Alex Jones Finally names the Jew

Pretty much Alex just said that Israel is coming to Jesus, and is realizing how evil the Jews really are. This is major.




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fuck the external jew

what needs to be gassed needs to be gassed

Didn't he talk with David Wise and he started avoiding the question that jews are in control of mass media and politics? He's still pozz'd and controlled opposition.

No they aren't. That's all I needed to know thanks for the summary though OP. He married two jews back to back in Texas of all places and his mischlings are jews. He will never truly name the jew without painting them in a positive manner, which isn't really naming the jew or stopping them being a natural threat to all societies they live within.

You're making me watch Jonestein, fuck you.
Quote at 8:34 is basically "That old globalist arm is trying to take out Netanyahu". What is the quote and where is the quote fagot?

Have you seen his interview with David Duke? He basically spaghettis the entire time his jew boss had to save him.

Who cares. Even if he does start naming them, he is still a loonatic that believes in reptilians and doesn't hold any credibility

The "come to jesus thing" is a figure of speech. He's saying the BASED nationalist jews are good, and only the Hollywood liberal ones, who supposedly hate BASED Israel, are bad

It's 2018 user.

Good mammal.

Such a decent allegory (ancient word for meme) ruined.

Why is his head blurred, and do you think this might be a "hurr, look the fat retard schizo believes in da j00z, maybe Holla Forums is just retarded lol"?

He's been saying this for a long time dipshit.
He's also sucked Zionist cock for a long time too.
Even in this clip he's rimming Netanyahu…
Netanyahu personally masterminded the THEFT of thousands of Nuclear Triggers from the US. Its a critical component that is responsible for actually detonating a nuke. Israel undoubtedly sold this shit to China, India, Pakistan, etc just like they have with all of the other military tech they've stolen from America.

His main audience are Neo-Con Boomers who still think they dindu nuffin. There's no way he's going to call out the JQ - fuck Alex Jones pretty much is part of the JQ. I'm still convinced he only exists to make conspiracy theorists look retarded.


Agree with everything here, just don't get the motivation for shekels of extinction. In b4 another Alex anchor.

Netanyahu was one of the key figures involved in planning 9/11. Alex Jones is one of the key figures involved in deflecting 9/11 truth movements away from the jews.

Well, this is as close as we'll get from water filter merchant. Good enough, I suppose.

Alex Jonestein

There's nothing even remotely good about this, it's his standard shilling for Israel/Netanyahu. OP is just severely autistic.

The David Duke interview ended Jones. I'll give him some credit simply because many, many years ago his videos on the Bohemian grove and stuff led me to greater truths about the Jew. That interview where he promised he would not take the interview down no matter what happened (he did take it down), where he idiotically floundered with no good arguments against everything Duke said, and where he brought up a bloody jew who was his boss as proof that "jews don't own the media"… It was such a shitshow that its impossible to see Jones for anything other than controlled opposition. His purpose is to take those with some level of curiousity and guide them in the wrong direct, to have them focus their energies on shadows instead of the jew.

The only good thing is that I know Jones' efforts have led many people to the truth about the jews. He and his kike puppetmasters underestimated the internet; if you give us a whiff of the truth, we will search out the rest of it - and with all of the internet at hand we will find it. As is so often the case the jew has had a hand in undoing itself.

Sieg heil.

This is a big problem with the kosher nationalists and Alt Right. They are framing our ideology and struggle, as an anti-Muslim one. Everyone else is fine, but Muslims are the problem. No coincidence they also push for based Israel and Israel has a strong Muslim problem.

They want the early redpilled to fall into these traps, these safety nets, so they will still ultimately fight for what the Jews want, which is an Israel free from Muslim threats.

You didn't make the cut, rob jacobson. Get off Holla Forums kike.

No faggot, we've been over this. This is textbook controlled opposition, at its finest:

"Hey guys, hey guys, buy my filters. Guys, Jews are bad. Not all Jews guys, just a few evil scheming Jews warped by liberal evil nazis. Most Jews are great people guys, trust me, but my filters guys!"

There is no more obvious controlled opposition than Alex Jones. Truly one designed to capture the lower IQ crowd.

Explain why I don't have the rhesus antigen and you do, monkeyboy. Prove I'm not a reptilian.

Never forget when the DNC/Pedosta email leaks sparked an investigation on pedophile rings, Satanism and ritual sacrifice and narrowed in on James Alefantis Rothschild, Alex Jones called the entire thing a "hoax" and fake news. He will go as far as he can to keep viewers on his leash, until a story actually threatens the current power structure, at which point he will heel.

If he names the Jew, his career ends. It's that simple.

I got banned from the Infowars comments section about a month ago for holohoax exposure and racial realism. I doubt much has changed.

There are many codewords for the same ((( enemy )))


Pretty much this for me as well, but the more I learned I figured out the more you can see who names the shit and who points you in the wrong direction.
That is a big fucking thing to learn in the (((information age)))

Alt-right? Isn't Spencer aware of the jews?

Someone please post the webm where he can't contain it anymore and goes on a full disclosure on the joe rogan show. I could swear I saved it, fuck.

Spencer flip flops. At first he said the jew problem was fantasy and anyone who believed it was crazy. Then he admitted that some jews are a problem, but not all jews. He's just an egotistical little snake, just like all of these Aut-Kike clowns.

The more these Alt-Kike faggots get exposed as either jews themselves or just big fat liars, like the one fag who lied about going to Iraq for no apparent reason (Seriously, why even lie about that, who cares?), the more you realize these people are just queer little men who are either FBI informants or just in it for the shekels they scam off of young, impressionable kids.

And why are so many of them fat? Some alpha Aryans they are. Big fat pigs with kike sounding last names…. hmmm.



Wew, this is peak delusion, OP. Literally yesterday he was busy sucking Israels dick, saying their actions in Syria are "legitimate" and spent nearly an hour talking about how bad Iran is and how they're just like Best Korea and how good Trump is for calling out Iran and for sticking with Israel. Anyone like me who has been watching Alex Jones for the past 10 years knows Alex has been controlled wittingly or unwittingly, it doesn't really matter op since at least the 2016 election. He even went on a major anti-Nazi rant all day yesterday, talking about the Watson computers and the holocaust etc. Just stop, OP. You're embarrassing yourself.

This current InfoWars bumper calls out the USS Liberty (((attack))), which is an interesting development. Jones is fundamentally kosher of course, but I think they're feeling increasing pressure to at least obliquely hint at the jewish problem in order to maintain credibility with their audience.


what is damage control for 500 shekels alex?

Wake me up when he names the Trump

he's just backpedaling. they're getting scared that more and more people are thinking about the JQ so they're trying to get on some solid ground with this "based nationalist jews are the good guys. it's those hollywood jews that are the real nazis" or whatever this narrative is

Sure, but it's interesting damage control. The fact they went out of their way to mention a particularly nasty kike redpilling incident from decades ago that most people don't even know about is odd, and suggests their audience is becoming increasingly sceptical of their "greatest ally."

Are you mad he's cutting your SNAP benefits, shareblue?

Also the fact that the preceeding section is talking about the (((federal reserve))), ending with the words "the (((central bankers))) in charge", really makes you think.

"I don't even blame Israel for the attack on the USS Liberty" - Alex Jonestein

Keep crying bitch

dumping some filterman


It's not major. A paid jewish shill is not redpilling anyone.

its because they dont believe in free speech plain and simple. doesnt matter how dangerous the rhetoric is. there shouldnt be a cap on freedom

Bet you love the censorship here, though.

Are you saying the Communist Chinese don't control Hollywood and Academia? Its not "crazy white people" pushing all the anti-white D&C?

Newsflash, pot calls kettle black, film at eleven.

Bill Hicks (real name of AJ) is nothing more than a paid actor. Also, he employs shapeshifting critter hybrids on his show, indicating he is likely one himself. Embed related.

And now its come out that the attack had absolutely nothing to do with an elaborate, globalist false flag. The Liberty was an NSA spy ship and it was about to be within range to pick up communications from the IDF ordering the mass executions of Egyptian POWs and civilians. And thats why they tried to sink it.

I wonder.


Just like #metoo is a limited hangout for #pedowood and #pizzagate.


Naming half of the jewish menace is far better than being fully kosher like most of the aut-right is.

Claiming zionist jews are our allies is worse than not naming the jew at all. It's also the same thing most of the aut-kike does.

Probably just clearing ground in case they need to go all the way to SOME jews are bad, to keep the lemmings dancing to their tune.

is still just half the truth, but still far better than

Furthermore, there's no reason not to exploit the apparent fissure among the kikes. They sure do their best to exploit our disagreements.

He's married to a jew and works for the CIA. You're retarded.

Everyone who does this needs to be executed and then go back to reddit.

Doesn't matter. If CIA thought this would be a good plan to keep whites unaware of (((their))) menace, it sure was a plan that backfired. Even what they think is controlled opposition is helping wake up whites. Keep in mind that most whites, like us, do not follow this or that organisation. We don't because we know they are controlled, they don't because they don't care enough to. So these shills will come and go… But the memes, the ideas will remain, and the Overton window will be shifting ever to the right. Until it's time.

Take your Q-tier delusions back to reddit.

YOU are reddit, nigger.

If you don't realise that waiting for Hitler is retarded and that the war will be won one step at a time, YOU don't belong here.

Thanks for asserting something that no one questioned. You've still deluded yourself into a fantasy which will never come.

Saying left-wing jews are bad because they claim to oppose are based right-wing jewish allies who did 9/11 isn't any part of the truth, let alone half. That's the same message you'll hear from JDL types.

Anyone here in this thread want to buy some top notch waterfilters?

Eceleb thread.


kill yourself faggot.

Didn't he get a divorce?

Since when did we think Israel were the victims?

double dubs of double truth

This thread would be better if it were clear whether this is fake and gay or not. A webm, direct embed, or even not being a faggot could have prevented all of this.

who cares if someone is a Zionist. it only matters if they're a jew. not all Israelis are jews. not all Zionists are jews. focus on the main enemy, not swatting flies.

who cares if someone is a Zionist. it only matters if they're a jew. not all Israelis are jews. not all Zionists are jews. focus on the main enemy, not swatting flies.

Well put, user.



You get the bullet first.

You get it second.

fucking what is jones even talking about

Good fucking goy detected. This connotation is pure propaganda that only normalfags regurgitate to virtual signal that they're not like those Crazy Conspiracy Theorists™ the moment they start talking about anything controversial.

David Icke is the one that believes in reptilians and the most Jones ever did on that front was have him on for an interview where he agreed with him on the typical NWO theories, but expressly said he wouldn't go as far as believing in reptilians like Icke.

been waiting to hear him talk about jews im sure hes done it before. this should be making headlines.
"alex jones stands up to the jewish elite"

a couple more stabs in the heart of this sleeping giant without a holocaust or violent revolution and we can finally have a peaceful idealist world.

jones called the idea of reptilians as a turd in the punch bowl that is his "globalists" theory


Yep, and she kiked him out of 6 gorillion dollars - on both an immediate and ongoing basis, seriously the settlement she got was crazy. But his new wife Erika Wulff is allegedly also a jew, which Avotaynu agrees is likely. (Also there are claims she was an escort, I think that's bs but judge for yourself: … the "don't worry be jewish" girl in that thread isn't her though, it's Marina Weisband.)

Once years ago, Icke was on and naming the jew pretty hard, calling Bibi "the real president of the United States", etc., then when they got back from commercial break, Jonestien asked him to talk about the lizards instead.

… actually having read the whole thread now she probably is that escort, lol

Yes this is something most people here don't understand.

You have to choose your battle if you want to win the war. In the information wars you really have to be careful about this subject if you don't want to be destroyed.

What infotards like you don't understand is that he could be a coward to protect his career, without slurping jewish cock and blaming the Nazis for everything.


Not only is she a sex escort, but she's also a CIA agent whose job involved sexual blackmail operations against male corporate and political figures.


What's being slid.





Chosenland's geopolitical position is so tenous, they have to gaslight violently their 'greatest allies' into permanent Crusader mindset against Arabs all while stealing their weapons, selling them to their supposedly common enemies, – then taking dozens of billions of shekels in defense aid subsidies on top of it. They're gamblers at heart, that's what makes them dangerous.