Which side are you on, Holla Forums? Which side are you on?
Capitalists and workers have mutually antagonistic interests. Capitalists want to pay as low a wage as possible, whereas workers want to get as high a wage as possible.
So which side are you on?
Henry Reyes
I'm on the side without the niggers.
Camden Lopez
Both sides have niggers. Only one side has Jews though.
Hudson Brooks
I'm on the side of lowering the cost of living and the cost of everything in general. Fuck having higher wages when housing is so expensive and when everything costs so fucking much. Always raising the wages kills my savings.
Caleb Cooper
slide thread
Logan Scott
Cameron Rivera
Neither. Your picture is fucking retarded.
Zachary Walker
but more importantly this.
Nothing but newfags and shills in threads like these, don't bump, OP knows where he is and what we believe, the fucking swastikas on the page should be enough for even a double digit nigger to know what's going on.
Matthew Turner
So you're telling me there are no contradictory interests between workers and capitalists?
Brayden Parker
Its called 3rd position for a reason you commie capitalist kikes
Grayson Williams
Yes those Jewish Marxist agitators don't exist goy
James Baker
Alexander Wright
There's contradictory interest between white people and you.
Cooper Wood
I'm on the side of self employment and not relying on kikes to give me money I make for them.
Landon Cruz
On the side with Ayn Rand
Leo Hall
I meant to say there is no Jewish working class at this moment. Maybe someplace like Yemen, perhaps, but not in the West.
Brandon Cox
Yes sure but you need to keep in mind that hierarchy is natural and a strong leader is what is needed most
Angel Hughes
See you're trying to link it to communism rather than volkish socialism Now if the latter is what you're about then welcolm aboard but keep in mind the most destructive force against natsoc are the lying deceitful Bolshevik likes Remember Hitler dealt with the commies before getting rid of the kike factory owners
Kevin Reed
oh you are so sweet, leftypol's first d&c thread? im so proud that you try but at least be less obvious
Landon Torres
Anthony Hughes
Reminder lefty/pol/ would be executed for having soft hands, speaking foreign languages and being tainted by city life capitalism in any real communist government. Reminder Holla Forums is the real representative of workers, as workers are whites. A workers party is a party for whites, whites naturally thrive when working, they seek to be productive, industrious, to contribute. Work is alien to non-whites, to Jews especially. Work is therefore a white concept.
Isaiah Bell
Op sucks a bag of dicks.
There are a million problems with capitalism and this generally isn't one of them. Wages are being depressed through outsourcing, importing cheap labor, and pressing women into the workforce. The larger issue here is balancing the value with labor with the ability of companies to exist and function. The biggest problem is that we have fallen into the trap of thinking that the majority of people should be workers by default. Even 100 years ago the majority of people were self employed or worked in family businesses. Food production needs to likewise be localized and decentralized, and populations deurbanized, as cities discourage productive labor in favor of service and restaurant jobs - there is no reason why people should not be able to grow a significant portion of their own food. Costs of living are likewise inflated by both city living and capitalism in general as the extended family is split apart to live under different roofs artificially inflating the price of housing.
If you want real criticisms of capitalism here they are: capitalism has no moral compass and no loyalty to a people. It poisons our air soil and water for an extra shekel. It sees all people everywhere as equal cogs in the machine and believes all men were created to consume equally.
We are meant to live tribally and work productively. Free markets are the greatest wealth generation tool ever used, and commies can go neck themselves, but unrestrained capitalism can be even more dangerous than communism because whereas communism inevitably collapses under the weight of its own mass starvation, capitalism will chug along merrily imperious to attack until it has destroyed our people, our culture, our land.
Sage and report
Landon Torres
Reminder Heimbach is a lefty/pol/ and probably makes threads like these.
Jose Johnson
I don't disagree with much in this post.
Let's say a Marxist-Leninist movement is close to seizing power in the US. If it promised you the creation of two white ethnostates - one in Appalachia, the other in North Midwest around Montana - would you support this movement?
The Maoist LLCO considered Appalachian whites to be a separate and distinct nation. Thus, it deserves the right to self-determination and an independent (white) state. So this proposal (white Appalachian ethnostate) isn't even that radical within far-left circles.
Noah Jackson
Always the best option is to seize chaos Remember even though some here forget Holla Forums is the alpha legion if the internet
Connor Collins
(me) Meant to reply to
Jack Perez
No, I wouldn't because marxists are like christcucks, the semite corruption in their dogma is a weak spot for subversion. In reality any marxist state inevitably ends up run by kikes. That's why it's so important to gas all communists too.
Michael Parker
You are stupid
Jacob Wood
Prior to his death, Stalin launched a massive anti-Jewish purge of the government. Every Jew, regardless of rank, was simply removed from the security services.
Eli Perry
Naw, I'll take as many as I can with me. Communists are kikes, not to be trusted and to be strung up and/or shot.
Justin Torres
says weeb degenerate
Tyler Wright
Take your marxism to >>>Holla Forums
Nathan Walker
The low level jews are always holocaust fodder for the top level jews. That's how their cult works. Stalin was a jew, if you didn't know.
Charles Carter
Like Marx’s belief that Communism is the last mode of human life, capitalism has the same belief. In both worldviews, there is nothing other than further “progress” of a technical nature. Both doctrines represent the “end of history.” The traditionalist, however, views history not as a straight line from “primitive to modern,” but as one of continual ebb and flow, of cosmic historical tides, or cycles. While Marx’s “wheel of history” moves forward, trampling over all tradition and heritage until it stops forever at a grey, flat wall of concrete and steel, the traditionalist “wheel of history” revolves in a cycle on a stable axis, until such time as the axis rots – unless it is sufficiently oiled or replaced at the right time.
Julian Clark
It is this similarity of spirit between capitalism and Marxism that has often manifested in the subsidy of “revolutionary” movements by plutocracy. Some plutocrats are able to discern that Marxism and similar movements are indeed useful tools for the destruction of traditional societies that are hindrances to global profit maximization. One might say in this sense that, contrary to Marx, capitalism is not a dialectical stage leading to Communism, but that Marxian-style socialism is a dialectical phase leading to global capitalism. The ethical and social foundations of Marxism are capitalistic. It is the old Malthusian “struggle” again. Whereas to Hegel, the State was an Idea, an organism with harmony in its parts, to Malthus and Marx there was no State, but only a mass of self-interested individuals, groups, and classes. Capitalistically, all is economics. Self-interest means: economics. Marx differed on this plane in no way from the non-class war theoreticians of capitalism – Mill, Ricardo, Paley, Spencer, Smith. To them all, Life was economies, not Culture… All believe in Free Trade and want no “State interference” in economic matters. None of them regard society or State as an organism. Capitalistic thinkers found no ethical fault with destruction of groups and individuals by other groups and individuals, so long as the criminal law was not infringed. This was looked upon as, in a higher way, serving the good of all. Marxism is also capitalistic in this . . .
Marxism imputed Capitalistic instincts to the upper classes, and Socialistic instincts to the lower classes. This was entirely gratuitous, for Marxism made an appeal to the capitalistic instincts of the lower classes. The upper classes are treated as the competitor who has cornered all the wealth, and the lower classes are invited to take it away from them. This is capitalism. Trade unions are purely capitalistic, distinguished from employers only by the different commodity they purvey. Instead of an article, they sell human labor. Trade-unionism is simply a development of capitalistic economy, but it has nothing to do with Socialism, for it is simply self-interest.
This was a selection of quotes from Spengler, Yockey etc.
Ryan Williams
I'm sure that if you just let the Chamber of Commerce import a few million more Mexican welfare recipients, you'll finally get to experience automated revolutionary space cummies. Be sure to remind yourself every day that voting for the old jewish guy that leddit likes is the only true way to oppose the powers that be, and that the most revolutionary thing you can do is spout decades-old talking points at the only people the system is afraid of in a vain attempt to convince them to stop noticing coincidences, razing political dynasties, and sinking international trade agreements.
Adrian Ramirez
Mine, because no one else seems to be on my side.
Liam Cruz
You have to be completely retarded to break up such a complex system into two sides.
I'm not a capitalist or a socialist, an individualist or collectivist. Breaking down these complex issues into two sides rather than pragmatically adopting what works best within defined limits (racial survival, prosperity, national health/purpose) is just a method of creating unproductive debate that only relies on superficial labels to create policy.
I would be willing to bet that you can't even define what 'worker controlled means of production' even means in this day and age. Get your head out of failed industrial era utopianism and get with the times.
Sebastian Young
What would you say is the difference in the living standard of the average white worker today and 200 years ago, user? And under what system did this happen? Communism?
Luke Rogers
False. International Capitalists and workers have mutually antagonistic interests. Both struggle to take from the other because one wishes to siphon wealth from a nation, and the other wishes to continue their culture. Internationalists encourage the creation and expansion of massive mercenary forces in all areas of life. Mercenary milk men, mercenary IT, mercenary teachers, etc. Consultant is just code for mercenary.
A Capitalist with Nationalist principles understands that he has more to gain by nurturing an environment where his workers can spend more money on his product, and he can gain more from exporting his product to other economies. Foreign wealth comes in, then gets cycled through his workers, to his product.
In this case, the factory owner is the gatekeeper to the wealth instead of the bank.
Where communism fails is that it focuses on the economics of everything. We must seize the means of production! No, no, no. You must create an environment that encourages healthy behavior in all facets of life. From there, the economy will take on healthy qualities. This has already been done, and it works.
Brody Roberts
I'm on the side that drops communists like you out of helicopters.
Lucas Peterson
What even is a worker these days? Aren't everyone pretty much specialists in the west by now? Is it burger flippers and store clerks? What's their means of production? I guess it could be the millions of slaves in China, who actually do all the industrial work in the world. I agree those chinks are getting a raw deal, but I can't really worry about that because my people have problems of their own.