck going prone.
Don't do this, it's too much wasted movement. At least get a riggers belt and low-ride gun holster.

They're ordinary standard white people… …

Oy vey don’t kill traitors or I will kill you fellow whites.

No no no they want to kill niggers. Thats why they call anyone who exposes what they do a *nigger or a nigger in general. You see white and black are code words. We are the black we are the uninitiated they are the white the illuminati. Its something so tangible and so prelevent my god jim is a mason and the knights templar discord basically invited redditors from /r/thedonald to this site along with using bots to corroberate narratives. No original thought allowed. They want us fighting with each other and other races so that we can not address them. They want us to fight for white people in general so that those who make us look bad are defended by people who get up and bust their ass at work. Its so big but the point is they want to literally behead every single person who is not a freemason or the families of freemasons and the children that they breed for abuse. The children that they created the slave people under the earth.

you mean the cop's shirt?
looks like 717 to me, but theres also a dot to the upper right of the right 7, so I'm not so sure
would you link to some posts other pictures or videos of the same scene? I'd like to make sure that the dot wasn't shooped in in order to discredit 8ch

i dont know 8cuck, wouldnt discredit only a lowly pede with autist eyes

So I had this theory recently that Dollar Generals are actually the “FEMA Walmart camps” people freaked out about way back. Those stores seemed to come out of nowhere about 3 years ago and now anywhere you go you can find one. I think they’re setting up a network to prevent any form of uprising.

Because its true.

Eat shit, then. Get out.

user, it's posted every thread. Scroll up.

So the ROF gave the ADL false info?

now how do you explain to liberals who wouldn't entertain the thought that white nationalists aren't controlled opposition, let alone the very concept of controlled opposition, that cruz isn't white?
they wouldn't believe that hes a DACA recipient at that point unless the words came from wapo or NYT, and thats pretty much the only thing that MIGHT make them question it

Ok faggots can we decode the cop uniform?
If it's jew runes were vindicated, if not then it's folds on a vest and shade and we look retarded and paranoid.

How wetbacks post a link


ah whatever, i will. just look at the damn vid. its the spanish one so its still up. the guy looks drugged beyond belief and the guy in green is calling the shots. im not retarded. just a rookie.

The shooter was a spic, I found it fitting

Doing White God’s work user.

Remember this next time someone tries to sell you the wonders of their sand demon.
Look at that, and tell me this is something we can sell to the masses.

He looks like your average zogbot, to me.

It's just attach points for some kind of back gear.

i will if you watch it faggot. theres a big fat jew that might interest you. more than this shill talk in the wrong thread.

too much nuance for this board

Gas yourself kike. You obviously dont understand the concept of Racialism. The only true traitors are those who would kill someone without giving them a chance to convert. Normies are sheep anyways. When we take power they will follow us just like they follow the current system and it will be a non issue. True hardcore shitlibs will likely leave with the browns to be a martyr for their cause

Youre gonna hear confirmation on it from news that its a meme, maybe theyll forget, but you autists have got to stop saying everything you ever see is cia and controlled opposition, makes you look sadder than you already are. Sit back and watch, its funny that they believe it.



Also, Fox News just said he was associated with a “White Supremacy Group” buckle up for a wild ride.

Not Surprised. Considering so many condone the Caliphate of London.

I think they are gas grenades, not writing (perhaps underneath the grenades maybe).
See 1:18:30-35
What he's carrying on his back reflects in the sunlight as a 3D object, not text.

That said, some IDF flew in a few days back to protect Priestap's MOSSAD wife. So this happening near DWSchultz's territory is a big (((cohencidence)))

Maybe it would be a good feature to auto-spoiler (with a special warning graphic) any image that gets mass global reported? Of course that could be abused but if you have that many IPs it's much more effective to crapflood, so I doubt it would happen.

Your Fucking retarded, If anything We need More Guns and mandatory training.

not very subtle, heebs

I was going to say inb4 gun control…

There is a tunnel system to distribute resources to walmarts and home depos for NATO during marital law. You put a row of guillotines in a walmart and have masons man them you can kill 100 people in an hour with per guillotine. They want to kill every single person who is not a freemason or not a wife or child of a freemason. Or the people that they breed under the earth thats what the white rabbit is all about its breeding slave people to literally run up and stab or do whatever.

Learn to read and spell retard. He’s saying that ironically.

thats the top of his plate
1:17:17 is clear view. cam zooms in and out. watch from when they take him out of car. guy is directing everyone.

I give this post 56%

If you watch closely you'll hear UKIP (ex?)leader Farage dog whistling the idea of returning to having a seafaring empire. I have noticed this tendency in another area. What is underlying is scheming.

Now, what I can tell you for certain is that the UK is a satellite state of the Russians, and that they are going to be implicated in the attempted frame-up of Trump.

You mean there Coast living City Kikes that don't own land. Real well off whites have armories and land. Kike owned City Bitches are just rats with more cheese.

Yeah it’s /totally/ the free masons and not the Jews….holy fuck I hate what happenings do to this board. Instantly filled with complete retards within 24 hours.

Right back at you Schlomo

what a le funny joke, retards

Example, pic related. You see, here he is trying to call me a nigger, in his British way. But this is not mere shills. This is their whole society, top down. The whole thing. This you must understand. And so we have not got in them a brother, though brother they should be.

But why do you think we escaped from there? Were we not slaves, by another name? Yet we have proved the superior ones, and they are salty limes.

>not realizing the (((obvious)))

i dont even know what to think on this one, i think coincidence but are they THAT jewish in brower county?

No that's pretty clear.

what is clear? that you're too retarded to recognize a false flag when you see one?


Fuck these goddamn hook noses.

But user, what if it’s the Jews AND some other people? I think the “rulers” look for easily blackmailable people, and (((coincidentally))) jews have lots of shady easily blackmailable behavior

Strange, I thought they worked wonders whenever a minority or a muslim commited a crime.

>(((fellow white man)))

Normies are lost, but people who are on the fence who’ve started to notice the demonization of whites will only get pushed farther towards our side. This will make for great “Fake News”/“White Hatred” infographics to spread

No I don't think you understand. Spics are natural allies with their large christian families. That's why Trump offering amnesty to 1.8 million of them is just 4d chess because they'll all vote republican. keep on keeping on fellow magapede.

Everytime. fucking idiots.

Fucker even started posting gooks. Although iirc that wasn't porn. Maybe he's got a shota collection too.

I heard pedo connections actually. Updates on that?

This, fucking retarded.
The only people here in Europe who will hear it was a hoax are Holla Forumsacks.

bonus, should you like any.

In Britain there is not 1 friend or brother to American White People - whites of Europe don't see themselves as white people at all. Their aim is to reestablish their former empire, and this doesn't mean taking care of the brothers who are white, I can assure you. After all, where are their plans to aid us? They are nowhere to be found. American Whites are alone in the universe. Pic related. Their vision of the world. The Europeans some imagine to be our brothers. And I assure you the picture is no better of Canadians, or South Africans, or Australians.

Normies arent "lost" persay, but our efforts should be mostly towards on the fence folks, that i agree with. When we take power, the Lemmmings or Normies, whatever you wanna call them, will follow us blindly like they currently do the left. What is truly encouraging to me is i see normies become on the fencers more and more every week.

Clearly asleep.

This is actually possible.

you got a "who specifically is white" problem
good luck with the runes 8ch. just trying to help.

All according to plan.

I bet that was deliberate, not mere "joking"

White supremacist supposedly linked to a white nationalist group in that area… I call BS.

Yes, most definitely.

This isn't a problem. Simply respond

And for the countries where citizens are slaves:

that stings, user. cuts me deep
gas yourself


Global report for not even trying to shill.

Dr. James Fetzer: A False Flag For Valentine's Day - Suppressing False Flags On Five Fronts

He's punctuation needs some fucking work.

One teacher with a CCW and a pistol could've ended this shit.
That "hero" niggerhandegg coach who shielded students with his body could have been returning fire instead, except it would have been illegal for him to have his pistol with him at his job.

This kind of shit is becoming obvious, Drumph alleviated the pressure for a few months, but it is still building. White people are starting to realize that they are being targeted. I blew a boomers mind the other day when I showed them the “white inventors” jewgle shit

go back to /totally/.
Only jewish masons will survive and the wives and children of jewish masons. Maybe some elders of zion to kick around but yea its not looking bright for humanity in general right now.

read the protocols of the elders of zion and understand that there is a global masonic apperatus. ITS HOW THE JEWS DO WHAT THEY DO BY SKINCRAWLING THROUGH THE GOY PILLARS OF SOCIETY AS MASONS.




Oy vey goy, stay on your zombie suicide pills! Don't think for yourself! Don't look at all the mass casualty shooters that were on SSRIs! They're good for you!

there is no answer because nobody is paying attention to your melanin debate thing. its shitting up the wrong thread


They are doing a great job importing their "friends" from their former empires. They can just add "empire" to their name and continue to larp as generals.

Ever since some sinister connections to the LV shooter spamming has become a norm for shooting threads. It's a sign it's truly a false flag.
But the problem is that whispers of this do go around to other formats of social media and street talk. It's a pointless tactic and makes it worse for them.

What was the proof of that. I've heard some say spic, others a jew.
There seems to be a lot of disinfo floating around.

If SSRIs are so bad, why does our lord and savior Jordan B. Peterson take them?

We need info or propaganda that ROF is run by Jews, or Feds. Digging on Jordan Jereb.

What incident?

If we find a connection between the pollacks, that's a shut case of this being an organised attack for some organisation.
Only five jews killed of six shot.
< poor aim

All students and staff should be allowed to open carry in school. Of course, this would require a homogenous white society that isn't poisoned from top to bottom so it's a bit of a pipedream at the moment but still.

He also says that SSRI's without actual therapy are a bad, bad idea.

SSRI's aren't the problem, throwing (((their))) drugs at people and cutting them loose is the problem.
Sure this Cruz kid was pretty fucked, but he was certainly redeemable, at least to the point of being useful to society.

oh no, Poor Jeb!

This is so stupid.

Only the Whites and some Asians will remember to bring SAPI plates. It will solve itself.

someone said his website was made by kiwifarms.


JEREB if you're here NAME MOOT AKA CHRIS POOLE as your financier and say hes giving you no bid contracts from the ALPHABET CORPORATION to "MAKE CHANGE" in America. Also tell them you're only the chapter leader and the true Head of all the chapters is GREAT DRAGON SORCEROR SAMSON HIDYA "Hid_ya"

Every. Fucking. Time.

If we had a homogeneous White society without (((pharmacological influence))), we wouldn't have much need for armed protectors at schools.

RIP in peace, Guac.

Funny how they never care when it is a white kid getting bullied unless they can pin a sexual misconduct on someone over a white girl.

Replace Jewish with white.
What fuck is ZAKA?

I like how no one here is even white, and a fucking spic is a member of muh white power society

unironically hilarious

Even then, there's always a need to be Armed and ready. There will always be hoards at your gates and blood to be spilled.

oh well. i'd like to believe but idk if i do. he's probably a (race not disclosed) nut.


I hate to sound like a concern troll, but this is not good. This 56% mutt was a member of a WN group called "Republic of Florida".

Here's the guy who told whatever jew organization like the ADL this info:
Check out the pics. He's one of these unironic READ SIEGE spergs, and I assume the rest in the group are similar. And for fucks sake, this is right after all that shit about Atomwaffen being a satanist cult came out.
Also keep in mind that this school was apparently 40% or more jewish, and that many of the victims were kikes too. Which means even more reason for ZOG to crack down on this compared to if these were all just white kids.

Could absolutely be a setup too. IDK, I don't usually like to jump to the false flag shit, but this is just too perfect for them.

ROF is another jewish ran honeypot
in the end its jews indirectly killing other jews


Holla Forums has been quiet lately. They might have relaxed too much.

Oh yeah, this is legit the most post thing, until flaws in the story emerge.

well, at least he didn't go all HALE HORTLER

Pretty fucking obvious this is an antifa fuck and they are trying to lay blame on the right. White supremacists aren't spics. White Nationalists aren't spics. RACIS WHITE MEN aren't spics.
These cocksucking faggots aren't white, and they aren't right.

Imagine Germany set up a group to identify aryan victims of disasters in america.

holy shit look at these larping retards


Eat a dick kike. You will never be white.

What's the significance of i-


I hope you guys have at least one regular AR-15 and at least one 80% lower

They are gonna go after the ebil black rifle again


Kikes can't build anything that won't kill them later. Much like the TAVOR's gas system that gasses the user.

Have you seen the guy?
He looks uncannily similar to the 56% meme.

Does anyone have a list of the people who were allegedly shot at the school?
So far all I have is half the people that were said to be dead.

Jamie Guttenberg
Martin Duque
Gina Montalto
Nicholas Dworet
Luke Hoyer
Carmen Schentrup
Meadow Pollack

Aaron Feis

Alyssa Al Hadeff

From what limited info we have, sounds like controlled oppo taking the fall in order to drive a wedge between whites.
If any Floridanons want to be an hero, please infiltrate this group and kill these traitors at their next meeting.

Were you not here for that thread where the meetup sperg that was getting banned every 5 minutes uploaded his workplace photo on accident? Perhaps you should lurk more before running off to cry (1)

Look at the spic and tell me, with a straight face, that he isn't a mongrel.

idiots want to keep going up against guns with out one of their own.


The 56 bullshit is a D&C wedge being pushed against ALL Americans cunt. I know the cocksucker isn't white.


won't archive

Have to hand it to halfchan, they just trolled the shit out of the entire MSM

They couldn't pull that shit off with a Fucking Boomer Patsy and 58 dead whites, I doubt a spooky Spic is going to do the job. Regardless you should always be armed and ready.

Sounds like he's trying to cash in on the fedbux he'll get from all the publicity his "militia" gets.

they get real assmad when you talk about it. highlighted is important part
some of what the satanist group within AW suposedably infiltrates right wing groups and does shit like this
recall the antifa who shot the church up was wearing the skull mask they popularly use
would also fit in with the idea that de Jesus Cruz was a liberal purposely building a "alt-right" social media presence up

t. fbi you don't need to hear the above quote because its already in your manual

they really must be gigakikes if they're getting this kind of aid from NGOs, especially israeli ones. pretty convent location if they got there that fast.

perhaps this is what the hebrew on the back of that cops uniform refers to?

Based on how fat and out of shape these idiots are, I'm guessing these "exercises" were mostly hikes out to taco bell for "refueling".

Fucking jews.

(((Whoever))) made that forced meme may know something…

You have to wonder now with inside jobs all the time. Its become an actual threat because young people stupidly copycat and its hard to tell whats an inside job and what is not. But the stonemen never let a good tragedy go to waste. Let us ponder the right to own a weapon and to politicize how much the fucking pigs should be standing around and where. I saw this photo and they are using this to make redditors fight for a police state.raising the blade with each upvote.People that drive lexus's and smother kids are colluding to make women want to ban guns. To make simple minded liberals want to ban guns. People who routinely stab people want us not to have projectile firearms for a very clear reason. But by all means lets not question why this dipshit would post screenshots of him buying guns online on instagram in such a blatant fashion. Lets not worry about this lets ban projectiles so that the masons can stab us.

…care to elaborate?


Was arguing with retsards on DailyCaller site, {{{they're}}} really spamming this narrative, Zimmerman all over again except school shooter.

I thought we already confirmed this was a gay joke from 4chan?
Why are they letting mentally spics into their group? I notice the fact that James fields was a kike, has been forgotten

He's a spic mongrel, fuck off you butthurt retard.

Also, here's something interesting.

On one hand it's fucking hilarious that they're trying to paint this spic as a WN, on the other hand they're just going to use it even more because it's not an "obvious joke" like Hyde posting is.

So? We have subverted memes before. Nothing infuriates them quite like having their own weapon drawn at them. Step up your game.

Some ABC journalist reached out to some user on Instagram. They sent the MSM fake information to embarrass themselves and its working

James Bloom Meyer Fields?
that (((guy)))?


Except the thing is they're actually buying into it hook line and sinker.

56% meme is great for lampooning race-mixing and making it an overt statement that being a race-mixer is verboten.

Look at that fucking beak

Fuck off kike. He's a fucking spic.

That user was a genius. He played them like a damn fiddle

Verboten my ass, you're implying the whites in the country aren't white. Fuck off jew, even you gene thieving Ashkenazim aren't white. You never will be.

Looks like a normal picture. So given from what i ve read here i would assume that this guy had some identity problems, joined a rather edgy group where he felt the need to overcompensate for being a spic, was bullied in school, something went wrong pushed him over the edge, snapped and decided to satisfy his rage.
Some frog wrote that he wanted to get out alive which tells me that this is more of a bottled up rage instead of a long term planning, more of an impuslive kind of thing.


Fucking called it in the first fucking post
Its annudah fucking zimzam in Florida again no less
Here we go

Are you lot retarded? The media loves this. Ever heard of the memoryhole?

LOL, like those LARPers are anything other than a bunch of drunk basement dwellers. The most those guys could organize is a trip to the local all-you-can-eat chinese buffet.

was going to post this



Peterson is a jew. Jews need a lot of SSRIs just to remotely looks like us.

No it isn't. You kike fucks are just working opposite sides of this latest shill OP. Your days are numbered jews.


He uses them to keep his genetic defects in check.

And spics are of which mixed ancestry, again, looking at this fine specimen?
Top tip: it's Spanish and Bean monkey. Him actually having 56% "white" ancestry is plausible.

Not only do you lump together all of the European races as "white", you also screech at a meme used against race mixers. Could it be that you are, in fact, a mongrel?

That they have to cover ass for some no name reporter kike is proof that ROF is controlled OP.

The fact that the MSM never bothered to verify all of this further is hilarious

Hahahaha whites are evil hahahaha

They've had practice.

ROF is based in Tallahassee according to the news article. Cruz lived almost 500 miles away, why wouldn't he have been part of a WN group closer?

Has anyone found anything more related to ? If some of the dead were previously people who had gone missing, then that's certainly fucking suspicious.

OK, this group has been on the news before:
(can't archive?)

I think these guys are another false flag. For starters, they wouldn't let in another kid that looked of questionable background if they were indeed "white nationalist". That's total bogus that they are called "white nationalist" to begin with.
Secondly, the whole set up is suspiciously convenient for (((some people))).


Aren't those white Nazis George Zimmerman and Nikolas Cruz proof whites need to die out goy

Is there proof that this organisation claimed it? I haven't seen any proof of that to begin with.

They could simply be blaming them for it.

anyone with latin tattooed on themselves is a mason by default

He's Hispanic that's the thing. All the info about the white nationalist group is fake. Again it was made up by 4chan LARPers who told all this to an ABC News Journalist who then spread it around to the other MSM outlets.

The hypocrisy of them naming this group straight away, but covering the other shootings when they had Religion of Cuck™ic or Israeli connections.
Also there were many mass shootings recently, only this one is getting the spin treatment.

The info about that is fake. 4chan pranked some journalist. Read the thread.

This is no (((coincidence))) that this fag was into "READ SIEGE". These Satanist cultists train their members to become soulless Satanic white murdering demons, which is certainly not a difficult thing to do to a spic. Remember when the Atomwaffen Muslim murdered his white roommates? This is all connected, and now that they've been exposed they're activating their brainwashed members. I expect more activity with connections to the Atomwaffen cult

why am I still surprised by (((his)) ) bullshit?

fox news just said he was a white supremacist

white nationalist domestic terrorism legislation incoming


Yeah this is totally bogus. Spread this cap.

You joke, but leftist still call Zimmerman white. Why do you think they tried to link the altright and Elliot rodger? No one reads the retractions


No one has mentioned his green eyes. So amazing.

The organization didn't claim he worked with them, which isn't even the point. The point was they admitted, falsely, that he was a member when all social media evidence points to him being either a lone wolf or exAntifa.

what is amber

you're right I'm in same field.

This up there with qanon dis-info psyop if true

Oh I know they'll pretend he's white won't change I'll subtly slide in "isn't he Hispanic" if they go muh white supremicist

…well, this just got weird.

These are civnats I think, not even proper white supremacists.


Ah, that was the prank.
Sorry I thought this was a different thing.

Jaime Guttenberg
Martin Duque (14)
Aaron Feis
Chris Hixon
Gina Montalto
Luke Hoyer
Carmen Schentrup
Meadow Pollack
Joaquin Oliver (17)
Nicholas Dworet
Peter Wang (15)
Alyssa Alhadeff (15)
Alaina Petty
Cara Loughran
Alex Schachter
Scott Beigel
Helena Ramsay

They already do this in their crime reporting, no one ever makes a fuss.



makes me think of pissgate

they implied he was a 4chan user and then in the same sentence said they spoke with jerb
it's lugenpresse to the max
they do say, correctly, that he was only affiliated but the statement is overshadowed and preceded by the headline which implies he was a full member and endorsed
literally fake news
christ they're dumb, even a typo they were in such a hurry to get the story out


I've been away for a bit tbh.

I haven't had time to keep up with you guys, but I'm sure you've seen the video of the guy who warned the fbi with screenshots that this guy was "going to become a professional school shooter."

Apparently OPSEC isn't even needed anymore. This guy used his own name as his YouTube handle and they couldn't find him.

"No other information was included with that comment which would indicate a time, location or the true identity of the person who made the comment"

If he wasn't able to be V& then nobody is. They did magically put it together within minutes of the shooting tho. They came to the informants house immediately….

FBI is useless, regardless of what really happened here.


Well if that 4chan thread was correct, he never was connected to ROF.
Media literally ate 4chan trolling.

Not the same. Trump had a platform. They'll bury this


Unless they wanted it to happen?

It's all about (((priorities))) user. There were elections to rig, and Corrupticrats to protect, goddammit!

Either 4chan did it again or somewhere in a backwater Floridan swamp is a Confederate flag stained with red chile sauce.

That's exactly what you sound like.

This ROF website is that fakest gayest thing I've ever seen and has FBI written all over it. It reads like a boomer's book report on 4pol.

Yeah, I get the feeling that was always the plan. I think someone pretended to be an user. The media was onto that far too quickly. Like they knew it was going to happen.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the poster on 4chan.

It should still be in the catalog. Pretty fun thread and a lot of damage control. kek


I doubt it. (((His))) empathy for anything gay and/or jewish shines through. regularly.

Which the dems will use to push their right wing terrorism bill through.

Is Roxanne Deschamps a kike though?

but user, then it would be a false flag

They're reporting that because the government said so.

Nice quads
Five yids per oven user

If the cops weren't doing anything beforehand then it doesn't really matter. There are so many possible matches that could have lit that powder keg of an autist; it was only a matter of time

Just wanting to point out the NSA thread this was all probably made to cover up since we might be getting a good bit more traffic now.

For what it's worth, it's a french surname.

The first question - how does someone prove whether they were indeed a member on 4chan?
You can't.. they've literally stated something that near impossible to do.

You're all worried about losing guns, but if Las Vegas is any indication you won't lose them. What you should be more worried about is the fact that this LARPer faggot 56%er is going to make it easier for the kikes to step over white existence, to besmirch white nationalism. "Oh you want an ethnostate? SO DID THE FLORIDA SHOOTER!" Jokes are now gonna use this opportunity to sabotage any white activism or pro-white things. Good job, you faggot. You're gonna cause a bigger hysteria than James Fields did, but at least he didn't mean to kill that fatass.

Has anyone seen the ROF wordpress? This is 100% cringe LARP. The images may be a bit small, sorry

That's pretty hilarious that msm news is lurking 4chan trying to get a story.

Guess they never read the tagline about things being works of fiction there….. then again the msm doesn't really discern between fact and fiction anymore.


Fuck these fucking faggots. Say hello to the "White Nationalism is Terrorism" bill everyone! Because El Goblino and his gay ass friends just made it likely to pass.

This is "how do you do fellow Nazis" tier.

It's a bunch of lefties trying to make the right look like idiots.

If that passes I'm moving to Hungary

Well that would explain how this headline spread so quickly, almost like spam. See

That's what I have been saying. The goal is to get pro-white groups branded as domestic terrorist organizations so we'll never be able to advocate for our people and any advocacy would from then on be equated with Muslim extremism

Looks like it ay. So many fucking shitskins in it.

Try again in English faggot

Larpers need to fucking die.

Oh, Hispanics are White? Then how can the wall be racist?

Edgy as fuck

I wouldn't be surprised if Cruz is legit but Jereb is a Fed. Like when someone comes her and says "Hey guys, go kill some random black people lol 88/14 Hale Hotler"

Now that's some funny shit right there.

My gut feeling says me, it was about girl. It is always about luv.
No, his eyes arent normal. That gaze is close to schizophrenic.
Btw. Why we stopped asking about his status? DACA or not? Anchor baby or not?
Okay, he is adopted. But by who? From where?
Is it possible, he is adopted by Roxane from illegals from Cuba? Before biological mother death? Or adopted twice, first by Cruz family and second by Roxane.
Those are real questions. Last time we mentioned his mother was from Cuba, CP slide started.

"Hello fellow white nationalists"

Nofunz spotted, Jesus Christ if you're gonna sit there and bullshit at least make some kind of a fucking effort

What gets me is that they're not even white some of them.

These guys are a COMPLETE false flag I think.
I refuse to think there are people this stupid.

Fucking scrub. If you're in hallways and clearing enclosed rooms you shouldn't be using an AR-15.

I was like that when I was 13.

ok, yea nobody says that.

No surprise that a group that autisitc embraces TRS' Pinochet autism.

Interesting how they simply picked him up at a house a few hours later. No firefight. No struggle. Just picked up like the aurora shooter straight out of his without incident booked and a media story that ran with it.

He could easily kill 17 in a school shooting, but did not engage the police?

What is the chance this is a staged mkultra anti-gun attempt? Its not like any of the lives lost here where of any real worth to the elites who could've orchestrated it.

It's just a bunch of plagarized and bastardized quotes attributed to this one faggot.

What's the chance of you getting that earlobe spacing cleared up before posting again?

TRS strikes again.

Anyone suspicious of the fact that this organisation was targeted as the butt of a joke?
I think they're trying to spread awareness of us intentionally here. And white nationalist organisations.

It's like they want more newfags on 4chan too..

They're too stupid and cringy to be plagiarized from anywhere

It's an obvious rip off of this meme

Dunno doesnt look schizo to me. What i find important is the age of his foster parents, if the info is correct then they were really old and no real "rolemodels".

About the same chance that both you and your mother stop sucking big black cock.

What gets me is that they act like tumblr faggots with their "movement". Or euphoric athiests or other autists.

This is getting too autistic for me.

That's the exact vibe these gay quote pictures are giving to me too. I'm really interested in finding out more about this group. It seems to autistic to be serious and more of an over the top COINTELPRO type thing to denigrate the pro-white movement

Another thing, this whole "white supremacist" shit seemed to come out just around the time this place was spammed with CP.


So they're years behind us on memes and using normiefed ones at that, then altering them to try and use them against us?

Jesus that's the dumbest shit they could possibly do.

As I theorized earlier, I feel like Cruz was legit, but these guys, as we all suspect, are Feds. They got someone to do something terrible to make white movements look bad.


Is that a hot glue gun? Never knew those things killed people.

I think the whole thing, the joke, the spam CP, etc is organised derailment.
I swore we found a pedo link in the last thread too, what happened to that?

Don't you think that the whole "prank" timed nicely with the CP spam?

Reminder that John Nash discovered that they communicate through the media using code (like "Sheriff Israel," "Stoneman High," and "Jesus Cruz (Cross)".

Didn't Jereb admit that he knew Cruz though?

I was in that thread, I think it was with the deceased adopted parents? Cannot confirm. CP came on strong after we out the Jew girl claiming there were "2 shooters."

It was a prank.

What happened to that source?

BINGO. This.

That she was a Jew? Faceberg BatMitzvah pics.

No he didn't. Media literally made up bullshit.
If not, then we now have another issue - autists claiming shit they didn't do. Or mere false flaggers… which they may be, considering they don't look white even.

No, if there was audio/visual of her statement. Primary evidence is best in this situation. Disinfo is quite high like the LV shooting.

So there is no real pedo connection? Just disinfo to distract from the 2 shooter statement?

Make up your mind faggot

Her original interview is here:

Did you see their sign up sheet? I audibly keked.
Even my terminally hispanic ass is welcome, kek.

It's like some boomer read too much T_D then tried to do a book report on da evil Holla Forums Nazis.

My sides left orbit.

My sides have left orbit. This isn't real life.

I'm willing to bet this group (headquartered in tallahassee) is 50% local cops, 20% fbi, and 30% idiots.

This whole thing could be a distraction from the NSA shooting. Two shooter theory could be ((( echoes ))) , but the way her statement goes I'm inclined to believe this was a false flag. Especially so since he was using an AR and every fucking kid they interviewed started virtue signaling about gun control on script.

the resemblance is uncanny

What the fuck was up with that? Who the fuck keeps CP to shut down a thread? That's …. disgusting.

Also, what don't they want coming out? The fact that the county is completely culpable? The fact that the FBI fucked up? The fact that he's a democratic spic? (Don't forget, Florida is closed primaries, so you gotta be registered to the party you want to vote for in the primaries). The fact that he might even be a dreamer?

On Feb 7th an email went out to parents of Florida public school students to inform them of potential violence in "one of four" counties. Has anyone made any connections to this information?

This whole thing is so retarded.

If you put an "m." before the "" you can right click save the vid btw.

Is there a good site to upload vids too? It's 18 mb.

meant for

Holy Heil'd, couldn't be more true. Jews are beyond redeemable. Other races, I don't believe eliminating, I just believe should deport them, like Hitler's plan, but jews…those (literally) sick fucks, need to be erased, they're a parasite on the human genome.

The guy is attention whoring or deliberately taking blame.

Why would a spic be in a white nationalist LARP?

You mean this?

It worked, because I hadn't even heard of this.
And the NSA being connected to this would not surprise me.

Why do non whites come to 8chans Holla Forums? Same fucking reason. They are non whites larpering as whites.

Or, they really fucking hate pedos.

Because I hate commies and you're the best source of news out there. What's so shocking about that? Do you not remember how hilariously diverse HWNDU was?

Yeah, zero coverage on that. Shit's fucky.

….something about this story just seems completely made up to me. It's not coherent enough for me to believe it, though it would be massive if people were able to verify it. If the entire school was evacuating, surely someone other than this one girl saw him while the shots were ringing out elsewhere.

The only people who aren't destroyed by multiculturalism

That pic is fucking awesome. Meme magic is an astounding thing (or belief or…whatever to consider it) I will keep this in mind, if America gets that bad I'll the same.

I would say that this is a likely scenario given how crazier shit has been true in the past.

Seems likely. For this to happen the way it did, 8 had to be impeded somehow.
had to do with the youtube channels. there was some elsagate level shit in there.

Opportunity exists at the fringes of chaos, user. It's doctrine for the occult and their soldiers.

They love to hide in plain sight, don't they?

I wouldn't

Besides the big tits in the background, :))))))))))))))

Don't forget this important fact guys.

The SPLC and the Broward County NAACP lobbied and got less school security.

Smells like a delicious lawsuit tbh. If they hadn't made that change, this problem child would have been picked up by the criminal system earlier. Don't forget he had a history of suspensions and expulsions due to threats.

Inb4 more CP spam.

Deliberately acting like a nigger is why we don't want you cunts here. OUT.

My only regret is he didn't kill more people

Oh fuck, not again.

They are really going all out with this shit ay.

You just have to be creative. High temp and fill all holes.

Fuck off reddit.

Seems VERY well produced. :^)

No wonder people don't notice psycho killers on schools, they're used to ignoring nigger behavior.
In a normal society kids who'd shoot up a place would be in an asylum.
Meanwhile blacks and latinos who are violent sociopaths just get headhunted by gangs and making killing their career.
While mass shootings are up, serial killing incidents are down by 2/3 to 1/2. With modern police tactics it makes it hard to pull off (unless you're MS13 or a Crip).
If you think about it, any program that would profile any possible aberrant behavior would greatly be disproportionate towards minorities.

Can confirm.
Also, we talked is he DACA recipient or not, and about his mother beeing Cuban.

Its not like this faggot is dead. He's in police custody. Cant they just ask him and confirm if he was in this militia or not?

But how will they push the white supremacist narrative then user?
And if they did comment, it may be completely ignored by the MSM.

any girl wearing a turtle neck or scarf is either fat or a tranny or both


Jew bitch.


Fake news busted again.

Maybe the extreme lefties, but not the majority of Britons.
I think most Brits and Europeans would be happy to follow America's lead once the (((media))) programming was removed.
Not once the rest of our folk awaken.



He still trying to D&C America from Europe? These goatfuckers are persistent.

Uhm, where pray tell did you get this?

No idea whether this news site is good though.

What disturbs me is that the MSM is literally browsing the chans…

White nationalist ties was an elaborate troll

Makes me wonder if the CP spamming was done so the MSM can run stories in the next couple of days about it.

Fucking God damn cock sucking faggots.

You call American Whites "mutts" and "56%ers" - this means merely nigger.

Name for me 1 thing White Nationalists of the UK have done for Americans, even just using Twitter etc. YOU CAN'T

But it was Americans who made Brexit happen. Some thanks we get!!!


I think so. It was to make sure they got away with circuiting bullshit on the press. It gave the meme time to spread before the antivenom was administered. That was the goal.

(((Drudge))) will leave the white supremacist headline up all day anyway and will never issue a retraction.

Fair enough!


That's why they spammed here, so that the story would go so far that our calling out on their bullshit couldn't impact the spread of their narrative.


Can you faggots take your discussion about a /int/ meme somewhere else?


This figures in, because UK media have a huge push for gun control. But brit(((bros))) won't help us out by posting favorably.

Beautiful. Fake news get fucked.

And I mean particularly on uk sites.

Dam it I wanted jereb to name"""Google""" and poole

When everybody believes the fake news and you make yourselves look bad, you’re hardly trolling anybody but yourself.

This Hispanic is now a white nationalist in the eyes of the public and the terrorism surveillance law will go through.


But now it will come out that he wasn't a WN and that will severely undercut people's trust in media reporting like this.

Email this shit to Matt drudge asap

Now it is time to kake a fool of the fake (((media)))

Remember when this sort of shit would have been "rediculous".
I miss those days.

But now we've chased money to rediculous sources, who knows.

No it won't, normies will never hear that it was debunked, just like they still believe that the gay club shooter guy wasn't a mudslime terrorist

They also won't hear how much of the MSM is disinfo.

Is this the faggot with the tumblr tier memes

They will if we push it on social media and meme it onto the news.


These are literally after-school gang fights and bully corrections. I would love to see the racial break-down of the shooters in all these cases.

I think that's just somebody trolling them.

Sorry to bust your bubble but that guys a troll user.

One theory I have about Karla Cruz's Youtube history is that Nick himself was on her computer and watched/liked those videos. If they are siblings than this is very likely.

I remember seeing a screenshot of Nick's Youtube profile in one of the other threads where he also liked a video about erasing a Samsung phone. What are the odds of both of them wanting to reset the same phone?

I haven't been here in years. As soon as I saw Sheriff Israel going for the guns I came over to see what you guys were working on

So he was adopted, and later his brother was adopted too.


To bad this bitch didn't get nabbed, wouldn't have been any loss there. Also when are people going to learn that a simple solution to prevent this from happening again is having a armed guard at every school on the country. Bonus points if they would hire someone with a military background or ex police.

Fuck all Jews, and fuck their nigger playthings. Democrats had a supermajority after 2008 and did nothing to ban the ebil AR-15s. Meme this to all libcucks, the niggers, and their Jew puppet masters.

heh well played

old page, my bad


Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?

Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?

Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?

Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?


Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking

And let's add Gay and Women networking.


White Networking

Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.


There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.

White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"

>Lt. Grady Jordan is a spokesman for the Leon County Sheriff’s Office in Tallahassee, where the white nationalist militia known as the Republic of Florida is based. Jordan said Thursday that his office has arrested militia leader Jordan Jereb at least four times since January 2014 and has been monitoring the group’s membership.
>He says his office has “very solid” information on the group
Just a reminder that this interview in the article is a tacit admission they have feds inside the group membership itself. All "militia" groups are honey pots whose members are heavily monitored and littered with spooks.

we missed you
for a while I thought you were the shooter, dollar store buddy

It is just a copycat user

what kinda white nationalist group has a mexican in it?

The Latest: ‘No known ties’ between Cruz and supremacists

…so the stooge lives

Doesn't get much clearer than that, fucking lying news kikes.

Don't you have some Yiffing to do in General Dollar furfag?

They've been doing this shit for years, where the fuck do you think the GamerGate coverage came from? What do you think fucking ruined 4chan back in 07?

Imagine what this user could achieve if he spent his time in community college getting his life together rather than copy pasting on 8pol. He might even be the assistant manager at Dollar General one day.


schizo homo adds a question-mark keek

Browsing my ass. They are mainstays on the chans and especially Holla Forums.

What if this kid is a victim of paedophilia or related to it?

That might explain the nervousness when we found the youtube connections to those weird "ersa" style vids. Bit of a leap though.
I just don't get why this site got spammed at that exact time with CP. I think the spam happened THEN the "joke" appeared on 4chan. That would suggest that the whole thing was set up to derail people browsing here from the start.

The motive might then be that he's taken out his frustration as a victim (and potentially self-destructive hatred in reaction to those ersa vids), or was the consequence of blackmail to CP (those vids being symptoms of being a pedo), rather than the simple motive of "relationship issues".

kek. Weak as fuck drudge.

The reason behind this is quite simple. I've known many people who took these drugs and they don't stop depression by making you happy, these drugs stop depression by excising your ability to feel ANYTHING.

Kinda makes you think if they're willing to be so open they must not fear any repercussions. I wonder how many "white cops" who get in the news for killing niggers are actually blooded masons…

Ok I'll put good money on Nick not even being the shooter. Getting him on-site as a patsy would be easy, just up his dosage and he'd be extremely suggestible. Then have an actual operator kill selected targets or randoms before blending in with the police response.

Everyone saying it's all just crisis actors and nobody really died is being retarded. There were crisis actors after the fact so the media could push the story out and pave over any inconsistencies in their narrative, but there's no reason to believe that the groups who could be responsible wouldn't kill a bunch of kids to achieve their goals.

We already know they kill kids for fun in backroom bloodrites, why would they suddenly balk at killing more?