inb4: nigger
inb4: nigger
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A monkey is his habitat.
Fitting for the first snowflake affirmative action president.
thanks obama
How does a former world leader allow himself to be cucked so hard by people who love him? How was this even allowed? Is anyone behind the wheel? Ho lee fuk this timeline.
At first I thought it was weed in the background.
Definitely pic related
But user, you don't understand modern art!
Fucking burgers. You even make it hard to laugh at Sweden. How are they supposed to top this?
"le literally hundreds of milions of whites in one country" they brag
and proceed to elect a 50/50 jew/negro as their supreme leader.
Tell me, my man, has anyone ever fallen for this shit?
Micheal's is even better. It's like a tranny chose an artist that would make him look like a real woman.
His wife didn't get a better one either.
user plz, my sides
Obama is seriously going to use that for the official portrait? Fucking amazing. He will even be pictured in history as a complete joke. Why not just go all the way and have him wearing a pimp outfit and standing in front of a blinged out Cadillac?
sure, the 5 year official police investigation that got swept under the rug
They've censored it keek
The censorship
lmao, they removed a bunch of others too.
Ayo hol up, he wuz kangz
There's a little kid under that dress
The dick pic is hilarious though.
Anything symbolic about that background?
Flowers/Leaves/Green? It has to mean something.
Yeah, the nigger painting is so bad they had to come up with an excuse, so they nuked the rest, which have been up a long time. lulz will ensue :^)
This just reeks of him trying to come across as a great peacemaker because MUH NATURE. Jesus Christ, what a faggot. No wonder he married a tranny.
Now that the real one has been plastered everywhere I'll bet you could swap that one in a few places and it would go unnoticed at first. My eyes went right to the horrible face job and I missed the dick at first glance. Meme it
Got banned from cuckchan again, eh?
yep lulz
Obama will go down in history as anti-president.
He got the "JUST" hair
yep :^) it's so bad that wikipedia retroactively erased all portraits done this way (not with us government funds), back through Ford:
Also, Wakanda + Ugandan knuckles memes when?
Go take stalingrad faggot
…And Keek sounds like if an African nigger said kike.
Apparently it's clematis. It's supposed to represent Africa where it originates from, as well as Chicago and Hawaii (lel) because it grows there too I guess?
For accuracy it should be a Kenyan weed grow littered with discarded 40's and KFC bones.
obama really was a mistake. they just had to do something R E V O L U T I O N A H R E Y to showcase how different he is from the previous presidents.
HE'S IN A FUCKING JUNGLE !!!. I still can't believe this is real. It's complete irony down to the core.
I know right? Absolutely amazing.
These are strange times indeed…
This shit is too easy.
Its almost seamless, that's fucking hilarious.
2010 really is just a repeat of 1970-1990
How convenient.
>white supremciasts
lol it's still like that, ADL has gorillions of shekels but is too jewish to pay an intern to run spellcheck
The same artist painted a nigress beheading a white childs head.
lel this deserves more (You)s
Funny how black 'empowerment' always wears European trappings when envisioning being in power.
Nigger defaces a great painting of Napoleon. Couldn't help but put sperm in the background. Classy
Holy Hell, is this a triple-hivemind?
I didnt even feel anything
Oh my good fuck my sides hurt user
Their reasoning for not including those portraits doesn't make sense. You only need to include a rationale for including a photograph of the portrait and make sure that the resolution is reasonably low. It's basically ESSENTIAL to the article to have all of the portraits.
The most tippity top of keks. Thanks, lad. Well done!
kike newspapers literally rip off Wikipedia a lot.
Yep. They're censoring cuz ebil nazbols
I don't get it. It's a good painting much like one of his relatives did.
It is. It's Maui Wowie strain. Look very closely and remember where Barry claims he is from.
Is there a skilled user that can reverse this and/or put Pepe's head on the nig (obviously with the nig's head severed and the white one replaced)
Already done over in one of the other threads, lad:
Thanks m88
At least it will be good meme.
Fuuuuuuuck, surely there were better niggers for presidency affirmative action at the time.
His leadership of the Democratic party lead it to being decimated, having lost 900+ state legislature seats, 12 governors, 69 House seats, 13 Senate seats.
He ran on being "the most transparent administration in history" and went after whistleblowers who had to flee the country to escape him.
He was immediately handed a Noble Peace Prize after his election for no reason, then proceeded to kill hundreds of innocents with drones while in power.
His Wall Street reforms froze lending and slowed the recovery.
He spent all the political capital he had on a health care reform law now in the death spiral that critics always said would happen.
He entrusted his foreign policy to Hillary Clinton and it plunged the entire world into chaos.
The Russian reset ended with the rise of Vladimir Putin.
The Iraq withdrawal he was elected for gave us ISIS.
His warnings against Brexit probably pushed it over top.
He has sown the seeds of racial hate in this country by supporting BLM, and now he's seen the same white vote that supported him in 2008 and 2012 go and abandon his party.
The TPP he tried to ram down America's throat awakened a sleeping giant in the working class vote.
The country gave him the ultimate rebuke by electing not just any Republican as his successor, but his very arch nemesis.
Everything he has worked for, he now has to hand over to the one man who said he will tear it all up.
Shakespeare himself could not have written a more complete destruction of a man.
Normally effort shops are pointless but this one really works
Good lord
Isn't Obama the first jewish president as well? The choosing of that picture would be inline with the jewish understanding of art.
Somebody shoop him into that coolest monkey in the jungle sweater
Good summary, but a leaked video of "Michelle" taking his buttcherry followed by a trial for treason would finish it off better imo.
reminds me of i pet goat 2 beginning, when the lotus opens in front of him
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
< niggers attacking machines
I feel like we should be talking more about the fact that berry went out of his way to get his portrait done by a nigger that has painted multiple pieces that are practically identical to this one.
Obongo looks much more like Mark Obama than Davis' confirmed son.
Holy shit, we need to ensure normies see this so they understand they mean to kill us.
That's not even close to the only painting like that he has done. The artist is 100% we wuz tier.
That dick pick is the hardiest laugh I've had in a while. Whoever made it, bravo.
His face looks like the kind of "artwork" you would see on the cover of MAD Magazine. And whats up with his feet? It's like a kid sitting on a chair with their feet off the ground. And the whole thing looks computer generated.
there are wikipedia admins retroactively altering the revision history of the article so the censored portraits can not be simply restored through the history tab
Ministry of truth, my man.
Here is my quick attempt.
I came for the laughs
But stayed for the feels. This portrait. Fucking hell mane he didn't deserve any of this
He underestimated them. He didn't expect his SS detail to betray him.
The secret service's job is to protect the currency.
Does this guy really paint? It looks like a bad collage…
I've noticed that too. They never depict themselves in the traditions of any African Kangdoms that actually existed, they always want to LARP as either Egyptians or French nobility in blackface. Almost like they're actually… envious? Naw, blacks would never be so petty…
Replace with these everywhere possible
So how does this artist make his paintings? It looks like
Yes they are incredibly flat and 2 dimensional paintings. It honestly looks like he makes the whole thing in photoshop first then prints out a large format picture of it and traces over that.
I found a stupid normie meme on twitter that I laughed at…
God I need help
Right Wing Gardening Squads
tfw no classic flashwave Honda Civic
Impressive! Was that done with photoshop, with the smart content fill?
Now this I like.
The thing that stands out with both of them is just how fucking shitty the proportions are. Look at the size of Obama and his tranny wife's hands. The proportions are all very subtly wrong is really unusual ways.
Well, green is the color of magic, and everyone already calls him the magic negro…
nice digits
criminally underrated
This will be printed in history books.
30 seconds in photoshop confirms this is shit art.
fuck that's hilarious. what a fucking nigger.
What weird ass culture are you pulling that from?
If we're going off western traditions the suit of wands is associated with the element of fire, and thus red would be magic.
Modern pop culture, green and purple together are a wizard's calling card. Or, by a certain author, The Color of Magic is the one just above purple in the rainbow.
you stole photoshop
you wouldn't steel a car
i'm fucking dying
There isn't a finite source of photoshop copies so adobe loses zero dollars from someone like me who would never buy photoshop to begin with.
Inb4 Trump has this piece of shit thrown out and makes kang sheeeeit nigger resubmit in proper form
there's a monthly sub
What the fuck is wrong with the right side of his head? It looks like some weird alien growth or tumor bulging out, or that he's wearing a mangy badger's skin in place of his hair, and that's where the badger's neck or arms were.
Trump's painting should be him trimming a bush.
Time to burn down the fucking forest boys
I'm still blown away at how bad the hands are, they are in the same perspective plane in the painting, yet, for some unknown reason, his left hand begins to grow to be about 30% larger than the right.
noticed it too
Look at his left hand, he's either got an extra pinky, or the thumbs on the wrong side.
I don't know, you tell me fucking uncultured idiot.
This is what happens when white people virtue signal a black man to rule over them. The degradation this caused makes it impossible to save America as it once was. The sooner it dies and something new comes along to replace that shit stain on our history the better.
The facial proportions are fucked to hell too.
Is that Rylong faggot back again?
This hasn't gotten as much use as it should lately.
Is it digital "art" or something?
This is the best example of a lazy nigger in art to date. How the fuck can you be so lazy that you have to pattern fill a background in photoshop before half assing a fucking painting of a president for a president.
.This thread is fucking up my sides something fierce.
Only for the latest and greatest.
CS6 was the last good version for this exact reason.
GIMP is better for everything not-paint.
Krita is better than GIMP or PS all round.
I like to assume that they know what they are doing.
Why did they paint him like that? He looks like in a courtroom sketch if you take away the bush in the background
That's funny because Obama hates Israel and loves Hezbollah.
His left eye is 40% smaller than his right eye. It's all fucked up
I know
I appreciate your vigilance, but lets be realistic here. Occult studies require high levels of kike sophistry or goy autism to navigate. This nigger can't paint my dude.
I think the suit was shopped in too. Far more realism there than anywhere else in that clusterfuck.
Don't forget the part where he gets arrested
Good eye, by the way. Did any portions of this come from other works? is it plagiarized?
The green light is about jealousy or envy, user. Once he porks Daisy, he has no need for it anymore. On to the next conquest. (You probably want to show me your etchings like the faggot you are.)
Green is also the colour of lineality.
Third world people create third world governments.
We seriously need to thanks King Nigger. Without his arrogant, duplicitous, and sloppy governing America would not have awoken like we have. Bonus - It will take CENTURIES for America to forget what happened the last time we elected a black president. If he had simply been a bad president without the leftist corruption, we may not have learned this lesson so thoroughly.
the painting is kinda true , he is straight out of a jungle.
If America wakes up, there won't be a possibility for another black president.
Some decent normie ones out there
Put a bunch of pot leaves in it, then post it all over twitter dumb people will think its the real version.
The awesome OC usually comes from here, but the normies seem to also have working autism at times.
THEY GOING ALL WHITE SAYING "non-whites have feels just like us" AND "'it's just Holla Forums shilling so we stop hating nor normalfags". YOU GOTTA DO SOMETHING!
Have a fucking Gore folder you tard, also shame for derailing.
Live Interview With Obama at 11!
10 million hours in GIMP on a top of the line CIANigger supercomputer.
There's been so much stupid kang shit in the media lately.
Ok, and how would you like your art?
No actually the courtroom sketches are better than the official portraits of both the niggers
All he needs are the red, soar eyes of JUST to complete.
saved, user.
I audibly laughed
At least they are well aware that (((America))) was shitting up the middle east for Israel via ISIS. I'm glad based Putin is in charge.
Second this
The last real prez that had the stones to defy the CIA, Central Banking Cartel and the Military-Industrial Complex. HW's snake pit lined up a row of gangsters/CIA hit-men and blew his fucking head off.
Hilarious. This thing is gonna be memed to high heaven. Totally fits in with Homer's disappearing into bushes meme.
He was too redpilled on certain things. That, and him wanting to eliminate the (((cia))) and federal reserve.
yfw Hussien Obama is the modern day Akhenaten
This is weird, it seems 8ch is redirecting people to cuckchan.
Pretty fucking funny user
Keep them coming
Never stop fighting. People in the 1900's were redpilled in the sense they knew the jew was a controversial, often negative, groups.
They knew niggers were almost monkeys, they knew race mixing was seriously bad and undesirable. Look where we are now.
In the case we win, never relax yourself to the idea it might turn everything again, even with internet.
Here's the knuckles cutout for anyone that wants it as well.
I haven't laughed so hard in a long long time. That pic of him with the binoculars can be memed with the #releasethememo #fisa too. It's all so perfect.
he's half nigger half jew.
That guy in the second pics laugh.
(be sure to zoom in)
Put this shit up on Kikepedia. Show them what true memeart is.
i love it
does anyone else unironically like the painting. it has some shitty mistakes like the hand, but it's not bad and i like the style
It's not objectively terrible in every single way like Michael's, but it's still very funny when you consider the man and what the painting represents.
Perfect. Source on the song?
No-one unironically likes it. It's a horrible mess on the eyes to digest, there is no depth in the background. It reuses the same shitty leaf and flower patterns and is simply just shallow.
ZAMAGI - It's So Good Now
the hands are enormous lol
In Jeb's defense, there really is a china anchor baby problem…
yeah the copy pasting is pretty lazy but everyone here pretending to have gone through Loomis more than once is kinda tiresome
keep the memes coming though
Eh, it's good for meme material, that's for sure. But without considering the person it actually has and the context, it's pretty meh.
oh dear lord almighty….
That was the 1st thing I noticed. Something is so wrong with that chair…
Didn't he get banned forever?
Oh fuck, I just realized this. Someone post it in the official wikipedia page. The merchant would be too camouflaged for someone to notice at first glance. It would be fucking meme material if that or this
hopefully they tee up some nice hot dog pizza and walnut sauce for the guy at the royal wedding
he can reflect on the tragedy of sandy hook and wonder how anyone could believe his birth certificate was fake with the Queen
deserved dubs
Jeb and no avacados? For shame.
Akhenaten was so widely hated because he was a proto-Jewish puppet. Don't believe me? Let's take a look at those religious reforms shall we?
And let's top it off with a quote:
Is this getting your noggin joggin'? Does this sound sort of similar to how the Israelites went from being Polytheistic to Monotheistic? Look at the similarities. Names pertaining to El, destruction of all Gods but El, destruction of icons that didn't relate to El, and finally elevation of El to that of the one and only God. Isn't it kind of odd how all of this happened in to the Semites who became the Jews we all know and hate today, when it happened to the Egyptians a thousand years before them?==There is something behind the Jew.==
Egypt was their trial run and it failed miserably because as soon as Akhenaten died, the people revolted and did their best to strike him from their history. Know and study the Jew, watch him closely, because on that day when he finally falls, we must stay vigilant and watch for the shadow that will escape from his corpse and look for a new host.
Patek Calatrava. The nigger got some style at least.
Great post except this point:
Putin directly succeeded Yeltsin on December 31, 1999. The only way that statement could even generously be interpreted as true is that Obama so undermined the power projection of the United States (which he did) that it contributed a relative rise in Russia's clout on the world stage.
Checked and kekd. Niggers really do have shit taste in aesthetics. I'm honestly surprised at this point he didn't add Kenyan shield symbols around the border.
drove one for a few years, slow as fuck but feels faster than a porsche. I lost in drag races to pickup trucks, but damned if I wasnt a badass
user, you're assuming Kang Nigger's facial proportions would conform to an idealized human even as a half-breed, it doesn't check out
Moonman should be holding a noose instead of a banana peel, otherwise, it's excellent.
10,000 hours in ms paint
too bad it's not poison oak.
far as I can determine, technically he is not "black" - egyptian methinks. Don Nicoloff (deceased) did research that indicated one reason the birthcertificate fiasco existed was to obfuscate the truth Onigger was a test-tube smoothie made from DNA resurrected from an Egyptian sarcophagus over 10000 years old, in a genetic cloning lab underground in Indonesia. called him Barakenatun.
youre just jealous no qt asian gf
anchor baby'd
Gives a whole new meaning to "the bush administration"
At least I could do this much. Sorry about the gigantic png.
I'm pretty sure that background was stolen from a Windows 95 wallpaper.
I like the black hands. Very subtle throwback to the election. Well done. This is art with a message.
contributing to epic bread.
I'm inclined to agree in a lot of circumstances, but in this one, it's about the ethereal, the inobtainable, that thing that can't be grasped (read: magic). Once he porks Daisy, the jealousy (if he can be said to be jealous) doesn't evaporate, it's merely the case that the thing he thought so distant and out of reach was not just simply ordinary, but was never really there in the first place.
As an aside, personally, I hate the sadistic liberal fascination with forcing adolescents to study literature that revolves around romantic separation.
What fucking etchings are you talking about? Ain't my fault I understand literature and pay attention in class, that makes me white, not gay, projecting faggot.It was over 15 years ago, by the way.
My eyes are watering