Celebrate diversity, everyone!
Celebrate diversity, everyone!
These shitskins need to stop using Spanish and return to their Nahuatl and Taino names/languages. Tired of this fucking shit.
It looks like the zoo is expanding their monkey exhibit.
I would make I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass joke here but these people are atrocious even for Americans
that filter, lol nice one.
And now comes the part where you pay their stay in prison for decades. You feed them, provide a bed and a roof, and if they are lucky they get out a couple years sooner.
Under the Obama race rules these "people" all count as white. When are we going to get that changed?
Interesting that it happened in Massachusetts which is a pozzed state police force. Thanks Obama.
Where did they get all of that Fentanyl?
continue do do your jobs and report illegals and stand strong against the persuasive and pathetic mexican individuals robbing this country through liberalism.
I dunno what all they hype is goy… er guys… all I see in that picture is a bunch of whites* :^) Which is exactly how the (((statistics))) will show.
Cuckachussetts gets one right. Deport them all.
Junior was so white he had the intelligence to avoid capture. This is the only known picture of him.
this, lol
< they are people
< they are Americans
nigger, you need to get CIA'd
(((MSM))) will label them as a white…again
I made a series based on the concept.
Use it. Share it. Spread it.
It totally wrecks their narrative.
This is also what Trump did in the SOTU speech with "Americans are Dreamers".
There always a token wigger in Detroit and LA for some reason. But not any where else. Can someone explain this to me?
That drug is used in assisted suicide, btw.
Remove Chalupa.
Comes almost entirely from China, like over 90% of it.
Kek! :D
Or synthesized some poor ass mexican garage chemist.
Most of the drug is found in drugs used to euthanize animals. It's cheaper alternative to pentobarbital
your people brought them in. your populations will be a price for that. you will not be saved. this is your fault.
we need to find where this fentanyl and carfentanyl is being manufactured. i remember that it was coming from somewhere in china, but we need to find out specifically. we need names of factory owners and manufacturers, places where its coming out of, where its being shipped into/out of.
the threat that such chemicals pose is far greater than anything most people who have never dealt with opiate addiction can imagine. this shit makes heroin look like ginger beer. ive known personally several kids who happened to relapse while this fentanyl-cut dope was going around. killed em dead in a couple minutes. the worst part is that in addition to the rush that junkies chase, fentanyl actually continues to metabolize for the first hour or so. so when youve taken enough to get your fix, that is already FAR too much. ive seen people with a bundle a day habit (8 bags) get cut down by shooting two bags of it.
and if you think this is just going on in boston, you are sorely mistaken. there are drug rings like this that come through every single port city in america. and then it is used to cut all the dope and pushed out into the rest of the country where it kills hundreds and thousands of people every single fucking day.
we need to find how this is getting from china and make it a massive public issue or we will continue to lose family and friends to this shit
You have to look really hard to find 32 whites so ugly as those mestizo mongrels. Race mixing is a crime against GOD.
Drugs, tobacco, alcohol, etc. Weed out the weak, i have mixed feelings about it, of course we will be able to genetically engineer ourselves soon, and there are more humane ways to reject defectives, but in the meantime they put good selective pressure.
also, checking them dubs
Soy boys and soy girls it's time for Kenan and Kel!
Their dreams are not our dreams.
>we need to find where this fentanyl and carfentanyl is being manufactured and put as much of it into the southern California, New York City, southern Florida, Chicago, Baltimore, and Washington DC water supply as we can
Fixed that for you user.
That's just in the United States of course. That's not including Africa, Pakistan, Sweden, and (((Israel))).
[note to alphabets: I have neither the equipment, money, chemical training, nor access to drugs/water supplies to actually make this a credible threat, and I'm pretty sure nobody else on Holla Forums does either]
Checked for satanic racist cartels keepin' whitey down.
It will be used against more than "just the weak". We're just seeing the test run. Keikaku.
Glad these vermin are gone, but don't feel afraid to call them what they are, OP.
I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass
okay, its "ameri mutt"
Why was enough fentanyl delivered to a small rural town in USA to give every citizen of their county over 6000 pills every day for a year. (Amount of drug deliver in one year to just two pharmacies)
The opiod epidemic is manufactured.
delivered to pharmacies, just two *
Anyone know how many of these dope pushers are officially classified illegals?
T-that's just rayciss goy! These are simply proud, hardworking men and women trying to maintain their dignity under an oppressive white regime.
reminds me of pic related
China has a pass for such indiscretions. The only reason Best Korea is able to exert a nuclear threat is because China values it enough as a tactical ally to ignore imposed sanctions. China gets a pass for this. China ignores intellectual and trademark laws. China gets a pass for this. China manufactures obscene amounts of synthetic drugs for import to the west. China gets a pass for this. China ignores environmental pledges and agreements. China gets a pass for this. Etc. etc.
Look buddy, giving our jobs away so a small percentage of corporate shareholders could increase their net worth comes at a cost but I think we can all agree it is worth it.
I'm disappointed in you OP.
You had the perfect opportunity to call the pic futuredoctors.png
Just say your a Kike and they will give you a pass.
So, whenever imkamfy claims "I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass", I don't think anyone would argue with him over that.
See, what did I tell you user? Not only hardworking, upright men, but concerned about the ecology and keeping the environment clean to boot!
A chemist from the suburbs of Pittsburgh got busted making it back in '88
They called it "china white" back in those days.
Comes in like any other good, on cargo ships. Go to a flea market. Find the chink/gook/zipperhead selling knock-off shit. Look under the tables. What will you see? Produce boxes, mainly banana boxes. That's how this shit gets in the country. They bring it in as something else smuggled within a larger shipment. I suppose one could do a bit of detective work at one of these booths and find where the knockoff uggs and such are coming from. Probably some shipping labels, lot numbers, etc. on those banana shipments. Collect enough evidence and you'll find those shipping companies that are looking the other way. Check the rest of their shipments and that's where you'll likely find the drugs.