So, in the middle of a fucked cancer thread at half-cuck, some based user posts the following amid all of the garbage that otgerwise occupied the thread:
Have you noticed? …… that people who are awake, think about consciousness, truth seekers…. tend to have struggled with an addiction or alcoholism at some point in their lives. Arguably to be human is to get addicted to SOMETHING but I’m talking about people who are looking to fill a hole, who are usually kind and sensitive but then can become gruff and cruel sometimes - but if they are, the world sort of turned them that way since their underbelly is so soft and gentle. Tender folks. They tend to be highly productive when sober, deep thinkers, relatively intelligent, and when they aren’t lashing back out at a world that hurt them, when they forgive, they are among the most giving and nurturing people. These bright and talented individuals were frequently selected for gifted programs in elementary school and could do many things well. However they probably quit things often… or do what is expected of them begrudgingly. They don’t understand the sort of robotic actions in society and (think of Tim Leary’s The Others) they hate the “hows the weather?” elevator banter and long for a table to sit with close friends who want to ponder the deep truths of this reality and not talk about money. Oh yes, money. They’re usually not great with it or they don’t care much about it. Nice to have, but they will easily give away theirs as long as they have the basics. 1/2
Often the family’s black sheep, these individuals are willing to see many sides to a story and are not staunch in any one political pigeon hole. They are often the type of child who the parents will say “Bobby, he’s just different.” Although, they are VERY idealistic and value justice deeply. Frequently firstborn children or the baby of many children, these people dance in the fray not linger at center. They have always felt “weird” and even when they are in the center with a ton of friends feel like outsiders. Never quite at home on earth, they have a pervasive sense of homesickness that confuses them. Their family, whom they love deeply, can feel like a foster family that is with them just for the time being. They struggle with impulse control and wanting life to be “fun”- the fact that we are slaves, drones, dawns on them at a young age and will often think things like “Think of all the hours I waste here” while in elementary school when all the other children never dare- doesn’t occur to them- to dream of the outside while they are seated at their tiny desks. Perfectionists with black and white thinking, if they mess up a task they will often say “fuck it”, because they know they could have done it so well, once a little corner is garbled, Why bother?, right? These people- addicts and Alcoholics (or an eating disorder, something self harming not harmful to others) are the type of people who want the world to just be nice and safe. They often work at jobs that are less challenging intellectually than what they are capable of. They have existential crisis-like thoughts about their life and have a deep and persistent feeling that they have a purpose, that they are “supposed” to do something great in this life, not in a narcissistic way, but in the way that they get nervous they have a calling that the daily grind is keeping them from. These people…. do you know them? I think you do. I think we are them.
Based user.. If you peruse this board along with fuck-chan.. I ask, Is there more that you can share? You obviously know about the deep down itch. Can you shed any light on the effective scratch/solution to make our lives more bearable?
I would have posted this to cock-chan, but they ban my VPN's IP range, and I really don't care to mix and mingle with the majority of fuck-tards that eternally shill that site.
I think I can wholly relate to that post - I don't necessarily get the point of this thread, so I'm not bumping you. But I do think there's some deep truth in that statement. At least it accurately describes my childhood (most of which was spent coping with the addictions of those in my immediate family.)
Jose Diaz
I would like to hear more. This is the best thing I have read on Holla Forums in months and it's not even from this website.
Michael Hall
There's been a recent uptick in a very subtle shilling that I'd like to share. The shills are pushing the idea that NatSocs are all NEETs, parasites to society, living at home, etc. The reality is most people here are at school, employed or even retired (fucking oldfags why didn't you fight harder when Pierce was alive). They'll come and make some big shitpost about all nazis being NEETs and then some other shill will pretend to be an user and sheepishly accept that he is indeed a pathetic loser. It's like an advanced version of that weird "I'm sleepy" shilling.
Over the last few years I've seen a huge uptick in anons who are successful at life in the conventional sense, but actively parasitize the System intentionally to weaken it. This thinking that you're overly special is a betrayal of your race because you're not giving your brothers enough credit. We know things and realize things and act the way we do because we grew up in this online environment and because we were racially predisposed to it. There are whites out there who are highly receptive to this stuff but just haven't been exposed to it. Think of all your buddies at school who had their German History phase in high school. Think of all the National Socialists who were totally debased slaves in the Weimar Republic before Hitler lifted them up out of the mud. The only special talent people here is enhanced pattern recognition and sensitivity. This helps us catch on quick but the values are race-wide. Don't fall into the trap of forgoing your gifts because it seems romantic to be "in the know" but unable to act on it.
Don't love yourself, love your RACE! And work every day tirelessly to topple the system destroying. In the meantime truly enjoy life. Spiritual malaise is the first weapon of the jew and falling prey to it is losing your first battle. The problems gone over in that paragraph are a result of a life lacking hardship. Athletic struggle, financial struggle, political struggle, all of these things build character and build your ability to fight for what you want for yourself. It builds will-power. Will-power is a trait like height or intelligence you're born with but unlike those gifts it can be built. It is your responsibility to build it. Weight lifting, martial arts, car-racing, mechanical skill building, marksmanship, absorbing knowledge, etc.
Give yourself more credit and the jewish lies less.
Blake Phillips
Inb4 some shill sages and claims this is a slide thread.
This thread hit me right in the feels. You guys mind if I just kinda vent here for a post or two? Have alot of changes going on in my life at the moment
Eli Garcia
Whatcha slidin'?
Cameron Cooper
Like clockwork.
Lincoln Edwards
with trips like that you can talk about whatever you want friend.
Xavier Lewis
Whew lads
Literally have a Mel Gibson movie about our clan. >Biological father divorced parents become blue pilled via twitter and complains about Le Drumpf >Thinks I am a Nazi lel
I feel like I am stuck in the endless libo waiting for the day the carpet gets pulled out from under me. Sorry for the blog post
Joshua Nguyen
Also just to add onto my last post, I feel like I have to find a wife with blonde hair and blue eyes aswell within the next five years. I partly hold the late age birthing of children these past two generations as being responsible for so many cases of things like autism. We really need to sort this shit out if we are going to save not just our people but humanity.
Problem is, military relationships fail. So it would be like getting married knowing full well you would end up divorced. How are you supposed to love a woman with that in mine?
Ryder Gonzalez
Good write up user, saved in the motivational folder for future comment spam.
Henry Morris
You're about to embark on a journey of martial training. You should worry about the shape you're in, taking care of your body, your health, etc. And don't worry too much about that girl. The military path you're about to walk is gonna expose you to men from all around the country, all walks of life. You're gonna feel like a real dickhead for the blogpost you just made when your buddy in bootcamp is telling you about how he joined because he grew up in a fucking tin shack in Appalachia. That's not to say your life isn't difficult, you have a huge cross to bear in your life. But you're gonna have a whole different perspective very soon.
On top of that, I would worry about totally detaching yourself from the negative parts of your family life. If your father is a weakling and a tumor on your life, excise it.
As for women, I would worry about totally devoting yourself to your military career right now. Look into the Navy SARC program, it's a backdoor into SEALs and Marine Recon/Raiders, you'll be offered a chance to do it in Corpsman school You can have children as an older man with a younger woman. Assuming you're 30 when you leave the military you can always get a 20 year old girlfriend and then wife. Your diet is gonna affect the health of your children more than anything these days. What you really need to focus on in maintaining your health while in the military. You get fragged/fucked up fighting for kike interests then it will have defeated the point, am I right? You need to bring your military skills home so when the collapse happens, you can capitalize on it with us.
Robert Lewis
I would like to hear more. This is the best thing I have read on Holla Forums in months and it's not even from this website.>>11253047 Did this really happen? From my experience the SJW shit in college is like violence in prison: there's plenty of it, but so long as you don't do anything stupid, the only way you get involved is if you're actively seeking it out.
Also if hospital corpsmen do medical things, I might have some advice for you. Get a bunch of credits towards some mostly online degree while you're in the military, or see if there are any arrangements where you can take classes in your spare time. Basically you just need to have any bachelor's. With a bachelor's and plenty of medical experience under your belt, you can go become a Physician's Assistant. It's a good salary, and people will treat you like they would a doctor. Other than that, I'm really sorry to hear about your circumstances. You seem like an incredible person, and you'd probably be very successful without your birth defects and shitty parents. Good luck in the military, a few years as a ZOGbot tends to help sort young men out. Hail Hitler.
Jonathan Walker
for some reason it included my previous post was replying to
Austin Taylor
I thank you much for this response brother. I have grown to view my father as an ill man that is on borrowed time. However there is still a part of me that wishes I could save him.
As for SARC, I have already looked into that. Colorblindness disqualifies me from all Special Operations.
Take care of yourself brother, never give up the good fight.
Lincoln Hughes
He'll be successful in spite of them lad
Hunter Gutierrez
doesn't sound that bad
Ayden Diaz
You can't man. He made his choices. My dad is pretty pathetic too. I love him, but he's always been the "don't be like him" template for my life. You have to focus on picking up the slack from now on. And you'd be surprised, they might let you in anyways. SARC is sooooooooooooooooo understaffed it's insane. Talk to the SORB recruiter when you're in Corspman school and come to the table with an incredible PT score. 5k under 18 minutes, pull-ups above 50, push-ups above 80 in two minutes, etc. Tell him you'll work your ass off, that you're fully committed to the program. They might give you a shot.
Also, most people don't know this, but you can apply for Delta Force from any branch in the military. Once you've got some service under your belt why not mosey on down to that neck of the woods?
Bentley Gomez
Jesus, it's like I'm reading my biography or something, well done. I certainly hope said poster is found, I'm sure I'm not the only one with questions.
Samuel Perez
capped (but cropped) for posterity
Wyatt Stewart
being a zogbot is not the answer lads. bump because cool op.
Daniel Cruz
All in all 10/10 palm-reading astrologists BTFO.
My personal take on it?
The era we've just entered is going to see mass-production of "Renaissance men" (and women – but don't boo me I'm not a feminist) on a global level. What happened during the Renaissance – and then again during the Enlightenment – except on a scale and intensity never seen before in history.
The reason why we're more likely to be this way or that way probably just has to do with common demographic traits that facilitate or increase the odds of certain behaviors for whatever reason.
The "higher mission." That's the main event, right? I've always believed that there is a very natural and beautiful order to the universe, an underlying order, even if I don't understand it (and I don't believe the human brain ever fully can), and I believe that this underlying order is fundamentally "loving" even if only marginally. And by "loving" I mean that in this order, things will have more of a tendency to cling together, find order, and generally defy the laws of entropy. Because the fact is, despite the laws of entropy, here we are, and our civilization is only becoming more ordered and technological. So which law is that? Mankind as a species is ordering the universe through consciousness, and exploring ourselves in the process.
This all sounds like a bunch of new age bullshit but I was reading Sir Francis Bacon the other day, and he was going on about shit not so far removed from what I just said, in the much-more-heavily-Christian language of his time. This was one of the early guys whose vision contributed to the American Republic as the founders conceived it. They were the Holla Forums of their day at least in that way. There isn't much truly open discussion anywhere else, and censorship only promotes cancer.
Gavin Green
You do not know the half of it. We had to sign what were basically non-disclosure agreements saying that if we wanted to be able to access the lectures for her course we had to turn in all cell phones at the start of class as well as agree to about 100 other nonsense rules to prevent students creating a “hostile environment” for the other students. If you wanted to pass her class it was pretty much required as she typically would get side tracked and just go off on really wierd topics. Apparently there is some type of ape in the Congo that slams itself into these trees and she claimed it was a form of religion for them. And I am talking about apes as in the literal sense, not the urban wildlife we have in America. Also she never shut the fuck up about Bonobos having consensual sex for recreation as opposed to procreation.
It was right after the election and I made the mistake of wearing a cross on my neck that day. I don’t remember the full details but she asked something about bondsmen in the methodist religion and it kinda just spiraled.
Will be sure to push for it. I was told with a big fat no that it was not something I was allowed to do via my recruiter however if I have a chance to do it, I definitely will.
Jaxon Gonzalez
Methodist demonination* Im sleep deprived atm sorry
Hudson Howard
That about sums it up. I feel it.
Jack Hall
This is my first post on Holla Forums, not because I need to lurk more but because I wouldn't want to waste my time replying to some JIDF faggot shill. This post though… God DAMN, who the fuck just wrote my autobiography?
Jeremiah Flores
Christ, user. That's fucking insane. Did you try pulling a fast one on them, and reporting her for "religious insensitivity and discrimination." Even the most leftist of colleges will have trouble justifying a professor singling out a student for wearing as cross and then getting angry about it. Did she seem to not like you personally? The fact that you look like you'd be on a Nazi propaganda poster might have made you a target from day one. Normally I've found that you can get the more cucked professors to actually like you, despite the ideological differences, but this psycho sounds like a whole 'nother level.
Parker Torres
Jace Hughes
Jacob Reyes
Ssssssssalotta gets gents. Someone aproves this message.
Joshua Powell
if you're not claiming every kind of welfare you can if you're poor and avoiding as much tax as possible if you're rich you might as well just march with antifa. you paid for HUD's rehousing of millions of deep ghetto thugs in safe white communities across the midwest, sowing the seeds of the heroin epidemic.
Owen Diaz
This is like reading an astrological personality prediction. They're designed such that everyone feels like it's specifically tailored to them, but in reality we're all pretty similar.
You can buy a social security card online of a dead guy and collect welfare. You can buy 10. You can buy 100. I've never paid a fucking cent of taxes in my life and I work my ass off. I just don't work for kikes. You're 100% right.
Alexander Morales
suck-start a shotgun you stupid fucking cunt, you don't belong here and aren't welcome
Robert Wright
this sounds way to generalized.. metadata mining comes to mind
Benjamin Wilson
David Brooks
In a song.
Jayden Smith
(checked) Frankly, it strikes me as an odd assertion to make. Those addictions are generally inflicted via peer pressure; why would people outside the system be affected?
Carter Powell
Because like it or not, people are social creatures. It's usually from attempts to integrate into the overall system(That generally fails). Other times, it's merely trying out things they like, and eventually enjoy it a bit too much…
Hunter Ortiz
By the way, addictions don't have to involve drugs…
Daniel Wright
its basically the tldr of all the gate threads as well as the meta esoteric threads. A lot more anons are starting to realize a certain set of truths that are undeniable once they are considered.
Angel Brooks
At least they think they do. It's fun to watch for me either way, these wannabe hermeticists.
Ryan Sanchez
Well, one of us is in the wrong thread.
Luke Rivera
I was one of the anons in that thread, still got the tab open on my other computer, seek simple questions and consider abstract answers. Everything is a play of words, everything is a song of numbers, coincidence is not possible because you are alive. Take a step back and apply Holla Forums tier digging to your own personal world, just as we shit check everything political which may be an untruth, shit check irl. Apply the agency to say "hey wait a second this is the reaction that the kikes want me to have" and apply it to everything, this does not mean the kikes are all powerful, or even smart they are fucking morons for thinking they could cheat the Creator but rather that you need to apply that sort of 'thought archetype' to reality. Get really abstract with it. As above, so below, right? Activate your almond, it starts to feel almost thick and swollen right? Could it be that the almond is actually a meta-cock? A mind-boner? Could you be a dick head? The world a pussy waiting for someone to fuck it? I'll be back for some more metaphorplay in a bit, I'm go bust that mornin nut.
Nathan Thomas
We're all in it together, brothers.
Joshua Morales
you are here forever
Eli Hernandez
This shit aint unusual for the chans. We've always had threads where people go "most of you are x y and z" and a bunch of people freak out because its true.
Thomas Powell
Just because you realize you're Other doesn't mean that you don't wanna at least understand what the system itself is in the first place.
David Rodriguez
Been around longer than you think. I just don't post much here. I favor other boards.
Liam Rogers
I can't speak for others, but the system that I would gladly integrate into no longer exists. Hollow man-shaped things destroyed it and replaced it with a hollow mockery that merely apes what it should be. Things were put right before, and they'll be put right again. I eagerly look forward to the end of the current Weimar Era. But I have no interest in a pale imitation which lacks the spirit of the original.
William Murphy
Do any of you have any experience with those Mensa retards?
Aiden Gomez
That much is obvious. Its a shame so many newfaggots like yourself see the esoteric threads and pay them no mind, never bother to think, never bother to consider if they even know how to think. The memes are real, reality is yours for the taking grab her by the tits and fuck the shit out of her.
Joshua Cruz
Holy shit, is this why we're all here? We have this much in common?
>currently shaking off an addiction to porn in order to stay away from any forms of possible degeneracy
However at the end of the day I'm still an autist.
Carter Moore
Both my parents were members a long time ago. They quit when Mensa went full leftard. I assume by now the entire organization watches Rick & Morty religiously.
Hudson Torres
Understanding it is not the same as integrating. Some learn by doing, which might explain some of those addictions…
Also, if you were serious about your ideals, avoid social media like your life depended on it. It's something I'd call hollow for sure. Still funny to watch it get warped by shitposters though.
As far as you're concerned, I'm calling them wannabes because they're doing the equivalent of navel gazing with regards to that. If they really wanna get further in their studies, I would recommend that they read as many marketing books as they can get their grubby hands on. Why? Because it tends to delve into the very subjects they go on about in far less esoteric terms.
Nathan Baker
The accuracy of your description is disturbing. If that's how you describe yourself, then I think you're right. Lately, I've enjoyed going full 1488. I've been struggling to cut all jew influence out of my life. TV, Vidya, get fit, all of it. I spend my free time, when I'm not pursuing my craft, or raising my family (I'm older than most of you, closer to 40 than to 20) reading and wasting time posting here and on voat. I do that because I crave for brotherhood like a man dying of thirst in the desert. Soon, I'll get to the point where I won't care about the glow in the dark cianiggers. It's getting to the point where, like a serial killer who only fantasizes about killing, the fantasy isn't enough. I'm going to have to bridge the gap and find my brothers in life. I want to do it right now, but I'm not there just yet. Soon. I hope when I do, that some of you will be ready too. Nothing that the cianiggers need to fear, hell, they can come. Just fellowship and conversation. The jews can't keep us apart forever.
Brandon Williams
Lusty vices (like onanism, most common) are addictions, user. Don't underestimate the "demon" of lust (anxiety for the flesh). Read Libido Dominandi.
Jacob Clark
Meant to say routinary* onanism.
Samuel Peterson
So they're libcucks now huh? I haven't heard from them in ages. They started harassing me when I was around 8 or 9 years old and finally stopped when I was in high school. One of their members did arrange a big "field trip" to Europe, along with a bunch of other hopefuls. At least I got to see France, England, and Germany before the shitskins invaded it. Italy was always shit. Anyway, the other hopefuls on that trip all seemed like parrots, if you know what I mean. They didn't seem to actually think things through for themselves, but rather had decent memory and could repeat things they were told.
Isaac Jenkins
Hey user, heres a guy you should watch, Sgt. Terrence Popp, special forces, and someone like you. You'll like him. Lots of personal stories, like this embed about bootcamp and the games people play there. Also when you deploy, this vid here is about how to cover your legal basics so you don't get assraped in divorce, great conversation starter with young, dumb recruits getting married to arby's sandwich whores before deployment, save some lives and stop some suicides:
Thomas Wood
Curious minds seek out new experiences independently. In my case, I wound up addicted to legal meth (adderall aka amphetamine salts) after learning of it in college. I had plenty of friends with prescriptions but they never once pushed it on me, I simply researched the effects and began asking to buy the excess from those who didn't take it on weekends/breaks/etc. It improved my mental performance but I eventually got to the point where I couldn't perform without it.
It's a hell of a drug to quit as you have to completely rebuild your work ethic and focusing skills once it's gone. If you have a demanding job it can feel like you're drowning for months before you get back to baseline and hopefully you don't lose your job for that down period.
Bentley Wright
Its possible, but you'd have to seriously impress someone. Have a story about that, fucking hell is he just like you.
Oliver Bailey
My addition is sloth. I mean, I get to the gym and I gotta job. The place stays remotely clean, I'm not a slob. But I don't get out much or have many hobbies outside of job, gym, guns and the internet. I used to be rather creative and social but I dunno. With my youth, so went my muse. Now I look at the world and shudder at what it is. And to think of what it could be just ends up pissing me off.
Zachary Ward
Vigilante justice. Just throwing it out there.
Eli Wood
Or it just runs in the family. Heavy drinkers in my line mind you I think I've hit that over the top part.
Cameron Gutierrez
Who here has wasted most of their life daydreaming all the time? Most of my life experiences come from constant daydreaming, ever since I was a little kid, I always felt like I was not experiencing life at its best, always had that empty feeling inside of me. So I learned to retreat into myself to experience something else everyday, all kinds of mundane or weird scenarios, like, getting on my first roller coaster, or going on my first date, having my very first born child, having my first kiss.
The moment you open your eyes and you find yourself in bed all alone is the most devastating, but there was always that comfort of always being able to retreat into myself when things are not looking up and my latest attempt to get a job and move on in life failed.
All I want in life is to experience it, but I've never managed to move from square one, I'm 23 and I'm experiencing the same stuff I already experienced at age 10, I just want to live, dammit, I WANT TO LIVE.
Camden Foster
you need to get your watched checked, user it hasn't been two years yet
for anyone who doesn't know/recognize what they're looking at: this is the newest developmental autism/GATE thread it was long ago discovered that many anons share the same traits & upbringing
this is by no means all of them but there should be a pastebin with the archive links for the previous 10 threads of so floating around somewhere it's interesting to read about, lots of similarities between anons this thread seems a little different, perhaps just feels that way due to new anons giving new stories and whoever put that to 4 did the right job rewriting it to appeal to younger anons who haven't seen the old stuff
Easton Bailey
Didnt really have that sort of thing here in the UK
Levi Cook
The eternal conflict of this archtype is the insatiable desire for harmony on one's own terms. That is, to want to be a normalfag with your definition of normal; to live intimately with good fellows with common understanding, to have the deepest love. The actual normalfag can never see life through the lens of self-awareness, and the dreamer, lacking his fellowship, cannot help but live a life of begrudging rebellion. The rebellion becomes fringe politics, artistic pursuits; attempts at elevating humanity to some level of worthiness which might bridge the chasm that alienates them. This undertaking is a heavy toll upon the soul who bears it, for the home of his heart, the hope of his dreams and afterlife, is a life that is peaceful and good from start to finish. This struggle suffocates its weakest challengers, it creates legends of the strongest. Most will strike some balance, either consuming or creating escapism, riding along until the end, with a couple of good comrades or just as likely alone.
David Barnes
Sounds about right overall though. Self-awareness and the search for truth is a trait becoming more and more rare due to the overproduction of drones over actual people in recent times.
Andrew Lewis
These words cut deep and true.
Zachary Diaz
That cross which we bear while smiling through the pain does not need to be beared in a cave, walk with the bear and shit in the woods.
That is our burden. That is the cross road which we must cross. We can not make anyone wake up, all we can do is offer them the information and hope to be able to state it in a way that will reach them. Think about the 'other guy living in a tin shack' anecdote, the voice that speaks in silence has no mouth and he must scream, our burden is tremendous, soul crushing if you allow it, but it is nothing compared to his pain, yet he still calls out to us all.
This thread ended up making me think of this video. Despite the red flag of Crunchyroll's involvement, it's still interesting.
Jack Lee
Holy shit user, that's me! To be honest, I'm waiting for the shit to hit the fan as in temporary anarchy, the Road shit starts kicking off and I'll probably wrangle together a bunch of rag-tag Natsocs, preferably with some sort of military experience that I can trust with my life. Strict codes of conduct, tactics, wiping out degenerate gangs, forming alliances with similar groups while not being too hasty or reckless concidering the circumstances.
Jason Nguyen
These song Lyrics really click with me, and I think if they click with me, might click with you.
I think I don't have to explain these lyrics to you
Tyler Jenkins
Thats.. a way that it could be looked at, but it is lacking in perspective. What separates us from normalfags if we reach where we are going and decide that we have achieved a perspective from which all is seen? We used to be explorers, something, made us stop exploring. And that something was a lie. When you climb one hill, do not build a settlement there, stay for the night and then find the next hill to be climbed. Leave no rock unturned, no cave unexplored. It would be fantastic to have friends and family come along on the journey but ultimately this is not merely a lifestyle choice, this is a job, a calling, the meaning of life. Find the truth, explore the dungeon and survey it. The saddest truth is that everyone gave up, but even more than that… So many gave up while enjoying role playing games of wizards and paladins exploring the unknown to combat the wicked. They placate the yearning, the call of the wild, with simulations of it that in turn falsify the possibility of it being reality. The mental space is as much of a wilderness as the material space.
Sebastian Harris
Ahahahahaha, yeah.
Liam Ross
Literally Me: The Post
Dominic Ross
How fucking long has that guy been following me around and observing me?! My addictions are junk food and carbonated jew, but otherwise the description is near dead on.
Levi Scott
Ahh, but those are both connected. You also forget the overall connection with the divine mystery(Good luck getting there with all the bridges being burned in relatively recent years, but at least you can try).
Bentley Ramirez
To file any complaints against a professor you have to speak to a counselor who is supposed to be representing you before the school. That is assuming however that said counselor deems your complaint as holding weight and worth going forward with.
While I never actually went through with filing the complaint, I firmly believe it would have not made a difference.
Joshua Smith
Pro libertate, cousin. Wishing you well.
Angel Morales
I take umbrage with this statement. Whilst I agree with the basic premise that we should not be narcissistic, arrogant or dismissive; the truth is that 'white' society has always revolved around individual heroes. Whether it be Herakles, Plato, Julius Caesar, Jesus, Saint George, Hitler or Charlemagne; we have as a race always sought to emulate the best and brightest, accepted them as virtuous paragons of society who are to be followed and revered. Some of us may find that our lot in life is to bear such a burden; to be an inspiration to their fellow man; a leader, a hero.
Wyatt Phillips
wow you guys sure are special, too bad I'm just average normalfag joe and I can't relate. Like my mother always told me "You're common, user". I will get off Holla Forums now, because I will never fit in with you special GATE'd indigo children people. Damn boy does it suck to have a NPC level of consciousness. I really wish I could be self-aware and make my own choices in life, like you. I want to be a real boy too! But alas, I am stuck here following my instincts, without thinking, without awareness. Just a robot following its biologically programmed behavioral patterns, perfectly happy fitting in with the rest of society.
Levi Parker
good fucking thread, i have nothing really to contribute other than a bump and to say that it describes me. I know I'm not unique in that though.
Joseph Gonzalez
This isn't craigslist, you piece of shit. Take your kike drunken ramblings back to cuckchan.
Adam Adams
Christian White
The bridges are being rebuilt, lad. I have been checking 4cucks more often lately and almost every day I have seen atleast one 10/10 esoteric thread and in those threads there is always atleast one other user who has seen the higher perception. In fact the thread that the OP is talking about had no less than 5 anons that knew their shit. The light workers are returning to their posts and the journey is beginning anew. The plebs, those who are redeemable, will wake up.. the ability to see this stuff does not rely on how well read one is or how developed their spacial reasoning is.. There will be a day where we are able to cut through the deception, and turn the words just right so that all can see what we are able to. Shadilay!
Ayden Clark
When the yids finally see your thread.
Jonathan Cruz
As it should be viewed. Money for money's sake is a kike trait. Money is a tool, a means to an end.
Again, that's as it should be especially if they aren't a member of your tribe/volk. There is no need to give of yourself or your resources to the "other". That's how the kikes fucked us into thinking we should have government assistance to help the poor and weak in our communities. Then turn around and give it to the niggers and beaners.
Your volk are the only ones worthy of such sacrifice.
And what's wrong with that.
Aiden Fisher
We'll see. It'll be fun either way. I'll at least see when progress is being made in my dreams. In the meantime, at least there's been an increasing of alternate thoughts again for now, so it's a good chance to nudge newbies along those tracks. Every bit helps after all.
Jace Kelly
Well, I can't be a fully competent member of society, I want to try and overcome all this crap so I can finally become a self-made man, but at the end of the day I always end up falling short and back on square one.
James Hill
This is already a possibility, especially after the cia tools were dropped. I wouldn't mind being contacted by a deepweb user for fellowship and range practice. No better way to size a man up then to see his shot groupings.
Aiden Allen
First things first, accept that there are certain things about yourself that you can't change. Then study those things with an eye toward making them an asset rather than a liability. Also, competent member of society is gauged differently here. What do you see as your short comings?
Cameron Martin
You can, you're just in a different mold. "society" has been degraded into drones anyways, so fitting in is a PITA.
Until it reaches that point though, you're also going to wanna learn a bit more of the word games that your true opposition has been playing.
Semantics begats Semiotics after all…
Adrian Jenkins
I did touch on this in another thread but guess I'll expand a bit on it all here.
The USAs whole "GATE" programs were initially a part of the Monarch program which is the successor to MKULTRA
The initial goal of the USAs mind control efforts was to be able to take a person with an existing identity and position within an organisation or government then subvert them to create perfect spies who are absolutely loyal with the perfect cover. MKULTRA didn't work out this way. It tended to leave its victims as highly unstable and difficult to control ticking time bombs only able to carry out a simple mission program. Generally speaking it was a total failure and is only used to create single use assets that have to be carefully managed. It's not unusual for these assets to go off the planned mission and go do other shit. Of the ones who survived most of them are either among the huge army of homeless on streets across the world or in psychiatric institutions.
Monarch was a project derived from MKULTRA that enjoyed a bit more success. But there was a strong correlation between age and success. The younger the subject the more successful it was. Here the goal was to induce multiple personalities through trauma and drugs. Then program/brainwash each personality individually. But this was only possible to do reliably on children and it took a fair bit of time. Initially the USA was not inclined to continue Monarch because of high costs and not being able to exploit existing positions and identities. But then they had a few unexpected wild successes in suppressing political dissidents in the USA using monarch plants. After that the US government threw more funding and manpower at the Monarch team who came up with an ambitious plot.
The general idea was to identify children who had a good change to in the future to assume positions of relevance in other nations governments, companies or dissident groups. Then put them all through Monarch conditioning. A lot of them wouldn't reach these positions but enough would that they could then bring in others. The dream was that the USA would control all opposition groups and most foreign governments without anyone ever realising and if one group got out of control then they'd agents deeply embedded within said group they could then use to spy on or destabilise the group.
This was pursued quite aggressively especially in the USA itself where the ruling class lived in constant fear of homegrown political dissidents. But in the long run a lot of the efforts were discontinued. It was difficult, long and involved work. It was hard to hide. So their efforts became more targeted, focused around international organisations like the UN (who operate a number of schools), "elite" schools and political orgs with youth groups.
The GATE program was essentially a GATEway into Monarch itself. Those who "passed" would be funneled into other programs that would continue and complete the Monarch conditioning.
Generally speaking a Monarch asset is indistinguishable from a normal person. They just have a predisposition towards urban living and pursuing careers in the public sector, the media, banking, international aid, etc. But with the right trigger they get activated, the mission personality surfaces and will pursue some task given to them by their handler. If captured or the mission is completed then the cover personality is brought back up, utterly incapable of revealing anything as it has no memory of what transpired or the "victim" personality is allowed to surface ensuring the asset is quickly considered insane.
Monarch assets also require frequent "maintenance" in the form of subliminal messaging. People notice all the imagery and such used for this purpose and notice it all the time. You see threads on "ILLUMINATI IMAGERY IN RAP VIDEO!" and such on Holla Forums fairly often. Thats part of the maintenance program. It gets inserted into popular media to ensure the assets encounter it without partaking in any behaviours that could be considered possibly suspect.
Tyler Baker
He thinks autism is a problem, rather than a different state of mind. It's like ADD, where it got heavily overdiagnosed, and isn't nearly as much of a problem in the bulk of cases(In extreme cases it can be though).
Logan Russell
But back to GATE. It ran into a few problems outside the obvious costs and difficulties. First and foremost was the problem of those who were simply incompatible. Not everyone responds to brainwashing in the expected way. Some people essentially crash and burn, going from fairly intelligent and well adjusted humans to drooling retards. Others have a sort of "bluescreen" moment before shrugging it off with the brainwashing not taking root at all. A rare few even notice it and quickly pick up on whats happening without any prior knowledge of what brainwashing is. They tend to become extremely paranoid and often a bit delusional.
Over time the ones running the GATE program concocted various tests to try and root out these abnormals. Since each one represented considerable wasted effort and some a direct threat.
Which kind of brings us to the other main issue. Namely the nature of the USAs education system and manpower issues. The USA overall is not hurting for basic manpower, the problem is that its manpower is primarily comprised of idiots. There's a reason a lot of US military equipment has instructions embossed on it. They have a severe shortage of intelligent and self aware manpower, the GATE program it turned out was sucking up a lot of this manpower and either directing it all away from where it was needed to maintain the USA or outright breaking it. This is another reason the classic GATE program became more targeted and moved away from general application across the populace. Though elements of its work would be adapted in other population management programs.
Now GATE is more honest in its intentions. While some its people still get stolen away to be tortured and drugged in remote locations that the government says are "schools for the gifted", the majority who go through it are no longer subjected to such things and are instead pushed in their development to try and reduce the USAs shortage of competent manpower
Juan Cook
I don't think my autism is a problem, I don't like to consider it a disability, and I hardly mention it to anybody. It's just that, as long as we live in this world, we have to adjust to this particular mold, and I'm not doing this cause I want to fit in, I want to stop leeching off my parents as I desperately try to find a job.
Camden Nguyen
I know two regions on general job hunting.
Southeast: Get any old job any way you can. Pays minimum wage, but you can build up from there as long as you show up and work.
Northeast: Get shit tier job, pay your dues and appreciate how shitty it is. Get the money you need to upgrade your job, then get training and repeat.
Other regions other anons might be able to aid you more in.
As far as GATE's concerned, I failed that miserably due to my unwillingness to kowtow to authority. I was in there early on though, and generally plowed through their classes.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Are you good with your hands, and in good physical shape? If so look into getting an apprenticeship with someone in construction. Electrician, plumber, and any other positions they can't half-ass by hiring spics. Look into septic cleaning and maintenance, there's big bucks in that, if you're willing to deal with shit.
Elijah Williams
I'm skinny, but I've been working out, I'm down for anything, preferably with my hands since I always learned faster with my hands than with books (that's why I kept failing school). That said, I've also done administrative work before and my autismo goes well with putting things in their place. But when it comes to physical work, I'm no stranger to it, during my high school days I was on gardening duty with the rest of the less "competent" students. Imagine podding plants while at - 0 temperatures while everyone else is comfy in their warm classrooms.
Nolan Sanchez
To be honest, this is some fortune teller crap. You could create that profile by spending a few weeks on an imageboard and many of those points apply to almost all of the population. Nevermind that the text is all feel goody, ego stroking bullshit by taking the role of a heroic victim fighting against the unjust world.
Aiden Ward
Factory work is easy enough too, and pays okay. There's usually labor shortages due to shitheels being unable to accept the terms of employment(Showing up, working, not doing drugs).
Ryder Flores
Then you can become a journeyman electrician, plumber, carpenter. You just have to find a mentor willing to take you on. My son was talking about wanting to go into construction while we were waiting in line at the bank, and the man in front of us turned around and said that's what he did. Turns out he was taken on as an apprentice right out of high school, he learned everything on the job, watching then doing. And after he took his certification test, the deal was he'd work with his mentor for two years before moving on, if he chose to. If you're good with numbers you might want to consider accounting. I'm not sure what kind of management jobs you could get in this age of "promote the bitch or shitskin first". But don't give up on it if you want it. Just find a suitable job with a decent income while you work towards the other career.
Parker Walker
It's also mind numbing, depressing, long hours and shit pay all in an environment that is extremely hazardous due to improper maintenance of equipment.
Noah Perry
Mm, not mind numbing if you know what you're doing(And if you know where to work), long hours for sure, but that's a good thing. The last is definitely an everpresent issue though. Really depends on the company in the end.
Carson Miller
Doublepost, but I'd like to add, why do people think a 40 hour work week is long? I'm used to 60-70+. It's weird to me how frail most seem to be in that regard.
Joshua Gutierrez
Long hours reduce the amount of time you can spend on self improvement as in factory work there is no room for it to be done on the job. Since you're essentially a machine and machines don't need to change.
Lincoln White
Just before the GATE program began or concurrently, Im not exactly sure whether it was first fielded in the mid 80's or early 90's. The army was working on some research dubbed "Project GATEWAYS** It centered around the question of "Is it possible to affect reality with our brains and if it is how do we train soldiers to do so?"
We are those soldiers… But what is the mission? Are we still following it or have we mutinied? What a fucking world we live in.
Noah Cox
Nice job, shitstain.
Andrew Rodriguez
Ahh, but there is, due to the constant rotation of positions operating various stations, some of which are NOT automated. It'll mostly improve dexterity of your hands though, and not your mind. That's what finding quality audiobooks is for, and getting to learn while working at the same time(Provided you got into a company that's not utter shite).
Easton Carter
Hello, not-from-here.
We are aware that this could apply to a lot of people (especially white people) but that doesn't mean this isn't a perfect description of Holla Forums's autistic roots. It's no longer "we think, therefore we are", it has become "We question, therefore we are."
John Lewis
ITT: people who still don't fucking understand the Forer effect
OP is a datamining faggot.
Cameron Walker
Gee, you think? That should be obvious, but it's still important to talk about other things regardless.
Oliver Johnson
Different programs. GATE comes from the CIAs mind control efforts and GATEWAYS was mostly Army with some input from the USAF.
GATEWAYS achieved nothing of note. Two conclusions were reached. First that it was near impossible for those put through any form of military training to develop their minds and perception past a certain point. Their worldview and perception were simply too narrow. The second was that such individuals if possible were too dangerous to be allowed to exist as there would be no effective methodology of control.
As such most of the GATEWAYS material got locked up and many of its people (the ones allowed to live/remain free) were dispersed throughout the military and kept away from each other.
If we are influencing reality then we have essentially engaged in a parallel development of the ability and suceeded where the US army did not.
Hudson Bailey
I recognize myself, but am not an alcoholic.
Thomas Baker
Not implying that. The world is neither just or unjust.
So "you" as in the "Holla Forums hivemind" that you represent are probably also aware that it's hardly insightful if it can be applied to describe nearly everyone under 30 in the western world and most of civilized asia. That text is just some patting yourself on the back circlejerking horoscope shit. Almost everyone likes to paint this romanticized version of themselves in their heads and that text just feeds into that by telling you what you want to hear. It paints a nice picture of being kind of an outsider but still being able to socialize, but this is because he is so smart and good and nice, but also at the same time he has a dark side that can burden him and makes him different from the others. He knows he can do better than what he does, but is humble enough to do menial jobs below him but also wants to do great things. He is also the only one that can think for himself in a world of sheep. pic related as to what the text is actually describing.
Jaxon Gonzalez
That's pretty much OP. Different bait for different responses. Even threads like this serve their own purpose.
Eli Sanchez
Whoever wrote this, it's like they took a peek into my own head. Questioned things at an early age that none of peers even took a glance at; just mindlessly accepted as if it were a sort of religious gospel preached by a chosen priest. Apathetic to people overall, but empathetic to children and small animals in recognition of their inherent helplessness. Could never understand why others couldn't manage to figure out methods in everyday issues that simplified the given problem. (Still have this problem, admittedly.)
I feel stuck in my own proverbial sandpit. Marriage is questionable as to whether or not there's any love. Years of being lied to and deceived came to a head last November when I discovered him in the beginnings of an online affair with another woman. Heart hurts, but can't bring myself to toss my spouse out the door because of our two children; one being a little under 5mos. old. Idiot didn't think I would notice excessive time being taken for certain activities, and has done everything to make others think I'm insane while alienating me from people. Did a pretty good job of making me unwilling to befriend anyone while previous attempts at attaining some semblance of friendship ended badly as well. (One was an adultering whore while the other drank despite having kids in the car.) Have to hide opinions from people in general while only my dad shares in my views. (Only discovered this recently too now that we moved in with him to help out.) Though the spouse also shares my views to certain degrees. Just can't talk about politics to an extent because the spouse hasn't read/studied what I have…
I would leave him, but my own family is plagued with divorces and I want my children to have the same, two-parent household I grew up with. It's just turning the feelings back on after being the outlet for his own familial issues for so long. He's not horrible. Hubby treats me kindly, and I have the feeling that the online thing was done intentionally as a way to prove to himself of whether or not I actually loved him. So I can't say he's an idiot because he was sloppy, and even he admitted he was wanting to get caught.
Sorry for the blogpost. This just seriously hit me in the feels like nothing else I've seen.
Gavin Stewart
I saw you in the store the other day.
Kevin Carter
Gate rejects do nothing but think and think deep all day, apply a strong will to power or will to anything with that group and it'll happen. CIA made an entire group of people who essentially manipulate reality with their minds to essentially undermine them in a near indecipherable but statistically significant manner.
Jordan Murphy
nice blogpost faggot *gib nicht auf*
Alexander Powell
i fucked up the spoiler
Austin Richardson
honestly, shes probably loved another man by now that would be too much for me, but I'm not you user just forget about that woman for now and try to prepare for boot camp
Kayden Nguyen
Now I'm dying to know what Zulu-15 is.
Josiah Nelson
This rings of GA-TE threads and T a v
Brody Gutierrez
I understand, user. It just wasn't worth it to try and play the bureaucracy instead of just moving on. I'm way too autistic and petty to give up like that, but it's certainly the most logical choice. Good luck in the Navy.
I agree with you. has a serious case of slave morality. It seems like a case of the unhealthy form of white identity; the kind where someone will think they're amazing because they have the same race as Wagner, despite the fact they do literally nothing. Racial solidarity is good, but it cannot be allowed to compromise our Faustian nature.
Camden Allen
Adam Lewis
It's pretty pervasive, I've been in GATE threads since before there were gatethreads and when I went to community college every class was corrupt. My life is pretty complicated and full of tangential circumstances but my meme list is as such.
>be abuse survivor (((pedogate)))
There was always the glaring dichotomy of teachers praising me and hating me, it took me longer than I like to admit to go from woe is me to realizing that I was just a threat to them and a prime target for white genocide. My upbringing was pretty close to that of an Appalachian tin shack except a sonoran adobe shack. While I admit I have had things harder than most, I don't look at it with that perspective but that of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. My grandfather was a hard man and made good times for my father and as such he was a weak man prone to his addictions and apathy. My mother has been basically insane her entire life so I've been alone far longer than I like to admit.
If there is one thing I could convey from over 7 years of traveling, is that the world within is the one that matters, you matter, what you do matters and that apathy is the killer of good men. No one will build you for you. But we have all come a long way and our goals now should be Re-Germanification of the volk, I unabashedly shame white people for their white guilt at any chance I get. I have learned the power of the messenger time and time again and it never fails to set me into a state of pure awe when what I have to say sets the gears in any ones heads turning.
I would just like to thank yall fuckers for being the only ones to have never turned me away in my times of need as you all have been an priceless hive-mind in which I could take refugee whether stuck in a class room or shit posting from a box car.
Nathaniel Williams
Reads like typical article which compliments the target at the beginning to make them agreeable to the rest of the information.
Luis Rodriguez
Throughout my school and college time, I was attacked by teachers. Usually the attack was triggered because I'd outperformed the teacher, such as in primary school when I began using my own method for long division which skipped some of the "correct" steps to more quickly derive the answer. The teacher discovered what I was doing one day when I had been called up to the blackboard to solve a sum, called me an "idiot" for doing it "the wrong way" and sent me back to my seat with a very red face. A friend of mine who is pretty much a genius and now the CEO of a very large multinational company, almost leapt from his seat with a look of utter despair on his face, shouting to the teacher "BUT, THAT'S RIGHT!" Another example happened with a paper in college, the lecturer accused me of plagiarism because "I couldn't write that myself and I am an expert in this topic, therefore a student is clearly incapable of producing this work. I have shown your essay to a colleague and he agrees with me." This lead to the Kafkaesque situation of the choice between receiving a failing score, or "disclosing which book you copied from." As I had no copied, I couldn't answer.
Jason Cruz
Are you me anons? I have tons of ideas and daydreams that are all so great and then when trying to put them into reality (whether on paper or other situations), I just fall flat and hit a block. It's so frustrating and I feel so disappointed in myself for not being able to create anything.
Evan Campbell
As an user who was involved in those GATE threads, also OP of the thread on /x/ I'm probably best suited to answer.
Zulu-15 was brought up by one larper in the original GATE threads,=. He claimed it was the military type base where he and some other gifted children played war games. I only included it in the list on the /x/ thread to use as a negative test, like if people check 9/10 boxes but the 10th box was a decoy then that's a 10 out of 10 score…
I've done years of research on GATE and will say that this user has hit the nail right square on the head. Lots of topics missed, like Tavistock, Miley Cyrus and the advertisers, but overall the best sum up of GATE I've read to date.
Jace Morris
Reminder to buy crypto and fight the kikes
Isaiah Parker
The best way to go about it is rather to try to get them to focus on tackling one specific task that will require them to seek further understanding of such various sources as economics or abstract geometry. Focusing on just one area of study will wind up leading people to be mislead into chasing demons rather than the truth.
John Bennett
I'm not like that. I have no higher calling that I feel inside myself. Honestly I would like to do nothing but watch things happen.
Please tell me more anons, I got raped on taxes this year, I had to pay in almost 5k, I’d like my fucking money back one way or another.
Nathan Barnes
I believe the correct term is Gifted And Talented Education, or GATE for short. This program is kinda a 'thing' here. Whatever the retards intentions in operating it were, it seems we all ended up going full-Holla Forums after coming out of it.
Nathaniel Ward
I suspect normalfags also feel all this, and likely feel it more acutely than we do since they take steps to actively blend in better than we do in a desperate attempt to not be seen as weird, whereas we're far more likely to just not give a fuck. I think it's an egotistical assumption to make to decide that the normalfags don't feel all this too.
Isaiah Cruz
You need to ascend your autism user, once you realize life is appearances and method acting it's something you can fit very snugly with sufficient degree of autism.
Jacob Clark
Addiction and romantic love are identical, neurologically speaking.
Aiden Clark
That is EXACTLY what has been going on. And for a very specific reason, one that puts a huge spotlight on just how fuckings stupid the kikes are. They thought themselves smarter than the creator, they thought themselves better than us, This runs to the core of memetics, collective consciousness, AND the myth of legend. This is the one thing, this entire topic of esoterics as a whole… And this is part of the reason why patents and copyright are fucking horseshit… When you invent something, when you put time into thinking about something.. because you thought of it you can be sure that you are not the only one who thought of it. This is why the spread of the red pill looks logarithmic. This is why so many anons are waking up to the truth of reality at the same fucking time.
I think, therefor, I am not the only one.
Brandon Gutierrez
All of this. It's kind of embarrassing to watch.
Lincoln Smith
That's definitely part of what needs to be done. The more something is said, the more it is heard, the more it is thought, the more it is said. Personally, I am not focused on anything German, my goals are more grand, I would like to see a return to the ways much more ancient than Germany. The myth of legend is so fucking old, and it is everywhere. It shows itself in every form of art, in every tree. And it is not limited to Europe. For example, Hawaiian myth tells the same tale. Race matters, but it is not so cut and dry as only race mattering. What matters more is the myth, because the myth itself is about race against the races of evil.
There is no reason to thank any of us, of course I am grateful for you fuckers also, but we did not find each other by chance, be thankful to what brought us together, he will appreciate your words even if you cant understand his responses.
Xavier Garcia
we meme therefore we are.
user you make great points, no greatness is not explicitly inherit to race but loyalty is explicitly intrinsic to trust and a high functioning society. I have disdain for a lot of aspects of people and the closest I can bring my self to group think is user and or race. What you are alluding to is ubermensch.
It is my belief that it is kek that brings us together though, at least that's what I call it, divinity through chaos.
Brandon Butler
If you werent shills or the most disgusting of newfaggots you would know that GATE and esoterics are the most Holla Forumstier of threads. And the shills among you.. It is hysterical how you faggots still keep it up. We have remembered things that neither you nor your employers understand, and not only have we remembered that they exist we are starting to get a real good understanding of how it works.
Let me tell you this, for certain, every last shill will regret their actions. You will not escape justice. You will be punished. You are currently being punished. And you will continue to be punished. The thought-forms which you and your ilk have manifested are coming home and you will all reap what you have sewn. And while I take joy from your suffering my conscience is clean because I have put forth every attempt to warn you faggots to stop what you are doing. It has been written and it will be wrought. Repent your evil ways.
Grayson Cox
I actually came across that thread and saw that post. It recall it devolving into indigo children faggotry and new age psycho babble.
Jaxon Williams
I can understand this situation, though I wasn't addicted. These loners and outcasts have a prophetic call of God on their lives, so that is the reason for the spirit of rejection they have to deal with all the time.
Evan Mitchell
thanks user
Elijah Cruz
oh fuck both of you jbp faggots go slide else where.
in the /x/ thread i read that user was asked to draw his signature using lines made up of the lines that make the star of david i realized that they're using the geometry to trap your mind on a certain level within certain frameworks - for example, this rune ensemble contains the star of david as well but it is not the focal point, it is only there if you set out to look for it this mind trapping is how they create fractured identities within the self, or how they let the person visualize it - allows the formation of intensely complex compartmentalizations within oneself just a thought, figured i'd throw it out and see what is thought
Jordan Wood
Ok OP, you have my attention. What do you want?
Tyler Hall
The six pointed star (and indeed the number 666) are not inherently evil. It's what the kikes have done in the name of these things that cause us to perceive them as such. The symbols themselves are all rooted in old fashioned Geometry, or the study of proportion and the language of God.
Evan Watson
Enjoy your circlejerk you massive roleplaying faggot.
Hudson Torres
like clock work these threads attract many it's funny how many gate threads did we have? I didn't keep count, what makes them think it will be any different?
Nicholas Price
Different user, but it never changes. I'm 27 now, was always one of if not the smartest kid at a very selective prep school. "So much potential" yada yada. Related with 1 person in high school and spent more time talking with professors that I liked than the majority of my peers. Fucked off in college until I finally got a chemistry degree 4 schools later (homework is tedium, never did it, only A's on tests to get me a C overall). Worked at Citibank for a year because I can into math, quit to work construction again.
Now back in school for construction management at night while I do construction management during the day. I have to have a drink before I go to school just because everyone around me is a fucking idiot (including the professors, after you have been around good teachers shitty ones make you really disappointed in how far you have fallen).
I make good money and will be making really good money after 2-5 years more work to get my own business really going, but I still don't really know what I am doing it for besides survival and my dog who I love more than anything.
I guess not to be a failure since I have had every opportunity in the world and squandered it.
I still only really have that one friend who is in my intelligence/education bracket, he's in the navy though so I see hime 1-2x a year. I have one or two right wing friends that I bitch about politics with but both sides are a sham, I love Trump because why not turn theater into a circus. I hope people will be executed for treason but I am pessimistic.
I have had girlfriends, they weren't that interesting after the sex factor wore off. I want someone smart that I can banter with who is also attractive, good luck finding that. Even if I did find it would it work? One girl I loved broke up with me because she didn't want a relationship, she offered no criticism saying I was "perfect" she just wasn't ready yet, then she started seeing someone else 3 mos later.
I dunno, you just keep going, keep learning and try to be happy with yourself and live the best life you can. I need to start working out a bit, other than that I guess I am doing everything I should.
I still drink every night and one day a week I will allow myself to do cocaine and or opiates while drinking because it makes me feel good.
David Sanchez
False salvation.
You still have to fight. You still have to win. You still have to make fortune, and keep it.
All will cooperate to ensure, the fathers ashes are granted to the temples of his sons and his sons alone, to the exact exclusion of any other any. If the asians win again, kike or otherwise, the ascendants of who's ever left will find them all eating each other yet again on temple ruins none of them ever knew how to build. Again. If we hold them off, we'll just get a chance to see more just-my-shit-up again. If we sweep the surface clean (which only winter has ever really done), we'll get a few hundred years of peace, only to head into generational forgetfulness and repetition again. What you seek release from, no one is released from. Period.
The greeks knew this with the wave of Asians, who used the Africans to compete against us then. The made a play, Maenads. The knew of the hapa-shunt then, and the hell it causes, creating witches and betas and franeksteins then. This isn't new, but rewriting feelz of salvation is invalid. I'm glad you didn't kill yourself, but that's not good enough. That is not enough. You still have to fight.
You still have to make fortune, -and- keep it.
I will not award awards to those that fit OPs description. Those markers used are indistinguishable from failed failures, so they cannot be awarded, nor paired with any gains or feels of any thing at all. Time tells the difference. You still have to win.
Jack Anderson
Zachary White
Jokes aside though this thread scared the shit out of me
Lincoln Collins
A snowflake of snowflakes in a snowflaky snowflake thread. All of you are special. All of you are gay. Tits or gtfo and neck yourselves.
Camden Cook
Ian Adams
Oh look the fun police.
Isaiah Cook
How can people cold read me when the only thing that exceeds my stupidity is my stubbornness?
David Bell
My fun is shitting on you special snowflake nu/pol/ millenial autist faggots. I'm not stopping your knitting circle, I'm just telling you how incredibly gay it is. I guess the fun police here is you.
Colton Watson
I know that exact feel. I knew I had to reach out or I'd end up heiling hitler at family dinner.
John Foster
That was me. After they had us design it we had to sign everything with it. Last time I moved I went through some storage bins that had been piled up and forgotten about at the bottom of the one bin that was the filthiest inside.. 20 year old leaves and bugs and a decent amount of mold/water damage to everything inside.. But at the bottom was a manilla folder full of gate assignments that for what ever reason my mother had saved all this time. Each assignment has that monogram on it 3 times. Most of the assignments are sacred geometry, with a strong focus on the star of david compared to other symbols. Aside from that the remaining assignments consist of tessellations, cardioids, complex logic and inference problems and apparently we had spent some time doing aesops fable plays.
Pics related are some of the assignments, the rest are covered in dox.
My research since then definitely points to geometry being a key point in locking people into deceptive perceptions.
But… The truth is that what they were teaching inherently leads to the truth. So either the gate program was influenced behind the scenes by ultra deep cover /ourguys/ or the kikes are literally the stupidest mother fuckers to ever plague this Earth. It's really hard to tell which is most likely.
Colton Thompson
Nigger the only thing I do is have fun, no matter how many times you twist your words to shift blame I will not fall for it I am like a snake of gayness. The only question you should ask your self is this: "Why did I enter a thread I do not agree with and tell people to kill themselves?"
Adam Ross
Zachary Butler
want to know how I know you're not white?
Lincoln Reyes
Fortune is not merely money. Fortune is wisdom of the product of creation.
Guess you're ready 'Cause I'm waiting for you It's gonna be so exciting! Got this feeling Really deep in my soul Let's get out, I wanna go Come along… get it on!
Wyatt Sanders
Why do people read threads and voice their disagreements? Why do you reply to me? Why do people do anything? Why are you asking such idiotic questions?
I'll assume you're retarded and give you an honest answer. Because you soyboys need to man up a bit. It's embarrassing to watch your little therapy session. If you want a safespace where people don't hurt your feefees then why aren't you on plebbit?
Isaac Brooks
Luis Perry
On a completely unrelated note and in no way mocking your intelligence did you know there was a guy so caught up in is own hubris that he said we reached a scientific plateau in the early 1900's, how weird is that?
Seems like the only one who's feelings are hurt is yours projecting a lot aren't we? but what do I know I am not a genius/badass like you.
Chase Stewart
user I am just a bit older than you, I found a girl friend that fits my criteria, though the banter is not so much fun when fighting, keep looking and exit your comfort zones to find a qt.
I found mine after 7 years of traveling, she picked me up off the side of the road and it took a year of pen paling before I came back around to visit her but I don't think it's at all necessary to go that far out of your way. If you have the personal skills (if you don't gain them) go out try different cafes, food places, parks, try taking public transportation, the library, grocery shopping, gym and concerts etc. All I know is that when I was in my routine my likely hood of me meeting some one was slim.
If you are looking for any thing meaningful never have sex on the first date, it cheapens men just as much as it does women one of the golden rules passed down in my family.
Just self improve all the time and keep your eye open.
Connor Sanchez
Anyone who considers anything that anyone tells them to be what they want to hear has already given up. The entirety of society is built upon a lie. That is not up for debate. Who are you to declare where that lie ends? Your concept of what is truth is flawed. Question everything and the truth SHALL be revealed, shillkun.
Juan Baker
That's true at least.
Brandon Reed
The dubs confirm it no less, go out and kill something you killer grrr
Owen Anderson
I work and attend school too much to really maintain a relationship right now anyway. I work 6-7 days a week and we have a lot of new business coming in. I really hate social media and am uncomfortable doing online dating. I want as little of my life to be on the internet as possible, I already know my phone/computer history is on a server somewhere in Utah, but still the searching of my name yields very little and I like that.
I go to bars, but I end up having more fun having drunk conversations about politics and redpilling jews on the holocaust (it can be done and holy shit is it fun, it's my new favourite hobby tbqh. They're smart enough that you can convince them of the economic importance of the labour camps then you concede the einsatzgruppen death squads to let them have their genocide and top it off with the head physicians of auschwitz died of typhus, the look on their faces is priceless).
Anyway, not a great way to meet chick though, admittedly.
Colton Ramirez
I was going out to some island with the gf and her friend and we had to take a ferry and an old navy fag came to talk to me ( i carry a military posture from being mil fam and cap) and I thought he kinda looked kikey to me, but i ended up talking about u.s.s liberty and the rest of the ferry ride him and his group stink eyed me.
I've only had bad experiences with kikes thus I don't socialize with them.
Levi Reyes
They were testing your ability to visualize advanced 3d geometrical shapes - per your last line, it does inherently teach the truth. Started to think that there are certain truths that, no matter what cannot be corrupted. They can be misrepresented, even completely co-opted and shown in broad daylight and people won't pick up on it (Pentagon pretty obvious, peace sign it's an upside down war rune, Swastika, etc ) but ultimately what gives it it's power is the users intention and reverence for it. Part of where the kikes get their power from is the ability to hide in plain sight by changing the meaning of words/etc. I don't know if they're stupid or just cocky or if it's part of an agreement they made long ago where they have to lay it all out for everyone to see. There's structure to it, just hidden beneath so much crap it's hard to discern sometimes. On an unrelated note: print that first pic out, cut the white space out, fold the sides over so they roughly match the middle and you've just made a red/black striped sphere or the internal parts of a certain important cube
they like to talk, especially when drunk. it's easier to listen to their stories for a little while. some old vets are pretty interesting.
Liam Anderson
No, I've been convinced to join you. I want to have fun too. Here goes my sob story:
Jordan Walker
Memetic magic works even unconsciously. More people thinking about something = more power. 'Pentagon' was named as such with easy name, designed with a known symbol, easy to recall, based off of a shape, therefore all instances of it will then multiply its power.
Jack Williams
Ben Franklin knew.
all jews are asains. the asiatics have many names. all asians must go back to the back of the line. if not, they must go back to asia. if not, then they will be gassed back six feet under. if not, then they'll end up descending further. again.
Sebastian Rivera
When I was 26 I was at the end of my rope, found the deepest pit in my own personal hell, homeless.. a fucking trainwreck.. staring down the proverbial barrel of a 45. About a month before I turned 27 9 is an important number, the beginning and end of a cycle that rope snapped on me and I found that the bottom of that pit had one last hole to plunge down. Synchronicity struck and I heard its call, a song came on the radio that made me get up and walk to a mirror, I stared into my eyes in one last attempt to find salvation and that is when I found a small spark and turned it into an inferno and hit the ground running. That was the point where I realized that the hell I was in was my fault and my fault alone and that my thoughts where manifesting the reality that I was living in. So I went out thinking "I am getting a good job that I can be happy with and I WILL find the woman who will be loyal and give me strong sons. 3 days later I bumped into some random guy who offered me a $15/hr job for no fucking reason at all. That same day I began talking to my future waifu. A year and a half later I had 1) a loyal and honest wife with nice titties and big old hips 2) a son and 3) a nice house.
If your temple has fallen we were born into a world that destroys it rebuild it. Disregard the shills and try to pay attention to what anons are saying in these sorts of threads. Some anons try to break things down as well as they can but I feel this unfortunately has the a less than desirable affect on anons who haven't yet become 'initiated' in it. So my advice would be… Pay attention to the metaphors, read between those lines what could they be talking about? Think abstractly and the answers will come to you. Call it gestalt, call it meme magic, call it will to power, you have a gift.. It is sealed inside a box that is wrapped in a lie and put up on the highest shelf inside a closet you are told not to enter. It is a gift and it is only for you, go get it. The only one who can stop you is yourself.
Carson Green
This thread even though it is highly under the influence of the Barnum effect, can be reasoned under any of the dominant theories of moral reasoning that it serves a purpose for a lot of Anons, not being able to understand it you attempt to copy my funposting but I suppose imitation is the sincerest from of flattery. Try and figure out why creating more cohesion here, helping blackpilled anons and getting rid of the Jonah complex a lot of people suffer from might be beneficial, here is a hint: this is a means to an end.
Ian Barnes
Ah ok. I read it as you trying to detract from them. That is an interesting perspective. I had been looking into their origins focusing on the origin of the word Gold>Ghould>"shadow" and how if you break down the word ashkenazi you will find that it contains the root words for both "of the shadow" and "winds from the south". And, if they did originate in asia, the European's who fled to the east wound up in china and northern india which explains all the mummies I wonder how they were able to walk in and establish civilizations if that is where the scourge originate from.
Anthony Wilson
This is in a lot of cabal teachings, basically the premise is if that you see it and do not protest it then you consent to it and if you consent to it then they do no wrong.
We are working towards our goals but I really don't want to ever risk homelessness with children. Although you speak as though circumstances are entirely manifested, some however are merely circumstantial and unavoidable(shitholes), what is avoidable though is throwing your life away because of the circumstances you face.
Working for step 3.
Jews are semites
Mason Gutierrez
They didn't. We've been here before, with them too. This may be the eighth "Reich" in absolute time.
The loss of differentiation, of men looking like women and vice versa, of loss of function and range extremes of environments, or worse (african complete inversion of sex sizes). These are afforded, and not by them. Altruism is a fiction, that has killed. You'd think they'd learn to stop taking gibs, but they always end up dead, and the dead have no memory.
Isaiah Gonzalez
Never said that. Your thoughts influence your reality. This can be tested in real life. If you have no job as long as you are preoccupied with the thought that you will not be able to find a job you will, more likely than not, not find a job. But if you wake up one morning with an unwavering belief that "I am going to kick so much ass today and get a good job" you will most likely get a job. Will to power is real.
Austin Sanchez
I do question everything, hence why I question the premise and validity of this thread while the other anons pour their hearts out for the data miners based on a few cherry-picked keywords mixed with a few more lucky guesses. I guess all someone has to do is pretend that they understand you in order to get a lot of you to spill your guts.
Logan Brooks
Its called funposting user it defeats everything.
Zachary Rivera
Yes, but there is a but. Query the subject to test for rote/recital, then internalization of mathematic (ie applied application). And only then, with this payment returned to you as accepted, continue further. Complicit means you're presuming too much, and fighting too little.
Jeremiah Turner
Faescribo ergo sum
Juan Morgan
Don't have much of value to add. Just wanted to say that reminded me of this old thing I've had in my drives for a decade or so (way back when demotivationals were considered acceptable on imageboards).
Aiden Cruz
I'm sorry you're married to an asshole user
Nathan Thomas
Degenerate whore. She deserves those bags.
Luke Walker
Chill out dude
Xavier Sanchez
This resonates well, but it also sounds like something vague enough to be applicable to anybody.
Austin Lee
Good luck with that, you should try to go to couples therapy - but make sure that the therapist argues with you and isn't some kike bobble head.
Jose Evans
He loves you but he is suffering and self sabotaging to deal with his guilt it seems because he is not facing something. Be the lesser woman and whoo him, tell him you love him and you believe in him and that you will give him time too recover, a slowblow and all that jazz. His reaction within a week or two is all you need to know if you are capable of saving it or not.
Jonathan Morris
Somehow it all boomeranged in on itself & we got lost along the way. from trolling the FBI on halfchan to becoming the FBI on 8, & then just wanting to improve the world & save the children…I dunno what's even happening anymore. are we gonna be ok?
Christian Lee
Gee golly what the fuck is this horoscope shit. Now we all individually feel so very special. My farts are almost turning ripe with a sweet scent I feel I must sniff soon. Yeeeehaw, huh. Fuck off.
Charles Perry
I find myself in all of that. I was in the first grade, excited about school. Then it started to annoy me that it was just chore after chore - but I loved math. I loved the puzzles. Then, when teacher found out that I had completed around half of the math book (of the whole year, in a couple of weeks), I was given another math book, with far harder tasks and no guidance. I just said, screw it - these aren't fun, and I wanted free time with the toys, rather than more work. So began my laziness… Little did I know that I was being selected for some upper class stuff. Dodged a bullet, or screwed up my life.
Ayden Murphy
How much do you know about horoscopes?
Leo Ramirez
Absolutely disgusting. I always tell students to threaten to sue for defamation. The hassle alone will make most of them back down, and it forces the higher ups to look into the issue because they'd be getting sued too.
Tyler Morris
I did that too.
Nicholas Long
Not possible in socialist utopia. On the other hand, if a teacher touches a bullying case -at all- they will be sued.
Ian Morgan
Buddy, I think you're the other kind of "special".
Jose Brooks
I was a 1st grade kid - did you not want to play with toys back then? On fourchin/Holla Forums standards, I'm pretty much a normie.
You have to know, we also had legos and dinosaur toys in our class.
Gavin Hill
..and these, obviously, are more interesting than writing the same letter in cursive for the 200th time.
Evan Jackson
I'm not disagreeing with you and agree about manifestations, but pic related. I can't make my (((blue))) state red and have a +gdp, I unfortunately have to white flight away from the poz. But I understand what you are saying and appreciate the words of encouragement.
Some of us are in the position to share our experiences. I've been on the net since I was 7 and didn't think about opsec until I was like 17-18.
relationships are hard, but you have kids and that comes before interpersonal bull shit. If at the absolute worse just keep it good and wholesome until they are grown and proper. Half the bad shit I've been through would have never happened if my parents could have just kept it together. You don't have to be rich, just put food on the table and make holidays matter. Teach them proper skills such as farming, livestock, general edu and read to them every single day. My dad would read every thing he read out aloud from the day I was born.
Ethan Phillips
It frightens me to think of what lurks in the depths of the modern human's consciousness. Just imagine what it is doing to our people, what it is doing to all peoples. There must be a complete lack of genuine trust, yet still a desire to be nurtured and guided like a child. In the rare moments when these people aren't apathetic and depressed, when they finally feel human; the only emotion expressed is intense hate, desire for vengeance. These generations have been betrayed, beaten down, kept down, and told that every tear they shed was progress. God, I feel so bad for these people. I wish it were possible to put my hand on their shoulder and simply say "it's okay, I am your friend." Of course they've been far too conditioned and desocialized to ever respond positively to anything which seeks to restore the proper order of things. But, luckily, it is only a matter of time before the day of vengeance comes. The day when all the brainwashing, designed to inhibit resistance comes off; the day when man taps into his inner hate and completely destroys the old order and restores justice and virtue across the land. Many religions preach of the coming of their Christ, their Mahdi, their Kalki; but the modern righteous - a righteous religion - awaits the coming forth of hate, of vengeance.
Lincoln Baker
Only legit genius or lunatic ITT the rest of you are larping and falling for bullshit tricks.
Nicholas Reed
I'm one of them. Red kids (children of the traitors of the civil war 100 years ago) bullied me brutally. A teacher got involved, got sued and had to pay them. Ain't no leftist who will receive mercy from me.
Blake Clark
God damn I miss mid 2000s 4chan
Zachary Rogers
Jacob Price
Some of you are delusional. If you think that Levi Shecklestein is my boss, so be it.
OP here.. no deceit is intended with this thread. I am truly curious about this topic. Sure plenty of people don't fit in and consider themselves special snowflakes, but that's not what I am getting at.
I am familiar with the Barnham effect and human nature. I am also familiar with the psychology that's designed into commercial advertisements meant to kevetch simpletons into acting accordingly as to what is being pushed be it a product that you don't need or a virtue that you otherwise did not subscribe to. Not everybody realizes the gravity of our current situation and I find it extremely hard to relate to people that I am surrounded by from day to day (with exception of my family).
I have always been a bit off and never subscribed to popular opinion. I never saw the purpose in watching sports, and/or idolizing celebrity figures. I am not going to give my life story, but if you were to see me on the street, I look otherwise normal. In fact, outside of being red-pilled on the inside, on the outside I look like a quite successful average GenX'r. Nice house in country (far from the profane) on large lot, nice cars, beautiful wife and kids.. we mostly just tend to the family unit and virtually no eyebrows are raised.
Internally though, the struggle is real. I have a lot of questions that relate to the nature of reality for which the normies cannot help me with. This has led me to /x and /pol topics over the years and has resulted in some interesting reading. A fair number of /pol and /x top reads have been read and I continue to read. I attach my mind to no dogma, but am at this point a firm believer in esoteric reality manifestation. You execute right thought, you execute correct action, and your reality is manifested before your very eyes. I feel that I have fairly successfully applied this to my life.. I am actually ok with how my life turned out given the hand I was dealt at the start of it. I continue to study this craft via old books because faggy boys clubs (orders/fraternities) is mostly a sham in my eyes.
What I wrestle with from day to day is how asleep people truly are. Even people who think that they are red-pilled I cannot approach about the JQ, much less esoteric thought. They have been conditioned since birth and this conditioning can be extremely hard to break, mind you the work it takes to achieve depending on indoctrination level.
So yeah, you can write this off as barnham effect and if thats the case, so be it.. you are not the target audience. IMO, there is something more to this. The "truth" is a hard concept to try to understand and as such I wrestle with my demons that seem a result of it. That said, my readings over the years have made me realize the nature of my struggle, but the is nobody IRL that I can talk to about this. My "house is in order" (what a faggy thing to say at this point) otherwise.
I dunno.. I explore many "eccentric" avenues and ideas, and it is very overwhelming to really try and make sense of it all. I have more materialisticlly than 90% of the world, and have invested more spiritually than a lot, but I am still not fully content. My intent was to see if this light worker could cast a light or shed some further insight.
I want answers user, thats what the fuck I want. What does this all mean? I have been working for years to deprogram the conditioning by seeking enlightenment, but the more I learn, the harder it is to pretend normalcy. I have what I want in life (fruitful by means of family, comfort, time to seek higher things) but this void still exists. As the conditioning becomes more and more transparent over the years, I find it truly hard to relate to the normie class and keep conversation at a superficial level at best. I feel like we are re-living the weimer republic and everybody is asleep at the helm while our ship (human kind) drifts into a field of icebergs. I used to be a happening fag for a short period, but it didn't take long to realize that most people just cannot be awoken from their deep slumber. I understand equalibrium and realize that this cannot exist forever without an eventual right side revolt (as always happens). But even still, the tides will continue to ebb and flow through many more lifetimes; this I cannot change. I want to know what "they" know. Not how to manifest reality, but the grand equation that is shrouded behind it. Got any pointers or suggested dogma-free readings? I realize that you probably don't but I enjoy picking up tid-bits of the puzzle along the way. There is a swap of shit in this hole that be wade, bit from time to time I do believe small gems are revealed..
Jaxson Morales
>I can't make my (((blue))) state red and have a +gdp
Thats where the collective consciousness/memetics theory gets a bit abstract. The key to it all is doubt. As long as there remains a doubt the level of doubt present has an inverse relationship with the chance of will to power working. The gestalt must overpower the doubt. And, unfortunately, every observer impacts the probability. The trick to weaponizing memetics is going to be identifying concepts which no one else is considering at all, which take up no residence in their thoughts. Think of it as reverse gaslighting. Lets say I had a spark of genius moment and came up with "Concept X" and weaved some dank meme around that concept. If 'Concept X' is something so abstract that no one is thinking about it and anons took that meme and ran with it would have a near zero theres no such thing as zero :^) chance of not having a measurable impact.
Take a moment to archive the topics in these esoteric threads in the back of your mind, the sheer frequency of them, both here and on 4/pol/, coupled with the fact that quite a few anons are reaching the same new theories at the same time.. It will be mere months, maybe weeks, before something happens that will give extreme credence to what is being currently discussed. Not all of the stuff being talked about is new, but the way the pieces got put together, this is the "Concept X meme" You better start believing in memes, lad, because you are in one.
Brody Lee
You're working under the premise that it's only drugs, alcohol, and eating. Patently false. Let's go with the claim that you have had no addictions whatsoever. Congratulations, you don't fit every single point in a checklist.
Daily reminder that guy got a lot of kids interested in guns and pro-gun sentiment and the ATF, DEA, and USPS conspired to plant drugs in his PO box, false flag raid and arrest him, confiscate all his guns, and years earlier had assassinated his business partner.
I want your thoughts on this. I've noticed a trend, an interesting trend. Much like furfags are by and large filthy degenerate communists, horsefuckers seem to have a very, very large right wing to full natsoc community. My theory is some MKULTRA-type program is used to get a lot of the right and natsoc into cartoon horses as a tactic, which they of course self-sabotage by changing the cartoon it's based around for the worse according to /pone/ and the likefor research purposes and pissing off those who were put into it. A lot of the left gets pushed into joining furfaggotry, and the reasoning seems obvious: increased degeneracy, depravity, and mind control through the drug addiction-like fetishes. It wasn't drawing in enough of the right, so this whole thing with cartoon horses starts and it succeeds in drawing in a lot of the right. In the latter case it seems like they left it at the cartoon horses and some basic levels of degenerate sexualization, with further degradation just following what already existed. This explains how and why those on the right drawn into the cartoon horse area don't change politically. I won't get into details, but I have reason to believe this is done through MKULTRA-type actions, and there's some reason to believe the control of the program has changed in some way since it was created.
They've got you. You're already defeated. You're at the point where you think saying anything anywhere is "Getting data mined". You are a degenerate defeatist.
Jack Johnson
Thank you but no.
You need must achieve Godhood user. Its the only way. Goethe, Gödel, Hitler etc these are men not to follow but exceed, giants on whose shoulders we stand blah blah. You will either succeed or fail at this but never expect that feeling to go away, you are thinking in terms of appeasing normies and then you feel sad, think in terms of universal truths then you feel glad. Might break you if you are not suited for it though.
I can finally go to sleep you fucking faggot (1) poster OP making bitch. Good night best of luck love you.
Bentley Gutierrez
Going through my screencaps folder every so often is like digging up a time capsule to more carefree days.
Justin Phillips
Didn't read your screencap before posting.
Whether or not this is a simulation is a matter of perspective. There is an observable code to the world so either the universe is a huge computer or computers are simulations of reality, which winds up being a chicken or the egg conundrum. The way I see it is.. What drives everything? Questions. So, I believe, the ultimate answer to 'what the fuck is all this' is we were created to answer a question. Which implies everything is a paradox. If the universe being created and possessing laws which govern everything while also creating the conditions upon which humans could be created means there must have been a creator and not some mere accident that caused creation to come to be created. But if that is the case what question could we answer that he could not?
I find the other theories to either be similar enough in substance to that or getting into silly but not impossible territory.
Owen Ward
I remember kids who wound up through that program. I saw the burnouts in high school and while none of them would fit in on Holla Forums shitskins, upper echelon nogs, homosexuals etc. they all generally seemed dead inside after it. Unable and incapable of willing themselves to do anything. Trying to have a conversation with them was like talking to a lobotomy patient. You could organize them for tasks, say there was a group project and everyone had to speak, they would do it and do it well I might add. But they would never introduce or create information you had to make them give it or plant it . Every conversation would have to be initiated by you. Like you were a test to give them instructions. I did get one to divulge some of the details of the program as I was in a class with some who were considered for it but never did for various reasons. And he mentioned that they would give 8+ hours of homework a night to them in middle school, this of course was for the higher levels of intensity in all the subjects but he said they never really learned anything more than what the other kids did the curriculum advanced at the grades level but did it differently. Other than that many seemed to have troubles with weight or other aspects of socializing. I think the anons who got out early in elementary school lucked out, because the higher up the person went the more dead they seemed. And it wasn't the snobbery the college bound honors course kids would have either, the burnouts had a genuine melancholy about them, if your kids are ever considered or if you have a sibling/cousin anons don't let them go to this program or be near these people, from what I've seen it wrecks people.
Aiden James
Kayden Anderson
It makes me feel old.
Ian White
Slander, beatings (I'm glad I didn't lose half the time), humiliation, seclusion, burning my stuff - they didn't let me escape, no peace. They hated me because I was a Christian (they were commie descendants, so atheists - too dumb for any ideology). One of them was probably a satanist. When we were 10, some of them were bragging about losing their virginities, stealing their father's booze and beer. They chanted in unison slanders of Christ and denial of faith- when it was "my turn", I didn't do it. Oh, did they hate that. Whenever things got physical, or stuff was taken from me, I did punch them, or kick. You know, quality people. Yet they are 'of my race'. Lower class.
Oh yeah, the teacher. He saw my throat was red (after I had been strangled), asked who was behind it, he took them to a talk. Later he was sued, in papers and all.
Had they not cut me off from social life so completely, Finland would have had another school shooter.
Isaac Stewart
Motivation is not morale. Morale is heavy lifting; motivation is endurance running. I'm shit at endurance running. Motivation is what you do when you do nothing else. That moment when you wake up and you don't want to get up but you get up anyhow. Do not listen to motivational posters. The feeling you get is a lie. It sucks. Do it. Get up. Simple physics; an object in motion tends to stay in motion. Get into motion and the rest of the day is easy. That's it. Don't overthink it. Do it. That is how to break the addiction. If you know something is bad; stop it. Don't navel gaze and wonder about it. That is a trap. If it must be done, do it. Like a booster shot, or the first minute of a run. It's shit. The problem is the rest of the run sucks worse
Xavier Watson
No one wants to talk about how bad whites are too. Don't blame them; self criticism is often a tool used to destroy the group, rather than save it. Just know that 97% of the population is useless degenerates and 1% is too autistic to be useful.
Justin Russell
I want the CIANiggers to come to the range with me. Once seen, they cannot unsee.
Jacob Hall
Women are not there to be intellectual debate partners, they are there to mother your children. If you want intellectual discussion go find some more like-minded men.
John Nelson
Wow, you're more profound than I first thought. First of all by the sound of it, you are much older than I, as I'm still saving for my first house. Secondly, pick up on classified information as it's leaked. It happens from time to time, no matter how much they try to hide it, there's some spineless coward with a loose keyboard that crawls out from under the floor boards but at the same time it helps us understand what's trying to be made illegal. Lastly, live without unnecessary attachments. Also, do not mistake a necessity for a material and vis versa. But look at it this way, true fear, like the body tingling, heart pounding, show stopping fear, can manifest itself as anger. Is this "I want answers user, thats what the fuck I want. What does this all mean?" an anger that I can feel a manifestation of an attachment to life? If so, cover all your outs so to speak. Make sure your future generations will never have to worry financially. Don't give them a debt to bear essentially so don't gather credit cards or loans. Also make sure if you do leave this Earth earlier than expected, that your mother to your children doesn't check out when you do. I'm sure you'll know what I mean. You don't have to look for a religious meaning in any of this either but live and produce as a grower, not as a destroyer. Live as if you were the embodiment of creation itself and treat one another as yourself and you yourself shall be free. As sheep grow up, they are told what to fear and are swayed by it. But once that fear is gone, a moment of clarity arises and then the red pill can take hold, but only for a moment. Then it's gone and another hurricane hits the east coast or your favorite football player is sitting on his ass because black gay sex. But once these distractions take hold and that's the only thing they can think about, they themselves are truly lost and have personally chosen not to be found. But they are still good people and violence by any one's hands is neither reasonable, nor justified. Because when it comes down to it, you and I are people. People act rationally. Animals on the other hand act savagely. They kill whenever territory is infringed on, a mate is taken, or whenever they get, well, angry.
Joseph Carter
(cont.) Have you ever felt at peace with yourself? Not like high on weed or drugs, although Lucy was helpful. I mean like have you ever been alone, not lonely, but alone with yourself? Like for instance where you're outside in the middle of a valley or a farm field that's been growing wild grass for a few months and it's about waist high? And the sound. (Nothing mechanical overhead, just the sound of the air currents rushing through the grass, the birds singing their melodies to their prey on the ground, and the local wildlife around you.) It's like everything makes sense. Kinda like a deep love. If you have a deep love of where you live, you'll cherish the ones you have around you i.e. your family, and the ones you love that aren't blood related. And at that, you'll do whatever is necessary to protect them from any harm that may come from this world. Like a love for oneself but not an egotistical point of view.
John Smith
Honestly OP, I haven't seen this type of though in at least a decade. These other anons can argue about gate all they want, it still won't change a thing. If you look at it like shit posting, it's actually kind of funny. But your soul reaching is quite refreshing for a change.
Matthew Reed
why is he talking about me and how does he know me???
Jaxson Kelly
Think of the human race (or the white race, if you give the two terms different meanings) as a superorganism. Every cell in the body has its own role. Some roles are more vital than others, but every role needs to be filled for the body to be healthy; the entire body can't be a brain, or there wouldn't be sensory organs or limbs. The purpose of the brain is to direct the entire body; to ensure its health and wellbeing. So what fate could be worse for the brain than to be locked away by a foreign parasite, forced to watch as it drives the body to destruction?
Colton Barnes
I can barely remember anything from my childhood. Think these classes hurt circuited us?
Joseph Thomas
gib nicht auf
Levi Anderson
Somewhere along the way I buried the real as deep as i could put on a placid happy smile and forced the intelligence into the corner of my mind. Desires came unbidden without warning the deeper i plunged into my own mind. Not forced but it felt like something was attempting to alter or tempt me. My only conclusion was to poison my own future without stumbling to far. to be average to never show that spark i had again.
I assumed the world was filled with pedos and dark works thanks to ye old bible. not that im a christian but the bible said mans evil was within him so i looked and found it. and dear god did it change me. not that I became evil. but that I saw "goodness" or rather the appearance of it as something that evil desires to corrupt. That I had to hide my own morality and my own ability to understand the world. I shut out everyone. IT was my only defense because i could trust no one or nothing.
The feeling I have reading others here that im not alone. Is truely glorious. I have a feeling I would have probably be mind wiped or lobotomized if i had been apart of monarch. I would have probably tried to subtly resist but i would have imagined they would have known quickly.
Luis Allen
MKULTRA is a very specific methodology. It requires physical access to the subject and has very damaging repurcussions. Elements of it were however brought into Monarch and population management programs like GIJOE.
Furries were an expansion on the GIJOE pop management program. An iteration that sought to expand its scope and capabilities. One thing the ruling class of the USA seeks to do is fragment the population into easily managed and well defined groups. To this end they seek to abolish all pre-capital identity. Furries were an attempt to bring this about using the methodology of GIJOE. Success was mixed. While the furries abandoned their pre-capital identity with wild abandon and spent huge sums on their new furry identity. They generated too much scorn from wider society. It was however a good learning experience for those pushing these programs and now furries are maintained mostly just to see where it goes.
The stuff you're generally referencing though is pretty much how the GIJOE pop management program works. It was done back in ye olde days when the GIJOE toys first started coming out. The US government wanted to try and create a population of "adult children" who would be easier to control, manipulate and manage. Generally more inclined to obedience. The GIJOE toys along with the media surrounding them were designed to create this obsessive streak in children that they hoped would persist into adulthood with a continuing obsession with children toys. Initial results were poor but later attempts especially those focused around the cartoon were very successful and later iterations expanding on the program were wildly successful in creating the "man-children" of today.
Videogames also have roots in this program but they got out of control.
You're right about the dark thoughts and lack of trust. Deep down I have a most white-hot burning intense hatred for the old order. I cannot even begin to describe the depraved depths to which this hatred goes, or what it would take to satiate it.
Levi Martinez
amazing what a little perspective change does
Ethan Russell
Faggot blogposting and boo-hoo thread
Cameron Roberts
I can't believe I've wasted over a decade on the chans and that I'm still moderatepy successful despite all that.
Lucas Cruz
This is the only vector in which to judge some ones red pill, any thing else and they've fallen for a ruse. No seriously. Nothing else matters.
From Allen Dulles In the OSS to the CIA. To Senator Charles Lindbergh Sr. Patton's Death after WW2 because he had doubts about slaying infiinite whites and not attacking communists to Hitler's defeat and the slow creep that has happened ever since.
As for esoteric thought, kek has chosen us, not the other way around. You can not just intiate your self into esoteric hitlerism or kekism. Look at Jordan B Peterson whom is applying (((expertly))) chanology, knowledge of kek and esotercism to save the lost kek bois. All while making I think it was 60,000 a month from (((patreon))) ( I got that number from an interview he did a while ago,
We are but it's got a much nicer facade now as the jew has learned we will tolerate almost any thing but being forced to live in squalor. Funny that people have an easier time living in debt than they do in squalor.
I'm assuming you've read the protocols, the talmud and cofc? tldr they obfuscate every thing in technical legalese jew babble so they can get away with tapping you like a maple tree and you being none the wiser. So they can snatch poor goyim children in the night and no eye brow will be raised, so that they can send millions to die so that they can expand their homeland.
Take a crack at gnosticism, emerald tablets of thoth those are pretty esoteric. The gnostics were all but wiped out for buggery and heresy I think in the 13-15 centuries. There's the Tibetan book of the dead, Egyptian (I have not read)
pics related
Parker Bailey
Fucking faggot.
Stop the bullshit and do something IRL. Not everything's controlled. The internet isn't real if the power grid goes down, you fucking kike.
Get off your ass and start political action IRL. Redpill people IRL. Stop sucking so much cock and allowing semen to be shot into your butthole.
Man-up and fuck the defeatism shit. Nature is a fascist and favors the bold. Grow a pair of balls and start doing IRL shit.
You sound like a kike, too.
Eli Hall
Spot on but could do without this one sentence. This describes many people across many spectrums.
Brandon King
Knowing what this user wrote up is one of the most important parts of selfknowledge one can hold. Thanks for reminding me, i think i'd forgotten this for a while.
John Morales
TLDR = time travel.
Nathaniel Torres
yeah well what would you do when you figure out the reason/s why there's always a church or mosque within a block of where you life? and then you realize time travel's legit and everyone knows exactly what you're gonna do and when you're gonna do it and that just about everything you have done in life has been compromised since long before you were even conceived?
just accept your "delusional" label and "slide and rock on" like redman taught you, right?
Andrew Nguyen
That's good. I'm going to help you spread it.
Henry Nguyen
Another fun one is thinking user = anti-identity, when it's the potential of identity. It sets up quite a few D&C efforts due to that confusion.
Jackson Lewis
I'll keep it simple then: You are part of existence. Not the entirety of it(That is God). Your goal is to figure out how the system itself works(Which is how you gain power and enlightenment). What you do with the result is up to you, and your ideals. I concur with other user in that the eventual goal is Godhood(Which is an impossible task for us currently, but may be so down the line as we start to get a tiny fragment of the accumulated knowledge of the universe processed).
Ian Gray
Nah, they went right back under control. See EA's slash and burn of any potential competitors due to their own incompetence and related mergers in the AAA sphere, government funded agitprop to promote globalism(Funded by taxpayers), further taxpayer money going into "indie" games that are anything but, "localization" efforts that are intensifying now at the root places in order to push self censorship instead of just fucking over the resulting translation, and so on.
Robert Miller
One thing I'll point out that the user having an existential crisis may have missed: It's less about which route you take to lead to that enlightenment, but that it is taken to begin with. That's the most common failing I see on Holla Forums . Too many not willing to try. Even if you fail, you should try with all your spirit, for that is the way to truly improve.
Julian Turner
Happened to me all the time. I was called out by Math and English teachers all the time, either being accused of cheating, because I was able to do all of my math work in my head, or being accused of plagiarism, like you.
Brandon Butler
The world isnt nice and safe, neither is it extremely brutal. Mostly in this changing world it is a matter of perception, think like a criminal in that way, they know they have it coming which makes shit easier. Also do not value justice deeply neither completely abandon it, psychological coping mechanisms like "karma" are cancer, the universe doesnt and shouldnt pay you back, people do (usually).
To go to your "who is the weather" crap, i give you an example, it is like jerking off, there is no deeper sense to that and neither should there be a deeper sense to that. You jerk off, because you feel the need to jerk off and once you jerked off the need is gone, lamentating about "who is the weather talk" is like lamentating about why you feel different before and after jerking off.
Jayden Allen
Funny you should mention EA. They were a favoured actor of the USAs in its efforts to limit the scope of vidya.
When the USA first got into pushing video games they were primitive things with minimal story. Absolutely fantastic in the eyes of the rulers. If a childs parents buy him a GIJOE attack helicopter playset he'll run around outside with his friends making helicopters noises and imaging it shooting missiles at the neighbour kids Cobra tank. Being social and using his imagination. Things they would like to suppress. Buy the kid a video game and he'll sit indoors all day doing something mind numbing and repetitive while being antisocial. Ideal preparation for the working life they wanted for that child.
But as video games progressed in complexity the writing did so too along with game mechanics. Some of them realised fairly quick this would be a problem. This is what EA was subverted for. It purchased problematic studios and their IPs then dismantled them and/or dumbed them down. Its money back then was heavily subsidied by Uncle Sam. But these were always a side thing, too many were unconvinced the problem existed and dreamed of vast daycare arcades where children would be prepared for dull and unthinking lives through the use of videogames.
Deus Ex shattered those illusions. After that they went batshit crazy, even pumping money into efforts to create a public outcry for vidya to be banned.
A lot of this "indee" game bullshit is indeed an effort to do something about it. Gamergate was also an attempt to limit the damage of vidya with complex plots and worse plots that made people pay attention. Alas for them all it did was radicalise a bunch of youngsters.
Aiden Bennett
Na, i think video games and the creation of video games was always from nerds for nerds, so the insulated nerds never gave a shit about political CRAP OR BULLSHIT, they wanted to make good games which in a way suited them or their costumers.
Now once games became more politicized and cooperate it also shaped the branch of "indies" which would cater to the SJWs who are presumably the counter of mainstream media, which isnt exactly a counter but rather a suggested branch.
So if i would be GIJOE, i would push SJWism on one side and the counter on the other side, which will create a political tension and a certain reaction. And the bigger the forced influx of diversity the better it is to exploit that. Which also creates a certain avoidance of videogames of the the greater public to a certain extend.
Brody Bell
That also means that even if GIJOE is a fucking morron, the SJW tranny shit doesnt make it any better you are still disgusting faggots that should burn in a hellfire.
Christian Myers
That's me.
Lucas Bailey
What's fucked here is that choice was made up by you a long time ago: that yours would not grow up under the same bio-daddy. Very very rarely does someone just one day "show their true colors" out of the blue. The signs are there so often…
Daniel Watson
That worked on my neignbour but not on me. I thought Hasbro was ripping people off. I was making buttsets from cheap one piece phones and tapping BIX boxes (I don't consider that really phreaking) while he was adding to his expensive toy collection.
Last I heard he was in insurance. I'm a private investigator.
Asher Brown
I always larp as a NEET even though I'm not at all. It's best to make our enemies vastly underestimate us.
Thomas Long
No it isnt, the best way is to conventionally aquire friends and tune them a bit (:^)), the cyberpunk crap works only on certain metas.
Isaac Gonzalez
Fuck off.
Alexander Lewis
Out of love user, I am going to suggest you watch Monster anime series. It gets deep into 20th century Germany and child brainwashing programs that we are today partially subject through in technical ways. This whole post took me straight to the story of Kenzou Tenma, Johan Liebert and his aryan sister Anna. It is a profound story, that ends with the discovery that jews are behind it.
Jose Cooper
Okay, I'm done with this shit. 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ have both been ruined. 4/pol/ is all shitposting and 8/pol/ is large quantity shilling designed to drown out discussion, but all of the threads are just news, so there's hardly any actual discussion to be had. Just a year ago this board was the best on the internet, but it's next to useless now. I can't say 100% that the mods are corrupt or anything, but it just has no charm left.
Does anyone recommend any other places to go? I'd really like to get that old vibe back; we've lost it on /r9k/ too, so it's really disappointing. It feels like losing all of your friends.
Jayden Diaz
/zundel/ volmod here, seems like it's time to start a natsoc community (fuck this white meetup kiketrap shit). We are evolving from the symbological forum womb at last.
Brandon Cruz
60IQ brainlet asshurt the board is talking about shit that isn't anime confirmed. Why have you and the rest of your team gone full retard?
Nolan Lewis
Yeah, this board became a trainwreck. From the most intelectually stimulating place on the internet to facebook-tier retarded faggot echo chamber infested with bots in just under a year.
We need another exodus and fast.
Gabriel Lewis
Good, don't come back you fucking kike
Justin James
Someone to fuck it hard?
Evan King
user, what you are doing is called maladaptive daydreaming.
Did you suffer trauma as a child?
Samuel Jones
just means something hit a nerve never compromise even in the face of armageddon, user. remember that /x/ thread? /x/ needs some loving too
Julian Diaz
Anyone from the deleted esoteric thread still here?