Reported shooting near NSA HQ in Fort Meade
Shooting at NSA campus, Fort Meade
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Bump for great justice
It was a glow in the dark shitland pony fucker or a nigger or snowden
Probably a nigger pony fucker
Wow what a loss. The poor children.
Didn't exactly this thing happen a few years ago?
any more details?
Context on that pic?
glow in the dark pony fucking cia children
Niggers gonna nig
You forgot the nigger part.
Cross referenced photos of the car that was shot, where it crashed, with the location at NSA HQ
They weren't trying to break in, they were trying to leave.
Did they have any loot from the global pedo-dungeon on them?
Can't let the grunt in sector 5 go public with evidence of hilldawg sacrificing haitian infants to moloch
Any dead NSA niggers?
bumping for dead nsa agents.
deep state is so sick, they arent even bothering to hide this. meaning they want to normalize this behavior.
Fake and gay, like you.
literally the opposite of what i just heard on the news, which said he was trying to break in.
this changes everything. was someone trying to sneak out with some dirt? another snowden? we know how much they were hurt by snowden. with all the things happening right now, i bet that the stakes are even higher. makes sense that they cut him down and made it look like he was trying to break in.
It wouldn't be surprising if they twisted that way. Considering that's what (((they))) for a living. I hope it's the former, because if he was leaving, he might have had something juicy, which also means, they're covering something…well moreso than they already do.
Here you can clearly see the "gate" structure they made out of barricades, the structures would be present to funnel traffic in on a single lane or otherwise restrict movement.
For a car to ram into the barriers the way it did, there is no way it wasn't trying to leave.
Probably something related to Denmark.
but what do you mean?
Snowden was and still is a cia nigger. He's currently with the freedom of the press foundation who just revoked wikileaks monetary status
Concrete barricades out in the open that say "NSA" on them sounds like something out of a political news paper comic. Who can look at shit like this and think "yep, that's a reputable institution right there."?
just a spark thrown to the forest, perhaps there'll be a fire later. Just popped in my head. If you've got some reading time and it's daylight, check out the Duterox case.
Don't think that's the main gate, just something they use to keep people from cutting across parking lots/driving on the curb.
Looking at the pavement markings (the yellow hashed line visible in image above as well), the correct line ending seems to be the blue line above but could have come from any direction. The main gate looks to be on Canine Rd fitting since they're all ponefags and the SUV was attempting to bypass the gate on the way out in oncoming traffic by cutting behind the barriers.
Very probable these guys were trying to leave. It is extremely unlikely they were entering in reverse for them to be wedged like that.
also like to point out their evidence collection trailer and the back of the SUV ripped open
sage for double post
Tell me, why are the terrorists getting dumber every day? (lucky you, btw)
I mean, the UNABOMBER got how many targets without being caught?
Later there was the ITALIAN UNABOMBER, that was literally bomberman in small cities.
And both of them did not got caught until they got at least more than a dozen targets.
Why those kids are getting dumber every day? Is it some sort of experiment? Because it seem to me that they're not thinking too much.
That news looks kinda wierd don't you think?
Who the fuck would try to get inside that place if they knew they would be shot without getting any target?
why do I even bother coming here anymore?
almost certainly.
but that doesnt change the fact that his leaks were incredibly damaging to the NSA. with all the shit that is going on right now, i can only imagine the stakes are even higher than back then. they cant have someone leaving the NSA HQ with a bunch of data on the current happenings. so they shot him and told the news he was some looney trying to get IN to the HQ. its very likely this was the absolute opposite (a whitehat trying to leave the HQ with leaks).
i will thanks user
where the fuck are you getting that they were dressed as women, or are you just being a dumb nigger?
plot twist: they were women
it was reported on Fox News, you faggot
zerohedge (I know, I know) cited a now deleted tweet by @BreakingNewzman about three guys dressed as women but that was already the scenario used in the 2015 incident
dunno, if it's just nu-"journalism" failing again or if things are getting covered up
8pol can't even do happening threads right anymore. This place is dead.
Manning tried to warn you.
But you didn't listen.
nice they moved the car in front of the gate/barricade on the road so there isn't a glaring hole in the narrative
don't buy the "gate-crashing" story one bit
kek this place has been too busy arguing with shills over amnesty Don.
get your fucking shill ass out.
dumb fucking idiot
You dumbass, I know DACA is doomed to fail. Thanks for proving my point tho lel.
Doesn't prove anything either way (assuming the story isn't just fake news). It's permitted to shoot fleeing felons, maybe they just committed a crime on the NSA premises and were trying to escape.
except that two individuals were on NSA property
trying to leave
and got shot
what happened between the time they were on the property and when they got shot could be anything
white hats expediting a fisa leak would be committing a crime on NSA premises
tyrone and Curtis on a burn run through the NSA HQ would also qualify
but in both cases: how did they get to where they could crash into the inside of a traffic barricade, inside of NSA property that's outside the gate it's funneling traffic for?
media is saying they were trying to gate crash - why would the media need to misrepresent and frame pictures like the most recent picture in such a way that there is no questioning the gate crashing narrative? that fact? I'd be willing to bet that the car is already far off scene probably been photographed and a reconstruction being made as I type and the only pictures the main stream will show at 5 will be the one of it in the street looking like it just crashed into a zogbot's car.
Ok then.
I got b8 ed
Is that a red document box next to those paper towels?
Funny, that thing triggered an alteration in the behavior of your analysts (or whoever is the hostage that keeps posting and baiting in this place).
If you look in the nerve center you'll see the difference.
Jeebus kill me now.
any timeframe on when the suv was moved away form these barriers,? how come no one ever has pics of the things being repositioned.. activates my almonds
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
kek its one of theirs
compare it with the one on the other side of the caution tape
note how they do not show the other NSA vehicles that match the one that went "gate crashing" in this picture
Baltimore Sun: NSA shooting: 3 in custody after police shoot, stop SUV at Fort Meade security gate
Notice how the roof rack bars are in different orientations.
That comes from faggots and their degenerate sexual practices. In this case cross dressing, done when raping children to add confusion. Faggot CIAnigger satanist infiltrated NSA and was attempting to make a getaway with classified info?
What are you doing nigger?
pick one
on second pass I think they might be different cars
there's no white tag on the front of the SUV that hit the barrier, also there's no front end damage visible on the hood in moved picture
plus the roof rack you mentioned is a different brand entirely with cross bars
some of this could be from camera angle
but none of it adds up
With regards to the Unabomber, he got caught because his brother ratted him out.
I think it's because of three things; better technology, better security, and instant gratification. They frequently sweep cities and highways during the night, so a bomb would get noticed quickly. Bombs also have the potential for not working, They also monitor your behavior frequently, so if you act out of the ordinary (ie. driving alone, wearing a coat/mask in spring/summer), then they monitor you heavily.
Yeah, not even a device in the vehicle to pull a McVeigh.
Truly they were…a glow in the dark CIAnigger Force
check longer next time, user
Damn, son, that's what I call a dictatorship.
But everything is based on eletronic surveilance, right?
If someone, destroy the powerlines, there won't be any way to monitor the subjects.
They get suspicious if you drive alone in a federal area.
Expect them to have backup batteries like most cameras do now. You have to always think a few steps ahead of your enemies.
Fox News did say it was trannies this morning. So was it two attacks or what?
Probably third-rate journalists scrambling to find stuff in order to get clicks. Someone didn't fact check and ran with it. Always check the archives - even if the date says today, you can always upload an old photo to a new website and archive it.
There was an attempt to breach in 2015 by some cross dressing partiers, see
This is most likely a case of fox jumping the gun saying guys were trying to enter the gate, people latched on to gate and searched. Based on how user who said "wait no one mentions they're cross dressers?" I'd wager that it was disinfo/well poisoning to make the 5 o'clock audience already be primed for a gate crashing story.
That does appear to be a box that one would use in an office setting to store old/new files in, and put them away, or Pack the shit in your cubical into.. looks neatly placed…>>11262957
thanks for a good heartfelt laugh, user.
This vehicle is a Dodge. Looks like a Van that is typically rented out of Ny. (I live in CT I see them all the time.) lots of rental places have those vans. The happening from two years ago is a ford… in same area, different spot. Also the cars cordoned off in yellow tape, they were stopped and nobody is in them… they were all taken for questioning?
its the spammer who was exposed recently trying a new angle just filter and move on
Well no, not everything. They have these really neat cameras in space. They have drones which run on batteries. They still read your snail mail too. Even if you eliminated everyone else's power in the country, the government will continue right along obtaining data as they have for many years with normal physical methods.
The one on the opposite side is a different model. Look at the roofs.
Thats a fucking huge bluff. There may be another magical microwave way of getting those images they use in court, having the plausible deniability of those fancy space cameras.
Which also have a shitty response time.
Holy shit, isn't that a violation of your rights?
i deserved that
just saw it on the news and keked heartily
this definitely adds credence to the idea that these guys were trying to escape with something
they definitely saw us all talking about it (this is the NSA were talking about) and how it was obviously a crash while trying to escape, and moved the car and started reporting on it that way.
i wonder what in the fuck could be going on right now? the spooks are in an all out scramble. this is definitely bigger than it seems.
Goddamit user.
i swear to god i step out for one fucking second as these fucks launch a school shooting to cover their tracks. am i crazy or is this a YUUUUUGE fucking (((cohencidence)))??????
The news is now reporting that there was a “car crash” outside nsa headquarters. The shooting part has already been memory-holed as far as I can tell.
the whole goddamned thing just got memory holed because of the massive school shooting that just happened. see
Should clarify, the car that I speculated was moved is from 2015 and is unrelated to this. I'm thinking it was strategic disinformation or a case of (((journalists))) trying to maximize views, getting sloppy, trying to cover something up, or a combination of the above. On my end, I forgot to image search the archive or look up previous incidents like this.
ok so the barriers were not moved. and it looks like neither was the car.
it still looks very much like they were trying to LEAVE the compound. and your theory about them trying to get out through the entrance by going the wrong way is sound. and this is while every news outlet that is even bothering to run this story is telling us the complete opposite.
something is definitely up. how did these two crossdressers get onto the premise in the first place? why were they in disguise? what were they leaving with?
They are going all out. Suspect on School shooting in Florida, not being identified. 18 year old "former student." They are just reporting they have a suspect in custody matching the description yet no where is anyone releasing the description.
Fucking kikes.
The cross dressers were from 2015.
Presumably whatever was in those two black pouches whoever showed up in the white truck grabbed in a hurry.
probably a beaner if they're waiting this long to release ID
here he is
Looks like a halfy or one of those mostly spaniard beaners.
Poor kid, could've been a TV celebrity in his homeland.
I just work up here in Aus. Can someone please give me a tl;dr?
I honestly think this wouldn't be happening as often if sexes in high schools were segregated.
Cool it Ahmed.
Most European schools were seperated until the 60's/70's.
Hey lads, i got some firsthand info on this all.
Here’s the story as i know it.
The car sped onto the NSA compound through the vehicle control checkpoint. It is one of the main gates. They led the NSA police on a chase, then apparently tried to exit through the same gate and that’s when they crashed. It is apparently then that the gunfire occurred.
The cross dressing incident happened awhile ago; from what I recall, two trannies stole a car and drugs and barreled into NSA through a freeway exit that leads to the NSA-if you’re not paying attention it’s easy to accidentally take that exit and if you’re high it’s even easier. They were promptly gunned down.
Uh, no they weren't. Private expensive possibly but not public schools.
Enjoy your school shootings then
School shootings in Europe?
Ahmed, you went full retard. You've never lived in Europe and are trying to tell me about my home continent.
Schools weren't separated apart from the top private ones.
Häng dich bitte weg
Spierdalaj Ahmedzie, chomik w akwarium to nie ryba.
No further questions tbh
looks a white to me
How many shootings is that in one day? Three?
So were they just men who were disguised as women or were they trannies? This is what I'd like to know.
Happy St. Valentine’s Day Massacre 2018 to you friend.
Pizza delivery foiled at the gate.
Oh the humanity!
Today's shooter in Florida was Nikolas de Jesus Cruz, his youtube is loaded with weird channels. Most notable some furry channels. Recall that the NSA incident took place on Canine Road. Also most of the "toy" videos are tied to the elsa gate stuff.
Could be nothing but worth spreading.
From an amazing piece of cinematic shit called Double Down. Red Letter Media showed it off in one of their Best of the Worsts.
Dutroux, nor "Duterox"
and it's "[italics]omelette au fromage[/italics]
silly muricans
If everybody is wearing the same clothes, that techology is useless.
That must be why the arabs always wear white tunics.
Tits or gtfo.
Alright, so they had some persons detained inside the NSA headquarters. But why there? There are thousands of blacksites they could have those subjects under custody, but no. They kept them in that specific place. How the fuck did they get there? What they were running from?
If the whole thing is a coverup, how come it all happened in almost the same time frame as that other school shooting? The way the news was reported, someone was trying to go through the gates, several subjects were hurt, and there was two trannies on the fucking car. And probably a third subject, wich probably was taken to a third place, and now is being framed with that school shooting.
Or something like that.
There's something wrong with the trunk btw, look at the pictures. That cooler can also be used to transport any cold biological material.
They had a sample of something, and they were trying to leave the place with it.
FFS, they even disguised themselves as women.
Always remember manning… If there's something shady, there's a tranny.
I still can't believe these people. You could show them pictures taken by spies with cameras and they'd conclude that magical hyperspace observers were tunneling through spacetime to observe it.
jsut like the leaderless resistance portrayed in the turner diaries. like the activism portrayed thruot the mr. robot series.
the worlds being taken over by hackers
Well fuck, the tranny thing is older story. Gotta pay more attention to those funny details.
Anyway, looks like someone else decided to either get in or get out of the place.
There's another theory, of course. Someone was running at high speed inside a SUV. Those matrixes were already covered, there was another older story about two trannies running away or trying to get inside the place, full of drugs. That is enough to confuse the average subject during a long conversation, or when the subject is not paying attention.
So… They had a coverup story, another older but similar and yet funny story that happened in the same place. And they activated a school shooter. All in the same day.
So. The question is, where is floor 500? NSA, or that cyber command thing? You know, the guys that would probably v&n us for having this conversation. For all we know, they could be running away from the cyber command or some other hidden facility nearby before crashing NSA gates.
hahaha that's where the soldiers who created the third position thing come from
Btw if you see an infowars sticker on that vehicle then I can tell you exactly who it was that was driving that vehicle.
Back in yee old days of a certain glocktopus and dirge were tasked with managing us. They created a chat called . Glocktopus travels back and fourth between my country and America and I sometimes meet him in my city. I also sometimes get thumbsticks and shit. He has the highest level of clearance and has a red beard. Do you have a physical description of the man involved in this incident? Anyways, we Project Gateway Electric Boogaloo now.
Nice airsoft >_>
What, you're a NSA orange?
I bet you like trains.
Me? I'm more of a …. hmmmm … well NSA certainly isn't fitting. I'm about you, this place, this whole part we play. I'm not really sure what is going on but we'll find out in due time maybe. I'm don't get answers when I ask the wrong questions so… hmm.
It's a shame, I did just check, that everything about Project Gateway is scrubbed and you can only find leaks on these boards. Good thing I got offline copies too.
You need to explain it better, m8.
checked. news would be implying this is the inside of the NSA HQ
suv shot while trying to leave NSA
Ok this isn't really an explanation but it is a good summary:
I also feel right now that I should mention a threat assessment document that basically talks about info leaks and how certain information must not fall into the hands of people competent and intelligent enough to act on it to do tremendous damage to US interests.
…but anyways, user… I wish I was more clever than I already am because I don't trust that there isn't something I missed. Something critical. Maybe we're safely in the hands of the fourth reich but maybe not and we need to figure out what is so important that they decided to shape our little "Holla Forums culture" the way it is and let us do what we do. I can't imagine the kikes would just let a mistake like us happen and grow. Think about it. Who do you kill to take down the neoliberal cultmarx kike monolith? There's millions of jews and good goyim lined up to replace them. Who do you take down to stop us though? Only a handful of people. Yet they don't.
I don't get it. I don't understand the balance of powers here or what's really at stake. The enemy seems stupid but that just means I'm not seeing the real enemy.
Hmmm hmmmm hmmmm…
This is what's really weird. Since the vehicle was shot up, I would say they were trying to flee or escape more than just leave, if you get my drift. Did they have something or somebody with them? What the fuck could this possibly mean?
Whatever it is, I bet we're going to see some shit here soon, it gives me a bad vibe.
We must be on to something, some kike is spamming the Florida School Shooting thread #3 with CP. You had one job mods.
The Jew user. The Jew.
That sounds about right.
Not letting this shit slide.
not today kike mods. bumpu
I see.
Well, and what you're doing to change that landscape?
You're missing the point. The way you're putting it, you don't have the upper hand, and you're just a pawn.
When you look at the time frame, Netanyahu was accused of corruption, and suddenly shit go apeshit in the entire planet.
The republican party train false flag…
NSA thing, that shooter that got activated, that south africa thing, and, hell, even trump was falseflaged by the fucking secret service with that anthrax letter. FFS, why would the secret service try to scare the president? And than it also happened in england, granting that the shadow cabinet would be also involved.
Sure thing, you put everything on the table and the seal six team shows up saying that you're a threat to national security.
Yeah, you saw what happened to JFK remember the cover of LIFE magazine that week? Remember the ads in the magazine?
The thing you're missing is the common enemy, and those persons trying to create a common ground, for a hostile takeover. Thats their MO.
You know, there's already a lot of democratic lore in the US. The founding fathers have paved the way to a better world by shaping the constituiton in a way that gives the people power to rise up. You know, mid terms are here, and no candidate is good, but it gives you a hint of what is fragile, and what would piss off the authorities.
There are forces at work, things that nobody can understand and that have the largest budget in the planet. They can seize assets all around the globe and just do what they want. And they have been here ever since the beginning. Now the only way to change it, is by altering your perception of the nationstate, and patriotism. Just thing for a while, in a globalized world, why bother with anything if the only border is the language?
Trying to understand things better before I do anything stupid that's what. I am not at 100% operational capacity yet.
the Florida school shooting was used to cover up what actually happened at the NSA
Possible but you have to apply it to all of us. They have many advantages in what information and training they have received and they're older and more experienced than me at least, they already knew stuff I only know now, but 10 years or more earlier.
Nope you'll have to fill me in there.
I have been starting to classify people and draw the lines based on how they think rather than the individual beliefs. This is way more useful to draw the lines. People who think the same will inevitably converge upon a common understanding once exposed to the same information. As far as finding out who the enemy is and is not this is most useful way to do it.
I'm missing more than that though. I am not nearly as efficient as I could be.
This board seriously needs to spend more time looking at local elections and all the other levels of government and making damned sure there are Holla Forums candidates everywhere or identifying the individuals who would just be better off being eliminated.
Don't care about this big picture stuff so much which I think I already have a grasp on unless you want to go to a tier of discussion that isn't fitting for Holla Forums. No matter how much money George Soros spends he still needs very fallible, vulnerable, and often idiotic people to do his bidding. They can throw money at things a lot but they can't even get enough people to start a revolution when they want it to happen. Meanwhile there are certain individuals who don't necessarily hold a lot of money but know how to make people absolutely anything for them. I am more concerned about these highly intelligent and capable individuals who manipulate the rich and the poor both such that they are accounted for nothing, beholden to nobody, and answerable only to the men of their own kind.
Bumping this, even though I doubt we'll get any new news about this seeing as how it's obviously a national security incident.
Well, read books. If you can do that you can accomplish anything.
So what? You won't get anything unless you enlist. And even if you do so, you wont get the fun part of it.
Check it for yourself
You're wasting your time on people. Go make some money and eat pussy. It will make you feel better.
Its not just the candidates, if you look further, all of those candidates, from all across the globe, all of them depend on money to be elected. But who owns that money its the most important part. For instance, if you look at all the senate commissions, and check candidate after candidate, you'll see some funny names funding them. Things like, cable tv companies financing homeland security commission members, and so on.
Mah boi, nobody want that. Normal people don't want to revolt. They just want life to be easy. And yet they won't move a finger to do so.
And people with money can buy the consensus. Why bother revolting? Wanna end up like Guy Fawkes?
What actually happens when you revolt, is that they swap everybody you knew for, you know, very similar cops, but they'll feel different, you know? It will always feel that they're expecting something waiting for you to say something, almost as if they had a checklist of things they need you to admit out loud so that they can use it against you in another situation you'll never be able to expect.
It is not a matter of reading books I need money and time to build the tech or acquire the implements I need and I just need to work away at things. I've read more than enough and am no basic bitch.
Not true. There are ways around le classification like finding out whose work got cited in the classified document and going to those sources.
Spent about 5 minutes going through that. Don't know what to look for. Not really a priority.
Not really. I need to go make money though.
Well ok but the candidates are the vulnerable/weakpoints. We have to find those points in the system that are weakest and destroy them. If we attack the wrong parts the system maintains itself just fine. If we destroy critical persons and infrastructure like how Breivik basically wiped out all the future leftist politicians for Norway then a tremendous damage is done upon the enemy that they can't easily replace.
Yes which is why the media kikes and George Soros can't get their leftist dupes to do anything but kick over trash cans.
I never talked about revolting. We don't have control of our media and if we did we could set the narrative however want and when we don't well we shouldn't try to do things for the sake of media attention. I am more interested in finding the true weakspots in the enemy and destroying them quietly, so that in the future, they are too incompetent and useless to maintain any real control anymore.
Again I never suggested revolt at all. I was only pointing out the recent attempts of the leftist media to stir up revolt against Trump and of George Soros to get his antifa lemmings to create a revolution for him.
So… What's the thing then? Have you read trump's book to know what is going to be of this administration? They guy was so smart that he decided to turn his testimony into a fucking book so that the IRS could give him a tax break. That guy is a fucking genius.
Yeah, but then what? What will be of society? Do you really think anything matter? Remember when anons where organizing an opencarry protest on the FED? Aside from mapping everyone that owned a gun, what else it accomplished? Nothing.
My objective is to solve the demographic issue and secure our borders and maintain the highest standards of freedom, self-responsibility, and governance. I also concern myself with human nature and culture and know a lot of things can be sorted out if we just keep the government out of the picture. We also need to transition properly into a new kind of civilization that is able to deal with the problems of economy and scale and resource management and societal organization effectively. If all goes well we will find an optimal solution that leads to an increase in the quality of our lives and the refinement of the population genetics.
Also of importance is for me find where I even stand concerning the so called "alien" phenomena and the interests of these advanced groups but the race problem is a very immediate problem. I can say with certainty there are higher intelligences at play in our world that are in communication with humans and able to produce a variety of phenomena but could never reach any conclusions as to the nature of these intelligences and their origins but lean towards more terrestrial origins and they being a class of entities that don't maintain a physical state very much. When I talk to them they are varied in their mental capacities and knowledge and opinions and it just ends up boiling down to "I got to carefully figure this shit on my own, a truth told to me is not a truth comprehended, until I have matured enough to actually comprehend it, and so it is that nothing should be taken on authority alone, but some sources should be more highly evaluated when they consistently provide useful information.
It should be known that humans have a self-regulating and communal nature and that government often times just deprives them of their ability to self-regulate and takes away authority of each individual too much. Laws against discrimination and hate speech and freedom of association and so on all interfere with the ability of people to sort out problems on their own.
I disagree. The fact that nearly every subscription of his is preschool shit is disturbing.
Manning just became a whistleblower because he thought it was an innuendo.
The thing about demography is just birth control, lol. Well educated people don't reproduce in a devastating way. (thats a well told lie anyway)
The border question is also interesting, you can use a lot of gadgets, or even ask elbit to build a wall around the place, but it won't fix the problem. Because, you see, why of that side of the fence things are better? If people can understand that this side of the fence can be be as good as the other one… The only problem with this subjective approach is if lets say, from that side of the border there are lower taxes, and the cigarettes are less expensive, for instance, those things are impossible to change. And people will always try to enter the US.
Well, human nature is something very funny. Because unless the subject is like Spock, things can be very random.
Mankind is not moving towards the building of a dyson sphere. There is no way we can evolve without that source of energy.
Well, theoretically, eugenics can be achieved in a single generation thanks to the latest advancements in gene therapy its possible to change some pairs of nucleotides in the genetic code and literally make anyone guilty in any fucking DNA test. Things are very much more complex, maybe if the population had the right neurotransmitters in the right quantity it probably would make them all behave in the same way, or several groups each with a different combination of those neurotransmitters, who knows. Shit's more complex than just a bunch of short people with big eyes.
Watch out for the OZ phenomena. NSA has enough budget to do anything with the population EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT HOSTILE.
I don't think I follow, could you elaborate?
"new" hollywood actress, housewife stuff.
Yeah, but the page 131 its going to blow your mind.
What about it?
Not if they get gunned down instantly for being non-white which is what we need to make happen.
Whites do not have low birthrates due to birth control. It's due to high aoc, highschool plus university plus career for women causing them to put off having children, jews fucking up the laws to be entirely biased against men, jews using atrocity propaganda to demoralize and guilt the population they abuse, and whites not being able to afford homes or do anything because all their excesses instead go to propping up shitskin population explosions and importing immigrants that get free everything and they have to compete with shitskins who get the jobs and businesses and so on under their ownership. Remove jewish influence and get rid of all non-whites and the problem is ended. Accomplishing that is a complex task but it can be done and must people are basically apolitical and subservient in nature and won't do shit, all the wars are only fought by like 1% of the population. We need to change things up and that's going to take a lot of work.
Don't care. I'm talking about group dynamics. The aberrations don't make that big of a difference. How many niggers, cheaters, whores, and other scum would already have been lynched if the government wasn't stopping average people from doing that? Government can't police shit, we can police our own communities better. Funny thing is a police presence only ends up helping niggers and other non-whites, when police are gone from those communities it's not good. When whites are on their own though they flourish.
You're looking way too far ahead. The immediate present we are in right now is already a clash of culture and technology. Evolution isn't going to happen later it's a thing going on right now and there is cultural lag but men like us are pushing the culture forward. The internet, globalization, people moving into cities, decentralized power, time saving devices like washing machines, etc. is all changing things dramatically.
I am more interested in a simple combination of negative eugenics culling the burdensome retards whose very existence is only potato or suffering on the extreme negative end (seriously they destroy families and hurt the environment and they are a mockery of the human just the way the jewish "art" is a mockery of real art, we don't need drooling and blind paraplegics being pushed around in wheelchairs) or sterilizing or euthanizing people who can only function in a healthy way if they are constantly on some kind of meds and who might produce children that are dependent upon modern medicine and are fucked without it… and positive eugenics to reinforce the breeding of people on the high-end of the population whose abilities, success, beauty, health, etc. is exceptional. Genetic engineering isn't even eugenics, it's a different thing, and we should definitely perform lots of experiments and fuck what the "muh ethics" people think less China beat us all to it and while I bet it'll help people remove genetic defects from their lineages so they can have healthy non-carrier children and see if we can produce super children too but I don't see total uniformity of the population as a good thing and don't care too much about engineering super intelligent people when we already have plenty of them that are getting shat on by lack of funding and ostracization and parental abuse and other factors stopping them making good use of their high intellect.
You know we are in an information war right? Pic related from
If we win the information war we win everything. All else will fall into place. We know what must be done; it's just a matter of getting there.
In a nutshell: Muh vril, muh mediums, muh evocation, muh channeling, muh appearances, must cosmic shitposting.
This is where I believe we are right now.
I want us to get to the final stage.
So what the communists are staging multiple shootings? One not enough anymore?
no its not. You can identify people through analyzing a collection of data, without even seeing them.
For instance, behavior patterns, habits, etc.
If a guy regularly mows his lawn every sunday at the same time, goes to work and gets home in a predictable manner and time, interacts with the same group of people they always do, and many other factors, you can easily tell its them.
You probably also underestimate how detailed a few of the satellite cameras can get. Sure, they aren't all super high end, but enough are.
Think about google earth + google street view.
The government has spent way more money and time, with more experienced people, on this same problem. And What google's cameras give them is already invasive enough that if google wanted, they could track your every movement. Hell, I'm pretty sure that whatever is google's is also our goverment's.
Niggerish is a state of mind, not just the color of your skin.
White trash still exists.
Do you really think people are important? Aren't them just livestock? You'll want them in as many colors and shapes you can get.
Nope. As you said yourself, the military is 10 years ahead the rest of the population. Why? Ain't that niggerish? To keep mankind from developing? To keep mankind from evolving? Only through technology we can leave this shithole and colonize the cosmos.
The technological level has NOT INCREASED in the past 20 years. Yeah, we have high speed mobile internet, but like you said, they also had that in 2002, so it has not developed at all. Why? Why they're wasting our lifespan?
So far only that Elon guy seem to be in a hurry.
Don't you think they already have all of that developed? Just waiting to be applied? I mean, you want to become an asian, there may be is a small flask that if you inject yourself, it'll slowly change your phenotype. Among other things.
You bother way too much about others. There ain't much we can do, you know. Maybe repetitive thought, or something to avoid external influence, there ain't much to do. Charles Manson had a few songs as a thought placeholders, but now he's dead. They won't know what you're thinking if you're not thinking. A terrorist that doesn't think is much more dangerous than a free thinker. They're unpredictable.
There's a part of your brain that's responsible for talking to yourself. You're probably marked with some wierd contrast and that probably makes you talk to these things.
Either is that, or you have a radio in your head. Where does that radio come from?
Mah boi. Things are much more complex. Think of big boss. How he got to build outer heaven? Nations are meaningless if the only border you have is in your head.
What, you really like the quick response team, right? They won't know what hit them if they're hit everywhere at the same time.
How many VIPs (or guests, like they like to call Jim) do you think they can track at the same time? I can't recall if it was in Iraq or Afghanistan where they staged the largest prototype for the surveilance state that is today active in the entire planet. They can track everybody, they can keep tabs on everybody, but who do you think will operate the surveillance equipment? Think about it for a second, where is the labor force for a surveillance state? Let me give you a tip, they're not fee and they wear orange.
Jesus Christ.
Fuck off with the race reductionism. Race is not skin color and anyone who keeps using this skin color meme that always subconsciously implies to people race is only skin deep is highly suspect. Killing foreign invaders is not "niggerish", chimping out over something stupid and trivial like sneakers and killing someone at random is niggerish, defending borders is not at all.
Wow using that term? Where did you even come from? How new are you here? We call the undesirables in our race degenerates. Only the antifas/leftists call our people "white trash".
Ok Shlomo the fact of the matter is I'd rather be living in a majority white nation than a shitskin nation and once you solve the race issue there are also different ways to measure white nations against each other and there's ways I know we could create a better society to live in.
No I didn't say that. Just a handful of soldiers with high clearance at Fort Meade I know were 10 years ahead of me specifically as an individual because they already knew stuff I only now know and which I know they mentioned back then but I didn't comprehend at that time. This does not mean the whole military is 10 years ahead and also the gap between the general population and the military may as well be permanent because we can't talk about it in terms of years as if the general populace will ever catch up.
The military works all the time with private citizens and corporations and is actually advancing us all forward. You can thank the internet and computers and rocket technology and much more to the dynamic the military has going on. You have no idea probably just how much of MK Ultra has been integrated into everything we use and know today, how much all the stuff of the black projects is just every day stuff you can now buy at best buy or obtain at a pharmacy, stuff you're just used to now. The military isn't holding back anyone at all and actually encourages others but the problem is most people have their true potential very low and the few men of high potential like I might count myself have to learn and catch up. Nobody is keeping theoretical physics for example out of the hand's of the general population, just most people have neither the interest nor the capacity to really use or understand the knowledge.
everything you said is fact so plz dont let my "conspiracy" angle throw the fact that
is fact
and this
is conjecture
add to
apps like pokemon go (massive google backend) and other apps with access to cameras/ implicit ownership of data by means of TOS, and you can map the interiors of most all buildings, the permissions are there.
The means motive and opportunity are all there.
…because the faggots who make hardware and who lay wires and set up the infrastructure and so on would rather just make as much money as they can without upgrading things or by planning release cycles. Computers for instance I am damned sure are being held back. Why the fuck does an 8GB USB stick cost like $5 and a 1TB thumbstick cost like a thousand dollars last I checked (which admittedly was awhile ago, it might have come down in price and be like maybe $200 dollars or something by now, but I don't know). People might answer "because it has more memory storage" - but that's bullshit. A 1TB thumbstick in terms of materials, energy, and production costs about the same to make as an 8GB thumbstick. As soon as someone invented a 1TB thumbstick, they should have just stopped selling the inferior versions, and manufacture only the superior model. However they prefer to keep the price really fucking high so they can make obsence amounts of money off of first adopters. It's the same shit with graphics cards and so many other things. Now yes they need lots of money to develop new stuff but here is the other thing I want to mention; why are computers just getting progressively smaller? I am pretty sure we already figured out the limits to how small they can get and could have produced a computer that is already at the absolute physical limit. Instead we're going through this planned consumer cycle of releasing a new model of computer every year. It makes these people very rich but imagine if we just skipped this bullshit and mass produced computers that are already as small and powerful as possible, then we'd have many years of people being able to utilize very powerful computers. Hardware companies by artificially holding back hardware development are literally holding back the rest of humanity at the same time. It's obvious why they do it, it's all about profit. When you think about it, there really shouldn't be that much of a difference in price between the low-end and the high-end personal computers. It's just plastic and metal and glass and silicon and batteries… but you still end up paying tons more for the better hardware.
We already have gene guns and can use viruses to change our genes. We don't even have to create a next generation that is different. We can work on and modify the genes of already living people. Problem is the regulations and moralfaggotry and fear prevents us from experimenting lots so the only people who get to play around with this stuff are the ones who can afford the equipment or gain access to a lab. The cultmarx egalitardians and christcucks are holding us back.
There are vulnerabilities in the chain of influence and persuasion and in shaping public perception. There always are. There's parts that are irrelevant, inconsequential, etc. and there are parts that are aimed at different parts of the population. Mass media is lowest common denominator mass mind control, designed to manage the public perception of retards. However there are other people and institutions who are focused on advising political candidates, or shitposters on an imageboard, or public speakers like Molyneux, or business men, or intellectuals… a variety of demographics. Gaining influence over the weak points or destroying them can be advantageous to the realization of the fourth reich.
The aforementioned people (mediums/channelers/contactees/etc.) receive objectively verifiable information at a rate much higher than statistical noise would allow. Thought influence and thought transference is an actual thing. There also "intelligences" that may appear in whatever form they wish to people and give whatever stories they like, we can call them "aliens" or "spirits" or "thoughtforms". I prefer the general term "entities". Some of these entities are useless trolling fuckwads, some are hostile, some preach about stupid shit, and some are very informed and insightful and able to pass on information to receivers that proves to be of exceptional valuable.
Final stage of that specific chart I posted. The Jew World Order must collapse.
One of them is actually monitoring Holla Forums and several other boards on here to see where drugs are coming in from in exchange for not having to get in trouble for his own drug use heh. Probably other things but I can confirm that he is baiting anons to get info to help reveal the supply chain of drugs.
Lets fix it once and for all what does vril say about it?
Mate, you gotta understand something if you breed with the entire planet, in a few generations, they'll all have your dna. So… Why not fix it by doing what gengis khan did in europe?
Oh you.
As I was saying, you still have illusions about human beings.
Yeah, there's an excellent reason to be radicalized then. Perhaps with guerrilla that technological gap can be fix'd. Do you want to be a slave forever?
He who control the technology controls the entire civilization.
Yeah, money laundry using trauma matrixes to keep people quiet and japanese contrast in the food to read people's thoughts in airports.
What's lacking is a direction. Dyson spheres are the best thing anyone can do.
Sure, but they're making sure that the hardware is expensive, and that no one can lay its hands on it. What's the point then, are you trying to convince me that the real Helter Skelter should be the military vs civilian population?
Yeah. Yesterday I saw a Breitbart story about the vehicle passengers being crossdressers (people were noting crossdressing fact similarity in the comments with the story from two years ago) but now I cannot find that particular Breitbart story from yesterday. It doesn't seem to be on their site. They do have a story about the incident yesterday, but it doesn't mention crossdressing, so it looks like yesterday's story mentioning crossdressing got shoah'd. Maybe NSA realized they shouldn't have used the same cover story twice or could be a deliberate confusion tactic changing the story? Media could simply have fucked up, also. Who knows. I'm sure I saw that story because I do remember the comments noting the cross dressing in both incidents.
Article re incident two years ago:
Because they were convinced by those guys, not in those fancy camoflage suits.
Yeah, yeah, but still, there is no technological advancement, because those guys are benefiting from it, they're not serving the nation, faggot, they're enslaving you guys. Making everybody docile.
There are ways to bypass that. But you know who control the moralfaggotry, right? The same military people that keep us away from the fast and cheap eletronics. The same guys that keep mankind from evolving. FFS, you were talking to me about that informational warfare manual, those guys are fucking with mankind, and still you can't see that.
Yeah, yeah, but think with me for a second, how sure you are, that we aren't in the backup planet (few thousand years away from 2018), and that everybody but the people that access this place are clones that are just reproducing, like a ghost everything that happened before the cataclysm that destroyed our world?
Don't you think things are a bit wierd in the entire planet?
Then where the fuck are the dyson spheres?
You should write a manual on how to trick people into thinking that they're communicating with others with the power of their minds.
The thing is, verifiable information is rare. But if it does exists, once you figure out the source, you may be able to get us some of those dyson spheres for us, eh?
Imagine a meme nation-state. Like outer heaven, how can we make it real in earth today?
Do you think thats their only agenda? Don't you see a manipulation in this place, to make people think a certain way? Polarizing shit, just like on those memetic warfare manuals? Dividing and conquering one mind at a time.
Objectively, the kikes and muslims want us all dead. They say so themselves, there's historic precedent and every single one of their actions in the past 20 years have been attempts at accelerating white genocide.
The niggers and spics are tools of the kikes at best.
D&C within the white race is being actively stamped out by knowledgeable Anons.
The 'D&C' of cucks/liberals is really the self-selection of R-selected vermin who parasitize our communities, and we'll be better off without them in the long run. We'd have a much easier time gassing the kikes with their assistance instead of their opposition, but they only respond to absolute authority and power, which we do not yet have. The kikes will expend every single one of their useless idiots before ever allowing themselves to come into harm's way, at which point they will beg and plead and bargain. The key is that there's no bargaining with them, we must exterminate them to the last strand of DNA.
So where is the problem of D&C?
Because who gives a fuck about a school shooting?
I do because the MSM deliberately spread shit on 4chan rather than investigated the matter itself.
And because they're still forcing the white supremacist meme on google and other social media.
And because it seems to time awfully well with this shooting, I don't think the other is a mere angry teen.
Sigh. Are you purposely misinterpreting and misunderstanding everything I'm trying to tell you? You remind me of when I try to speak with this Portuguese guy who barely understands English, can't communicate anything beyond very basic things to him.
The economic system has to be reformed, the military needs a leader that will direct it to clean up the domestic issue instead of fucking around abroad, could use that military to build infrastructure in America itself instead of building and rebuilding it all over and over again in the Middle East while America's infrastructure rots, tech companies are worse than the fucking government when it comes to spying on us and jewing on us and they actually legitimately do hold us back, and I have no illusions about human beings it's very obvious that there are VIPs; people who are more important and influential than others and who should be targeted to be subverted/influenced or assassinated. Just look at the right in general, lots of pent up rage and every reason in the world to fight, but no leader; imagine how fucked we would be if all the voices for our movement (which probably are less than a hundred and yeah they're controlled opposition but they reach millions and push the general dialog further and further to the right) were silenced via assassination. The left on the other hand has way more voices for its bullshit but there are still key people in the left who have the actual capacity to organize them and change legislation and get things done who if they were killed or subverted would be hard to replace and the entire leftist cause of wiping out whitey would be severely undermined. Also don't try and justify racemixing and "muh conquistadors" to me, you don't understand population genetics, I have several textbooks on this and have read many papers… and I can tell you, making a ton of mongrels isn't really going to keep the genetic profile that made you around. If you died and your cousins bred there'd be a better chance of your exact generation combination coming back then if you fucked a thousand non-whites and fathered a thousand mongrels but all your cousins died. I hope you know the difference between a silverback gorilla and a human as a percentage of the DNA is insanely small, just 98.67%. Oh also if you make non-white mongrel offspring, they are far more genetically distant from you, than your parents and cousins or random white people. You're basically creating genetically unrelated mutt abominations. You could adopt a random white child and they would be more your kin in terms of how much of your genes they have than your half-nig or half-gook mongrel.
It will not be without revolution. It will just blow up more and more and more until we are all dead.
Therefore, we need some type of state of emergency. But would you trust Trump with that?
The kid was seeing a (((psychiatrist))). It's just another SSRI-induced rampage.
To add, the left doesn't do shit except let the beast rot and chew on its fat. The left is a borderline death cult nowadays aiming to destroy the system to the point of death of the population.
I disagree, the MSM are clearly coordinated with that "prank" on 4chan. They want the masses to see that enough before the truth comes out and they want to distract those that dig into it.
Furthermore, there are too many odd inconsistencies, the timing with the NSA shooting is too convenient as a distraction and there was spam and CP posted when we dug into it and discovered the creepy youtube connections and the potential pedophile connections.
Somethings really fucky about this.
The MSM are always coordinated and they'll spin any story any way they can. More anti-white, anti-gun bullshit, even when it was a spic mix on SSRIs. Maybe he really was brainwashed and got activated to cover up this story, who fucking knows or cares, because THIS story is objectively more important than a potentially brainwashed chimp on psychotropic medication.
What are you even trying to say to me and why do you continue to prove you don't seem to speak English as a first language or understand anything I'm writing to you?
How does what you just said even relate to what you just quoted?
Mankind as a whole is retarded and holding itself back and mankind has a few "enablers" assisting the retarded masses in doing this aka leftist politicians, neocon ziocucks, etc. basically everything Trump is fighting back against. The military isn't really holding us back compared to what corporations like facebook and google are doing themselves and what the politicians are doing, military is mostly just lots of guys who fight wars, they don't really go out of there way to fuck with or hold back the development of tech in the country. Alphabet soups are also holding us back because currently they're all in love with Hillary and the swamp and the deepstate and want to launder money and fuck children and worry about a bunch of WN keyboard warriors and LARPers while turning a blind eye to mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker and his rapegang fucking both children and boys and doing actual terorrism.
When people are just retarded and it's their own shit genetics holding them back well that is that. The problem is when various forces at play hold back the men of actual merit, intellectual strength, etc. from doing things. Like Google when they fire an employee because "muh racism" and replace them with some incompetent woman or a jew, or the government when it enforces "muh hatespeech" or just bullshit policies that prevent funding of legit programs but funnel money to "muh diversity".
Ok you are just trolling or gaslighting me or just some non-English speaking and probably non-white idiot.
Disinfo tier. It is objectively verified phenomena and you want to throw off other anons from knowing the true nature of thought so they don't utilize its real power.
People think differently. Polarizing is just making people reach the conclusion of their thought process. I intentionally polarize people so that one day all the retard leftists will be killed. One day there won't be various gradations of right and left, there will only be two camps, and they will be killing each other. People must pick sides.
You're the kind of guy who probably sees a picture of a room with the one white guy working and like 9 women doing fuck all and thinks "oh but we need everyone on board". Numbers don't matter. Participation doesn't matter. There are a handful of men that dominate this world, who have the influence/talent/capabilities/wealth to get shit done, and they run the show. A handful of maybe 3 thousand Holla Forums-tards is literally saving the entire west right now. All the millions of other people are irrelevant. We need to find the handful of key figures on the enemy side and undermine them.
Don't you think that it's odd that they're now blaming this and past shootings on SSRIs? When we found really odd circumstances and borderline proof that many of these shootings are in deed faked?
Oh, and this one is surrounded by Jews? Sounds like they wanted to control the way the whole thing was presented to the masses.
To add - lastly, I don't think it's entirely unrelated to this shooting. We need to dig into potential connections between the two.
That is where we might have always been. It's only more obvious now.
0.4% of the American population right now are soldiers.
About 1.4 million. Population of America right now: 326 million.
Just a million soldiers constitute the greatest army in the world and rules over 7 billion people.
Numbers don't matter, one American soldier is worth a hundred of enemy soldiers, probably more.
Only a very small number of people have to care about the demographic future of America.
If those people are not the right people, if they are incompetent, retarded, can't meme, can't influence, no large audience, etc…. it won't matter.
If they are the best people our nation has to offer, by god, we're going to become a white ethnostate. Just you wait.
The info war is all about influencing a very small number of Americans and getting them to pick sides.
The average citizen will always just be a cog in the machine, a normie, a worker; just there to grind away keeping the whole thing going and too busy or stupid to know or understand what we talk about on Holla Forums. The average citizen also will just follow "big man with gun" and simply appeases whoever is in charge. The majority in every nation is peaceful, hence "the peaceful Muslim majority" is not an argument. Just the radicals do the fighting in every war.
You're sucking these boots so hard you can't understand the fact that these individuals are endangering mankind by keeping technological advancements from the public. The system is broke and its
And that's one hell of a motive to map everyone that wear camouflage and helter skelter the shit out of them.
Again, you're sucking the boots so hard you can't understand the fact that these people are the reason the technology is not advancing.
Why do you care so much about people?
Sure thing. NEC had optical discs with better storage than today we have in commercial use for almost three decades and you don't think these guys avoided releasing that shit because of the american military? For three fucking decades they have been holding these things, don't you think there's something wrong?
Mah boi, you're being misled.
See you in the summer camp then.
You're overestimating the power of the newspaper.
I don't think so. Internet was pandora's box.
I disagree, all the internet did was create transparency.
It allowed recluses around the world to be in contact with each other, it allowed us to reach audiences we never could have before, it allowed us to hoard knowledge that would have been much more difficult to find in libraries, it has changed everything forever. Transparency matters tremendously. Keeping intelligent and right-thinking people in ignorance was a thing that they could have done in the past, now, there is no excuse for ignorance. Without the internet we'd be doomed.
Trump's already revising the economic system to a certain extent and doing a great job. A revolution isn't necessary or helpful. We just need to gradually adjust to new circumstances. We don't cut people's hands off for stealing bread because it's not a big fucking crime these days, hence our legal system has been reformed to reflect that. So it is with economics, what made sense before or worked before, won't now with the current population/scale/tech/infrastructure/factories/resources we have.
SSRIs are serious shit. They drive people to suicide and rage and murder and they do this systematically. They should be banned or at least the shrinks should no longer be provided with them and allowed to forcibly use them on people.
For fucks sakes user. If you need targets these are good targets:
1. Pick any news media center and destroy all their equipment, burn the building to the ground, and kill all the staff.
2. Same as above but a government building pertaining to approving citizenship for foreigners or taking in refugees.
3. Any politician that is for open borders or similar kikery.
4. Google/Facebook/Apple/Microsoft/etc. any random soyboy tech companies. I swear this is where all the SJWs that everyone hates come from, where all the hardcore neoliberalism thrives.
Leave the soldiers alone. Chances are you'll just kill worker drones or you might even kill Holla Forumsacks who are serving. By worker drones I mean people who are subservient and who just work for and serve whoever is in command, which is most of the populace, and therefore not a target. You don't kill worker drones as they are inconsequential you kill their employers/leaders/spokespeople.
Why do you universalize? "Humankind", "humanity", "people", "the system", "us". These are the kinds of terms you use. I only care about whites. Non-degenerate whites. Also so far as tactical/strategic concerns matter I only care about a handful of people in this world. e.g. media people, popular youtubers and broadcasters, businessmen who impose their leftist ways on their employees and create leftist company policies, and politicians.
I don't blame the military and don't think they are in engaged in a conspiracy to enforce planned obsolescence or hold back consumer technology. That's the manufacturers and the kikes that own them which does that shit.
You're trying to mislead me. Your nonsense is far-fetched and unproven and runs contrary to my own experiences, observations, and extensive research. If you want to start posting muh wetware radio implant tech stuff then go ahead but I already read everything out there and been to the tor node that has all that shit about it and read it all and it's nothing special.
They set the narrative for the worker drones. I am more concerned anyways in terms of who I would assassinate with a jew highly intelligent psychic jews that would try to whisper evil into the ears of people like Trump and bring them under their spell so to speak. They need to be stopped.
This is very accurate. Whites who are aware and motivated need to begin taking real action with all of that in mind.
Anyone got a timeline for this shooting? And maps?
Could be foreign espionage too. I bet other countries feel uncomfortable with the NSA, like China, Israel, Russia, and every single country on the fucking planet because holy fuck how is the NSA even allowed.
What Snowden did is still incredible regardless of motive. He basically revealed our reality is completely different from whatever we thought and the surveillance and control, even of the highest levels of government, meant we no longer had any real democracy of any type.
There are likely a number of heroes like (possibly) the guy yesterday whose names and harrowing stories we'll never know and who were trying to stop this insane authoritarian total surveillance state they've created. It's insane what they've done and crazy that there must be other guys out there who've been capped who tried to reveal it.
Kikes aren't exactly on the up and up. They do plenty of massive global surveillance shit, too. Maybe not quite NSA but up there.
Big danger is the five eyes, which is total global surveillance far more insane than anything Orwell dreamed of.
What I'd like to know is, when you have an agency like NSA that spies on a presidential candidate prior to an election illegally, using English GCHQ spies in Fort Meade, how the fuck is that not total tyranny/authoritarian government? How do they still exist, or did they get completely restructured? This shit cannot happen if we ever hope to have any type of election or government accountable to anyone except the spies who have dirt on politicians
Aus intelligence seems to be up there apparently. And they're very entwined with the other 4 countries.
I imagine Israel is the 6th eye really nowadays.
israel controls all other intelligence agencies in the western world.
Not really, I think most nations always keep secrets hidden from even their best allies.
Example: Israel certainly would have noticed many highly suspicious Religion of Cuck™ic wire service transfers among shitbags like KSM in Karachi and Saudi government affiliates in the US given how closely Israel monitors Saudi Arabia and terrorists generally. Israel might have been motivated to hide that bit of information from the US, since, as Netanyahu said, Israel benefited from 9/11.
Of course, not that our fine American deep state didn't notice or ignore American spooks warning about stuff. But Israel obviously clearly didn't bother to inform the US.
High speed car accident. Lol.
Another thing: was there any prior events that triggered this event?
I get the feeling, the info isn't actually hidden at all and most intelligence services are well in on the reality of it.
I see our situation more as a masses v intelligence community v politician/thinktanks/corporations issue at the moment, in all countries. The final two are informed and compete with each other, but both keep the masses uninformed deliberately because "they can't handle the truth" or because they have a conflict of interest entirely with the masses.
This is why social media may need to step up it's game.
cant have billionaire arab-english royals(cuck inlaw royal that is)
Everyone should also keep in mind instances of where an entire population basically rejected to something overwhelmingly but has had shit forced on them anyways and votes discarded. Shows how much "popular support" really matters. Once you have the reigns of power, it doesn't really matter if everyone disagrees with you, you do as you please.
You do realize that its resolution maxes out at something like 1 pixel per 3 feet, right? You'll never gonna use that to identify people. Additionally, it's not real time. Low orbit satellites, the only ones that can get a picture this good, have orbital period of 90 minutes, and can only be taking a shot of one location at a time. They're useful for mapping general topology of the planet, but that's about it.
Also just to be clear. Orbital velocity of a satellite is about 10 kilometers per second. It has about half a second window to take would-be snapshot of your general location, before drifting hopelessly far away to take any pictures for another hour and a half.
Additionally. Inb4 someone says "geostationary". That orbit is 35 thousand kilometers above Earth surface. Telling apart people at that distance is like, from telling form New York if a guy in Los Angeles is showing peace sign or flipping you off. This is well past the zoom factor where diffraction limit kicks in. In fact, to resolve that kind of zooming you gonna need aperture that's 500 kilometers across.
I believe this too. It's corporations, governments, and intelligence agencies all fighting eachother. The second point you make we can all plainly see that they are in conflict with the masses.
you're both right and wrong. 100% of hardware and software is comped, and not in the sushi sense. There's a reason the government specifies distance between fucking power wires, let alone data cabling for classified and non classified system.
The internet has destroyed all monopolies on information and made it very hard to control the flow of information. Anyone who seeks shall find. There only hope is to distract and degrade the goyim so they only take interest in crap and never look into the things that could threaten the jewish agenda.
Now how does this solve the NSA shooting?
We have to wait for more information, or clues which can be related to this incident. We probably know more than almost anybody outside the perp / national security infrastructure at this point, I doubt even the news media has bothered to look at or think about this incident since it dropped off the radar for mysterious reasons.
We know what we know, I for one don't think we have enough clues to go much further. Something weird happened with people who were trying to flee the NSA HQ. The hypotheses are either they were trying to merely escape with their lives, or that they stole something, deleted something, planted something, or killed / tried to kill some people, and were in the process of fleeing after they either succeeded or failed.
Where does this gif come from? I go to this uni I wanna know
as much as i hate snowden for likely being a cia shill (the guy was on the cover of wired, as well as being on the john oliver show for fucks sake), i tend to agree with you here. if there were even 10 snowdens that blew the whistle, the entire NSA would crumble and the world would be (at least temporarily) free of their orwellian grip. what he did was so damaging to them. they mustve had to entirely change how they collect information for everything. if it happened on a larger scale, or continued to happen periodically in seperate incidents, the NSAs ability to do surveillance would never be able to recover.
what that would mean on a larger scale, in terms of leaving us out in the open for all kinds of cyber attacks etc, i can only speculate about. and obviously intel for military ops would take a serious hit. but the evil fucks have got to go sooner or later, or were all fucked. and i dont just mean imageboard dwellers, but all of humankind. there is no way that humanity will progress naturally under this level of surveillance. having the little red light on (ie the ever-present possibility of being recorded) changes the way people act. and its far too easy for them to utilize the information that they harvest, against us, to make us buy certain products, or think a certain way. and thats to say nothing of their obviously questionable practice of working closely together with publicly traded corporations like google and amazon.
their list of dirty laundry is long. its a shame this poor bastard got capped before he could tell us his story. and like you said, who knows how many others there were like this guy, that have already been disappeared?
Bottom line as I see it. For them to get in they either had initial access or were let in/tracked to see what they were accessing. The NSA is far more than information acquisition and also serves as an archive of sorts. That leaves very few reasons they would be leaving and shot to shit like that. IMO it was a data breach but they will never make public what those assholes tried to take and they will never make public who they truly were.
Any identification on the people involved in this?
you can't even carl meme correctly, you fucking nigger
pony posters deserve the rope too
that shit already got blown the fuck out and just served as yet another glaring example of how illegitimate the news is. shove your blackpill up your ass
Fuck off CIA.
Please explain a high level picture of what you think is going on right now with the Trump administration. Particularly the whole Mueller situation, swamp draining, Q, and foreign policy.
You sound like you literally work for the Government.. The same Government that tells its populace to "Fight for its rights" and then supports police killing people and going to "War"
Illegally. Technology is being held back by Corps Now. The Gov, and Its Privatized Programs are the issue. They need to be smacked down a notch, a revolution could be useful, or atleast a conflict never seen before, directed at the right target. People that say Revolution wouldn't work are defeatists. There are more of Us, than (((Them))). And they do want the gun numbers significantly reduced, along with the people who know how to use em.
Because the Goyim Know now. And more are waking up to (((Their))) bullshit daily. That's why you see this war on whites while niggers and everyone else r put on a pedestal. It's 100% being done purposely. You are hated by the United States Government and The Protest sector it funds.. They want you a useless eater and demoralized. These thoughts are not recognized by a massive amount of people all over the country simply by coincidence….
They cant mass shoot even
what a load of bullshit. fucking blackpill retards.
we don't need to teleport to the end, we need to stop crashing into the pile of shit. once we get White civilization stabilized, then onto a path of gradual improvement, we will be golden. too much progress, too fast, is poison.
also the concept of "dyson spheres" is so thunderingly retarded it boggles the mind. they are likely impossible, if not then certainly unwise. for the forseeable future, fission breeder reactors using existing technology could easily produce many times the current human power footprint for thousands of years. (claims of peak uranium are horseshit, the amount of uranium in seawater alone is enormous) see experimental breeder reactor II
the health and well being of the next generation is paramount. using ill-advised genetic modifications on current people is mostly selfish narcissism. the likelihood of genetic damage to the next generation seems, to me, extreme and far too dangerous. moderate, measured eugenics is guaranteed to result in tremendous improvement from the current standards.with minimum risk of destroying the future of the White race through genetic fuckery.
too much focus on technology is harmful. technology is valuable, but what matters most is the soul of the people and the health, freedom, and future of the Volk.
again, dyson spheres are retarded. have you even studied physics and engineering? (que "physics ain't reeeeeeeeelllllllll" shills)
actually, economic collapse would likely benefit our movement, IF we could convince the normies of (((who))) was to blame. desperate people are more likely to seek change, and we would be there to show them the way.
totally agree on the horror that is dyseugenics. by enabling and, indeed, encouraging massive dyseugenics the marxists/ jews/ deep state are guilty of unspeakable crimes against the human species itself. monsters. there is no legitimate reason for the next generation to not be genetically superior to the current one. even the "humanitarians" should support some moderate version of eugenics "for the children." stupid leftist morons. doublethink everywhere
indeed, ten million dedicated White nationalists could turn this ship around, probably without firing a shot. but then, who knows maybe some level of violence as part of a legitimate revolt is inevitable. regardless, we must keep pushing the redpill; keep pushing the truth. status quo has become total shit, and will only get worse unless the kikery and White genocide is stopped and reversed.
MUH TECHNOWLOGEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! dumbass. currently, one of the most successful White nationalist (effectively, anyway, due to limited outbreeding) groups is the FUCKING AMISH. but, but technowledggeee…………. again, tech is secondary to Volk
very interesting, and truthful, statement about power "removing the mask." insightful.
indeed. Lies are the enemy, Truth is our ally, sometimes the only one. no more secrets, no more lies.
True, but only to a point. There is much good wood in the US economy. There is also much rot, especially at the highest levels (banks, megacorps, NGOs, kikes and kikery, marxist schools, etc.)
what we need to do is keep spreading the word; the truth
so many traitors, so many zogbots, so many enemies. this prison/country needs a heavy overhaul. How could things have gotten this bad? it boggles the mind. were our ancestors all FUCKING DRUNK ALL THE TIME????? "sure thing, greatest ally schlomo, turn our country into an Orwellian nightmare, and our children into cattle" the horror of it all. no blackpill, just recognition and resolve.
they exist because zog. aka the (((deep state))). effectively, they (the intel agencies) have been the government for about 50 years. last legit pres before (hopefully) Trump was murdered by a CIA hit team in Texas.
not quite. it's more the masses versus a hydra. kikes, globalists, luciferians, zionists, zog, israel, intel communities, more jews, (((deep state))) all sometimes-squabbling heads of the same anti-white, anti-anything-good, new world order monster.
We have the best God dont we folks?
I cant believe that people dont even know that the NSA shooting happened. They only know about the shooting in Florida, and even that shooting seems sketchy as fuck. In all honesty, how are we supposed to trust anyone when all we see is this crazy bullshit? It all makes me feel like we are being divided by some (((evil force))) oh wait
Why? There's nothing in the (((media))) that jews don't want there. Most people don't do anything but watch the media. For all the talk of lowered viewership and having to fake hits from china, people STILL only get news from the same sources. And with Facebook, Twitter, and Google hiding all websites that go against the narrative, people AREN'T going to hear about it unless YOU tell them personally.
Fuck I guess we all need to start a paper route
Honestly, paper does need to come back. Older generations are generally more conservative, but not tech savvy. They'd be great people to leverage.
The Q op did a good job of grabbing the boomers and teaching them to research/connect the dots. I tend to think that this was the op's intention - increase the effectiveness/intelligence of boomers and get them involved in conservative political activism.
But the older generations probably cannot be reached via Internet. They'd probably consider paper more authoritative as well - if done properly to target their demographic.
Someone else might have a better idea about how to do this (pamphlette content, etc). Any senior citizen fags lurking these parts?
This pix is a bad fake. Bump for tiny tranny clown car surfing asphalt.
Is this supposed to make us feel sympathy for NSAniggers?
They use crossdressing as a character assassination tactic, this guy must be a patriot…if still alive.
I'm out the loop. Is this the TL;DR so far?
>confirmed by be a prank by (((discord))) faggots associated with TRSodomites
>one of the witnessess was associated with Pollock of the highly occult (((LA shooting)))
Did I miss anything?
Look at the coolant leak.
The car crashed there.
CIA is using red hair dye on it's MK Ultra patsy's as a proxy hit against the Irish.
Why is Ireland the most anti-Israel country in Europe?
Why is Ireland Europe’s Most anti-Israel Country?
That's Scotland, mate. Its the porridge wogs that are known for their ginger hair.
That made no sense.
Its the Scottish that are widely known for their red hair, not Irish
Irish have 10% pop of redheads
Scotland have 6% pop of redheads
Depending on the reserch it changes between Scotland and Ireland.
By genetics Scotland has more with 13% but consensus ir can be eather one.
Then it also depends on what ia considered been redheads, (very dark blonde, light brown hair with red beard)
Either way, been someone from the British Isles, its commnly accepted here that Scotland is the home of the Gingers.
Also please forgive that mess of a post.
You sound like a CIA nigger that knows the generals are his worst enemy.
what site has everybody gone to? I missed the exodus
Why is this shit stickied?
▶Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/17/18 (Sat) 01:35:54 No.100
Anonymous 02/16/18 (Fri) 05:10:43 7588dd No.393749>>393768 >>393777 >>393812
From Q’s Gov. linked file on MK Ultra:
MK Ultra: 1953-1964
1940’s – Operation Chatter – Scopolamine
>(((they)))) will later claim "future proves past" and be the hero
Good one, Uncle Adolf
Go away CIA
Stop competing Tay Tay, Jakey > False Profit Ponies and Gaylor Gender Shift
Jakey is being trained as we speak by Floyd Mayweather to beat up niggers.
Fuck off, kike
Amateur hour in the east apparently. Can’t they find better goons to do this sort of thing?
Drugging me is not legal.
Training to fight to make more shekels for schlomo.
Doesn’t work considering the only people still following character through Jewish mediums are never going to side against the Jews, they are pure brainwashed shabbos goyim. Every one of note is shadowbanned.
Kill yourself, horsefucker.
those comments on the first pic are rather telling. I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying to demonize redheads for their nefarious reasons. I mean it was strange enough that SJW in their hivemind were going out and all dying their hair with neon fire hydrant red spray.
Trump made irish history month a thing. I wouldn't be surprised if it's as petty a reason as that.
Man, I just gotta say, on our progress around these events is quite remarkable. I have been seeing a lot of "independent", parties just blowing the narrative the fuck out instantly. Almost with zero effort. Youtubers who are doing research themselves. Countless of anons here and elsewhere digging for information.
Its just fucking marvelous to see non centralized actors (as the jew media has) produce so many counter points, so fast, with zero centrally planned coordination. How this whole crisis has been handled is getting more and more intricate. At this point I think we managed to get into a 1.5…to 2 :1 ratio of information warfare for OUR advantage, compared to the jews
This is what happens when you teach the youths, and let the white man roam free again as he pleases. God. All of this is just so great. Great demonstration the principle of self determination, independence, yet great cohesion all at the same time. To that of the individual quality making the whole group much better.
Those where some great times.
and the best thing about it is that its most likely forever here to stay. All these educated, and capable people exist and cannot all be silenced, or assassinated. They in turn will teach others, more talent will emerge and the odds will become even better in our favor.
We have breached the mythical 1:1 ratio (where the jews and us had a similar amount of power) a long time ago, and now we are far beyond that, to 2:1 most likely. Fugg, republicans even only have 14% mass media view ratio's and the jews complain on how they cannot reach them. The way it looks to me is that the fight more or less has been won if nothing drastic changes right now. As long as we keep doing the effort that we kept on doing.
But with this excess of force perhaps some anons should eventually help us in jew fortress europe if you guys gain 100% control of the US and turn it closer into an ethno state. Bad times are coming for us here.
They're demolishing that school before the trial happens you know. Just like with Sandy Hook.
Yeah, but this may be the end fucking goal don't you think?
its the mythical zone of "where most whites feel at home at". It feels like all of the centralized, top down commands and structures are not entirely in our nature. Or at least not the types that we have encountered so far. Just as it takes 25 years for an adult white male to develop properly into his maturity. So too this seems like the best way for us to function. Using all of the advantages that nature has given to us to its fullest potential…without mercy against all the other races and degenerates.
It may be even possible that in the future we may regain an even higher form of warlike organization, which may be even more efficient. I mean, having to face the jew and his lies is one thing…when the jew holds an advantage over us. But what if it becomes easier and easier to deal with him as he loses his grasp slowly? Eventually we may have to go down into different territory to try to remove him physically and that may require different approaches. He too may employ different races to fight for him (like the chinks if we are not lucky) and then we would have to adapt once more to them.
I predict a future where there is no intelligence services separate from commoners. We'll become one giant intelligence. A beast.
Then the world will blow up due to aliens perceiving a threat :^)
I think we suffer from the lack of proper reference levels. We have gotten used to so much failure, and lived for so long in the jews mind, that we think that NORMAL functioning of the white male, while he is unrestricted by jew memetic programming. Is the peak that we must strive for. I may go a bit off base here but I think that complete gun ownership for example, and self determination are just normal staples of a healthy white society. Just as it was so a 100 years ago in the US.
I think that while we look better compared to other races, we are only coming close to our natural individual potential. We arent even close to the actual end game in which developed, high skill actors, decide to organize more closely together. Just look what happens when people like that band together…you get us fucking controlling 1/3 of the world (great Britannia). It brings risks with it for sure…but what if we just add jew spotting to the needed to learn lore, and anti subversion tactics as well?
Once the dismantlement of subversive actors can be somewhat guaranteed, then it wont really matter that much if some of us would like to organize or not.
Humanity has been trying that for 10000 years now. As soon as one man subverts, the other has to in order to compete.
The problem right now is that we've been falling behind because our intelligence services represented foreign controlled corporations instead of the people.
we know a little bit more about nature right now. Pic related for example, what if we took brain scans of people to see if they were truly K selected for example? Would eliminate many subversive elements WITHIN the race.
Would be very hard to fabricate.
Except we are becoming neither. We grow our own fruit. I don't really know many animals that do such a thing.
The idea of "subversiveness" has become a mess. The fact is, we are poisoning ourselves with the cancer called "subversion" globally.. and unless we go all out and unite under a cause, that will not cease.
A catch 22.
I'm not saying it's the main culprit behind the incident. But it is a continued part of their intra-ethnic American social power play to disperse an ongoing anti-Irish sentiment into the culture. They don't even have to directly associate the killers red hair with Irish Americans, or Ireland. The image is already inside peoples head of the bright red hair. Later on they can use other forms of entertainment at their disposal to pull up those subconsciousness images and thoughts inside peoples minds by attacking 'gingers' or bashing the Irish with stereotypical Hollywood tropes.
I've been warning of rapidly increasing anti-Irish sentiment from the establishment, CIA, and British Tory usual suspects for over a year. It is something which isn't being talked about by anyone. If you go over to 4chan and troll a little with the Irish / Anglo thing, you can see for yourself the hornets nest of spooks that come out of the woodwork. This is typical followed up by ADL style threads for the next week asking paranoid questions like "How to Americans feel about the British?"
It is funny, but also telling where their weaknesses are right now. With everything going on geopolitically, the last thing the British and their deep state links inside the United States is Irish Nationalism flaring up.
Ireland is to Europe what Poland is to the UK. A backdoor play against British expansionism.
Thank god for a generation that grew up on "ironic" ben garrison cartoons about killing kikes and all sorts of assortments of things. I am not sure about the other anons but I am quite glad to let go of riches and try to make 1488 possible lol. Also, I dont think that we can remove the r/K selection cycle within a couple of thousand years. Many things in the human body dont change for millions of years. Hard to tell if these modes of operation are, or are not one of these things tho.
but perhaps the thing that troubled most politicians who then gave up is the incomprehensibility of society, its vast complexity and the inability to put ethics into many various aspects of it. Well thanks to racial realism we managed to solve a lot of these problems. Sure, we may not exactly know if its evil or not to produce certain types of plastic for example, the odds of them being hazardous to our health like the BPA plastics are…or many of the other industrial/scientific things…but christ, we sure as heck know that we must remove all negro and jew.
I think Egyptians summed up the situation with their gods Ra and Set that constantly bicker.
That is the problem with "eliminating subversiveness", it's impossible. But you can fight it. In fact, if the subversion becomes the majority, you merely become the subversion.
That's the wrong attitude motherfucker.
when does this nightmare end?
you're the part of the problem
Makes me WEW fam.
RIP that user that found where the place was that was responsible for releasing half of the elsa and other disturbing flash game shit meant "for kids". Anyone remember pregnant dora dentist?
What do you mean RIP?
That isn't the shooter's channel. The owner just put up a video an hour ago.
read systems of survival
Poor Gerry Adams was booted by Corbin too. Faith and begorah.
Irish are probably the most redpilled on the (((eternal anglo))).
Remember that Bush was not Reagan. Similarly, (((whoever))) the GOP runs in 2024 won't be Trump.
You can keep your blonde women in wheat fields. Give me redheads in misty highlands any day of the week.
Daily reminder that the fl school shooting that is nonstop wall to wall right now happened later in the day this was absolutely something big that needed to be buried fast
this is afterwards, the car was pulled off for inspection/investigation, this is post shootout, car moved out of way
It was probably someone that worked there. It would make sense that they entered legitimately, changed their appearance, and tried to leave with something (s) highly classified. It's the only way that an appearance change makes sense.
Otherwise, you have to have an entire fake ID in their system for a female or fake a female in the database, both of which would be more difficult, so this is very much an Occam's Razor conclusion.
If they were really intelligent, they would have had a fake ID in their database as said "woman" to swap to to enable them to leave. They may not have had the ability to manipulate said base (understandably) and were simply trying to buy time with an appearance change and cause momentary confusion.
Obviously, whatever their exact method, it seems to have been a failure. I wonder if there was someone else who made the call specifically to draw attention. That's the only way this would be a master plan. Otherwise, it's a bungled attempt to steal data. I can't possibly think of what else it would be.
The only thing I'm certain didn't happen is framing one of the actors. You sure as shit wouldn't frame a leaker. You would kill them to shut them up.
Yeah, fuck that. There will be no negotiation. We will end kikes.
Yeah, the military does not make the decisions. We just keep people in there so they don't kill everyone here.
Too bad a massive surveillance machine can just get fed bad intel.
They're both Celts you dubdubs mong.
It's not illegal to be edgy nigger.
Fucking attention whore
This is what real investigative research is my man. What the media is tasked to do but has failed in their charge in doing. We are, quite literally, the last bastion of investigative research/reporting in the west.
Well God is male and Taylor Swift is a boy wearing makeup so that part's right.
That is the power of truth, user.
Nope. That's why there is damage consistent with striking a concrete barrier on the hood and bumper. Try again, though.
Relevant Frank Black:
I have been given the gift of insight, of seeing in the dark and seeing into the darkness of men's hearts and minds. I know what evil is. We have seen it, felt it, tasted it, inhaled the demon breath of its ancient powers. The same powers that have been prophesied through history and which are now marshaling. Who is witness to this? Have we stopped listening to the prophets, the seers and the sayers?
I have misjudged my gift. If I see in the darkness it's because there is light. And it is the light which guides me now. The light that will not go out, that will lead us out of the dark night, if we let ourselves feel this, too. It will protect me, as it protects those around me. Even as the ancient forces try to steal our breaths.
Seven years of trials and tribulations. Seven plus one, the prophets tell us.
Is this the end? The last year of this peace? Or the beginning?
Speaking of bumpers, Trump wants to ban bump stocks. I will be banned for posting this fact because it goes against the narrative.
Go make another 300 >if threads, faggots
Oh no not a niche accessory for a sub-optimal weapon that can't be accomplished with a shoestring! What ever will we do! Not give the democrats what they wanted 6 months ago so they can claim they made a difference but in reality got cornered that's for sure.
Point is, the modification is illegal and the ban will be circumvented by people who intend to break laws. Bump stocks skirt the gray area - criminals don't care about the gray area.
They will cede on bump stocks because it is a niche issue.
Despite that I hope not, conceeding anything more on the 2A is a loser strategy. The left's March Of Poz shows that you have to constantly fight for more hardline positions just to hold on to what you have. It's not like there's any hope of a "reasonable compromise" either, their goal is to effectively repeal the 2A in the same way that the 4th has been rendered largely meaningless.
Shall. Not. Be. Infringed.
REEminds me of the men dressed as nuns with military issue boots during SHook
– Begs the question: did they get in dressed like that ? This
There was Don Jr's white powder scare, and the "they're taking biological samples from people all over Russia" remark from Putin.
Case 1k/2k have been cooking for a while. Bibi in Mexico before Vegas was suspect.
It's worse. Germans had laser discs late war.
There was a study recently – Boomers more tech literate than the sub-35s, once they fix to do it. Less flouride/soy dicking their cognitive abilities. The Q are more interesting as psyops, particularly how they might be contrived with a benevolent end in mind. Pensioners with too much time on their hands are getting weary/wise to the legacy media game (almost performative for your Fox News die hards for several years at this point.) If they only get as far as VDARE/The_Donald, it's a fairly huge leap out of their former Overton Window paradigm.
>Irish are probably the most redpilled on the (((eternal anglo))).
Their refugee policies indicate a dangerous inability to learn from examples.
What was NEC's name for this optical disc technology? I want to read about it.
do your fucking homework newfag and dont post here again for another TWO YEARS.
Hello I have some things for you anons that you will like.
Key individuals: Dale Griggs, David Hogg (double g's?), Q Larper; all connected.
Also please follow my links and pay attention to the comments sections of the vids not just the vids. There is important stuff you will find in the comments. Be quick before this post or any of these channels or comments disappear. I hope I am not making a mistake by relying on Holla Forums for this right now.
(((Adam Lanza)))
(((Jared Lee Loughner)))
(((James Holmes)))
(((Dylan Klebold)))
(((Elliot Rodger))) - jewish dad
(((Nikolas Cruz)))
so many school shooters, pedophiles and other scum are jewish and the media doesn't report it
jesus christ youre fucking right! this will catch on meme this hard
The military is much more than soldiers. Heavy artillery and aircraft are the difference ask the south slavs. So your part about numbers not being paramount is often true, but it pertains to the military. You must win the military mind. The higher rank the better. The higher clearance the better. This is not the American Revolution. Even in those simpler times it was itself heavily aided by the French military and facing a preoccupied foe.
Your bit about numbers is not always true. It is an ambitious idea, giving me particular hope when I face the perilous existence of degenerates within our own race. Their miscegenation of all forms will serve more to burst the present bubble than it will serve to destroy our race. Your idea supposes that spirit and technics will always conquer numbers and land mass. Look no further than Hitler for proof of the contrary. Look at Napoleon and his dream of a Holy Roman Empire (a united European race). These men and their regimes had the former qualities. Further, we too will have foreign enemies and perhaps even lingering petty nationalism (what if other white militaries remain cucked and opposed to us?) Our difference? We have the former and the strategic placement of our land. We will be redeemed in America, fulfilling the absolute gift and sacrifice of Napoleon that constitued the Louisiana Purchase. As Fate would have it, we will Manifest His and Our Destiny after all. Napoleon's plan was to continue his Empire in America, and it will be done.
Boomers can only go about as far as an Obama birth certificate scandal before things start getting too heavy for them.
why was this so funny to me
Because you can shoulder it and not rely on recoil to go pew pew. Besides that, that fellow isn't a bumpfire master, its easy enough to do from the shoulder.
Because you can shoulder it and not rely on recoil to go pew pew, when the gun goes back into battery said string goes tight and taps the trigger. Besides that, that fellow isn't a bumpfire master, its easy enough to do from the shoulder.
What about that guy who has a ghost girl waifu?
We're talking about a civil war though. We'll just raid the armories and steal the equipment for ourselves.