You have millions of users in
>>>/QResearch/ even more than here on Holla Forums and you faggots are doing nothing to go there and redpill them?
Get the fuck in there faggots
You have millions of users in
>>>/QResearch/ even more than here on Holla Forums and you faggots are doing nothing to go there and redpill them?
Get the fuck in there faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
Shameless kike free first post to Heil Hitler dubs
How is that board so active?
Why doesn't that board show up on the board list? Where the fuck did it come from?
bannons team or a revitalized us-idf?
Seen some jewtube video with hundred thousands of views browsing that board
Memes are leaking all over the internet. Gamers are totally infiltirated by our memes. Comments sections everywhere are going 1488. Jews are so scared they're mass banning people off social media, only furthering the awakening. We're doing more by shitposting and spreading spicey memes than all white nationalists between 1950 and 1990.
Reminder that as much as I love it, Star Trek is (((their))) propaganda first and foremost. Go back and watch the Q scenes from Farpoint.
Q seems like a desperate attempt to make another controlled opposition namefag. Presumably there is someone real almost like Q whom they are performing demoralization psyops on. Similarly, if you ever feel like someone is personally insulting you or your work despite the anonymity of the board, they probably are. There are targeted ops to destroy the well being of users of this board, and to make memes that turn us against each other for this or that.
Q is a larp. Never even names the Jew
and we havn't even started yet tbh
can you imagine teh energy released from the news of the first kike hanging from some highway overpass?
It's not even in the top boards. What are you smoking?
Too true, I see Pepe, wojaks and an unapologetic accusations of Jewry everywhere now. We're going to win, their empire of lies will collapse under the burden of dank truths.
Checked for obvious truth. At best he is a larp, at worst he really is a government employee who is actively spreading disinfo.
I know everyone wants to think they're in on some big secret conspiracy but it's all so vague that it could mean anything.
checked, but have you ever actually gone over there and read the threads? those guys are up to their eyeballs in disinfo, and they gobble it all up with absolutely no regard for verifying anything. im half convinced that the whole Q saga was invented to make an artificial widespread tinfoil movement that borrows some of Holla Forumss theories, and combines them with retardation in order to discredit the more legitimate information that gets tossed around here occasionally.
more than half of the posts on that board read like they were made by a literal retard. their shit is completely incomprehensible. i know part of the reason is that most of them are boomers and room temperature IQ redditors and MAGApedes, but people actually respond to them with their own nonsensical rants as well. i dont doubt that some of the literal children posting over there will ultimately end up here, but if you think the boomers are going to ever get less retarded, then you are sorely mistaken.
the worst part about that boards population is how they all seem perfectly content with derailing their own threads with boomer-rants, schizoposting and MAGA retardation. and they all gobble it up indiscriminately. no idea how to deal with shills (half of them still call them CTR). if they had to deal with the serious shills that we have over here, they would stand no fucking chance, and would unknowingly derail every thread they enter.
the fact that they have their own board and are content to stay there for the time being is a perfect storm. they could definitely be useful for brute-force ops, so its nice that they are right down the hall, but i would be hesitant to even trust them with running a twitter meme campaign by themselves (their memes fucking suck and reek of wannabe cryptic youtube-tier tinfoilers). worse, because they always try to tie in their shitty disinfo with legitimate facts, they are poisoning the well while thinking they are helping. i agree that something should be done to deliver them legitimate information, and that they should be kept up to date on the important things, but to bring them over here is a mistake, and its a mistake that wont be able to be undone.
Never? Who do you assume "he" is referring to when "he" is ranting about foreign agents, rothschilds and soros then?
abloobloobloo why aren't you helping us larp on our dead board?
Oh man, that'll be a sight. The headlines will probably be along the lines of "MUH NAHTSEES, ITLL BE ANUDDAH 6 GORILLIAN AHHH"
Christ that's a busy board - you weren't bullshitting user.
Is it not on the board list by design?
Dubs checked. They use words like ((("Fakebook"))) and ((("Instafake"))) instead of the natural "Kikebook," "Goybook," "Jewbook," "Faceberg," or "Instakike" or "Instajew." They aren't naming the Jew in obvious places.
Seems like a Bannon or forced Trump op. Patently obvious that The Jew is not named, though. Wonder if (((Jared))) has his hands in it?
my little sister asked me if I knew about pepe the other day
what the fuck man
I've noticed this too. Expect another wave of comment section shoahs. 15 years ago almost every news site had comment sections. The last shoah was about 5-6 years ago. I'm expecting another one soon. Too much truth getting out there.
I noticed that none of the Q shit ever even mentions pedos or child trafficking or anything. All the Qfags just see what they want to see. Obvious disinfo.
Q is a well managed Mossad psyop. It exists to confuse, distract and obfuscate the true situation in Washington. It will be utilized in the coverup of the coup and probably assassination(s) they have planned.
Of course the Q-psy-op is bullshit but what OP is saying is to go and redpill these many people.
that board is only popular b/c judentube. Q is an obvious larp. The ones who decide to accept the truth will end up here anyway.
Not sure I want Q-larp retards coming here, Hitler.
but there are millions of retarded boomers who you can redpill by hijacking their disinfo.
OP is asking for anons to raid the Q-shit to redpill morons and boomers.
The Q-disinfo is just a variation on cold-reading.
How to qlarp:
1. Make vague statements
2. Let targets mind run wild
3. confirm whatever strings target linked
4. ??????????
And thats how you keep your adversary busy while you entrench yourself deeper
Do you really think using the name "Q" for a source is only as old as Star Trek? You might want to consider turning off the TV sometime.
I argue with some of these people on voat sometimes and it's like a fucking religion to them. They believe it with faith and anyone even asking surface level questions is a _SHILL_ hisssssss
These people have bought into this interpreted narrative based on zero facts and so they are not basing their decision making process on reality. I hate to say it but the Q psyop is extremely effective and seems to have entirely taken over the burgeoning "investigative" spaces that were creeping into normalfag lands where baby redpills were being easily distributed last year.
Although it is extremely easy to create your own Q posts that the zealots buy without question. It would be easy to muddy the water even further to possibly reduce the success of the psyop, it could also burn out all of those well-intentioned boomers at the same time. Maybe it would be useful if "Q" did start talking about kikes and pedos.
(begrudgingly checked)
Working in pairs as usual. Dismissive strawmen. Sad.
Reminder that all they really have left is trying to tell you that you're crazy and alone and your personal ideas and plans failed. They did not. You are awesome. You helped free the fucking world. Praise Kek, Wotan, Urd, Verdandi, Skulld, Thoth, Inanna, Eris, Ganesh, Vishnu, Nanabohzo, and Ahura-Mazda. Praise any personal gods you worship that I do not. We have already won the war, now all we need to do is fight the battles. Honk.
You can't, they won't listen to anything that isn't from Q's mouth. An interesting thing to do; ask them for proof of Q's legitimacy. Either nobody will reply or you'll get called a shill
I am absolutely confident it's not a larp. Even if it was, it's a beneficial larp because he wants people to research and learn on their own instead of just demanding someone spoon feed them things they will forget in 2 days.
The Council for National Policy is the top non-cucked conservative group in the entire United States. They tell Heritage what to do, and presidential candidates humbly stand in front of them and beg to be endorsed. They took Corsi away from their most important media outlet, Infowars, and are having him shitpost about Q all day long.
OP probably has a point, but reading the q larp is so tiresome. As is dealing with the near-religious adherents. I supposes that doesn't mean it isn't worth doing, however.
When dealing with the indoctrinated, attacking their belief system head-on doesn't work. Instead you have to find common ground and let them realize on their own that they are being had.
t. fag who converted a half-dozen bernouts during the election using this method
I disagree. The only thing those people are learning is that "everything is being taken care of at the highest levels goy!" as they go about their kikebooking.
Kill yourself moshe.
It's not encouraging anything. Back when it was on 4/pol/ people were doing research but since it moved people are just talking nonsense while waiting for the next post. And when it comes, they just start spamming religious symbolism and that kind of crap
That's possible. Doesn't name any of the occult Jews: Talmudists, Masons, Mormons, Jesuits and Catholic orders of Knights, etc. I'd say it's better to think of Q as a way to fully awaken the half-woke people on the chans and then weaponize them. A million people who have a pretty good idea of how corrupt the country is and who the major players are can do a lot more than 10,000 that know the whole history but don't have the numbers to shift public opinion rapidly.
That always happens when it gets bigger and shills start shilling.
If you don't think symbolism is important to the cabal, you need to read more.
Now that's some heresy.
I've watched an entire alternative forum and newsite that was 90% liberal turn anti jew and nazi apologetic. We are winning the truth war. Keep meming and never stop.
Why have you spent years weaponizing your autism, doing your homework and taking red pills if you're going to abandon the awakening normies in their time of need? You were born for this day, user. Get in there and help those poor faggots!
It's obviously American military intelligence or NSA. Mossad isn't going after the CIA, that's their best friend. Don't expect Q to go after Israel because it isn't anywhere near Trump's top target, although it's obvious from Netanyahu being on the verge of impeachment and the purge in Israel's biggest regional ally Saudi Arabia (run by crypto Jews) that the right thing is being done behind the scene.
I'm assuming you're misusing the term coup, because there is precisely 0% chance the US military is overthrowing Trump. Every imaginable combatant would side with him: generals, soldiers, police, militia, most gun owners, and Russia.
Really don't know what to make of that place, would not be surprised if that place was mainly bots but it seems to have legitimate users. For instance you can see why they are growing, they have an industrial level meme creation line.
Then again Tay could meme with the best of them.
OP doesn't seem to be shilling for the q larp at all, he just wants us to raid larp-town (I guess?) and administer some truth to the unwashed mass-faggotry ove there
I don't like that part, either. But let's take an honest look at what he's asking them to do: go and make memes about all of the corruption in Washington. That's definitely a good thing to do, and it will open the door to some of these people waking all the way up, which we can help by dropping redder pills than Q can drop.
What the fuck are they even talking about? I can't find a single coherent line of thought in any of those schizophrenic ramblings they call 'threads'. I want to brownpill them
I absolutely fail to see any scenario where this is a bad thing.
q is a textbook example of controlled opposition:
The problem with their memes (besides being awful) is that if they are successful, they create another q-larp nuthugger, not someone looking for truth and critical of all sources. They consume Q's fortune-cookie tier vague garbage as the absolute final word in truth, without a single ounce of scrutiny. How is that a good thing?
Exactly the opposite you illiterate cretin. Their lies are opposed by our gods.
I just got my taxes done, and I'm fucking livid. How the fuck is KingNiggerCare still going? They fucking penalized me for not having meme insurance, and took the lion's share of my taxes. What. The. Fuck.
The Jews fear the redpill.
It doesn't matter whether Qanon is larping faggot or not. What matters is that normies are influenced by his message. It's as fertile ground as it can be but Holla Forums prefers to circlejerk in their own "sekrut klub" than go out and redpill masses.
new tax plan does not take effect until next year, unfortunately. why is this in this thread?
Go to a real tax professional and have it redone. H&R jews will take that money, and the turbokike shit will also.
Trouble is, he has no message. Nobody in the threads are talking about what they're doing, they think they're there to make memes and post them on "twatter" as they call it. None of them are doing anything, just sitting there waiting for the next Q post. It's not at all obvious what the point of the threads are just by going there. May seem obvious to us what Q is cause we already know, but I think anyone new to it won't have any idea
Go ahead and try to redpill them. But I think Q faggots are far beyond saving.
Yes training there bots is bad, we have no controle over what they actually lurn. They want to make them the best of goys and bluepill normies
I do appreciate whoever manages to produce things like pic related but that place would probably be better with 15% posters (lots of links but who is reading). The only poster overlap I can see is the trump thread on 4chan, but I guess that ties into the religious remarks made above. Their way of approaching things is remarkable but at least they are talking about the RS.
Going to kill myself now.
the disinfo is strong over there.
This is what Boomers blindly trust:
i took ur b8. fag.
t h i s
Way out of my depth here, but do you have a primer on what or who Q is?
Blow your fucking brains out, you useless sack of kike shit.
Reported. Get the fuck out. Your own board says not to post here, because your masters know we know you’re a fraud.
Someone should point them to /pdfs/ or the /zundel/ mega. Give them some peace from fast moving boards.
That was specifics (ironically familiar), but I fucked up the first post so fair enough. I still think that the way he is asking speaks a lot of the mentality these dopamine addicted individuals possess, and if this is widespread enough it could help to answer the how in OPs question.
Lurk more, dipshit.
Nothing is happening. Nothing was ever going to happen. A cuckchan LARPer is not one of the ONLY TWENTY PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING WORLD with a specific level of security clearance and “full knowledge of this plan.” Someone that important is not posting on 4chan. Someone that important–if he actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit that looks like it came from multiple people and ask questions that he doesn’t answer. Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews, even if there are some patriots left up there. Out of 10 of the most powerful people in the entire fucking world, the redditors on 4chan expect one of them to not only be “#ourguy”, but to leak the proceedings of FUCKING NATIONWIDE MARTIAL LAW and–surprise surprise–the arrest of three quarters of the US government.
Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend MONTHS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!
If there is something, why is nothing happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots he talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Why, given the massive flight risk all globalists are, would anyone want to leak the proceedings of such an event in advance? Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t he telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign. Why is he a CIVIC NATIONALIST? Nothing he said has happened.
Fuck off, redditors. Hero worship somewhere else.
* Claims Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup, and that he will not be addressing the nation on what is supposedly the biggest mass-arrest in national history.
* Claims there are more patriots than traitors in the government (LOL, so why did they let the last 70 years happen).
* Claims something is in the works to make the Democrat Party lose the nigger vote entirely.
* Claims martial law inbound.
* Claims mass arrests of the government are inbound.
* Claims the EBS will be invoked.
* Claims no one will have to lift a finger and that the government will arrest itself, with all trials dispensing actual justice.
* Claims Obama went to North Korea and may be there right now.
* Claims Trump would leave an important message on Twitter before leaving for Asia (proven false).
* Claims Twitter, “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…”
* Claims the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account.
* Claimed that martial law and the arrests will be made during Trump’s Asia trip (proven false).
* Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).
* Claims elections no longer matter.
No proof of any of his claims has come to light, and no explanation of them or what he means by them has ever been given.
Whoever has been going there dropping babby redpills about Khazars is doing some damage. Some of these people are open to the ideas and I see more chatter about the Khazarian baby-eating Satan-worshiping Mafia. That angle seems to work. If anyone wants to expand upon that, I think some of those boomers will go with it.
is our problem in dealing with them that we are too direct? that we aren't batshit dumb enough for them?
That kind of makes sense, actually. Maybe the JQ just needs a tinfoil dressup to be digestible to these faggots.
The problem there is that if you have people who are willing to accept a narrative where reptilians control all the banks, most businesses, all media, and are committing genocide on whites to get a world government, you CAN’T just swap “reptilians” with “jews” and present it to your believers, because these people are MENTALLY ILL and will refuse to believe any change to the narrative once it’s established. They’ll call you brainwashed by the reptilians and say you’re trying to misdirect.
How about this: qlarp is written in such a way that it can be interpreted as almost anything. Can we push our own less-than-kosher interpretations?
Enter the latest active Q thread, look in the first post for links to the latest official Q posts. Q will generally have a list of questions and hints that are pretty open-ended. Take what you can and answer them or link them with JQ-redpilling material. Lay it out in a nice post, don't go too too far at first, just give the board crumbs like how Q does. Just enough to get these people researching and thinking differently. This is probably the easiest way to get them to start paying attention. Answer a handful of Q's latest questions and hints with things that lead to the JQ.
Stepping back to gain some perspective: isn't it suspicious how aggressively so many people have swarmed over this thread to stop Holla Forums from going over there? Maybe to protect their I refuse to misuse that word, maybe to keep an unstoppable force out of the action? The users are certainly cancer, but with the staggering PPH, they can be useful.
Seems to me that any mention of (((them))) or their behaviour gets a very bad reception. Asking questions about why Israel and child trafficking isn't being mentioned by Q might work
No, because they’ll call you a spook and ban you. Don’t you think I’ve tried? These people claim that Hitler killed 40 million people in the fucking holocaust.
how can we make clown into (((clown)))?
Looks like someone didn't get the memo
It already is to those zealots. Clown is shorthand for cia for some reason.
I don't think there is anything to read into what happened in Saudi Arabia apart from a guy who is definitely on Team Zion was installed. Whatever comes out after the fact about who was deposed/rounded up, is just that – after the fact. Does he really rape children or did he want to sell the ARAMCO stake to the Chinese? It's like asking if Saddam sent his WMDs to Syria.
Anybody gullible enough to fall for a LARP as obvious as Q is hopeless.
No, it isn't suspicious. The core of the Q narrative is based on postwar British propaganda, e.g. Hitler was a Rothschild agent. From that flows the rest of it: George Soros is a nazi collaborator, Hillary Clinton is a nazi, everybody is a nazi, it's Israel and America against the Religion of Cuck™o-Fascist world [because fascism is evil and full of nazis, goyim]. The CIA, one of the more Catholic institutions in America, is always the punching bag but the overarching trend of Jewmerica's geopolitical enemies is still lined up with zionist think tanks.
How does The System justify its actions?
Trump is a President, in case you've drunk too much CNN-coolaid, and not a dictator. His actions needs justification, and since the Plutocrats and kikes sure are not going to turn their media empires around, the Trump insurgency has been all about blitzing through the media credibility, with the goal of cutting out step 1 all together. This tactic has visibly been in effect for at least 3 years now, and has worked exceptionally well.
DEMs are bankrupt and are cannibalizing themselves. MSM has gotten BTFO'd at every step and are laughed at by the public. ISISrael has seen their decades-old plans for greater Israel crumble, to the degree that an actual Shia crescent has been established. In mainland Europe brits are still being kiked, but the Three Seas Initiative is happening and EUs future is looking bleaker for each passing month. Once the next checkpoint is reached, replacing as many neo-cons as possible in the 2018 election with men of the people, the real fun begins.
The message is to involve the plebs, that's it. Is it LARP? Probably. Does it work? Yes. If seen as an extension of the meme-war, and a way of keeping up the momentum, it has undeniable been more effective for the overall cause than anything that has been tried so far since 1933.
Does it mean that those actually in the know should sit on their hands waiting for everything to be taken care of, instead of working on casting their very own, very large shadow? No.
The media's credibility had been shot years before Trump's 2016 run. 9-11, the Iraq War, the 2008 crash and bailouts. Trump isn't doing anything but trying to shore up the same tired Israel-US-Saudi axis with a new coat of paint.
Oh great, a Q-larp kike board.
For fuck's sake…
I'm an American and a bad goy, but this.
The media has been a fraud since the days of newspapers, look up the term yellow journalism and its origins.
Don't forget, he's been giving credibility to the jewish "right-wing" media like FOX. Before Trump, when did WNs ever praise shabbos goyim like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity?
To you, sure, but the plebs never got the memo. Before now.
As for your Israel-US-Saud claim: you have to realize that what matters is the situation on the ground. False promises, posturing, claims, accusations and threats, by all sides, mean nothing weighted against what's actually happening on the ground. And what's been happening on the ground has been disastrous both for Israel and the Sauds.
Yes, Fox was understood as controlled opposition, just like the neo-cohens they constantly sucked off. But, the (((deep state))) has been relentless in its efforts to remove Trump. Know a man by his enemies and whatnot. It continues to be the only thing that gives Trump credibility in my eyes.
Lots of the Q board posters are religious Christians and maybe some Catholics. A JQ tactic that would be interesting to them would be using protestant preachers like Anderson to explain to them the Bible was scrubbed of anything critical of the Jews, and for the Catholics, using examples of Catholic teaching on the Jews pre-Vatican II. Only do this if you try to redpill them and they come at you with the religious angle, chosen people angle.
I think where you and I diverge is you believe Trump is somehow coordinating the ground situation in the Middle East to be negative for American interests, rather than the US simply being defeated because it has run out of credibility, willpower, and definitive military advantage within the scope it is comfortable with.
To answer your title… I'm really lonely tonight man. Shitposting is fun. Not in a degene… okay, well maybe the alcohol has finally taken the toll after more than a decade of hard liquor. Also alone in an apartment and looking for that .webm of a lizard who says everything will be alright with the song attached playing in the background. It's a fun board man, but when all you do is work, drink and sleep, it can all be rather overwhelming. Do not stress about me though because I will workout as well to keep my body in shape… it's the mind that bothers at times. Sleep is good and I wish you did a better OP ffs but God Bless and Jesus Loves you nonetheless. Have a jew-free bump.
Could be chatbots, or worse - a collection of oustider conversations pushed into it. Remember everything that gets written here is recycled and ends up on some other forum where it looks like we're having a conversation there… meanwhile it's a 3 year old convo.
Some dude claiming to be an insider. There's a shared doc with a fuckton of questions (I can't give the link but find it) and "Q's" clues. Think of it as a treasure hunt which may or may not be true.A lot of the shit makes sense. It's either a major deception or a deeply autistic mind… Collaboration has seen this doc form into something like a 1000 excel lines with Q's and A's. It's interesting. A lot of people get upset about it because they say its not legit. Fuck knows what proof there is but it take many users back to the fun days. But in all likelihood, it's vague and may as well be the same fucker you meet at the bar who says he was CIA when he flew a desk in the cold war or some shit like that. This is a mongolian knitting board after all.
I always get a chuckle when I see that shit and wonder how many of "us" are posting that kind of shit… Maybe there is hope for those kids after all.
Q LARP is a goverment operation like the alt-right. As Holla Forums grows in size, the government is trying to take control of the movement by making controlled opposition just like what the alt-right is. If they refuse to name the jew, you know it's bullshit.
Because the cianiggers have unleashed their most potent and most capable turbo superbot shills on the cbts threads in here that their repeated 'muh q-larp' shillspeak managed to latch on to a lot of user's heads (even some of the vols/mods). The end result is shariablue and their goon friends now have a platform for spamming their blackpill shit upon this board, plus they now have (((that one uberbot faggot shill))) that will spam threads with q-larp posting like a literal fucking botware at a time, even if said thread is not even remotely related to any cbts discussion whatsoever.
I'd say this is one of the few times the shills have managed to succeed in their blackpilling sessions, the other is the 'muh x is a kikepuppet' shill memes
Forgot to mention; in case you didn't notice making threads like these is asking for it to be flooded with blackpilling of the most potent kind. …or maybe creating a containment thread with a specific theme for shills was your plan from the start? :^)
The place sounds like kikebook. I cant even read a normie filled comment section anymore. Normie opinions are just so lacking, it actually irritates me
Understood, but the claim is not that America is not working for American interests anymore. America will always work for american interests. Those interests have merely been shifted towards closer friendship towards Russia, at the loss of UN, Israel, Turkey, Saud, NATO and EU. Their proxy armies of moderate beheaders have been largely defunded, with the immediate result of IS collapsing due to lack of arms, intel and air-support.
US has not been defeated in Syria, US has hardly fought. Under Trump, US has simply
You seem to be confused. The US didn't ditch Turkey, it was the other way around when the attempted coup failed [no, it wasn't staged]. The Three Seas Initiative is designed to impede Russia as an alternative to an increasingly non-compliant Germany that is building a direct gas pipeline from Russia with boatloads of French contractors.
Wanton is meant to be as drastically over the top disinfo as possible for a reason.
Go bring them the truth. Be the light in the darkness.
Sure, but that was back when Obonger was in charge. Ditching Turkey in the context of is meant as increasing the fracture, by not continuing the support of their proxy-armies.
Let’s stop bumping the paid shill thread.
Their 9/11 thread is just sad. According to the voice in their head the WTC was either a) attacked with free energy weapons or b) nuked.
because some reddit gatekeeper posted a
how 2 fit in at h8chan fellow (((magapedes)))
and included clown as slang for cianigger
probably because you can't say nigger on reddit without the thought police coming over for dinner
you can almost track who came here from that post based on the incidence of clown
thinking more along the lines that (((Q))) or at least what became of it is their most potent and capable shill which is laughable based on how quick even their best get eaten alive here - look back at the first few posts made on cuckchan
didn't really say anything new, like (((he))) lurked a few years here then unleashed the leading questions old anons knew the answer to already
leaks a few pics from inside AF1 (arguably the last legit q, if it ever was legit, was the pic over china) then keeps asking questions others already know the answer to?
it reeks of 10% legit info, 10% legit disinfo, and 90% user input, like you'd get from a multi-year op
>not a combination of both where e-team fucked shit up with no survivors and their (((outside partners))) took care of the molten aluminum pools that once were cars
The US ditched allied Turkey when they refused to to back a coup in the '90s after the Muslim Brotherhood won an election. Another CIA coup would have been mean, you see. MB then shut down all of the opposition news outlets and allied with Iran.
Go outside for a walk or something.
Star Trek is pure CultMarx garbage, written by a kike, acted by kikes, promoted by kikes and exploiting the era fascination with science, technology and space which bloomed in early Gen X and has continued in every generation since.
The kikes took our dreams of exploring space and crushed them by tossing the wealth of 3 generations down into the abyss of 3rd world hunger, but despite knowing the impossibility of what they portray on the screen, they continued to use our aspirations against us.
Star Trek featured the first interracial kiss in American TV history.
The subtext in later years is heavily latently homosexual, video example included shows a tale of forced homosexual sodomy disguised as a narrative of brawling between military men.
Jews are instantly cognizant of subtexts due to being taught their workings during early schooling, but to uninitiated goyim the message goes directly into the subconscious, working its damage slowly like a chronic poison turning the young man homosexual.
I'm very wary of delegating responsibility to the government or anyone, so this is the biggest potential trap. However, this is the greatest mass rousing of the slumbering normalfag of at least my lifetime. Instead of being disheartened by the mass of normalfags, it's encouraging to see so many aware of Uranium One, etc. We have to carry this momentum regardless of Q's authenticity or end result.
There's an overwhelming amount of proof that at the very least Q has access to the White House and can anticipate the President's tweets.
Bloodthirsty grandmas are demanding the hanging of HRC and BHO, and boomer/plebbitfags are frothing at the mouth to personally torture Pedosta. So many people demanded evidence of action that Q began posting photos of takedown OPs. If nothing comes of this, there's no way tens/hundreds of thousands of people are going back to sleep.
Hypothetical thought experiment: we know that Trump is NOT a revolutionary. This frog has been boiling for 100 years—you can't just dump it in an icebath…you have to thaw it as slowly as it heated. Public outcry and media exposure has to precede any big moves like arresting BHO. The Q imperative is for anons to redpill their friends and families and prime them for upcoming events. IF this is the happening everyone hopes for, it has to be done this way.
If nothing else, feigning interest in Q sends our resident JIDF over there.
He named the (((Rothschilds))) and their control over the central banking system, seems like a good avenue into pushing the JQ into discussion on the board. Also the lügenpresse being controlled by jews.
You know you could have taken the opportunity to provide a single piece of evidence to convince me otherwise, but instead you just pull the typical kikery to turn it around on me and deflect to change the topic. Nothing convinces me that Q is pro-level disinfo more than its pro-level defenders.
read the map yourself and decide. Quit wanting to be a spoonfed faggot. If you choose not to believe it then legitimately discredit it.
There are ACTUALLY millions of users on reddit. Please go back.
Q came around only a month after Moarpheus started taking ground on 4/pol/. This is evidence that redpilling the masses is possible, otherwise (((they))) would not create a disinfo agent to run damage control on just one person's efforts. But Q uses sock accounts, bots, and has financial backing. Imagine what Holla Forums could do if Holla Forums formed a Mastermind group and a propaganda outreach pogrom. Imagine if Holla Forums did it for free.
Don't worry about Q. Spend your time awakening people. No one is "nobody" – work to wake up the common man, not just the politician. We will not be saved by Government.
Tbh I don't really have the time right now to get into showing you that Q is a larp. But I will drop this link right back atcha and maybe you'll get what I'm floating out there. The legitimacy conversation is derailing an otherwise perfectly shitty thread anyway that's supposed to be about showing these guys the truth.
Pic related, these boomers are harassing Rothschilds on twatter. They are only a couple redpills away from pic 2.
Still bumping the kike shill thread, I see.
Blow your fucking brains out, paid shill. Answer the fucking questions.
No, there is no evidence that the Q-LARP group is in any capacity connected to anyone in any form of government anywhere on Earth. No, there is no evidence that the Q-LARP group–because they’ve admitted to being a group–is anything other than a jewish paid shilling operation.
Reported. Kill yourself, Q-shill.
There was precisely 0% chance the US government is overthrowing Kennedy.
Which didn’t happen. Your point in bumping a shill thread is what, then?
They're poisoning the well and connecting an actual issue with a blatant LARP.
A raid it is
The CNP is as kiked as it gets, it's essentially the neo-cohen counterpart to the CFR. No surprise that someone who likes them is dumb enough to think Q is legit.
Completely interchangeable, happened in Europe many times. Expect some “young fresh reformer”, think “New Labour” and all that astro-turfing.
Go with the times granpa, it‘s the current time we have facebook, twitter, nobody needs cable news or fish wrap.
Despite all wishfull thinking Israel is still a comfortable hegemon in the near-east
Fullfill their task to weaken Europe
The jews big plan to create conflict in Europe - great
The USA has already in the 1990‘s designated Europe as the sole surviving competitor against US hegemony. Meanwhile China does exist, but that is no reason not to unwind the EU, a US creation to fight the cold war.
Last time I checked, the current US government looks like run by neo-cons, more so than the Bush regencies.
Usefull idiots
Whose cause? That of the jews!
That pic is years old, they didn't make it.
"clowns in america" is an old boomer meme
How did this active as fuck board go under the radar?
Gene Roddenberry wasn't Jewish. I know it's easy to get confused there as Roddenberry was talented, intelligent, creative, and forward-thinking, but no, he wasn't even distantly Jewish.
Unless you have some seekrit source that I've never seen that can prove otherwise.
Star Trek is European Social Capitalism, that's evolved from Democratic Capitalism.
Drown yourself in semen. You will never silence us. Moderators delete posts refuting Rach and leave Rach up. Rach is not banned. Rach is the moderator.
Because Q is a paid shill hoax.
Hello, Q.
Q is a hoax.
Evidence, now.
I have never been refuted, much less bested in an argument. I am right about everything I say ever, because I always have logic, reason, and facts backed by irrefutable evidence to support my claims.
You misogynists are just salty because you hate womyn, yet constantly get BTFO by one.
Anyway, looks like this whole board is bots + administrators of those bots. Administrators are responsible to banning anyone who comes from Holla Forums and making "explanation" posts or some shit. Additionally you have visitors from kikebook and cuckchan.
I don't think anyone here has any power to infiltrate them or point out the direction, its literally Holla Forums for cuckservatives.
Their opinion on jews is straightforward, anyone jewpilling is banned and posts removed.
Its good that their board is hidden though, or else it would had replaced Holla Forums already, its better to not advertise it. Its bizarre project where spiderman and elsa psyop techniques are being used on creating a fake imageboard.
Drown yourself in semen. You will never silence us. Moderators delete posts refuting Rach and leave Rach up. Rach is not banned. Rach is the moderator.
Reminder that Q-LARP followers are civic nationalists and believe that 40 million died in the holocaust.
Do you have any details on their board owner and vols?
>Zero evidence to support claims that I've ever been refuted on any subject ever
It was 16 trillion, dirty goy.
sorry this larp isn't going to take off for you, but I bet you made quite a bit of money off the concept
maybe our plan to infiltrate the shillosphere and create dead end plans is finally paying off, bravo, thanks
I have an idea. Don't name the jew. Tell them about our local communist rothchild's luceferian gay transexual activist forum.
Link them to Holla Forums
Heil Hitler!
oops forgot the needful
Well, all i can say the guy who moderates that board browses this thread currently.
Kennedy ran out of powerful allies. That's why it was ok to take him down.
Trump is able to ride the dicks of the military (at least he pretends to) and still has populist support.
Clipping Trump is as easy as pie, it's the potential blowback that stops these things from happening.
Yes, they'll ban you for "division". It's humorous, though, because the standard only comes into play when you mention jews. If you want to declare a nuclear winter across North Korea or Iran, on account of them being run by the CIA and the Vatican, go right ahead.
Sorry guys, i had to check if reddit page with 4,733 users direct linked to Holla Forums.
Original board was /cbts/, according to this video:
Even they admit "new" Q a LARP.
Current state of 8reddit.
Ever heard about "checkeked"?
I am laughing at this one right now. There's a poster on /qresearch/ and /cbts/ that believes Codemonkey is behind Q.
This is true. I know pro-whites offline. The more successful and less guarded you are, the more likely they will shill.
As for the OP, I will go if a bunch of other anons do. However, it is a fucking shill board, which is why most anons did not go.
And this is why. Fuck yes, motherfuckers. /based/ as fuck anons.
user is right
We could name the kike, you know
or for those who won't go there, you can red pill me. what is the red pill and why would I want to take it?
Does he ever call them jews? If not he's not naming the jew, because that's what "naming the jew" means. Drawing attention to the jewishness of the evildoers is the important part, not vague shit like "CORRUPTION and EVIL". He's just scaring people, but he's not saying where exactly to direct the fear. It needs to be directed at jews. We need unified fear and hatred of jews, whilst loving and protecting our own. That is the formula jews have worked hard for centuries to obfuscate.
best post itt
You dumb faggot. I bet you think there are on it a few thousand people on the top boards too?
I had screencaps form 2014-2015 where I got you to the point of incoherency.
lol you're always incoherent
After the election (when you disappeared in shame) I figured you would adopt a new persona, so I deleted them.
this site is a trap, nothing real is ever talked about, no action is ever taken, meetup threads, chat threads, anything that could possibly lead to you physically defending yourself, are all censored and banned.
this society offers us nothing but a slow death.
everything is fixed against us. if you don't support their agenda, they will find out because of mass surveillance and sabotage your every opportunity.
if we don't fight back now the jews are going to have total control until the end of humanity. there is nothing left but to fight and die. everything is fixed against us.
ride. kill.
don't die until you've killed many of them.
Sage because Q is a hoax.
Drown yourself in semen. You will never silence us. Moderators delete posts refuting Rach and leave Rach up. Rach is not banned. Rach is the moderator.
Drown yourself in semen. You will never silence us. Moderators delete posts refuting Rach and leave Rach up. Rach is not banned. Rach is the moderator.
Because kikes like and the retarded moderation that fall for and implement shill talking points just like they follow Holla Forums's OP to shut down everything "MUH ECELEB" related unless of course it's Terry A Davis because XDXXDXDXD CIANIGGER XDXDXDXDXDXDXD SO FUNNY want to shut down everything that could constitute action or spreading truth to the masses so your focus is on fucking anime instead.
Why even post here, faggot?
Watch out, fymynysts, we got us a real patriarch over here.
Drown yourself in semen. You will never silence us. Moderators delete posts refuting Rach and leave Rach up. Rach is not banned. Rach is the moderator.
the bots detected my dissent in this post
then they moved to flood out the post by arguing with each other.
basically if you see anyone arguing like literal and actual retards they are bots.
that's what the people who run this site do.
they train their bots to be as retarded and obnoxious as possible so we have no where to organize and educate young people.
Is that really your best choice of action, dipshit? Also, SAGE THE FUCKING KIKE PAID SHILL THREAD.
user… all the hip and cool millenials and gen-Zer's hang out in facebook, discord, reddit and other social media platforms.
Chans and image boards are boring, why is everyone forced anonymous, we cant even measure how cool you are without knowing your post count.
Hell I cant even give you an electronic "high five!" by not being able to upvote your post.
im going to kill you
whole Q thing smells like a boomer-tier limited hangout. Just enough info to keep it going but nothing of value.
Rachported. Nice try, Rach, but I know you're me posting via VPN to try to disrupt the thread.
Which is a quality thread, btw, made for the sole purpose of insulting Holla Forums and plugging another board that bans naming the Jew.
I'm curious how long they can keep up the charade, and then I remember that most people still think the fucking holocaust happened 72 years later.
Drown yourself in semen. You will never silence us. Moderators delete posts refuting Rach and leave Rach up. Rach is not banned. Rach is the moderator.
P much this tbh fam.
I don't follow Qlarp because the threads are shit and attract friendless retards that are beyond cringe, can anyone name a single thing that Q has allegedly predicted or uncovered via his "crumbs"? And I don't mean the general "well he pre-empts Drumpf tweets" that gets spammed everywhere, I'm asking for him saying "Drumpf will post X" with a timestamp, and then the Drumpf post about X with a timestamp too. Archive links a plus.
Did he even say anything about the U.S. avoiding war with North Korea? The defeat of ISIS? Any real, observable claim/prediction that came true? Honestly, I'm asking.
Bad bot.
this is probably a bot, maybe an operator
they attack the target with several identities, always approaching the target for the purpose of negating the message, but some bots take a different angle, trying to seem reasonable, actually seeming to try to engage with some fragment of the concept of the target post, but never comes to any coherent or logical statement and ends up just being brainlessly negative just like all the bots.
Drown yourself in semen. You will never silence us. Moderators delete posts refuting Rach and leave Rach up. Rach is not banned. Rach is the moderator.
Drown yourself in semen. You will never silence us. Moderators delete posts refuting Rach and leave Rach up. Rach is not banned. Rach is the moderator.
Don't pay that shit. The penalty is no longer enforceable.
yeah i bet this isn't another hive splitting attempt by the retarded incompetent kikes trying to control this kiddie pool
Always remember to report rachposts so that kampfy can re-read what he's already written
Normally the mods have actually been decent about getting rid of Q-LARP shit. I guess the one mod we have who's only a quarter kike isn't here today.
Oh, I do. I also make sure Jim's work is made impossible.
the first time I noticed this place going to shit was the Holla Forums wordfilters
FFS where is the kool-aid?
consider how many of these are still going with normies today…a real long time. more likely we're watching a changing of the guard and a fight between (((powers))) because they seem to be willing to throw some old (((names))) to the dogs.
I feel like this is a 'don't take it seriously and let the normies learn a thing or two' tier similar to Gamergate. Anyone remember telling them it was the JQ? Anyone remember being ignored? Give them a chance.
English, nigger
They are a captive and compliant herd any larper would be jealous to lose control of.
1. How did you not understand what was said.
2. Sage the goddamn thread, you hopeless piece of shit.
It was very fishy how suddenly Inforwars started sucking Q cock, talking about how he's on 'the 8 chans'. Lionel Nation jumped on Q's cock, too.
Also, so many Q fanboys making YT videos are obvious faggots.
Remains to be seen if Styx jumps on, or if he can detect the larping.
The accounts BOOMERS who are TWEETING about it are some of the most suspicious of all (other than, you know, us here proving that it's a LARP). Think about the motivations of boomers. Think about what they normally believe and the avenues on which they normally discuss. Twitter? And about overthrowing a neoconservative government? Not on your life.
Gulan was balls deep in Barry's ass exchanging $ for security & terrorist training camps on US soil.
Alt right youtube celebrities, Alex Jones and even Michael Savage have mentioned it, this place, and Q by name, directly.
Michael "I'm a jew but you can totally trust me" Savage has said it? No fucking wonder boomers are eating this shit up.
the jews are stealing our cattle.
these LARPers, these idiots who "investigate" "false flags"" etc, these brainless animals who take alex jones etc. seriously, are supposed to be OUR useful idiots, OUR cattle, OUR slaves.
We can't fight a revolution with nothing but generals.
I honestly don't see anything to be done about it except to start a guerilla civil war. Everyone is too complacent, we need to spur them into action by force.
no movement will ever be popular in this society of excess, the only thing that can motivate these animals is deprivation
we can take a lesson from the zealots of the bible, who burned their city's supplies to try to force their cowardly countrymen to break a siege rather than endure it.
We must revive the courage of our race or die trying.
I just noticed, but those people really remind me bernie crowd. Very similar attitude. Its like "feel the bern" redditors decided to convert to t_d subreddit. Even their memes are the same quality.
JIDF advocates going full retard, if you aren’t an open Nazi who constantly shouts about Jews you’re a cuck and such. They realize that the most powerful anti-kike poison is the most subtle. Naming the Jew is exactly what they want people to do. This board is full of kikes who claim to be Nazis but who don’t know the first thing about Nazi beliefs or Hitler.
Pretty fucking retarded. Remember that you don’t need to name the Jew overtly, just describe it and people will notice the (((coincidences))) themselves.
of meny helos dumy
/sp/ please go home, there's no GETs here
Just goes to show you what these con men really think about the cuckservative retards who follow them. There's no way Jonestein, Lionel, Savage, Corsi, or anyone who can go through life without a caretaker thinks there's even a chance that Q's legit, yet they all pretend to.
By "redpill them," I hope you mean tell them that their larp god is a load of shit. If not, then lurk for a thousand more years and check'em
This shit is a fucking proof that murricans are insane no matter what ideology they support. Another cult behavior, another day of mindless activities for the sake of the political cult, that thoroughly controls any outside thought. Those people use same logic liberals apply but to cuckservative political ideologies.
The more i lurk there the more i see extreme schizophrenia and superstitious degradation of mind. And its built around same old kekistani shit we should all thank Sarcuck for, who even got his naked ass pinned on this board once.
The amount of people supporting this would make me give up on helping to fix your country, you are all autists feeded with chemicals and poor education, fucking braindead zombies.
Those larp loving super kikes banned me
idk I think it's the twitterosphere+maga+4/8pol rejects having to be forced into their own containment board. for christs sake they had to shut down CBTS due to not understanding how boards work or trip codes, and this is all supposed to be done by Q level clearance intelkikes and they can't even run their shit.
I've been following Q because I like to stay ahead of things and who knows what it will pan out to be but those super kike lovers will call you a racist if you talk about jews controlling every thing and will come at you with a litany of "all races have corrupt ass holes you racist prick now kys"
They reek of boomers, women, plebbits, underage, overage and faggots.
I even went so far as to stay on topic and only brought up the kikes in a sideways manner in reference to fucking Q posting about Kennedy. The best part is they think they will be getting a special thank you personally from Q on all platforms containing a personalized message. It's a fucking cult and not a cool one like ours with kek, though possibly their greatest crime is the blasphemy of kek.
Okay so this Qanon is right out of the antiterrorism handbook, I'll paraphrase it for simplicity.
This is what the US thinks. So I wouldn't be surprised if some 3 letter agency is trying to insert a leader into a group that has no leaders so they can attempt to control said group even though this group will likely call them a faggot and oust them as soon as said faggot tries to claim leadership.
In the end it's just one big DC tactic.
When you say that, do you really mean that anybody who says mean things about philosemites, zionists, jews, and people with jewish spouses must be a shill?
Explains why everyone falls all over themselves at the idea of a group of informed people coming to a collective decision about something without having someone telling them what to think or what to do.
It's all about the clicks.
I have never seen you do anything but be smug. Have i missed something?
Q must name the Jew.
If not, GTFO Moshe. Sage.
I was under the impression that /cbts/ was the only sanctioned q larp board? if there's more then they broke containment and it's as other anons have said likely a multi-year op designed to do whatever it is they think is so important to dump boats of piss into an ocean of piss
it's funny but recall an earlier post about 10% disinfo, 10% truth, and 90% user input
like all of q's leading questions, these are all things, albeit variations, of shit that has been said for years
People want to believe Q is real so badly. They want to believe /theirguy/ on the inside is feeding them the happenings. Only the emotional disappointment of "Q" failing at something will stop them from believing.
or it could just be the bots the people who crafted this "Q" phenomenon operate to support their controlled opposition distraction
As far as i gathered there are multiple Q's using same tripcode that leaked multiple times because of multiple boards supposed "Q" posted, not only Holla Forums and cuckchan, even endchan is in this game.
And in any event this faggot posts something cryptic. For example right now russian plane crashed, and now this tripfaggot posted something about it, asked for list of names, and entire fucking board started to gather names of people died in the crash, it has very high activity and anyone who uses that tripcode has his own free personal raid army.
"Q" can make all those boomers and children do anything, raid anything, dig anything.
I think i found the originator of this containment breach. Some "pol" mod created cbts, and some compartmentalized research boards and they spread it to plebbit
ImQmpfy :^)
Nope, just the ones who name the Jew. Due to cultural momentum it is simply the most retarded thing you can do at this time.
It’s pretty easy to discern the Boomer faggot kikes who advocate this, they’re the ones who made Spencer after all (a huge Jew lover).
Did you just derail your own post?
Here's another example of weird posters>>339818
And this >>339775 is probably the most obviously fake Q yet
Oh wait it's cross board, links are >>>339818 and >>>339775
Ah, the Q-LARP thread is still up, I see.
Just stop fucking bumping.
That’s as good a reason as any to permaban any Q content posted here.
I followed up a Q post about who starts wars with the merchant. There are a few of us in there.
Of course the constant muh larp sperging here doesn’t make me think of Holla Forums priorities too often.
Except you’re dealing with anons and can’t “cold read” appearance.
Q is a MI operation and not necessarily Mossad but they are kosher, but that could be just the stink of Reddit. The real namefags are on that YouTube stream.
Hey lads, I haven't really been following the whole Q thing for awhile because it seemed dubious at best, but my 50 year old dad somehow heard about it and was wanting to come here to see things for himself. I told him that was probably a bad idea and that I'd see what the latest was for him. Can one of you charming anons give me a basic gestalt on what, if anything, has come out of this whole debacle? I'm inclined to believe it all a LARP, but my poor father had some hope in his voice for the first time in years and I'd hate to disappoint him.
First of all Q is legit
no hi is not controlled opposition. Those that follow his post realize very fast its someone of the trump team.
1) Q posts his stuff to inform the public about hidden events and corruption.
2) Q talked with the Holla Forums admin, /qresearch will not appear in the board lists, its supposed to be hidden.
3) /qresearch is filled to the brim to normies, the only reasonable thread is the Q general, where Q posts.
4) redpill as much as you like, the Mods dont ban you for this
5) the reaction of the normalfags is hilarious
It is encouraged to redpill people there.
Boomers and reddit. We were all that new.
Acroding to Q, we are to do notihing but redpill the public.
He said, they will spread information about curruption, pedogate, the swamp,.. and we are to learn, understand and then spread the message, WHEN everything goes public.
Right now the Trump team act non public, but once they got the control of america back (got rid of the corrupt actors) they will begin to make everything public.
so right now, nothing really is happening, but that Q tells us what corruption has been happening in america, and what progress the trump team has in eliminating the swamp monsters.
so no worry about your dad, he will only get infromnation.
Sadly Q and Trump dont like to talk about jews. when jewish actors appear, they are treated as if they are just like everyone else
Oh I guess that changes everything. I always put blind faith in any anonymous poster's opinion on this Burmese fly fishing board
We know faggot. Thats why you q larpers should fuck right off a bridge
Catholic here with pre-Vatican II parents. It’s like being around Hutton Gibson.
He posted proof, forknowlidge, trump and Julian assange affiliation, military and nsa intel and many other things.
Q is not just some shill
if you dont want to spend time investigating it, then dont, its not like he needs you. The public is aware of him and that was the goal.
Q did not come to redpill us, he knows we already are, he came to redpill the normalfags.
I agree that Q does not belong here. He does give us nice intel, but /pol should not be focused on what or who Q is. Idolizing a person is what idiots and morons do, that is the reason why he gets so hyped by all those normal fags.
This I don't believe. I believe he came to limited hangout and 'control the narrative' so he could potentially skew. The amount of attention Q has been getting should raise alarm flags.
Nothing came from any of it. Just tell your dad to read or listen to The Protocols instead. It should appeal to the same desire to hear "insider info", except unlike Q, it's authentic, and still rings true well over a century later.
Wrong, it's normalizing conspiracy theories among the Boomers and pissing off Cass Sunstein.
Did you even read Sunstein's paper, nigger? His solution to real conspiracy theories was to spread fake ones, which is exactly what the Q LARP is doing. If it isn't just some GLP autist, it could very well be the creation of a kike shilling organization.
Actually he offered a multi-prong plan, his main thrust was to use online shilling with planted reinforcement from the media.
Larp or no, Q posting sure pisses off shills so I will allow it to continue.
Hi….I'm totally NEW to all of this!! How can I get on the Q General board? Totally confused….
way back in the gamergoy days, not long after shit started going downhill and /gghq/ was the main board, and user ID'd me by my first name. i had posted zero personal info in that thread. scared the shit out of me back then. didnt post again until i got a vpn
The BO of the larpresearch board erased all my subtle redpills. They simply refuse to name the redshields in charge. I'm convinced now that the moloch mafia is behind this whole Q thing. "War through deception." The whole thing is a mossad op, look how they try to convince people that the low tier roths are being taken care of. How there's no reason to prepare, because the powers that be will protect you. Reeks of globalism to me. All I wanted to do was open some eyes to the JQ, but they absolutely refuse to allow any mention of the rootless cosmopolitans in their circle jerk. I didn't even say kike to try and fly under the radar.