H.R.4918 "Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2018"
Brad Schneider is former AIPAC lobbyist (does not archive):
Led Jewish United Fund trip to Israel
(does not archive):
H.R.4918 "Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2018"
Brad Schneider is former AIPAC lobbyist (does not archive):
Led Jewish United Fund trip to Israel
(does not archive):
Other urls found in this thread:
A notable part of this bill is near the top:
Any relation to accused child molester Dan Schneider?
No idea. Schneider is a common kike name, though.
Oh look another kike trying to make sure the people never take their country back.
Time to dig into the memos to find something on this rat. Wonder which way the connections go, to Shillary or Bernie, Antifa and Soros? Tasty.
This bill creates offices within DHS, DOJ, and FBI that are required to monitor "white supremacist" groups. As we know, there are virtually no restrictions on surveillance, and the idea of freedom of speech or association is a joke. This bill takes it a step further and instead of keeping "white supremacist" surveillance optional, it creates groups that must do that full time within FBI, DHS, DOJ as their mission. The monitoring and reporting requirement would suggest that no apparent terrorist intent would apply. Just the ideology of "white supremacy" alone is plainly the target of the bill.
This would probably also mean pol would have dedicated watchers from any new office created by the bill due to pol's "white supremacist" ideology and be monitored constantly despite no suggestion whatsoever of "domestic terrorism" activity as that is defined in 18 USC 2331, which is the definition this bill references.
Always consider inevitable mission creep and massive bending/abusing any law that's passed. This is pretty fucking Orwellian.
good idea
Cadence, Bluebridge, Emplify, Social transformation project.
And white supremacist is defined at a moment's notice as they see fit of course. The jews are the authority in these matters as everyone knows.
Fucking kikes.
Hate is all I feel.
He's trying to block the parade of course. He is using the most jewy way he can find to do it by appealing to the needs of our budget and the very military we are trying to take care of. After all, a parade will take food off their tables when we get done counting the shekels.
This bill seems to be a backdoor technique to create a secret police targeting ideology for monitoring (and mandatory monitoring coupled with mission creep will inevitably mean more "domestic terrorism" prosecutions regardless of merit–just budget incentive and mission creep there).
It looks like the language was drafted to avoid outright saying "white supremacism is illegal." That could be struck down on various First Amendment grounds, but what the bill does instead is create offices with budgets that depend on monitoring and reporting activity of anything associated with "white supremacism." Take the budget incentives, the inevitable mission creep, essentially no surveillance restraints anymore, this means everything remotely connected to "white supremacism" even with absolutely no sign of any terrorist intent whatsoever will be targeted and as noted above, probably subject to a lot more prosecutions regardless of merit for "domestic terrorism." That's just how budgets/bureaucracy works. This is a backdoor secret police being created.
I couldn't have said it better user
This parade has them shitting bricks. Much more so than I would have expected.
It's more kike sophistry just like the bill.
Of course they cited ADL bullshit statistics and failed to make any inclusion of the left. If the bill even made it to Trump there is no way he would sign it because he is by their definition a white supremacist.
And they wonder why we're so goddamn bitter
Don't forget the SPLC, aka "white genocide is inevitable" org ( 8ch.net
When courts have to interpret congressional intent of a portion of a law, the courts sometimes look at stuff like the "Findings" section. In this case, the Findings section 100% does nothing but talk about "white supremacy." That would explain ADL/SPLC etc. stats included.
This is a backdoor to create secret police targeting an ideology.
(A) the August 5, 2012, mass shooting at a Sikh gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, in which a White supremacist shot and killed 6 members of the gurdwara;
(B) the April 13, 2014, mass shooting at a Jewish community center and a Jewish assisted living facility in Overland Park, Kansas, in which a neo-Nazi shot and killed 3 civilians, including a 14-year-old teenager;
(C) the June 8, 2014, ambush in Las Vegas, Nevada, in which 2 supporters of the far right-wing “patriot” movement shot and killed 2 police officers and a civilian;
(D) the June 17, 2015, mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, in which a White supremacist shot and killed 9 members of the church;
(E) the November 27, 2015, mass shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in which an anti-abortion extremist shot and killed a police officer and 2 civilians;
(F) the March 20, 2017, murder of an African-American man in New York City, allegedly committed by a White supremacist who reportedly traveled to New York “for the purpose of killing black men”;
(G) the May 26, 2017, attack in Portland, Oregon, in which a White supremacist allegedly murdered 2 men and injured a third after the men defended 2 young women whom the individual had targeted with anti-Muslim hate speech; and
(H) the August 12, 2017, attack in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which a White supremacist allegedly killed one and injured nineteen after driving his car through a crowd of individuals protesting a neo-Nazi rally, and of which Attorney General Jeff Sessions said, “It does meet the definition of domestic terrorism in our statute.”.
Can I get some sources on any of these?
That's like saying we should make sheep shearing illegal or fishing illegal because of a Peta video or a Peta study, just because they're a major organization doesn't mean they won't lie, obviously the Anti Defamation league would make the claims that Neo Nazi's have killed 300 people.
What you get electing a jew.
Agree. It's hard to process stuff like this as it's an attempt by the state to mandate immense state power get turned on anyone even making a peaceful attempt to organize/associate with like-minded people just to resist your own people's destruction.
It looks like another step toward actual genocide, and it's our own government doing it. It's pretty depressing, to say the least.
What can we do to stop this from becoming law?
attack the jews' "white supremacism" term.
They put this stuff in there to make it clear what the intent of the bill is: establish policing orgs to police "white supremacy." This is designed to cover for First Amendment problems by claiming it's actually dangerous, so it's really terrorism that's the intent and not an ideology. Saying outright that the intent is to establish police organizations to target a specific ideology would increase the likelihood that the law would be struck down on 1st Amdt grounds.
Checked. Maybe you can call your representative and say you oppose the bill as it seems to be weaponizing the FBI, DOJ, and DHS to attack the right. You could mention the weaponization of the IRS under Lois Lerner and/or the recent FBI/DOJ etc FISA scandal and say this bill doesn't look very good to constituents given all of that.
I don't know, though. To me, all of this shit has already gone way too far.
Yeah, ever letting jews in the colonies.
There's only one 'supremacist' group, and they aint white…
Euro here, would love to be able to do something for you Ameribros.
This kike needs to be gassed
The double standard drives me crazy. An Arabic Muslim man drives into a crowd of people screaming allah and all the libs defend Religion of Cuck™ saying he was just a mentally deranged individual and it had nothing to do with Religion of Cuck™, while a random white guy shoots up a place and they say all white people share the responsibility. I wasn't a racist until i noticed that white people are treated as if we do all the harm in the world.
Great point, I was thinking "what would the Jews do if they were in this position?" Then I thought they would mention the holocaust, but we don't have a great Shoah to guilt trip the normies.
The right is also getting (((Credit))) for the damage caused by the left. Further they only cite a couple example including those which they admit are ALLEGATIONS only. The car of peace last I heard was due to running from armed antifa.
Oh yeah speaking of how many of them were even allegations.
They would attempt to join the group and subvert them from within. 88Fellow Jews88
Unless you plan on killing yourself at the end I don't recommend this route. I don't know how any whites could live with themselves acting like jews.
jews, with shitskin breeding open border pushing shitskin shipping into White countries christcuck
s help, are doing that to us now.
The entire reason to list any findings of any type is so you can't argue the intent of the bill is unconstitutional on its face–targeting an ideology. The idea is use smoke and mirrors to make it look like the intent is counterterror. But then when you look at the actual function of the bill, it mandates monitoring and reporting by agencies which have budgets dependent on that. We know there is no limit to surveillance already, so this just mandates surveillance and inevitable ridiculous prosecutions for "domestic terror" where there clearly is none. New agencies will have mission creep and do whatever it takes to keep getting funding. These are just agencies dedicated to monitoring "white supremacism," that's it.
There is something seriously rotten with this country and our govt.
But as we have seen with the investigations going around, findings, aren't really holding up to scrutiny. People are starting to look deeper. Need to keep hammering it home.
Forgot to add, also putting a terrorist label on it take a lot of rights away because of the patriot act etc. They are making their final push because they are scared.
This, this, and this.
Also, this part stuck out for me:
I interpret that to mean they're going to arbitrarily construct any and all reports to be as defamatory as possible and geared for public release in order to name-and-shame anyone they feel like; basically, an endless supply of ready-made memos to use as political ammo against the right.
If this bill passes, all it will take for mass v&ings and to shut this place down is a post like that.
If it gets legs, expect to see false flags to whip up public support.
Stay frosty, anons.
Is it ok if we say that all kikes have to die as long as we don't claim to be better than them?
So we're going to get yet more shills shitting up the board.
When all funding mechanisms for the resistance are cut off, like buying a book by an author who is deemed "white supremacist", there will be no way of legally supporting your rightful expression monetarily. It will be like the Visa/MC blockade of Wikileaks.
Then when you're forced to clandestine means of financing your resistance, they'll already have had you under surveillance, using (unconstitutional) general warrants that you can't challenge in court.
Then they'll take you out for the illegal activity, since the NSA "incidentally" collected the evidence and "foreign" doesn't mean "not American". They'll use parallel construction to put you behind bars. You'll never see the evidence that could exonerate you and neither will the judge or jury. Welcome to America in [CURRENT_YEAR] and beyond.
You better all start reading up on crypto.
What you'll get is mandatory 24 7 365 monitoring and a lot more arrests for nothing.
But I am not a white supremacist…I believe Jews and Asians are smart as whites, just in a different way. Nigs and mestizos on the other hand are sub human.
Re the public reports, I'd be most worried about 24 7 365 monitoring to produce reports and keep getting budget along with all the arrests they'll have to do regardless of merit to hit the numbers they have to report to get budget
what they'll do is pump up monitoring and arrest numbers as much as possible so they can justify the existence of the new special offices, particularly since they have to publish their numbers. they have to justify special offices that appear to target an ideology and are therefore controversial more than they'd have to justify other programs/enforcement programs, so they certainly have to goose all numbers
Good point.
And, in true ad hoc fashion, they can point to the size of the program as proof of the necessity of its existence, thereby implying that white supremacism must truly be a problem of epic proportions (cue press conference).
at least that's still legal…for now.
I'm not very familiar with details of the Patriot Act, so it might be one of the tools that would make "monitoring/prevention of terrorism" surveillance easier.
I think the point of the bill, though, is to force newly established offices to do whatever it takes to hit their publicly reported numbers and get whatever budget money. They might use any number of legal hooks to surveil or nothing legal at all, since we all know there are essentially no rules for that anymore (unless you have to introduce evidence in court, but they always just make up the chain anyway–"parallel construction). But the main idea is get the numbers for "monitoring" (surveillance) and "preventing" (arrests). In the end, the budget and numbers incentives, and probably political pressure from various congressmen, officials, etc., will make the new offices go after any type of "white supremacy" on a vast scale and aggressively, so it will basically shut down anything like pol or similar. That seems to be the aim of the statute.
(As noted, I think most of the counterterror stuff is just mentioned to avoid being struck down on its face as unconstitutionally targeting a political view.)
The fucking chutzpah of these kikes
If Hillary had won we would be facing so many issues that would turn the Government into a even greeter tyrannical force. I hope you bastards think about this. This really is a fight for the western soul, and the western man.
In other words, surveillance is a joke. Maybe calling it the search for terror could make it easier to introduce as evidence later, but what they've been doing until now is just using NSA etc. and then making up some legal cover story how they got the evidence. Maybe Patriot Act could help provide that cover story. Maybe if prosecution/conviction numbers matter for whatever report they file, then Patriot Act could be helpful to legalize all the searching.
My point goes more to the "Findings" section, I guess, which is basically saying "no, this isn't unconstitutionally targeting a viewpoint, there are good counterterror reasons!" Massive kikery all around.
What is the problem? White supremacism is illegal in Russia. Shouldn't you follow your God Emperor, Holla Forums?
I agree.
Without running afoul of the bill (not yet law), I think we know what has to happen here. Not saying anything else. All of this shit going on taken together is too far and can only get worse. It cannot get better. The system is totally rotten.
I'd say "Russia doesn't have our First Amendment which protects freedom of association and political speech."
You answer my question now. In theory, what would you do if I said I'm going to find and kill every single shill motherfucker and traitor fuck in their sleep and then kill their families? This is parody, of course, because I would never do that, nor would any like-minded men on this website. We do not advocate violence. We are pacifists. But what would you say to a (ALL parody) river of blood?
Terrorism comes to mind.
When white people are outlawed,
I will be an outlaw.
Unlimited free speech is jewish trick invented to spread degeneracy. Russia had harmful speech banned and this puts end to the jewish trickery and gay propaganda.
Very pointed summary.
And they will try to eliminate all anonymity from crypto.
You mean Dan "The man with a plan to bang that minor clam" Schneider?
I say curse KILL guys like this guy. They need to be disappeared asap. There should be no mercy shown to kikes/crypto kikes like him.
Nah for a Fascistic state to even work you need total free speech - it's a false lure for your political opponents to out themselves. It's part of why politics are becoming so balkanized.
Jesus fuck sperg get off that dead horse. They monitor everyone already. We know. They don't need an excuse. This just makes it something they can legally send their goons to handle under the guise of national security. Patriot act lets them gitmo people without a lawyer. Tax funded hit-squads killing terrorists that have no rights. Until the deep state is unseated the patriot act and similar legislature is a detriment to the nation because they are the fuckers deciding who to surveil, hit, etc. already and they are getting called on all the fuckery they have been pulling behind the curtain. Once an official doc like this one passes giving them more power to take out the right, they won't have to defend it at all.
It's about LWDS now, not them listening to you breathe heavy at your cousin while jerking off to the kitchen appliance section of a sears catalog.
At least it'd get rid of some of the normalfags from here, I guess. Still, I genuinely doubt it'll get passed, it'll probably get expanded to include all kinds or racial supremacy or antifa, or some shit, because Trump repeatedly said that both sides were at fault for Charlottesville and similar events.
I forgot the "but if it does get passed" in the second sentence, my bad.
I doubt they want the "extreme" left to be included in that description.
See, I agree with that (minus the jews, they can just hang) but Asians, especially Japan(ese), pretty well off in the ol' IQ department.
Jews have shown time and time again, that they CANNOT meld with society, they are on par with niggers and browns. Nigs and spics on the other hand, I believe they could be treated with the Hitler method, and just deport em out.
If this passes we will now have more in common with the Founding Fathers.
Link to another thread within the same board like this
Or a thread in another board like this
Don't you use your twisted facts on me shitlord!
They're playing a pretty dangerous game with this, if everything is terrorism, wouldn't that make people more inclined to be terrorists? If there's going to be a shit or get off the pot moment for burgers, it'll be when not prepping the bull gets you sent to gitmo, because at that point why not just go all in?
Roger that. Thanks for the tip.
It's based on the SPLC report. Someone should call congressmen to debunk it as they grouped Eliot roger and non-whites as a "white supremacist" terrorist.
We're already monitored though.
Nope, because free speech restrictions are used to protect gay kike bullshit while it punishes the right.
Oy Vey why would you want to stop it.
"White supremacy" doesn't mean "person who thinks whites are superior", it means "person with a milquetoast anti-immigration/JQ stance". They redefine the term to deplatform the right from the corporate sphere, and they will do the same within the government.
You're deluded if you think that this will be enforced against antifa and non-whites. If it did, then they would have gone after Zionists from the very start. Under marxists and kikes, no one has human rights and that's why they need to be gone for good.
At minimum, this bill would create a direct incentive for weaponized branches of agencies to shut down anything like pol and anyone who participates. Whether that comes to actual LWDS isn't clear, because the way these people operate, the worst crimes are often done quietly and systematically but just as bad as door to door death squads, but the idea this sort of legislation can even be seriously discussed given everything else (all the treason/abuse under color of law, the coup, the imminent genocide of whites)…to me, this is just another example of how we are very, very far past the red line and continuing to drift even further. It has to stop before it's so far that it's too late.
checked. that's right.
Anyone else notice how since Trump came into office, there has been a a lot of far right attacks or focus on the far right?
Hey, thats a good slogan.
Right there with you.
The idea is to force dedicated offices in agencies to publish numbers on monitoring and "prevention" (arrests) to justify their budget and existence. There is no such structure in place now, so this is creating a federal police force solely motivated to take down anything do with pro-whiteness.
It's more the fact that this is openly introduced with a hook nosed but straight face in congress, given everything else that's going on, that just shows how far we are past the red line.
They're well aware that the right is objectively right with regards to the JQ, but he's using himself to collect the flak aimed at him. Left-leaning congressman like Maxine Waters complained about the "death threats" that they received so that they could manipulate the law through their own hands.
You're all equal when you're in chains.
Once you AIPAC, there's no going back.
Only Jesus should know those things.
The straight face act introducing something like this (whether they use a kike or nigger to do it) just shows how insane this entire situation is. Having AIPAC kike introduce the bill is really the insulting turd cherry on top.
Mandating new sub-agencies and creating incentives for them to "monitor" and arrest given clear capability to manufacture/plant evidence and near-total surveillance capability means we have the white genocidal fucks doing stuff far beyond anything the NKVD or KGB or Stasi or whoever ever could. How far past the line do we actually have to go before right snaps
All Actions (5)
This shit is ridiculous, yet not being dismissed out of hand.
See also:
What a surprise…=
>Bennie Gordon Thompson (born January 28, 1948) is the U.S. Representative for Mississippi's 2nd congressional district, serving since 1993, and the ranking member of the Committee on Homeland Security since 2011. >
So anything that criticizes reckless immigration policies falls under that thought crime bill?
>Dann … Schneider
Did you even need to ask?
Futher proof that Paul Ryan is the platonic form of ethnocuckoldry.
Another nigger.
>Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting w/representatives from American Israel Public Affairs Committee @AIPAC twitpic.com
This shit is absolutely ridiculous.
I am now going to do an analysis of the ethnic demographics of the areas these wretched mongrels represent.
ftfy, but I managed to archive those two links. Their links, with their respective attached photos, will be in my next couple of posts.
Whoops, I forgot third image of
U.S. Representative for Mississippi's 2nd congressional district, serving since 1993
U.S. Representative for Illinois's 2nd congressional district since 2013.
U.S. Representative for California's 46th congressional district.
United States Representative of Texas's 15th congressional district
Huh, that's weir-
U.S. Representative for Georgia's 2nd congressional district, serving since 1993
In furious conclusion…
What we have here is a piece of legislation created by a Jew, co-sponsored by a bunch of non-White scum, themselves put into power in districts that are overwhelmingly non-White urban shitholes, the purpose of said legislation being to create a justification for attack of any pro-White opposition to the continued demographic disintegration of the United States.
This is a fucking disgrace. This is a travesty. This is such a slap in the face as a demonstration of what America has become, that I'm honestly awestruck. I almost can't believe this shit is real, and that it wasn't laughed off the floor upon presentation.
To anyone who thinks you'll somehow be able redpill non-Whites, or find a means via which to live alongside them, let this be one more in the long line of evidentiary examples which stand counter to your perspective.
I am horrified by this in a way that I have not been horrified by something since the Jews passed that anti-Semitism bill in the wake of Trump's victory and the Israeli-made bomb-hoax directed at Jewish Community Centers.
This country isn't a real country.
This is just a sick pathetic joke.
And I'm not laughing god damn it.
… Also: I hope you niggers appreciate that I went through the time to point out what a fucking shitshow this actually is.
Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act already gives the government carte blanche to conduct the surveillance this kike crafted in his (((bill))).
It's unconstitutional to brand a group of people terrorists without predicated intent. This fucking bill is unconstitutional as fuck and probably a nod to the kike lobby for more kike gibs.
Fuck this kikel.
Thanks for all this info, user. Goddamn what an irretrievable travesty this country is, we're truly Brazil now. Or maybe, more like a combination of a kike-controlled European despotism, combined with the squalor and cultural vacuum of a third world nation like Brazil. When you see the sorts that serve as Congressmen, you realize that any delusions about a "political fix" for America are just that… delusions.
It will be illegal to be a right wing conservative. Can't wait to see how many R's sign on.
Can't legally shut anyone up so make them terrorists so their civil rights no longer apply. Well it should be pretty easy to point out to normies a bill created by the left targeting just the right regardless of how they want to dress it up. That alone should send up red flags for even a few of the lefties that haven't gone completely insane.
I don't think the people as a whole would really stand for something that fucking blatant. Lefties used to be the ones always going off about thought crime and this should start to tweak that dissonance a bit. And if they did buy into it, well, I bought stock in rope long ago.
If they want to make a law regarding "extremists" on both sides it could pass. It would have to be pretty limited in scope in that it can be applied to charges as a modifier rather than having a carte blanche "fuck errybody" label on a person or group of persons which immediately strip civil liberties before any crime has taken place all because someone's feelings were hurt kind of bullshit they already try to jew.
Of course that would require no jews involved.
He's currently being bitched at for calling their kind out, remember? You can fuck off.
This narrative will never die.
anyone have the infographic showing that huwite supremacist terrorists are actually in the minority of worldwide terrorist attacks?
I am curious how many of the older folk in these threads are thus far accepting how much of this War actually involves Jews and their Goyim pets vs Europeans… \o/ (not all Jews to be sure, but none the less).
This is too dangerous to be slid and forgotten. This thread needs to be fucking pinned.
Hopefully we have redpilled them.
I myself became aware of the JQ back in 2011-2012, and the BLM riots / Zimmerman trial only cemented my newfound beliefs.
Dissonance is modus operandi of the left. Didn't you know that their Old Testament (Capital) is literally build on the doublethink philosophy?
If I have understood Holla Forums's history on this correctly then monitoring has always harmed them more than us.
Let the fresh blood watch our every shitpost, our every repill.
Let them know what we are.
Considering how desperate this move makes them look, I wouldn't say it will take long.
Don't forget they had 8 years worth of onigger doing their every bidding but they chose to try this shit NOW.
Maybe if they stop people talking on the internet or meeting up they will just start going lone wolf assassin instead of risking jail for words alone.
This pressure could backfire on them and actually create what they say they are scared of.
If you are white and wish to continue living then you are a white supremacist according to these lying cocksuckers.
There words are emotional weapons, they are not logical and cannot be counteracted with logic.
My favourite response is to say:
"I refuse to recognize your made up vocabulary that was only designed to attack me. Leave the name calling to the 5 year olds. Unless you stop disrespecting me with insulting language this conversation is over."
This applies to all kike weapon-words, racist, homophobe, sexist, etc etc
This is fucking horrendous and the little kike proposing it is up there with Cruz in his resemblance to an honest to god rat.
God dammit Americans, ring your fucking congressman (senator or whatever you have), tell them this poorly defined bill could be used to classify the majority of Americans as terrorists and that it is backed by faulty statistics from these fucks
Convenient, isn't it, that anyone who disagrees with white genocide can be classified as a "white supremacist" at the whim of whoever is being bought by the Jews, at the moment…
Seems to me that this is simply groundwork to violate the 1st Amendment, and this ferret-faced fucking kike is well aware of it.
I pray every day for the horrible, drawn-out, and painful death for him and his entire family.
His name will be remembered on the day of the rope.
Let's make sure we close down the airports before the executions start.
White supremacism is a threat because BLM black supremacism has murdered numerous LEOs?
They are reaching levels of kvetching we've not seen before.
As OP, I have to point out that I have complained about bullshit like magical futuristic jewdar thread being pinned, and I also got banned for trying to bring attention to Israel's attempt to start World War III.
I was also banned a while ago for posting a thread telling people to discuss a strategy to redpill normie boomers to full 1488 on (((Breitbart))), since those people money, guns and influence, that would would 100% be a major boost to this movement.
I also had a thread long ago about the Awan congressional spy ring get anchored almost immediately after I posted it. People in the thread actually threatened me for posting it right before it got anchored, so I believe that was a mod threatening me.
I think there at least one mod here who deliberately tries to shutdown real discussion and real organization, and this mod or mods tries to keep bullshit/fantasy/meaningless shit the focus because it's harmless. Stuff like a magical Jew face detector? When we are slipping into Jew totalitarianism and Israel is starting WWIII RIGHT NOW? And our entire government is made up of traitors? And fucking jewdar is pinned? FUCK
Clearly, there is something something highly problematic with the selection process for "volunteers" by the board owner or whoever does the screening. This site is too important to allow traitors within to destroy it. I trust most people here are good guys. However, there is clearly at least one traitor mod/volunteer who needs to be liquidated himself. Good/important/timely threads do get pinned for the most part, but then you get complete bullshit distractions like "jewdar" when a very important, long-running "Israel is starting WWIII" thread was never pinned, at least not for a day or so. That's a big problem. Whoever that particular volunteer is, they need to be found and killed, period.
Another reminder that this thread is not pinned but the "jewdar" thread is, yet this thread goes to Holla Forums's very existence. I'm surprised this thread hasn't been anchored yet, like my old Awan thread, by whatever leftist authoritarian traitor enemy mod here wants to destroy pol.
Ok, thank you for your reply. And thank you for this thread and your knowledge, OP. This is a huge deal. If this passes, we are all facing deep trouble. I'm not surprised, though. Two or three years ago, I heard Howard Kurtz on Fox News say that there should be "no restrictions on the First Amendment at all, except for things like holohoax exposure," to paraphrase. Obviously, we knew that things like this were in their minds, but I was still taken aback hearing it on national TV like that from a supposed right-wing conservative, ha. Then yesterday, there was a link on Drudge Report from The Week, "Is America having second thoughts about Free Speech?" by Damon Linker. It isn't linked from Drudge anymore today, only on Sunday, even though the article came out on Tuesday. I guess the reason for this was maximum exposure on a Sunday. The idea of limiting and regulating free speech in America is very much out there, and now we have some trying to criminalize it. This is absolutely giant and a massive fight that we can rally normies to our side with, as the vast majority of Americans are for no limit on free speech. Whenever and wherever we can, we must use this to redpill. This may be a huge opportunity for us to spread the truth.
DC connected user here. This won't pass even out of the committee.
I know exactly what you mean. I don't want to hate anybody, I really don't, but there is no more appropriate emotion to feel towards those that are doing whatever in their power to destroy us in every way possible. Speaking for myself, I react. I don't preemptively strike as is projected on me. I'm sure many are exactly like me in this regard.
(((they))) are afraid because whites will do it much better.
When the Saxon began to hate.
I'm not talking about the jews dipshit. I'm talking about the idiots that are/have been buying into the jew crap. They still have a chance of education and that is what I was referring to.
That's because all they could do was monitor. Bills like this make it so they can gitmo instead of just look through your window and watch you change.
You got banned because you are a fucking sperg that won't try and fit in. You have an entire thread here not being deleted, stop being a little bitch and start acting like a fucking man for once.
Did you report the thread and request a sticky?
When you outlaw an ideology, you force that ideology towards violence as a means of survival.
Pass it, and watch the bloodshed
It'd be nice if this was true, if there was a large national level organization of White Supremacists and terrorists, conducting murderous reprisals every now and again, not giving a fuck if they face prison or death.
But there isn't.
All speech is free speech
Free speech is all speech
Or nothing.
This is supposed to be the American way. Hopefully we can use this to spread the truth to white normies that we are the heroes of this story (so to speak). Here's hoping.
of course, caveat being that the press, politicians, government, public officials, schools, ect. should be punished for malicious lying. And the lying kikes gotta go, 100%. But that is a slightly more advanced redpill
Russia is ran by Jews as well.
It irks me seeing these kikes wearing our colors as if they were one of us.
This is bigger than you, you fuck.
If you're the cockroach nobody who banned me, STICKY THIS FUCKING THREAD YOU PIECE OF SHIT
You are a stupid fuck.
Sticky this fucking thread. Your faggot jewdar bullshit is distraction. It is cockamimie fantasy bullshit when important things are happening right now.
This site has serious traitors within. You deserve a bullet. I would really love to have this interaction IRL with faggots like you.
Hey, you stupid cunt, I'm not a fucking mod.
I can see why you got your shit pushed in though. You shouldn't be here.
Been supporting the digging from the beginning, but the cunt wants to sperg on me because he doesn't know how to act right. THIS is why we want these cancerous reddit fucks to stay gone. They don't bring anything worthwhile but attention whoring drama.
The stickies have been a fucking joke for the last half a year or more. NOTHING important gets stickied, but if you have a shitty thread about the latest circus act in American politics, straight to the top my lad.
Does (((Schneider))) have (((social media)))? Would love to spam pic related and see if he responds.
So why keep attempting to slide it Levi?
And here we go again. Any time you attempt to call out the blatant subversion of this board from what it used to be to just another burger politics outlet and you get called a shill, this behaviour is repeated and suspicious as fuck. Just fuck off.
I agree with everything you said and that the essential redpill will take time for normies to accept. It's going to be difficult to erase a lifetime of lies presented as truth and facts, though it has happened for all of us, so it certainly can be done.
Teaching real history in schools would be a great start. Hopefully we'll get there and reverse the damage the kikes have done to our kids soon.
trump would most assuredly sign it because he is a kike puppet. open your fucking eyes user. or will you keep bending over telling yourself "he'll use lube this time"?
Go back to reddit.
I do, but I was banned for a week for suggesting it was gay and Zionist when we had Trump talking about how the Jerusalem shit was the peak of his first year as president.
I have an even better one, in fact, showing that in the US, latinos and leftists are head-and-shoulders above White-anythings in terms of terrorism contribution since the 1980s. But you don't get to have it, because the mods banned me for calling Trump a Zionist.
Really activates the almonds.
I have a simple fucking question, Holla Forums:
If those feral minorities can create police no-go zones, why the fuck cant we?????????????
Just imagine, a Holla Forums police no-go zone. Zero feral minorities, zero kike tricks, just a safe, clean and prosperous part of the city where you can raise your family in peace while being a small business owner. Right wing death squads patrolling the streets every now and then, helping grandmas cross the street, mortaring ZOG cops, sniping them, along with the undesirable degenerates, minorities and the jews.
Pretty sure white people from all over would be moving there in no time, even if white flight forces them in the only zone left, even if the zone is a neonazi skinhead hateful badword badword badword place, demonized by the leftist propaganda. Pretty sure they would drop the leftist brainwash on arrival too.
It's possible to some extent so long as you take over the local government/sheriff.
If not you get some nice Ruby Ridge treatment.
Take over through voting of course.
Wasnt waco just like 5 fighting men with small arms only? And Ruby just a single guy in a cabin?
I am talking about a Holla Forums police no-go zone. Just like in Europe cops cant handle a city block full of muslims, imagine a city block full of Holla Forumsacks, armed with snipers and mortars and anti-tank weapons.
Imagine a network of such places. Imagine a goon hq shitting itself because if they send their goons to one city block, the other one hits the depopulated hq.
Why can these goons do anything better than we can? Why cant we figure out artillery on our own? Why cant we manufacture rpgs? If feral minorities can just molotov cops all over Europe, why couldnt a Holla Forums militia organize itself, and produce arms for itself, and read the officer school literature much better than the goons can?
All diplomacy is backed by violence, all the laws are made trough violence, not ballot boxes or any other magical idols.
If you pick some sort of a off-the-grid, self sufficient cattle ranch or I dont know, something way under their radar, something they have no reason to investigate yet, and slowly build it up, set up vehicle barriers, howitzers and whatnot, get a decent population, have them all work or be somehow useful, pretty sure you could spread the truth unopposed. Even as if they try to shut it down, enough people would be exposed to all the books and videos and propaganda materials you could distribute to the population centers from there, without the fear of a knock on your door for hatespeech.
They'd have to mobilize armies, national guard, air force by that point. Which would only give legitimacy to what we are trying to say.
No one could ignore that race is real when the ZOG starts calling in whole mechanized and armored divisions just to shut it down.
Wont happen.
Muzzies and niggers don't care about going to prison. Whites are smart enough to figure out that it's a bad thing.
You have to work within the system if you're white. The cops harass any niggers/muzzies and make them feel unwelcome. Civilians and city council back up the cops.
Anything else and 1000 tacticool FBI/Swat rape your face.
In a few years the military will clean up the no-go zones in some EU countries Others will go full sharia and our children will roll in there to cleanse them.
Public opinion is what matters, not doing stupid illegal shit.
Well I gotta admit that lately I am really angry, and my prospects arent all that great either, and the idea of a last stand violent death appeals to me. These fucking kikes pozed the goons AND made biology, one of the more important sciences, censored and butchered and destroyed.
Nigger presidents, magic wall touching presidents, muslim mayors, anti-white/"hate" legislation, feral minorities, pretending race isnt real, trillions wasted in welfare, trillions wasted in holohoax type scams, fucking hell for how long???
This bill has been referred to the Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Sec and Investigations committee. I doubt it will make it out to see the House floor. At this stage it makes more sense to contact 9 republicans on the committee, rather than your own congressfag.
9 Tamarisk Ln
Deerfield, IL 60015-5075
(847) 374-0604 - Landline
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
Being that I have honorably served in the US military and regularly get called a White Supremacist by Jews that have never once sworn true loyalty to anyone other than themselves, I will ignore this rent-seeking kike on premise alone.
All this kike is doing is signaling to his cattle that he is a good boy and that he should get votes because he is such a good boy. This won't pass, as I stated previously. It is important, obviously, but the chances of it being passed are nil. It is blatant what the intent of this bill is, and the congressmen on the right, controlled opposition as they are, won't want their own side to lose. If this bill gets passed, every single republican congressman who voted for this will get sacrificed to the illegal lawnmowers.
What you going to send another dumb over Fed Jew to hammer a black frame together for that faggot Mark?
Stay mad moshe.
Have a fucking argument, you cocksucking hero worshipper.
Has anyone asked this faggot to back that claim up? It's pretty easy to provide solid evidence of BLM, antifa, and any given muslim group committing acts of violence and terrorism. I'd like to see this jug-eared, cross-eyed cuckold produce any evidence against "white supremacists".
But before that, I'd like him to identify who exactly is a white supremacist.
We don't bother with you kike fucks anymore. You know this moshe. Hence the IP hopping and constant raids, the constant kvetching about being banned, the constant slides, the constant "MUH POSTS", the constant shoving of mouthfuls of shit into your mouths as you vainly attempt to convince the others in the room they should part with their shekels for the fabulous "ice cream" you're eating as they give you a look of disgust and tell you to get the fuck OUT.
Not buying what you're selling jew.
He cites the ADL and SPLC of course.
tired of winning
They can’t produce real evidence. There is nothing they can do to anyone anymore that can’t be knocked out of court for being either under duress or from criminal conspiracy and racketeering. Literally nothing. Every second of audio and video from anyone that has ever been on any list anywhere is permanently stored by both the NSA and the other intelligence agencies. Even Snapchat recordings.
Everything from the coordinated gang-stalking to selling of location data and the recording of so called “compromised” people is a joke. None of it is even valid in court.
To the Jews a White Supremacist is any White that will not subjugate themselves to their will. Basically any person that won’t kneel down to them. They like to larping as this all powerful force and convince people that Satan is real. The things is, Satan doesn’t exist in the original texts. It was a Roman creation. They needed a boogeyman to haul out as a weapon.
It’s not real.
We're getting daily dumps of emails, messages, and other fuckery but it's really hard to see with your head in the sand. And of course jewish false dichotomy leaves only two option. He either goes full 1488 RWDS and starts gunning down dems and kikes in congress, or he was always a jewish subversive rat that is leading white people into the ovens and calling it a sauna.
It is a wonder their cries of not an argument can even make it past their cavernous noses. You would think it would lost in the echo.
Whelp, everyone may as well kill themselves, nothing happened in the last 30 seconds.
kill youself
This is actually a good sign. It means they acknowledge their hold over the goyim is slipping with their propaganda no longer being consumed (media approval ratings perception of it being fake news). Additionally, whenever a group is persecuted unjustly it creates martyrs and radicalizes the base.
This is why we have done nothing.
Fuck, I’m so mad at you that I messed up and posted YOUR PAID SHILL TALKING POINT instead of reality.
This is the best “argument" the_donald can come up with, folks.
t. Britcuck
t. D&C shill
You're either stupid as fuck or an enemy.
I don't give a fuck anymore. Anybody like you needs to be treated as an enemy and shot. It's time for the purge.
Awesome. Good stuff here.
He must. They all do. Spam the shit out of him.
This will cause the white people to become angry lone wolf warriors. I don't think the jews understand the white people mentality.
I'm OP. I got banned for telling the mods they are faggots for not stickying this thread (now stickied, obviously).
You did fantastic work here, and you're spot on. Thanks.
[sunglasses] When you completely ignore the reasons you got elected and just call everyone antisemetic and create a bigger police state with weasely worded legislation [thumbs up]
Still isn't working yid.
Thanks. I'm OP and got banned for telling the mods they are fucking nigger cockroach pieces of shit for not stickying this thread while they stickied ludicrous jewdar fantasy thread. No matter. I appreciate the assist here.
OP here. This is right on and devastating. But this is exactly where it's going. This shit has to stop by any means necessary.
You should pray it wont if you are what you claim. Most here react because they fear losing what little camaraderie they have left in this world that exists here. Some here simply see it as the last line which holds back what is ready to go. If we are to be terrorists. Then by the fucking gods, we will be Vlad the damned impaler levels of terror. What use civilization which only looks to destroy our volk, what loyalty and kindness should any gift the huddled and cowed masses whom roll over for the weak excuses of leadership displayed now.
This frees us. Every ABC faggot watching right now, every zogbot, every cop, should think about that long and hard. With this we become free. This is the wall. There is nothing left to fear, for death and worse comes for us no matter what happens after this, so what comes for you?
The fact it was even introduced and is being taken seriously is an act of war. If it gets passed, well
And yet you won’t do a goddamn thing when it passes. You’ll just accept it, like all the other treasonous, openly genocidal “laws” from the last century.
Why aren’t you fucking doing your job, traitor?
happy to help
shall we lads??
call each number and see if we get a response
I'm OP. I pay attention to things.
I guess we'll have to see if huwhites grow a nutsack or not, won't we…you too
They won’t. A century has passed. No one has done anything.
I vote yes. For your own good, employ opsec keeping in mind how the current power dynamic works. Kikes like this one have all the resources on their side. Power hungry faggots like this kike will do anything. So, fuck them up, but keep in mind how they operate.
What we truly need is a giant, brutal war. Total bloodshed. I don't see any other way.
Dont mind him. Shitskinns always thinks white men bluff, its what they do themselves. They only know how to attack when with overwhelming force, and use intimidation otherwise. And run when that fails. Nothing else is in their ability to comprehend. All shitskinns are stuck in that ignorant short sighted view of the world, their brains cannot understand and never will the view we have.
But whites are not that way. Whites do things, differently. There are reasons whites have thruout history culled their own cowards whom act the way shitskinns do. Let this pass. Lets see what the world is made of.
It's truly up to us to fix this. The boomers are completely brainwashed and too prosperous to fight. It's on us, and we're at a turning point.
Does this mean I won't be allowed to fly on airplanes anymore?
It's understandable to be depressed at how idiotic prior generations have (apparently) been and how they've (apparently) been weak. I forgive them, because Jews are predators who preyed on their ignorance.
The internet has broken Jew information control, so we have no excuse. Our generation can beat Jew/shitskin cancer, completely, I think, but it will take actual war.
I get it.
I'd say we may need to mobilize and need people with furious hate as soldiers. I feel it, too. Hold off on the last stand death for the time being. Don't throw it all away. Not just yet. Plenty of like-minded people out there.
My friends keep telling me that the country won't fall apart for at least another 20 years. I think they are dead wrong, we don't even have ten.
Checked. This is beautiful.
If that
Nice LARP..
Take a breath and focus your hate.
There is never a need to kill randoms
The target priority is command and control then propaganda.
Study Oklahoman City and how he got caught. Not many know but some got away.
It is easier to park behind a building then fight 5 guards.
It isn't time to jump yet.
Don't really do violence though it's bad.
Thanks for asserting something that no one questioned. That’s not what he said. Read the post again.
call him
the more the merrier
Which means nothing. It's already too late to stop us if we are bandied by the younger generation as edgy. They would be fighting a hydra. And they know this. This is a last ditch effort fear tactic that will backfire and make us more powerful. Their fear will spur on more rebellion. I can think of nothing more glorious than being a victimless martyr, it would highlight the absolute failure of these people and similar events can be seen everywhere in history where the 'ruling class' has lost control.
was saying six years, last year
This is likely simply another play to get a bill through congress that President Trump has to not sign, giving the media more (pathetic) ammo that he's a white supremacist supporter.
Slow down there, schlomo
The country fell apart decades ago. Don't long for what can never be - we need to create the nation we want to live in ourselves - or waste away, just like the founding fathers.
It always makes me laugh when Liberalists assume that when we talk about the "Ethnostate" we mean a continuation of today makes up the US and not a break up of the US into several smaller countries. The reason they can't conceive of this - and want to supplant on us this motivation of total control, is because they're terrified of the idea that we might not want all of the US - but have more realistic goals of separate sovereign states one being for our people alone. Because if they were to humour that idea - our ambitions don't seem so ridiculous anymore and that scares them more than anything else. An enemy with realistic goals.
You're not shaving off or dividing any pieces of our country, kike.
A few states peacefully seceding like a Brexit–maybe starting with a referendum–seems like a very good way to bring the idea of a white ethnostate in the Overton window. We have to start somewhere.
Bolshevism STARTED in Russia you stupid fuck. The entire Bolshevik movement started there with Jews. On top of that Putin sucks Jewish cock on a regular basis.
Tell me this guy dosen't eat babies.
Shut up faggot
Good fucking God he looks so vile. Remove it's head and throw it and the rest of his body in a burn pit and throw holy water on its evil ashes
I just don't see why we should give the nonwhites a single scrap of land. It was 92% white once and it will be 100% in the future once we are done. That and forming breakaway states just feels like more white flight. Stop running and fight like your life depends on it.
Okay what does that mean? I am not into this frog game bullshit, I didn’t grow up reading esoteric books. That was my mother. I grew up reading actual philosophy.
Post count
I have more than one in this thread. What’s that supposed to mean?
That you're a mobilefag
Well I am glad you see fit to judge my choice of devices. You’re not me, would you like to trade statuses with me? I will gladly let you be Kek for a week.
Then grow yourselves a politician who will take out his balls and root for you. Stop waiting for the next television star to show up and woo you.
Europoor here: we see the same shit happening in Germany. You are passive and supine, of course they walk all over you. Outside of this board, you are meek little mousies. Either build something real in the political arena or accept that the internet is just a release valve for the conquered.
To keep you occupied while nothing of value is happening. The swamp is still there and the media keep smearing the president with accusations of treason. It doesn't matter what you think is the ultimate winner of all the bruhaha, real victory is achieved when the opponent can no longer fire a shot.
biased mods ban anyone saying the truth again for "chronic shitposting" when it's clear the problem is "CHRONIC SHIT GOVERNING" because lets face it if Trump was governing properly the faggot government agent that is moderating this board wouldn't have a job if Trump was doing his job. That's why he has to hire the shill that is moderating this forum in the forst place.
Why do you keep outing yourself so easily, (((agitator)))?
If Holla Forums was a village in real life, you would have been lynched and torn to bloody shreds long ago.
There's no reason. It's all aut-right cucks and leftist brainlets with a completely wrong view of what is going on and what needs to happen that are disagreeing with the notion. Dumb faggots like Sarg'in and Styx that think we owe non-whites a place just because some yid brought them here.
Is this kike saying that groups that start shit on daily basis and Antifa, mudshits and BLM/Niggers aren't?
Yeah seems legit. This bill is based on bullshit feels instead of concrete facts.
They are working for mysticism, not nature and reality.
You got quiet with that suggestion. Wonder why.
Here’s the thing, a nice member of a great group of people thought I was a piece of shit racist/White Supremacist. I don’t even know what these terms actually mean as no one will give me a real answer. Some Jews told lies about me and got an entire city to come after me. They destroyed my desktop, and fuck with my laptop every time I try to reinstall the OS it had on it. Quoting some shitty meme of mockery I made years ago about using Android devices and Apple devices. So I am stuck with an OS I paid for that is no longer good thanks to the way Microsoft does their licensing and nothing but unsecured devices that shitty people seem to think it funny to attack me through constantly.
I own these devices, I own the service I use them through, I even own shares in the company that I buy the service from and the company that owns the land the tower is on.
I own all of these parts and the fags are still attacking me through these devices breaking their own rules.
I don’t think I will get a real reply from anyone because you all think this shit is funny because I left a bar white and a cheating exwife and my real father is a piece of shit. You know, the odds of it being me are very slim considering I haven’t committed anything near what is being done to me.
The police love this because you fags are literally giving the mob and police dirt on you.
Correction she was a bar girl.
All I was after was a date with a nice white girl.
The fuck are you on about?
That’s your reply red? Is that it? I thought I was supposed to be scared of you. Seems you’re the scared one here.
I next a city controlled by Jews, gangs and illegals.
user, you're crazy
what's going on here, and "hate speech" laws, are the biggest threat to us right now. they are going to use the police and federal forces as tools for what they want against us. honestly if this goes through and 'hate speech' gets far enough this could be the thing that ends us forever until the deracination process pulls us to 30% white.
if this bill passes it's one step closer to a literal civil war being necessary to stop this process of european ethnocide in North American continent
Do you claim that all murders commited in USA are terrorist acts?
How long do we need to lump in zionism and israel with white supremacy? We got lots of kangz and muslims to help us.
Hate speech laws were already ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, but this is definitely a threat and I'm sure they want to find a way around the SC ruling.
I think this is trump’s plan to boost our board PPH and UID back up. He wants us to have new clumsy shills.
You can only kick a dog so many times until it bites you. The kikes know their plan for America will inevitably lead to Americans hanging them in the public square. So bills like this are to neuter patriots before that time comes. 4d chess brah
double dubs checked and keked
Does this mean trump is giving pol gibs.
They are going to make the white people angry because they will be branded as the domestic terrorists for simply saying that they are not ashamed of their white skin. I hope this law get strike down for being unconstitutional.
Bulging pedo eye. Imagine what he has to hide.
There hasn't been a constitution in a while. Whites are done without a massive war.
>This shit has to stop by any means necessary
Oy vey just a coincidence
filthy, vile creature.
lynching when?
death squads when?
This is an attempt to make free speech, a right, into worse than a criminal act, terrorism which is in effect an act of war.
Fucking jews man, only they would be able to do research that shows that children are capable of basic moral reasoning and twist that into saying they can get railed by (((film directors))) and (((bankers))).
can't wait to start lynching these disgusting freaks in the middle of the streets.
Literally nothing. Even with the RINOs, both houses are Republican. Let's say that the bill passes both houses (even though it won't pass one) and winds up on the President's desk. No way in Hell Trump signs off on it. Back to the Congress. No possible way they could override his veto with a super-majority. Let's say they do, though. It would immediately go to the SCOTUS, which is Republican-stacked. Unconstitutional. Done and done.
Yeah, controlled opposition is a problem, but not this big of a problem. Even the normies see the problem for this one. If you start writing your Congressmen, if they happen to be RINO's or Democrats, then they will really have a list of "white supremacists" without needing surveillance.
Sometimes the only way to win is to not play.
You copied and pasted that before and no one believed you then, either.
Turn out the lights.
Your trips confirm.
Something like the SA in Germany is called for to drag people out and hang people en masse.
People in the army and marines should pick a side. Any cops out there, too. Anybody and everybody on our side who's armed and trained, as well as armed civilians who can function physically and are willing to learn tactics, need to organize now.
At some point very soon because of kikery (if they don't slip something like this legislation through, it will be any number of other things, and they already have control anyway), it won't even be possible to organize because they completely monitor and control all communication. This takes systematic effort, and time is a factor because of how soon they may be able to, in effect, shut any organization down, so an effort to create a massive SA to drag people out has to be in the works.
Eat shit motherfucker
This "24 7 365 monitoring" happened to me in the early days of the Patriot Act when all the newly-cooperating agencies were obsessively bold and reckless. "Fuck you, we're watching everything you do." Doesn't matter you're not up to illegal activity.
It wears on you over time. Can't give details without leaving PII. Someday I may write about it, but now is not the time.
After reading some comments of anons and a little personal research it seems like this bill is unlikely to pass.
I think we should push the idea that government surveillance is the major issue.
I'm having trouble coming up with ideas to convince regular people that this bill is bad. It's bad for us(obviously) but most people buy the evil nazi narrative and would support this. thoughts?
It means you should lurk more.
You should leave and never return. Perhaps reddit will care about your psychosis.
Do you claim to be able to read English Schlomo? Holy fuck, they running out of coherent JIDF in pissrael?
This is cute. You think you get to be the 'good goy' in this battle. Hitler tried that path, his nation, his people, everything he fought for was lost because of it. Your enemy holds no honor. Those whom support them by not destroying them, are not worth anything approaching empathy. Empathy can only be for the men whom you fight with, and their kin.
For one hundred years, likely more, we have redrawn our redlines in the sand over and over. As our enemies take steps over your new line, you and people like you back up and draw another. Wake up or you will die. This isn't an game. No matter how much you think the comment is an larp, that is your own cowardice talking, your own fear.
No, it means we are continuing our RWDS training program kike.
Call your representative. Verbal memes, plant them in your representatives.
First, come up with some sane talking points about the disparity in per-capita violence between Black youfs/gangs, Mexican gangs, Jihadis, etc. vs. so-called neo nazi White Supremacists. Dig into all these so-called White Supremacist terrorist acts (some are simply domestic violence), etc. My point is, do a reasonable amount of homework to build a concise few phrases, then call your representative. Verbal memes, spread them here, plant them in your representatives.
This actually makes a difference (from what I hear and I speak to a fair number of Washington insiders).
We'll also see a spate of entrapped young idiots who are led through a plot by FBI UCE's, like nearly all the Domestic Jihadi plots that were 'foiled' by the FBI after 9/11.
Then people will say it's real, more funding for fake plots, ad infinitum.
Bomb the …
They don't have enough men to enforce this shit. Like 10% of the country can be labeled "white supremacist" Nobody is going to risk their entire society for some kike pipe dream of labeling any dissenter "terrorist" and if they do, then their institutions of power and their families will be hunted down and destroyed.
Better bone up on out military material, the Kikes want a fight
Conflict Readiness For Whites
Lol their couple thousand non combat trained spooks wont do anything. There's only so far they can push their pathetic dogs until they start biting the hand that feeds them for absurd orders.
We already would have no idea if these things were happening RIGHT NOW. I've wondered before if posters here or elsewhere came up missing or dead, who would notice? Their families? The government/DeepState would be able to calculate if a person would be missed just by his electronic data. We already know the government/DeepState has absolutely no rules or oversight to prevent them from doing anything they want and Trump is most likely a red herring for White folks.
They are still just people, they die from bullets. They feel pain and can be tortured and mutilated.
Stop building them up as anything more than people with good tech. They can be overrun, and their armies and spooks have been thwarted in the past by clever rebels.
At no time in the past has the current level of control ever been tested, much less beaten.
True, but we still need basic preparation for the future conflicts
Take the time to download it all, you will not be disappointed!!!.
Good place for intro/basics
This needs to get going. It can be done. It has to be done intelligently and with plenty of inside help. Recruit, organize, and train.
We should be prepared, however we should never hit first. Our intent is to establish order, being chaotic siege fags will only prove their rhetoric about us.
There is a time and a place for action, there is a time and a place for restraint. Simply stated, use your best judgment, and be prepared. GET PREPARED NOW.
Shits about to get real. They are being more and more obvious about their hatred for whites. People are gonna notice, and its going to come to a point of kill or be killed. *shakes head in disgust and goes back to cleaning sturmgewher*
Wasn't that a mentally ill bernout?
Self defense is terrorism. Thank Chaim
Stormfront is still around, be sure to also post your concerns there, and share these links too please.
Conflict Readiness For Whites
Luckily where im from, basic combat and survival skills are still common knowledge for most white men.
Wasted dubs on a kike. Pity.
There hasnt been anything worth noticing until recently. Whites could ignore everyone else and live happily.
I overhear more racial concerns from whites every week. Youll see.
Because the ones in control don't care about those other no-go zones in the slightest. Fuck me if they aren't creating them to chase out Whites.
ZOG is nervous about the white in the armed forces. what page are we on in the Turner Diaries?
GOOD!!! You will need them.
Conflict Readiness for Whites.pdf
anyone call him yet?
Maybe I'm maladjusted, but my main takeaway from this is that (((they))) are shit-your-pants terrified and it fills me with demoniac glee.
But how does he define white supremacism?
I'm guessing it's a contradictory word salad that boils down to "any white that isn't a cuck".
Fetal alcohol syndrome? He was in AIPAC. . .
Jews are getting more terrified. It's nice to see them their knee wobbling.
So what's the backup plan? Holla Forums will be made illegal by the bill. Any thoughts?
Given the amount of crime in the US these 'stats' don't amount to anything.
That's 68 people in 17 years. Thats about how many people are killed in Cimpcongo every weekend.
Almost certainly a false flag, but why are your kikes trying to pass laws in your country based on things that happen in other countries?
Just random acts. No word on who did it, or why. Just blame those ebil neon notsees.
One dead nigger is terrorism… ALLEGEDLY done by a white supreeeeemist.
This is backed up by the lack of reporting by the MSM kikes of anti-white hate crimes and other non-white misgivings. This is fuelled primarily by propaganda, the changing of definitions and loaded shitlib terms.
But practically, what do we do if the bill goes through? Holla Forums will vanish, and there's a tendency for people to be unable to find in each other brotherhood…
Which is why you need to find Jew-Wise-Whites irl asap. It doesn't matter if you do through here or some group because places like this will be forced further underground with time.
I'm afraid it's a lot worse than a case of fetal alcohol syndrome, he's Jewish.
This guy is also a gun grabber.
ADL recently came out with an ad for their "Online Hate Index" which names various subreddits by "Hate" content. The Second Amendment group "Guns are Cool" made the list as a major area for Hate Speech™
Passage of this bill would give them the precedent they need to utterly demolish the constitution and outlaw everything in pic related.
I can't see it passing, but we should make sure everyone on this ADL "Hate" list knows about this. Specifically:
-1st Amendment Groups
-2nd Amendment Groups
-White Rights Groups
-Men Rights Groups
-Pro-Police Groups
-Pro-Republican party Groups
-Conspiracy Groups
-9/11 Truth Groups
There is no underground.
Are you retarded?
There is no underground. Fact.
This is what I was thinking. I don't know about the rest of these faggots, but I was a Marine 03. I guarantee that I am better at field grade murder than some faggot who believes in muh huwite supreeeemists.
Come fucking try it, traitor scum. Everyone who supports genocide and calling anyone you don't like terrorists DESERVES the most painful death imaginable.
And when we are done we will glass Tel Aviv. I will leave not one of you alive if you start in.
Nigger, I could have killed anyone in my whole fucking battalion easily. You had best think twice. We also have better discernment than you shills desperate to create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If there is to be a bloody revolution, God forbid, then you will need power beyond simple guns and bullets to defeat the enemy.
I think they should treat Holla Forums more like the never ending "Middle East" of the web.They will just crate and shutdown their own Chans and Holla Forums just like they do with other "terrorists"
Which do you think has more guys percentage wise who could potentially be our guys in the event of a big reckoning against zog–marines or army?
I feel like maybe our guys should pick a service and join en masse. Nothing overt (obviously) but just to have enough insider presence necessary to finally rise up against kike machine authoritarianism, which is apparently about to completely take over this country
Sometimes you will have to flee a country after the ZOG communists crushes it }:-)
Sailing-Nautical Files zip 415.99MB
What is a cosponsored bill?
Why not use a search engine and figure it out yourself rather than posting animal porn? Fucking global report.
Same guy as here. Second question is, is it realistic to expect in the probable time frame that enough of our guys could join army and marines to make a difference with whoever is already there? And then the previous question,which would have more of our guys, marines or army
Man imagine that, it'd be like every move they made brought them closer to their demise
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
White Nationalism/Alt-Right is a Controlled Opposition Jewish psych-op whose sole purpose is to leave Whites defenseless as they slowly murder us.
Elaborate for once, faggot spammer
explain it
It's very simple, ask people to define what is the legal definition of a right-wing extremist, there is none, this overreaching bullshit can and WILL be used to target anyone.
Nobody wants to hear this shit. Don't encourage distraction from the focus. Idle debate about anything is worthless now when time is a factor.
Why so mad? Your lobbyist isn't paying you well enough?
You're right, I will ignore this fag and never again try to engage him. Most likely he's an Israeli bot
Who is that faggot anyway?
Where he's doing shit?
Sure thing, but who is the retarded that paid that faggot's campaign?
Top contributors to Brad Schneider's campaign committee
Damn, thats a cheap whore, his highest contributor only gave him 34k, and it was a shady money laundry company.
Let's see the second one.
Another shady company with a rich person to use as a pawn.
Can't find any usefull information on that, but I think its democrat's favorite way of washing money.
Another scheme to get money for the campaign.
Another fucking shady law firm that probably washes money for who knows who.
Also, in 2012 to 2013, he had a net worth gain of 13%.
Based on congressional financial disclosure forms and calculations made available by OpenSecrets.org, Schneider's net worth as of 2012 was estimated between $10,026,703 and $33,006,000. That averages to $21,516,351.50, which is higher than the average net worth of Democratic representatives in 2012 of $5,700,168.36. Schneider ranked as the 29th most wealthy representative in 2012.[76] Between 2011 and 2012, Schenider's calculated net worth[77] increased by an average of 13 percent per year. Between 2004 and 2012, the average annual percentage increase for a member of Congress was 15.4 percent.[78]
And what were the shady companies that helped him climb that ladder of success?
Because, nigga, if you make your networth grow 13% in a fucking year you gotta be a fucking genius.
Mesirow Financial Holdings $33,333
Henry Crown & Co $25,850
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $21,196
DLA Piper $20,548
Underground Devices $15,000
Again that shady company that likes to wash money.
Again, that shady money laundry company.
Some democratic party proxy for money laundry.
This one is my favorite. Just check it out: DLA Piper (previously DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary) is a global law firm which operates in 30 countries in Asia, Europe and the U.S. It is a business law firm of over 975 lawyers. It is focused as a practice on litigation, real estate, business, technology, government affairs and international commerce.
The government of Afghanistan [1] (PDF file)
The government of Turkey [2]
Daaaaamn, those guys also work for those government, and YET THEY FINANCE YOUR REPRESENTATIVES.
Not just that, they have financed that candidate in 2012, WHEN HE HAD A CAPITAL GAIN OF 13% OF HIS NETWORTH.
And the last one:
Underground Devices manufactures duct spacers and bore spacers for underground encasement of conduit and nonmetallic cable racking for use in power and communications manh.
They build pipelines, for fuck sake.
What a fucking joke. You guys can't even do the dox right.
One more question (in addition to my other questions and – i think this topic sort of has to be discussed at some point in light of the clear intent of legislation like this and where this is all is going–total shutdown of all discussion/stuff like pol–and it's hard to talk in real life with people about stuff like unrest or war in the US, which seems to be what's coming)
As a non-military person, it looks like the main advantage of the US is very advanced tech allowing for stuff like quick drone strikes right after some signal emission, for example, from maybe a phone or radio or whatever, and that's a big danger for any guerrilla resistance type strategy. Would it be feasible to have people with technical know-how disrupt things like targeting systems/signal interception systems that are the basis for stuff like drone/air strikes (or maybe disrupt the targeting systems drones use, etc). Or can this be done just by using other clever means that do not require technical know of the systems themselves? This is assuming an overall strategy would be a bleed-out, Mujahadeen or Vietnam-style war employing harsh terrain (say in the west/mountains) and natives/local population, with all the tried and true bleed-out war guerrilla tactics. Just bleed out the enemy slowly to force a negotiation.
This goes to my questions above about which service is good, so this is a corollary, namely, how much focus does there need to be getting experts in comms, targeting, signal interception, etc.–things that they use to target guerrilla campaigns, and then which services/positions are best for those.
The reason this probably has to be discussed now is, once the kikes shut down all discussions (by law or just de facto) say, on a site like pol, that's really it. Current internet resources have to be assumed to disappear at that point, so whatever theoretical preparation for conflict would need to happen now. This is all theory and parody, obviously, and as noted I do not support, condone, or advocate anything illegal. I am 100% a pacifist, and everybody here should be a pacifist as well.
Don't you like trains?
Damn stupid americans and its fragile democracy.
The FBI guy just posted some random "HURR HOW TO MAKE BOMB" thing just to take the thread down. Why?
Check these posts.
So. The system is corrupted and the people is retarded. FFS, don't you think this is a simulation? The people can't be that stupid.
The primary mission of government propaganda is to instill fear of government infiltration.
You are playing into their hands, or you are one of them. In both cases, fuck you.
It's too late for your government bullshit because they are trying to fuck us hard. You've made it too obvious.
The "CIA Guerrilla Warfare Manual" re Nicaragua on that site is fascinating, by the way. These niggers need to be studied and all tactics used against them except en masse and in America. All parody here, obviously. Pacifist.
I wonder if anybody called him yet. I think most do not have good enough op sec to mass call some kike where it's the same kike trying to crack down on whites. Very high degree of op sec necessary.
This is the basic problem is the power balance gets so asymmetrical between tyrannical white genociders and whites, at some point, there is effectively no way to fight back at all. This legislation is yet another step. Whether it passes or not, it moves the Overton window. That means time is a major factor before the asymmetry of power/force can only get massively worse while the white genocide becomes increasingly likely.
And I'm sure NONE of those were CAIR sand-niggers false-flagging. How many "three white men wearing trump hats and screaming 'USA! USA!' assaulted me and tried to take muh trashbag!" stories have been proven to be falsifications?
Heil Hitler dubs! Whites must fight massive war to literally exist.
Trips checked. The Lynchings will rise again.
Middubs goes all the way: exterminate all enemies
Double dubs confirm Conflict Readiness for Whites
Devil dubs blasphemes HR4918 letter bullets are mis-attributed or outright lies
Dually dubs confirm explosives a necessary accessory
Chek em tridubs. White Holla Forumsacks must read ZOG Oppression Guide
Divinedubs confirm sailing will be an existential necessity
wget –limit-rate=10000K –level=1 -rkpEH –domains=,media.8ch.net,archive.is,8ch.net/player -U Mozilla
The fed recoils in pain as he attacks.
toppest kek
You aren't from around here are you. Only two people out of all of the people you quoted got dubs. Door is over there, take your fed PDF's with you.
I made this thread ( and got banned).
I support all participation including feds, as long as they reveal information. This is a pacifist forum, anyway.
By the way, it seems they are trying false flags to push this jew legislation. Maybe now is a good time to gain 2nd Amdt capabilities and begin organizing and training. All for fun and all parody here.
I made the thread, jackass.
I am not the person who posted the PDFs, but at some point, I do think information like this needs to be applied. It's cowards like you who instill fear in everyone of fed presence that stop any real movement from happening. What they're about to do, especially with these ridiculous false flags, is try to completely stop any and all communication online like pol. Time is a factor.
Stop instilling fear of feds. that's actually a fed tactic. In my view, who gives a fuck who's a fed, because this movement is going nowhere anyway unless serious attention to organization and arming, training and preparation, is made. All parody here obviously.
I guess, in sum, who gives a shit who's a fed. They are about to completely fuck whites up the ass with this kind of legislation. If not this, then something else. Time is a factor. Take your little bullshit "omg feds everywhere" fear mongering elsewhere. It's tiresome.
I guess you don't know what the FEMA Camps are for, then don't 'ya?
Go away ATF, thank you.
Florida's 23rd congressional district is an electoral district for the U.S. Congress, located outside Miami, Florida. The district stretches from Weston to the City of Miami Beach.[5][6]
In 2016, it covers parts of Broward and Miami-Dade,[7] including Miami Beach.[8] From 2003 to 2012, the former 23rd district consisted of a major part of Broward County and parts of Palm Beach county. The district included Pompano Beach, Boynton Beach and Belle Glade.
The district is currently represented by Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
I'm the poor schmuck posting the PDFs!!!
Yell at me please!!!
Now study your enemy, who is in a revolutionary war against Holla Forums and White Americans, constant pyops every day!!!
I must be too White and right for even Stormfront to post my stuff!!!
You all need an education here so that people on Holla Forums can have intelligent discussions about their common enemy:
No. I literally made the thread. I saw some article linked on Zerohedge and started researching on the house website.
I got banned because I complained to the mods that they stickied ridiculous fantasy bullshit like jewdar, but a thread about very meaningful legislation that could definitely be used to target Holla Forums wasn't stickied.
Actually, one of the main functions of federal bureaucrats who do psy ops online is the old COINTELPRO technique of constantly accusing everyone of being a fed. The idea is to spread fear of feds to discourage organization. It's a very old tactic.
THE PRECISE POINT of this thread is to say there is no point in being afraid anymore because they're going to fuck us. They completely plan to fuck whites. It's truly white genocide planned and executed from teh highest levels using trick fuck language in legislation.
THEREFORE, whites have nothing to lose at this point, and time is a factor. WE HAVE TO ORGANIZE (peacefully) and we have to think (peacefully and theoretically) about what would it take from a military/strategic perspective IF somehow (in theory) it came to that. ALL PEACEFULLY.
Therefore, take your "ur a fed no UR THE FED" bullshit elsewhere. I don't give a goddamn who's a fed and don't want to hear it . It's too late for that shit. This draft legislation proves it–that was the point of this thread.
Whites: wake up. Network very carefully. Think through, very realistically, what it takes to organize. Prepare your mind and body. This is very important. They are 100% going to try to shut all communication down. This is a critical point we're at.
if anyone calls brad Schneider, record it on vocaroo and post it here
Obviously we newbies thrust into this war are dealing with way brainier veterans at The Agency who are working overtime to implement their New World Order. Soldiers and keyboard warriors in this fight must have NO FEAR of the enemy, or else you are useless in the fight. But rest assured, the Feds ALWAYS have some wicked trick up their sleeves, because they are in consultation with the communist takeover masters, the Jesuits. Hell, I almost went to Federal Prison last summer, were it not for the blessings of God's answered prayer that I'm still a free man today even now!
And this is probably the number one reason that keeps most White people out of the fight to preserve their heritage and numbers on earth, preoccupation with pussy.
Imagine being a typical lefty FBI agent and your 9-5 job is to read pol threads. You keep seeing statistics cited and reasonable arguments made - I mean sure, there's also the references to DOTR and whatever (which you dutifully make note of) - but you also are subject to the constant stream of arguments that you have no way of refuting, because they're true.
What this is, is just a continual clamp down against the "political opposition" and civil liberties such as gun ownership, which I can see will result eventually in a military crackdown against "political dissidents" in years to come. The FEMA Camps are to this very day fully staffed and are awaiting some national emergency to install a FEMA Provisional Government, under which the round-ups will commence. It has happened before, it will happen again. Who will just sit there with their thumbs up their butts while friends and neighbors are rounded up and guns are being confiscated by troops and police going door to door? Are we still in Land of the Free? And the Home of the Brave? Or just a bunch of cowards and pussies nowadays?
Go back to israel you kike shill
But we already know this and are already armed nsa-kun.
this isnt 4chan.
look for feet
It's not that, they just don't want trump to be allowed to do anything happy and successful, like cooperating with Russia.
These are the people that get "elected". Kill all politicians. I don't care if I'm called an anarchist for saying that, but kill the fuck out of them. All they do is fuck up. Drain the swamp? NUKE THE SWAMP!
Well… see you in Gitmo fellow "white supremacists"
The point isn't to die, it is to kill them.
Here is a sample of may cooking if you have an interest in chemistry. pastebin.com
We get racist White Supremacy Frog Pepe to make the Jew name the Jew.
If the Jews controlled the world, they wouldn’t have to hide that they are Jews.
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize - Voltaire
I can criticize whomever I wish, and I constantly do so.
You miss the point and scope of that statement, "allowed" as in without recourse, name the jew on a major social media site and watch how absurdly fast you have action taken against you. Do it enough to become prominently recognized, even to a smaller audience and you could make the ADL shitlist.
This is clearly anti-white, malicious prosecution. Schneider et.al. should be expelled from Congress.
Religion of Cuck™, Communism, and apparently Jews like Schneider (and his like minded bill supporters) are the true terrorists and enemies of this country.
LMAO! I name the Jew whenever I want. What are they going to do? I am not scared of anyone.
Also, I know for a fact I am already on an ADL list, pretty sure I made thei lists back in the early 2000’s when I was trolling a retired IDF Colonel on a forum.
Thinking about it, I don’t think there is an agency in the world who doesn’t have a file on me already. 100% serious, no homo.
Well it's not like they have the facilities out in Utah (and all the others we're unaware of) to literally log all of the internet or something. Enjoy getting Shoah'd, I know I have the few times I've let knowledge slip even unknowingly so, it's basically what finally redpilled me to the truth of everything we talk about on here and other boards.
Because they don't care about our lives, they want to kill us dead. 4th gen styled warfare is predicated on the basis that they cannot annihilate you. As for mass movements? They have been preparing to fight vanguardist mass movements the moment ww2 ended. It is their specialty. Such movements would be riddled with controlled op like swiss cheese. The only people you can trust are people in your own personal lives that you know intimately. With a sizable mannerbund you could shutdown everything though. Through a considered approach you could target infrastructure and bring everything to a halt. You could make your assault on the sick fucks like the black guelephs then since they would be vulnerable. Of course there would be a need to set up your own infrastructure that works in a total infrastructure blackout and means to communicate&coordinate with other cells.
The backups are stored in Australia. However with IS laws regarding US military and intelligence facilities, they are legally within US territory, and thus fall under FOIA as well.
Actually, I believe they think they will get away with it. They have every worldly apparatus already firmly under their thumbs, and the only blockade they have here – The Founding Documents – stopping them from turning the whole country into Londanistan 2.0 they've been eroding for over a century now, but since the reign of the evil FDR even that they feel confident about now. I'm sure they are surprised we haven't caved to them lock, stock and barrel yet as has the UK Germany, France, and most of the EU for example.
The independence of White Americans has proven to be a tough nut for them to crack. But they believe it's only a matter of time, and frankly the evidence is on their side.
And what reason would they have to not think that? No one is doing a goddamn thing to stop them, and no one has in an entire century.
You're framing your post as if you're debating me, but I'm assuming you more or less agree with me on the fundamental point I was making.
In the natural things certainly seem to be on the side of the (((enemies))) of the US. However one thing these globalists dancing like puppets for their ultimate father Satan always conveniently forget about is that God – not their father – rules in the affairs of man. This nation will go down when and only when He allows it. Until then they can throw every ounce of jewgold, people, energy and every other worldly resource imaginable trying to destroy the US, and God will merely laugh them into derision.
The "agreeing with you" part of it was probably throwing you off, yeah.
You're fucking delusional and have no argument whatsoever. Jews have already won, period. You will do nothing to stop them.
He's being foolish but your defeatism isn't going to stop us, kike.
Ah shit! As if things couldn't get any worse.
Kikes nuked the bunker last time I checked, so that isn't even an option now.
Blow your fucking brains out, you cocksucking faggot. We don't want your Q-hoax spam here. Go back to reddit and suck their cocks.
Reported. Kill yourself. Every word I said is true.
No, it was your aggressive, in-your-face tone shot back at me. You're sarcasm is now making me think you actually are heh. And no, the fat lady hasn't sung yet, nor has the curtain fallen on this country.
I don't believe I'm being foolish user, in fact it's literally the only wise viewpoint available to us atp. If God Himself doesn't stop the enemies of this country trying to turn this place into Londanistan 2.0, then no one else will be able to. user above is right in that case.
Explain the ways in which it is not over. 100 years have passed. People let it all happen. It's over. You have no argument and no substantiation for any of your claims.
Not seeing a lot of your substantiations either friend. The very fact we still bear arms is one solid indicator this country isn't washed up just yet. There are many other indicators as well, but that's a very clear cut one.
As I implied in my original post ITT, that curtain may fall – but only when God decides it.
Reported. It's your claim. You have to prove it. Get the fuck off our website if you don't comprehend how this works. YOU made the claim. Either post evidence or be called the shill you are. 100 years. Show me one time in the last 100 years that anyone stopped the jew from doing anything. That anyone even complained about it. That anyone fought back in any capacity, successful or not. Eat shit and die. America was lost in 1913.
Dial down your autism sperglord. Giving (you) advanced notice that we're going to get shilled here beyond anything we've EVER seen isn't the same as QLARPING.
"Reddit"? It sounds like that's where you learned to gargle cum while sperging.
Reported for clearly not lurking two years.
And don't even think of moving the goalposts by saying that he didn't do anything.
Don’t care. Kill yourself. We don’t want to hear it.
He was killed by jews and everything he did was erased. You clearly don’t have an argument.
Sperglord confirmed.
this is why we can't have nice threads
Have fun, niggers. I just got off of work. Now you're all going to get gassed.
I was a Marine. It's well known that they are the least PC branch, seeing as how they are the most vicious branch. Not that it's particularly important either way. We always have people embedded in every office and service, which is one reason why kike tools fearmonger so much.
If we didn't have people embedded everywhere, they would have exterminated all Whites a long fucking time ago.
Hey brainlet, if Q wanks off that 8ch is going to be spread across MSM it means the cum guzzlers who lick his every drop will be doing precisely that, on top of which the legions of glowniggers that hang out in that board will be calling (((MSM))) shortly to "Oy vey! Shut it down!"
That fact you claim you are too retarded to understand this is not my concern. My concern is Holla Forums
You really haven't grasped the fundamental concept of this thread you're sperging out in and how that directly relates to what I've been alerting of.
but I'm sure it's a (((coincidence)))
Reported. What part of this don’t you comprehend? You are doing nothing for us. You are helping us in no way. Go away and don’t return.
Cry more, you fucking yid. It does nothing to the thread whatsoever. You should be whining more about the Q-fag posting his shit here and derailing.
Why would the Jewish owner and the Muslim mod of Holla Forums put a swastika in the page?
Why do White Nationalists want to kill White people who wish to meet up without them?
Why would Holla Forums ban a White meet up?
Why are Whites the only ethnic group that do not meet up and network?
Jewish networking
Black networking
Hispanic Networking
Asian Networking
Indian Networking
Muslim Networking
And let's add Gay and Women networking.
White Networking
Remove the Holla Forums mod
Censorship on/pol/ is worse than any of the social media sites.
There is a war against Whites being currently waged. It's time to start fighting back.
White Nationalism is the cause of "White Genocide"
>You really haven't grasped the fundamental concept of this thread you're sperging out in and how that DIRECTLY RELATES TO what I've been alerting of.
If breathing required thinking, it wouldn't be alive.
Anyhow, to other fellow anons who are concerned about Holla Forums:
Expect heavy site traffic to be occurring in the next few weeks as the boomers, cuckchan rejects, and ledditors in QLARP shit out traffic signs across all social media pointing back to 8ch. We can also expect the Oy vey! (((MSM))) to arrive here soon after, while giving interviews with Congresman Brad (((Schneider))) to talk about his bill & how the "hotbed" of 8ch should be shutdown.
if they try to ram this bill through because of the spic "white supremacist" shooting…holy fuck could they insult our intelligence any more (oh and get ready for war JUST in case–parody, of course, this is a board of peace)
also, remember debbie wasserman schulz (known deep state Awan/Cia operative) has an office just 20 minutes south of the high school. if she didn't play a role getting this false fag set up, probably to get this bill going or to distract generally from deep state, i'd be shocked
I'd like to discuss prominent jewish figures throughout history, from Marx to Saul Alinsky. I personally don't know too many, and finding this information specifically is near impossible by simply browsing the web. I'd like if we could combine our knowledge here and just have a dump thread for all prominent jews throughout history who've worked to undermine European societies. The sociologists, the social critics, the bankers etc. Especially the last two centuries, where their influence really peaked.
oh ffs i thought i clicked to make a tread. fuck me
But not the normalfags.
"Name the Devil and he shall appear"
Not beside you, but inside your MIND.
Only Anons name the jew.
Only anons SEE the jew,
Only anons can fight the jew.
We need everybodoy to name the jew.
We need to put their cognitive bias to work.
We need them to start notice the jew
We need them something like
to make their cognitive bias to start ringing bells into their consciouss state.
Everybody knows the jews run the world.
Thats the meme, the thoughtform.
They are The-ones-who-should-not-be-named.
And when you cant name the cause of the problem you can´t cure it.
They know the jew runs the show
and they know anyone that names the jew is isolated and destroyed
So they ignore that truth.
We need everyone to name the Jew at the same time. We need to plant that thought into them.
Then Earth expelled the jews…
rapists approved this post
So what you're saying is they're passing a bill to officially do something that they almost certainly already do. Shades of the feds needing Apple to provide a password, as if they can't bypass any basic bitch cell phone security system. They just want this shit on the books.
So, this bill gets introduced a week before another mass shooting that just happens to be fishier than Laura Loomer's wet bread, and said shooter just so happens to have ties to some obscure right wing "white nationalist" militia group…
Feds were warned about this, did fuck all.
Supposedly the Secret Service were even involved in some sort of emergency preparedness shit.
And students saying that there had been a fire drill that very morning.
Is this starting to look staged as fuck, or have I been lurking too long?
Considering the net changes at a rate of a few TB/second they ain't logging shit in that tiny-ass facility. Or in any other. Even google hasn't logged much (iirc about 4% back in 2010)
Just like that Twattycake who said it would house a fucking yottabyte of data (i.e. about 600 years worth of HD production at the time and +/- 30 terawatts just to spin up.) Not even counting that at that scale there are no machines capable of actually processing the data.
Just F.U.D. as they log data on their own citizens and nothing else.
Everyone (officially) in America has a dossier on them. Some are fuller than others but in all likelihood anyone active on alt-right sites is being logged as much as possible. REDACTED. REDACTED. REDACTED. REDACTED. REDACTED. REDACTED. REDACTED. REDACTED. I know. They record everything possible. Just a matter of technology. If they could cheaply track your every atom, they would.
You're right on.
How is this situation possibly acceptable to anyone? How does it remotely resemble anything relating to "America" or "freedom"? We are a completely totalitarian state. Just because they aren't rounding people up door to door (yet) doesn't mean we aren't, because they clearly have the capability to do that easily.
How is this acceptable
"Who gives a shit?" is the answer from 90% of the population, and "You're lying" from 5% further. That's how.
The difference is that this creates unique offices within agencies required to report numbers. That means agencies directly are required to target a particular ideology and produce numbers showing surveillance and arrests to justify their budget and existence. This is a direct incentive to target a particular ideology. An official government program targeting a viewpoint like a particular group standing up for is the exact type of totalitarianism this country was founded to stand up against. See, eg, first amendment
It is incredibly fucked up how apathy leads to the total destruction of an ingenious constitution for which no one is grateful
It would be targeting Americans, obviously.
And NSA is probably 20-30 years ahead technology-wise of whatever's the best civilian technology you know of, so they may be able to do more than you think (unless you work for NSA at the Utah facility–in that case, I'm not asking for info and don't tell me)
"A republic… if you can keep it."
Yeah. It REQUIRES participation to function and survive. That is literally the only way. Alas.
God. Really? You know it's over 150 years since Darwin right?
Participation isn't required, only that you bend the knee.
There's nothing wrong with hating such despicable "people" as this, think of it as your own strong moral foundation at work.
What does that have to do with anything, torkike?
Seconding (thirding/fourthing?) that feeling.
Whites need to be arming, training, and organizing.
The fact that this legislation is considered within the window of acceptable discourse in our government, which literally is the most powerful in the world and can has capability to repress greater than any other institution in the world, shows the clock is ticking for preparation and organization.
This is the same Congress, of course, that unanimously condemned "white supremacy" at Charlottesville. Regardless of what you think of the merit of the Charlottesville event itself, Congress is condemning the mere fact that there was ANY organized attempt at defending whites AT ALL. They are condemning one single attempt to stand up for whites. Our own government, the most powerful with the greatest capability to oppress possible in the history of man, is doing that. Alarm bells need to go off. Whites need to organize, train, and arm right now.
Heiled. I couldn't agree more mein fuhrer. White men who are aware need to be pushing others to do so as well. The main event draws near.
This bill needs to be spread around to redpill normies to the reality that our federal government wants white genocide. It's easy to link to the bill with the explanation that this targets anyone right-wing as a "domestic terrorist."
People can read the bill themselves and will get the message that this targets whites. If a person is somewhat redpilled already, you can link to the bill and point out how "white supremacism" is called "domestic terrorism."
People potentially on our side have to be forced to pay attention. The government is good at memoryholing anything like this and avoiding drawing attention to it. It is yet another example of where this is all going. It is more evidence of white genocide. We need to draw attention to this and not let the government hide and memoryhole this.
This is really good. Maybe make the lines longer so it's more apparent that it's supposed to be four letters.
based mods
This is who you're supporting. Then again, you're probably just him sockpuppeting yourself again.
go be a defeatist somewhere else and kill yourself
Not a defeatist. Didn't say that. Try again.
and who are you faggot
See that name field? Take a guess.
You are a faggot?
There is something sort of like that - Colorado City, Arizona. Entire small town is owned by the local church, a mormon sect that still practices polygamy. The feds arrested the leaders a while back, but so far they haven't tried to break up the town because they know it'd be a clusterfuck.
You'd need to take over an entire town, own all of the land in it, and run the local police and court systems. Even still, they would be looking for any publicly acceptable excuse to shut you down. We could clear out the ghetto no-go zones in a week if the public was willing and the people in power weren't our enemies. You also lose the ability to redpill and form bonds with people in the outside community, as well as to quietly infiltrate into the various power systems. Setting up howitzers and preparing for open warfare with the US military is a losing game.
Right now we're effectively a secret society, much like the Jews once were. The normalfags are opposed to us, but they can't pick us out of a crowd, and most of the lefties yelling about "ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE NAGHTZIS" sound like the people yelling in the streets about masons and Jews do right now. Worm your way into a position of power, learn to pick out others who subtly indicate similar leanings, and do what you can to help them succeed. Give a job interview and start out by baneposting - hire the one who says "Getting into X was part of my plan." The American left is dysgenic and rapidly dying out, the boomer "right" is dying off, and we're the ones with the most raw talent on the playing field. At some point, things will break down to open hostilities, but we aren't there yet.
If this bill passes and they start arresting us, your first job in prison is to redpill the Aryan Brotherhood or other explicitly white gangs. Rise to power, root out degeneracy in the ranks, and make politics rank over profit for that organization and you have a network of trained and willing political assassins. Make prison safe for whites and suddenly our people on the outside will be less scared to be sent there. I'm convinced that the sole thing that has kept us out of prison so far is that they are afraid of what happens if we become truly desperate. There's a reason all of their past intimidation actions have focused on low IQ skinhead gangs rather than academic and intellectual racists. Now that they are becoming desperate, that may change. Remember that a crackdown of this sort is a show of weakness, not of force, and never abandon hope.
"The first quality of the true revolutionary is the power to endure." - Mosley
Drone strikes on the US population will result in collateral death which will eliminate support for the established ruling powers. No matter how tech savvy the enemy is, they can't maintain power without the support of a significant portion of the capable population.
Your best bet is studying electrical engineering - which will lead to a job that will support a white family as well as giving you most of the knowledge you're asking for. Joining the military at this point makes you far too easy to kill off. You also come out with shit job prospects, no connections, and barely any way to support a family. The short answer to your question is that predator type drones are pretty much invincible to someone without a supply chain, but they're also defeated politically by living in an apartment building. As much as I hate city life, hellfire missiles in the city are a non-starter for ZOG.
Which would send the soyim into a shitfit, robbing ZOG of political goodwill. A major disruption to the status quo benefits us not them. At the end of the day, all war is political, and all war is unwinnable without the support of the population. They're stuck in a bind where if they continue down this path, they continue to slowly lose support but slowly chip away at us - if there is a dramatic shift, they will rapidly lose support. Remember, their footsoldiers live in our communities, eat dinner with us, their kids play with us. This is radically different from launching a war in a foreign country with people whose language you don't speak and supply chains safely an ocean away.
This meme of "government super black projects" doesn't really hold up. Much of our tech is running up against hard physical limits. For this to be true they'd need entirely different physical models of the universe - and engineers trained in them. (To be fair, the manhattan project was an example of that, but it's fairly low hanging fruit compared to the frontiers today.) They probably have prototypes of some things which are very advanced (quantum computing, for instance) but working models that can be deployed en mass are pretty unlikely. Much of the NSA's success has come not from technical mastery, but simply from going to the big telecoms, etc, and saying "You will backdoor this for us." That's what they have - a bottomless budget and political power - not magic.
In short, the NSA can fuck you in particular if they pick you out of the crowd. Easily. They don't have "Total Informational Awareness" and their dependence on algorithmic learning and big data has cut them out of the HUMINT circles. Their mass surveillance programs are much more successful at preserving data for targeted surveillance than in actually monitoring everything we do.
In all seriousness that is the main issue with your post. If it passes then it's on, as some would say. There is no reason to keep playing games at that point.
Wtf is this shit? Is acknowledging racial differences terrorism now? Am I not allowed to shitpost nigger or gas the kikes? Fuck these kikes.
I'd say "gradually I began to hate them" except it was more rapidly and intensely.
The more they target people, use lawsuits, the more faggots dox people, the less effective it all becomes. When our view is no longer fringe, then they can't do anything. We're at stage 0 of what we're doing, so we have to be the ones to take the hits.
God I love that fucking design, Though I will be looking after my own flock when providence graces us, I will not involve in any controversial actions that may be taken if you catch my drift, after all, priorities lads.
That is the mark of the beast he is making; one of his wives is asking for a divorce by making the gesture with her left hand.
still in committee, keep an eye on it
it's physically repulsive seeing this kike's face every time i open the catalog now
You just had to do it, nigger.
Fuck off, shill.
People like us are the reason we have come this far. They are increasingly desperate. I alone could come up with a way to defeat them with some followers. There are many, many, many of us. Their days are numbered. None of us break the law. They are breaking their own back trying to find a way to get rid of us telling the truth as it is. I don't think they can do it. Plus we have people embedded everywhere, so we actually have better awareness of them than they do of us. Everything they think they're observing is just a test from one of us to see how they will react.
We will not be gambling this time. They doomed themselves when they committed to a path of genocide and trying to rule the whole world and leaving nothing for anyone else. That is no way to rule.
I would normally agree, but I think what you're implying is the same arrogance causing inaction that led to a situation now which is about to be catastrophic because of the uniquely, historically-unprecedented, overwhelming forceful power of the US govt and what that means now that it's a tribal system and tribes gang up to turn maximum force on whites. They want revenge for something we didn't do, but they want the revenge and will get it using US govt power levers.
Look at the exponential change in the graph showing power asymmetry v. time, we are sort of on the part where it's the beginning of the vertical slope.
Your post is sort of describing a lot of the useful idiots that the enemy tribes who have taken control in government in the state/MIC employs to force white genocide.
This all came about because we're Rome. You have a massive empire with wars and colonies everywhere. It is hard to keep order with a ton of tribes are pushed under one roof on the home front as the result, so you have to become an authoritarian state and take away all citizens' rights. Also, emphasize the circuses and degeneracy. As long as there is bread to go with it, people let the graph of authoritarianism go ahead and go vertical while sit on their fat asses and watch Hulu and vr porn.
Once the transformation into authoritarianism is complete which it almost is where the power is insurmountably asymmetrical, whites are done. You then have a tribal but authoritarian government using the enormous asymmetric power imbalance to annihilate whites, which is their overt and often directly stated agenda, so there can be doubt. There has to be recognition that the other tribes want to destroy whites–it's simple, just recognize it and stop pretending the hostile tribes might some day think differently and therefore we fuck around and try to convince them to be civilized and not try to kill us–they will never change their ways and we have the entire world to point to as well as history to prove that–and with the awesome, unprecedented power of the United States authoritarian/related total oppression capability, when you're on the exponential growth part of the graph of authoritarianism, you have to take action that is drastic and unprecedented. Action is what matters. It is a far different thing to wait and see if you are in South Africa or Zimbabwe where the government isn't the most powerful on earth, and yet the hostile tribes still turned around using state power to annihilate whites one way or other. With that same tribal fury but putting US govt power in their hands, they will 100% kill all the whites. That is 100% exactly what they will do, no doubt about it, and anybody who believes that won't happy doesn't understand how tribal fury revenge works or how insanely, incredibly one-sided the US govt is.
Time is a factor, and that's because whites are often so arrogant they actually believe they are still in charge or somehow because they have guns, they can somehow stop the power of other tribes ganging up on you using massive, enormous, huge power of the US government. I (I'm OP but got banned) just posted OP as an example of one thing they do showing this is a matter of time. It can't wait. Arrogance is going to mean total destruction.
It's a ticking clock, and I do not mean some short term clock like Hannity running some qlarp type shit. The true clock on white existence is about to run out because of where we are on the asymmetry govt-to-people power curve, as well as the historical evidence and stated intent that tribes want to destroy whites. We have to survive, period. Do not be overconfident because it's literal survival on the line. The OP one small example I mean just to show how white apathy (and overconfidence among some whites who pay attention like you) causes this to develop. It's quite literally national legislation just saying track and arrest any white who defends his people's right to exist. That's just one example, but they've been taking every possible measure until now, and OP is a single tiny example in a massive sea of evidence proving where this is going very soon. Time is a factor and overconfidence is a certain path to genocide. The genocide must be stopped at all costs, and that takes real action now and not overconfidence.
The TL;DR of my post above: white overconfidence is just as big a problem as apathy and will lead 100% to white genocide. Time is a factor.
Back in the day we knew how to deal with uppity jews.
2.5h special on Bob Mathews done by Augustus Invictus. Ive only heard him be shit on by people but I cant say anything bad about this really. I think hes half bean or something, pronounces Guerilla as if he was spanish.
Mathews is a badass. More people need to know about him.
AIPAC and the Lithuanian mob, code for Slavic Jews are running the pedo rings.
Fuck you Schlomo.
Yeah, I will burn all of you as long as you continue the bullshit. There’s no such as Zombies, just perverts with too much access to tech. Hi Nathaniel.
…and then the pitiful lying load of statistics. I've always been on the fence regarding you guys but when the lies and malicious agenda is so blatant, what choice do I have in the sides I must choose? If anything, AIPAC and the like are the real terrorist organizations. All the lobbying and lying on behalf of a foreign nation in the capitol should not even be legal. It's treason and this Israel-firster traitor needs to be punished.
Look at the date on this post. It's Feb. 12. That's two days before the Nick "the Patsy" Spic school shooting setup on Feb 14.
Wouldn't it be funny if this was (((DWS and co.))) creating a trail of evidence to attempt to link Nick Cruz to Holla Forums? Not saying that's what this post definitely is, but isn't the timing weird?
See bill tracking page:
Look at ALL ACTIONS. They moved this bill forward on 2/14, right on the day of the false flag shooting in Florida done by kikes in a kike area in FL.
IMPORTANT re this pending bill labeling "white supremacists" as domestic terrorists:
Look at ALL ACTIONS. They moved this bill forward on 2/14. The day of the shooting. Remember the date of the shooting they were calling Cruz white supremacist. They just needed the false flag to move the bill forward and did so THAT DAY, the 14th.
Feel like this deserves some attention so am continuously bumping.
Look at "ALL ACTIONS" on the bill tracker page linked here. On 2/14, they pushed this bill forward.
Remember that on 2/14, kikes were claiming Cruz has white supremacist ties.
This bill MATTERS BECAUSE IT IS PENDING RIGHT NOW AND WAS PUSHED FORWARD ON 2/14, the day of the shooting. 2/14 was the day the ADL, media, etc. were claiming Cruz was affiliated with some "white supremacist" org. THE IMPLICATION IS THIS SHOOTING WAS CONNECTED TO THOSE IN CONGRESS PUSHING THIS BILL WHO ARE KIKES.
this was pushed forward day of the shooting and needs attention big time
This legislation MUST be opposed NOW as it calls all "white supremacism" (a vague, garbage, flexible term that can be manipulated by anyone for any purpose) or essentially anyone on the right "domestic terrorists."
2/14 was the day the ADL, media, etc. were claiming Cruz was affiliated with some "white supremacist" org. THE IMPLICATION IS THIS SHOOTING WAS NEEDED TO PUSH THE LEGISLATION FORWARD AND THEY DID IT THE SAME DAY.
if you want more attention post on 4chan with some obnoxious title.
If that happens then there needs to be Redpill and Holohoax threads stickied 24/7 so on the one hand it'll scare off the exceptionally brainraped and perhaps a few of the more intelligent will accept that the jews are the real enemy.
You're one of the same dumbass newfags from 4cuck /k/. Every time someone asks over there how they'd convert anything semi-auto into full-auto, or how to weaponize a truck, or to post the old manuals for IEDs made in the serbian-bosnia war, they post the same shit meme of peter parker wearing the hat of the doggo shooters. Let me tell you something: If you're here, you're probably already on a watch list. If you're not, you're doing something wrong. When /k/ gets asked how to build a weapon, they provide intstructions on how to do so. When redditors, feddies, normalfags, newfags, or statists see said instruction, or even the inquiring about them, they always freak the fuck out and say "FBI/CIA/ATF PLS GO" despite absolutely none of the information being illegal. According to US law, there is nothing illegal about these instructions. But even if there was, I have something to tell you.
Let me tell you the story of an old chinese general who worked under a cruel emperor. This general was supposed to be meeting with the emperor in a week or so. But they encountered some very bad weather on the way there. The general knew he would not make it in time. So he asked his advisor, "What is the punishment for being late?" To which the advisor responded, "Death." The general thought for a moment, and asked his advisor another question, "What is the punishment for desertion?" And the advisor again responded, "Death." A week later the emeperor was overthrown.
You already have the "crime" of being born white in a judea-owned nation, and not wanting to be a slave, or have your history erased or changed, or wishing for your children to have a future. Whether you do anything else beyond that is irrelevant. Know this, you already have a target on your back. Your nation was stolen by you a century or more ago, no matter where in the western world you are. You downloading a PDF of how gorilla warfare was done in vietnam doesn't do a single goddamn thing to paint anymore of a target on your back. Yes, you may already be marked for death. In fact, remove the "may". Your unrelaxing state is good, and yes, but this is uneccesary paranoia. They cannot unjustly kill, imprison, or do worse to you any more than they could before you download a military manual or pirate a movie online. You got nothing to fear but fear itself. Be a little bit braver.
And, all that said, real oldfags have already downloaded enough books to print a library that fills out every section with useful info. Any newfags know to lurk moar. So long as the tradition of lurking moar prevails, fedniggers will eternally be out of the loop. Because even if they have all the information we do at their fingertips, they're still lazy and only do it for the money. Having a bunch of info at your disposal doesn't mean you have the drive to read it all or the intelligence to comprehend and apply it all.
This is an outstanding post.
Reminder for anyone dropping in. This bill matters because it seems like the Parkland, FL school shooting have been caused by (((AIPAC/ADL)))-connected Congressmen and their friends.
This bill labels anyone with pro-white ideology a "domestic terrorist."
Congress pushed the bill forward on 2/14. See ALL ACTIONS near the bottom of the page on the bill tracker at the link above. 2/14, of course, was the date of the shooting. That day was when the ADL was feeding false talking points to the media that Cruz was a member of a "white supremacist" group.
This bill has to be opposed now, because it will be very hard to challenge once passed. It can label anyone a terrorist they want, so it's ultimate victory for kike speech oppressors. Makes sense that they would do whatever it takes, including possibly set up a school shooting, just to get it passed, since once it's passed, it's impossible even to protest due to the total shutdown of anyone who might oppose the law. History has shown this is how this sort of thing works, so it has to be fought now.
This bill matters because it seems like the Parkland, FL school shooting have been caused by (((AIPAC/ADL)))-connected Congressmen and their friends in order to push this bill through committee. The tracking shows this was pushed through the day of the Parkland shooting when Cruz was falsely being called a "white supremacist":
It's a serious bill that will go after sites like /pol regardless of any "terrorist" intent. The reason it will do that is the bill requires monitoring and reporting of anything pro-white and will pay new agencies to do that. Any actual evidence of "terrorist" intent will not matter for the purposes of this bill.
(((Congress))) did it this time, eh
moar? curious for info
If adl pushed a white nationalist story in the media regarding nick cruz on 2-14, it could also be that they knew about the bill and called their contacts in Congress on the same day to push this forward. maybe somebody in congress moved it the same day on their own. it is weird that adl statistics are in the bill if they were the ones lying about cruz white nationalist ties on the day of the shooting when bill went to the "counterintelligence" committee, but adl is all over stuff like this in any case
agree on spreading widely. this is where ussa begins. and it makes sense why they'd stage or set up a shooting. false flag serves (((schneider)))'s aims. destroy free speech & get the guns. constitution is fucked.
seems like a very fucked-up element of this.
not just constituents, but in the House and Senate, people may be afraid to oppose openly (remember the "unanimous condemnation" of cville). once passed, the law is unstoppable. nobody can oppose at that point.
this is purely aipac/adl/splc dictating the law. oh and apparently doing a false flag to get it going
I would LOVE for them to pass this shit. Ya know why? The USSC would be forced to rule against it, frozen peaches.
no user was v& even when onigger had the fbi gunning down lolbergs. We are protected from on high.
It's okay to be white and there's nothing this rat-faced parasite can do about it.
If loving my family and my people makes me a Nazi, then I'm Adolf fuckin Hitler.
Since they're pushing this legislation and trying to grab gruns using setups/false flag shootings (and actually grabbing guns without due process or in process at all in Washington State at least), maybe it's getting to be Hitler time.
reminder: kike-run deep state may have actually shot up a fucking school just to push legislation labeling anybody pro-white as a "domestic terrorist."
the gun control debate may be a distraction or an alternative narrative,
Similar Bill just died spectacularly in TN
and this is why you never join groups or those ridiculous protests for muh whiteness.
The user way is the only way.
I swear officer I was just funposting I love pisslam
This is a reminder that this legislation is still pending in committee. Be on the lookout for false flags blamed on "white supremacists," "right-wing extremists," etc.
There is no "user way" and at some point, there will have to be an actual, physical, real white nationalist movement, so hiding in your bedroom on your computer helps nothing.
The purpose of this legislation is to mandate monitoring and reporting. Doesn't matter whether it's in person or online, and it doesn't matter that there is no "terrorist" intent present. The idea is mandate a police state.
*Note: I do not advocate violence in any way, shape, or form. I am a pacifist.
Anyone else notice that we got a lot of "far right" attacks after trump got into office?
Antifa was braging about derailing trains in an area, such an event happened, antifa was memory holed,people came out of the wood work to defend those scum bags.and now the far right were blamed for the train derailment.
The FEMA camps really drive this homr. I was hearing about the FEMA camps 15 years ago. This sort of legislation and another few years of propaganda and a literal genocide could happen easily. Especially with blockchain tech and automation. Fast tracked terror trials. Fully automated. Fully lethal.
Yes and at my age it's essentially a repeat of what happened back in the Weather Underground terrorist (fbi.gov
They can just send me their emails and I'll forward them all the articles and videos of chimps chimping out that get posted here, and white genocide statements.
its because they took control of the levers of power and the media, and brainwashed everyone.