Hey white niggers

Hey white niggers,

Overtube.org here. We're going to be watching the Anglin vs Cuck#2832 debate! Come enjoy the bants with us, stream is starting now.


Other urls found in this thread:


bloodsports soon

No thanks

i got banned from fucking 4chan for a VPN after buying a fucking 4chan pass and i don't even use a fucking VPN

i haven't been on 8pol for a while. are bloodsports / eceleb threads a bannable offense here or something… theres nobody talking about this

am i in the no-fun-allowed zone right now

bahahahahaha. Baked wrote "waiting for Sargon" and "where's sargon" in the chat.

looks like he could be pussying out, probably destroying his entire reputation once and for all

we'll see

Fug, I've been looking forward to this for a few days now. This cuck Sargon had better show.

These things go on for hours.
I think im gonna wait for someone to edit it down and cut out all the bullshit. So I can watch the 15 minutes of interesting content.

VODs are junk and always edited to appeal to the lowest common denominator.


The stream has started.


Die slowly.

Kill yourself kike

Aren't we all?

when will (you) learn? Holla Forums is an ideal born from seeking truth. Man due to mortality will never have omniscience, ideal-man would have perfect knowledge, therefore man can never be a genuine ideal. Useful idiots, or controlled opposition matters not, when the ego in introduced it only opens the door to subversion of the ideal. That is not to say that practical action cannot be taken within one's life or that meaningful community building is not valuable. But LARPing in meat space as a revolutionary when you still do not have the spirit, financing or weapons to actually take meaningful power is futile. On the other hand if you think that meaningful change can come though democracy then you still have much to learn about the death cult of liberalism. In the mean time for white civilization and your children's future remember that order is preferable to disorder. So be weary of the aut-kike FED screaming for you to take up tiki torches.

Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack author is redpilling millions of young people with his incredible propaganda machine. he doesn't advocate violence in the slightest.

If you don't want to install more viruses on your computer:


((((((((((((((((((((((((((((sargoooooooooooooooooon and anglinnnnnnn))))))))))))))))))))))))))
fuck you. fuck them. they are both faggots just like yourself.

I cannot stand how these pussies talk.

fucking trash

No. Get out. Dont come back.

not a bad idea considering it's just a clusterfuck at the moment, they're still trying to establish how to do this debate/shifting into some debate topics with little clarity

Sargon is such a motherfucking subhuman piece of slime. Jesus fucking Christ.

He's cucking the entire white race with his faggotry:


Fuck Sargon the cocksucker


It sounds like Sargon is the one that wants to gas non-whites, not Anglin

he probably secretly is full of self hatred. he just called out anglin for being a cuck.

That's because Anglin is right, Sargon was trying to paint him as a crazy ebul nazee so he could rip those parts and pretend like it's 'le liberalistismistism' versus 'le murder everyone now'.


who the fuck is going to support this garbage? if they dont leave they die.

Listen, I know the score, but this is for the audience who is on the fence between Sarsoy's usual bullshit, not us who are already down the rabbit hole.


We can create economic incentives for immigration and deportation that make it not worth it for non-whites to live in our countries. No one needs to be harmed.

Man, you know that they dont talk what they really think in this debates?

Newfag, lurk moar, this reality is full of mask shows.

Anglin is trying to avoid having his website outlawed and getting killed by SWAT, brainlet.



shoo shoo shill-kun, we are having fun

Tuning in for just a couple minutes. Sargon deserves a bullet in the head. Worse than a cuckservative.

He's self destructing before our very eyes, enjoy it.



It's hilarious but you can't even have a conversation with this idiot without him butting in never once really analyzing what the person is actually saying. I blame GamerGate for making this faggot as big as he is. It should never have happened.

Why does Sargon have to act like such an eternal Anglo?

Why is it always an anglo? Every time there's the biggest fucking faggot doing something awful and disingenuous, I first think it's a kike and if its not then it's got to be an anglo. Only anglos are this disingenuous.

Did Sperglin ever address that other DS writer (that was recruited by Goldberg) who turned out to be an Australian porno jew?

thanks for the kek


This Sargon faggot, his voice, his cadence, his accent, I'm having trouble listening to him for more than 2 seconds without wanting to murder him.

Is it going to be as spergy as the Anglin vs Vox Day debate?

It's a non-white LARPing as a nazi vs a cuck, so probably.


So in this debate we learned Sargon wants to shoot blacks, kill nonwhites, loves Hitler. Did I miss anything? He's shaping up nicely.

Don’t care.

Hey, can I get a list of the reasons the Thai fuck shack guy is a kike shill? I need to blow the fuck out of the fags spamming this on other websites.

You don't have to care about the people in the debate, but you should care about the viewers. 8K people watching right now. That's not insignificant.

Oh you silly goose.

top fugging kek

The way Sargon blathers the words cucks as if he isn't king cuck bothers me. It's like even his accent has moobs. I hate the British accent.

Sargon is very calm and is deflecting very well. The other two sound like angry faggots. They all need the gas. Sargon for being a fence sitting faggot and the other two for being angry autists.

Here is the bottom line.

Sargon is British. He is an unarmed noguns slave and subject. He is not a fucking free armed citizen.

He lives under a royal bloodline, crown and throne. He begs the state for protection under their monopoly on force. I have more respect for a half nigger/half kike U.S. armed AntiFa commie then for a white rightwing unarmed noguns British slave cuck. Fuck him.

He has no fucking comprehension of true freedom and liberty. He is not a free man.
If the British throne wants to force him to house fighting age sharia muslims in his house, he has no tools to reject such a forcing.

I think we need to stop trying to have intellectual discourse with unarmed noguns britshit slaves. If you do not own guns, kill yourself right now. You are already laying down in the mass grave waiting for the fighting age mussies to come kick the dirt over you.


He aint deflecting shit. He's avoiding questions and answer like there is not tomorrow.

I think the fact that TRSodomites cant keep jewtube e-celebrity cancer separate form our Hegelian Taiwanese idealism really bothers me. But yes the one raising another mans son has not business using the terminology.

Exactly he's deflecting. He's ignoring the questions like a bitch.

Deflecting is coming back with something, he just runs you nigger.

Look up deflection in an argument. It says whenever a person has the spotlight on them, they try to change the direction of the conversation.
Andrew and BakedFaglaska can't argue worth a damn and it's making Sargon look good.

These Aut-Kike faggots keep getting exposed as liars and conmen, but the "community" (If it even really exists. Most likely it's kikes posting to create a fake community.) always rushes to defend their own scumbags. You'd have to be a special type of sperg to want to carry Wal-Mart tiki torches around. That was so cringey that it's not even funny.

The people who are capable don't want to get involved because the whole shitshow is saturated with these weird losers who completely misunderstand everything and end up getting arrested for some of the dumbest shit.

What do you do to form any sort of group then? Honest question. I dislike the aut kike but meatspace activity should always be encouraged. The tiki torch thing was silly, but men holding fire torches was a great æsthetic. The feds came down on them and got those people arrested, and it seems like you're equating fed kikes having white people arrested is an indictment of the men arrested rather than the system trying to kill whites who try to fight back.