Hungary: New law threatens existence of NGOs working on migration
Gauri van Gulik, Europe Head Cuck at Faggots International, said:
Hungary: New law threatens existence of NGOs working on migration
Gauri van Gulik, Europe Head Cuck at Faggots International, said:
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Absolutely great, every country western country should something like this, we need to protect ourselves.
-t American
This is mostly a method to conveniently acquire a list for a mass arrest. And hopefully mass execution.
I heard of this stuff a year ago
Poland is moving there too, already slashed allowed NGO financing but i wish it would just be a straight ban
brb moving to Hungary
V4xit when?
WTF I love Hungary now.
Oy vey! Now how are we supposed to import repulsive shitskins!
kikes tricks wont work anymore
Hungary came back from full commie subversion into almost Duterte ngo rape.
I am having a strong feeling of envy, compared with our ngo infestation.
Not sure why NGO's are even allowed to exist in the first place. Especially in a supposed democracy since NGO's are not democratic nor transparent.
non government organizations?
i dont understand
so if i like start an organization to help white men, am i non government
or is this a special status that they dont need to follow regulations or dont pay taxes or something
if its just any organization that isnt a corporation but doesnt exist directly under government then I dont understand
NGOs are nothing more than a convenient way for kikes to kike it up without reprisal. Remember that user who infiltrated a globacuck conference a few months ago and posted a report here? All participants agreed that NGOs should be cherished and protected, as they are a very efficient way to influence governments without facing any responsibility, because they masquerade as "civil society".
oy vey
Found that thread.
Dont support a communeest, fellow goyims! Dese Slav undermensch bastids shoad some of my grand-grandfathers for being Zerman!
That is exactly correct I just find the double think amusing. One the one hand we're being told that democracy this democracy that. On the other hand the same democrats have no problems with shady non democratic mafia like organisations existing and exercing their power in democratic countries. It's even funnier given that NGO's flourish in democratic countries only, in non democratic ones they'll get cracked down on in short order.
All part of the plan as you already said.
Orban is so fucking based.
But seriously, I hope he gets re-elected this april with an overwhelming majority this time.
I don't think he will get overwhelming majority this time.
He didn't get it last time either.
Only through coalition did they crush the lefty scumbags, but I think Jobbik will die this election (hopefully)
I suspect the left will make a moderate comeback in ratings this election, but they are too fragmented and too retarded to matter. We have like 4-5 left-wing parties running now, we have Jobbik which turned out to be pro-EU and pro-muslim, and we have FIDESZ who pickedup on populsim, so they have to pander to anti-immigrant sentiment to get re-elected.
Betyars should also get dox on NGO's
Goes against that whole “Jews control the world” meme.
They are just hyper-aggressive in trying to determine the fate of others. Mostly by illegal means.
So wheres the shills trying to claim this guy is controlled opposition, and everyone is controlled opposition?
don't forget he is also a jew because he met bibi once.
also, he is cia/deepstate/russian shill/antiwhite because he wants to preserve whites and yes
he is really a shapeshifting lizzard nigger, this is just his white suit that is making you believe he is actually white
(don't be fooled)
fellow Nazis :^)
jews leading the aut-kike are jewish controlled opposition
Orban is like trump working for jews and controlled opposition to act as a steam venbt to prevent any actual resistance, like the entire aut-right is.
The "everyone is" is a complete misnomer that you jews employ whenever any of your jewish puppets get called out.
Hungarians don't like or trust Orban because he is working for kikes, empowers and employs them in all key positions and protects the criminal communists and their offspring (see employing communists in high office), was mentored by Soros just like Obama was and is only heralded by jews and aut-right jews pretending he's a fashy goy.
He's Breibarts pin-up poster boy for the fake resistance one the jews keep promoting as their new venture the jewish aut-right.
You're late, no shekels for you.
So I got a plane to Hungary and defaced the campaign posters just to make a post on Holla Forums in disagreement with the teams of paid JIDF who pretty much dominate this board?
Okay, clearly English isn't your native language, nor is Hungarian evidently.
The pictures posted themselves show that despite whatever you lying kikes spread in the Anglo-American sphere, the Hungarians themselves have a completely different view to you.
As the pictures I posted show.
It's not my opinion of Orban but the opinion of all nationalists in Hungary that express this opinion.
The only people who promote Orban as legit resistance are lying jews like you and retarded aut-kike Anglo-Americans who believe any old shit jews and their embedded agents like Anglin tells them to think.
Essentially we're on a board that promotes Gert Wilders, Donald Trump, Anders Breivik and every other controlled opposition and any time anyone posts info on legit nationalist movements it's trashed by you kikes and the mods shut it down.
I posted images found walking around Hungary, expressing the opinions of actual Hungarists, you are simply repeating Breibart clipnotes your given in your Tel Aviv offices
Holy shit did you really just fucking decide that the capital city is descriptive of what hungarians think?
City dwellers are overwhelmingly liberal, just so you know.
Guess why its obvious you haven't spent much time on this board.
Oh course, nobody should correct him and help him shill better.
Nah you're just a pathetic d&c bitch )
Guess why it's obvious you're a a fucking shill :)
This. THey are so desperate at this point.
There is NO-ONE to challange Orban.
No fucking one.
And it's killing them, ahahahahh.
No, I never. Why do all you isreali-Americans have the same illogical non arguments in response to everything posted here?
These posters were all over the country, the only people promoting Orban as legitimate resistance are the same kikes who pushed for Gert Wilders, Trump and the rest of the aut-kike.
I simply presented self-evident proof that in Hungary the nationalists all know of Orbans Likud ties and that he is only paying lip service to populist policies while doing the opposite while enacting laws restricting nationalists and locking them up.
Which is why all you Kushner-bots push him here and elsewhere in the aut-media
You're in for a rough wake up call if you really believe that :D
Anons are calling you a kike, but I have noticed that most genuine Hunganons don't like Orban.
Why does Hungary leave the (((eu)))? It's not like they get shekels in the way Poland does, so why isn't there any push to leave?
So much of the news coming out from there is great, but it just seems weird that there is no mention at all for any kind of Hunexit.
Indeed, Orbán is popular among the Hungarian equivalent of boomers, and those people grew up during communism, therefore they have no clue how the state and society function. And they can be easily manipulated, because after 1956 the commies started indoctrinating people to only pay lip service to the ruling class but otherwise stay far away from politics. And so they do just that, vote for whoever has the best propaganda, and otherwise just accept that politicians are corrupt liars.
And that's how I know you have no idea whatsoever about the current situation of Hungary. You see, since we joined the EU our whole economic life is all about getting those euroshekels from Brussels. As in, instead of being productive and improving the business, companies just try to scoop up "development money". There are people who own empty land and get a good money for it, because they get paid from the support meant for struggling agricultural companies. And the power of Fidesz is based on controlling the flow of this EU money. As in, they literally give all of this gibsmedat to their lackeys who in turn buy up all the media. And you fucktards here believe their propaganda.
the simple version: they lie. and lie. and lie lie lie. then they accuse everyone else of doing what they are doing. also jews.
the fact that numerous jew-owned, jew-run, and jew controlled NGOs undermine White civilization totally implies that it is "not the jews." Or no, no it doesn't.
stop organizing goyim!!! everyone is ConOp!!!! EVERYONE!!!! just give up and be genocided goyiiiiimmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is voting for compromised jewish puppets so popular on here, considering this used to be Holla Forums?
I don't mean subsidies from the euros directly, I meant as far as I know there aren't legions of Hungarian plumbers across Europe sending their paychecks home the way the Poles do it. Though, I guess there could be. I'm perfectly well aware the leaders get their cut from their kike bosses.
But even among the common man there doesn't seem to be much of a push for leaving the union, at least not that we ever hear about. Specifically, why isn't there a harder push for this?
Nice psyop.
Because you're b& and a shareblue redditor buzzword shill if you don't like voting for controlled opposition cucks. In fact you are if you so much as question any of them on points of policy. ;-)
Because plebbitors flooded this board.
London is the second biggest Hungarian city. As in, after Budapest that city has the most Hungarians anywhere in the world. And there are legions of Hungarians working in Germany and other places, although usually in other trades. Also, we are facing a lack of doctors and nurses, partly because Fidesz didn't do anything since 2010 to get rid of the health care system inherited from commie times, and partly because there is a constant and heavy brain drain coming from the richer parts of Europe.
Who would push for it? The jews of Fidesz? The common people who can get more money if they work in foreign countries, because Fidesz doesn't have a clue what to do with our economy, other than getting fat on gibs? The leftists who want an United States of Europe?
Didn't know about London, guess it's a city for anyone who isn't anglo at this point. The brain drain is real, we've got the same problem and it's just keeps compounding the issue of people leaving.
We're finally seeing some real support for more run of the mill populism here, which is a start compared to the usual old guard communists (social democrats) and oligarchs (kikes of various stripes). I guess I had hoped the same would be happening over there, as Hungary seems to be a on better coarse than we are, at least from the headlines we hear. I guess it's the same problem with Orban as with Trump, boomers love them and it acts as a release valve for all the momentum among the working class.
Where exactly?
Indeed, it doesn't help that currently he doesn't have a challenger. And of course to challenge him you need money first and foremost, otherwise if you want a real change then they will just call you an eebul gnadzee and use every law they can to stop you.
Ukraine the only country in the world who sees the garbage fire of the west and shouts I want to be a part of that. Even the kikes running the place probably don't have a plan any more besides burn it all to the ground.
To avoid that problem, the common tactic here has been building at the local level and using that support to make an honest bid for national power from there.
After the maiden clusterfuck the few parties that weren't complete shit suddenly remembered their deep love for pissrael, so we haven't been left with many already established options to pick from. Best of luck turning things around, worst comes to worst we can stand back to back in the Carpathians taking as many of them with us as we can.
(from an Ameriburger)
actually, it's because this movement is a marathon, not a sprint. Spreading the White nationalist message, naming the jew, and calling out the globalists and their goal of White genocide is the main thrust right now. pushing the overton window and all that. we will not get all we want all at once; we will get it by growing the movement and pushing, consistently, for years. if legitimate overthrow of a corrupt government is necessary, then it will only be successful if enough of the "public" is on our side or at least sympathetic. for now, we must subvert and utilize the existing political and social framework as best we can. is Trump our hero; our champion? probably not. but he may be 50% on our side which is better than any "president" (aka cia/ deep state/ kike shill) since JFK (who the cia wacked because he was trying to prevent the NWO, at least it seems so).
bottom line, for now we do the best we can with what we have. the kikes want us demoralized and atomized so we are not a threat, so they (among other things) call everyone who is not "literally hitler" a kike puppet. my response: we can keep pushing forward, but we can't teleport to the end. it took us 100 years or so to get this bad, for context. demoralization is probably the greatest enemy of the movement at this point. most White people are either ignorant lemmings or feel crushingly hopeless. we need to show them the way.
Honor, Tradition, Heritage, and all that good stuff.
How will voting for jewish neocons financed by Chabad jews in any way be a threat to jewish power?
ironically you're propping up your controlled opposition guy
Are you going to cry?
It won't. It's just a way for cowards to feel like they're doing something without having to give up the safety and comfort of their kiked existence. The only solution is easily determined by anyone with intelligence. Many times at that point fear takes over and they begin uselessly chasing their tail with things like "optics" or "join your republican party". These same fags will denounce their own anytime a White gets fed up and takes action. The same one's who can find one hundred and one excuses to not fight and sacrifice for their people.
You will when Orbán wins again.
You gonna cry like a little bitch.
All the retarded politically crippled little leftist parties collapsed under Orbán and there is nothing you can do about this.
Jobbik declared allegiance to the EU and Allah, they are done.
Dude, you are fucked so hard you can't even imagine :D
Never mind how Orbán bends over to moslems and jews, let's bring up bullshit Vona said.
That statement makes very little sense. 95% of whites are either directly hostile to the idea of white ethnocentrism, or they aren't. I have relatives who are moderate-to-strong conservatives who deeply dislike leftist identity politics, are scornful of the concept of white guilt, and are very mistrustful of muslims and most muslim-related groups. Are they WN, or pro-white? No. They believe deeply in the concept of equality under the law, abhor "white supremacy", and are 100% suckered in by narratives of "democratic" regime change and the oyveycaust.
There is no hope in altering their perceptions on these subjects, and when people like that are in positions of power, absolutely nothing will change for the better because they will enforce the status quo with every bit of vigor as some elitist liberal jew-servant like the Clintons. In reality, it's a very small subset of the white population that will ever be amenable to our ideas on race, and I think you and I actually agree on the subject of expanding our network from the ground up. But there is no chance that we are able to "use" cuckservative politicians to our advantage because those people are controlled opposition who have more money, more sophisticated propaganda, more specialists, more reach, more eyes and more power than we do. They use us, we don't use them, because that's how power works. When they are the ones who simultaneously craft the narratives AND make all the important decisions, it is sheer delusion to think that you have any influence over them.
Shouldn't we do that? :D
Should we just be all hush-hush about how Zázrivecz Vona Gáborka apparently likes turkish cock ?
Yes, that fence on the border is the symbol of bending over lol.
You are truly a very desperate and hopeless lot.
I will enjoy as you will shriek, cry and whine as your retarded ideas fail time after time. :)
Great news and 155% support Magyarbros
Yeah, let's forget these:
A FUCKING SAUDI SHEIK HAD TIES TO FIDESZ (until he died recently)!
But le Vona and le :DDDDD, right? Fucking redditor.
why would any organization need to spend so much time ans effort trying to prove how they are not controlled by any government unless they are?
Found the orangecuck.
what kind of an idiot says no to free money?
What kind of an idiot wants his economy to run on gibsmedat? Are you a nigger?
Not a question of free money. It's about the country turning into Venezuela but with eurogibs instead of oil. Guess what's going to happen when the gibs dry up in a few years.
will be called out by 5c036c for quoting in 3…2…
it's stupid to give not to ask
why would it run out?
Brussels is desperate to keep these nations in the union
I could quote any site and he could still sperg out. After all, you can't read about these things in news sites and magazines owned by fidesz.
Yes, you are a nigger.
the only policy that matters is immigration, I'm not interested in anything else
Are you pic related?
immigration is the only policy that affects every other policy a government can have
back to >>>/reddit/
Non-huns: That's about all media outlets in the country, especially whatever reaches the local boomers and normies.
Development funding, it was never to have been a magic IV bag of shekels. The problem is that it's used to run the economy, instead of developing it. Note the difference.
Maybe in (former) colonies, but in a real country you do need to have such things as an economy. You see, Hungary isn't like Brasil or the USA, we can't just squander our natural resources and live in walled off cities while the rest of the country is full of shitskins.
Actually it's more like bribery: we accept it and don't make a fuss as foreign countries take over our economy and destroy our industry so that they can use us as cheap labour.
Protip for ya: don't pretend to be low IQ when you're already as dumb as a nigger.
what a fucking jew…
hungary no
Europe’s last hope in face of mass migration is Christianity – Hungarian PM
All the (((shills))) here claiming that Christians are the enemy and are causing the rapefugee problem are not only at odds with us Christians, but with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban as well.
dat near magical get
Why aren't NGO's that work in migration classified as people smugglers or whatever the equivalent is?
I mean in Italy, they point blank pick up these shitskins on the shore and give them a luxury ride to the mainland Europe.