Paul Nehlen got shoahed again

Paul Nehlen has been suspended from Twitter.
The plan is simple:

1. Change your avatar to Paul Nehlen

2. Use hashtags #ShallNotCensor and

3. Go to your feed and RT everyone that has done this

Any publicity is good publicity and we need to meme Nehlen into office the same way we did for Trump

Other urls found in this thread:


He is still helping white people. You're the shill

You can't help your Volk by serving the jews. There are no good jews. I'm not flaming you, and I would highly encourage you to continue to read NSDAP publications. There is a great archive here >>>/zundel/1873

Has a shill ever told you to read Mein Kampf? Lurk more

Sorry. I know there are no good jews but he has definitely redpilled thousands of people to the JQ regardless if he's a shill or not. Why else would they continously shut him down? Oy vey

And thank you for the link to that collection!

Still love some of the bants he makes

He wouldn't be a convincing shill if they didn't shut him down. He's on Gab now, right? Jewish social media is an interesting choice for an alleged National Socialist, that should raise red flags immediately. This seems like an intentional operation to funnel more of our Volk with National Socialist sympathies to a honeypot where they are easily controlled. Furthermore, I'm always happy to impart the knowledge I've gained with those newer than me. Stick around and always think critically and you'll get it.

Here is some relevant info about gab, remember the jew cant help but rub the goyims face in their deception.

(((Andrew Torba)))

So what about Andrew Anglin he uses Gab as well? I knew about the Gabai heebshit-word.

>Lol forget about what he will do for white people goyim he said some positive things about the kikes once don't don't vote DON'T FUCKING VOTE FOR HIM

You kike being this afraid of him is a glowing endorsement. He has my vote and my support.

How exactly is this guy "serving the jews" you paranoid zealot? He's an ordinary man of German Aryan stock who recently woke up from being a normalfag and is now doing the Aryan thing which is telling the truth the way he sees it and in the process boosting the signal to thousands of others due to his elevated position in society.

What do you mean? It's just a means of communication, an alternative to twitter, which is arguably a lot more jewed. If you want to avoid jewed services you'd have to go literally full Varg and even then you're still forced to use some.

He pulled a stupid with his no political gain but can definitely hurt cheddar joke. WTF was he thinking?

My thoughts exactly.

Nehlen isnt anti jew, thats the sad part. Hes a ramzpaul, "nationalism for all peoples" type, I hate that shit.
When can we be openly anti jew?

Threadly reminder that niggers like this will not be banned.
Pic related got him suspended.

SIEG HEIL double dubs. Soon user, I'm getting sick of this Jew Bolshevik shit too. Why hasn't anyone tried to sue JewTwitter for freespeech shit? A good judge in a red state might actually take up the case.

lolwut. You mean Twatter actually unsuspended him after he posted those lugenpresse infographics? That makes him look even more like controlled opposition than he already did. It's like when they suspended and quickly unsuspended Spencer, almost as if the CIA gave Twatter an angry phone call and told them not to suspend assets. If they unsuspend Nehlen yet again then I think it'll remove all doubt that he's protected by certain (((interests))).

Hitler dubs reveal the truth. The enemy hardest to fight is the subversive elements among your own ranks. If these posters >>11252266 read the rhetoric like more seasoned board veterans keep suggesting to them they'd understand the dangers of "moderate" types.

The only reason we are on twitter is its outreach to normalfags. There is no strategic benefit in posting on a kike-controlled echo chamber. Furthermore, ordinary Aryan men don't racemix, miscegenation is disgusting.

That is true. However I remember myself as a normalfag, thankfully I never miscegenated but still I was so rootless and trained to not see race that it didn't even register when I saw a nigger with a white woman. Looking back now it's surreal to me. So I can forgive him for that. At least he has some white kids from his previous marriage.

If there are no good jews how can you reconcile that with supporting a political movement that thinks jews are the ally to a white ethnostate? Hell, in my first post I showed you an archived link to Nehlen participating in Jewish rituals at their magic wall.

Think about it

The only solution is a final solution, which requires dehumanizing your enemy completely. Why do you think the archetypal kike drawing is such an essential meme?

You must not use Twitter. Suspended again as in he got suspended for a tweet, once he deleted the said tweet, he has his account back. Twitter is very communist. They will force you to delete your tweet that offended snowflakes before letting you back on. So in this case it's hard to know whether he is permanently suspended or if he just got suspended for a certain time frame and if he deleted the offensive tweet, after his time limit is up, he'll be back.

It's been suggested he's of Aryan stock. If that's true, never forgive your brothers for betraying their race and destroying their lineage. It's one of the most vile act a man can commit. There was a time too when I was not radicalized and had no problem with racemixing. However, I propose to you, fellow user, that we retained our Aryan spirit strongly enough to never debase ourselves to the level of committing it ourselves? If you accept this, then I'd encourage you to never compare yourself again to that filth. See yourself for the shining beacon of our Volk that you can achieve.

Rate my OC



Right? TOTALLY. Dubs sarcastically confirms.

Good stuff! Saved as well 11/10

That's not a clip of him disavowing zionism, he's merely admitting it exists. Slippery kikes, man. Furthermore, pointing out one person who's controlled by kikes doesn't mean everything is controlled opposition, that's a load of shit and you know it. I posted a whole thread/board here full of valuable work. Pics related are a perfect example of a man worth supporting. Another example is Pierce.

Why do you keep agreeing with idiots instead of putting in the work? Get reading, faggot.

You're fucking worthless tbh. As great as he is, Pierce is dead.

What the fuck? Go fuck yourself dude. No need to be that way

As is GLR. They're not coming back. Nehlen isn't a movement. He's running for a spot in congress. There is no harm in backing a man who is aware of jewish influence in American policy and explicitly states that theyre not American first.

This board is for whites only.

Go back to whatever forum you crawled from if you can't put up with imageboard culture tbh. Put in the work, fit in, or get out. It requires discipline, now go getting reading faggot, you're still my brother.

Encouraging new anons to read NSDAP literature is worthless?

I never said they were coming back.Civic nationalism is absolutely a political movement. Discard it and embrace National Socialism and don't settle for any less. Everyone said this same shit about Trump, I'm not saying he's controlled by kikes, but he's fine with kissing their wall and doing that saudi magic orb ritual. Politicians are manipulating our desire for change for their own careers, without ever truly caring about their Volk. Radicalize yourself, your brothers count on you.

You linked to a post explaining that gabbai is kike shit. He merely switched kike platforms, they haven't shut him down. Besides, he'll probably have his twitter back in a matter of days, regardless of what the rumors are now.

Please read these quotes from Hitler

Yea. Ill continue to do all that while I also back Nehlen for Wisconsin district 1.
Filtered and reported.

Read the literature or stop saying you support National Socialism. Nehlen is a civic nationalist, as shown by his support for Israel, which is cancerous. He doesn't care about creating a white ethnostate, he's just a politician who wants a spot in office. This is the same shit that TRS has been pulling for years, using sympathetic whites for their own benefit.

Disregard the quotes from Hitler though which address what you're advocating.

Interesting choice of rifle at his feet.

The ones who loudest proclaim they won't have their guns taken are the first to surrender them when the raids begin. Have you read the Turner Diaries? If you're most serious about maintaining firearms after a mass seizure, take precautions now to secure them in a cache or hidden in your property if you can't set up a proper cache.

I have some pdfs if you're interested, Holla Forums doesn't support the filetype however.


its happened before, it'll happen again

Fag Anglin? Yeah none of you are welcome here cocksucker.


Cheaper than an aug. It's not a terrible rifle either, for what it is.

Okay, but what does that have to do with the fact that he's posing with a Tavor, the IDF's standard issue battle rifle?

I fucking hate bullpups.

Totally controlled opposition :^)

Don't be like that

fucking lost it m8 saved.

If there is one thing I learned reading first replies to a post on /pol it is that single person in the world is a Jew.


Well shit user, I hadn't even realized. I'm no /k/ommando.

i hate you people so fucking much.
please never change

Nah, I ain't trusting no kike made raifu, especially a bullpup one.

And yet here you go on about gun enthusiasts will be among the first to have their weapons seized while anons should be preparing themselves for the turner diaries while here you go on radicalizing oneself and yet youre not a /k/ommando?

You're full of shit.

It's literally one fag who got his ass chapped by Nehlen.

Aww shit I like dis op

If only you put as much effort into getting a real job, as you do shilling up this board with your nonsensical purity spiral bullshit. How dare we try to inch the overton window to the right.

Real organic fellas.

That's not how it works m8.
He's got some sick bantz, I'll grant - but its all in service to Zion, so its largely irrelevant. And before you start: Yes, Zionist Jewry WOULD use a guy who does things which might be interpreted as contrary to Jewish interests - like expose leftist Jewish control of media in the US - to their own ends.
Its like you faggots never read the bit at the bottom of that infographic wherein Hitler shits on the Alt-Right conceptually - the Jew has read Mein Kampf and browses these boards, and as a result, the Jew knows how to make someone appealing to you.
If the Jew wants controlled opposition that appeals in this context, what do you expect them to do? Keep using people who say "oh no the Jews never did nuffin goy"? Of course not! They're adapting.
Problem is, with how fucked our political system is at this point, with all the Jewish influence on both sides of the broken two-party system, anyone suggesting a guy like Nehlen is controlled op will always receive the same tired responses, as this thread demonstrates.

These faggots always seem to end up having Mike Peinovich syndrome - they've all said or done shit that is clearly Zionist in the past, and the claim is that now they've changed, or that they're just doing it as cover, or that its required (such as in the case of argumentation in the vein of suggesting Nehlen ought reject Israel outright) in order to gain/retain power.

Its all so tiresome to be honest, and the more I look around, the less I feel like we're actually winning anything of import or lasting impact.


Nehlen does not "redpill people on the JQ."
Nehlen addresses only one half of the JQ: the Western Diaspora Jews. The other half is Israel, which Nehlen supports.

No body cares what you grant kikey boy



I think you overestimate the influence of far right ideas. If you were talking about Jordan Peterson, I could maybe agree with you. I mean, I don't think Peterson's a shill, I think he believes what he's saying, but if you made the argument that Jordan Peterson is a zionist I could perhaps understand where you were coming from.

But Paul Nehlen? He is the farthest right politician in America and the most redpilled by far. At least publicly. And he attracts international attention with his antics. If any publicity is good publicity, then Nehlen is fucking awesome.

I'd actually be curious to who you think isn't controlled opposition?

That CIA agent is a LOLcow.

I'll check that 88 id.

You dont have to be Hitler to hold Israel accountable.

It wouldn't be bad to have imperfect allies instead of no allies.

Trumps supports Israel too. Still voted for him, dipshit.

Can you hear the rhythm? Left, right, left, right. I have seen them many times in my dreams, visions almost. It grows louder by the day, the eyes of the whites are being torn open and the light that burns from them is brighter than a billion suns. I was hoping it would never happen, but it soon will. God Help Us All.



Stop pretending you are white while trying to get us to disengage from politics you fat nigger. You will never be white, even though it looks like you've tried ambii on your skin. It must be painful trying to emulate us, but inevitably you realize you are just used up farm equipment. Also your Nehlen templates reak faggot.

Care to address the quote from Adolf Hitler which states otherwise?

see: Hitler on Coalitions



He's obviously talking about political coalitions you dense fuck.

And? What is the axis if not political?

Kill yourself you disinfo kike.

Paul Nehlen condemned giving foreign aid to Israel. if that tweet is real then it's from before he got redpilled.

that's some serious mental gymnastics

Stand with the Paul who'll build the Wall!

You ever get tired of being BTFO? Last nights thread on cuckchan was pretty brutal for you, the whole his wife is a Mossad agent because her first name is Gabriele and there aren't many pictures of her.
kek you'd think someone would have the self respect to know when they've been so thoroughly wrong.

I don't visit halfchan. Is that where all you Nehlen posters are coming from? I suspected as much.

If it was easy we wouldn't have this place or several other bunkers. We also wouldn't have such an online presence, get into normie space sometimes we're all over the yt Twitter and Facebook comments, we're even at endemic penetration levels on Reddit and cuckchan.

They're fighting like hell to regain control they lost, I would call their zenith something like 1985-2010. Nehlen is most likely a Jewish puppet but in order to tap back into every major sector of the information economy they're forced to take more and more risky chances in what said stooge puts out. So there's the narrative that they are around every corner, but the counter is that whites, especially younger whites are now perfectly happy swiping what they want digitally and not sticking around enough and giving enough loyalty to the puppets to make the trade worthwhile.

Long story short, the computer and the internet connection it allows for is simply too much for kikes and their masons to handle. Mated to the Aryan mind it's a shortcut device to functionally free thinking, not perfectly free but enough to generate independent ideas about what is going on and who is responsible for things. I also believe that there is a threshold ladder to gaining this consciousness, the spiritual opposite to the Jewish vice staircase. To get people to the top you're likely going to need to start slow and give the intellectual equivalent to a vaporizer or nicotine patch to wean them off the comfort of normieville.

Jews know this instinctively, it's why they've always set up stop loss programs at the stops along the way. Learn about the Jew, but then encourage vice to numb the brain and trigger recurrence of old blue pill patterns. And of course shut down anything related to the biggest bad pills, pizza gate, Masonic kikeism, mkultra, hoaxes, etc.

The operative question is have they gone too far and risked real opposition gaining critical mass? I would say yes. Although irl activism is a lot harder to foment than online, I think online is almost a won game at this point. Normies are stumbling into redpills left and right. Theyre stumbling back into vice as is their nature, but conflicts are always led by thought leaders, the majority of command function is going to come from less than one percent of men. And if you're young, white, intelligent and a self-starter, all the qualities of future leadership, you are most likely now either here or influenced by what goes on here but on another thought platform. The rest of normies who matter, straight white males with competent enough intellect and good physical health, are already right leaning enough to grasp our ethos quickly, as it tracks with all their instincts.

What's left is a struggle to keep meatspace liberal through soft terrorism and legal encroachment long enough to complete demographic replacement. But in my opinion it's not going to be enough for Jews. We're not going away from the internet as a society and we're already redlining our possible output of digital monitoring of citizenry; further effort leads not just to diminishing returns but snapback effects (unintentional redpilling by punishment). We could go past the halfway point of demographic change away from pureblood whites (I draw the line at northwestern European "Aryan", you have that conversation later) and it still wouldn't matter. Wars are fought by small numbers of men relative to population size historically, and that gap is only increased with technological advancement. We could get down to south Africa levels of whiteness and have only 30% of those whites on board and it wouldn't matter, the advantages of a pure Aryan fighting force united by natural common interest is too much to overcome.

Like whack a mole a force like this would take out competing whites, then Jews, then it would quickly be a mop up operation against lower breeds. And without a pool of psychologically convenient (ie brainwashed) humans to draw from somewhere else in the world, there won't be opposition enough to stand in the way of even such a (relatively) small army. The only reason Hitler failed like he did is because America existed as an Aryan soldier factory for the Jewish European elite, with whites in decline everywhere and information so readily available to counter propaganda it's just going to be too much to ask for Europe to invade north America or vice versa.

Tldr; Jews are a sinking ship they just don't know it yet

Thanks for admitting you’re a shill.

He shilled for kikes as late as January 1.

Yes, only people who work for the jews would tell you to read culture of critique.

Let's see who got mad about that:

If it was 1931, this place would be full of 'Hitler works for the jews because he's talking about the jews' threads.

Does Paul Nehlen support Israel in the sense that he will use taxpayer money to provide foreign aid to Israel? This is an honest question, because I'm too lazy to do research.

I never see evidence of Hitler being a Rothschild. You have to back that up with documents.
You can't though because it is false.


Hey guys, did you know that niggers are actually the most scientifically advanced and powerful race in the world? What, didn't you see Black Panther?

Forgive my ignorance, but why is this bad and can't it be used to fight for the right's of a white homogenous and nationalist states? I know it is indeed a weak argument, but if israel is allowed to do so, along with many other african countries… etc. It's just that it's a good way to introduce subtle red-pills to the blue-pilled and it takes the edge off of the word "nationalism" because normies are fucking naive about their surroundings.

Gas yourself and your shitty, same old disinfo meme attempts shlomo.