Japan as a Role Model: Immigration, Economics, Environmentalism & Automation / Robotics

Nationalists have a serious upper hand when it comes to environmentalism. The left has a huge weakpoint with environmental hypocrisy waiting to be exploited. They claim to care about animals and the environment (lies) but they are hellbent on jamming as many immigrants into developed nations as possible. These nations would have stable birthrates and be able to exist in harmony with nature forever were it not for the immigration forced by the left. Instead because of pop. growth caused largely by immigration, we are forced to tear down forests, pave over fields & kill every wild animal that can't survive in urban areas. And this is only going to make the coming crisis of unemployment caused by automation worse when the immigrants add to the unemployed made obsolete by AI and robotics.

Japan is a perfect counter-example. The population is shrinking (not good but it could be increased to 2.1 kids per couple safely). Towns are actually disappearing and being reclaimed by nature. Habitat and animals are unthreatened. Why? Because Japan has NO IMMIGRATION. Leftists have shamed Japan for this for decades, Japan has ignored it. Leftists have predicted economic doom for Japan that has never happened. Robots are now filling labor gaps, eliminating leftist arguments for the need for immigration. White countries should look to Japan as a role model for immigration, economics and environmentalism.

We need to start exposing leftist hypocrisy about environmentalism. We need memes exposing the hypocrisy. Pictures of immigrants arriving beside urban sprawl. Pictures of nature juxtaposed against urban sprawl, with a warning written. Pictures of forests being cleared. Endless suburbs. Cute animals fearing for their habitat. Graphs and stats about pop. growth caused mostly by immigration. Pictures of Japanese ghost towns reclaimed by nature. Stats about Japan's economic success despite zero immigration. Pictures of advanced robots replacing human jobs. Stats showing how many less resources a robot requires than a human. Pictures of unemployed riots full of immigrants, attacking robots and governments. Neo-luddite dystopia.

This is a good angle of attack and we should use it. Leftists are hypocrites that don't care about animals or the environment. They only care about causing overpopulation via immigration.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah they are real environmentalists when the mayor of Chiba city was taking bribes to store nuclear waste water in the center of a city that houses around a million people.

Gaijin should worry about their own problems when they can’t even read and be updated on Japanese news.

you didn't reply to any of the ideas in the post
one corrupt politician doesn't change the fact that Japan has net population loss (would be better to be stabilized but at least it's not growing) and this completely protects the natural habitat and animals from urban sprawl

This thread is fucking cancer, and it has nothing to do with fighting the kikes.
fuck you, only nonwhites should have a net population decrease, you fucking nigger.
A thread died for this.



I smell a lot of fear ITT
zero counter arguments to anything in the OP

why would "my fellow right wingers" dislike exposing leftist hypocrisy to justify closing the borders?

I remember somebody saying that the population decline is happening because of the work culture, their women are so obsessed with getting and maintaining a career that they put off finding a partner and having kids almost until it's too late.

I don't know how true this is though, and haven't looked into the issue too much yet.

Japan is a great example of a country who didn't receive migrants, and yet had a net growth of about 2% even by jewish economical metrics.
Search for it yourself. The last year Japan had a decrease of 100K people yet they still grow in GDP , which totally invalidates any leftist or plain jewish claim that "without migration you are done" or so

these anons get it
and using Japan as an example has the added defense that Japanese aren't white so it bypasses leftism accusations of racism (might even allow them to consider the arguments)

I agree with this. I hate the fags who keep saying "oh we just want the Jews have in Israel" fuck that. The kikes are constantly picking fights with their neighbors, ripping off other countries via subversion. Why would we want to be like Israel? Japan is a better example to strive for.

Boomer pls go

They're about as white as khoi-san.
Been listening to an audiobook on Japanese philosophy written in the 1800's. They are the most alien thinkers on this planet.
For example Buddhism: to us westerners their idea of nirvana is very much understandable, approximate to pur Elysium fields and heaven. Despite going hand in hand with Shintoism for millennia, the average Jap hasn't heard, let alone knows, of the concept of nirvana.
The closest approximate to any other culture or people in human history are the early Greeks, and even then they are more insectile being of Asiatic. For a long time, until the past century, only families had 'civil' rights. Families. They may be admired, but no people who have bitten the forbidden fruit of individual rights can imitate their success.

they are
what is wrong with that?
why wouldn't you love your own Soil?

>Using a non-white country as an example when you can use white countries before (((they started acting stupid))) as a better example
This will just lead to civic nationalism of another kind. It will lead to whites thinking and wanting to mix with Japs and/or think it is okay. Such undue endorsement of a non-white race is all that is needed to cause this. We need to make use of our own history for crying out loud.

This part I have no problem with.

The left hate anyone or anything that does not further their agenda. They will hate a non-white to the point of being outright racist towards them if it means pushing their own agenda. They don't care. I'm surprised people don't get this yet.

agreed, which is perfect because then we can expose even more of their hypocrisy

Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult. Peace on earth for mother nature by the elimination of all human action, via the elimination of all humans

Japanese are already highly ethno-nationalist, Japan is an ethno-state
it would mean endorsing the idea of an ethno-state (is that bad?)

why would this happen?
don't you know that attraction is naturally ethnocentric? how does pointing out economics stats from another country suddenly make you lust after their women?


you do know that Hitler loved nature, and the German Nazi party did its best to get rid of vivisection and other unnecessary forms of animal cruelty.

Japan is the best nation on Earth now… This says more about how formerly Aryan nations have fallen than how Japan has risen again and again, faster than any nation in history, but both are true. Japan's leaders still care about their people and civilization enough not to take in Niggers (and other undesirables), and raise them up above their own ethic group like all 'Western' countries.


Found the goon. Nice digits, btw

Reminder that a real environmentalist would never donate money or labor to aid the life of a African. Leftists are just larping and don't really care about anything except their own asshole and sense of belonging.

Environmentalism and Nordicism was founded by the same people user.

weaponized cuteness incoming, standby for armament

would these spread among normies?

What is, "National Socialism and the National Socialist German Workers' Party".

Look at those chins and their fingers. Do astronauts get roids in space?

No. They're utter fucking gatbage. Boomer facebook mom-tier. You should feel fucking ashamed for even posting those, let-alone suggesting we spread them anywhere
fuck off back to Reddit, you goddamn queer.

They are probably on roids given their crotch area.

transparent as glass

After finding out how many "kill Japanese" entertainment films China produces, I am worried about an eventual Chinese invasion of Japan. We already know China is continuing to trade with North Korea, who zoom missiles over Japan for fun. They are basically supporting them as a proxy to nuke Japan. How can we support defense of Japan so that C/NK do not destroy them? I care more about Japan than Canada at this point.

This. One of my first major redpills was in Forestry uni where it was shown that forest fires' frequency had decreased down to near natural levels during the rightwing junta.

Also deforestation being a staple of shitskins was pretty self-evident at that point.

this has the added advantage that since environmentalism is drilled into leftists, we might be able to redpill the enemy instead of just redpilling normies

redpill a normie and your side is net +1
redpill an enemy and your side is net +2 (you +1, enemy -1)

There are already people on here who take the "honorary aryan" stuff as an endorsement of race-mixing with Japs when in truth, it was merely a compliment. This feels like more of the same and will do little to deter this people.

You're operating under the idea that the left cares about their hypocrisy being exposed, or that people are unaware of the left's hypocrisy being exposed. There are better ways to do this without promoting some non-white's culture.

That said, this reminds me of the 7-11 threads from the election so it should be interesting to see this shit fall apart or worse, turn out as I've been saying.

Top kek

Replace mommy with momma
Nobody says mommy bear, and the 'y' has been charged lately with daddy.

First off you have to define what a leftist is, and in my book a leftist isnt someone that is economically leaning on the left side but a cultural marxist.

I'm seriously thinking about creating a party dedicated to Canada being annexed by Japan. It would also double as an /a/nime club.

Canada is a non-country at this point.
So is the UK, unless there is a French-style revolution SOON. The US is becoming New-Mexico. Japan treats whites the best, even better than the shithole known as Sweden (formerly the most Aryan nation on Earth before jews and cuckholdry).


Those people making excuses are stupid, just like you're a dummy too.

Best of both worlds if we just flat out consider the accomplishments of the Japanese people post-war as worthy enough to meet the requirements to be considered a White people, but then to also adopt a mutially beneficial policy of keeping away from interbreeding so as to preserve ethnic uniqueness. Any fears of 'miscegenation' would be moot, and best of all - it would come about on a shared solidarity which is fundamentally more stable than the antipathy that goon Kikes want us to have for our Japanese brethren.

What is to be kept away speeking from a german side is the immigrants not the interbreeding, interbreeding can be helpful in maintaing a stable intercultural society given the circumstances.
What is not helpful is maintaining a mass immigration policy, in fact it should be reversed. But that is exactly the problem, what the current powers that be (nigger speak) do is to maintain this shit mainframe policy while trying to uphold it with a rational basis. That is what is wrong not the interbreeding, the focus on interbreeding only starts to shift once the massive influx needs to be managed.

I'll add two things directly on point here.
1 - invasive species, if they weren't human then you would have a perfect environmentalism campaign, meme this, contrast your furry cute mascot animals running from invasive species, then reveal your actual original intent, swarms of immigrants (there are pics of them leaving behind trash everywhere)

The other is exposing leftist hypocrisy directly. Most leftists are against nuclear. Coal has to fill this space because it is the only other energy source currently plentiful.
Wind generation as of right now requires plastics and other components from oil and gas extraction. Also takes space.
Tide harvesting destroys coastal habitats.
Fracture them.
(Also thorium fuel)


hes agreeing with you you autistic sperglord
hes sayng whats touted as environmentalism today is the upside down version that kikes create, ie loving profits and stasis instead of the forceful love of nature and wilderness

Well, by modelling immigration policies on Japan's, that problem addresses itself. I'm just saying, a positive foreign policy with Japan is mutially beneficial.

How are all you niggers misunderstanding this anons post?
Read this 10 times and tell me he hates nature.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.
>Environmentalism in its mainstream form is literally a death cult.

racemixing is never okay
lurk 2 more years

alright it makes more sense now

Since Japan is White, it wouldn't be miscegenation. But this is a red herring because under the policy of avoiding interbreeding, there's no problem. Read:

dubs of peace and acceptance have blessed thee

no japan is asian

You're not understanding. There's absolutely no downsides to the classification of Japanese people as White coupled with a policy of avoiding interbreeding in order to preserve ethnic uniqueness, unless you're a goon Kike kvetching about how hard it is to sow anti-Jap rhetoric under such a classification.

trying to get half chan involved too but the shills and sliding are so bad there it's difficult to get anyone's attention


Meant for

And btw this would be a net gain for everyone except Jews.

what about the fact that it's not true?

they are a high IQ people and have a developed country, they have policies we can emulate and they could be a valuable trading partner and ally, but it's scientifically incorrect to say they are of European descent, they are not, this is easily proven with DNA tests (shouldn't even have to say this)

The window of opportunity for racial purists in politics is closing. Genetics is the brave new frontier.

Kikes are sad of Japs for not embracing open borders
Cheer up Mordecai, Israel will embrace immigration sooner than Japan.

I was agreeing with you retard, Penti Linkola is Ecofascist

Not white. Cream to a touch of ruddy spice, but they're too literally yellow or tanned bronze to be white.

Ainu heritage makes them close enough and their Imperial and post-war conduct definitely earned Aryan status. Fuck off unless you see a functional downside. Even if you did - goon Kike tears are worth a little (((Mainstream science))) inaccuracy.

Given that 2.1 kids per woman is a large exaggeration, leftists are still the biggest fucking assholes the world has ever seen.


Kanada is soooo cucked

Open Boarders for Israel : >

Fingerdip? You need a finger not a hand to feel the titmeat.

We can do better than Japan user. The Japanese were only Honorary for a reason: they're second rate. You have to go beyond them, because like showed they still have the tendency to cheat in them – however much less so than other shitskins.

You can whine about Japanese corruption after you remove corruption in White countries tbh.

fuck off with your "race is a social construct" unscientific garbage

agreed but we are currently doing worse
we can do better than them after we surpass them

Nothing unscientific about gene editing. However, it is probably immoral because people stop taking pride in their actual heritage.

Didn't say that.
Just, when humans can be created like android robot models like in BSG, race as an issue will both be meanness and at the same-time, everything. When there are more Aryan blondes in Japan than Sweden you will know we have entered the post racial age, and come to the meme age, where memes are more important than genes.



You are the one not understanding you retard. Look what it is in response to. He is bitching about the statement that nationalists are the real environmentalists by saying environmentalism is bad. Just because marxist "environmentalism" is bad doesn't mean environmentalism is. That's like saying nationalism is bad because "mainstream nationalism" (civcucks) is bad.

Commit suicide. Machines aren’t people. Machines don’t have rights. Holy christ, you don’t deserve to even have all of the points where you’re wrong listed.

user, you need to watch GATTACA.
When humans can be cloned in factory's like livestock are in China today…. when zygotes can have every single gene determined by humans (aided by computers and robotics), then the world is changed. The game changes.

This asian cucking leads nowhere. You people are just too stupid to realize it.

It will happen in East Asia and not the west because of the defeat of Germany in WW2, the standard barer of eugenicist thought.

Japan is a bunch of cucked manchildren that jerk off to comics. Empire, my ass.

"Asian cucking" sayeth the Hebrew. Goons get the rope.

Nope, Japan is the best large country on Earth. Even after being defeated in WW2. Amazing really.

stop focusing so much on the fact that Japan is the example
it could have been any country that has closed borders, good environmental policies and robotics to fill labor gaps

the point is this is a good model to follow and proof that it works, the point is not to obsess over Japan in particular



Using the Japanese as an example of low immigration is not the same as advocating racemixing. The fucking shills in this thread.
Fascism and natsoc walk hand in hand with environmentalism, treating animals humanely and preserving the environment for future generations of whites. For so long it has been associated with the left but it should be memed to white nationalism.


Please go back to cuckchan if you can't talk to someone without using insults at the outset.

I am not comfortable with the Japanese standard for personal space. I don't want to be that close to you assholes.

How very kikey of you.

the only thing that came to my mind was that we're white and dont need an example from nonwhites. the points in the OP however can be used for short term gain and argumentation etc which i'm pretty sure was the idea to begin with.
i guess the "example" isnt really for us anyways; it's for whites that dont agree with us yet.
although i dont see too many threads discussing the nsdap as a role model and how we can use the tangible examples from hitler's germany as a means of propagating our ideas to leftists

This is good. I'll use this in redpills from now on. Japan does their stuff right when it comes to immigration and the environment. If a white country operated like Japan plus giving an incentive to have more kids (like the Czech Republic did) to families, we'd be right back on track in terms of population.

The only working incentive to have more kids, is male authority. Strip away womens' rights, or you fix nothing.

If you're trying to fit in, at least put in a tiny bit of effort, you blatant fucking /r/thedonald nigger.
Literally no one said that or even implied it, you sleazy kike rat.

the argument that they use against this is
My answer is that the United States of America was truly meant to a place for all the white societies to congregate with plenty of room to accommodate them, hence the Indian and Mexican wars expansions. Back it up with quotes from the first congress. You know the line; free white men of good moral standing.

Actually, we want whites and probably some Asians to grow. Its Jews, niggers, sandniggers and spics we need to cull.

Civic nationalism out the ass. Holy shit.

You're a civic cuck that need to fuck off. Apparently telling people to use their own white history instead of a flawed non-white country as an example is apparently wrong. This is why you're full of it and why this will fail. If anything, this thread is nothing more than race-mixers, weeaboos, and looking for acceptance among whites. Disgusting.

OP, you need to lurk more if you're going to stick around. Your ideas are solid but you take the bait way to fucking easily and you end up derailing your own threads because of it. Further you start throwing retarded shit that further outs you because you just aren't old enough to know when to keep your fucking mouth shut because of your desire for recognition. We're anons here. There is none. Fuck your god damned post count. You aren't saving them up for a forum badge to declare to all you have no life.
There is no we kid. Not when you act like a fucking 12 year old jewish autist.

Stay mad, heeb.

then take them and use them

normies love cute animals, they can help the redpills spread
the animals are being threatened by immigration

protip: whenever someones criticizes efforts like htat, it's always best to ask them to do better

make better memes that convey these ideas, out-do me
then we can use yours

give it a shot

Non-whites should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Semites (jews, mudslimes, etc) should be the first to go followed by niggers (apefricans and abbos). Spics and assorted mongrel groups should be eliminated next. This should end 90% of the world's problems.

Mexishits are so terrible with animals that I don't know why we haven't had an American Renaissance tier article about it somewhere, like if an animal rescue group member became redpilled on race because of how bad mexishits treat animals. They're the reason why animal rescue groups have so much work.

A spic when not just abusing an animal is the mastermind of neglect. The typical spic will capture a dog just so it can be left alone forever so it will bark at anyone passing by, and that's if it has any cellular energy left in its body when they're fed complete shit. Spics are commonly poisoning dogs, especially those of its neighbors. If it gets cold or wet, it's guaranteed the dog will be left out.

You could make an endless redpill repository about how spics treat animals. Niggers are literally so stupid that any animal scares them and yes there's fucked up videos of them abusing one, but spics go to next level animal abuse and neglect. They are the worst because they ride the line and animal rescue groups don't have the guts to withold animals from them - and yet pretend to not know why strays hate shitskins.

I swear, every pet animal should be kept from non-white hands. The amount of time whites spent domesticating beasts throughout the ages should not be so shitskins can abuse animals that don't no better than to follow a humanoid. Redpilled breeders should breed animals that instinctively attack anything dark. Let epigenetics work and within a few generations of litters you're gonna have a breed of pets literally born to hate shitskins.

You trans-human subhumans need to go.


I guess it's false
https:// daily.jstor.org/japanese-women-dont-stay-workforce/

good to see kvetching and a shill being btfo.

It's very easy to get Japanese citizenship. If you live in the country for 5 years, can speak basic Japanese and do not commit crime you can get a passport. You can even do it faster if you marry a Japanese. Only from Western countries do you need a bachelor degree to get visa. There are many Africans, Asian and European people in Japan, not to mention many fat smelly Americans. Go to Tokyo or Osaka you will see many people that are there from those and other places. Many poor Asian girls come to Japan and marry old Japanese man to get visa or passport. It is very common when I worked in the Immigration office.

You sound like you have some stupid image of Japan maybe you saw in a movie or something, but never really read actual Japanese newspaper or talked to many Japanese people. You should go outside sometime and visit Japan, see for yourself, cities are cancer destroying local and small business and towns, with many great and traditional business being destroyed by many chain places. But as I said, gaijin weeb needs to mind their own business and worry about niggers and muslims in their own countries.

Most important for Japan is to get rid of Article 9 so we can be a strong military again and make New Asia.

Yes, I'm indeed impressed about Japanese. Even if they have their own struggle against degeneracy to overcome. Hitler was right about them.

Barely. Japan has always gotten away with it relatively under the radar.

Fuck, they have a dedicated shill for the holocaust. He even says he's (((rich))), and he does it for fun.

What fucking cancer. We need to start spreading our ideas to there and reddit instead of taking refugees from those places.

Are you fucking lost? Communists don't give a fuck about the environment whereas national socialists were an explicitely green movement. Sorting shit into left&right according to I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass sportsteam politics is the boomer thing to do, not vice versa.

gotta love them wordfilters

the mutt meme is here to stay, kampfy. It pisses burgers off to no end as well as it fucking should

saved, good stuff

well the shame they've tried to apply to Japan for having no immigration is nothing compared to what they try to poison white countries with, but they still did it
probably because Japan's success despite having no immigration completely disproves their bullshit ideology about diversity being a "strength" and "necessary to survive"

Harder than any European country.
Easier than Saudi Arabia.

So Egyptians, and Nigerians can just get a visa for any/no reason… right

Wrong. By any standard this is false Tokyo is over 90% Japanese. Compare this to any European capital and you get the picture.

Having these weebs i.e. japanophiles is one of the objectives of the government of Japan. It's called soft power.

I'm thinking you're a LARPer.

Blood collects in the upper body under weightlessness, especially during the first 2 - 3 months.

This has the potential to work dozens of times on a viewer, even if they become acclimated enough to go 'hey is this another one of the rapefugee ads?' The impact can still work especially if you highlight all kinds of creatures being harmed like birds, etc.

Ofc expect the libshits to counter with 'NO! It's ebil White Men did it!' as they have been (((programmed))) to screech now for decades.

You've already drunken the kool-aid. GTFO.



I think there's a lot we can learn.

It's Jonathan Bowdens Yukio Mishima lecture.

That's another leftist fearporn bullshit that managed to get through, there's a screenshot of some nipanon floating around somewhere that says otherwise

Hey newfag, le was a way of making fun of redditors who would use it constantly back in the days when rage comics were a thing. Since you're so desperate to fit in let me give you a tip, kill yourself, you'll do the world a favor with your death as the global average iq will go up half a standard deviation.
Are you honestly suggesting that "no, dont spread memes with a redpill about migration" cannot be understood as an implication of being against closed borders? Dont get me wrong, the memes are shit tier and could be improved, but you're being dishonest if you cant see why someone would assume what that user did.

The very existence of Japan and Brazil is one of the best arguments in our defense. They serve as perpetually verifiable proof that our ideas regarding diversity and culture are for the most part correct.

The claim that nationalism and cultural realism cannot work is contrasted by the existence of a perfectly sustainable 1st world country that practices just that. Japan has an identity, a purpose, and is better off for it being one of the top economies of the world.

Likewise, the claim that forced diversity and cultural marxism results in a utopia is contrasted by the reality that a 3rd world shithole follows this advice and gets worse every year. Brazil is a cesspool of degeneracy and shitskins with no identity and no direction.

Every time a leftard spews "muh duvirsitay" or "muh equaluhtay" You can tell them it's better in Brazil. Every time they claim our ideas could never work, ask them why they work just fine in Japan.

It's the ultimate "Fuck off" argument. They have no recourse because it's true.


Godzilla kikes all look the same, are boring as fuck, work 12 hours a day because individualism is illegal, masturbate to american celebrities, act like 9 year old autists, and only stopped doing sandnigger tier shit like suicide bombing and banksteinberg shit like human experimentation because they've had a gun pointed at their heads since WW2. For fucks sake, child porn is normalized over there. Idols? Yeah maybe for Hillary, Jared Subway, Woody Allen, The Pope, Jeffery Epstein, and every "bazed white redneck" who rapes his neice.



guys learn to >>>/canada/990

I think ceding all of the British Commonwealth to Japan is an excellent idea. How can we make this happen? Canada is full of guilty white people so maybe we can make it some kind of apology for allying with evil America who nuked them.

Better Japan than China.

Seriously, anyone from Vancouver should spend some time in the Richmond suburbs. It's already de facto a Chinese colony.
However, Japanese, BECAUSE they aren't kiked and are still Nationalistic, are much less likely to immigrate than Chinks or Gooks (the "Jews of Asia").

Japan IS a good role model, but better yet, they could be an ally for the future.
The 'Co-Prosperity Sphere' ideal of 'Nationalism for all Countries' could lead to another 'Axis Powers'-type relationship between nations that wanted to stay free from immigration.
Kazunari Yamada, of the NSJAP (exactly what it sounds like!), and the many Nationalist/Revisionist organisations such as Nippon Kaigi or the Japan First Party, could be worth pursuing official relationships with. They are always happy to have supporters in the West, and they already have official support and recognition from Shinzo Abe and his government.

The following historical figures are worth doing research on–the rise of Japan's Nationalism could be a very profitable model to follow:

Toyama Mitsuru & the Gen'yosha

Ryohei Uchida & the Black Dragon Society (Kokuryuukai)

Nissho Inoue

Ikki Kita

Shumei Okawa ("Japan's Goebbels")

Hiroshi Oshima (ambassador to Germany and friends with Adolf Hitler)

Tanaka Chigaku

Good historical resources to read (most by Western Authors) are:

Harry Elmer Barnes - "Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace"

John Flynn - "The Truth About Pearl Harbour"

Max con Schuyler - "An American Speaks: The Japanese History That Some Want Hidden"

Joshua Blakeney - "Japan Bites Back: Documents Contextualizing Pearl Harbor"

Robert Stinnett - "Day of Deceit"

Ralph M. Townsend - "Ways that are Dark: the Truth about China"

Yukio Mishima:

Sun and Steel
Runaway Horses


Kike detected.

Japan has a declining population and a generation of boys not interested in having families.

How is this a role model to follow? This is /pol not Alt-Right.

Agreed, even the crypto leftists that larp as Religion of Cuck™ or fascists.

Thanks for the list, much appreciated.

Jesus fuck, he seriously couldn't go just one post without dropping an anti-white MSM stereotype.
The rest of the post was standard newfag fare, but that is a real clincher.
Why would anyone make a post like this, here of all places, and expect it to be accepted?

get the fuck out
