SpaceHoax. Falcon Heavy Car In Space Shot In Studio

Space HOAX

This is the actual set they shot the phone "Tesla Roadster In Space" footage on.


Other urls found in this thread: greatest lie

hahah no shit? where did you find that picture?
the car “space” footage looked fake, now it is proven fake by that picture

people actually thought it was real?

Nice shop faggot.
Actually I'm kidding it's a fucking terrible shop and you should kill yourself.
I don't even care one way or the other whether Musk actually shot a car into space or whether he got real recording of it, if you're going to bait at least put some effort into it.

flat-earthers are the most sincere and most dangerous shills that come to pol.

Oyea faked all the way. We all know Stanley Kubrick shot all the Apollo missions on Hwood soundstages working with Werner Von Braun of NASA… now we have Kubrick 2.0 and the new NASA all in one entity.

Turns out "musk" means "scrotum" in Sanksrit.

truth is hate speech to those who hate truth.
I prefer to be referred to as a "Biblical Cosmologist" - if you dont mind.

Should call yourself a Catholic as well the way you're talking about the Bible without having read a single page of it.
Or why don't you show me where it says that the earth is flat in there?

thats mister faggot to you and thanks for pic related. i knew it was out there. we are everywhere.


apparently you are not aware of the passage where circle and ball are mentioned in separate context. and you accuse someone else of not reading scripture. certainly you read Genesis. Isaiah. Ezekiel. maybe not.


Hory Fuckin shit bump! Mods pin this now! It's happening!

Koreshan Premise, A straight line extended at right angles from a perpendicular post will meet the surface of the earth at a distance proportionate to the height of the perpendicular.

This is exactly how fucking retarded you are.


Bring a proper KJV quote you slimy flatbrained faggot.

Is this butt hurt on behalf of Lockheed & Boeing, or the next generation of Government flat earther type of Psy op?

lets begin with Genesis 1:7 and 1:14, then Psalms 1:19 which is engraved on Von Braun's tombstone. What are your thoughts?

pardon me, 19:1 autism.


So it's Jews who're butt hurt about a White South African achieving this then.

I saw pic related posted somewhere and Kek'd. I assumed it was just a shitpost.

This thread made me even more Autistic than I already was. Thanks a lot OP.

you are so fuckkkin welcome.

im not a jew. not a shitposter. im a realfuckindeal t. researching faggot and have been at this shit a long fucking time. for the first year i didnt believe any of it myself. i know what its like to have to deal with a prick like me. prove me wrong, if you can I and two others each have a grand cash to give you, and over two years now no takers.

get, and read, The Greatest Lie On Earth: Proof Our World Is Not A Moving Globe by Edward Hendrie who has written plenty of shit on jews, zionism, and the central bank cartel.
> greatest lie

Dude's a federal prosecuting attorney, and has been on our radio show three times already - simulcast by The Goldwater.

Kek thanks for clearing that up. Still don't know if its fake or not but don't really care.

Why on this pyramid shaped Earth would I go and waste my time on that?

Still one more glowing nigger pushing the kikes disinfo. For the record we do not condone niggerthink like flat earth.

prove me wrong, kikeniggersteinbergbubba.
i can prove what im saying, over 200 ways.
why dont you step up to claim the three grand cash if you think im spewing disinfo? shit or get in the oven, kike.

If it was shot in a studio they'd be using green screens, not static images, you fucking dipshit.

It wouldn't surprise my either way. Putting a tesla in orbit is not a big deal technically. I give them props for the publicity stunt to distract the suckers wondering why they don't have the Model 3 they ordered yet.

How dare you call into question the validity of this poorly photoshoped low res image.

fuck off glowinthedark cianiggers.

The strongest part of transition from day to night is obscured by solar panels neatly. You can just barely make out that it's still going between left and middle panel.
Candy would be all on the bottom of the bowl. Definitely wouldn't be floating in the middle like that blue candy.

do not allow flat earth mouth breathers to infect this place

you totally missed the fact that the missing portions of the "planet" earth behind were missing - cropped out. look again. bad day in PHOTOSHOP.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.


what is cuckchan? I am probably the ONLY one here who has NEVER been there, NEVER has posted there. Yeah folks, I was born here on 8ch, invited in by those who run the damn thing. yeah, I know Jim ok so go fuck yourselves.

Good to know that you're a cuckchan rapefugee. I have you personally, among others, to blame for decline in post quality.


Hey did ya hear about the memo release? its way badass. and some say Hitler is a cool guy. I dunno man. I still think fascism is a bad thing. And whats up with everyone hating on Hillary? I though she was the greatest.
fuck off niggerstein


I said it before but it didn't went into your numbskull so I'll say it again but in a simpler, more readily understandable fashion:

If you want to shitpost, do it on cuckchan. If you do nothing but shitpost, you shouldn't be here at all.

listen faggot.
this is not shitposting. you may think it is, but guess what faggot for once you are wrong.

Letting 4cucks know they can go to Holla Forums if they get banned on cuckchan was a mistake.

you failed to read the part where I clearly stated I was never there. for reference, ask Burdock at The Goldwater about Redfoot and see what he says about all this.

Nukes aren't real is a psyop to discredit Aryan mastery of the atom
Space travel isn't real is a psyop to discredit Aryan mastery of space
Round earth isn't real is a psyop to discredit Aryan mastery of the sea

Anyone who says these things is a kike shill and MUST be banned. If you discover them in the wild, they must be marked and recorded for the DOTR.

Failure to comply will be met with punishments in the coming reich.

anti-slide bump

Kike detected.

Kill yourself

prove me wrong, faggot.

nice try, shlomo.

You have yet to prove yourself right, jew.

Who the fuck is retarded enough to believe them. Anyone on Holla Forums knows how important motive is for any conspiracy, there is nothing to gain from lying about the earths shape. No money, no power, nothing. Every single person on the planet is able to dispute is as well, since anyone can buy a GPS and travel around the world. Unless you magically get teleported from edge to edge, this wouldn't be possible.

i did, but you refused to review the evidence. i cant help you on that, kike.

What? Your photoshop picture that got exposed in 30 seconds or your pictures which clearly show floating candy?

Which picture that disproves your theory did you want me to review? You're debunking yourself with every post, you mongoloid.

you literally cannot read. gas yourself.

Tell us more about how white European scientific achievements are hoaxes.

Explain what possible purpose there could be to lie about this.

Explain why you don't sound EXACTLY like a kike.


because KJV.
if the sun was created on the 4th day, what were we spinning around the first three?
heliocentrism was born of the ZOHAR part of the KABALLAH. covering up this lie is the very "pythagorean cornerstone" of ALL freemasonry worldwide.
hence, the GREATEST LIE, the very "grand deception" written of by Paul in his Letter to the Thessalonians.
what do you think a yamika or a synagogue dome represents?

KJV1611 bump

first pic, on left , that's lot of 'dust' for space don't you think? maybe its just stuff in the water the models are suspended in.

The sun was the first object in our solar system, and the earth is a gathering of shit from the gigantic disk of matter that was orbiting it. If this model is too complicated for your boomer mind to grasp, i sincerely feel bad for you.

genesis isn't a literal interpretation of how the universe formed at best it's the big bang theory filtered through the minds of people who's knowledge of the universe can be summed up as "if you put stuff on a donkey you don't have to carry it".

Do an experiment to verify this for yourself. All you need is a weather baloon, a helium tank, a styrofoam cooler, a gopro, a gps, aluminum foil, handwarmers and a couple parachutes meant for model rockets.

You can also buy a kit here if you think 700 shekels is worth it and you want something purpose-built for your needs. Make sure to notify the FAA 24 hours before you launch.

That doesn't prove anything at all keek. Do you even know why there is a curve to the Earth in such images? I'll give you a hint: it ain't the elevation

kike-free bump.

fuck off satanist who never read scripture.

I'm an occultist fucknugget

You don't have to use a fisheye lense you can use whatever kind of camera with whatever kind of lense you want.

Here's one for you. If space isn't real, why are monopropellant tanks falling from the sky all over the place? Not just immediately after rocket launches either. What are meteorites? How are craters formed? And no, electric universe doesn't work on a flat earth.

It isn't that anyone would believe them, it is that normies are programmed to think "holocaust didn't happen" and "the earth is flat" are the same kind of thing pushed by the same kind of people. That's why they spam flat earth shit here.

Nobody disagrees, by the way, with the Earth being curved :^) Just not a ball.


Then what it is? A half sphere?

nor hollow earthers - there is another realm beneath us that follows scripture as well known as Sheol…. this is where ufo "critters" come from, agents of lucifer.

< linking to some stupid site because you are incapable of reasoning

Was for


These fucking boomers are shitting this board up so fucking bad.

Its qualities need not be defined. I will give you an example:

Blane says: "I drove 30 mph to the pharmacy. I then left the pharmacy, for the bar, 5 miles away, on foot. There I met with several buddies, and that's when I met Alan."

Now, suppose we find that in fact Blane did not go the pharmacy.

Must we now know precisely where he is?

Your position is that, for Blane to not have been at the pharmacy I must know for certain where he was.


And so it is with the ball Earth. We know it's not a ball. This shall suffice for now.

says the fag who hasnt done his homework.

what shape is it? a sphere where we're all on the inside and the universe contained within isn't any functionally different, they're just different models for representing the same idea, like map projections. if it's hollow, it's still a sphere.

He meant "so that normies think 'the holocaust didn't happen' and 'the earth is flat' are both ideas supported by the same people"

Read it again.


according to Einstein 2.0 aka Neil Snake-in-de-grasse-Tyson, its pear-shaped.
Brian Cok wants you to think its penis-shaped, but thats because he sucks on them.

You can find pictures of a similar rig used during Apollo. Fake Earth and a camera mount set on tracks that went around it. Faggots who like Musk are the same type of cunts in the Peterson cult. Dumb as shit and believe any crap they're told.

bout fucking time you showed up dammit. where the fuck is the rest of my backup.

ball Earth is their religion :^)

So you think the earth isn't spherical, and that the real shape doesn't matter?
And yes actually, satellites couldn't be launched if we didn't know the approximate mass of the earth. You need the mass to calculate the effects of gravity on the vessel. The calculations we use right now assume a sphere, and we have successfully launched many hundred vessels, it is only logical to consider the assumption correct.

I see, thank you for the clarification.

How do we know it's not a ball all evidence points to it being a ball. Orbital mechanics, navigation, shipping lanes, GPS, the way we predict the tides, construction of very large bridges all assume that earth is a ball.

those models of earth where it's depicted as pear-shaped are greatly exaggerated to show detail that would otherwise be imperceptible to the human eye.

your picture is an obvious photoshop

A stupid demand. I need not suggest a replacement god for your ball Earth god. All I need do is disprove your god exists - and indeed this has been done so well that we may laugh. I do, anyway - ha ha. No ball Earth for you.

Again, there's no obligation. I need not prove Blane went to the airport, or to skid row, or wherever. All I need prove is Blane was not at the pharmacy. This proves simply that Blane was not at the pharmacy.

If I prove Blane was not at the pharmacy I prove Blane was not at the pharmacy. Full stop.

And we have excellent proof from op that there is no ball Earth :^)

Oh, and the "obvious photoshop" is the point keek. #1 photoshop shitposter: NASA

anyone who does not interpret KJV1611 literally, word for word, is a kike shill. meaning…
if you knew how KJV was created you would understand how it is literally the Word Of God in entirety and thus meant to be interpreted LITERALLY.
Who gave you license to do otherwise?

But you tell me: which is cheaper? Making a movie or going to the moon?

Actually, Genesis makes clear the Bible is not to be interpreted literally. This comes in the two creation myths presented. In the first, man is made after the plants. In the second, the plants don't yet exist when Adam is made.

But how would you know that he wasn't at the pharmacy without knowing where he was instead?


The pharmacy was demolished several years earlier.

Apparently St. Augustine is a kike shill.

Anyone who takes the bible literally is an absolute, complete irredeemable idiot.

YES. ahow me anywhere Jesus mentioned anything about any "saint".

ridicule is reserved by those who have not only lost a debate, but is also a sore loser. typical defense mechanism classified under denial category.

oh, and you're wrong about assuming the Earth is a ball keek.

You haven't looked into the issue of the poles. GPS gets very strange at the poles :^)

this is good. real good. top kek good.
my keketh overfloweth.
go forth and reprokek

the truth shall set us free


kike free bump

He wasn't given the title of saint until after his death, nor did he ever ask for it. He also died in 430 AD so I don't want to hear any of your heretic bullshit.

You can navigate with a sextant at the poles and gps will give weird longitude lines because you're very near where all the longitude lines converge into a single point.

Navigation is possible of course. This is not evidence of a ball Earth, which is your god. Your god doesn't exist.

looks shopped
I can tell by the pixels and having seen many shops in my day

anti-satan bump

That's not the argument keek

^ likes kikes.

tHiS iS nOt EvIdEnCe Of A BaLl EaRtH, wHiCh Is YoUr GoD. yOuR gOd DoEsN't ExIsT

Apollo 11 cost 355 million dollars, a big-budget movie costs about 300 million dollars.

I think a SpaceX launch costs about 90 million dollars, which is actually less than a movie.

Here's one for you. What are the rockets that launch? You can go watch a rocket launch. Are they just slamming these things into the firmament or what?

holy fuck there are retards who think everything about space is fake
hahaha i'm just going to laugh at you and your pathetic life

ridicule is a defense mchanism for those who not only cannot no longer argue but who also are sore losers.

fuck you kikes trying to slide this thread

you never addressed any of my points or attempted to refute them, you just brought up new points to keep me on the defensive.

Address the monopropellant tanks that fell in peru that were traced to a rocket that was launched in kazakhstan last Christmas.


bumplocked? say it aint so.

fuck the pol mods for bumplocking this thread.

truth is hate speech to those who hate truth

Even Elon Musk said it looked fake. Space is a giant hoax. Research flat earth dum goys.


Again, I prefer to call it Biblical Cosmology. DO YOUR HOMEWORK FAGGOTS. Space is fake, nasa lies.

< mocking voice
keek. your god is fake, the god of ball Earth.

Not in today's dollars.

Photoshop is way cheaper nowadays than back then :^)

< everything
No. Not everything :^) ball Earth is a lie, though.

ALL good threads get bumplocked or removed :^)

But we shall soon have freedom. New apps are coming, this year.


Waiting for the day Smiley gets crushed by an anchor in real life.

Seems just two Jewish shills are trying to hold on to their balls. Gross. I used to be proud of Holla Forums and their ability to investigate the truth. This boards taken a shit.>>11253293

< i used to be proud
Look, this place is controlled by the CIA/GCHQ.

If you were here right now, you'd already be in my oven Chaim.

You and the rest of the kikestians will be killed. Mark my words. You are all traitors and you will purged.

in Paul's defense, he recommended kikes cut off their penises.

So did the kikes. If there was ever a chance of the ministry of Jesus becoming a worthwhile religion, it ended with Saul. He subverted the whole thing for (((Roman))) interests.

If you follow the bible, you are literally slave to the jew. If you do NOT repent, you will be exterminated Aryan hands to prevent your filthy virus from contaminating the coming white kingdom.

So if you want to join the ISS in orbit guess what shape you have to make as you launch. That's right a curve. Your pictures prove what you don't want to believe.

Daily reminder that NASA is complete bullshit and has been for a very long time.

Jim will hang

more of this plz

Are you retarded faggot?

Yes cuz everyone in the world talks about monopropellant tanks falling from the sky while at the water cooler

Write Kek normal you blashemous faggot

Ok Qanon here… I saw the whole thing in person, elon musk launched 2 ten speed bikes into space with two bags of flour duct taped to each seat. Hope that clears things up

None of those say that the earth is flat.


Seems legit.

Well I for one find this quite fascinating. While the photoshopped background was clearly added to help noobs figure it out, it in no was discredits the obvious fakery being employed to sell this lie to the public. All it takes is to skirt those curved panels with green fabric and voila… which I'm quite certain is what happened to get the CGI composite footage we were shown.

OP is spot-on correct, we are being flat-out lied to in a round-about way.

Everything to gain, actually. Hiding the proof of God's existence disallows people to understand His creation, thus preventing from understanding Him. Placing doubt of God's existence by way of hiding this truth and constructing the lie of heliocentrism allows godless agendas to flourish such as psychology, evolution, and communism. It's all about control.

no difference and thats mister fucknugged to you douchenozzle

not spam. do your homework. this is for real.

I disagree, so does my laser.

wrong on all counts, baller.

there are many Christians like myself who do not agree with your statement at all.

the moon is not a destination anyone can ever "go" to. it is merely a light fixture within the firmament and it gives off its own cool light of a different wavelength and temperature from the sun - not reflected sunlight.

ignorance of the truth wont make it any less true

ridicule doesnt win your argument, ballers.

agreed. somewhere I have a photo of Hitler with a Gleason's azimuthal equidistant map on his wall… he knew… thus Base 211

KJV is not kike-text. Jesus was not a "jew".
The Zohar is kike-text, which is where the lie of heliocentrism was born.

international fake station. all shot on soundstages. spacewalks shot underwater. space bubbles.


you have a lot of reading to do, baller.

of course it was shopped to help the uninitiated to understand what the set was being used for. this does not discredit the authenticity of what is being shown in the slightest.

My goodness there is rampant kikery and shilling going on in here. So much butthurt.

Elon Scrotum is an actor.

In the third Chapter of John's Gospel, we read of a Pharisee named Nicodemus coming "by night" to speak with Jesus. Remember, this was in the early infancy of Christ's 3 year ministry.

Christ told Nicodemus some incredible words of TRUTH. Jesus said these words to Nicodemus: "If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?"

What "earthly things" did Christ teach as recorded in the earlier first two chapters of the Gospel of John? Nowhere do we read of Jesus teaching "earthly things" before HIs encounter with Nicodemus. So what did Jesus mean? Did John simply omit these teachings of "earthly things"? We should ask, is the TRUTH about the cosmology of His CREATED EARTH an "earthly thing?" Remember it is the created EARTH, that "God So LOVED" that He sent His Only Begotten SON to save it, as Jesus also told Nicodemus! Are "earthly things" not important to our understanding of spiritual things?

You see, the Cult of the Pharisees of Jesus' day had fully embraced the "science-based" lies of BABYLON, which had in no small measure resulted in 400 years of silence from heaven. Most archeologists and secular historians indeed agree that the concept of a spherical earth orbiting a fixed and central sun was first widely taught in Babylon beginning in 600 BC - (exactly the time frame of Jeremiah in the OT, when Israel was "taken captive.") The Pharisees of Jesus' day were orally teaching the Babylonian heliocentric theory as FACT, and were ignoring the geocentric models inherent in their Torah scrolls of Genesis, Joshua, Psalms, and Job. It was JESUS who instructed Moses, if Jesus in fact was the actual Creator as John declared in the first words of his gospel. I submit this is what Jesus meant when he told the Pharisee Nicodemus why he couldn't fully understand spiritual things, if he had first rejected the teaching in the Torah concerning "earthly things."

Listen objectively to the testimony of Darian from CA - and then decide in the depths of your soul, if "earthly things" don't really matter to Christ if He is indeed THE TRUTH. Keep in mind that Darian is just ONE of many THOUSANDS of lost souls who are now finding Jesus, and dedicating their life to Him through understanding the TRUTH about His creation. Still think this "doesn't matter?"

Well, it matters to ME - because I love JESUS - so I love THE TRUTH. It is time for REVIVAL!


what is evolution theory, nihlism

what is NASA

what is resources

everything, faggot

Lol, love the woman's troll doll hair in the third video. Real hair floats in zero g, a bit like it does underwater. You can't just turn your head and have the whole hair shaft from root to tip turn with it. Her hair is fixed in place with gel or spray, same as that female kike astroNOT with the jewfro medusa hair. Video related, how actual hair behaves in zero g (jump to 2:30 to skip her vocal fry rambling.)

God created a flat, stationary earth. That is every bit a part of the gospel.

God’s word states that the earth is fixed and does not move. “Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.” (1 Chronicles 16:30) Indeed, the earth cannot be moved. “The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.” (Psalms 93:1).

Isaiah 22:18 (ball) Isaiah 40:22 - (circle) Two different Hebrew words, two different meanings.

Professor Schneider at Berea College in KY pretty much conclusively puts the false teachings about this to rest:

“It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:” (Isaiah 40:22)

A circle is two-dimensional and flat. That does not mean that the earth is two dimensional, as the earth certainly has depth. Rather, it means that the earth has a face that is a flat circle. Amos 9:6. It is “the circle of the earth.” A globe, on the other hand, is a three dimensional ball. Isaiah knew the difference between a ball and a circle. See Isaiah 22:18. If Isaiah meant ball in Isaiah 40:22, he would have said ball. He didn’t say ball, because the earth is not a ball. God is stating that the face of the earth is a flat circle and the heavens are spread like a tent over that circle.

NASA’s own documents…

page 2:
"In this paper, the rigid body equations of motion over a flat
non-rotating earth "

page 9:
For aircraft problems, the state and measurement models together represent the kinematics of a rigid body for describing motion over a flat, nonrotating Earth

page 11:
"The nonlinear equations of motion used in this model are general six-degree-of-freedom equations representing the flight dynamics of a rigid aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over a flat nonrotating earth"

"aircraft flying in a stationary atmosphere over flat nonrotating earth"

page 108:
aircraft flying over flat, nonrotating earth

page 126:
The nonlinear equations of motion used are six-degree-of-freedom equations with stationary atmosphere and flat, nonrotating earth assumptions.

page 2:
The method is limited, however, to application where a flat, nonrotating earth may be assumed.

page 32:
Lastly, the equations of motion for the zeroth-order problem of flight in a vacuum over a flat Earth are presented.

a) The earth is flat and non-rotating.

page 25:
The helicopter equations of motion are given in body axes with rerpect to a flat, nonrotating Earth.

page 13:
A model frequently used is that of a flat, nonrotating earth.

page 19:
These equations assume a rigid vehicle and a flat, nonrotating Earth.

page 14:
(2) A flat, nonrotating earth

In our minimum time-to-climb problem, the aircraft is modeled as a point mass and the flight trajectory is strictly confined in a vertical plane on a non-rotating, flat earth.

page 8:
the missile position in space is computed relative to a flat nonrotating earth.

This thread is filled with kikes.

Lets be honest, i am not surprised by anything at this point, but if we got to the moon or not is fucking irrelevant and not related to politics, so fuck off.



you find it irrelevant because you do not understand it, and until you get over your based stubborn ignorance so as to begin digging on this you will continue to not understand it.

Ignorance of the truth does not make it any less true. When you finally do understand it, you will then learn how relevant it is, in a major way. Just like I did and so many others have.

I used to be just like you, baller.

whoaa nice find

checked. beautiful comparison.

Kampfy is a faggot for yet another reason, bumplocking this thread.

