Illuminati is real, former Canadian Defence Minister declares

The former Canadian Defence Minister has claimed (((the Illuminati))) is real and is secretly controlling the world.

>Paul Hellyer told the Lazarus Effect podcast there is a (((‘small cabal’))) of people making trillions of dollars from the oil industry.

>He also claimed the US developed ‘exotic forms of energy’ in ‘corporation with visitors from other planets’ around 10 years ago but (((the ‘cabal’))) of people is keeping ‘the technology under wraps’ because members make money from petroleum.

It goes without saying that this guy is a conspiracy wacko loon, but that is to our benefit. Perhaps he can be redpilled and save leafland?

The extraterrestrial narrative is part of the system of control, both a "mask" worn by the legitimate phenomenon of paranormal encounters and a story propagated by various groups in order to lead people around by the nose.

(((global warming)))

That old kike is stirring shit and nonsense to dis-credit you.

Muh climate change, white genocide isnt even mentioned, hes a shill.

Quite right, chaps. I've read in many places that (((they))) have been using media (MSM, films, etc.) to socially condition us for some extra-terrestrial threat. Though this threat is completely manufactured, a ruse to rapidly enact societal changes, and no doubt to increase control.

I've heard this on many fronts, ranging from Flat-Earth theorists, RichieFromBoston on Jewtube, as well as a few /x/ threads. Not that I subscribe to these beliefs, just that these thoughts have been floating around.

Without having done deep research, my initial impression is that Hellyer is controlled opposition. We all know for whom he is shilling.


Top Kek, sage.

< Can he be redpilled?
This guy knows exactly what he is promoting, it's not like he is some user that watched a few Jewtube videos. He is not even controlled opposition, he's not opposing anything that exists.

Fuck you Paul

It's somewhat difficult to tell just by his mention of extraterrestrials, or any other stupid narrative. The likely possibility is that many military and political personnel are subjected to fake abductions, shown stagecraft versions of recovered disks and alien bodies, and made to witness orchestrated UFO events in order to reinforce the narrative which is already supplied to the populace. Such things would be done not only to lead them astray so that they don't start looking into the truth behind Fortean phenomena, but to give them justification for overlooking that there is a secret cabal at work due to the belief that there is indeed some kind of ET threat.

>He also claimed the US developed ‘exotic forms of energy’ in ‘corporation with visitors from other planets’ around 10 years ago but (((the ‘cabal’))) of people is keeping ‘the technology under wraps’ because members make money from petroleum.
And there you go. He's controlled opposition. This well-poisoning bullshit makes people believe that the rest of what he said (which is true) is false.

Indeed, he is going after the oil industry instead of bankers so that leads me to believe it is a false flag. Granted I don't doubt the oil industry is just as kiked

Kikes are prepping to transition away from oil anyways.
Look at the house of Saud. Been buying up alternative tech patents for years.

Next you're be citing coast to coast, right? The dude lost his mind years ago.

Hes right you know…

I have had similar suspicions. Please explicate further…

He's the "remove Holla Forums censorship" autist being doxed in the supermarket thread, ignore him

what other words will people think up for jews

Yep these stupid fuckers never address the existence of:
1. kikes
2. british supremacists

Let me guess, (((the Illuminati))) is exclusively white males and Russians?

I didn't mean to sage. I'm playing with software.
Bump because this won't hit thread limit.

First Ayy’s and now illuminati, I’m not saying he is LARPing but if all of his leaks are legit then why is he still alive? He is 94, it wouldn’t arouse suspicion if he died.

For the Empire!
in reality it was more like 'For the Shareholders of the (((East India Company)))!' but I digress

Fucking moron. Ok. So they have trillions. Now what? What the fuck does that even mean to anyone on this planet anymore? It is a useless sum of meaningless value. A few cents for a bit of lead balances the books.

It isn't about the thread limit you sliding fuck.