It has become evident that these two proto-memes do a fine job of dropping some good redpills.

Both proto-memes are:

The also:

>Strike fear in the hearts of (((Them)))

Other urls found in this thread:


The digits make it so…

Nice sixes.

Best timeline , does is need to bleed into halfchan for use of "useful idiots" to garner momentum . dubs confirm quantum starts rolling tsunami thunder and will unravel all the doings of the holo hoax .

bumping just for the quads…

Holy shit nice trips



Fuck me. Now dubs….

This is gonna be a glorious thread
(((They))) are afraid!


Praise Kek
Pre-heat the ovens

i don't feel redpilled at all. You guys got anything better?


"Who Owned The Slave Ships" is it. This is what will push the JQ into the open.


‘’’It was the kikes’’’

which ships? which kikes?


JIDF Spotted

okay, so what am i to take away from this table? How is this supposed to redpill me tho?

is this a myers-brigg type or something?

Reported for not even attempting to try.

I'm earnestly looking into taking a redpill, but I've yet to see the appeal. What are the benefits?

Have you seen The Truman Show?

Ignore him user. He’s a JIDF plant.

yes, is it pertinent?

looked it up. No i'm not a jew; white, mostly british and belgian, though my grandmother's nose looked kind of jewish

by heritage, that is

hitler face checks quads that checked by 888 and 00
i think maybe this is good.
100,000,000 who, though? poor people? whites?

Genius. Godspeed op

I know, I'm thinking about all the lurkers who are actually in the position he is pretending to be one of. It can seem very "doom and gloom" early on, especially if you live in a high-poz area/time.

Should Truman have stayed, knowing the world presented to him was fake and constructed specifically to deceive him?

with the world economy as it is now, absolutely, but I see the point you're making. What's is the fascade I have yet to see through then?


I really like the concept of "Who Owned the Slave Ships" but I can also foresee this going over the head of the average Normie - and people misinterpreting it as being about White men.

and yes it is rather doom and gloom. I don't see the world as a binary, so white and not white is not a relevant dichotomy to me, as far as i get the impression it is here. Appreciate your optimism though.

If this goes ahead,
It might be a good idea to fire up the faceberg/plebbit/whatever accounts and start using them to actively call out these posters as being anti-semitic. Hashtag the news rooms, reporter social media accounts and such.
dont explain why they are anti-semitic. The goal would be to have the reporters and such actually use the term anti-semitic in their headlines/ stories when reporting on all these horrible racist flyers being put up.
this would have the effect of 1. gaining traction faster as Anti-semitism is a big seller and 2. we would be using the weapon of the jews against them by having them call themselves out if the major news stations catch it at all.
If they don't pick it up we use the social media accounts to call them out on their complicity in allowing anti-semitism to spread by staying quiet…
Either way, the jews get named and we control the narrative.

How about both?

One for sharing on the web, the other for plastering on the streets. One on the streets can still be shared on the web though, the simple kind a la IOBTW.


The commie poster doesn't do anything to reshape people's minds with a new thought. Everyone has heard about muh billions dead under communism from republicans. It's also easy to argue over the number. The jew ships one is much better.

Let’s stick with only one format/style. It worked well before. We need uniformity.

Jew ships for the win.

And than, there is only us.

Not sure about attacking our own posters, but anons here should definitely start firing up some social media accounts. If it doesn't start anything, we can instruct the useful idiots over at cuckchan, or even better(or worse) the_cuckold.

Capped for posterity

sage for off topic


Expose the Jews and any chance for Communism dies with them.

If this goes ahead,
It might be a good idea to fire up the faceberg/plebbit/whatever accounts and start using them to actively call out these posters as being anti-semitic. Hashtag the news rooms, reporter social media accounts and such.
dont explain why they are anti-semitic. The goal would be to have the reporters and such actually use the term anti-semitic in their headlines/ stories when reporting on all these horrible racist flyers being put up.
this would have the effect of 1. gaining traction faster as Anti-semitism is a big seller and 2. we would be using the weapon of the jews against them by having them call themselves out if the major news stations catch it at all.
If they don't pick it up we use the social media accounts to call them out on their complicity in allowing anti-semitism to spread by staying quiet…
Either way, the jews get named and we control the narrative.

Its not so much an attack but rather a pre-emptive callout. Mostly i'm talking about the jew ship poster just because I think its better and more in line with the originals. lets say the posters go up and a few people see them and bother to look into it. thats good. but by encouraging outrage we could maximize the coverage and get people we wouldn't have reached otherwise. The media loves a good racial controversy and by pointing out the implicit racism we could have the media do half the work for us. Only a handfull of people will walk by the posters and bother reading further. But if we point out to the media that there is a racist story to do with neo-nazis or whatever they will spread the word much further than we could on our own. Hell, if they run with the story about the anti-semitic posters talking about jewish slave ships, norimes won't even have to bother reading for themselves. they will know who owned the ships because the media told them!

People are already going to be pissed as soon as they realize whats going on. This way we would be harnessing that outrage to increase the number of people we reach.

can put the commie sign the served sign at your mcdonalds.

Someone needs to turn that frown upside down.

Ditch the 'muh communism' one

The status quo are not a cabal of soviet communists, they are globalist neoliberal capitalists. It's boomer-tier cringe inducing.

The only time when bringing up communism is relevant is when you point out the historical double standard with the holocaust- which isn't shown in your poster.

Slave ships poster is way more important.
Only Do the Slave Ship One
However it could use a massive touch-up as well as a link. People need to see evidence otherwise they will disregard the point.

Here's an improved version using a different (((font)))

Remember lads, simplicity is key, as is innocence.
I don't think this is a good idea, personally.

The slave ship angle is incredibly important, ESPECIALLY with the release of Black Panther.

If you get blacks #woke on this, it would cause a shitstorm between them and the jews.

No you dingus. Forced memes don't work. They have to either be subtly innocent or involve humor. Otherwise your staining the whole basis for these fliers.

Forced digits have no power, and these posters are rather cringe.


The slave angle is strong considering the wokedness level of today’s Blacks and their recent adoption of actual doing stuff on the internet that doesn’t involve Wur Star

Fucking reds forcing them and posting to mock the people they rape.

Come to America aboard the mighty Jew-Canoe my fine nignog friend. We are totally "not" a slave ship. Those chains and metal collars are helper-harnesses, they are installed for 'your' safety. You can sail to the new world and earn "Gib's me dat" from the plentiful white farm of your choice. Best of all, for any farmers that don't take you in, their profits will drop to pennies because they now have to compete with farms running cheap labor. So whiteman is ruined again from immigration. It's all win for the Jewish I'm-totally-not-a-slave-trader boat man, and a win for the undocumented nignog farm tourist.

Can you guys suggest some good fonts for meme making (especially ones that you have to download to get)?

Dang, that image hit me really hard fam


Satan quads, this can be a happening. The other gets aside.

Considering the various attack vectors, one needs fine sauce to back this up.




19 and 29?

>>>Holla Forums


mega-satan demands it…

inb4 user sperg about holohoax.
we are going to use this on normies, right?

No, fuck off. It's reasonable to sperg. That first meme's subversiveness makes me question your ethnicity.

I think printing up " Holocaust^TM" would be a good one.

Also, getting these concepts into them minds of normies is imperative.

What is the ZOG?


What is the JQ?

Might get people to google search the meaning.

I made it after making this, because "communicate to normies"

remember, the people we are trying to reach well and truly believe in the hoax narrative.

not bad.
the knee-jerk reaction will be to dismiss it, but over the following weeks and months they will notice the heavy israel-bias in the gub'mint.

Communism's main sticking point is 'starvation'. Setting friend against friend, scrambling for food and the inevitable killing wave commences. Meanwhile the sociopaths in power just spy, take and murder to retain power. Communism is the idiots guide to 'seize the means of starvation.'

Kek is with you, turbo-satan

I'd suggest using Dr. Tony Martin as one of the sources. Jews spent a lot of money trying to destroy him for being a black historian talking about Jewish involvement in the slave trade.

Also you have truth on your side. It's irrevocable. All they can do against it is scream anti-semitism and that's not working anymore.

That's great because the media will have a hard time saying we hate blacks
Well we do, mostly. But just because kikes brought them in as slaves, and ~1% of whites bought them


combined two variations from the other thread.

all credit to the original user's, I'm just standing on their shoulders.

this is bad propoganda user.

The real stat you should be posting is that nearly 80% of slave owners were jews


begun the race war has

... (page 312) (page 14)


Trying to get this some traction on halfchan

bump it please.


Hey OP, like the enthusiasm. One thing. Who owned the fucking ships? Where's your sources you dumb nigger?

No you stupid fuck, people will never fucking listen when you don't have EVIDENCE. Fuck off back to reddit. That's where you'll find the listen and believe crap.

The majority of us left half for a reason.

I've seen this image a thousand times, finally started browsing the source. Found this story of some uppity niggers

It's Black History Month. Who owned the slave ships is a better pic this month.





Okay, it has been decided. The turbo-Satan quads also show that Kek is with us.

WHO OWNED THE SLAVE SHIPS? is a must. This is the most effective way of redpilling the self-loathing white normies as well as the nogs who look up to nog-Nationalism.

We have the stats. They are in our favor: (page 312) (page 14)


Nice. Have a condensed version.

Too crowded. No pics. Just text and the Start of David in the background.

How can we include the evidence within the poster itself? Using the Star of David like this, without names that prove the point, isn't going to pass most people's decency filter. This ought to be a complete package that provides enough proof and intrigue it won't be brushed away.

It will encourage normies to look up the facts themselves. (The secret history of blacks and jews) and stuff like that

That’s good. Bumping

I was gonna say naming the jew on the second pic might be a bit too obvious, but the quads have spoken.


Make each poster it's own. like said it's a bit too crowded.

Sometimes I have little faith in the public to embrace curiosity when presented with a challenge like this, but after considering your post, and the fact that we're already halfway through (((Black History Month))) it would be good to act while the subject matter is potent and timely.

Add text for whatever you want.
'Daiquan finds out who actually ran the entire early era slave trade, slave boats and slave farms.'

What about a white history month?

That's what the remaining 11 months are for user. Nobody else did anything noteworthy.

100 Million Murdered
Who created and continues to spread communism?

1960s neo-boomer communism rhetoric isn't relevant anymore.

You have to compare the hypocrisy of the holocaust narrative to the deaths under the USSR.


Bump. I like these. "My borders my choice" was a huge bomb, this should be IOTBW 2.0

The JQ could be a little to hard of a red pill for normies. I’ve tried using that point as well as others a million times and anything about the JQ goes in the ear and out the mouth as “muh antisemitism” or “muh holocaust”. Maybe removing the Star of David would force them to research it themselves and they most likely would because black history month. The reason it’s okay to be white worked was simplicity. Don’t try spoon feeding, keep it as simple as humanly possible. Also check’d.

Jewish power over the minds of normies shatters when they consider for a moment that Jews have had four thousand years of being perpetrators of slavery.

Have any of you ever seen word art? What if we fill the page with the names of people owned the ships, and arrange them so that there is a white space in the middle that forms the star? Within that space we pose our question, "who owned the slave ships?" That way, the answer and evidence is embodied in the page, while the symbolism still remains. I would do this myself but I don't have access to a computer

Bullshit, user.
He is the source of all BCE jews.
He made them up.
He is the first jew.

I was clearly talking about semites torfag.


This is good.
The black one i vote.

>Titus Flavius Josephus, born Yosef ben Matityahu was a first-century historian who was born in modern Palestine to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed royal ancestry.


Not very clear.

Sorry Officer, for Tor to work, civillians need to use it, too.

That's a great idea!

Lose the star of david, do a picture of a ship, or leg shakles, covered with jewish financiers and slave ship owners names. Even sprinkle a few goy owners in just for plausible deniability. Let people draw their own conclusion about (((who))).

That's no reason to help the jews validate and spread it.

Does anyone have the list of jewish slave ship owners? I'm apparently retarded and can't find it now. I'll KMS if someone else can provide. I have found a site to do the word art and a nice pic of shakles.



Checked. It is willed

I've been hearing the phrase "late stage capitalism" a lot recently. I think it came from reddit. People white knighting commie countries. It's never a bad idea to remind people that communism isn't cool.

Nigggerkike mods are too busy sucking shitdick to sticky this.

Because this actually hurts the jews, you can expect the mods not to sticky it.
Shameless doublepost, because justice.

Could browse the Voyages database. Probably want to look at dates between 1500s to 1888.

This page has a list of names+ships, and is connected to a Black Power-ish site. Definitely cross reference the info

Slave Voyages Database (broken link for your safety)


A Times of Israel article with relevant info

Happy Researching

This makes sense. Jews are still heavily into diamonds in The Netherlands and Belgium.. Both notorious slave trade nations. The diamonds of course came from Africa.You can still see the legacy when you visit. Zwarte Pete, wealth and the Naval tradition. Pretty interesting history.

Jews of course financed the lot.

The 100M one is weak, they always brush it off as not real socialism. Connecting communism to judaism is what redpilled me, but I don't know how to turn it into the IOTBW format.

These numbers

Up until 1600 kikes were not welcome in the netherlands, then they slowly took hold. After that the usual corrosion took part and in 1650 they were allowed to practice law, had freedom of religion and already established themselves as merchants. Netherlands quickly became target of kike invasion after that. Drained it from its glory and pride and replaced heritage with lies.

VOC was not kiked, but they invented stocks and shareholders in creating it. The kike smelled shekels and took over.