Duterte: "Shoot em' in the pussy."



When grabbing em by the pussy fails to remind em who's in control

Duterte basically has two rules, don't be involved with drugs (either selling or buying) and don't be a communist. What is so fucking hard to understand?



Guy is a beast.

This is kind of an off-topic, newfaggy question but why is even "human rights" even a thing? Everything about it is fucking absurd not even Pissrael is immune to "human rights" violations even though they're pro-feminist and pro-homosex.


Because it neuters us.


Human rights is a jew invention to used to prosecute Germans for (((war crimes))) during WWII. As if any other country in the world follows "rules" during war. Now it is used to hamstring the American military.

Wrecking commie cunts

checked! lucky trips say death to all commie scum. praise kek!

Human rights is western bullshit to draw sympathy for criminals.


I love that they're trying to turn macho into a bad word now. As if we needed more proof that the Overton window is a thing.

Why not gang rape them to death instead?


Duterte also said he was a bisexual and thought homosexuality was alright.

This guy is an idol and the greatest shitskin I know alive.
Heil Duterte!

How is the weather in Jerusalem?

Because it sounds really great and is effective propaganda of course. Who could be against human rights?
You should trust me, because I'm an expert of the American Council for Efficient Communication - ACEC.


(((Human rights))) was a marxist invention of the 60-70´s, when political ngos started as a thing, being Amnesty International the first breeder (they made a book too, congratulating themselves).


They're just trying to get Macho Men to the Boiling Point

this should be done to all women tbh

Just sent this to my Celtic Princess for Valentines day. Fuck off kikes who don't know the 14 sacred words and promote mgtow. I aim to keep these thoroughbred Aryan genes in the gene pool. Completely support sterilization of commie cunts through any means necessary, including shooting em in the pussy.

You know, this is actually a stroke of genius. If you are a man, you can always work. If you are a woman, your pussy is your backup plan. You can always find a nice beta to take care of you if you give up the pussy a few times a month.

What would women do if this wasn't available? That would sure give a woman pause about hoisting the hammer and sickle.

wouldn't shooting them in the head achieve the same thing?

>His comments drew widespread condemnation from (((human rights))) and ((((feminist groups))).
How can you not love Duterte? aside from the toleration of homosex ofc

Just had my first Aryan child. Told the kikes to fuck off with their circumcision bullshit after they asked at least five times my son wasn't circumcised entirely because I learned about it on Holla Forums
Feels good man

Back when he worked at Nintendo. Look it up.

Virgin US soy military vs Chad Filipino jihadist communist pussy destroyer
Can someone please meme this?

I thought Duterte working for nintendon was just a meme?

Because (((Soviet Union))) won WWII
read their constitution, and then pic related.

You're confusing war crime tribunals with human rights orgs.
War Crime Tribunal is kicking the loser after he's fallen.
Don't ever dare reading articles 19 or 21 of the London Charter or You'll be a really bad goyim, you don't want to learn the contents of those articles.

Yes but alive they serve as a living reminder to other wannabe commiecunts.


Kek has blessed Du30.

This flip women's group is Gabriela, named after a widow who took over the leadership of a localized revolt vs Spanish colonizers after her husband died. Their province were freed from Spain for a few years, but ultimately the revolt failed.

Anyway, 10 years ago this Gabriela group raised a huge shitstorm when a flip barslut got dumped on the streets naked after a wild romp with US servicemen. She cried rape to save herself from the humiliation and Gabriela stepped in at the opportunity to humiliate the big bad America. Turns out, the barslut only wanted the green card, so the US cut a deal for her to drop the charges and she can go to the USA. The butthurt from the commie wymyn was hilarious.


Seriously, notice how so many of them fall for every terrible vice on Earth because it gives them more pity points.

Holy shit, the absolute madman.
But wait a minute, isn't he a communist himself? Like I remember he was pro-China? Did that change

rev up those memes

"Muh vaginah!"
"No thanks!"

Are Filipinos becoming the Serbs of south east Asia? At this rate the Philippines will become a fascist empire in asia one day.

Did he kill his own son already?

Shoot in the pussy

If you zoom in on his oversized medal, you can just make out the words and understand what he gave himself a medal for.

the concept of human rights is "enlightenment" philosophy bullshit. When Holla Forumstard bots refer to muh kultural marksism they are usually referring to some retarded enlightenment philosopher that needed to be taken out back and shot.

In essence a right is a claim back by naked violence. When they refer to (((jew)))man rights they are asserting that they will kill whites for the right for shitskins to murder us and breed like cockroaches on our dime. If that doesn't sound retarded I don't know what will.

cultural marxism is a buzzword, when in reality it's Gramsci's communism which is the reverse of bolshevism.
As we all know, (((bolsheviks))) first used mass terror to change the ownership of means of production, and after that proceeded with brainwashing on a mass scale.
Gramsci believed that communists should first destroy all the national identity (bourgeois culture) and after people are demoralized the seizure of their property will be accomplished with little to no resistance because they've been broken.
You can see that by comparing the history of USSR, and UESR EU


The majority of these people I believe are wrong. Human Rights exist. It exists so that in case of people like Soros coming into influential power they still cant outright shut down anything that has to do with it.

Imagine if the constitution and human rights didnt exist. If Soros with all of his money decided that he didnt want people to ever talk about him in a negative light he could just use his forturn to push for laws that would silence any opposed to him. It prevents groups and governments from shitting on the general populace. It is not for however pushing bullshit that is detrimental to the human race. Its not a human right to get to be called whatever fucking pronoun you want. It is a human right to call yourself that though. It isnt a human rights violation to refuse to create something (like a cake) that goes against your values. It IS going against a human right to force another to adhere to whatever religion, creed , sexual orientation or doctrine you believe in.

Human Rights are something that we need in a society to prevent outsiders from coming in, obtaining influence and destroying our country by shutting down those rights. It is our right to say no, to say we enjoy being the color we are and we only want to do what we want to do as long as it does not destroy another person. It isnt a human right to force others to adhere to practices and beliefs that they do not want to be apart of. So if I hate gays, niggers and spics and want to not ever associate myself with them that is my Human Right to do as I please and not be forced into doing something against my will.

Its not misogyny if hes only doing it to communists. Its anti-communism, which is what they are really butthurt about.
Protip: dont want to get shot in the cunt, dont be a filthy fucking commie degenerate.


In short, rename it to "white rights" because that's what it actually was before kikes Talmud'd it up.

Jesus fuck, thats some serious empiric stuff right here

Meant for


that's because the jew cries in pain when they strike you

Your rights used to be given by God. God's dead:-[, "human rights" are an attempt to fill the void

fuck off leftypol

Checking those trips. As well, he wasn't going to ally himself to China because of communist sympathies, he was pretty much leaning himself toward them so the US government under Barack Obama didn't try and "bring democracy" to the Philippines. When you're a little nation and you draw the ire of the current US government your only choices are to ally with China/Russia/Iran or get your government toppled.


Checked. God damn that is fucking awesome.

I hope Based Pinoy Emperor Duterte shoots you right in the pussy.

(((human rigts and feminist))) Groups

Duterte just declared open season on communists

All invited!