Russian mercs killed By US special forces in Syria

According to the unnamed US and Russian sources, "more than 200 mercenaries, mostly Russians fighting on behalf of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, died in a failed attack on a base and refinery held by U.S. and U.S.-backed forces in the oil-rich Deir Ezzor region" In terms of total body count, the U.S. official put the death toll at about 100, with 200 to 300 injured.

In a bizarre deflection of responsibility, Russia’s military not only did not demand an explanation from the US for the deaths, but said it had nothing to do with the attack and the U.S. military accepted the claim. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis has called the whole thing “perplexing,” but provided no further details.

“Coalition officials were in regular communication with Russian counterparts before, during and after the thwarted, unprovoked attack,” U.S. Colonel Thomas F. Veale, a military spokesman, said in a statement. “Russian officials assured coalition officials they would not engage coalition forces in the vicinity.”

The deadly fight began about 8 kilometers (5 miles) east of the Euphrates River de-confliction line late on Feb. 7, when adversaries fired rounds and advanced in a “battalion-sized dismounted formation supported by artillery, tanks, multiple-launch rocket systems and mortars,” Veale said. No fatalities were reported on the coalition side and “enemy vehicles and personnel who turned around and headed back west were not targeted.”

Shortly after the attack, al-Masdar reported that  the pro-government "ISIS Hunters" released an official statement on Sunday condemning the US Coalition’s airstrikes that killed several members of the Syrian Armed Forces on February 7th.

The ISIS Hunters specifically condemned both the US Coalition and the Kurdish forces that are currently in control of the majority of the northeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. There was, however, no mention that many of the fighters killed were Russian mercenaries.

Many of the Russians killed or injured were veterans of the Ukraine conflict, according to Alexander Ionov, the head of a Kremlin-funded organization that fosters ties to separatists who’s fought alongside pro-Assad forces in Syria. It’s not clear who was paying the soldiers of fortune, whether it was Russia directly, its allies in the war, Syria and Iran, or a third party.

Bloomberg has also identified the mercenary outfit involved in the attack. According to reports in local media, Wagner - a shadowy organization often referred to as Russia’s answer to Blackwater, the U.S. military company now called Academi - was hired by Assad or his allies to guard Syrian energy facilities in exchange for oil concessions.

There’s a refinery in Deir Ezzor that once funded Religion of Cuck™ic State operations that’s now “crucial” to Assad’s plans to finance the reconstruction of Syria once a peace deal is finally reached, according to Yury Barmin, a Middle East analyst at the Russian International Affairs Council in Moscow.

Putin fags get rent how will you ever recover

Other urls found in this thread:,w0c6OS8YnUKFDbrIkcKfvw/BU60aDKnsUqqdsnM379uZw

Actual sources still pending hohol, try again

So then Assad has some paid positions open then? Shame those ruskies got ZOG'd.

Almost every news source in the world has put a story about it out and General Mattis commented on it the other day. You RIDF niggers are sad sacks of shit but I would be to if I knew my friends got ads raped to death the other day.

>The (((US))) cries out in pain as it strikes you


>(((US))) planes are in the area
Your time will come, kike. Reported.

Pogrom in progress?
Bot read vid from qresearch.
TL;DR Israelis fly into DC to protect (((Priestap wife))) from getting shoah'd

The US hasn't lost any planes in Syria. The fighting happened on the Syria border and it was Russian mercenaries and tanks getting btfo by SF dudes and drones strikes.

While the US is still in Syria, Russia needs to play along to get along, it's obvious at this point to anyone that regime change is not on the agenda seeing that isis had been dealt with and US troops aren't out there just looking for a fight. To think the US would pull out of Syria the day after isis defeat is unrealistic and everyone needs to just chill the fuck out because America will never not have a presence in the middle east for the foreseeable future.This is the diplomatic equivalent of a rat king and it's going to take nothing short but an act of fucking god to unravel this forsaken mess.
Otherwise, it's happening.

Oh so Israel made that plane and helicopter that just got shot down the other day?

Sorcha fatal ? You fucking kike

I hope your 30 shekels were worth it you sell out.

Most sources seem to agree on 5 Russian mercs and three Syrian personel inside the T-72.
Impolite sage

I have a hard time believing 200 well-armed combat veterans were killed without inflicting a single casualty on the opposition.


Depends on how much arty fire and air strikes they were receiving i’d think

Lurk for two years before posting. You obviously have no idea how to discern truth from lies.

If you don't have proper air support in a modern engagement the only option for you is death. Look at what happened to Saddam.

Not even a single casualty though, let alone a death? Even Operation Dingo had 6 wounded, 2 killed on the Rhodesian side, and that was against communist trained jingle niggers that literally didn't understand the concept of sights. Modern Russians are perfectly competent warfighters, and you don't become a mercenary without knowing a thing or two.

Not this time.

The news came from (((bloomberg))) and the article is authored by By Stepan (((Kravchenko))), Henry (((Meyer))) and Margaret (((Talev))).

It's the most Oy Vey article I've ever seen.
The question is what the angle?

In fact every time you see shit like "Russian PMC" it's shill talk, mercenaries and PMC are strictly illegal in Russia.

The "Wagner" thing is even more laughable when you dig through the MSM reports the first one you found about it is this:

The only traceable source in this is Felgenhauer, which you can get directly know the US State department opinion about thanks to the cablegate
>Summary: While Russian analyst Pavel Felgenhauer's prediction of an August war with Georgia has been seized upon by Georgian decisionmakers as proof of Russian responsibility for the war (reftels), he is held in low regard by other respected Russian military analysts. Felgenhauer enjoys being quotable, which – combined with his fluent English and investment in the diplomatic circuit – has helped cultivate his high profile. In polling other leading military analysts, we were told that Felgenhauer lacks access to military circles, a charge he does not deny.

(Which is something that has been so thoroughly debunked Sky got sued over it )

Remember: always accuse others of what you're doing.
The US and it's (((allies))) are the ones extensively using PMCs, mercenaries and proxies…

those poor stupid bastards probably were lied to about getting air. I can't imagine any "merc" marching to his death against a fucking US base like that willingly.

Mercs fought almost the entire Ukranian conflict for Russia. Russia also sent a huge number of irregulars to both Syria and to the Serbian wars in the 90's.

why do dey bersegude me so? :DDDD

We all know it's the kikes, retard.

For one, there's a reason all these companies are "Private Security", not "Private Military". For another, being private security doesn't stop them from being used as guns for hire. Super fucking illegal, but only if you get caught and only if anybody actually cares. As noncoms, those blackwater guys on that roof from that old video were technically committing murder for the whole world to see, and one of them is sitting fat and happy on a youtube gun channel now.

Priestap's wife is a MOSSAD asset, you pozzed Putinfaggots. I hope you all die by getting your legs severed by an FSB chainsaw and then you get thrown into a bay where baby seals slowly maul you to death by chewing on your flesh as you're still alive, you fucking Putinfaggot.

Put two and two together.

Want another MOSSAD asset? Brian Kennedy at FTI Consulting. He's done more to fuck over the Russians in the energy trade than anyone. CIA cut him loose because he's an alcoholic and the Saudi Arabian General Intelligence Presidency won't protect his ass anymore for energy deals. Fuck you SVRfags.

Y’all niggers are missing the point. There hasn’t been such disparity in military capabilities since Brits vs Zulus. Russia is done as an empire, Putin’s most loyal supporters are having second thoughts that he can deliver anything anymore as far as foreign policy is concerned. And many are being vocal about it. He has no choice but to respond with something that will yield similar results (hundreds of dead US soldiers) to restore faith in the military, his leadership, and morale among loyalists…But he can’t

It all makes sense now why halfchan censured his name by banning people that tried posting it. And hiroshimoot responded that it was just a weird glitch after the bans all of sudden 9 or so after anons were posting pic related.

9 or so hours*

Putin posses everyone off already with Ukraine. The nationalists are butthurt he didn't do more and the russian liberal types are butthurt he annexed land. Putin has been losing control for a few years


something is definitely fishy with this. there is absolutely no way we just wiped out 200 veteran ruskies without getting a scratch on us. and the fact that russia (and maddog) wont even acknowledge that it happened is very fucking strange too.

at times like these its important to remember that we often use mercs. and also that rent-a-soldiers dont get counted officially as american deaths in a conflict. this was done all throughout the iraq conflict.

i think that we can all agree that 200 seasoned veterans dont just go down without a fight. what if we operate under the assumption that this oil refinery was something more than just an oil refinery? and thus PMCs were brought in to fill the gaps for whatever reason (either to distance ties to US involvement, or to keep some of the officers in the area from knowing what is going on, or both).

something is definitely off here, and i cant put my finger on it. i would assume this is totally blacked out by the media, no?

Sorry for the guys.
Their Yurei will come back to kill the people that murdered them.
As will … for the mod in Trump budget 2019 thread (do not reply to it!)

I'm not really convinced. Russians have a terrible combat track record to the point where I'm amazed they had any success in the Ukraine. From the sounds of things they probably got plastered from beyond small arms range. It would be nice if we could get engagement distances but I doubt we ever will.
Though the fact that Russia seems to be washing their hands of the situation and Maddog Mattis commented on it, so it's a bit disingenuous to say that they aren't acknowledging it.
That being said, I think it's safer to say the mercs didn't know what they were walking into, like what said.

O look the kikeblog shilling his site when we already have threads. Imagine that.

Everyone resopnsible for it will die a horrible death.

No shit retard. Why the fuck do you think I posted a video explaining to (you) that Israeli Special Forces have flown into DC to protect the kikess from getting whacked?!!
Are you such a sperging brainlet you COMPLETELY fail to understand WHO this implies is DOING a POGROM on her??!
Hint: It sure as fuck isn't her glownigger friends.

Everything I read says the Russians lobed a few tank rounds at the burgers. Then the burgers called in air support and they reigned hell fire down on them for 3 hours until they retreated which sounds exactly like what would happen in a Russian burger confrontation.

The reason both sides are playing coy and don't want to own up to it is because neither Russia or the US want a serious confrontation. The US isn't suppose to be in Syria and Russia has a tough guy persona they can't just admit someone fucked them up and then let them get away with it.

Remind why this is bad?

ivans are scared of their people seeing dead soldiers on TV.
it would be like another Chechenya.
so any mass casualty is treated as


is it retaliation for bill priestap supposedly cooperating with the trump admin?

Horey Shit. Will this go hot on us bros. Cold War redux?

but why?

You're dreaming again, hasn't happened. Russki slavshit has been burning up left and right though.

Isn't US law allows to publish propaganda?

This, Bunch of Yemeni goatfuckers managed to completely BTFO of a Saudi helibase and their Blackwater pets like couple of years ago.

Because the mercs isn't contacted by Rusky government so that is why they aren't responsible for the rusky mercs. If the rusky mercies are contacted by them or government soldiers then the story would be different. Would US government say that "it is nothing to do with them" if the yank mercs are contracted instead of ruskies by Assad? I thought he understood that the private military company isn't same as government military.


That's illegal an would be misconduct of ally.

As a guy who was over in Ukraine the only sizeable merc group was Rusich and they did one hell of a number on UA the punitive battalions out around Luhansk. Other than that it was generally pissed off locals on the front lines.

I don't know why you're trying to imply a rolled up balaclava is some jew cap

Priestap's wife's cover was blown by the fucking DIA. Her espionage on the U.S. is being used as leverage in negotiations with Priestap himself. Why? Because Priestap's wife was compromised by MOSSAD and handing FBI intel to the kikes.

Lesson? Don't fuck with Trump and military intelligence. The Pentagon owns all the satellites, comms and lines glow in the dark use. The U.S. military is always a step ahead of CIAniggers. That's why Trump is always a step ahead.

What else is based af by Trump? Trump is using Priestap's wife as leverage against – oh shit – Mueller! Trump has balls the size of the planet Earth and gives zero fucks. He's winning, meanwhile, it seems like someone in the US has a hit squad out on this bitch.

Fuck everyone who doesn't get this, of you can't understand how fucked Mueller is, know now you fucking potato, extra-chromosomed offspring of a Sub-Saharan nigger and an Abbo nigger who sucks the gonorrhea off pozzed cocks for crack money and shoots meth into his dick in a public toilet covered with dried shit and hypodermic needles, you fucking Putinfaggots.


IDK the other shit, but american planes are falling since 1999 and i am not talking about f-16.

Modern war is just a farce, a reality show with lots of deads and what i believe is that both are destrying all nations surrounding elites.

War is a chaotic environment, assuming its true it was likley a case of identification. And Americans, rightly, have a habit of just killing anything that shots at them without asking questions.

Farce? Do you not know how stealth works? A low radar cross section merely means that the plane is harder to get a radar return for. The point is to make it prohibitive, either in terms of expense or deployment, to deploy a tight enough radar screen to protect your troops as the low radar cross section aircraft fly between the effective radius of the stations in the radar screen. As well as to decrease the effective engagement range in air to air combat.

So when in the case you cited you force an aircraft to fly in a set pattern for weeks and the enemy sets up radar sites directly under its path and manage to shoot it down there is no surprise. Same with people bitching about the F22 losing a close range engagement with three Eurofighters when they are using active radar and have radar support from ground installations and observer aircraft. If you saturate the sky with radar emissions and reduce the range of engagement you will get a return. When in reality you'd be engaging at long range and them turning on their active radar when you have a lower radar cross section is the equivalent of them painting a bullseye on their foreheads and stand around in the open while you hide in the bushes. Hell the point of wargames isn't to "win" it is either to test some parameter in a hypothetical situation or to test the readiness of existing formations and if they can actually deploy in a simulated combat environment.

Its like being pissed that an antitank gun which can lie in concealment and destroy 4 tanks before it has to withdraw is utterly crushed when you stick it out in the open and have it duel a single tank.

Bitch you have to use the weapon in the role it was designed for.

Look aside from the obvious problem of kikes using others to do what they've never been able to do for themselves, ie fight worth a shit, I really don't see the issue with killing saracens.

I mean in a hypothetical scenario in which all kikes and leftists were dead would we really have a problem with mercs icing a bunch of muds?

fuck man, the OIG report from Horowitz cant come soon enough.

I sure as fuck don't. I'm just pointing out the legal logistics of the situation.

Here's what happened. Israel got the shit kicked out of them with one jet destroyed, three damaged, a helicopter downed, and a drone downed. Faced with all this, as well as a highly successful jamming operation and the fact that none of their missiles hit anything, they had to hit back with some propaganda.
A tank with a few Russians as crew was blown up, and a few anti-Isis Syrians "advised" by Russian speaking Israelis were killed attacking another bunch of pro-Isis Syrians, also "advised" by Russian speaking Israelis, so all the liberal media comes out with a story of 300 Russian casualties, including 100 dead.
Really? So why did General Mattis basically say in his statement "I have no idea what the fuck is going on?"
So what happened? And the answer is….nothing.

good thing jewdar is coming, russki shill

Full on media coverage and zero evidence been shown, i dont think this is a falseflag but its trying to do somthing..

If they were Russians, they would not move and engage with tanks without anti-air. Mobile anti-air is sort of their thing.

If Russians are going up against an enemy that has aircraft, they'll bring along Shilka's or Tunguska's.

Rusich is badass

Hey man, the dude is a devoted Monarchist. I mean he used to larp as a White Russian officer and those sort tend to be really jew wary over there. Besides that he honestly reminds me of the mari people than a yid

They're in Syria these days I'm told.

You are a nation of born liars Ivan

Until they fight against Green berets apparently then they become a heap of corpses


You don't have any idea what you're talking about. Refrain from commenting

I heard about it

Not anymore. Useful idiots wasted their lives over nothing.


What a chutzpah

Big proof
I can draw some x in paint to.
You will have to provide more credible proof tbh.

News at 9

I know your buddies are fucking worm food because they faced a group of real badasses

some confirmed vics
use g.translate,w0c6OS8YnUKFDbrIkcKfvw/BU60aDKnsUqqdsnM379uZw

no, you are just being an ignorant fool on the internet.

It's a shame the guy who tortures small animals and fucks kids is the one still alive

go to reddit.
1/10 made me reply.
you are shit at trolling.

You mad bro?

I can't wait up until things go hot and we get to fuck you up in the next war Russians are a great enemy to kick the shit out of

Yes. I am. Kill yourself kike.

You could literally not be any more of a kike faggot right now. Also the chances of Russia shitting all over our POC tranny army increase every day, not even mentioning if China got involved.


Pick one. The country was called grand tartary until the 1700's and they are quick to self identity as not part of the west. If Russians want to act like belligerent steppe niggers I have no problem making the dead.


filter this fucktarded shill faggot.
bonus points for reporting it

you're a
salty boy

have this, pizda butasta

Burgers are funny, whenever they get into a fight with anyone first thing they do is take cover and call air support. Was and is like this in every conflict American have called air support fought in post WW2.

Russiaboo at it again.
Do you want gore? I can provide you some.

Tbhanks for admitting you're full of shit

Yes maybe draw some more imaginary x's.
Throw in a circle or two to show how badass you are )

That is not an answer, russiaboo.
Do you want photos of their dead bodies?



Still no answer. What a nigger.

Please do actually. I would kek at dead controlled op.


Gore blurred. Notice they had commies among them.

what a pussy.
Can't into real gore.

Gross. Of course they have communists, they're vassels for the DPR.

Actual whites don't get turned on by dead people, nor do they get joy in killing.

soros not paying for english classes?

also, do you need a hankie?

According to my sources, this is what happened. Deir e-Zor is the only area where Axis (Ru, Sy, Ir, Nk, yes WWIII has started) forces control part of the eastern bank of the Euphrates. Last fall Russian military built a bridge and recently YPG released a dam upstream that destroyed said bridge. Since then, Axis powers have been struggled to hold onto their sliver of the Eastern bank while resupplying with Soviet amphibious craft.

Last week Iran tried to break the stalemate, and assembled a battalion to cross the river and drive North East. The batallion raised by Iran was officered by the IRGC, consisting mainly of local tribal
fighters, SAA remnants, and Russian mercs (bridge layers). Iran lied to batallion, told them they were on a mission to destroy an ISIS holdout cell. In reality, Iranian and Hezbollah forces had previously taken US marine artillery fire from this position earlier in the week. Now Iran wanted to try it's luck testing US defences. The Iranian attack began at midnight, at which point YPG and SOF called in an absolutely disgusting amount of airpower. The batallion was vaporized and because of the like,the local Sunni tribesmen will probably not fight for Iranian-officered units again. Iran knows this but it's unimportant, this was just an experiment for Iran. When spring comes, the Iraqi shiite militias which defeated ISIS will begin transferring to Syria where they will be organized by Iran into a modern fighting force replete with about a dozen Russian transport helicopters and a dozen Iranian attack helicopters. This is the X factor. Soon the YPG will be facing a resolute, battle hardened enemy equipped with organic air support. Expect major confrontations between Axis and USA/ISRAEL very soon.

Didn't say I wanted gore, just kekd at the thought of you kikes getting owned.

No they don't, there is no evidence whatsoever of actual companies getting security contracts to do work abroad for the Russian government (unlike Academi, DynCorp, Aegis, Erinyes, etc…) and/or Russian big companies (that are vastly gov' controlled anyway). When they need something done they send their army and it shows.

What they have is something that completely boogle the mind of the westerners: volunteers.

People that willingly risk their lives for others on the account of faith (defenders of the orthodox church) or kin (pan-slavic brotherhood) and not for a paycheck. If paycheck there is you typically can trace it either to a collective collecting donations or to one well off guy that will openly admit he compensate volunteers for their time out of his own pocket for the same reason people volunteers and he probably asked a permission for it before that in private to government elements, which is the closest it gets to some form of official endorsement (and no he doesn't "employ" them… or else he would go to jail or worse. Russia has enough internal security apparels warring against each others to add private ventures to boot).

You're a
salty boy

this guy gets it.

I'm getting real fucking tired of people here like

who have no fucking idea what they're talking about

this is what you mentioned here.
Great to see someone who actually knows what he's talking about for a change.

Who's the nigger?

a huemonkey from Team Vikernes

Eh, I risked my life there because those rebelling folk saved mine.

Because war is just a big, ugly, fat joke.
You will maybe get blown up to pieces the next day, and see your best friend turned into strawberry pulp. So stop frowning at life, Take it with a big bright smile, a bit of craziness and some fine good ol' black metal!
Team Vikernes is a group of foreign volunteers fighting on the pro-russian side in the Donbass war since August 2014. We like to blow things up and do stupid things.
The purpose of this page is absoluteny unuseful and superficial.
Rear-lines politcal komsomols can go fuck themselves.

(despite our crazyness, we do not endorse drinking on the frontlines.)

I remember you. Cossack Unit?
Great posts man. That was a really good thread

anti Generation Identity shills BTFO

Yeah. I dunno but I get the urge to go back despite everything being a stalemate these days. Miss the whole dancing with swords thing.

You're ridiculous. Go ahead, waste your sorry genetics by getting pulverized by a missile, instead of impregnating a white woman like your hero Varg. Nihilist shit-for-brains.

seek mental evaluation.

good to hear from ya.
As strange as it may sound on one hand I'm jealous of you that you got the chance to participate. Hopefully SHTF in Europe fast.

You have no response, because you know I'm right. You should be having babies and contributing to your people, but that's harder to do than picking up a battered rifle and blundering into a land mine.

Remember this

https: //

Same thing they tried to bait the US in a larger conflict, yet again!

New Southfront
apparently the whole thing was fake news


So far you're batting 0 with those sources, they're all fake news outlets. Fox is the closest in the list to credible, but even then Lucas Tomlinson has quite a few Jewish features. Methinks this is a false flag straight outta Tel Aviv with Mossad written all over it.

Sounds like more 88d god emperor trump fellating to me.

We have 2 stories, one saying exactly what are you saying coming from Usa to his people and the world, the other saying that it wasnt just the f-117, even a fucking B-2 was raped in the slav tale, for me both are propaganda, facts says that those thing are inside an hangar since that day and that the F-117 wasnt used anymore, if american propaganda is correct then the american army is filled with retards or traitors and the plane can be used again removing some people, if slav propaganda is correct then the F-117 is flying crap and it must be inside an hangar 5 ever, we can think in another possibily that can explain everything that is happening today, shit is just a farce and they needed a way to pass tech to others without goys complaining about it, like that time when a ruskie put a mig-29 in Japan.

Read The Art of the Deal. Everything isn't one dimensional, 1488D chess is real.

I missed it so may I have the screenshot please?

I dont think I archived it - It was originally about EU army a sticky made the same day the announcement was made you should be able to find it either through archive kn Holla Forums or on holla forums by matching the date of the news

And you sound like a faggot who should leave

(1488D chess is real)
checked and these



So assuming the kikes are doing the 'always accuse others of what you're doing.' like they always do, I've thought of something that's not impossible, and probably more likely;
What if the 200 or so that died are not really Syrian Army Personnel/Ruskie PMCs in the area, but they are in fact Mercenaries (acadeca, etc.) hired by the neocons and State Dept goons that got 'accidented' to death by a coalition airstrike that's not on (((their))) side. And all this MSM noise is just asshurt projection?

Btw, and just for your butthurt:

Show me the guys fired please, if your point is correct the day after that was like Mexico, filled with cutted heads, not a few tards, a lot of people in high positions. Stealth planes stopped being a thing since 1999 and are used against countries that fear the ancient A-10.

WARNING: This website is being targeted by multiple agencies in a sustained demoralization campaign.


lol no. Quite the opposite. Funny how no one even understand what is happening there.

Perplexing? You probably gave the go ahead you globalist jew dick sucking cunt.

the worst part is that neither want to attack each other and want to destroy the people that forced them into this fucking war.

our leaders keep fucking up like this I'm moving out of Jewmerica.

its Nazbol, something leftypol and pol alike have no clue what it actually is. look up Nikolai Ustraylov…I'm not doing it for you.

lol. we just put a base near the Syrian people's oil cuz fuk u.

Yeah, they are doing.a.shit job.

USA + RUSSIA friends. This is what we voted.for and this is what Don and Vlad are.working on.

Imagine Killdawg potus? Protip we.wouldn't exist anymore.

Shills of whatever come.from, you.can't divide us. You only make us stronger. I want to thank you for that.
What me and my Anons have been through and done in the past three years is unbelievable. No money.can buy our power. We shit on you agencies. We have just begun ;) buckle up


Its just Stalinists pretending Stalin was nationalist, because during the war he had goyim friendly war banners praising russian people to motivate youth to die for the country, and after the war he started to get rid of rootless cosmopolitans who owned profits in capitalist countries, but by pure coincidence they were all jewish.


Imagine US and RU joining forces )

This is what we are working on.
Oh it can't be don?

Yeah, and Hillary is president.
Never ever underestimate weaponised 8/pol/

The more you try to go against us the more power you give us. Once you realize that you might live to see another day. Do not try to blow holes in the Dam TRUMP you have no idea of the horror it is protecting you from.
Rest in Power any Russian boys lost.



Stalin actually gulag'd Ustraylov for trying to bring the former White Army and Red Army into alliance.

so no it was the least jewish, even by Stalin's standards, ideology

Team Commie Vicker Commie indeed.

I think he was expecting the Russian govt to give a shit about the rusky mercs but that didn't happen.