He said the state would rely on residents to rat out water wasters for enforcement. One way to do so is to fill out a complaint form with the address of the potential violator by going to
Reporting Liberals from California
Other urls found in this thread:
Just reported the DNC Headquarters for California’s main democratic party and Jake Paul.
How can they possibly verify this though? Do they just send out fines with every report? This could be used quite effectively against rich libshits and beaners who think rules don't apply to them.
Simple, inspecting the use of water in specific house, flat property, etc. If it's severe a inspector will show up at site of violation
Califlornia have no idea how much they used the water?
Time to go turn on spics garden hoses and report them to die polizei.
Frankly I think they should raise the fine to $60,000. That's the Median income for the common people. Am I right?
Neighbors will Rat you out if you wash your Car or water your lawn.
Many have turned to Astro Turf Lawns (IF Allowed by City, County, HOA, etc.)
L.A. Still has a mixed Sewer that does not collect Rain water and "Drains to Arroyo."
The future is water control.
You could still get these in Home Depot or Lowes.
Operation Wet Their Backs=
Get the data from the water company on how much you've used recently, and ask neighbors if they've seen you hose shit down instead of sweep, etc.
Start with these zipcodes user.
Pick the deep blue counties to find the donors.
good work user.
Keep your nose open for weed. Report them for wasting water. They take a federal charge too.
storing rainwater is illegal in california, you have to let it flow into the city streets because you don't own the rain california does.
Actually, it's legal now in Commiefornia, though still illegal and other Western states.
Does anyone know how long it typically takes for Google Street View to update new snapshots?
*South Africa
Correct on both counts.
Check that. That may only apply to LA residents, but the precedent is there.
do it LA-anons, turn on fire hydrants and just let them run
If anyone wants to bleed from their eyes in rage, you should look up how the bay area and southern california got their water supplies.
was I too subtle here? When you see it.
To be honest all of Commiefornia deserves to get fucked, the commies and farmers using all of said water for their precious meme crops as well.
What could they possibly have in common? :^)
Ask the U.N for help like Chicago did, niggers.
This is how best korea polices the citizenry. Get people snitchin on each other and you break all possibility of cooperative rebellion. This is communism with a price tag now.
so does cuba, and so does venezuela
It's a mystery, I tell ya
Nothing much is going to come of this to be honest. There were huge fines for wasting water during the drought, and instead of conserving water, big name liberals and rich folk kept wasting water. There was even a twitter hashtag to water shame them. They would pay the fine and keep watering their huge ass lawns.
I am not surprised.
ass-hurt city drone detected
This really gets my creative juices flowing.
What do I win user?
By the way (((Nestle))) is still stealing Californias water despite their water permit expiring in 1988.
The rich rape the state but the little people are thr ones getting punished.
god at least be honest that factory farms destroy the planet.
most of you faggots dont even know half the problems with water in this shithole state. no governor has ever built water reservoirs rather they purchase education and healthcare for wetbacks
So we take 39 million (Commiefornia 2016 census data) and multiply by 1.6 to get 62.4 million gallons per day, and then subtract the number of known pajeets plus the estimated number of illegal pajeets to calculate the number of actual gallons from toilet flushing.
Anyone know how many H1Btards and illegal streetshitters there are in Commefornia? For science…
fuck off soyboy. go chug some deactivated almond juice "milk"
So, the more illegals we kill, the more meat we get to eat?
I remember reading about this 500 bones to keep my house beautifuls and greens is
who said anything about soy before you typed it with your dumb nigger fingers? There is more options now then ever to live a meat free life and you don't have to be a cum guzzling faggot soyboy to achieve it.
wot n tarnation
What kind of person only uses the toilet once a day?
Remember to stay hydrated
Fuck off fag Gainz
Top kek. I wish I was there so I could wet some beaner backs. Gas these hapa chink fucks, commiefornia anons!
Isn't most wheat protein contaminated with Roundup? You want to eat Roundup burgers?
I know this shit is illegal in Florida. Those fuckers don't want anyone living off grid.
Plants use water too, better stop farming fruits and vegetables so we can have water. Make sure to take your supplements (the way nature intended) to make up for the lack of nutrients from meat.
524 dollar annual fee?! 1 billion gallons a year?!
This isn't wrong in itself. You would gladly snitch on an illegal immigrant and think of it as a good law. What's wrong is what's being considered illegal, namely, to store your own water to live off-grid. That's bullshit.
Also I hope that pic of yours is real.
that picture is stupid. it's not a bong because the hose goes all the way through the water. the water isn't going to catch any of the smoke. also, the opening leading to the sewer isn't airtight so all you're gonna get out of this is a big lungful of sewer gas.
if you want to smoke pot out of a toilet, you need to take it out of the bathroom and put a pipe cap on the drain pipe, then put the lid and the seat down and seal them with something like expanding foam or silicone putty. drill a hole in the seat and attach a hose, then fill the tank with ground pot and ignite it with your flamethrower while sucking as hard as you can on the end of the hose.
So it's healthier then.
It's 4th grade math. How many shits a day do you do? Multiply by California and its 30 million illegals.
The earthquake for California is coming soon.
Nestle and the almond farms are two sides of the same dirty coin. Also look into POM Pomegranate water. It's owned by the wife of the almond magnate, and it gets subsidized Delta water for those shitty sugar drinks.
very delicious all of it
Look into how much estrogen is milk, diary, and meat. Thats not even getting into the antibiotics hormones and fecal matter
Supposedly thats where gluten allergies come from
shit is tasty
Don't mean to derail the thread, just watch a normie's head explode that eating meat causes (((global warming)))
Reminder that Urine therapy could save your life in times of water shortage.
Big Trump signs everywhere in my "blue" neighborhood. Election was rigged in Cali, wait for the inpector generals report. Lots of us, our votes were not counted.
Nope, water district is handing out $50 per water barrel rebates.
not true, there is no state law on this, depends on City jurisdiction
you eat like a faggot and your logic is retarded.
did you get that info from the fag handbook? because milk has androgenic properties and raises testosterone levels in spite of containing cow estrogen
Everything nestle does can be blamed on the canadian government for not taxing them enough to keep them small.
Socialism folks. Not even once.
Lots of this, but its also a highly populated state so naturally lots of general water usage as well. And all of that in a state thats USUALLY a desert for the most part.
Basically the fags figured they'd just import water from everywhere possible and build some kind of utopia there by, essentially, draining the resources of other areas and funneling them into that one state. Problem is, that other areas were naturally as they were because thats what the resources could provide, by siphioning off those resources for commiefornias development, they drained those other areas eventually over time so they cant keep up with their own needs AND provide to the "utopia" areas as well. The environment doesnt work that way.
Funny, when you think about it. Commiefornia is one of the hotbeds of "environmentalists" and their bases of operations, but they care not one damn bit about the damage their state has done, or is doing, not only to itself by refusing to live the way the environment naturally works there, but have also damaged surrounding areas by taking their resources when those areas developed naturally the way they had because of those resources being there. They care oh so much about muh global warming, meanwhile they're happy as a can be to turn the surrounding areas into wastelands for decades or longer, if they can keep their "utopia" project going just a few more days. Funny how that works. They care so much about "muh oil pipeline spills damaging the environment," but don't give one rats ass about the damage their state is causing. They're like a festering wound thats spreading its infection to all the surrounding areas.
The environment would be better off if commiefornia simply stopped existing. If that entire state sank into the ocean or was carpet bombed into oblivion and the resources brought in from outside could remain in the areas they came from. Meanwhile socially our society would improve dramatically over night as well with the destruction of the central base of "entertainment" and its "progressive liberal values" vanishing so it can no longer poison the minds of people the nation over.
Fuck I hate this state
We Aiel nao
it's highly recommended though
More government hyperbullshit and income generation machine. WATER or the "lack thereof". Been a thing since jebus was a baby….in the desert. I remember 'not watering the lawn' in 1978. Same shit, different year.
There's a widespread practice of using glyphosate to desiccate wheat in order to increase yield.
Even organic wheat is still permitted to have certain levels of it.
I'm of the same opinion, and I'm not alone.
I've been experimenting with organic wheat flour to make pasta, and I've noticed a slight improvement.
It will be nice to have bread back, once it gets warm enough here to get the dough to rise and behave.
I don't know, man.
I'm looking at the recipe for beer-can cabbage sandwiches right now, and I don't see how it would be very filling.
Maybe caramelized onions and grilled mushrooms to give it that added umph?
Perhaps, if I incorporated seitan steak and some seasonings combined with all the other ingredients, then stuffed the cabbage and grill it like that, it might be passable.
April 1st huh? You must be joking.
Leme tell you a little something the bullshit water drought in California.