Gives unemotional, scripted 7-minute interview while his, "Daughter is trapped in closet."
Crisis actor #1 has made their debut in Parkland, FL
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't copy/paste a link retard?
The absolute state
Can't embed a fucking link or post a webm you fucking faggot?
I'll take that as a no.
You went against the narrative. Looks like you need a ban-ban.
Nigger, don't start a thread if you don't practice board etiquette. Or stick to halfcuck. We don't need nor want your shitty thread here.
Holla Forums isn't immune from false-flags either
From the kids instagram
Florida's 23rd congressional district is an electoral district for the U.S. Congress, located outside Miami, Florida. The district stretches from Weston to the City of Miami Beach.[5][6]
In 2016, it covers parts of Broward and Miami-Dade,[7] including Miami Beach.[8] From 2003 to 2012, the former 23rd district consisted of a major part of Broward County and parts of Palm Beach county. The district included Pompano Beach, Boynton Beach and Belle Glade.
The district is currently represented by Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
My false flag senses are tingling
There was a drill BEFORE the shooting and the police notified hospitals to prepare for victims BEFORE the shooting.
Dude that account wasn’t even his. He has de jesus in his name and if I remember correctly his first name isn’t spelt that way. Found this on the main thread.
Fucking kill yourself schlomo.
It was a fire drill though, which is a little different
muh crisis actor
Fuck off shiil, reported.
Hah, no.
99.96% urban
74.2% White
13.41% Black
4.51% Asian
37.11% Hispanic
0.28% Native American
Note: 74.2 - 37.11
Hispanic or Latino of any race
Black or African American
White: 78.3%
Black: 18.5%
Hispanic: 67.7%
Non-Hispanic White: 13.8%
White: 63.9%
Black: 29.7%
Hispanic: 28.7%
Non-Hispanic White: 37.7%
Almond Status: *ACTIVATED*
Jews get most butthurt about crisis actors and hoax talk. It's because no matter what tricks they pull out of their hat they can never produce what would back up the shooter narrative: good footage of the killings. In addition, they keep falling into predictable ass acting patterns with their mkultra porn tier actors. Keep crying Israelis I'll never believe your staged hoax attacks again
I'll be sure to represent 8/pol/ better next time I'm at the barbershop, lord knows we live and die by normies thinking highly of us.
I genuinely want to know where the "white hispanic" meme came from and how it has become so ubiquitous.
Yeah /totally/ fake.
The soldier ran like a faggot
It came from a desire to make census figures look less awful.
Protip: Throughout most of the Southwest, you'll see 70-80%+ White figures listed in the census, but when you check Non-Hispanic White, its less than 30%.
22nd not 23rd district.
I wonder what you'll be thinking as the bullets fly by you.
You do realize that there were mass shootings and things of the like before there was such a thing as television, right? I suppose you think the people killed at the Boston Massacre were crisis actors. Hopeless shills, you idiots are.
Kek they're literally reading our site for tips on better fakes. But no that wasn't a real video of a shooting. At the most blanks being shot, smoke did seem real. Holes in the computer did not.
Wow, yea, /totally/ real!
Not that it matters - even if you want to shill it as real, its a shitty spic who did it. One more in a long line of terrorist spics in the US.
42% of US terror attacks between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Latinos
Latinos were the largest contributing group
The second-largest contributing group was "Extreme Left Wing Groups" at 24% contribution
Combined, Latinos and Extreme Left Wing Groups contributed 66% of US terror attacks between 1980 and 2005
This shit is fishy as hell. More than likely fabricated to try and spin the narrative after the fact, because no one fucking does this shit. Starting an instagram account just to post 12 cryptic and pointless images? What the fuck is that?
very Jewy area, by the way.
and the high school is 20 min from debbie wasserman (notable deep state murderers office). maybe shitty attempt at false flag for the mu hwite supreeeemacists is terror! bill.
wasn't there another fl shooting thread. did i overlook it. wtf
And not some incredibly convenient place full of glow worm colonies? Hilelious, no I'm not worried. Though I am armed I have much greater chance of a nig or two trying to carjack me than a toxic huwhite male trying to gun me down. In fact I would say my chance of the latter is zero, because it's a retarded meme you Jews try to hoax into reality in people's minds. Go find some cuckchan refugee who still believes yid bullshit.
It's that talented Jewish artist soul. Dont you see they got a grip on Hollywood through their merit and not their yiddish underworld shenanigans and nepotism? Truly we are blessed to have hoaxes perpetrated by such fucking master weavers of tales.
I guess you're right - it IS mostly spics, and they might well be too stupid to realize that screaming won't do anything except draw a gunman toward you, which is a death sentence if you have no means to defend yourself.
Neato sport, I'd also be alive, in that I wouldn't yell like a nigger in a movie theater when some crazy beaner is on a shooting spree in my vacinity.
Shouldn't the same thing be asked of you, retard?
Yep, seems you're correct sir.
White or Caucasian (including White Hispanic) 84.0%
(Non-Hispanic White or Caucasian) 73.1%
Black or African-American 6.5%
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 13.0%
Broward County
White or Caucasian (including White Hispanic) 63.1%
(Non-Hispanic White or Caucasian) 43.5%
Black or African-American 26.7%
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 25.1%
So, what we have here is a Hispanic Democrat shooting up a school.
Have they already started spinning it as a White Republican shooter, or are we not there yet?
when is the American people stand up to these politic ass in Washington what happen to the WE THE PEOPLE we are allowing these assholes to control are lives
btw, what birth date did you use?
There's a difference between a hoax (something that didn't happen) and a false flag (something that was perpetrated by someone other than the official report states).
I Bet he was a illegal
I am thinking false flag, but still crisis actor setup and so forth. Today we had a state reciprocity gun bill on Capitol Hill. Also all the stink about politics and the Monkey King portrait.
just posting whats been discovered in the last thread that is now sagelocked
the photos that havent been scrubbed from social media yet include his face covered with a maga hat and lots of guns
its also apparently at the same time as a "white nationalists are terrorists" anti terrorism gun control bill is being pushed
spoopy school shooting
I say deport all illegal aliens
You people are retarded.
Never post here again.
America needs to undertake an extensive program that will rid all Latino influence and culture from the nation.
- Mass deportations and executions of Latinos (starting with criminals)
- Severing of 'sister city' relations with cities in Central and South America
- Removing all Spanish from official government and corporation signage, publications and audio
- Establishing American English as the one and only official language of the United States of America
- Extensive renaming of Spanish language locations
- Compulsory restoration of Columbus Day and permanent demotion to unofficial status for all Latino holidays and celebrations
- Ban on Latinos holding any position of authority in government and military; specific focus on removing from border
- Abolition of anti-white professors/lecturers/teachers, students and courses from all tiers of education
Couple points worth bringing up again:
DWS's office is 20 minutes away from the high school. (Her office is on the edge of 23rd district.) DWS is a notorious deep state murderess, so if this were some kind of false flag bullshit (even stupid, because they used a "white" hispanic, which is still a spic) it wouldn't be surprising.
Look at percentage of Jews (counted as whites for some reason statistically) in the area. Lot of hebes. Miami area is sort of kikes in the best parts, cubans in the good/ok parts, and then a bunch of spics and niggers elsewhere.
Why would this be a false flag? If the shooter is hispanic and a dreamer, that would totally go against the narrative of the left, unless it's a false flag by the right.
couldn't find iasip"everythingsconnectedredstring.jpeg
There are many things going on that could have a need for a distraction or story change. The bills on guns on Capitol Hill, the current issues with memos, both Nunes and Shiff ones and the pressure on the FBI. All things that would need a distraction from.
They're trying to ram through some domestic terror legislation. What they can do is say muh "white" (lot of whitish cubans in Miami/Ft Lauderdale etc metro) did it to some kikes (plenty of kikes around there) or maybe shot some niggers. But DWS's office proximity and her history of murder and the fact she is deep state operative who hired Awans and murdered Seth rich for cia and some attorney who was chasing her in her district, as well as all the recent bullshit with powder/trains/NSA gate thing, and the legislation they want re domestic terrorism, seems to suggest false flag. The location close to DWS is really strange. 20 minutes away but out of her district. All of this put together screams plausible deniability false flag bullshit to me.
Yeah, I'm aware, but in Florida there's a lot of so-called "white" hispanics, so what they can easily do when they used those bullshit stats to try to introduce the "domestic terror"/"white supremacy" legislation is say this is another muwhite supreeeemacist. Anyway, location close to known deep state operative DWS and the timing given other apparent false flags happening is very, very suspicious
- Mass deportations and executions of Latinos (starting with criminals)
- Severing of 'sister city' relations with cities in Central and South America
- Removing all Spanish from official government and corporation signage, publications and audio
- Establishing American English as the one and only official language of the United States of America
- Extensive renaming of Spanish language locations
- Compulsory restoration of Columbus Day and permanent demotion to unofficial status for all Latino holidays and celebrations
- Ban on Latinos holding any position of authority in government and military; specific focus on removing from border
- Abolition of anti-white professors/lecturers/teachers, students and courses from all tiers of education
This could also be the case. The timing and location and recent events, and the macro events generally where deep state is under the microscope and we the people are getting antsy–all of it screams false flag.
thanks for the image im on a fresh drive
so many shills pop out against it
archive all the info you come across
this will likely be memory holed
This is distraction for what?
What is going on behind the scenes?
By the way look at this
What you guys think of the alien hoax the Q-user is slowly pushing? Is the military communist alien hoax a threat to christianity because of the communist factor? Remember USSR history and christianity. They claim Anunaki is the real story and the Holy Bible is a corrupted fabrication. This meant they need to get rid of christians, jews, muslims which make up billions of people (Agenda21).
I found this Q-user message on a sub board:
Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?
Sound familiar?
Wonder where they derived that idea from.
Now comes the 'conspiracy' label.
Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes.
The end won't be for everyone.
That choice, to know, will be yours.
NSA confirmed. Q is going for "the end won't be for everyone". He refers to the Annunaki alien psyops which is enslaving humankind (and they need the Army and NSA to do it on their behalf…)
This was their plan all along since 1947
There is no cabal replacement. They will end the FED or fiat currency and introduce the cashless society giving total control over You to them…. the army… I mean the aliens.
They will actually kill the disbelievers and create a revisionist / alternate history.
i keep hearing that his name was spelled with a 'k' as in nikolas
i dont think this is the kid
is that the angle the shills are playing?
i posted an image you just posted that you keep hearing
put up your proof
pic related
YW. Red hair and his instagram was removed just prior to the news saying his name.
Sure thing, Shlomo.
So was it a spic or not?
spic confirmed
Any word on if the media yet is saying it's a spic?
Bet they pull a Zimmerman and white-en him up.
"Democrat hispanic"
Media saying white. The WHITE hispanic thing. There are also conflicts on K or C in the name and some outlets are saying it as Nicolaus Cruz. It was Nikolas or Nicolas de Jesus Cruz.
It is also possible the name is really Nicolas, but the K was used in some situations as some do.
"White" hispanic. There's no such thing, he's either white or hispanic.
I agree, just saying the media likes to whitewash any criminal.
pic related re: whitewashed
Every shooting there are posts like this
Any evidence of that?
An archived tweet bearing no evidence =/= evidence.
The claim right now is that his name was Nikolas, not Nicolas, and thus that data is inaccurate.
Oh Boy
Now that I think of it: Where did you copy this from and why did you not archive it?
My mother keeps saying how its the internets fault that we have all these school shootings, she was born in 1963 is it a generation thing to believe in something completely absurd? I believe that the coincidences should not be ignored and be treated equally along with facts.
Had someone say its the social apps
keep diggging lads
Reminder that after every one of their false flag psy-ops, they monitor various boards to see what sceptic reaction is like, and to find out what they need to improve next time.
Just like a rehearsal.
"more blood"
"some short videos"
"bullet holes"
"more stills during"
"more emotional acting from parent actors"
Better idea:
- mass deportations of all white males
- mass importations of negroids, arabs and pakis
- establishing mexican spanish as the one and only official language of the united states of israel
- compulsory mosque visiting and 5 prayers a day with wailing cacophony over loud speakers on every street corner
- ban on whites holding any position of power
- abolition of all history that involves any whites, and renaming every street 'kangz street'.
every single one.