"When you see youself in your children"

Instead of trying to rehash/remix "its ok to be white" Why dont we make posters to influence increased white birth rates by targeting women. If theres one thing women are influenced by its the need to look AESTHETIC. From birth their very value is linked to how they look. An image like the one ive posted with text along the lines of "When you see yourself in your children" Is able to subconsciously influence women to have white children by playing on thier desire to look AESTHETIC. Anyone who questions the message would essentially look like theyre against white children (which they are) but it would show the normies that they are too. This is also distanced from the "its ok to be white" rehashes/remixes by targeting a different issue and demographic with a different format, which could possibly spark a new media overreaction (what we want)

So what do you guys think? anyone with photo skills want to make a demo?

Other urls found in this thread:


Put that caption on pictures of mothers holding their mixed babies.

boy the shills are up early today.

I like it, but it also sounds easy to pervert.

These are some of the worst marketing strategies I've ever heard. We live in CY+3, and most of these posts trying to appeal to white people continue to do so with a early to mid-twentieth century mindset. As such, this kind of strategy is preaching to the choir.

Connect with the youth in a way that appeals to their limited sensibilities, and steer them in the direction you want in a slow, subtle manner.

doesnt reference the original post in anyway

The post appeals to women. Still hasnt addressed the idea whatsoever.

we all know this and you still havent adressed the content of OP

shill/10 try harder next time.

White women that racemix have this problem. White friend complains she didn't expect her daughter to look so much like a chink and that daughter looks "nothing like her."

Can't wait until the baby is thrown in a dumpster.

You know roasties are super insecure about their offspring looking nothing like them.

Sometime they get mistaken for being kidnappers. The video is related.

Sticky, maybe?

*kike detected*

Good stuff. There is too little memeing going recently so I appreciate anyone throwing new ideas around. I had a similar idea except appealing to men a while back (pic 2&3) but I it was admittedly a bit too idealistic on my part to think this would catch on with guys in these degen times.

guys I was on facebook and saw the dumbest fucking shit I had to share it with you guys. nogs are literally this fucking low IQ.


We show childhood pictures of my wife to my daughter and my daughter thinks they are of her. Spitting image of my wife that little one is.


That's 1.5 child per white woman, user. That's such a waste

This is the math. Europe won the war with Religion of Cuck™ because we had more children. Yes, a muslim man might have 20+ kids, but it was with 6 or 7 women, and most muslim men just didn't reproduce, they became pirates to try to capture slaves. Meanwhile in Europe, the average man really did marry, and had 6-7 children, which means that the average woman had 6-7 children. After a while they had no chance.

I just hatched an idea, maybe #WhiteBabiesSoCute? It follows the traditional niggerish format of some prior hashtags. Anybody against it would be hating white babies. And it implies, albeit with plausible deniability, that non-white babies are not cute. Basically post images like that 4th one, of beautiful white women nuzzling up with their precious babies that are as white as they are. All the non-whites/kikes and leftists would autistically screech, "reeee you're implying that non-white babies aren't cute and that white people should have more babies when you disgusting goyim need to die faster to end racism!" And nigger twitter et al. would be angerly posting mixed babies and niglets that are objectively ugly in response which would subconsciously feed anti-miscegenation and white superiority redpills.

That isn't how words work you fucking retard. Get the fuck out and go back to reddit.

Cashing a check at Wal-mart

heard through the rapevine that they're going to be doing rolling doubles for the forseeable future because the autists figured out their work schedule and they're scared of what their presidential candidate openly call inept manchildren/nerd virgins.

a wakandan king needs to tell them that HAARP is real and it isn't the white man who is responsible

Stop talking about puzzle pieces and start talking about the big picture. The meme we should be spreading is White genocide. It is more effective. Post the mantra and mini-mantras, poster them, spam comments and flood the internet with them.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Diversity is a codeword for White genocide


white genocide is already being talked about by cucks like Richard Spencer and we all know how well that is going


I think it has potential, I made some of these before but they might be too wordy to be "quick memes".

Sure, it's not marketing, right. Go ahead, make some posters like in OP's suggestion. See if it works. "It's Okay To Be White" worked rather well because it actually repulsed cucks and danger hairs into throwing a fit over them, and when that happened, normal white people did a doubletake and were like, "What the fuck? Why should people, especially other WHITES be getting mad over a statement as innocuous as this?" In turn, it made them think, and reconsider the whole culture of shame they currently live in.

Also, OP's pic shows a mother with children. Notice anything missing from that?

So what do you think is wrong with OP's idea and how would you improve upon it?
better than last time but still obvious. 0.1/10 still a shill

He's not a shill he just wanna be a wizard
But shitposting doesn't come from books or psychology
It's comes from the soul


I like this idea

these were made by someone who is 50+ or a super socially out of tune person, the concepts is good but the way these specific ones are written sounds like something an angry gramps would say


Spencer does not talk about White genocide. Shill


the nazis admired the hindu caste system

Is your italicized sentence from a quote?

Good goy.

Citation needed, btw.

the second and third are good but the last one is best because it takes it all the way to pre marital sex.
this whole "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" thing that kids and "young adults" are doing nowadays always leads to pre-marital sex, and for whatever reason it's deemed okay because they're in a "relationship". even middle schoolers nowadays are doing things like blowjobs - they even consider it to be not as bad as standard sex. who could respect a woman as his wife knowing that she sucked teenager dick? even the premise of such things is insulting

people need to understand that non-virgins make inferior wives and mothers and that we all need to work together to maintain a society that promotes and upholds womanly virtue instead of destroying every trace of it in girls at the youngest possible age.

i would also change the wording a bit if it's possible. instead of "it takes a man to do x" (makes it sound like you have to be a manly tough guy to do x, as if it were a good thing or a status symbol), it should be more along the lines of a "only YOU can prevent forest fires" thing. i made this so as not to be such a backseat driver



So "white" is code for "racist"? Noted.

I like how the dude is fading out of the picture, it really expresses the reality of race cucking.

Women would be repulsed by those images. They make you look like an angry, impotent cuck, as does most white nationalist memery.

Women don't like the word slut. If you've ever used it to a woman's face they go batshit over it. It's wise to steer clear of trigger words with emotional creatures. I would keep the message pure and white men are inclined to race mix more than women anyway so we should target men first and foremost because if, let's say for argument's sake, 7% of white men are race-mixing and we reach a portion of that demographic with our message the those men are going to be looking for a white woman which means 1 less woman for chang and niggers. The importance of having your kids young should be stressed as well. Have one for mum, one for dad and one for Uncle Adolf! I can tell you right now that my 13yr old son is my best m8 and when I see a reflection of myself in his face it's better than anything, ever.

If the goal is to target women to increase birth rates, just spread pictures and videos of cute white babies. That's literally all there is to it.

This meme provides hours of triggering material depending on how you use it. You see user, women are very, very, very insecure and they are also extremely emotional.

Take for example nigger women. Nigger women despise it when nigger men marry anything not a nigger. They hate it. They know that they are the most disgusting creatures associated with the human race. White women are similar, and American women.

One incarnation of this meme is "are you marriageable material" Whoa boy does that trigger. It triggers all of them. It brings out their insecurities, and it points out that they are being judged by men just as much as they judge men. Post that picture with a hot, thin, smiling Asian girl and you can cause a dumb cow to have a hysterical crying fit. American women despise foreign women. If you bring up international marriages or daca marriages, they get pissed. IF we wanted to destroy the democrat's women base, this is how you do it. a subtle meme "She will contribute to this country, by being a great American wife" with a picture of a daca woman on it would trigger the single office lady leftists to no ends. They would menstruate in rage if they saw that meme.

So yeah, this meme can be extremely powerful if used either way. It has the potential to be very fun.

I will agree to the idea that white men racemix more in the "official" sense. I.e., cuck marries an Asian due to the docile meme. However, I'd claim women racemix more in an unofficial sense. I.e., sex at a party & "doesn't remember it" style in college.

I just tell my daughters and nieces that they're instantly going to set up their kids to be disadvantaged. Not just in society, but in terms of intelligence and opportunity? IOW, why purposely stack the deck against your spawn by making them both STUPID and UGLY.

there was a thread here not long ago pointing out that black women could be allies here - because they HATE when their man apes marry non-sheboons. Seems like a legit tact.

You're back! I thought you might have had a horrible accident, or that you might have committed suicide, or something sensible like that.

i think the pictures speak for themselves


Oh shit the Madcow faggot is back! How you been?




Year of our lord 2018: the retarded madcow poster finally came up with a comeback for "anti-racist is anti-white". It only took the moron 4 years.

I already gave my suggestion in the post I was accused of being a shill for.(shilling for what, again?)
If any kind of mindset is to be ingrained in people who don't already have it, you're going to have to reach across the isle and entice people to come over to your side and it's not going to happen overnight. You're not going to do it with infographics (those racist facts!) or using inflammatory language (AUGH! SLUT SHAMING!) because that just adds to the polarization that these people thrive on.

Picture this: A picture of a happy white couple, with one or two happy kids, out in public, and in the background (or foreground, depending how it's framed), a woke/dangerhair/alt chick looking at them thoughtfully, with just a slight hint of envy or self-remorse. Wrap this up with a caption at the bottom which reads something like:

Feel Something Missing In Your Life?

Subtle, appeals to emotion, and asks a question that will hopefully stick in their minds. Just as a starter.

In that 3rd picture, did the son racemix? That looks like a nigger baby.

Increasing white birth rates won't help. We're going to win the war regardless, we don't need more kids to die in it. What we need is to stop importing foreigners, and kick out the ones we've already got. An ever expanding population is not good.

Please, show us more about how much you learned about Hatechan from Reddit.

I'm doing fucking 10/10 work ITT, why do you temp workers always have to come in and fuck it all up with your uncreative, obviously-paid-to-say-this shitposts? And I know you're from the temp agency because you fucking write just like they train you to, keywords and all.

Just fuck off.

You're still wrong because jews, liberals and any manner of leftoid already conflates white with racist.

This comment is extremely Jewish.

How so, (1)?

user who called you a shill earlier here. not a bad idea. Might try to whip something up

That is a literal rapist. That poster, the Rachel Maddow guy. He is a rapist.

< having conversation with a rapist

The Jew wins if you don't have children.

I made an edit

Alright I giggled.

Checked and kek'd

No. I don't think user is shilling, but just having a shitty idea.
user's idea is similar to the "We share your values" of migrants destroying civilization in the other thread.

It is to create emotional contrast when the statement is obviously not true.
However, in this case it would not work - as the target audience would believe the statement is true.

I’ve done this to a woman. All I asked her was why not in reference to her not having children. She is a 5’11 blonde hair blue eyed woman, great figure, perfect for breeding. I simply asked her why not and the look on her face was both saddening and priceless.

It's doubly a punch in the gut if another woman asks them that. I've seen it happen. The usual response is lots of stammering and excuses, and sometimes some kind of prideful defiance masking her wants.

no direct sun light

sublte MGTOWjew shill
take note fellow anons

To be honest that (((White))) woman looks extremely jewish to me.

keep trying kike, your narratives are starting to fail hahahaha

go back to endchan faggot

i like how they had to photoshop it. ugly nigger baby, look at all the work they put into those fake glassy eyes

Hey Maddowfag there's a new board made specifically for you:

do you jack off to pics of this dyke? user is in love rach and ellen hahaha

Another thought is :Are you really happy with your career? This is another nasty thing, because corporate America sucks, working with women sucks, and having a job sucks.

The 50s housewife had to deal with soul crushing loneliness and her insecurity while her husband was at work. So of course she thought the grass was greener on the other side. In reality working in an office is hell, working in tech is hell, working in a factory is hell, all work is hell. It is the constant daily sacrifice that we make. Men have always been expendable, so we are far better equipped to deal with his soul crushing hell than a woman ever will be.

Frankly, we should be considering asymmetrical meme warfare. Everything that they hold sacred should be attacked. Memes like:

"Why are they pushing you into tech? What are they not telling you?"

"If stem was so wonderful, why are they having a hard time convincing people to get into it?"

"Is a career really worth the effort and pain? Is it really liberating?"

"Are the feminists telling the truth? Can they even recognize the truth?"

"what does a genders studies professor know about business, when she never held a non academic job in her life?"

These things can not only go a long way, but also can't be attributed to racism or any of the usual ammunition that the regressive kikes use. The trick is to understand that women are insecure, have always been, will always be, and this is what needs to be leveraged.

The only reason I am in STEM is because I slowly rot away without it, but I go crazy on it. It has driven better men than me too madness, it certainly is no place for woman, minds break here those minds that do not break push us forward.

With my most sincere voice possible - "Awww… Isnt she precious! She looks JUST like you!"

Their reaction starts out friendly, then morphs to uncomfortable. Deep down they know their linage was fucked up due to "political correctness"

You can't influence women this way. Women follow strong men. We need to make more strong men. Thank god for Generation Zyklon.

Why so many single mothers then?
Strong men do not fallow the example of that by watching media.
you sound almost like a boomer now just thinking the next generation will fix everything.

Hello anons, what do you think of League of the South propaganda?


What do big companies do when they have a hit advertising campaign? They plaster it everywhere over and over for months or years until it is finally no longer effective.


Im really digging these minus the 4th one.

You are right, I think. Tons of women are on sites like pinterest. I know because I have pro-white lady friends who got banned because kikes are specifically trying to stop our women who redpill other women all the time already.

Women are already doing this, but it certainly wouldn't help to do more of it. Us men are generally harder (or must become so in order to grow up), but ladies tend to like pleasant things. They naturally like comfort. That is why making your woman comfortable and protecting and providing for her is YOUR job if you are a man.

They tend to like pictures of nice things that instinctually they already want to have. Every White woman that is even somewhat normal wants lovely White children. I think we ought to meme it, and surely the anons here have noticed more mature posters in art threads and such have already been posting nice-looking aesthetic things. Good activism OP.

The other note is that, like a good meme, it is devoid of text. This is another thing we need to get back to–ending wordism, which is ending kike control.

especially last part

This one has potential if you get rid of the bottom text with the melting gorilla. Some of these posts are so autistic they just make us look retarded. I get ya'll have left the degenerate parts of society, but as a guy behind enemy lines, none of this shit will work with normies.

This is true. You can't beat women over the head with memes. They think with emotions rather than logic. So, they'd rather be all warm and comfy than exposed to the truth all at once. If you try that route all you'll do is make them shutdown and stop listening.

Honestly, bitches are dumb as fuck, and that's why no one ever gave them any real power throughout history. They're designed for nurturing, not making hard choices that make or break nations.

I'm laughing uncontrollably at pic 3 holy shit

pic 2 is literally the most pathetic thing ive seen in my life

treechink wives are more pathetic than waifu body pillows

last one looks like a spic, just saying

Honestly, substitute in an Aryan waifu and that sounds like a really cozy inawoods bugout.

The seeing you self in your children meme is breddy gud

Good health and fortune to you all.