Yup this was posted just recently. The mods here bumplocked the thread. Im reposting because Im simply upset this is happening. Trump shills dont care they are shills and have a narrative to sell you. Actions speak louder than words! Trump giving Isreal more money is sick and demented. If you dont know the evil things Isreal does and their history oh boy your in for a rude awakening
10's Millions Americans are poor Trump gives Isreal a pay raise
oy vey anchor needed here mods
What does anchor mean? Im really new here and dont know all the lingo. If I took a guess your saying im the shill and to shut this thread down am I right? I still havent figured out how to quote a post. lol
Oh ya im sockpuppet lol. that must be it. Fuck facts fuck what trump is really doing. im just a sockpuppet that it.
Who’s gonna fund the missiles goyim?
Kill yourself with a shotgun
Stupid goyim, it's just chess. Let's just focus on SJWs and Muslims and feminists; we'll let the Orange One handle complex matters of state. I trust MAGA Man to do what's right, and,hey, when Israel's Great so are we! These gentiles keep forgetting they're our greatest ally!
I can't tell if this is bait or op just got here from reddit.
Pretty gay shit. At least Syria isn't swarming with ISIS right now like they would be if Hillary had won.
So.. got any plan? What should we do? Get mad? Explode some Federal Buildings?
What do you realistically want to accomplish and how?
Maybe meme on facebook?
Or just moop around in your mom's basement sucking your thumbs?
If not to demoralize, what's the fucking point of this thread? If you are not a blackpill kike faggot, surely you can start to imagine why this topic gets anchored?
The audacity of these yids. Truly we live in the ZOG.
nice argument
What candidate should we back. If you aren't going to stand up and make a party that doesn't yet exist, your ceaseless banter on an issue that isn't changing yet is pointless.
We could go out and protest the 23-30 billion a year that goes to Israel. I certainly am for that, but that needs some ground work to become a reality. How best do we go about doing it? I'm not that smart when it comes to logistics, perhaps you can help out. Faggot.
yeah that was totally a mega-based chess manuevre. Trump totally btfod ISIS.
wtf, I love the horseshoe theory now
Instead we got Trump attacking Syrian soldiers
Or maybe you could finally realize that Trump is just Bush 2.0 with a little more border security
What's your plan then?
Err, nice meme my dude, I guess it's pointless for me to have an opinion on movies until I've become a director myself too?
Why don't you create a party, instead of bitching at people on the internet to do it for you?
Don't forget that Russian base he cruise missiled because "muh 6 gorillion gassed kurd babies!"
I love how the MAGApede argument in 2016 + 2 always reverts to:
When in reality they aren't the majority at all. Maybe on fagchan idk.. it's probably a fagchan thing come to think of it.
Not taking action on this information
There is zero meme potential on this in any angle
Normies don't give a fuck, even might want more money to Israel, and even if 200 million looks like a big number, it's just a 7% increase, humans think in proportion, not numbers, it's literally nothing to normies, regardless if they are pro or against giving money to kikes.
Never said Trump was Hitler, he is a stepping stone, not the objective
Yes, continue halting any kind of dialogue on the issue, when 'suddenly' the thread gets anchored, will you show surprise?
Maybe stop saying threads that inform people about how many of their shekels go into a Jewish financial black hole every day
You sound scared. Feeling the pressure, Jidf?
Nah, I'm just pointing out that you're a crybaby who gets upset when threads disagree with him
Fuck off schlomo. Give me one president that wouldn't give more money to Israel. Now make a list of pros and cons (all of them support Israel so that issue is irrelevant). But the other pros for trump still make him the man.
Go drown in a gallon of soy milk, bitch tits
A stepping stone to what? Civic nationalism? 10 billion a year to Israel? We don't have time for "stepping stones" when whites have 50 years max in the US before they become a minority and lose complete political power.
Was George Bush also a stepping stone?
It's not about the normalfags, it's about the presence on this board by zionists like you.
The thing that bugs me the most about it isn't the fact that they're earning money. It's the fact that they will still want more after earning a large sum of money while wanting to punish nationalists who voted for Trump in office. They control institutions, businesses, entertainment, press, academia, and our government, yet they want to kill off the hand that feeds. It's disgusting.
disingenuously making non-arguments to disrupt any kind of dialogue. If that's not the definition of shills, what is?
yes, pointing out the same non-issues all day will change that
the fact is, whites won more than lost since trump, something that was not true before. Keep aiming for the stars and lose sight of that's just ahead all you like
based op
You sound like a baby boomer hahahaha
the only way forward is through absolute defiance. I don't care if hillary would have been worse. Trump is still a ZOG'd out kike puppet
That's fine. Trump is better than Clinton but it should be allowed and encouraged to criticize his actions. Are we Trump cheerleaders or the far-right/natsoc vanguard we're supposed to be? We won't get there defending actions like this.
Not every single post has to be a debate, fuck off Molyjew
Thanks lad
He was always the lesser of two evils. A civic nationalist who has many documented connections to Israel and kikes. The idea is that someone even better comes along after him. Ideally a civic nationalist with some conservative leanings, then a paleoconservative and finally a white nationalist/national socialist.
Phase one is completed. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. Soon, other NATO countries will follow suit. In a couple of decades Jerusalem will become the internationally recognized capital of Israel. Local Arabs will simply be deported to Europe to make room for the Jews. Trump really is playing 4D chess. He gaslighted the goyim quite well. He even convinced most lemmings that it's in their best interests to support Greater Israel. Once again the overton window was moved into a kosher direction.
Not that it makes me any happier but Obongo promised them $38 billion over the next decade back in 2016.
This is just the ~5% yearly raise that will fulfill that.
So in 20 years time normalfags will wake up and smell the coffee and vote a real nationalist into office? Too bad whites are going to be a minority of voters by then.
Oh yeah big man, you're being really "defiant" sitting on Holla Forums typing to people. What the fuck are you realistically doing, you LARPing faggot? Christ, some of you idiots, rather than holding discussions, sit here like little arbiters of human action and thought, like you're above it all, and you need only say what must be done. How about you fucking do something instead of sitting here saying "do this!" Fucking nigger. You know who the most active people are? The ones who don't sit on the fucking internet all day. You're not one of them. So long as you're here, you're not doing shit. Ironically enough, every time something who doesn't sit on their ass all day does something, you little arbiters of proper thought and moral holiness call them fucking CIA, or shills, or leftists trying to make "us" look bad. You're fucking niggers. You are a fucking nigger.
Nice, expand on this a bit and we've got a nice chesscuck copypasta.
Step One: Admission.
Step Two: Kill yourself.
they will work, they will plow, they will reap. we will sit like an effendi and meme.
Baby boomer butthurt Bonanza!
Trump does something good, countless threads on this board sucking his dick. 4-5 of them even get stickied.
Trump does something bad
>Oy vey, don't say nuffin bad about trump because he's literally the best we have. be grateful that (((they))) even let us have this much. We is conservatives now.
Fuck off you weak minded faggots. You'll literally settle for anything so you get that fake sense of "winning".
It's really something special to witness a redditfag civnat, neo-con invader out himself in a blaze of salty tear covered REEEEing.
You seem to be under the impression that you can just think society in a certain direction. No, you have to wait, and make an active effort to manipulate the direction of social views (which requires massive propaganda efforts). That takes years. It took a century to get us here (passively, going right will be quicker). Yeah, we don't have the time, but that's irrelevant. This country isn't surviving without a genocide or mass deportation, and a genocide or mass deportation won't happen. There won't be a Hitler. This country is headed for balkanization, or it will become like Brazil. Those are the two most realistic options. Maybe a whiter Brazil, since we actively segregate ourselves here. But then again, that would lead to balkanization more than likely anyway, because social friction can only get so bad. There's no logical or feasible means to save this country, unless you're okay with diversity, and simply want to promote segregation. If you're okay with diversity, then you can see a future for the country, but if you're not okay with diversity, and understand how it's bad, then you can not see a future for this country. I see a future for white people, but not this country. I don't like diversity, and and I understand that those most extreme examples above won't ever find mass support, so the only logical conclusion, to me, if balkanization.
Lazy nigger trying to push responsibility onto others as you sit on your ass and feel good about yourself for no good reason.
Did you run for President, faggot? No? What the fuck did you do?
I agree the US is lost, but if you think calling out kikes like Trump is a waste of time then what are you doing here? That's sort of what we do around here. Go do something productive if you don't like it here.
A year ago I'd be laughing at you. Now I'm just staring.
wanna know how i know you're a newfag?
I wonder if he'll regret that generosity after 'Bibi' is deposed?
Trump gave his daughter to kike. B-b-but it's all 4D chess, goy.
Want to know how I know you've never contributed a single fucking informative or interesting thought to this board?
You're not calling out anything. You're sitting on Holla Forums preaching to "the choir." How many fucking threads do we need of idiots whining about Trump, on Holla Forums? Thread, after thread, after thread for two fucking years. There's less opposition now than during the election, for obvious reasons, but nonetheless, who the fuck cares? Stop sitting on Holla Forums if you think your ideas are so wonderful, preaching the same thing, day in and day out, to the same fucking people, and go outside and do something. Christ, the government couldn't ask for a better website to contain you fucking retards. You all just sit here for years screaming the same fucking ideas at each other, and no one ever does shit.
Eh, Trump and Israel are based. You cant not support Israel if you support our gos emperor. Btw I used to be an anti semite too until the Don told me to stop it after Charlotesville. You are domestic terrorists if you hate Israel which is a good thing.
Is this why you come here zionaldfag? Do they ban on your ==MAGAPEDE GOD EMPEROR== worshipping sub for saying bad words so you come here to get your edge on?
Those are called niggers, spics, and communists, user. They would be poor even without Israel's aid.
You have the reading comprehension skills of a Sub-Saharan born nigger.
Pretty much this. You could make the case that Israel should be getting 300 billion instead.
What? If you haven't noticed "the choir" is with you on the_donald train. Do you live in some weird parallel dimension where Holla Forums hasn't been coopted by neocohens?
I turned 18 yesterday, what should I do to contribute to the permanent eradication of Israel?
Please stop. The Don's children are jewish.
stay mad kike
Why are you asking me? Unlike these idiots I don't pretend to have all the answers. I just know sitting on your ass all day typing at people with similar views to you doesn't accomplish anything.
These kinds of one-dimensional, non-contributive posts make you look like a shill, to be honest. I think you're happy people sit here for years typing the same ideas to the same people. Filtered.
Do people really say the k word here? Cringe. Name one reasone why we shouldnt give half of our budget to Israel. Waiting.
Who else would I go to for advice than a grizzled, wise baby boomer like you?
There's no excuse for this shit.
How supportive you are of echo chambers and non-action. Filtered.
Painfully cringe.
You want action? Here's some action for you to take: Stop sucking the cock of the Zionists and their masters. There's some action for you.
You're literally seething so badly. REEEEEEing non-stop to try and get people to stop making threads that you claim are pointless. If they are so (((pointless))) why are you getting so hot and bothered kike? Why are you trying to shut them down? You couldn't be glowing any harder shill.
t. magapede
Read and
Wow mods must be enjoying restful slumber… MAGApedes have been getting raped right and left ITT… Seeing this cucks #metooing and floundering in Jewish sperm without mod intervention is pretty alright
Lmao. Kike is getting BTFO so badly he's literally going to filter everyone until he tailors his experience to match his (((safe space))) /r/the_zionald.
Remember to report this shill. Any "shut it down" narrative needs to be reported on here.
Amusing. Thread keep updating with nothing showing. Everyone sitting here patrolling the thread if one of the shills I filtered, regurgitating the mentality of "sit on Holla Forums and never do anything." Hilarious. They really out themselves when they patrol this hard.
Literally hopped on a new IP to respond. Filtered.
A trash post that says nothing.
And another.
You really are cringe as fuck m8.
Only cowards filter nigger.
You sound like you're google translating your posts from korean or something. Is this a bot I wonder?
Hah, called it!
No, I'm not a bot, I'm the one who calls out the faggots patrolling a thread trying to push a narrative. A stupid, self-destructive narrative at that.
Mods really need to start coming down with the banhammer on idiots harder. How the fuck do we have an entire thread of reeing idiots without anyone bothering to look up if this is less or more money than the yearly tithe we are forced to give to the jews?
It really does seem like it's either:
1. Everyone here is a bunch of idiots.
2. Divide and Conquer. The "OMG TRUMP DID THIS ONE THING AND IT PROVES HES A JEWISH SHILL AND WE NEED TO TURN AGAINST HIM" just to get proven wrong, gets fucking old. Really fucking old.
You retards know Trump isn't Hitler but constantly have alarmist threads that act shocked when he doesn't act like Hitler.
Yep. And it has nothing of substance.
Complains about people "patrolling" the thread while he's sitting here hitting refresh and posting replies within 1 second while the tears trickle on to his keyboard. Lmao.
Again, don't forget to report this shill. Massive derailment job in progress on a topic he's openly admitted hurts his fee fees and he wants shut down on this board.
This must be a massive culture shock coming from /r/the_zionald where everyone sucks everyones dicks. I can literally feel you shacking with rage after every post you read.
I cannot believe americucks do not riot over this bullshit.
This is literal stealing
You retard, I'm not referring to the idea of the thread, I'm talking about OP saving the thumbnails, replaying to himself 4 times in a row, not knowing what anchor means, and making an absolute shit cuckchan tier thread.
Go look at how much foreign aid was actually spent in Israel. The jews literally got their income halved between 2016 and 2017. I wonder what caused that?
Don't be retards.
Threads auto-update, faggot. Welcome to Holla Forums, you must be new.
New IP again, huh? Filtered.
Don't worry, they'll wake up soon and you'll be back in your snug and safe echo-chamber. Then you can go back to the important task of regurgitating msm party politics talking points without being terrorized with politically incorrect hatefacts.
God damn you're a faggot.
Exaggerated strawman arguments - the mark of the retard/shill.
Nobody expects Trump to be Hitler, and its nowhere close to Hitler to expect Trump would deport the DACA scum that he's been saying he'd deport since early in his career. "They have to go back" and all that.
The fact is, Trump not only isn't Hitler (not that anyone expected as much), but he also is a shitty version of what Trump COULD be, giving money and aid and ball-sucking to Israeli kikes, increasing how much of the aforementioned is given, even as White Americans (two words Trump NEVER uses in connection to each other) continue to suffer.
You retards know we don't expect Trump to be Hitler, and you know what we expect from Trump isn't Hitler-tier, but you keep making these retarded exaggerated strawman arguments to cover your tracks. It was old months ago.
I fucked up and forgot photos. I swear to god, I think 90% of you idiots in jewish aid threads are shills. They're always the first threads to have some retard false flagging as a ledditor attack employed. It's gotta be the JIDF's favorite D&C tactic.
Go look at how much foreign aid was actually spent in Israel. The jews literally got their income halved between 2016 and 2017. I wonder what caused that?
Don't be retards.
At this point Americans have descended beneath the status of animals. We have surrendered completely to the ZOG in exchange for a life of slowly weakening dopamine rushes.
Not 90%, but the ones who incessantly patrol and attack everyone who doesn't agree with the narrative they push, is. You can tell but the one-liners and lack of contributive thought. I pointed it out and got hounded until I filtered the retards.
Your exponential autism is going cause you to filter every user on Holla Forums.
I'd say my filter is usually spot on.
Except foreign aid accounts for about 0.000001% of the shekels the US pays as tribute. Are you dishonest or just stupid?
Stay classy as always.
It's not though. It's the same 3.1 we've 'planned' to spend on them since 2014. You can look at it yourself, I've even shown you how. That's why it's important to look at what is actually spent.
Fair enough. I assumed otherwise after running into now what I assume to be a shill the last time we did this fucking thread. Dude was ruining the thread because he REFUSED to believe that Trump wasn't Hitler.
But the alarmist threads ARE happening, but who's creating them? That's the better questions.
I kind of agree with you. But it's like, nigga, foreign aid has one of the nicest web tools to explore. GO LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. What would be really, really interesting is to see what countries are getting massive increases and see if that ties along with our secret operator warfare. Can't win hearts and minds in south africa without building schools and whatnot.
I wish I didn't see that. Jesus fucking christ that's absurd…
you're so autistically impatient auto-update is too long a wait for you. Also, keep outing yourself at being proud of knowing what auto-update is. Imagine being this much of newfag that you think knowing that is a badge of honor.
Filtering me yet reading and replying to all my posts. Defeats the purpose. Imagine being this retarded. But I guess when you're shacking with rage this much all logic goes out the window.
>Thinking people don't understand the different between obligated and 'spent
Try harder kike.
Money goes to Israel through multiple avenues. The numbers you have supplied show one of these avenues. As OPs facts show, the overall amount of $ is increasing.
Anyways, if your argument is:
Then ur JIDF
Bro, that site also claims we only "Spent" $9.3k on Israel in 2012, and the data from 2010 and before is all "$0.00". I think the data is skewed or faulty.
Stop calling people retards while citing shifty government statistics.
Seems legit.
How organic!
Its not though, as evidenced by the OP article.
See above for why your 'showing' is highly dubious.
People who are alarmed. Because "They have to go back" Trump appears to be wavering on the only issue which he was appealing on above and beyond all other candidates, immigration. And we've got a bunch of twats coming into threads trying to discuss it, accusing everyone of being idiots or shills if they don't continue to suck Trump's balls blindly, spamming memes and making awful arguments about why the recent activity is totally justified and not a big deal goyim.
I just took a look around the map. Are we rebuilding every nigger country in Africa or something? What are these absurd
See, like I said IP hopping faggot. You're obviously the narrative pushing shill hopping from IP to IP in the same thread. Filtered.
Holla Forums is pretty blue pilled on Trump. Wtf happened?!
Redpill us o wise one.
This is some fucking kosher bait here
Evidently Trump is just rolling over and re-using Obama's aid package to Israel. Numbers and terms are pretty close.
Enjoy your newfound knowledge and go look up who supported the original bill.
Yep and it gets worse then that.
There ARE anons that stupid friendo. The average american reads at a 4-5th grade level and only comprehends 40% of what he reads. You always need to keep that in mind.
Nope, I was actually curious to know what the "total" is per year. I'm now curious to know what these other avenues are.
Well that's fucky. You look at the raw excel sheets? Now I'm curious.
Well, our state dept is, yes.
anons prove site is BS in the 1st place and you retardedly misinterpreted the data regardless.
We aren't building anything, we're just maintaining the shitholes in Africa.
Do you not know how this works?
Allow me to explain:
Africa is a massive shithole.
Their social ecology functioned/s on the basis of rapid growth followed by die-off, but White people in the West are horrified by the idea of this die-off, so they give tons of money.
That money goes to buy rice from the Chinese, which is then given to the African leadership, which is all corrupt as fuck, but even so, most of the Africans don't die-off. As the die-off doesn't come, their numbers just keep increasing, requiring more Chinese rice to keep them alive.
Meanwhile, Western populations continue to plummet, as does the economic stability of the West, making it less and less feasible for the West to continue to maintain the African social ecology.
Eventually, quite soon no less, the West will no longer be able to maintain the African social ecology - the numbers just don't allow it.
What then?
Well, if we're still in this bluepilled mindset in the West, we'll be flooded with African 'refugees'. I wager that's the plan, actually - bleed Western nations dry, shifting money into China while increasing the African population into the billions, then flooding the economically drained and socially demoralized White Western nations with Africans. It'd basically be a checkmate move if the kikes can do it before Whites gain a sense of themselves again.
The first year of Trump's presidency and the recent statements on DACA. If its chess, that's neat and we'll all clap for Trump when it becomes obvious that such was the case - if its not, then this has turned from winning into eating a dogshit sandwich while Jews simultaneously laugh at you and try to misdirect you with flawed argumentation.
The data seems really funky, don't even get me started on the actual Excel sheets, which are a fucking trainwreck.
For example: In the breakdown of spending, in 2016, of that supposed 4.19 million (yes, MILLION - seems sketchy) in the 'Spent' category, only $392 was spent on 'Peace and Security', while $2.63 million was spent on 'Health'.
Either this data/site interface iis trash, or there's more money being spent that isn't listed here.
see, that's you there in step 5.
Your dumb-ass hopped IPs again? You're really dedicated for someone who's supposedly coming on here for personal enjoyment. Filtered.
Yep, everyone believes this, its a very convincing argument.
That's really interesting. Supposedly this is ONLY the state dept info, but that's where a ton of our foreign aid comes from obviously. I'm too busy to dig into it, but I wanted to atleast get that website out so anons can start digging into it.
I bet it's just fucky accounting by design.
Daca to me looks like the Democrats are now trying to get Trump to deport all of them to make them look like Hitler. Immigration IS fucked in this country and needs to be reformed (and his high value immigrant plan I can agree with) but the biggest problem is what to do with the current illegals.
Biggest problem is we don't even know how many fucking illegals are in this country. It allegedly ranges from 20 million to 60+ million.
I do like trump's new immigration plans but the problem is still what to do with the illegals currently here? If we were still a nation of laws and I could trust those laws would be followed, I could hold my nose and support Trump's plan of basically putting them on 12 years of probation. But I can't, because I know that's not going to be followed.
First a baby boomer and now a millennial normalfaggot.
Trump loves Israel. There's no digging required to understand this. Even the "alt-right" or whatever loves israel. That fag milo and laura southern and other jews turned the """extreme""" right on muslims in order to deflect Jew hate back in 2016. Which is fine, muslims are totally out of control. But jews are the root of the issue, and that is what needs to be confronted. Chessfaggots have blinded themselves to the idea that things are still extremely dire, because they feel like they're part of an edgy group now and they don't want that illusion to be shattered by the posters who actually started questioning everything back in 2012. This Trump shit is just a piece of the puzzle and it's been heavily Judaized by it's own success (i.e. normalcattle, Reddit/Kekistanis, baby boomers etc) and the reality that the Jews control the entire planet .
What a load of bullshit. Trump gives money to Israel, so what ? They're our allies against the snackbar you bad goy
Trump on Syria should be measured on Assad staying where he is or Assad getting Ghadaffi-fied, not on anecdotes and single occurrences, because Ghadaffi is what happens when you've got Clinton/Obongo/Bush.
Cuckfy is that you?
theres your problem. youre a retarded newfaggot who still believes in the power of your ballot
Try posting the kike-wall picture another 3000 times. Maybe it will work this time, or sperg out abut chess some more.
go back to r/T_D
all politicians are kikes and if you werent a malicious actor you would realize this
Undoubtedly, a bunch of kikes are involved.
Case in point: Israel is the only nation that gets all its gibs shekels from the US at the start of the year, so they can benefit from gaining interest on it prior to spending throughout the year. Fact is mate, you're fooling yourself if you think we're not increasing the amount of money we give to Israel - they DEMAND it, its not even asking anymore.
You really have to understand just how thorough and complete the kikes control this country, specifically the government.
Let me put this into context for you: The entire US legislature, and the executive, came forward to unanimously create an anti-Semitism bill in the wake of Trump's victory that basically said "Saying bad things about Israel is anti-Semitism", supposedly motivated by a series of bomb threats to US Jewish centers, which turned out to be a huge hoax perpetrated by Israelis (who Israel refuses to extradite) sporting extremely-expensive (ie government or NGO funded) hardware.
That same legislature came out, also unanimously, to decry White Nationalism as the greatest evil of our time (there is a bill in committee right now, created by a Jew and co-sponsored by 3 niggers and 2 spics, elected by majority-non-White populations in urban shithole districts), after a bunch of Communist protestors who were marching illegally in the street got hit by a car and an obese shecow died of shock due to proximity.
The voterbase which supported Trump - and which supports Republicans in general - was 90%+ White, yet Trump will not (cannot, arguably) even say the words "White People" or "White Americans", even as he shills for DACA (chess or otherwise) and promotes himself for tackling non-White unemployment (ignoring, of course, that non-Whites hate him, are overwhelmingly on government aid, and are poor workers). Meanwhile, in the US, Jews contribute 50%/25% of Democrat/Republican financial contributions.
I mean, Christ dude, the writing is on the wall.
That's just retarded m8. It really is. Here's the reality: The Democrats don't really give that much of a shit about making Trump 'look like Hitler' in that capacity - they're much more interested in just blocking all his arguably-beneficial actions through the jewdiciary and trying to use the bureaucracy/media control to undermine him (which he doesn't help, it would seem, by surrounding himself with squirrelly kikes and Establishment cronies).
That's not true user.
Here's the rub: Immigration IS fucked in this country, in that it continues at all. We have ZERO need for ANY immigration at this stage - our country is bereft of any NEED for their influx, yet even the Republicans seem completely committed to the idea of the US as a 'nation of immigrants'… I mean, fuck, when we still had a frontier, I can see this whole "land of opportunity (for migrants)" shit, but now? No way man - we have no need for immigrants, and its a zero-sum game now: Every immigrant coming in is taking an opportunity from a native, and we don't have enough opportunity to spare on migrants. The real kicker though? Even if you cut off immigration completely, barring incentivization of increase White birth rates, US Whites will STILL be a minority in our lifetime, because the non-Whites who are already here LEGALLY (see: Reagan, aka why Trump making a deal on DACA is poison) are in large enough number to really, really, REALLY fuck up our country, through a combination of demographic displacement-derived factors across myriad fronts.
That's, again, not the biggest problem - the biggest problem is the demographic displacement.
And in that context, you could remove every illegal, cut off immigration completely, and you STILL will have to employ comparatively-invasive government programs to offset the imminent demographic decline of White Americans, which will have far-ranging consequences as it comes into effect, none of them beneficial, many of them involving resistance to any such cut-off of influx or removal of illegal/legal non-Whites.
I hate his plans. RAISE is horrible.
Because see above, combined with regression to the mean, meaning that IQ 120 pajeet doctor's son's son is going to be an IQ 89 street-shitter - and an American citizen. Big problem, not even addressing that cutting off all immigration still wouldn't fix things.
user, I hate to say this, but you're not even functioning at the level of redpilled that you need to be to understand this thing - you still think its about illegals, and its not.
The illegals are just a side-note, a distraction, a civic nationalist talking point to keep you distracted from addressing the REAL biggest problem, which is demographic displacement, which, again, couldn't even be halted by deporting all the illegals AND ending all immigration… To combat that, you'll have to engage in White fertility-increasing incentive programs (which is laughable when the president elected by a 90%+ White base can't even say "White People") and deportation of LEGAL non-Whites (for example, those granted amnesty by Reagan in the 80's), and given Trump can't even seem to hold the line on DACA, is it any surprise that people who REALIZE the true state of affairs are looking at this and getting alarmed? I think not.
If anything, I'd say those who are watching this and NOT being alarmed are the folks you should be concerned about.
Does any country or government give US money?
The Jews pay off the top brass at least, but I suppose that's not what you mean?
/new/ is the board that preceeded Holla Forums back on cuckchan.
A board specifically dedicated to sharing news articles from around the world. Obviously the more people found out what was going on the more they realised the fascists were right and that Hitler did nothing wrong.
So moot shut it down because he and you share a predisposition to faggotry.
Then /new/'s userbase spilled out across the boards and moot again freaked out when every board from /a/ to /x/ was going "HEIL HITLER"
He created Holla Forums as a "containment board"
Learn imageboard history you faggot.
Calm down sperg, we all get you're the oldfag king.
Lurk at least 2 years and reference the faq
Kinda makes you wonder why the original thread was anchored and why this thread is as big a shit show as the last
Jews contribute 50% of the Democrats financial contributions, and 25% of Republican financial contributions.
So, yeah, Israel is probably giving money to the US… Or at least, to our government officials.
As far as other nations giving up shekels as gibs? Hahahahaha, fuck no. We pay everyone, and most of the time they can't even be assed to uphold the requirements we set forth such as to be able to claim those gibs.
Its just like with the niggers in the US - we tell them they have to maintain basic standards of behavior in order to have free shit, but they're such animals that they can't/don't, but instead of cutting them off we instead have a whole army of Jew-trained catladies - and actualy kikes - who're employed for the sole purpose of ensuring everyone who is arguable entitled to free shit gets their free shit. The same is effectively true of countries all around the world - every shithole nation has some kike or kike-trainted catlady there, directing them how to appeal for US gibs shekels, and even if they don't actually stack up to deserving such, the kikes and their pawns have created a system whereby they can typically circumvent whatever restrictions exist through bureaucracy and bullshit.
The US is just a giant plantation, and we are the slaves. The house niggers are all corrupted and serve the kikel masters, and in return they get well-treated and are allowed to do a bunch of heinous shit (also making for nice blackmail material to keep the house niggers in line). All our proceeds go into the pockets of Jews or those controlled by Jews, who subsequently use whatever they don't keep for themselves on increasing the number of non-Whites, in-country and overseas, and use whatever pocket change is left over to keep the White US goyim slave-chattle in line.
O shit nigga
The problem is your original image presents Holla Forums as just another (((subculture)))
No indication of the truth we know
Hence you be faggot
No the problem is your severe aspergers, akchually.
Can the three of you quit it with the memetic autismposting? Watching these back-and-forth shitposting matches is incredibly old at this point, and there are plenty of shit-tier threads you could go do that in instead.
You're welcome.
another thread on how trump is a kike puppet isnt news, fam. while your posts are quality there's really no point for these threads, both pro and anti trump, to be made
That's a gross understandment of facts, fam.
Why thank you.
I disagree, and would suggest you're suffering from Trump-thread fatigue, and further, that the intent of the rampant posting of non-news threads in this vein may be a purposeful attempt to bring about that result.
In any case, this isn't a thread about Trump being a kike puppet - this is a thread about the US government being composed of kike puppets, and once again showing exactly that. Now, whether that's "news" or not, I dunno, given that its pretty fucking old itself as a concept, but the idea that "ah that's not news bro, doesn't even need to be talked about" is not also false, but has never been more false than it is now, when we've very-clearly be colonized by a large number of newfaggots from reddit and cuckchan who've not been exposed to such narrative discussions as those who've perused the board, say, since before the election was a thing.
IOW: Just because you've seen it all before doesn't mean others have, a thread about the US government being kosher doesn't have to be all about Trump being kosher, and shitposting for the sake of itself is a poor way to spend your time.
Just sayin' m8.
Fuckin lol'd.
Bump. Cry more, yid.
This is how pathetic the shills are now.
it really tells you how much the anti-israel left is kike owned, the fact that they will never try to use it against him.
This is op. I have compiled most of the arguments in this thread.
Im based
Im whiney
im a soy boy
Im a sockpuppet
Im a shill
Im Jidf
Im a larp
Im a hateful shitposter
I dont even know what most of these mean. These are not arguments of why Isreal deserves Money from the USA. What this is, its just name calling and accusations.
Its stupid! I understand that you really dont have angrument for the subject matter. You cant justify you cant explain why the US should give Isreal any money because when you research the crimes and history of Isreal you see we should not be doing any business with the USA.
In fact Isreal Qualifies as a country that needs invaded by the American Military to spread Western Democracy acrossbits land. Isreal qualifies as state that needs fixed and regime change needs to take place. REMEMBER USA IS THE POLICE OF THE WORLD THE WAR ON TERROR HAPPY HORSESHIT WELL ISREAL QUALIFIES
Remember when the fact that such a picture didn't exist was the strongest proof that Trump wasn't jew-owned?
Are you retards forgetting he had zero control over it? Schumer and Ryan did 90% of the work on it, Trump and his loyalists were lucky to throw in a few comments for 10% of it. Didn't even control that 10%.
Jesus Christ this board is pathetic. Despite once being better than 4chan Holla Forums, you guys have been completely coopted. I expect to come back in three months and see you worshiping based drug use and shitskins.
Suck kike cock somewhere else.
We already know they're kikes, what kind if boomer-tier shit logic is this? You seem new here.
Are you a woman?
You claim I need to lurk 2 years before i ever post. Lurk to learn the lingo to the learn the ins and outs of the board. Well I didnt.
Then you go on to claim
-This topic has been repeated ad naseum
-That this board is fully aware Isreal is bad and Trump is just another puppet
Woman confirmed. Go back to reddit. We don't want someone as stupid and wrong as you here.
Jesus fucking christ get back to reddit.
OMGGGGGGGGGGG FUCK BLOUMPHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More specific: "when we've very-clearly be colonized by a large number of newfaggots from reddit and cuckchan who've not been exposed to such narrative discussions"
Im being exposed to all your great discussion I sure Am Mostly these
Really great discussion here guys. Im so impressed! You cant be for real!?!
based soros!
Inside the mind of a trumpfag
Reminder that the Sea of Galilee is the only thing keeping Israelis alive.
I don't fucking get what it is with you Americans. The amount of genuine autism and delusion I've seen poured on this board the last year will probably be unmatched forever for the rest of my life. You need to get your shit together and get this race war rolling.
I thought this line was awfully suspicious, they didn't give you a very (((diverse))) list of things to say did they?
Let's make the best out of a shity situation, it's a good redpill opportunity.
Combine that new raise with the stories of israel being caught spying all the time, the my fellow White people posts with sad pics of starving Americans.
=WTF ???????????==
They should lurk more then. It's not like it doesn't become evident with the majority of the news posted here or the countless youtube videos on that issue. Politicians being Kosher is the tip of the (((iceberg))).
Not only that, but by shills with the mods' cooperation, a bunch of shit-flinging monkeys with their chess memes trying to send the discussion to low levels, to the point that National Socialists are falling for the two-kiked system bs, that if they don't support Trump, they would rather have Hillary, same shit as supporting Bush because oh at least it's not Al Gore.
Shlomo is too lazy to even save full images now jesus
is it 4d chess (:^))
asking for an increase requires discovering the original numbers
Always nice to see not everyone is wearing their maga hat.
Oy vey, quick Mods,sticky another Football lads Alliance thread and a few pro-Kosher nationalist pretend patriot articles for Le Pen, Orban and Gert Wilders and the rest of the jewish freemason controlled opposition for good measure,maybe an Anders (((Behring))) Breivik pro IDF story and a few Fox news puff pieces about the tremendous victory NeoConservatives are now having and that means "we're" totally winning and how it really upsets the leftists and Hollywood muslims.
Anything to take the aut-kikeisté drones minds off the fact they got truly mind fucked by the great jewish election swindle
A pay raise implys Jews do any work. This is just more free money.
Eat a bag of dicks faggot.