Oxfam among charities reeling as 120 workers accused of sexual abuse in last year alone
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Stormderps will bury this.
Finally, something that daughter-of-immigrants-turned-white-supremacist-with-internalized-misogyny has done right. Too little and too late though.
Holla Forums is always right.
Don't engage it user. Filter it and move on.
Yeah, OK, I can't (and don't want to) defend it tbh, but it's hard to get worked up over it when it goes on covered up and unpunished if not outright encouraged to kids in white countries.
I mean, there is perhaps the argument that this is worse because it's also bestiality…
gas yourself kike
Ah so the reason we can't stop giving gibs to subhumans is because some the kikes in our countries and kike apologists want to continue child rape exploitation.
You're welcome.
It is genuinely fucking disgusting that these posts still occur.
This board has become such a shithole since the election.
Trump made a lot of people and other lesser beings snap.
Who the fuck wants to stick their dick in some dying, shitskin kid? I'd rather eat the biscuit I was offering them in trade for their asshole.
One Belgian man named in the case, Roland van Hauwermeiren (can't find an English source)
Belgian head of Oxfam denies involvement, claims the man was employed by the British branch
The same Van Hauwermeiren was head of Oxfam in a second prositute scandal surfacing yesterday, this one in Chad
Sounds familiar!
Rachposter was being an annoying lout well before the election user.
filtered for maddow pics. that bitch is gross. your future here is filtered.
My country has gone to shit.
Little do you know that the BO here IS the rachposter, and that's why you still see these posts in current year, and will always see them so long as the BO/the board exists.
Do both normal AND global reports.
If we have to stare at this garbage, then the mods need to stare at it to.
ive heard this mentioned but have yet to see proof. i dont doubt, i just dont care who it is. ill take my traffic somewhere else
Isn't it super easy to go on vacation to a third world country and have sex with minors? That's not news. You have African countries where you still have slave classes. These charities have also been really suspicious since forever.
I think Rach poster is also a mod or affiliated with the BO. I've reported that dipshit 5 times and he's still posting. Unless he's just switching proxies, but I never saw him banned for his garbage tier posts.
This needs a fucking sticky.
Literal pedo rings being run by a charity in Haiti and Chile for over 10 years
Higher ups did nothing.
Boy, you're new.