If Zuma is not ousted by Sunday evening, a national shutdown will occur


> Pretoria – If President Jacob Zuma is not recalled by Sunday evening, a group claiming to comprise ANC and SACP members vowed they would take to the streets and march to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to call for a national shutdown until he is ousted.

> At a press briefing on Sunday, Hangwi Maumela, who claims to be an ANC branch member in Sandton, called for all South Africans to down tools on Monday until Zuma is removed as president of the country.

> "We want everyone, on Monday, to stay away from work until Zuma steps down," said Maumela.

> "Tomorrow in all nine provinces, don’t go to work. Whether police, nurse, doctor, security guard, garden boy, working at border gate, don’t go to work. This crisis we are facing affects us all."

> Maumela said that they have written to the NEC pleading that Zuma be removed immediately, as well as calling on Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa to not be threatened or ashamed to take authority and lead.


Well, looks like the controlled opposition wing of the ANC government is biting the hand that feeds them. They are warning of a national shutdown strike. Who knows what comes after this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Have a kike free first post

Parliament tap-dancing chimp-out

Here's another article that is very telling


Basically tl;dr, it says that Cosatu and PIC was using 5 billion rand worth of public pension funds to bailout Eskom because of debt and corruption and workers unions were threatening to go on strike because of this.

And not only this, but you've also got a huge listeriosis outbreak in Gauteng, claiming over 100 people so far, making it the worst listeriosis outbreak in world history and they still haven't even found out the source of this outbreak yet, and while this is going on, the violence against whites is exploding after the Black Monday protest (basically South Africa's Charlottesville if you haven't been paying any attention lately), the drought is now worse than the 91/92 drought in South Africa, making it the worst drought in SA history, talks about the land grab which will result in a Rhodesia 2.0 situation in where the blacks run the whites off their land and give it to the blacks, and so much more has been happening.

I wonder if they're going to kill Zuma?

Chimp out in South Africa should be entertaining

Presumably, i's the blacks complaining about him. This will obviously sound retarded, but considering the present regime is pro-removing whites, are these group of blacks the cucks of their race who care about whites? (cucks isn't the right word because, technically, they are dependent on whites, like Zimbabewe, so to remove them is self-destruction).

A government shut down in South Africa would be disastrous. Imagine all the cops who would either sit at home, or work without a paycheck. Think about all the gibs that placate most of the population that wont be handed out. Envision the already steep distrust in the South African economy only getting worse.
Whites in South Africa should arm up

Masacre of Whites which magically "fixes" the problem enough that the other chimps calm down for a few years.

So if this happens does it accelerate ? Please be true

If they haven't already user they are already dead.

This was my first thought: a political crisis used as cover/pretext to finalize their plans to exterminate the Boer.
I wonder if Zuma will use the ensuing chaos to vanish, along with a sizable portion of public funds, and, if so, was this whole thing orchestrated to provide the distraction needed to pull it off?

So tomorrow we go too war?

Oh shit

are you stupid? or just retarded?

The user is in shock at the numbers he casted

I did not expect to get dubs, since I made a statement that would be of grave implications for me and my fellow countrymen but since you are so smart I am sure you only jest with your grievance and did not intend it.

So actually it is past Sunday evening over there What happened with this? Well it was a happening cock-tease. He stepped down.

Does anyone have a better source than "texas-express.com"? I spent like 45 seconds on Google already and I'm exhausted.

Its 2 AM here our news won't come out for another 3-4 hours.

EFF, Cape Town water crisis, national shutdown. The perfect storm is about to hit. Brace your anuses.

Having read all that, what their complaint is about him wasn't given other than "he doesn't represent us." so, what are they complaining about? Who is complaining, niggers? Whites?


It came to light that he stole a shit ton of public funds for a home, was being bribed by the Gupta family, general incompetence with management of his government like the finance minister fiasco, nepotism etc. Now our economy is tanking and we have been downgraded to junk status. Food is getting very expensive, petrol is getting very expensive and consumer debt is hitting extreme levels. In other words everybody is getting poorer and in typical nigger fashion they blame whites and the guy in charge for working with whites and indians.

Cape Town probably already smells like nigger, but I sincerely hope these niggers shutdown the government that's controlling the water supply. Because if they don't like the smell of dirty sweaty nigger; they're going to love the smell of dead and rotting dirty sweaty nigger.

No. They want him replaced with someone who will genocide whites more quickly.
Exactly what South Africa needs, lol.

So merc stuff when? Nam vets got to slot floppies in Rhodesia maybe us GWOT vets can do it too just a bit further south.

I don't recognize that acronym.

Afghan/Iraq war vets.

self-checking of dubs is for niggers. are you a nigger?

GWOT = Global War on Terrorism


Actual infantryman confirmed.

Hold the fuck up nigger, my zogbot contract has another five years before the fun can begin.

No, Zuma may be a turd but the people looking to replace him are licking their chops at the prospect of once and for all destroying any hope of co-existence. They're far more militant anti-White and they're far more dangerous.

This is the best time for the Afrikaners and Boers to rise up against the government and claim independence. mfw

What ever happened to cornelius the third?

Hey ZOGbot, do you like cheese pizza?

and still in the face of all this shit I know saffas, that have had to live in gated communities and had dogs murdered by invading nogs, who still champion mandella and the likes as 'great people' and argue apartheid 'had to end'. Even had to pull a knife on one to prevent his rage at a dissenting opinion turning into an attack.

and they were all fucking white

In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.

And yet for some reason he went and thought "Yeah, that interceptor didn't suck fat cock at all" and decided to shell out for one for his civilian kit

Fug, forgot to turn the safety off.


Why the fuck would I pay money for an Interceptor? It fell off a truck and I found it. Besides I find it more comfortable than that goddamn MTV or whatever the acronym is. Infantrymen today have to wear too much armor.

Yeah it was a ZOG shitshow in the sandbox but at least I got to slot a few ragheads. Never ate cheese pizza, MILF's taste plenty good.


Here's some updates (NOTE: it appears Zuma is still refusing to resign)


So, what now?