/twg/ Traditional Women General

This thread is for appreciation of traditional women:

/twg/ has been kryptonite to shills and MGTOW blackpill faggots on half chan, generating back-to-back threads all maxing out at 300+ replies:

Other urls found in this thread:


this woman survived a migrant rape and a brain tumor & surgery, she is a fighter who is now speaking out in support of 120dB to protect European women from open borders:

many white women HATE leftism, some are brave enough to speak up - they are doing more to save the West and its people than most ever will:

Even if true, the /r9k/ tradthot thread has truth to it.

#120dB is exploding and throwing a monkey wrench into leftist and feminist narratives about open borders
women are speaking up about how open borders have allowed in dangerous animals who are threatening them

and the ones speaking up are brave because they are facing serious backlash over this

how is that bad?

Any info on (((MGTOW))) being set-up by jews and how they use cult-practices? Anti woman-hating memes are welcomed too…

It's a best a distraction from the fact that many of these woman shills are confessed military-intelligence agents or formely employed by zionists, by screeching at "muh woman"…

I'm puzzled as to how my simple statement ended up yielding me that type of reply from you. Your response is:

there is a very large and blatantly obvious shill attempt to divide & conquer the right by pitting men against women
it's as transparent as glass
/twg/ really hit a nerve with the d&c woman-hating shills, it's generating back-to-back-to-back threads with maxed out replies on half chans:

this one is surging right now:

it's a shit show

I wasn't sure if you were aware of 120dB or not
it's driving a lot more women into the far right, which is terrifying the anti-female d&c shills - so they are shilling overtime to try to compensate

they are terrified that there are now many examples of right wing, anti-Marxist women speaking out


Natural beauty should be praised. There was once a time when only whores wore paint on their faces - that needs to be true again. The makeapp thing was funny but a better approach would be to give affection to natural women and let the poisoned women fester in their jealousy. They hate being ignored.

Honestly when the situation gets so bad that woman start speaking about traditional gender roles it gives me hope.

anatomy of a MGTOW

Since I have no words too contribute and I am tired as shit I will dump my Madonnas folder.




the salt in those non-stop reply-maxed-out threads was kinda worth it

I haven't seen the shills in panic mode like that since IOTBW / MBMC, and it made MGTOWs lose their shit too

I'm starting to believe that D&C tactics to make right wing men and women fight each other is the top priority of most shills


probably true

thank you user these are breathtaking
150% morale boost
and they should scare the living shit out of the hordes of shills & mgtows on cuckchan

How can I post on cuckchan nowadays? How do I deal with the enormous amount of sliding, bullshit and non-whites, besides the mods?


you just have to hammer though all of it
most of my attempts have failed, /twg/ worked well though
it's like kryptonite to them

No problem user glad you like them


example: I started this thread and then just left it, didn't even try to bump it:
it has now surged over 300 replies, maxed out again

I haven't had a /twg/ not max out yet, and there are a lot of anons finding renewed hope that it's cutting through the shills & sliding









Define "traditional," because from your pics, it looks like you mean womyn with internalized misogyny, zero freedom, zero education, and zero rights.


That's all folks

Enough with the horrible Aryan sex slaves.

It's time for some real womyn.

threadly reminder to filter and report all maddow posters
polite sage, keep up the nice thread

Checked, but women with nude photos on the internet are not respectable. Don't care how aryan they are, or how "tasteful" the pictures.

I think every Holla Forumsack knows that at this point its like the trashman avatarfag. I is filtered and ignored out right.

Found a couple more. These really are the last ones.

I respectfully disagree, I don't care about showing off beauty, only actions. You cannot be a slut without sexual actions.

The female form stimulates sexual urges in men, that's why modesty is important. Only sluts walk around naked. I disrespectfully disagree. Fuck off with your pornography.

tfw general grain allergy so 'le blonde woman in le wheat field' memes are more like 'le blonde women in le minefield'

Woman walking around naked is bad yes, celebrating the female form is not. Since the dawn of western civilization it has been celebrated. If you cannot cannot conquer your base desires and look at beauty as beauty and not be filled with lust. You are no better than a nigger tbh.

You act like you would chimp out in front of beautiful naked women. There is a time and place for (moderate) nudity, and a thread appreciating traditional women seems like the place if you ask me.


Checked checked checked. So btw, user, if you know…what is this new hashtag? the dB120 stuff?

#120dB started recently in Germany about women opposing migrant attacks (120dB is the volume of common rape alarms)

Put up posters of Pamela in Italy, especially Macerata. This will boost #120dB and keep the media focused on Pamela instead of the shooting.
Pamela poster PDF:
media.8ch dot net/file_store/922b235a5a8a1c169874ed5add3cdb1a7db03b6db8d67b2d61adcff3eb546fbf.pdf
media.8ch dot net/file_store/12e4c8b65aa46c4dff3076bae30b29c0e66da0bac0e1ee99eaf1467e8c3d303f.pdf

Poster PDF:
media.8ch dot net/file_store/ff7fa256518364ea2aa73079e368749b219cb5146d2ec9546e42fb322507c451.pdf
user has already started putting up posters in Germany (he needs reinforcements):
Original video (English subtitles):

Poster PDF:
media.8ch dot net/file_store/a0c5983701faf63af9f4950ebc1a874aa06df008bafdd412b1b8a3821b7d9ff2.pdf

Ebba Poster PDF:
media.8ch dot net/file_store/36b1e094f3ab41384243dc0a2123ba619373c06049dc6839035c7767d1861081.pdf
Crime Stats Poster PDF:
media.8ch dot net/file_store/cfa6d1ae993797f96848208356734dce2930735b1a70f8a3bf38a093c3a96239.pdf


Tits or GTFO.

Higher res painting


Shut it down!

Your pray was answered.
The thread have been anchored.
The Lord bless the Mod.



So, uh, I baked on cuckchan earlier and got a ton of attention, plus some of the most extreme shilling I've ever seen. Legitimate butthurt. Why does the Jew fear /twg/ threads?

they posted so much porn in that thread that it 404d
/twg/ is feared this much because the top priority of shills is to ruin harmony between white men and white women

Just read this. Any opinions?
I was posted on 4pol but I think it's from here