What did the great philosophers like Plato and Aristotle or Kant and Schopenhauer think about the Jews?
What did the great philosophers like Plato and Aristotle or Kant and Schopenhauer think about the Jews?
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There are no good jews
I really like his views on the nature of existence and dealing with negativity, both internally and externally, but he's a fairly staunch anti-nationalist, at least according to some of his quotes. It's possible they were taken out of context.
Plutarch mentions in his treatise "Concerning the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris" that among some Egyptians, one variation of the myth of the murder of Osiris by his brother Set has him fleeing the vengeance of Horus upon on ass for seven days, after which finding seclusion, he begets two sons names Hierosolymus and Judaeus, but he dismisses this as "dragging Judaic matters into the myth".
tacitus really had a thing for them…
I wonder why we never hear the true story of the exodus during all the "jesus isn't real" bitching
Most authorities, however, agree on the following account. The whole of Egypt was once plagued by a wasting disease which caused bodily disfigurement. So pharaoh Bocchorisnote went to the oracle of Hammonnote to ask for a cure, and was told to purify his kingdom by expelling the victims to other lands, as they lay under a divine curse. Thus a multitude of sufferers was rounded up, herded together, and abandoned in the wilderness. Here the exiles tearfully resigned themselves to their fate. But one of them, who was called Moses, urged his companions not to wait passively for help from god or man, for both had deserted them: they should trust to their own initiative and to whatever guidance first helped them to extricate themselves from their present plight. They agreed, and started off at random into the unknown. But exhaustion set in, chiefly through lack of water, and the level plain was already strewn with the bodies of those who had collapsed and were at their last gasp when a herd of wild asses left their pasture and made for the spade of a wooded crag. Moses followed them and was able to bring to light a number of abundant channels of water whose presence he had deduced from a grassy patch of ground. This relieved their thirst. They traveled on for six days without a break, and on the seventh they expelled the previous inhabitants of Canaan, took over their lands and in them built a holy city and temple.
literally goes on to describe communism. jews are a 3000+ year old cancer on this planet.
wrong link
“Every coward is a liar; Jews for example, not only in business, but also in common life.” Source
“The Jews still cannot claim any true genius, any truly great man. All their talents and skills revolve around stratagems and low cunning…They are a nation of swindlers.” Source
The Jews are by nature “sharp dealers” who are “bound together by superstition.” Their “immoral and vile” behavior in commerce shows that they “do not aspire to civic virtue,” for “the spirit of usury holds sway amongst them.” They are “a nation of swindlers” who benefit only “from deceiving their host’s culture.” Source
“The Palestinians [Jews thought to have originated in Palestine] living among us have, for the most part, earned a not unfounded reputation for being cheaters, because of their spirit of usury since their exile. Certainly, it seems strange to conceive of a nation of cheaters; but it is just as odd to think of a nation of merchants, the great majority of whom, bound by an ancient superstition that is recognized by the State they live in, seek no civil dignity and try to make up for this loss by the advantage of duping the people among whom they find refuge, and even one another. The situation could not be otherwise, given a whole nation of merchants, as non-productive members of society (for example, the Jews in Poland). So their constitution, which is sanctioned by ancient precepts and even by the people among whom they live (since we have certain sacred writings in common with them), cannot consistently be abolished — even though the supreme principle of their morality in trading with us is “Let the buyer beware.” I shall not engage in the futile undertaking of lecturing to these people, in terms of morality, about cheating and honesty. Instead, I shall present my conjectures about the origin of this peculiar constitution (the constitution, namely, of a nation of merchants).” [Quoted in Immanuel Kant, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, tr. Mary J. Gregor (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1974), p. 77.]
Kant highlights the story where God asks Abraham to sacrifice his young son as a test of loyalty. This is completely immoral, encouraging human sacrifice. Why, Kant argues, would an all loving God command this? It also must be realized, that it is irrational to believe that we can communicate with the infinite via our finite senses; any such experience is an illusion. Kant also made personal reference to Judaism; he believed that it was not in actual fact a religion, devoted towards serving God through moral acts, but simply a ‘pseudo-religion’ revolving around rituals and observances.
tl;dr OP.
jews haven't changed
People, especially historians, need to stop conflating Jews and Judea. The term Jew was actually a recent invention, a mistranslation of Judean first seen in the King James Bible. When Jesus says "Beware those who says they are Jews," he was actually saying Judeans, as in beware of people who falsely claim to be your countrymen. The whole "heh, us whites, eh goyim?" stretches back literal millenia. The term Judaism is another mistranslation of the word Judaismos, which was a term for Judean nationals living in Greece. Again, nothing to do with the Pharisees or the Talmudists, just another word stolen for (((their))) purposes.
Schopenhauer described the jews as the "Masters of Lie", as even Hitler quoted.
Hitler also quoted: Kant summarily declared
the Jewish people to be a 'nation of swindlers.
But QTDDTOT for you…
Hello, Tel-Aviv.
You people are sincerely retarded if you think the modern Jew has any real connection to ancient kingdoms, much less any claim to some kind of holy land. They're nothing but ancient swindlers and pretenders and you've accepted their biggest lie at face value. It's ridiculous that anyone on this board would believe anything a kike says, especially about their own history.
I've seen the genetic test results.
kys kike
and spare me the ashkenazi aren't jews bit kike
they blew your cover, deal with it.
You're in so many fallacies, you have to be a kike or an extremely delusional cuck.
His own writing styles speaks more than DNA…
it is about the lurker that comes into this thread later bro. leave as many bread crumbs as you can.
Honestly, all you've proven is that Holla Forums is beyond compromised. Between the kike moderators and the anti-white Turk board owner, shills like you, whether posting out of ignorance or malice, are allowed to flourish and destroy any integrity this board had. I'd say go back to r/the_donald but you never really left.
And already on the projection mentality - "the jew cries in pain…"
holy fucking shit shlomo, there has to be more to a jew than this. you can honestly do better.
Plato and Aristotle never even heard of jews. And Greek historians like Herodotus and Thucydides never even mentioned them.
The jews were a nothing tribe back then. And modern Ashkenazi are most likely Khazars anyways.
The Roman Cicero mentions the jews, but that was like 300 years later. And then, he was talking about the actual jews Judea that the Romans later massacred.
Another reason why I highly doubt the Ashkenazi are descended from the ancient Hebrews is the fact that the ancient kikes fought the Romans tooth and nail and forced the Romans to exterminate them because they wouldn't give up. Modern kikes are too weak and frail to be descended from people like that. They prefer to hide in the shadows and scheme.
Another one?
Yea, 300 years after aristotle and tacitus has no clue who they are lol /s
switched vpns confirmed. fuck off kike
And another thing. It does seems strange that the Bible talks all about the Kikes rebelling against the Egyptians and fleeing across the Sinai, but there isn't a single record of any Kike slave revolt.
Gee, you'd think something as big as all of your slaves marching away after stealing your chariots and Pyramid building tools would be big news, but it's not. They find inscriptions about wars with the Hittites and everything else, but a massive slave revolt? Nah, doesn't even get mentioned.
So, the whole exodus story is probably just kike bullshit and it's sad that our people have been brainwashed into believing kike fairytales from a backwards, nothing tribe no ever noticed until they had to get EXTERMINATED because they were such primitive dildos.
omg read the fucking thread you dumb faggot
Shut up kike. Go read the Histories or anything from aristotle. Nothing about kikes.
ANd I don't have vpn, all my ids say the same: 45b881.
You Tel Aviv fags are really failing. Do you get paid by the troll post or does your JIDF supervisor get mad when you fail so hard?
Right, most (((authorities))). Get out of here with your History Channel tier nonsense. Next you'll be telling me aliens built the pyramids for Space Niggers or something.
i swear I remember reading something about marcus aurelius despising jews in the senate and in the observed life not by name but by vocation,as well as the immorality that they abide by, but google tries to say he was a giant kosher faggot. they are an epistemic cancer these lying rats.
There is an indicator of their control in Rome even in 60 b.c - look at what was said in the Roman Senate
that is quoted from tacitus' histories.
kill yourself kike
go back to work jidf
From the same person, and he was also a philosopher: "Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. One knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they exercise through their unions. They are a nation of rascals and deceivers".
Here's Kant's hot take
Chemotherapy: now available in gas.
This is a great thread idea and if turns out to be a great thread, could be worth a permanent sticky. This is the information everyone in the world needs to know.
pic related
They used to call out the jew before the jews re-branded themselves as christians.
The Greek philosophers were gay pedohiles